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We know that prayer is basically to communicate with YHVH through words,

requesting our needs to Him or just praising Him for assisting us in a difficult time.
Prayer is defined as follows:

PRAYER. In a general sense, the act of asking for a favour, and particularly with

1. In worship, a solemn address to the Supreme Being, consisting of adoration, or an

expression of our sense of God's glorious perfections, confession of our sins,
supplication for mercy and forgiveness, intercession for blessings on others, and
thanksgiving, or an expression of gratitude to YHVH for His mercies and benefits. A
prayer however may consist of a single petition, and it may be extemporaneous,
written or printed.

Prayer is also seen in the Tabernacle Pattern is the pattern of how we approach
YHVH. Prayer is found in the symbol of the Golden Altar of incense. The Table of
Showbread represents the Word and the Menorah represents YHVH’s Spirit.
All three these items are found within the Holy Place which represents your
relationship with YHVH. Prayer is a cruital part of your relationship with YHVH.
Just as in a good marriage relationship, communication forms the life essence of an
healthy relationship between two loved ones. Prayer is sometimes neglected and in
the form of a need-based quick prayer when we are in need or in trouble. If you only
communicate with your wife when you are hungry or when you need clean clohes,
then I would not expect your marriage to last very long.

Loving communication is more about speaking uplifting kind words of love and praise
to your loved one in a caring manner.


Y’shua represents the veil that we torn that separated the Holy Place form the Holy of
Holies and we now have access to the Father through the blood of the Messsiah.
The Golden Altar of Inscense is just outside the veil and this is the means on how we
access the Ftaher.

In Scripture there are nine different kinds of prayers and the first three are examples
on how not to pray.

1. – Feed my Flesh

The first word for “pray” used in Scripture is the word “na” which means to ask in a
submissive way, “asking please”. The root verb is the word “noo” means: to hinder,
hold back, forbid, disallow, restrain, frustrate. This gives it a negative connotation.
This word is first used in Gen 12:13 when Abraham asked (pray) Sarah to tell the
Egyptian king that she is his sister.

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He actually did not lie technically, because she was his sister from another mother,
but he spoke creatively, causing the king to think that she was not married to him.
This is not right in the eyes of YHVH because Abraham did it out of fear, thus acting
out of fear and not out of love for YHVH. This verse and its meaning puts this type of
prayer in a negative light and thus gives us a warning on how not to pray. It reveals
to us our selfish way in which we normally approach YHVH.

Many people pray like this today, making their wants known to YHVH, even though it
is totally fleshly and only need based. There is no spiritual side to this type of prayer
and the scary part is that YHVH sometimes answers these prayers, which turns into
a curse later on. We have a classic example of this when the Israelites murmured
about meat to eat and YHVH gave them quails till it ran out their noses. Those who
murmured got what they want but received the wrath of YHVH as well because of
their faithless selfish attitudes. Be careful how you pray and what your motives are
and make sure that you pray to YHVH without fleshly and selfish motives.

YHVH only wants the best for us and He starts building your spirit, not your flesh and
your prayers should be in line with His way of working in your life.

2. – Bless the seed of my Flesh

The second word for prayer is “lu” that means; no, if only, if YHVH will only.
First found in Scripture in Gen 17:18 where Abraham said;” # % %
) *+This is seen in the same light as the first word for pray, “Na”,
we looked at previously, because it has a negative connotation as well.

Abraham acted fleshly and listened to his wife instead of YHVH and asked
YHVH to bless it. Sounds familiar? We sometimes do things from the flesh
or we act on man’s advice and ask YHVH to bless it without consulting Him
or asking His advice or guidance. A good example of this is when we want
to start a business we might consult family or friends and not necessarily
consult with our heavenly Father to guide our decisions. After we made the
choice or commitment we spend a lot of time on our knees asking YHVH to
bless it. YHVH did bless Abraham, but there were negative consequences;
Ishmael was born and he became a mighty nation that became the enemy
of Israel, even unto today. Be careful to involve YHVH in your plan first so that your
actions may result in blessing and not turn into a blessed enemy like Ishmael.

If you do something wrong, YHVH will use that thing to bring you back to repentance
so that you will learn from your bad fleshly decisions. Every cause has a tailor made
consequence that will bring you back to YHVH.

Can I pray for a “bad decision” to be turned around by YHVH so that He may reverse
the bad consequence into a blessing? The answer is the same as the meaning of this
word; NO! You are wasting your time and you should repent and deal with the
consequences so that you may learn from this and not do the same mistake again.

3. – Charming prayer in need

The word “lacash” means; a whisper, a private prayer, to whisper, charm,
conjure, charmers, conjurers.

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This is one of those prayers that fall in the negative category as well. This is a prayer
whispered or prayed without confidence or faith and its purpose is to charm or
convince YHVH so that they get their way.
In Isa 26 we see that the people praying this kind of prayer are people that are
disciplined by YHVH and they pray out of desperation and not faith. Their lives are a
mess and they are bearing the consequences of YHVH’s discipline and are praying
“charmingly” in order to get out of the bad situation. These people are described in
Ecc 10 as being fools and their lips will swallow them up. The situation they are in is
like playing with a poisonous snake and through their words they want to charm the
snake so that they will not be bitten. YHVH is not mocked or charmed and if you have
a solid relationship with Him, you would not find yourself in these situations. Don’t
only pray when it is too late.

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The wise man knows YHVH in all his ways and he is a man that prays regularly, not
just when he is in trouble and need something. The righteous man follow in YHVH’s
Ways and obey His Commandments but the prayer of the lawless is an abomination
unto YHVH. This type of prayer is a warning to us on how not to pray to YHVH
because these people only pray when YHVH’s discipline is upon them.

4. - Intersession for YHVH’s people

“Palal” is the fourth word for ‘pray’ in Scripture and means: to intervene, interpose,
pray, to mediate, judge, to intercede. It is first found in Gen 20:7 where the king had a
dream in which YHVH warned him not to touch another man’s wife. YHVH told him
Abraham was a prophet that prayed for him and the king lived. The king took
Abraham’s wife out of ignorance and it was an innocent mistake in man’s eyes, but in
YHVH’s eyes it was a deed that had serious consequences and needed intersession.

There are two things seen here; the first is that we must intercede for people we are
in contact with, because we can cause them to sin as a result of our flaws. YHVH will
cancel the consequences of the sin of your brother, the sin you caused. This person
will be set free through your intersession prayer. This is the basic concept of
forgiveness, but it comes from the person that caused the other person to stumble.

The second spiritual truth we see here is in the “bride” of

the prophet. Sarah is a picture of YHVH’s bride that is
taken by a pagan king and this is prophetic of YHVH’s
people that are being scattered into the pagan nations.
We must intercede for all these people who need to come
out of their pagan background and become the Bride of
Messiah. We must intercede for them so that they can be
released back to the Prophet, Y’shua. We must also
intercede for the Israelites that are scattered, so that their
eyes to be opened so that they can accept Y’shua as
their Bridegroom, so that they can come back to His
Word and His Kingdom.

YHVH told the king not to touch Sarah, not to lay a hand on her. If he did, he will
surely die. This is a warning to the nations, not to touch YHVH’s chosen people so
that nothing bad might happen to them. Israel is the chosen people of YHVH and the
children of Abraham; if you curse Israel then you will be cursed, and if you bless
Israel, then you will be blessed.

5. – Personal Humble Prayer

The word “chanan” used for prayer means: to be gracious, show favor, pity, to be
pitied, to seek favor, implore favor, to be loathsome, to decline, to bend down, to
encamp. It is first used in Scripture:

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Jacob fled from his brother who wanted to kill him and he
was isolated from his family for 20 years. The context here is
where Jacob faced Esau and Esau asked him who all those
people were. He replied and said YHVH has favored him and
gave him all his offspring. Jacob had to work hard for what
he had and he saw that as a blessing through the grace from
YHVH. This is an example of a thanksgiving prayer,
acknowledging what YHVH has done for you, even if you
have done it your self, but you know it is through the grace
and favour of YHVH that you are blessed.

The other key thing seen here in the meaning of the word is to be humble before
YHVH and not to take the credit for who you are and what you have. If you pray and
ask humbly, He will listen, but you must still have a submissive and grateful heart,
even if He says no.

You must always be humble so that the things you ask from YHVH will be used to
glorify His Name and not exult yourself. People tend to brag about the fact that YHVH
provided for them as if they are someone special and they elevate them selves by
voicing their relationship with YHVH. This is wrong and you cannot use YHVH’s
blessings to prove that you are better than your fellow believer. Always be humble
and give YHVH all the glory and stay out of the YHVH’s “limelight”. He uses us and
work through is and He gets the glory, not you! Watch out for spiritual pride after
YHVH blessed you, it is a very dangerous position to be in because the “water” will
stop flowing if you are lifted up through pride.

Jacob was very humble in this situation and would have been content even if only his
life was saved. His brother approached him with 400 men, giving a total of 401, which
equals the number if you add the values of the letters, Aleph-Tav. “Aleph-Tav” is the
Hebrew of “Alpha and Omega” and that refers to the Messiah. This shows us that
every situation that looks bad is Y’shua (Aleph-Tav) is there to help us and He should
always be acknowledged. Jacob’s name means “schemer” and it shows that he
made his own plans and did everything off his own back. Prior with his encounter
with Esau he wrestled with YHVH and YHVH changed his name to Israel and
touched him on his hip and changed his ”walk”. YHVH needs to touch every one of
us in a special way to break our scheming and pride so that we can be dependant on
Him so that He can change our walk.

Walk in Hebrew is the word “halechah” and that implies everything about your life
and how you live, so when He changes your walk, He changes your life. What can
we learn from this passage in relation to prayer? We see that we need to
acknowledge YHVH for everything that we are and that we are blessed with. We
have also learned that Y’shua is in the midst of every bad situation and we should not
ask YHVH to take it away, but rather ask what we can learn from it and how He can
change our walk as we go through it.
Everything we have and all that we are is to the honor and glory of Him. Our whole
life is about him and not about our selves, if you have realized this, then YHVH has
already changed your walk.

6. – Personal prayer & Praying the Word.

“Siyach” means; meditation, complaint, musing, plaint, complaint to put forth,

mediate, muse, commune, speak, complain, ponder, sing bush, plant, shrub. This
word is first found in Scripture:

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This is where Hannah poured out her soul before YHVH and made a Nazarene vow
where she promised to give her son to YHVH if He gives her one. The name Hannah
has the same meaning as the word “chanan” that means prayer and that we
previously looked at; the humble prayer. This prayer is done with humility,
unselfishness and desperation. We read on:

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She was in “marah” (bittrness) of her “nephesh” (soul) and “palal”

(prayed) to YHVH and “bacah” (wept).

The word “marah” is first used in Scripture:

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Esau gave away his birth rite because he was a man of the field
(world) and he was fleshly orientated. He was angry at what happened after Isaac
blessed Jacob and hated his brother even if it was his own doing. Hannah was bitter
and angry in her “nephesh” (or physical soul) about the situation because she was
barren without a blessing, just like Esau. But in her “nashamah” or “spiritual soul”,
she kept on calling unto YHVH to bless her with a son. This shows us not to let the
flesh dictates our prayers, but rater our spirit. She wept and the word used here is the
word “bacah” and is first found in Scripture in:

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This is the story where Hagar was chased out from Abraham’s care after she had
Ishmael. She sat down and cried bitterly because she knew that she and her boy
might die in the desert.

In relation with Hagar’s story, Hannah has already given up her child even before she
received him and it was as if she lost hem before she even got him because of her
promise to YHVH. Reading these two event in relation with one another give us the
idea of the emotional turmoil Hagar went through pleading YHVH for a child she will
bear but never have. She made a vow to YHVH to release her child to Him after she
received the child. This was the grief that was in her heart when she cried to YHVH
asking for a child, the same grief Hagar had, thinking she might loose her child to

Give your children to YHVH because if you don’t, you will loose them to the world
(desert). We need to keep our children in our prayers before YHVH so that they will
not be destroyed in this dark world. We also need to realize that they are borrowed to
us and they are not ours, YHVH gave them to us so that we can raise them for Him,
like in the case of Hannah.

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Everything that we received belongs to YHVH anyway. If you love you life and wants
to keep it, you will lose it. If you love your children and wants to keep them, you will
lose them to the world. Give your life and your children to YHVH so that they may be
blessed and receive the blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

We learn through this type of prayer that everything belongs to YHVH, and if He
grants you the gift of life or of physical things, you are only a steward and you must
give it back to Him in order to be blessed by it. When Hannah realized that this child
is not hers but YHVH’s, He granted Her the gift she asked for, knowing that this child
will fully belong to Him.

The second meaning of the “Siyach” prayer is seen in Ps 119:97 & 99. Siyach also
means, “to pray the Word”.

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In verse 97 we see that it is about meditating and praying YHVH’s Word (Torah) and
in verse 99 we see it is about meditating and praying His Testimonies. We will look at
praying the Word first and then praying His Testimonies.

Praying His Word

The word for Word used here is Torah. Torah first appears in
Scripture in:

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This is where Isaac moved to Gerar because of famine in the land. YHVH instructed
him NOT to go to Egypt. Abraham was a man that did everything YHVH told him and
we see that he kept YHVH’s Commandments, His Statutes and his Laws or Torah. I
will think that Abraham taught Isaac to do the same and we get the insight in the
meaning of the place he went to; Gergar. Gerar is first used in Scripture in:
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Gerar means to chew the cud or to drag away. What does doing the
Commandments and the Torah have to do with chewing the cud? It’s got
everything to do with it if you look at it from a Hebrew perspective. YHVH
instructed Isaac to go to Gerar and thus instructed him to chew the cud. Sounds
funny, buy there is wisdom in this.

To chew the cud has to do with eating. Since

we are His sheep, grazing in the pastures He
leads us to, we must only eat what He gives
us to eat (His Word - green grass). To chew
the cud is and attribute of determining whether
the animal is a clean or unclean animal, if you
can eat it or not. An animal that chew the cud
chews the grass, swallow it and bring it back
into your mouth later on to chew it again. This
is exactly what meditating the Word is; you
read or hear His Word and later on you need
to bring the Word back into your mind, and
think on it again.

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Meditate is the Hebrew word “hagah” that means: to ponder, imagine, meditate,
mourn, mutter, to speak, to study, talk, to utter. By mediating on His Word you
“chew the Cud” and you prove that you are a “clean animal” or righteous person.
Part of speaking His Word or to talk about His Word is through prayer, when we
repeat His Word back to Him, reminding Him of His promises.

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His Word will not return void and this a a way to pray in faith, discussing and
talking to YHVH about His Word, asking questions and pondering on it. This is
the way YHVH wants us to meditate on His Word, think on it. Repeating or
returning YHVH’s Word to Him in prayer is an act of faith where you establish His
Word to come to pass in your life because He said so and He will make it
happen. The only thing to remember is that it must be in line with His Word, what
you are asking, and not just a “claiming and framing” exercise where you want
YHVH to provide in your lusts.

To eat only clean food as specified in the Scripture is also a reminder to you that
you are a righteous person and you should not only watch out the food you take
in, but also the words you allow into your soul.

You will be reminded every time you eat that YHVH reminds us by His
Instruction, to take care what we eat and not to put things in our mouths that He
said not to. So every time you are hungry, is a reminder to discern, on a spiritual
level, only to take in and think His Word.

Are you a clean “animal” before YHVH? Do you chew the cud on His Word, or do
you read the Scripture as a novel and never meditate on it? Or do you eat from
the unclean pastures of Egypt (mixing and confusion)?

7. - Praise

This word means; to pray a prayer, house of prayer, hear prayer, that which is empty,
folly, and silly, foolish. It is first used in Scripture: 2 Sa 7:27:

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King David of Israel had the desire to build a house for

YHVH. YHVH approved but because of all the blood on
David’s hands, Solomon was chose to make this request
a reality. David is known for his Psalms he wrote and the
spontaneous prayers he blessed YHVH with so you can
imagine what it sounded like when David prayed to
YHVH. The word used for “this prayer” is the Hebrew
word “tephillah” that comes form the root “tofe” that
means: tumbrel, tambourine. The tambourine was used to
sing praises to YHVH and David once danced till his
clothes fell off and he became foolish in his way he praised YHVH. This gives us the type
of prayer referred to as “tephillah” prayer. It is a spontaneous expression of the heart in
the form of prayer, song and dancing, praising YHVH for all the good He has done.
These “prayers” were expressed through dancing on Feast days to celebrate YHVH’s
goodness, grace and victory.

David’s name in Hebrew is “Dav –id”, that

means: beloved, beauty, loved one, love, pot, jar,
basket, kettle. In order to pray to YHVH in the
“tephillah” way , you need to empty yourself like a jar
or even an empty house that relates to the dream
David had of building a house for YHVH. In other
words you actually start to build a house for YHVH in
faith by praying and dancing the “tephillah” way. To
some, the “house” (actions) will look empty and silly,
but as you continue to build this house for YHVH, He will fill it with His presence.

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YHVH dwells in the praises of His people if they pray to Him through praise and
dancing. Start building a “house” for YHVH so that He may fill
it with His presence. There is a warning connected to
dancing and that is, if you do not dance unto YHVH, you are
“building a house” for the one the music was intended for.

If you dance on worldly music, you will “build a house” for those spirits who inspired
that music and you will allow the presence of evil spirits. That is why Satan uses
music because he understands the spiritual aspect of “tephillah” praise and he wants
the house and the glory.

8. - Worship
Another word for prayer is the word “athar” that means; to burn incense
in worship, to intercede, entreat, supplicate to be abundant, to be
plentiful, worshipper, incense, crown, wreath.

First used in Scripture:

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This is the true meaning of worship. Worship is an intimate form of

prayer, giving yourself totally to YHVH and submitting everything unto Him. This is
the most intimate form of prayer and is compared to a man and a woman having
sexual intimacy. It is a prayer you do in your inner room where you totally submit to
YHVH in all you are and praise Him for all He is. If you spend time in “athar” prayer,
you will receive His implanted Word (seed) that will bring forth offspring (actions) that
will look like the Father. It is to totally surrender your heart to Him, trusting Him with
everything and the only thing on your mind is to praise and worship and glorify Him.

This type of prayer is associated with the Golden Altar of Incense and is the medium
for all your prayers. All the prayers you pray at the different places in the tabernacle
pattern are flowing through this Altar and are lifted up with the “fire of intimacy”
towards YHVH. If the “athar” type of prayer is absent from your life, then you are not
engaged in an intimate love relationship with Him. This prayer is done with total
commitment and total submission and you hold nothing back. The Father seek those
who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and this form of prayer is connecting you
through YHVH’s Spirit into the intimate presence of the Father.

9. – Dead man pleading

This word for prayer is “chalah” and it means: to be weak, to be rubbed or worn, sick,
afflicted; to pain, make prayer, cake, cake (if pierced). It is first used in Scripture:

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The scripture gives us a better insight in the context of this kind

prayer and it is seen where Moses became weak and humble
before YHVH, standing in and pleading for Israel’s sin. To
become weak before YHVH is to humble yourself in such a way
that you feel like dying. It is where you are willing to give your life
for the benefit of others in order that they might be saved.

YHVH wanted to wipe out Israel and start all over again, but Moses intercede for
them, becoming like a dead man before YHVH, pleading His mercy upon them. What
is interesting is that the Sabbath bread are called “Chalah” which represents YHVH’s
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Y’shua is the “Bread of Life” Who became a “dead man” for our sins so that through
His interceding, all of humanity might receive grace and can be saved. Let the
Sabbath bread remind us of the pleading Y’shua did for us and may that remind us to
plea for those who are still in the world serving sin. As you can gather, the “challah”
prayer is an intersession prayer where you stand in the gap and intercede for the lost
so that they might find favour in the eyes of YHVH and may be saved.

Prayers of the Unrighteous – Prayers not to pray:

o “Na” – Prayer prayed by people out of fear with no faith when they are in
trouble of when they need something
o “Lu” – People do their own thing and then pray to YHVH to bless it.
o “Lachash” – People who live wrong and bear the bad consequences of their
actions – they pray a “charming” prayer to try to get out of the bad situation.

Prayers of the Righteous:

There are two prayers that are intersession prayers:

o “Challah” – Intersession prayer for sinners who need to accept Y’shua.

o “Palal” – Intersession and praying for YHVH’s people and fellow believers.

There are two prayers that are praise prayers:

o “Chanan” – Humble prayer, acknowledging and praising YHVH for everything

He has given you.
o “Tephillah” - Prayer in the form of dancing and singing, rejoicing of what
YHVH has done for us.

The next two prayers are prayers for your requests:

o “Siyach” – Praying and interceding for your children

o “Siyach” – Praying the Word and praying for your needs in line with His Word.

The last prayer is a relationship prayer:

o “Athar” – Intimate worship prayer of total submission where you give yourself
100% to YHVH and where you discuss YHVH’s Word with Him.


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