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Running head: RESEARCH PAPER 1

Research Paper

Name of Student

Institution Affiliation

Purpose of the Research

The paper will explore and examine issues relating to LGBTQ and come up with

newfound knowledge by providing relevant information on the topic. The research is necessary

as it will provide different stands of the society about the issue. Although more inquiry has been

made on the subject, the piece attempts to give the reader a broader perspective on the issue; the

judgment decision lies with the reader on the stand they are going to take on this matter. Though

studies have been done on this subject, this paper aims at improving on the previously conducted

inquiries by providing additional information on the theme. The study will also analyze the

common issues that affect public on the question of LGBTQ and provide answers.

Review of LGBTQ

LGBTQ is a widely accepted acronym for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer. The

term is at times referred to as a rainbow community, or other people refer to it as queer

community. A lesbian is a female who express sexual attraction to another woman whereas a gay

is a male homosexual or who expresses homosexual traits. On the other hand, Bisexual refers to

sexual attraction behavior toward both females and males. It can also mean allure to people of

any sex. Transgender is a description for people whose gender identity differs from what has

initially related the sex they were assigned at birth. Mainly is a term used for individuals who are

non-heterosexual. LGBTQ has various effects on the lives of people and the society as a whole,

and they include an adverse impact on marriage laws; effects on housing and health, employment

discrimination, and many others related social problems.

Effect of LGBT on Marriage

The homosexual relationship has both positive and negative implications in the society.

In the debate on LGBT, there are two positions. These are the conservatives and the liberalists.

Conservatives are against legalizing of this matter whereas liberalism proposes that the subject is

okay and that it does not have negative implications for the society. Conservatives hold on that

LGBT has adverse consequences for the society and that they should not be legalized due to the

following reasons: They maintain that LGBT should be termed illegal since gays and lesbianism

erode the meaning of marriage in the society. They hold that matrimony was meant for people of

different sex and that through it procreation is possible. Benjamin w. Bull, chief counsel for the

Alliance Defense Fund, believes that gays and lesbians will violate traditional and family values.

Conventionally, the family was made of man and wife and children.

The conservationist hold on that homosexuality is against Gods laws and that it is

unnatural. Taking consideration on the main religion in the world, they find that they all speak

against this vice to be demonic. The Christian Bible reaffirms this stand. The reasoning is based

on the biblical stories of creation that during creation, God made Adam, a male human being,

and an Eve, a female person, He ordered them to procreate and fill the earth.

They argue that lesbianism, gays, and bisexuality pose a threat to the future of the human

race. The belief is grounded on the fact that the future if human race depends on the heterosexual


The other consequence of same-sex marriage is that it denies a child of either having a

father or mother. Every kid needs to have both the parents. The argument is based on the evident

challenges faced by children who are orphans or who were raised by relatives or a single parent.

A youngster of the same sex marriage will always be denied his right of enjoying the role played

by the full set of parenting. In such a situation he/she will end up having one parent.

The conservatives embrace the view that same-sex marriage does not create a family,

which Naturally, is made up of a dad, mom, and offspring. And this type of household only

comes from a heterosexual marriage. They believe that same-gender marriage only leads to a

sterile relationship, which cannot produce children. Also, Homosexuality may lead to childhood

molestation. It affects the child psychologically and health wise and may lead to the child having

the scar of the effects all his/her lifetime.

LGBT can also result in a massive violation of human rights. It happens in the event of a

gay person physically abuse another person. In this case, the abused may end up contracting

infections such as HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. For example, it has been

witnessed that their teachers abuse many school children for having homosexual relationships.

Such practices have an adverse impact to the abused as most may end up viewing family life as

not important and necessary (Mayfield, May, Nanez, Tillery, Winer, Ball, & Crandall,2016).

Homosexual practices may lead to increase in pedophilia. It is the sexual feeling for

children in an adult. The act affects the future of the children in the family and the society as a

whole. It also believes that homosexuals cause more violence than heterosexual. As a result of

this, gays lead to a violation of societal laws.

Conservationists suggest that teenagers raised by homosexuals are more expected to

experience sexual and gender disorders. The suggestion was made by a sociologist, Judith Stacey

who established the following, lesbian child-care might free daughters besides sons from an

extensive nonetheless uneven array of customary gender recommendations. It shows that

children of lesbians are less mannish and their daughters are more masculine (Mayfield, May,

Nanez, Tillery, Winer, Ball, & Crandall,2016). It is also argued that the threat of the same-sex

matrimonial poses to marriage is that it may lower the levels of sexual fidelity in marriage. A

recent study shows that only about fifty percent of gay men in civil unions valued sexual fidelity

and that more than seventy-nine percent of heterosexuals married women and men appreciated


Allowing same homosexual marriage makes the state become an active promoter. The

state will pass laws in favor of LGBT, order schools to teach on same-sex marriage, and punishes

any citizen who goes against the state regulations and ethical obligations. In such a situation,

same-sex marriage imposes its acceptance on society.

LGBT lowers parental commitment. Parents are expected to cater for the basic need soft

their children, and in the event of a divorce, most parents make their decisions in consideration to

the future life of their childrens, and that at times they look for alternatives for devotions just for

the sake of their children. However, it is feared that same-sex marriage will destabilize the norm

that parents should sacrifice to stay in a relationship in the interests of their children.

In the view of family, same-sex marriage, promote the homosexual lifestyle. Therefore,

recognizing same-sex marriage will lead to obscure of particular moral values and weakening of

public morality.

LGBT lowers parental commitment. Parents are expected to cater for the basic need soft

their children, and in the event of a divorce, most paternities make their decisions in

consideration to the future life of their childrens, and that at times they look for alternatives for

devotions just for the sake of their children. However, it is feared that same-sex marriage will

destabilize the norm that parentages should sacrifice to stay in a relationship in the interests of

their children. Conservatives are afraid that legalizing same-sex marriage will turn a moral

wrong into a civil right. They hold that unchangeable racial traits cannot be compared to

impulsive behaviors; therefore, there is no connection between the marriage of individuals of

different race and that of people of the same sex.


Among the main reason why the state bestows much respect and benefits on marriage is

that it provides a conducive environment for the bearing of children. However, same-sex

marriage does not provide such conditions hence; it defeats the purpose of the country in

supporting and benefiting the marriage.

Libertarian Perspective on LGBT

Liberalists support LGBT, and they hold that the subject on gay, lesbian, bisexual plus

transgender should be legalized based on the following basis. They maintain on to the view that

very individual has a right to choose a person they wish to marry and that they do not have to be

of different sex. They also argue that homosexuals possess the same ability, desire and potential

to love and have a lasting relationship. They are against the argument by the conservationist that

homosexuals are not capable of providing the expected love to their partners as compared to

heterosexuals (Aragon, Poteat, Espelage, & Koenig,2014.

The liberals also hold a view that condemning same-sex relationships is harmful to the

LGBT community. They argue that discriminating people by their sexual orientation unlawful

and that every individual has every right to himself and that they can do whatever please them as

long as it wont infringe other people`s rights (principle of individual autonomy)

The liberals argue that marriage is the union of persons who love each other. Therefore,

gays, lesbianism, transgender and bisexual should be legal to ensure that there is an equal right

for everyone and that one group`s right should not be violated. They believe that every individual

regardless of their sexual orientation has the right to marry. Denying gays and lesbians from

marrying denies them their civil rights.

There is a need to focus on this issue as it is a broad subject that needs extensive research.

Some of the areas which need to address on this topic include intermarriage of LGBT couples of

a different nationality, the history of lesbian and gay. Where did it come from/ or how did it come

into existence? Also, much research is needed to provide an answer to the question of political

movements relation to LBBTQ.

Triggering a lifetime of economic and social instability. In all too many instances, even

LGBT youth with supportive families find themselves living outside of a family home due to

familial rejection or deportation. Moreover, schools can also play a critical role in pushing youth

onto the streets, from hostile school climates that leave LGBT youth feeling unsafe

Impact of the Study upon LGBT Healthcare

Based on the study of the effect of LGBT on family and marriage, there is also a concern

for the health care of LGBT. The research shows the importance of improving coverage and

access to care for this community. Sexual and gender minorities experience worse physical and

mental health outcomes and face unique health challenges compared to their heterosexual

counterparts. These effects include mental illness, drug and substance abuse, a higher prevalence

of HIV infection and other health conditions. The outcome of HIV infection among members of

LGBT community is alarming, with gay and bisexual men accounting for two-thirds of new HIV

infections, and studies reporting that more than one in four (28%) transgender women are

infected. (HIV Surveillance Report,2015) According to the inquiry, LGBT individuals face some

challenges when trying to get health services, including poor treatment by the providers, barriers

to obtaining insurance coverage among other dares.


I believe that building the evidence based on LGBT health issue; the primary

recommendation is for an extensive research ought to be conducted to assist the medical

practitioners and health care providers in advancing and promoting their efforts on the LGBT

health care. Furthermore, there is a need in promoting the progress on LGBT issue, mainly in

preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation. Also, more efforts need to be done in

addressing the issues on intermarriage of LGBT couples of a different nationality, the history of

lesbian and gay, where it come from. Also, much research is needed to provide an answer to the

question of political movements relation to LGBT.I believe from the above studies and findings

that homosexual relationship has both positive and negative implications in the society. In the

debate on LGBT, there are two positions. These are the conservatives and the liberalists.

Conservatives who basically against legalizing of this matter should come out and offer

formidable solutions instead of cursing and condemning the act that has many people engage in


Whereas liberalism holding that the subject is okay and that it does not have negative

implications for the society should answer the question on the causes and possible consequences

and effects of such practices. Conservatives hold on that LGBT has adverse implications for the

society and that they should not be legalized due to the following reasons: They maintain that

LGBT should be termed illegal since gays and lesbianism erode the meaning of marriage in the

society. They hold that matrimony was meant for people of different sex and that through it

procreation is possible. Benjamin w. Bull, chief counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, believes

that gays and lesbians will violate traditional and family values. Conventionally, the family was

made of man and wife and children. The research has been necessary as it has given the different

general stands of the society about the issue (Knight, Shoveller, Carson, & Contreras-Whitney,

2014). Although more inquiry needs to be made on the subject, the piece attempts to give the

reader a broader perspective on the issue; the judgment decision lies with the reader on the stand

they are going to take on this matter. Though studies have been done on this subject, this paper

has also improved on the previously conducted inquiries by providing additional information on

the theme.

A lot of scientific inquiries need to be vested in this area to answer the question and

issues raised by the conservatives. For instance, there should be analysis on what exactly causes

these problems. Are such complications correctable or rectified? What exactly do these people in

this set feel? However, at the moment, we ought to have accommodative laws and regulations

that will guard both homosexuals and heterosexual against physical, mental or social harm

(Knight, Shoveller, Carson, & Contreras-Whitney, 2014).


As a progressive society, we have come a long way in addressing the issue of LGBT. This

report has discussed the societal stand on whether to legalize LGBT or not. My position on the

subject is that people should be allowed to do what pleases them as long as their actions would

not infringe other people`s rights and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation should

be prohibited under law in the field of employment. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals have equal rights

to heterosexuals. Homosexual practices may lead to increase in pedophilia. It is the sexual

feeling for children in an adult. The act affects the future of the children in the family and the

society as a whole. It also believes that homosexuals cause more violence than heterosexual. As a

result of this, gays lead to a violation of societal laws. The argument by the liberals that marriage

is the union of persons who love each other. Therefore, gays, lesbianism, transgender and

bisexual should be legal to ensure that there is an equal right for everyone and that one group`s

right should not be violated. Believing that every individual regardless of their sexual orientation

has the right to marry hence denying gays and lesbians from marrying denies them their civil

rights. Such arguments are out of place in democratic societies that seek the common good for

the largest portion or number of the people. We cannot allow these immoral and unnatural

practices destroy the procreation of the human species just for the sake of the few individuals

who practice it. The fact that, in the family view, same-sex marriage, promote the homosexual

lifestyle. Therefore, recognizing same-sex marriage will lead to obscure of particular moral

values and weakening of public morality. To sum up, this practice should be examined, and a

sound way of eradicating it from the face of the earth should be found as human dignity is being



Aragon, S. R., Poteat, V. P., Espelage, D. L., & Koenig, B. W. (2014). The influence of peer

victimization on educational outcomes for LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ high school

students. Journal of LGBT Youth, 11(1), 1-19.

Knight, R. E., Shoveller, J. A., Carson, A. M., & Contreras-Whitney, J. G. (2014). Examining

clinicians experiences providing sexual health services for LGBTQ youth: considering

social and structural determinants of health in clinical practice. Health education

research, 29(4), 662-670.

Mayfield, J., De May, H., Nanez, A., Tillery, K., Winer, J., Ball, E., & Crandall, C. (2016).

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Healthcare in Undergraduate

Medical Education: Assessment and Focused Intervention for Medical Students

Transitioning to the Wards.

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