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Rasikhul Alim


What can happen in small Cornered library? The answer is nobody knows. Trough
out the encounter between the narrator and the girl that he meet in the library we
are invited to explore the deepest part of people mind. Through their stories we are
appealed to understand the reason of escaping, the reason of the need of place,
and the reason of the yearn of acceptance

Everybody knew how life can cruel sometimes. It doesnt matter who you are, the
life will strikes whenever it possible. The burden that comes from the life is
unbearable for one peopled. In the end people tend to escape from life rather than
face it bravely. And no matter how far people can get away from life they have to
face it in the end. Perhaps by escaping from problem it will not solve it but are a
help people to take a small breath before continuing their life. Escape is no means
of cowardly but an act to give some space to strike back when the times comes.
Sometimes during the escaping time people tend to found the solution of the
problem that they have face recently. Same with what actually happen with the
narrator from this story. The encounter with the girl not only teaches the narrator
about humanities but also teach the reader who enjoy this story

Being oneself is the goal for every people. They tried to escape from the labels,
stories, and judgment that being labeled upon them. Some people tried to find
themselves a place where they can become the thing that they always yearn to be
without being burdened by norms and law. Place where they can relax. Place where
they can tried to escape from the reality that binding them. No matter how small
and seclude that place as long as people feel they can be themselves that place is
enough to be shelter from this busy world Like what happen to the characters of this
story. Both narrator and the girl found that the small library is a sanctuary where
they can be one. The narrator feel ease at the library because he can rest for a
moment without disturbed from others people and work while the girl feel ease
because she does not need to be afraid of peoples judgment on her. But in the end
a place can only become a place they still have to move on and try to make people
understand them.

Since the beginning of the world. People are developing both of their mind
and personality. Sometimes people show some traits of strong personalities
or even weak personalities. From so many kind personalities there are some
of those trait are being persecuted by community cause of their uniqueness.
Those people who are with often have to hide their true self in order to live
with the community. Those people need someone who understood him or her
because sometimes the most important thing that many people sought is an
acceptance. Like this story where the girl try to find acceptance from the
narrator that she met in library. But the narrator seems to be denying her for
being her. But after the girl gave him the statement about being oneself
finally he can accept her.

In the end this story is a simple lesson about the nature of human being like
how they escape from reality, how they need a place to be themselves, and
how much they yearn of other acceptance. Not only is it enjoyable but also
meaningful. A combination that lead you to like this story. The writer seems
to be adept about understanding social problem now days.

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