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Gunta (Yim)

Floral Diagram


K = sepals
C = petals
A = stamens
G = carpels
ex. K5 C5 A5 G2

Angiosperm reproduction cycle

Gunta (Yim)

flower --> fruit

integument --> seed coat

central --> endosperm
zygote --> embyo

Types of fruit

Strawberry = aggregate fruit

Mango, Coconut = Drupe
Papaya = Berry (pepo)

Breaking seed dormancy

sugar = maltose
Gunta (Yim)

Seed germination

Epigeal germination = cotyledon is above the ground, dicot

Hypogeal germination = cotyledon is underground, dicot and monocot
Viviparous germination = mangrove

Primary Growth
o Apical meristem (shoot, root)
protoderm (epidermis)
Ground meristem (Pith and Cortex)
Procambium (primary xylem and phloem)
o Intercalary meristem ( )
Gunta (Yim)

Secondary Growth
o Lateral meristem -- Cambium
Vascular cambium (secondary xylem and phloem)
Cork cambium (Cork and phelloderm)

3 years old
Gunta (Yim)

2 years old

Plant response
o Reception -- Stimulus + Receptor
o Transduction -- protein kinese, cGMP, ...
o Response -- transcription, translation, replication

o roots
Gunta (Yim)

o shoot

The role of Auxin in cell elongation

o auxin stimulates proton pump in the plasma membrane
o proton pump lowers pH in cell wall, activates expansins(emzymes
loosing the wall's fabric)
o with cellulose loosed, the cell can elongate

Climateric and non-climateric fruit

o Climateric fruit can ripen after harvest ex. durian
o Non-climateric fruit cannot ripen after havest
Gunta (Yim)

Plant hormone

Genetic transformation in plant

Gunta (Yim)

Must-watch video
o banana
harvest when they are still green
protective foam padding protect banana from skin damage
cut banana leaves into the ground to be nutrient for new plants
cable way system is used to transport banana
place banana hand in water to protect them and remove the
excess latex
post harvest treatment preserve freshness
box with perforated material to allow them to ripen while
8-9 gallon of water per day per plant, four-feet depth of water
*banana roots don't sink in water*
banana plant develop specialized protective leaves (bracts) --
red when they grow on the young fruit stem

cover the stem with permeable bags (allow light and air, protect
from insect, disease, weatherwind)

when banana mature, bracts turn into deeper red
Gunta (Yim)

early deflowering is done to protect fruits from damage

as fruit grow larger, bracts are removed and the banana fingers
curved towards the sun. the remaining flowers are removed-->
get more nutrient, large equally size banana

bud(bract with male flower) and lower banana hands are cut off
1-2 lower banana fingers are preserved --> keep nutrients going
throughout the bunch --> less vulnerable to disease fungi and
Gunta (Yim)

protect the lower banana from latex with daypa, the protective

web network of supports is used to make the plant more stable

crop protection agent sprays the fungicide over the targeted

area by a small plane
the trunk of the banana plant is a pseudostem
growing point is where the leaves are generated

Gunta (Yim)

ongoing cycle of three shoots

mother plant(1)
daughter plant(2)
granddaughter plant(3)

o Grape farming (application of GA3 thinning by using GA)

spraying CPPU(growth promoting hormone) helps bunch cluster

after 2 days, give 5 ppm GA at this stage

after 5ppm GA
Gunta (Yim)

Day 30 application of GA should be 15 ppm

600L of water is used per Acre
Best timing to start GA from this stage 10-20% cracking

5gm GA at this stage

2nd application of GA by 5gm in 30-40% flowering

60-70% flowering (7-8 gm GA)

3rd application of GA by 8gm GA

Gunta (Yim)

4th application of GA by 10 gm GA

5th application if needed 12gm (optional)

brushing bunch show dropping --> shake plant (remove dead
remove leaves to achieve good coverage of sizing spray

o Tips for good quality grape production

apply 75-80 kg of nitrogen per acre
keep 1 fruiting cane for 2 square feet
stop the growth of the shoot at 15-18 meters (pinch the shoot
tip /spray CCC)
application of 100-250 kg of SOP per acre --> increase skin
thickness and bunch size
prune the small shoot
do not remain more than leaves on fruiting cane
pinch the shoot tip p at pea-sized berry stage
more number of berries, smaller size of them --> thinning (8
berries per a leaf)
Gunta (Yim)

GA3, nitrogenous fertilizer

for uniformity in shape and size
25% lower end may be cut off
take care while treating with GA3
inadequate nutrition, early pruning, improper temp. --> uneven
berry color
alignment = north-south
10 leaves per growing bunch
avoid red peel berry by spraying 0.2% ascorbic acid, 0.25%
sodium dithionite mixture, avoid winter pruning
scars on berries <-- insect and disease
do not spray sulfur, borax
keep on stirring the spray solution in the tank
protect the plant from southwest sun in the afternoon by its
leaves, shade net along the road
sugar content
sufficient sunlight
avoid bunch on weak end
regulate the crop by thinning excess bunch and berries
harvest in summer is sweeter
stop irrigation before harvesting

o How to prune a mango tree

1. to admit light and air into the canopies of your tree
2. to enhance flowering
3. to improve effective control of pest and diseases
Types of pruning
1. formative (young tree)
2. maintenance (every year after harvest
well-pruned tree
branches are evenly distributed
no branches growing into the center of the tree
Gunta (Yim)

How to
cut v-sharped branch
don't cut world directed buds or young branch

cut the branches that grow into the center
cut slanted, not flat --> water drips off the cut (protect
from disease infestation, rot)

o How to get into mango farming

mango bagging

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