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MARK : / 20



(Document 1)

"You understand how this works, right?"

Tia nodded in perfect unison to Mike's shaking his head.
"The software will record every keystroke your son makes," Brett said. "At
the end of the
day, the information is packaged and a report will be e-mailed to you. It will
show you
5 everything - every Web site visited, every e-mail sent or received, every
instant message. If
Adam does a PowerPoint or creates a Word document, it will show you that
too. Everything.
You could watch him live-time if you want. You just click this option over
He pointed to a small icon with the words LIVE SPY! in a red burst. Mike's
eyes moved
about the room. The hockey trophies mocked him. Adam had started to
skate when he was
10 three. He became goalie on junior hockey. The rusted goalpost was still
outside on the
driveway, the net torn from the weather. Mike had spent many a contented
hour shooting
pucks at his son. Adam had been terrific - a top college prospect for certain
- and then six
months ago, he quit.
Just like that. Adam laid down the stick and pads and mask and said he was
15 Was that where it began?
Was that the first sign of his decline, his withdrawal? Mike tried to rise above
his son's
decision, tried not to be like so many pushy parents who seemed to equate
athletic skill with
life success, but the truth was, the quitting had hit Mike hard.
But it had hit Tia harder.
20 "We are losing him," she said.
Mike wasn't as sure. [...] Adam was moody and quiet. He spent all his time in
this room,
mostly on this wretched computer, playing fantasy games or instant-
messaging or who knew
what. But wasn't that true of most teenagers? He barely spoke to them,
responding rarely, and
when he did, with grunts. But again - was that so abnormal?
25 [...]
Mike had resisted.
"He's our son," Tia had said.
" I know that. Don't you think I know that?"
"Aren't you concerned?"
30 "Of course I'm concerned. But."
"But what? We're his parents." And then, [...] she said, "We have the right to
"We have the right to invade his privacy?"
"To protect him ? Yes. He's our son."
Mike shook his head.
35 "We not only have the right," Tia said, stepping closer to him. "We have the

Harlan COBEN, Hold Tight (2008)

(Document 2)

Do you have multiple cell

phones? Take your ipad to the beach on vacation? Ever find it hard to get through a
conversation without posting an update to Facebook? Is your computer always on?

We increasingly miss out on the important moments of our lives as we pass the hours
with our noses buried in our phones, chronicling our every move through social media
and shielding ourselves from the outside world with the bubble of silence that our
earphones create.

If you recognize that in yourself or your friends, families or colleagues join us for the
National Day of Unplugging, and start living a different life: connect with the people in
your street, neighborhood and city, have an uninterrupted meal or read a book to your
The National Day of Unplugging is a 24 hour period running from sunset to sundown
and starts on the first Friday in March in order to unwind, unplug, relax, reflect, get
outdoors, and connect with loved ones.


Document 1

A. 1. Who are the characters ? Say if they are present or simply mentioned.
The characters are Tia, Mike , Brett and Adam. They are all
present except for Adam who is only mentioned.
2. How are they related?

Mike and Tia are Adams parents. Brett is installing a new

software on Adams computer.
B. Where is the scene set ?
The scene is set ( = takes place ) at Mike and Tias (house) , more
precisely in Adams bedroom.
C. What is LIVE SPY and what is it designed for? Explain in one sentence.

LIVE SPY is a software which is designed to record and report

everything someone does on a computer. (= to spy on Adam )

D. 1. Who in the text is going to use LIVE SPY?

Adams parents are going to use LIVE SPY.

2. Who is going to be watched by LIVE SPY?
Adam is going to be watched by LIVE SPY .
E. In this particular case, what is the reason for using LIVE SPY?
Pick out at least three reasons.
- l . 13 : he quit / l . 14 : Adam laid down the stick and pads
and mask and said he was done.
- l . 16 : his decline / his withdrawal / l.21: Adam was
moody and quiet
- l.21/22 : He spent all his time in this room, mostly on this
wretched computer-playing fantasy games or instant-messaging.
/ l.23-24: he barely spoke to them, responding rarely , and when
he did, with grunts.
-l.20 : We are losing him.

F. One of the characters has reservations about using LIVE SPY. Who and why?
Answer in one or two sentences.
Mike actually has reservations about using LIVE SPY, as he
wonders if these signs are not typical of teenagers and if parents
have the right to spy on their son.

Document 2

The article deals with screen addiction

A. What does the article deal with ?
and a new trend : unplugging .
B. Who are the targeted people ?
The targeted people are the people who are addicted to new
technologies and social media ( = screen addicts / the people who
suffer from screen addiction).
C. 1. What does the date mentioned in the headline (title) refer to ?
It refers to the National Day of Unplugging.
2. What day was it held this year ?
It was held on March 3 and March 4, 2017.
3. When does it start ? When does it end ?
It stars on the first Friday in March and it runs for 24 hours from
sunset to sundown.
D. What do people do on that day ? Quote elements from the text in your answer.
People unplug from their high tech devices to connect with
people in the real world (outside world) , to hang out with friends
and family (loved ones , relax , go out unwind, relax,
reflect, get outdoors .

E. Pick out 3 reasons that led to the creation of the day ? Quote the text.

- cell addiction : Do you have multiple cell phones? as we pass

the hours with our noses buried in our phones
- screen addiction + social media : Take your ipad to the beach
on vacation? Is your computer always on ? / find it hard to
get through a conversation without posting an update to
- We miss increasingly miss out on the important moments of our
F. What is the purpose of that national day ? Explain in your own words. (20 words)
The purpose (= aim/ goal) of the National Day of Unplugging is to
take a break from technology and enjoy life! It is meant to
prevent screen addiction. It encourages people to participate in
outdoor activities with their family, friends to help them cure their
screen addiction.

Documents 1 and 2

G. Say if the following statements apply to document 1 only, document 2 only, both
documents B. (Put 1, 2 or B next to the corresponding letter):

1. Technology has destroyed family ties . B

2. Adults invade teenagers' privacy. 1

3. We are isolating ourselves due to our extensive use of technology. B

4. We have become slaves to new technologies. 2/B

5. It raises the issue of screen addiction. B

6. We are warned against the potential dangers of new technologies. B

7. It could have a positive impact on their social lives . 2

8. Progress can be harmful. B

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