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Written by:
Mahnoor Khalid
Aniqa Ejaz

Quaid-e-Azam School of Management Sciences,

Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.

Back in 2008, one of the very serious to handle the issue by herself first. She

unethical incident in PTCL took place. The advised her to discuss this issue with Arslan

incident was both unethical and scandalous directly and tell him to stop right away

in nature. otherwise she would complain against him

to the senior authorities.

The manager Zahra was considered a

respectable women and an employee of Eventually she discussed with the A.M who

repute at PTCL. She was known for her took it non seriously. This made her to report

moral character. When the recruitment him to the General Manager. He strictly told

process at PTCL was conducted she was him to stop his behavior otherwise he would

made part of the hiring and recruitment be penalized. This enraged the Arslan. He

committee. While screening and interviews had made a decision in his mind to seek

she came across a man who was showing revenge.

disrespect towards some employees. She

After sometime an email containing abusive
condemned him for his behavior. However
and indecent comments was sent to the
due to his working experience and skills he
whole PTCL family by the account of Zahra.
managed to get hired at PTCL as an
Everyone who knew her in person and as
Assistant Manager Arslan.
coworkers were shocked because it was

During their time at PTCL, she came across something they never expected from her.

this man in terms of him harassing her. She She was also stunned. She denied doing this

ignored it a few times but as things got cheap act. She personal felt depression

rough, she decided to take some serious because this was very dangerous for her

action. She first discussed the whole reputation as well as it would make her lose

scenario with her coworker who advised her all her credibility. She requested to the

senior authorities to look into the matter as it situation. It was found out that while Zahra

was very shameful. had gone out for lunch break she

incidentally left her laptop switched on. A.M

After this an enquiry committee was setup.
Arslan took advantage of it and sent that
After a long process of interrogation and
abusive mail to the PTCL family.
investigation the committee was in vain

because there was no physical evidence. As a result Arslan was straight away

After asking the other employees a male terminated. Soon manager Zahra also left

employee that was a friend of the Arslan the organization.

opened his mouth and unfolded the whole

1. Describe the ethical dilemmas in this scenario?
2. Suppose that you are a manager XYZ. What action you would like to take in these situations?
3. Is termination of A.M ABC is good for company in the long run? Give reason to your answer.

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