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Are you prepared for the Netherlands?

Legal basis for mobility and work permits
Do you need to obtain a work permit?
In which sector would you like to work?
Are you up-to-date with the professional regulations in your desired field of work?
Will your professional qualification(s) be accepted?
If not, do you know whether you will be able to convert your qualification or if it will be
necessary to requalify?
Are you familiar with the immigration rules of the Netherlands?
Is your profession regulated in the Netherlands (medical doctor, teacher, etc.)?

Professional competence and qualifications

What professional qualifications and skills do you have that could be of interest to
How many years of work experience do you have?
Do you have any useful additional qualification(s)?
Have you acquired any specialised professional knowledge?
Are you able to justify your added value as a candidate?
Which languages do you speak proficiently?

Financial essentials
Do you have capital to fund your move (e.g. for a flat deposit, estate agent fees, etc.)?
Will you be moving alone or with your family/partner?
What financial resources would you have in the case that you unexpectedly lose your
Have you learnt about the wage policy?
Could you adapt to the standard of living in the Netherlands?

Long term planning

How long do you want to stay abroad?
What is your goal during your stay abroad?
What kind of employment contracts do you consider acceptable?
Under what circumstances could you imagine taking up a temporary/permanent job?
Is the experience that you will gain abroad an essential part of your plans for the future?
Do you want to permanently live in the Netherlands?

Do you have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)?
Do you know about the healthcare system and health insurance in the Netherlands?
Have you made provisions for additional insurance (e.g. dental)?

Social skills
Do you like working in a team?
Do you have any personal network in your destination country?
How do you intend to make contacts?
Where do you want to make contacts?
Do you write and speak the language of the country fluently?
Do you know the institutional structure of the country?
What kind of cultural activities do you prefer?
How will you introduce yourself and how will you approach your new colleagues?
How will you develop relationships with your colleagues outside of a work environment?

Social security
Do you know about the tax system?
Have you contacted the public employment service UWV?
Do you know how and where to register in the Netherlands (if applicable)?
Do you need a social security number in your destination country?
Are you aware that in other countries different legal guidelines exist regarding holidays,
overtime, etc?

Job flexibility
Can you imagine working in a position other than the one in which you are qualified?
Are you prepared to acquire additional qualifications?
If your boss unexpectedly offers you a new position in a different profession, how would
you react?
What will you do in case you fail the qualification procedures?
What does your family think about your wish to work abroad?
Can you imagine working for one employer but in different places/in different countries?
Can you imagine working variable hours/shifts?
In case the appropriate level of your qualification does not exist in your destination
country, would you be ready to work at a lower professional level?

Personal flexibility and adoptability

How do you handle problematic situations?
Have you moved country for professional (or personal) reasons before?
Can you imagine yourself working in a new role?
Are you ready to work abroad on less favourable terms?
Have you acquired more than one professional qualification?
Are you open to change?

Language knowledge
Which languages do you speak?
How advanced are your foreign language skills?
Is it relatively easy for you to learn another language?
Have you ever lived in a foreign language environment for a considerable period?
Do you know specialist terms from your profession in your foreign language(s)?
Do you have a language certificate?
Would you learn the Dutch language for a new job?
Are you willing to communicate in foreign languages that you only speak with a basic
degree of proficiency?

Do you already have contacts in your destination country?
How will you cope with the new environment?
Are you prepared for a culture shock?
Do you know where to meet locals?
Do you think it will be easy to get to know local people?
Can you imagine living away from your family in the long term?
What would you do if you were fired?
Are you prepared to share accommodation with several other colleagues?

Would you accept a reduction in wages?
What are your main worries with regards to working abroad?

Do you prefer to work on your own initiative or according to instructions?
Do you prefer to work on your own or in teams?
What are your strengths and your weaknesses?
What would be your approach to finding yourself a job?
Why would a foreign employer hire you? Why would it be an advantage for them?
What do you expect of the job abroad?

Intercultural competence
Suppose that you are the only foreign citizen in your team. How would you proceed with
getting to know your teammates?
Do you already have contact with people of other nationalities at work or in your private
Have you ever been employed at an intercultural organisation?
Have you ever had to interact with migrants/foreigners in your country of origin?

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