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Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .

What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

Mardi Tindal
United Church of Canada

Re: Government organized crime

Success due the cooperation of Media and
Roman Catholic Church

Dear Moderator Mardi Tindal

Both State and Church proclaim to be in, of and with “the Spirit of
Jesus” that is “the Spirit of the Golden Rule” that is “the Spirit of
Democracy and Humanism” that is the Spirit of the Law” in

It is illegal to operate in any other manner so assuredly every

individual and PIG (Personal Interest Group) will proclaim
compliance being the epitome of simplicity and sanity.

As reality attest all individuals are not so receptive of the Spirit

that equally governs, protects and benefits us all being why the
Spirit must be stringently enforced to make believers of us all.

The Thirty Year War is indicative of the obvious misunderstanding

that nearly devastated Europe that appears the leaders finally

became aware of the truth and the necessity to put down the sword.

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

Used against each other there was nothing left to ransack, but
united in documents of the pen of mutual understanding could
ransack the 90% majority and having booty worthy of divvying up.

Hence the Pen Mightier than the Sword leaving an indelible trail of
the true nature behind the pen and the irony the Constitution Act,
1982: Document inked to paper by them of the ancestry and ilk of
them who spiked Jesus to a cross not receptive of his spirit any
more then than they are now, however smarter having discovered
the power of the Spirit of Jesus adapted it to their service making it
far easier to adapt the people into perpetual slavery stealing the
quality of life earned unnoticed having never had difficult to miss
or prove the crime.
This is “the Spirit of the Roman Empire” that remains persistent
today through the Spirit of the Roman Catholic Church that is
conducive to wealth and power to satiate the avarice scum of the
earth that use every means possible to ransack the 90% majority
populace while under the façade of “the Spirit of Jesus” who never
lifted a sword and purportedly fed the masses sharing a few loaves
of bread.

That Spirit obviously does not exist in the Upper Tier where the
hierarchy of State and Church reside with the wealth demonstrative
of their true spirit as charlatans of deception, prevarication,
manipulation and orchestration of illegitimate laws and the
befuddling of the minds of the people prerequisite to their success.

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

All of reality attests with countless Bottom Feeder Piranha getting

wealthy dealing with the symptoms … the woes of the infamous
“Struggle of Humankind” all inherently bias being what gets us out
of bed providing for ourselves as heaven knows the Lord helps
those who help themselves whether or not He exists or whether or
not one believes He exists.

The Spirit of the Law that is “the Spirit of the Golden Rule” the
epitome of simplicity and sanity that has forever blown in the wind
first grasped by Confucius 551 BC – 479 BC of present knowledge
also made it known “Recompense injury with justice and
recompense kindness with kindness” that of course was adapted
with the 1982 enactment of the supreme law of Canada, the
Constitution Act, 1982 with equal democratic rights guaranteed in
the provisions of the Charter.

It is due the epitome of simplicity and sanity of “the Spirit of the

Law” that we all understand it at 5 prior to the first day of school
on the presumption that we are all sane as it is incomprehensible
that an individual would not know what is and what is not
receptive to a fellow individual simultaneously entertaining the
concept of “Cause and Effect” and the obviousness that such
ponderings are indicative that all individuals are not in, of and with
“the Spirit of the Law’ and thus the necessity of stringent
enforcement so as to create an aura that one who dares to mess
with the simplicity and sanity of the prerequisite spirit that equally
governs, protects and benefits us all will know the wrath of the

spirit through due punishment that must be consistently


What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

administered with due regard to deterrence thus maintaining the

perquisite environment demanded of the Constitution

Unequivocally and most emphatically is the responsibility of the

Constitution: Establishment hierarchy to structure a modus
operandi adept to the materialization of “the Spirit of the Law”
within every individual a responsibility demanded of every
individual as every individual is presumed to be of the status of the
presumption of innocence and assuredly is when absent of
reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise.

To be a sane individual in compliance with “the Spirit of the Law” does not
require formal education being well understood at 5 prior to the first day of
school nor can there be any misunderstanding as to the perquisite due
punishment to the prerequisite understanding achieved at 5.

Assuredly one would expect the propagates of the Law Society of Upper
Canada having undergone the “Learned and Honourable” process mandated
to the Law Society of Upper Canada in the 1797 enactment of the Upper
Canada government that appointed the Attorney General to assemble a few
of the elite in a monopoly to produce “Learned and Honourable” to
administer the laws of Upper Canada, now Ontario to be particularly adept
to structure a democratic legitimate legal system, but assuredly was not the
case as they later had to enact the 1982 Constitution Act, 1982 guaranteeing
every individual’s equal Charter rights that of course all sane people at 5
prior to the first day of school understand.

In 2006 Stephen Harper enacted the Accountability Act putting more words
to paper, but yet “the Spirit of the Law” refuses to take within the amoral

persuasion and criminal persuasion for words are meaningless with no



What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

When one permits the progressive nature of thought and reason to flow
unobstructed it is readily seen that no matter how much or how long them in,
of and with the Spirit of the Law” that understood the concept at 5 prior to
the first day of school are persecuted in an endeavour to bring the amoral
inclined and criminal persuaded on side hoping they will see the error of
their ways by observing the chaotic detriments upon society that history
attests impossible of such an ideology

It is the reality of “How it is” obvious the progressive nature of thought and
reason is not permitted to flow that must be founded on truth persistent to
maintain it through the progressive flow of thought and reason lest all one
has is a belief naked in grasp of one’s precious privates.

All the words in perseverance of trust devoid of persistent to meaning

provides a preponderance of truths just as meaningless when no one is adept
to assemble them for meaningful purpose

This document has meaningful purpose consistent with “the Spirit of the
Law” that is obviously “the Spirit of Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.”
evidenced on web site and affiliate sites referenced thereon.

The evidence published free for all to see can be deciphered in only one
legitimate way consistent with the Constitution concluding that the
government personnel believed by the 90% majority to be their
representatives are in fact the representatives of the people of the Upper Tier
10% wealthy of the corporate world/political/legal system specifically
designed to ransack the 90% majority for the luxurious well being of the
10% wealthy that in their minds there is No 2 Tier in their democracy
demonstrated in the Upper Tier as they debate how the loot will be fairly
divvied up and to avoid persistent chaotic wars for leadership they agreed to
allow the ignorant 90% to decide who will lead over 4 year terms avoiding
the inanities of devastation experienced in the Thirty Year War.

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

The Protestants were heavily involved and the purpose of this exercise is to
learn what they are all about.
Did they participate with true understanding of “the Spirit of Jesus” and
were they acting in, of and with “the Spirit of Jesus” to punish them that
would mess with an individual’s rights in the Spirit?

One must understand that them that focus on maintaining tradition are as
addicted as anyone of habit … good or bad determined by observance in
comparison to that publicly proclaimed which we are all certain to claim in,
of and with “the Spirit of the Law” lest the shame and lame to blame and
due punishment.

It is due the progressive nature of thought and reason conducive to

advancement of quality of life that them reaching fulfillment through ample
supply of money are certain to lock into as good habit persisting to
traditional ways.
When 10% exist with the wealth demonstrative of the world populace’s
efforts with 10% impoverished they refuse to eradicate and in fact
abundantly thrive advancing their industry and wealth addressing the
symptoms rather than attacking at the roots that would be detrimental to
their priority purpose of wealth we can know for certain they are not the
illegitimate persons required to administer the law.

Assuredly the Bible that concludes with “the Spirit of the Law” that is “the
Spirit of the Golden Rule” the epitome of simplicity and sanity that has
forever blown in the wind well understood by us all at 5 prior to the first day
of school is as inane for the majority of the populace to study as is the
abacus that can be of personal interest, but not prerequisite to the
materialization of the Spirit of the Law within us all assuredly a venture into
futility less than lateral progression conducive to the prevalent insanity
imposed upon us all by them purporting to be in, of and with “the Spirit of

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

the Law”, but obviously not, as wealth is where they intended and their
deliberate adherence to tradition indicative of their intention with all the rest
a façade pertinent to their success being why they are so attentive to cover-
up and eradicate truth, yet an improbability as they have left an indelible
trail as prominent as reality itself yet not observed due the spell put on the
90% majority that see it but accept it as how it is supposed be being how it
has always been, but not really thought about attentive to their own inherent
bias adapting as to “How it is” as the foundation to build their progressives
nature of thought and reason upon commencing at place of birth developing
from innocent empty mind to one of unique perception created of experience
with each the nucleus of inherent bias focal point destined to beset the world
akin to a pinball inside the absurdity of the box enjoyed by them with coins
for the slot to pull the plunger and let the games begin.

It is “the Spirit of the Law” obviously absent in or outside the box with them
outside obviously in, of and with “the Spirit of the Roman Empire” with
them inside obviously knocked senseless ever on the defensive of the
happenstances of reality they exist without a clue as the creator of the
insanity with innumerable numbers limping to Church for condolence and
the spirit to carry on.

Knowing the Lord helps them that help themselves whether or not He exists
or whether or not one believes He exists stand alone in perpetuity against the
Monolith of the traditional nefarious bent that hide behind “the Spirit of the
Golden Rule” an invisible entity invincible when possessed, but until then
“the Spirit of the Roman Empire” will obstruct the progressive nature of
thought and reason in every which way they can prerequisite to the success
of them Devil possessed in an environment believed to be in, of and with
“the Spirit of Jesus” the stage indicative of the ingenious attributed to Satan.

Reality is the truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception.


What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

The resolve to any and all problems begins and ends with irrefutable
TRUTHS with a consistency of the same in continuity of innumerable links
in a chain each with the strength of an invisible invincible crane able to hold
earth in mid air observed by God decidedly sane whether or not He exists or
whether or not one believes He exists.

Jesus relayed “the Spirit of the Golden Rule” grasped by Confucius

attributing it to be the Spirit of God that does not make any of them
anymore wise than which can be deduced any individual of equivalent
magnificent brain with a mind that began to develop through the Trial and
Error process of idleness through crawl, stand, walk and run neither habit or
tradition just the natural progression of thought and reason fundamental to a
body and brain cable to take us anywhere yet remain today in a box
slammed shut by them whose ancestry took what they want because they
could and spiked Jesus to a cross for endangering their luxurious lifestyle by
introducing sanity when they were forced to entertain sane thought and
reason to keep their evil spirit alive as they adapted charlatan ways of
deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration honing to near
perfection over the centuries to finally an equivalence of the magnificent
brain as they enacted the Constitution Act, 1982: Document with equality
rights granted in Perpetual Possessory Title in the Charter provisions while
leaving an indelible trail precisely 180 degrees adverse to the consistency
mandated in section 52. (1) so arrogant and confident of their magnificent
scheme that ultimately deceived themselves unequivocally thrusting
themselves upon their own pens with them now on the run with nowhere to
hide as TRUTH surrounds them stripped naked yet appear just the same as
always now cowering being “the Spirit of the Law” still just as invisible, but
now invincible when seen by the (90% majority inherently bias as are we all
surely aggressive to that which they are entitled to where truth is the
foundation of sane thought and reason to total entitlement and “the Spirit of

the Law” the catalyst and legitimate enforcement to its acquisition.


What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

The stage once set by them to satiate their inherent bias deliberately left
uncontrolled to predictably advance to the bias beast insaned by the
innumerable opportunities they provided as Criminal Frauds whilst in trust
of the taxpayer’s funds overcome by the enormity of it all gaining authority
on that established as the Constitution as did the Pope on that established as
the Bible being one and the same of ancestry tracing back to the spiking of
Jesus to a cross and later the switch over façade to appear to be in the Spirit
of Jesus who never raised a sword and shared a few loaves of bread among
the masses while they led the Christian Crusades a millennium later
exposing their true nature akin and in “the Spirit of the Roman Empire” that
carried on the expansion of the British Empire and then that of the good ole
USA just as assured to collapse someday in the manner of them akin before.

Having been christened and baptized Catholic and Protestant follower of

neither though most likely to be buried in Protestant tradition the way of my
fraternal twin I set out to find the manner in which to contact the Protestant
hierarchy to provide them the opportunity to rise to the occasion with the
90% majority assuredly needing their help not forthcoming of the Catholic
Archbishop of Toronto as deduced from the reality that is with an estimate
of their wealth not possible without a venture into their numbered accounts.

In this exercise I chanced upon the following link in which the last statement
of the page is easily believed by me, but wonder why if the Protestants have
evidence to support the statement that the Pope is above authority of the
Bible they proclaim are founded on why it has not been brought before the
courts in “the Spirit of the Law” where we are all proclaimed equally
governed, protected and benefitted yet not the reality as indicated in the 10
80 10 Proof documented as reality attests.

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

The individual stands alone encompassed by a Monolith of traditional lies

and them that join the masses of religious sects assuredly silly asses if their
leaders will not provide them the truth they need to know to allow the
natural progression of thought and reason to be built on solid foundation
rather than that of quicksand as history attests destined to repeat itself over
and over again as the tradition is maintained secure.

The Catholic Church refusal to help consistent with the nefarious bent of the
corporate world/political/legal system unequivocally of the belief they are
above the law having not applied due diligence to the certainty that they are
is all thatis needed to cause their collapse to be replaced by persons truly in
of and with “the Spirit of the Law” that begins by appropriate with truth FFF
Forthwith, Forthright and Forthcoming and the avoidance indicative of
ulterior purpose.

To say that is not the way of the Church and religious sects is self
admittance whereas TRUTH is all there to define reality to determine what
needs to be sanely dealt with to the acquisition of the Ideal that is clearly an
aura in which “the Spirit of the Law” is possessed of every individual the
one and only environment in which it can truly be said that we are all
equally governed, protected and benefitted as per the provisions of the
Charter guarantee.

Constitution Act, 1982: Document

Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy
of God and the Rule of Law

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

Principles: main beliefs, values, philosophy, ideology, morality, ethics, doctrine,

Supremacy: pre-eminence, ascendancy, primacy, superiority, domination,
incomparability, dominance
Charter: contract, licence, deed, agreement, bond, hire, rent, employ
Democracy: social equality, equality, egalitarianism
Egalitarianism: parity, fairness, equal opportunity, impartiality
Spirit: strength, courage, character, guts, will, strength of mind, Force, fortitude
Justice: fairness, impartiality, righteousness, even- handedness, fair dealing, honesty,
Consistency: constancy, steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability, regularity

The Rule of Law (From the Wikipedia)

The Rule of law in its most basic form is no one is above the law.
Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that
governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with, publicly
disclosed laws, adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps
that are referred to as due process.
The rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy.
According to modern Anglo-American thinking, hallmarks of adherence to the rule of law
commonly include a clear separation of powers, legal certainty, the principle of
legitimate expectation and equality of all before the law.
The concept is not without controversy, and it has been said that "the phrase the rule
of law has become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over- use"

publicly disclosed laws

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.

"The Letter of the Law" in the first statement of Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and

Freedoms clearly cedes to the supremacy of God and Jesus of world renown summarized
the aspirations attributed to God as "The Golden Rule" obviously "The Spirit of the


What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

Where there is conflict between "The Spirit of the Law" and "The Letter of the Law"
"The Spirit of the Law" has superiority clearly stated in "The Letter of the Law", where
sane moral thought and reason is either stated or implied giving credence to that which is
least apt to be mistaken by humankind whereas to be human is to err, there can be no
mistaking the meaning and intention of The Golden Rule as words put to paper by people
can be unintentionally ambiguous, adverse to "The Spirit of the Law" inconsistent with
the Constitution, either erroneously or deliberately placed for nefarious intent or
deliberately interpreted inconsistent with the Constitution, but of no force or effect

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in
particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.


Consistency in "The Spirit of the Law"= “The Spirit of the Golden Rule” is obviously
mandatory to meet the terms of the Charter, in particular s. 15.(1) and s.52.(1)

To meet the terms of the "Letter of the Law" consistency is mandatory where "The Letter
of the Law" clearly recognizes the supremacy of God . "The Spirit of the Law" has
priority over "The Letter of the Law" and where there is perceived to be conflict "The
Spirit of the Law" must prevail throughout to maintain legal certainty of justice and
equal protection and benefits of the law the legal system personnel , namely the
members of the Law Societies, government and private sector must be competent,
responsible and irreproachable in continuity with fortitude and conviction to the support
of every individual's guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits. Clearly
The Golden Rule is "The Spirit of the Law" consistent with democracy, justice,
principles, and the rule of law and a sane person of moral legitimate thought and reason
could not possibly find the Golden Rule any fairer or simpler to comprehend where
credence must be to that, which is least apt to be mistaken by humankind where all

persons in matters of law are presumed human and sane who should have no

misunderstanding as to what is receptive and non receptive to each other.

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set
out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be
demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and
religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the
press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d)
freedom of association.
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be
deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular,
without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age
or mental or physical disability.
24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been
infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such
remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.
31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority
32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect
of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the
Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of
each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each
52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency,
of no force or effect.

It is irrelevant whether or not God exists or whether or not one believes he exists as
obviously it does not matter what one believes as long as they are CONSISTENTLY in,
of and with "The Spirit of the Law"

A person's safety and wellbeing is the most valuable possession every individual has and
must be treated with the respect they are entitled to as equals guaranteed by law. It is
every individual's responsibility to abide by the law that ultimately protects every
individual and it is the responsibility of the federal and provincial governments who
signed the Constitution to consistently demonstrate due diligence to every individual's

guaranteed Charter rights ensuring every individual abides by the law.


What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

We are all human requiring the same necessities of life and would have to be insane not
to know what is receptive and non-receptive of others

Sanity must CONSISTENTLY prevail in "The Spirit of the Law"

Confucius 551 BC - 479 BC born to poverty rose to dine with kings experiencing all
walks of life gave us the Golden Rule "Do not impose on others what you would not
wish for yourself" and "Recompense injury with justice and recompense kindness
with kindness" Jesus confirmed the Golden Rule in paraphrase as the summary of the
aspirations attributed to God

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

The purpose of Law and Order is to define the law and enforce it. In the case of the
Constitution priority one is to every individual's guaranteed Charter rights of equal
protection and benefits

It cannot be over emphasized that competent responsible irreproachable people of sane

moral thought and reason in continuity with fortitude and conviction to every individual's
guaranteed Charter rights is mandatory of the administers and enforcers of the laws to be
consistent with the Constitution.

Police Services Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.15

PoliceServicesAct.doc Declaration of principles

1. Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the

following principles:
1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in Ontario.
2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the
communities they serve.

4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their needs.

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

The law is particularly clear CONSISTENT with sane moral thought and reason and due
punishment applies to every individual who strays from the law and in positions of trust
where tremendous amounts of money are involved with extraordinary temptation and
opportunity extreme measures must be taken to eradicate the temptation and opportunity
by extreme punishment particularly attentive to deterrence, the only viable means of
present knowledge to apply due diligence to the protection of every individual as

In order to maintain equality of protection and benefits consistent with the Constitution
justice must be the personification of "The Spirit of the Law" free to victims on the
presentation of reasonable evidence that they have been victimized as defined in the
provisions of the Charter in s.24 (1) are guaranteed the right to apply to a court of
competent jurisdiction to be recompensed by the perpetrator in due course unobstructed.

It is extortion to charge victims for their guaranteed Charter rights that only exasperates
the already humongous burden on the taxpayers who are made to finance the entire legal
system to deal with the amorally inclined. It is the amoral who should be made to finance
the operating costs of the system with the taxpayer having already been deprived to pay
for the infrastructure and to get the system up and running. It must be done in efficient
and effective manner for the sole purpose to determine one's innocence or guilt, and when
proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt made to recompense his or her victim to the status
he or she was in prior to the act that brought the perpetrator before the courts. The
convicted must also recompense the taxpayer for all court costs. The taxpayer is deprived
every court case and every time a perpetrator is allowed to go free when a victim is
deprived of his or her right to bring the perpetrator to justice.

I reiterate they who deprive them of the right do so illegally without the authority of the
Constitution and without the financial backing of the taxpayer.

When a victim is obstructed in any way from the justice entitled to him or her under the
Constitution his or her guaranteed Charter rights have been severely compromised and in
fact denied and may apply to the courts for recompense consistent with sane moral
thought and reason, consistent with s.24(1) of the Charter. Not only are the victims rights
severely compromised, but every individual’s rights are also with their safety and
wellbeing at stake as the amoral inclined are allowed to pursue their immoral inclinations
unencumbered flourishing like weeds as do the legal profession, administers and

enforcers, one and the same as they nourish and water the weeds protecting them from

the justice of the people as mothers whose children are never guilty, nor are they of
protecting their kids rearing them to be criminals.

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

It is the reality of the nefarious bent acquiesced over time up and running
when every individual arrives on earth with magnificent brain already active
on auto pilot waiting innocent and empty mind to be developed to make the
ultimate the ultimate use of magnificent body and brain all unaware the
nefarious bent have plans of their own.

Shall I tell you what knowledge is?

When you know a thing, to hold that you know it;
And when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it.
This is knowledge

Confucius 551 BC – 479 BC

Osmosis: the gradual, often unconscious, absorption of knowledge or ideas

through continual exposure rather than deliberate learning

Them that refuse to learn causing others to be deprived must be punished

perquisite to appropriate learning.

Them who amass in congregation believing all truth can be found in one book
is testament to their ignorance when scrawled this way and that across every
page can in summary be defined in one statement that is the epitome of
simplicity and sanity well known by us at 5 prior to the first day of school
being incomprehensible that one would not know what is and what is not
receptive to a fellow individual with the concept of Cause and Effect and the
necessity of consistent due punishment simultaneously entertained and why
every individual is led to believe the people vying for their vote know the
inherent responsibility attached with due process of law of legitimate
expectation assigned to the Attorney General is mandatory of he and there must
be a due process to hold him to account as with everyone.

The notable absence of such simplicity and sanity seemingly unobserved has
been tabled and published as the entire system demonstrates the consistency in

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

, which they deliberately abandon common sense and inherent responsibility

decidedly bound upon acceptance of financial gain.

Them that continue to cooperate having been informed are assuredly not in of
and with the prerequisite spirit to the certainty of every individual’s guaranteed
Charter rights and are directly responsible for all consequences of injustice
endured by victims and assuredly we refer to Confucius one again being the
only sane thing to do.

“Recompense injury with Justice and recompense kindness with kindness”

With that I present the evidence to the Moderator of the United Church Mardi
Tindal asking in which way she will be reciprocated in kind.

It seems to me that them who amassed in protest in ancient times against the
Catholic Church and rightly so that picked up sword in the “Thirty Year War”
that near devastated Europe in the 17th century would now pick up pen on
behalf of the 90% majority for the sanctity of the Constitution that is
proclaimed to equally govern, protect and benefit us all to the certainty that it

To not grasp this opportunity to present the truth to the people for conversion to
sanity by peaceful means will assuredly expose them to be equivalent to all that
are insatiable ambitious using deceptive practice as Criminal Frauds that
invariably incite inherent bias developed of unique perception to knock heads
against one another in perpetuity being the root of racism, hatred and recoil
upon the innocent due their ignorance of the thing with the media cooperatives
in the continuance of the Struggle of Humankind as much the creator of the
absurdity as the creators themselves that would blame it on the Devil while
God watched idly over in demonstration of the reality of myths and fairytales
where the 90% are given “the Golden Rule” and they take “the Gold as a Rule”

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

As assuredly the properties of spring that we appreciate will arrive when

Mother Nature is in the mood with the groundhog irrelevant just myth founded
upon desired expectation truth will maintain its course.

Them that chose the way of the devil must remain to the end “Once in never to
get out” destined to consistent cover-up to the humongous detriment of the
populace as the taxpayer fund’s their entire overhead whilst believing they are
being protected and existing the quality of life that is available, but not by a
long shot never been treated fairly thus never experiencing the reality truth will
bring, never knowing the truth never missing it yet will argue as if they know
everything proving to them with alert mind the absurdity of attempting sane
conversation with a mind as inert as the rock they desire to toss at them, that of
course will be tossed right back, perhaps not by them whose body is now just as
idle, but by others akin that provides a humongous advantage to the learned to
prevent such a thing well aware of the advantage that goes to the ignorant as
their inherent bias must be satiated or all hell breaks loose.

It is the bias beast that persists to grow when unrestrained and must be nipped
in the bud when peaceful means are readily available before the bias beast is
incited to amass where reality attests the doom prophecies of 2012 have a 50/50
go as much as the groundhog and I would bet everything I have that it will
never happen assured I will not be required to pay if I lose.

In respect of truth and all available published on the web site and others referenced thereon such as in counter action of the Bilderberg New World Order
obviously underway by them of the ultimate 100 nefarious bent of
affluent/influential power gained in the same way as the progressive nature of
thought and reason united with the inherent bias beast grows stronger and
uglier with every unobstructed natural flow of thought and reason, being
precisely why we must all agree to contain it within ourselves and kill it
wherever it rears its ugly head loyal to ones inherent bias that has a right to be

equal in “the Spirit of the Law” and when not to which Spirit do we refer and

to whom?

What is Reality? What is truth?

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc .
What is bias?
March 12, 2010 Office of the Director March 11 2010
34 Riverglen Drive, Keswick, On. L4P2P8 PH: 905-476-8959 Fax: 1-888-371-4962

The time is now with the conditions never more favourable to the democracy
proclaimed that decidedly isn’t, the Spirit of the Law” invisible but
enormously invincible when truth is known by the masses converting them
instantly from silly asses to the power to be reckoned with and them with the
minds of toads unable to recognize the jig is up are certain to inanely debate
the non - debateable an invisible invincible entity not touchable by
humankind where words equivalent to sticks and stones tossed at the people
will be assuredly be reciprocated in kind now awaiting for any individual
permitted freedom of speech to freely surface the bias beast existing within
never to be seen or realized until flippant tongue or armed hand pens the
truth of the uncontrolled bias beast within now on display that research will
lead us to where the money lay gained in similar way as they maintained the
persistent course destined to advance with the power and wealth to the
degradation of all around with the ultimate degradation at the peak of career
when done freely to self.
Democracy at its best with hallelujahs echoed world wide as the beginning
of the end of the Struggle of Humankind commences with them the creators
now reciprocated in kind being only fair yet they will never understand with
nobody to care.
Truth is inevitable served as foresight and hindsight whereas coherency
when offered serves one well and the others can go to hell in a cell with
reflections of words perhaps never really understood yet never the less the
bell tolls for thee.
The safety and wellbeing of every individual as equally guaranteed only
when every individual is in of and with “the Spirit of the Law” in continuity
as the torch is now passed to the United Church of Canada to the attention of
Moderator Mardi Tindal as asserted on page 1 throughout the entirety of
pages 19 asserting reality is not intended to be a game of Monopoly Chess
by them that portray to be the best, perhaps at raiding the community chest,
but when caught consider the value consistent with the game of cribbage as

scrimmages certain and hum a hum a hummas with rapport from the sewer
signally “The Honey Mooners” are assuredly over with no reruns foreseen.

What is Reality? What is truth?

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