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Final Checks 300ft (P U F C)
Pitch Full Fine Pre-Start Check
Undercarriage Fixed Pre-flight inspection Completed
Flaps As Required Documentation Maintenance Release & Flight Manual
Clearance To land Seats Adjusted and Secure
Seat Belts Fastened
After Landing Checks (Clear of runway) Parking Brake On
Trim Set for Take-Off Controls Free and Correct Sense
Flaps Identified and Retracted Trim Full Travel / Set for Take-Off
Fuel Pump Off Avionics Off
Strobes Off Alternator Switch Off
Landing Light Off Main Switch On
Transponder Off Circuit Breakers In
Radio Call Call made (Cancel Sarwatch) Fuel Selector Lowest Tank Selected/Contents checked
Fuel Pump On / Check Indicator Light / Pressure
Shut Down Checks Carburettor Heat Cold
Parking Brake Set Pitch Full Fine
Throttle 1200 RPM Mixture Rich
Turn Co-ordinator Off Surroundings Lookout / "Clear Prop"
Avionics / Navaids Off Cabin Doors Closed/Secure
Magnetos Checked Start Engine
Engine Instruments Check T & Ps (Green Sector) Throttle .. Cold Start .. 3 Primes
Mixture Idle Cut-Off .. Hot Start .. 1 Prime
Throttle Closed
Alternator Switch Off After Start
Main Switch Off Throttle 1000 RPM - Cold Start
Fuel Selector Off 1200 RPM - Hot Start
Magnetos Off Oil Pressure Green Sector (within 30 seconds)
Control Lock Applied Alternator Switch On
Voltmeter Green Sector
Checks Before Stalling (HASELL) Turn Co-ordinator On / Flag Away
Height Sufficient to recover by 3000' AGL Fuel Pump Off / Check Pressure
Airframe Flaps as required, Doors closed & secure, Trim - neutral Flaps Identified and Retracted
Security No loose articles, seat belts fastened Gyro Instruments Suction, Erection, Alignment
Engine Instruments - Green Sector, Mixture - Rich, Avionics / Navaids On, ATIS, Ground Call
Fuel Pump - On / Check Light / Check Pressure Parking Brake Off
Location Not over built up areas, clouds, or high ground
Suitable forced landing area
Brakes Checked
Lookout Initial Stall - 360 Clearing Turn
Instruments Taxi Check Completed
Subsequent Stalls - 90 Clearing turn
After Take-Off Checks
Run Up
Flaps (300ft agl) Retracted
Parking Brake On
Power Throttle 25" / Pitch 2500 RPM
Throttle 1200 RPM
Engine Instruments Check T & Ps (Green Sector)
Engine Instruments Checked / Oil Pressure (Green Sector)
Oil Temp. (Yellow Sector)
At 1000 feet
Indicator Lights Press to test.
Fuel Pump Off / Check Pressure
Fuel Selector Select fullest tank
Mixture Rich
Pitch Full Fine Cruise Check
Throttle (Check behind) 2000 RPM
Suction Checked (Green Sector) Accelerate Cruise IAS
Engine Instruments Check T & Ps (Green Sector) Power Set as required *
Pitch Actuated twice (not below 1500 RPM) Mixture Set as required *
Carburettor Heat Checked (Min. Drop 50 RPM) Engine Instruments Check T & Ps (Green Sector)
Magnetos Checked (Max Drop 175 RPM Max Diff 50 RPM) Trim Relieve Load
Throttle Idle Check * For all power and mixture settings refer to Flight Manual Performance Section
Throttle 1200 RPM

Pre Take-Off Approach Review Completed

Trim Set for Take-Off
Friction Nut Set
Flaps Identified / Take-Off Position 10 Top of Descent Checks
Mixture Rich Frequencies Checked and Set
Pitch Full Fine Engine Instruments Check T & Ps (Green Sector)
Carburettor Heat Cold Mixture Set as required
Fuel Pump On / Check Pressure QNH Set
Fuel Selector Selection and Contents Compass / D I Aligned
Magnetos Both
Controls Full and Free Movement
Flight Instruments Checked / Set as required Pre-Landing Checks (BUMFFISH)
Avionics / Navaids Set as Required
Seat Belts Fastened Brakes Off / Check Pressure
Cabin Doors Closed / Secure Undercarriage Fixed
Emergency Briefing Given Mixture Rich
Departure Briefing Given Fuel Selector On / Fullest Tank / Check Contents
Fuel Pump On / Check Light / Check Pressure
Holding Point Instruments Check T & Ps (Green Sector)
Lookout Final Approach Seat / Seat belts Secure /Fastened
Windsock Checked Hatches (Cabin Doors) Secure
Strobes On
Compass/Directional Indicator Check alignment
Transponder On (Alt)


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