Kathleen Maria Davey: Employment History

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Curriculum Vitae of:

Kathleen Maria Davey

kmdavey@iinet.net.au Mobile: 0417 182 651

Master of Leadership
The University of Notre Dame Australia
Master of Education Policy
The University of Melbourne
Bachelor of Business
Major in Management
Edith Cowan University
Professional Memberships

2010 2015 VETnetwork Australia Board Member

1999 - Current Career Education Association of WA
Employment History

2016 Current Head of Learning Area

Vocational Education and Training and Transition Services
Corpus Christi College
2005 2015 Executive Director CareerLink
Vocational Education & Training (VET) in Schools Project
Northern Suburbs' Cluster - Catholic and Independent Schools
Perth Western Australia
2005 - Current Sacred Heart College
1997 2005 Mater Dei College

Hale School, Irene McCormack Catholic College, John Septimus Roe Anglican
Community School, Lake Joondalup Baptist College, Mater Dei College, Sacred
Heart College, St Mark's Anglican Community School, St Mary's Anglican Girls'
Key Performance Indicators

Established and developed a successful Vocational Educational Training (VET)

programme involving eight schools in the Northern Suburbs Region Perth WA.
Developed a range of industry focused VET training courses with several
Registered Training Organisations; 6 industry training courses in the 1 st year to a
range of 15 currently.
Initiated the concept of two year progressional VET courses, to enable students
to gaining higher qualifications and provide greater choice in course offerings.
Networked throughout the region to enable students in our group to access a
selection of industry courses at Certificate I, II and III and IV level.


To manage administrative and financial Regional coordination of the Vocational
Education and Training and Structured Workplace Learning programmes and
liaising with member schools.
To provide accountability reports both financial and outcomes based to the
Association of Independent Schools' of WA and the Catholic Education Office.
To market the programmes to students, employers and parents.
Liaise with schools and training providers and other similar "clusters" to develop
a range of approved industry-specific courses.
To liaise and negotiate with Registered Training Providers e.g. TAFE and other
training providers regarding the provision and conduct of appropriate Vocational
Education & Training courses.
To oversee the placement of students in appropriate industry placements and
provide written confirmation to students, employers and schools.
To develop customer based networks and maintain a data-base of supporting
host employers.
To organise panels and oversee student selection interviews to determine the
suitability of student candidates for a structured work placement.
To organise and conduct student induction sessions throughout the year.
To monitor and support students in the workplace; including monitoring
attendance and aspects pertaining to duty of care of students.
To provide and process assessment records and distribute to schools, students
and employers confirmation of arrangements for industry placements.
To provide support to teachers with integration of assessment.
To liaise with the Principals (and/or representative) of member schools to ensure
Curriculum Council requirements of Structured Workplace Learning and
Vocational Education and Training records are upheld.
To organize and conduct training sessions for employers, either at an individual
level or in a group situation.
To liaise with industry trainers by providing advice, guidance and support.
To assist training with assessment as required.
To attend all professional development induction sessions and maintain contact
through attending network meetings with fellow cluster coordinators.
To organise management committee and meetings where necessary.
To evaluate the programmes annually and provide progress reports to stake-
holders; including schools, industry and funding authorities.

1996 1997 NEIS Coordinator New Enterprise Incentive Scheme

South Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre - Fremantle

The NEIS programme assists eligible unemployed people to establish new commercially
viable self-employment ventures. The programme offers training in small business skills,
including market research, business planning and small business management.

Key Performance Indicators

Successful in gaining status as Registered Training Organisation for the Centre

to deliver the Certificate IV in Small Business Management
Achieved contractual targets with the Department of Employment Education
Training and Youth Affairs by successfully managing the programme.


Market and promote NEIS to migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds
ensuring referrals to the program from the Commonwealth Employment Service.
Provide advice and counselling to prospective participants during their business
plan development and to participants after business commencement.
Assist participants in the preparation of a Business Plan in readiness for
submission to the Advisory Committee who assesses the financial viability of
business proposal.
Coordinate NEIS formal training for prospective participants in accordance with
the approved national training curriculum Certificate II in Small Business (NEIS)
Collect quarterly business returns from participants for the first year of business
operation and report to the funding body DEETYA.

1995 1996 Jobskills Coordinator

South Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre Fremantle- Jobskills Broker

Jobskills provided migrants and refugees who have been unemployed for 12
months or more with work experience and training to broaden their employment
experience and equip them with new skills, to improve their prospects of
employment in the labour market. Key Performance Indicators

Achieved targets set by the Commonwealth Government by securing work

placements involving recruitment of migrants and refugees through referral
agencies and securing employers to host the trainee during the training
Successful identified, negotiated and arranged training agreements under
Government Contracts with employers and employee trade unions.

Identify, negotiate, provide and arrange work experience placements for
Jobskills Participants.
Select suitable employers to provide relevant work experience and on the job
Ensure that participants are adequately supervised and that occupational
health and safety practices are followed.
Identify, negotiate, provide and arrange accredited off the job training with
Registered Training Providers.
Identify the work skills and training required by participants.
Negotiate a training plan between participants, employers and unions
focussing on an agreed successful employment outcome.
Provide placement support with emphasis on active employment assistance
that includes developing job search skills.
Negotiate and pay to employers agreed contributions towards employer
related costs.
Transfer to employers the JobSkills training wages provided by the
Department of Employment Education and Training.
Liaise and negotiate on industrial relations issues.
Continuously monitor and assess the development of participants during the
placement and one month following the placement.
Provide job search and other support services to achieve unsubsidised
employment or further education and training on completion of placements.
Collect and maintain data on employment and training outcomes of
participants resulting from their participation in the program.

Prepare and provide appropriate accreditation/certification to participants at
the completion on placements.
Provide quarterly reports to the Department of Employment Education and

Commercial and Domestic Construction - Kenwick and Maddington

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