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Language Analysis

Dialectal Variation and Communicative behaviours were two language elements that

were used strategically and efficiently in the reflective piece. These linguistic features were used

to highlight the underlying elements of the poem as well as to fulfill the writers purpose which

was to inform and educate individuals about the sexual exploitation of women and girls. Both

dialectal variation and communicative behaviours will be analysed in the language analysis.

A surfeit amount of dialectal variation was used in the reflective piece. One example

would be in the twenty ninth line, where an assumed ghetto male rat remarks, Come yah

baby, Come mek mi touch. The basilect used gives the reader insight into his low social

standing in society. It helps to show the brazen and presumptuous attitude of abusive predators

which in turn assisted the writer in fulfilling his purpose, which is to inform and educate

individuals about the sexual exploitation of women and girls.

Another example can be seen where a scared woman cries, You dont understand! No

one will believe me! The acrolect used by this female character proves to the reader that a high

social standing doesnt provide an immune system that will fight against abuse. In addition it

makes the female character appear more professional and educated. In the writing of the

reflective piece the writer also plays on his use of Standard English in order to increase the

relatability of the piece maintaining the formal nature of the piece and reach a wider audience.

A plethora of communicative behaviours were also used. In the twelfth line of the

reflective piece where the women were instructed to cover their bodies with girdles, long skirts

and turtle necks. The speaker uses these items to suggest a protective barrier that the clothing

will create communicating to the predators that they are not available for exploiting. It also

speaks to the fact that the speaker wants them to understand the value of their bodies as well as
the choice they have as to who receives the opportunity to view their nakedness. These items of

clothing may reduce their attractiveness, however they do not prevent men from sexually

exploiting them. This assists the writer in satisfying his theme which is to educate the masses

about the sexual exploitation of any woman or girl where the abusers regard no law and do as

they please with anyone.

Furthermore, in the penultimate line Hugging your fellow abused sisters, the writer

uses the hugging to suggest or signify the unity and togetherness that abused women should

stand with. The hugging brings the reflective piece to a close from an emotional standpoint

appealing to the consciences of the readers.

The linguistic features, dialectal variation and communicative behaviours were amply

discussed, which produced an eccentric analysis.

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