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Teaching Activity: Worldwide Climate Zones Introduction: Climate and weather are closely related terms that describe the conditions of the atmosphere. They differ primarily jn the length of time. the atmospheric properties are observed. Weather represents hour-to-hour and day-to-day conditions of ‘the atmosphere for « particular location. Climate is the average of all the weather changes over an area for a period of many years. Since an areas weather is composed of several elements, classification of climates can become complex and involved. For the purpose of this activity, however, we will mit the classification of climates to the two weather elements, temperature and precipitation, The boundories of the climate zones of the Earth are listed by isotherms. An isotherm is an imaginery line that connects areas with similar average low temperatures during their coldest month of the year. The 10*C isotherm, for example, connects all locations that average colder than 18*C for the coldest month of the year, Below is o table listing the three major climate zones of the Earth and a short description of each climate type. inate Type Bounded on the north and “Temperatures are * uniformly warm during the Tropica, | South by the 16%¢ whole year and there Is TEMPERATE POLAR no true winter season. Objective: ¢ Toidentify the Earth's climate zones by isotherm boundaries: © Toanalyze a map of the Earth's climate zones: Bounded on the poleward side by the 10*C isotherm ‘and on the equator side the 18%C isotherm. ‘Temperatures are high during the summer and low during the winter. ‘Temperatures are low during ithe whole year and there is no true summer; summers are lwarmer than winters. Bounded on the equatorside by the 10* C isotherm. Important Terms: Isotherm, climate, weather, temperature, precipitation, Materials: Copy of Student Activity Sheet, poper, pencil, colored pencils, world map: Procedure : 1. Referring to the world climate zone map in Part I. + Help students locate the 10*C and 18* C isotherms. + Hove students label the three climate groups on the map. + Students should color the zones as follows: Polar zone -----—~ ‘Temperature Zone- ‘Tropical Zone —~ 2. Instruct students to complete the activities in Part IT. Map of the Earth's Climate Zones: 0105 120125 150_165_180 tgo_165 150.195 120 105 90 75 60 45 9015 015 97 SoS % nae 1S AS SO 10S 120 TS 15D 6S 00 WOE oo Ee) TE IS was BS Longitude Latitude Student Activity Sheet: Worldwide Climate Zones Introduction: Climate and weather are closely related terms that describe the conditions of the atmosphere. They differ primarily in the length of time the atmospheric properties are observed. Weather represents hour-to-hour and day-to-day conditions of ‘the atmosphere for a particular location. Climate is the average of all the weather changes over an area for a period of many years. Since an areas weather is composed of several elements, classification of climates can become complex and involved. For the purpose of ‘this activity, however, we will imit the classification of climates to the two weather elements, temperature and precipitation. The boundaries of the climate zones of the Earth ore listed by isotherms. An isotherm is an imaginary line that connects areas with similar average low temperatures during their coldest month of the year. The 10°C isotherm, for example, connects all locations that average colder than 18*C for the. coldest month of ‘the year, Below is a table listing the three major climate zones of the Earth and a short description of each climate type. inate Type [Beaders | __Gomments | Bounded on the north and ferteeie are rm uniformly warm during the TROAL south by the 18*C ‘TEMPERATE isotherm. whole year and there is Objective: tno true winter season, ‘# To identify the Earth's climate zones by isotherm boundaries: ‘# Toanalyze a map of the Eorth's climate zones; Procedure: 1. Refer to the map of the Earth's climate zones in Part I. * Locate the 10*C and the 18*C isotherms. + Label the three climate groups on the map. + Color in the 3 climate zones as follows: Polar zone - Temperate zone Tropical zone~ 2. Complete the activities in Part IZ. Temperatures are high during the summer and low during the winter. Bounded on the poleward side by the 10*C isotherm ‘and on the equator side by the 18*C isotherm. Temperatures are low during |the whole year and there is no true summer; summers are lwarmer than winters. Bounded on the equatorside by the 10* C isotherm. epnybu07 oes S01 ost Sek O21 Sol 0s sz 09 sy Oo Si_O Si GE Sy 09 SL_06 SO OZ SEI Os SM OOF | i oF) OL sr ae ; 5.0 ‘D004 > skorgy t 56" a oe s o 2 5 = ES ‘D8 b (G Ry © 4 ot of = hos es eee Fe e ~ Aes ve yi Ea SL] f .s af, v Selo" 8} | bd ; . on Sor Ser ter GOr 06 SLO SY Sr CO~CT:«COE:«Sy «09 Sz OG SOL OZ SEL OSE SOL 091 souoz apounig systog ays fo dow :1 Hing :4924S ALAMOY HeprtS Student Activity Sheet: Part IZ: Analysis and Comprehension 1, Identify two countries above and below the 10*C isotherm. ‘one country and one ocean that is located between the 10*C and the 18*C isotherms. 3. Identify 2 countries and an ocean that are located between the 18*C isotherms, 4, Which climate type experiences no time during the year when the average. monthly temperature is cooler than 18*C? Name a location within that climate type. 5. Which climate type experiences at least one month during the year when the average monthly temperature is warmer than 10*C but never experiences a month with temperature above 18*C? Name a location within that climate type. 6.Which climate type experiences no time during the year when the average monthly temperature is higher than 10°C? 7. The major worldwide climate types are classified according to which atmospheric property? 8. Pick one of the three climate types. Write 5 sentences about what it would be. like to live there. (Consider: Clothing, housing, outdoor activities, etc.)

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