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Cognition without Representation?

Daniel D. Hutto
Centre for Meaning and Metaphysical Studies, University of Hertfordshire,
Watford Campus, Aldenham, Hertfordshire WD2 8AT, England

Abstract In addressing the question Do represen- or false, between a vehicle of content and that which
tations need reality?, this paper attempts to show it represents. Recognising this is important
that a principled understanding of representations because most theories of representation dene them
requires that they have objective, systematic con- such that it would be senseless to speak of represen-
tent. It is claimed that there is an interesting form of tations without reference to the features or objects
nonconceptual, intentionality which is processed by of which they serve to represent. This is a residual
non-systematic connectionist networks and has its
effect of modelling representations in terms of the
correctness conditions provided by a modest biose-
mantics; but this type of content is not properly rep-
kind of explicit, conscious representations we use,
resentational. Finally, I consider the consequences say, when nding our way to a friends house. Such
that such a verdict has on eliminativist views that directions incorporate descriptions of features or
look to connectionism as a means of radically re- objects of a particular environment which we can
conceiving our understanding of cognition. recognise and respond to under those descriptions
by a series of rules telling us what to do when we
Do Representations Need Reality? encounter them. Familiarly, such directions might
be: Turn left at Bridge Street, go straight until you
A good place to begin when addressing this ques- reach the red post box, then turn right on the High
tion is by reminding ourselves of what representa- Street and so on.
tions are. In doing so we must be alive to Wittgen- Nor is this practice a foolish one. It gives a genu-
steins warning. ine sense to the term. It is only that if we push this
In philosophy we are in danger of producing a
line too strongly then we are apt to overlook a whole
myth of symbolism, or a myth of mental processes series of interesting, psychologically relevant phe-
(Wittgenstein 1967, 211). nomena, which are, in an important sense, not prop-
erly representations of, what we would designate as,
In particular, the risk of reication and philosophi- objective features of a mind-independent reality.
cal confusion is particularly rife with respect to the- For example, if one considers the now common dis-
ories of representation. When speaking loosely, it is tinction between conceptual and nonconceptual
frequent that the term representation is used equiv- content it is clearly the case that, the former but not
ocally. Minimally, it does double duty for both the the latter, must be understood with reference to
vehicles of content and the representational con- mind-independent objects that are publicly identi-
tents. Of course, the name representation does able. The real question is then: Does cognition need
not come from scripture. (Millikan 1993, p. 103). representations?
But it is this kind of equivication that encourages
confusion. Two Types of Content
There no great danger in reifying the representa-
tional vehicles other than the risk of confusing Cussins formally dened the difference between
dynamical systems of processing with static ones conceptual and nonconceptual content in the fol-
(Clark 1993b, p. 62). But reifying representational lowing way:
contents, which the vehicles are supposed to carry, (1) Conceptual properties are those cannonically
fosters folly. Representational contents are not characterized by means of concepts that a crea-
things of any kind. On the traditional account, they ture must possess for that property to be appli-
describe one of two possible kinds of relation, true cable to it.

Understanding Representation in the Cognitive Sciences

Edited by A. Riegler, M. Peschl, and A.von Stein. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 1999 57
58 Daniel D. Hutto

To say that any state has content is just to say that it

represents the world as being a certain way. It thus
has what Peacocke calls a correctness condi-
tionthe condition under which it represents cor-
rectly (Crane 1992, p. 139, emphasis mine).
Figure 1: A version of the Mller-Lyer illusion.

I will return to the issue of why we should be cau-

(2) Nonconceptual properties are those cannonically tious with talk of representations in this domain and
characterised in terms of concepts which a crea- the kind of correctness conditions which are
ture need not possess for the property to apply. appropriate to nonconceptual contents in the next
We can see the distinction clearly by considering a section.2 For the moment, I want to focus on the
frequently cited perceptual case. The Mller-Lyer idea that nonconceptual contents differ from con-
illusion provides a context in which we see one ceptual contents in a way that may not be immedi-
thing but believe another. That is to say we know the ately obvious from the fact that they do not repre-
lines are the same length, but even so one line still sent via a conceptual medium. That is to say, the
appears longer to us. This is illustrated by gure 1. most basic form of nonconceptual content does not
The point is that a propositional content, like that map onto what we would recognise as objective
of the belief The lines are the same length, is best features of the world. Strictly speaking, although
dened in terms of concepts (or on a more realistic such contents might be crucially involved in guid-
construal: composed of them). In contrast, the ing and controlling action, it would be a mistake to
purely perceptual response is distinguished by the think that they are systematically representative of
fact that those same concepts would be inappropri- the objects and features of an external reality.
ate if used in a principled statement of the content.
Millikan uses an example, which will be directly Objective and Non-Objective Thought
relevant later, concerning the content of a frogs per-
ceptual representation to make exactly this point. Nonconceptual content can be usefully illuminated
She writes: What a frogs eye tells a frogs brain by the work of Evans (1982) and Strawson (1959).
may not imply any denite English sentence or sen- By resurrecting their work, Cussins (1990) and
tences, but English sentences can be constructed Chrisley (1993) remind us of the important distinc-
that will imply the truth of what any particular tion between objective and pre-objective modes of
frogs eye is currently telling its brain (Millikan thought. Chrisley writes:
1993, p. 119). truly objective thought is manifested in the posses-
Nevertheless, even in cases of nonconceptual sion and maintenance of a unied conceptual frame-
content it would appear that things, features and sit- work within which the subject can locate, and thus
uations are presented as being a certain way. Hence, relate to any other arbitrary object of thought, the bit
even if we agree that the purely perceptual response of the world thought about
is nonconceptual it can still be regarded as having Pre-objective representation involves contents
content. For this reason, many philosophers com- that present the world, but not as the world, not as
monly suggest that although such content is, by def- something that is or can be independent of the sub-
inition, lacking in concepts it is nonetheless basi- ject (Chrisley 1993, p. 331).
cally representational in character. For example,
Bermdez writes:
Conceptual and nonconceptual content are distin- 1
Elsewhere he writes: mental states that represent
guished not by whether they are representational, the world but that do not require the bearer of those men-
but according to how they represent (Bermdez tal states to possess the concepts required to specify the
1995, p. 335).1 way in which they represent the world (Bermdez
1994, p. 403, emphasis mine).
But, it is also standardly supposed that to have any 2 Bermdez confirms this by saying Conceptual and
kind of content at all it is necessary that there are nonconceptual content are both forms of content because
speciable correctness conditions. In Cranes there is a single notion of representation applicable to
words: both (Bermdez 1995, p. 346).
Cognition without Representation? 59

Pre-objective thought can be illustrated with refer- lenskys example of the coffee cup through which
ence to the responses of infants before they have he provides an intuitive understanding of, what I
achieved the stage of recognising object perma- will call, fused representations. Thus, to borrow
nence (Chrisley 1993, p. 331). In particular, infants from Cussins, coffeeinacup, coffeespilton
lack the ability to think of objects as existing unper- thetable, coffeeintheformofgranulesina
ceived and hence, they clearly lack a conceptual jar, are all treated as wholly distinct; having no
capacity to represent objects qua objects in our structural components in common. In other words,
sense. Chrisley goes on to explicitly connect this the object/property decomposition is not built-in
mode of non-objective responding with a lack of (Chrisley 1993, p. 344). The same goes for the sub-
systematicity. He writes: ject-predicate dichotomy. To see how such struc-
an infant which cannotthink of a particular object
tures are deployed in connectionist networks:
(a glass, say) as existing unseen, but it can represent Just consider a network that is simultaneously learn-
its mother as being behind, out of view (on the basis ing two routes that happen to intersect at a few
of hearing her voice or feeling her arm, say). The points. There is nothing that necessitates that the
contents of such an infant will violate the Generality network use the same code for the place in both con-
Constraint, since the infant may be able to think texts; as a matter of fact, it might facilitate learning
(something like) glass in front of me and mother be- the sequences to have the representations distinct.
hind me but not glass behind me. (Chrisley 1993, p. (Chrisley 1993, p. 346, cf. Cussins 1990, pp. 426
332). 429).

A crucial feature of non-objective modes of thought It is worth emphasising that the lack of a capacity
is that they lack the kind of systematicity that is a for systematic, objective representation does not
hallmark of logicolinguistic thought. Agents that necessarily impair an organisms capacity for
only have a capacity for non-objective thought will sophisticated and co-ordinated action. We can see
not be able to make the kinds of systematic, formal this by considering connectionist navigational net-
substitutions that are characteristic of conceptual works which manage to get about quite well despite
thought. It has been supposed by some that such lacking a capacity for such representation. Never-
substitutions, which provide a basis for composi- theless, it might be wondered just how sophisticated
tionality, inference making, and productivity, are an organisms responses to an environment can be if
indeed a pervasive criterion of cognition.3 The its only vehicles of content are connectionist. To
thought is that if an organism can think of some what extent we can rely on connectionism, and its
object, x, that it has a property, Fx, then it must also attendant nonconceptual content, to explain cogni-
have the ability to think of some other object that it tion before we have to upgrade to a more traditional
could have that property as well (e.g. Fy). The same account?
applies to relational forms, such that if a system can It may be, as Millikan claims that Preverbal
represent aRb, then it must also be capable of repre- humans, indeed, any animal that collects practical
senting bRa. This is a consequence of the fact that knowledge over time of how to relate to specic
traditional views of cognitive processing focus on stuffs, individuals, and real kinds must have con-
systems whose transactions are made over atomic cepts of them. (Millikan 1998, p. 56, emphasis
structures by means of logical rules. mine). What it the force of this must? Millikan
Such substitutions are not possible in the domain claims that such know-how amounts to mining the
of non-objective thought because the vehicles of rich inductive potential of certain relatively stable,
such thought is not atomistic. This can be seen most re-identiable environmental items is in effect mak-
clearly by considering that connectionist networks ing generalizations about these items. Hence, a
operate with distributed, context-sensitive vehicles. creature that can reidentify a mouse will have many,
This is commonly illustrated with reference to Smo- imperfectly reliable but useful, expectations about it
and its hidden properties as gleaned from earlier
This is the line taken by Fodor and Pylyshyn (1995)
encounters. She tells a similar story for re-identi-
in there famous attack on the use of connectionist archi- able individuals and stuffs and, deferring to Aristo-
tectures at the cognitive level (cf. Fodor and Pylyshyn tle, calls them all substances (cf. Millikan 1998,
1995, p. 116ff). pp. 5658).
60 Daniel D. Hutto

I have no doubt that this is broadly correct. But, in Indeed, it is interesting that when appraising the
light of above discussion, we ought to be careful in abilities of connectionist systems Clark claims that
jumping to the conclusion that generalisations over there is a denite limit to the good news. Several
re-identiable individuals requires that they be sys- features of human cognition proved resistant to my
tematically represented or that concepts need to be, basic treatment. In particular, I highlighted the dif-
or ought to be, invoked to explain this capacity. This culties of modelling structure-transforming gener-
is especially pertinent given that Millikan, herself, alizations in which knowledge is rapidly reorga-
recognises: nized to deal with a new problem which is
Throughout the history of philosophy and psycholo-
structurally related to one the organism has already
gy, the tendency has been to project into the mind it- solved. (Clark 1993, p. 224, cf. also Clark 1993,
self the structure of the object grasp by thought. I pp. 111112). To account for this kind of abstract,
will argue the contrary, namely that substances are structural thinking it would appear that context
grasped not by understanding the structures or prin- invariant, systematically recombinable symbols
ciples that hold them together but by knowing how will be required. But, these are not needed in the
to exploit these substances for information gathering great majority of cases of cognition involving prac-
purposes. Knowing how to use a thing is not know- tical knowledge.
ing facts about its structure (Millikan 1998, p. 58). The purpose of this section has been to demon-
strate the important link between non-objective
This is a strong move against the prevailing intellec- forms of nonconceptual content and the non-sys-
tualist tradition, however this is also a move against tematic character of PDP, connectionist processing.
her earlier comment about the need for concepts. Indeed, thinkers such as Chrisley and Cussins have
For what is required to make Millikans account of been at pains to point out that connectionist pro-
practical knowledge work is not an appeal to a set of cessing needs nonconceptual content (and vice
basic concepts. All that is needed is an explanation versa). They have returned volley on Fodor and
of the capacities for re-identication and associa- Pylyshyns (1995) assault on connectionist archi-
tion. Connectionist networks are renown for their tectures by exposing their arguments implicit and
pattern recognition abilities and, to borrow from unwarranted reliance on the idea that all content
Andy Clark, they are associative engines par excel- must be understood as conceptual (cf. Chrisley
lence (cf. Clark 1993b). 1993 p. 323, 324, Cussins 1990). The point is that
In this context, he is wont to speak of prototype the kind of content most appropriate for PDP-pro-
extraction and generalization. For example, over cessing is very likely a form of nonconceptual con-
time a net will respond to the statistically frequent tent that is both non-objective and non-systematic.
features of items it encounters whilst training.
Moreover, these features become highly marked Biosemantic Theories of Content
and mutually associated (cf. Clark 1993b, p. 20).
To return to Millikans example, mice will be re- To complete the natural circuit for this discussion it
identied not because they share a set of essential, is not enough to rest easy with these observations
commonly identiable features, but because they about the happy union of connectionist vehicles of
are prototypically similar. Moreover, if the network content with the appropriate type of nonconceptual
has uncovered some hidden properties of mice, content. Some attention must be given to the issue
i.e. those not tied to how they appear, these will be of correctness conditions. Is it appropriate to
mutually associated, and reinforced. Since there speak in terms of correctness conditions at all in
will be an increase in the excitatory links, or con- the domain of non-objective, nonconceptual con-
nections, between the manifest and hidden features tent? And, if so: What kind of correctness-condi-
the organism will have expectations on subse- tions are appropriate for such content?
quent encounters. These might be of use in provid- Bermdez has suggested that subpersonal infor-
ing it with a response pattern to the behaviour of mation states [with nonconceptual content] lend
mice. The point is that this kind of practical knowl- themselves to a teleological theory of content
edge can be underwritten by nothing more than the (Bermdez 1995, p. 365). Furthermore he claims
microcognitive architecture of connectionist net- that Correctness conditions are xed with refer-
works (cf. Clark 1993b, p. 87). ence to evolutionary design and past performance
Cognition without Representation? 61

(Bermdez 1995, p. 366). In this section, I want to that there is a consumer mechanism that may be
take this proposal further by arguing that a modest guided by the icon in the performance of its proper
biosemantics is the most appropriate version of the function(s) (adapted from Millikan 1993, pp. 106
theory when it comes to understanding non-objec- 107).6
tive, nonconceptual content. Using her paradigm example, the bee dance, we
I begin by outlining some of the generic features can see that one organism (in this case the dancing
of biosemantic theories of content. Biosemantical bee) is meant to produce an indicative intentional
accounts rely on the normative character of the icon (its particular dance) which is used by the con-
proper functions of mechanisms to underpin the sumer organism (the watching bee) to generate an
kinds of correctness conditions required by a theory appropriate response (a patterned ight response
of content. The normativity ows from the histori- which puts it in contact with nectar).7 If all condi-
cal pedigree of the mechanismsnot their current tions for this type of characteristic dance are, evolu-
dispositions (cf. Millikan 1993, p. 160). The very tionary-speaking, normal then it will successfully
idea of a proper function, etiologically expounded, map the location of nectar via a projection rule,
requires reference to normal conditions of opera- thereby fullling its indicative function. Likewise,
tion. Thus, even devices which rarely succeed in if all is normal then the characteristic response of
actually performing their proper function, can, nev- the consumer mechanism will guide it to the nectar
ertheless, have identiable functions. For example, thereby fullling its imperative function (cf. Milli-
a liver that fails to successfully maintain blood-glu- kan 1984, p. 99).
cose levels still has the designated function of doing Although the example of co-operating mecha-
so.4 Importantly, abnormality and dysfunction only nisms in the bee dance case is one of two separate
make sense against a background understanding of organisms, that is two different organisms, the
proper functioning. account works just as easily within a single organ-
It is clear, however, that although all naturally ism. Millikan writes:
selected biological mechanisms will have proper Put (an analogue of) the bee dance inside the body
functions (in this sense), they are not all bearers of so that it mediates between two parts of the same or-
content. Following Millikan, the rst place it is ganism and you have an inner representation
appropriate to speak of content is with respect to (Millikan 1993, p. 164).
devices which she calls intentional icons (cf. Mil-
likan 1984, ch. 6; 1993, ch. 5).5 She is at pains to Armed with this understanding of intentional icons,
stress that such icons are intentional in Brentanos let us consider how Millikans biosemantic account
sense (not intensional) that they can be directed at determines the correctness conditions of a inten-
features, objects or states of affairs which may or tional icon with reference to the familiar case of the
may not exist (cf. Millikan 1993, p. 109). She also frog who indiscriminately shoots its tongue at a
outlines several features that all intentional icons whole range of small, dark moving objects. On her
must have. The most important of which, for this account, in order to talk of the frogs mistake we
discussion, are; (a) that they are supposed to map must rst determine the proper function of its inter-
unto the world by a rule of projection, (b) that they nal mechanism. This provides the logical space for
are produced by a mechanism whose function it is a normative assessment of misrepresentation. For
to bring about the mapping described in (a), and (c)
Millikan was initially wont to speak of producer and
interpreter devices in Language, Thought and Other Bi-
Millikan employs other examples to make the same ological Categories, but given that she explicitly did not
point. She writes: a diseased heart may not be capable require that the interpreter understand what the sign
of pumping, of functioning as a pump, although it is signs (Millikan 1984, p. 96), it is clear that the less mis-
clearly its function, its biological purpose, to pump, and leading term consumer is more useful.
a mating display may fail to attract a mate although it is She writes The production and consumption of the
called a mating display because its biological purpose icon may be accomplished by any mechanisms designed,
is to attract a mate (Millikan 1989b, p. 294). biologically or in some other way, to co-operate in the
She borrows the term icon from Peirce and does so, iconing project. For example, the dances that honey bees
quite rightly, because it does not carry with it a legacy of execute to guide fellow workers to nectar are paradigm
confusion and disagreement. cases of intentional icons (Millikan 1993, p. 107).
62 Daniel D. Hutto

her the way to understand its proper function is by

contributed to gene replication
appeal to the most proximate Normal explanation
for full proper performance (Millikan 1984, p.
100, emphasis original). Millikans stipulation
leads us to favour the view that the function of the
helping to feed the frog
tongue-snapping behaviour is not to strike at a dis-
junctive set of small, dark moving objects; rather it
is directed at ies and ies alonesince ingesting
these served the ancestors of this kind of frog in helping to catch flies (food? prey?)
their evolutionary development.8 Hence, this ver-
sion of biosemantics is rst and foremost concerned
with what ultimately beneted the organism.
Looking from the bottom up, Millikans account detecting small, dark, moving things
has appeared explanatorily insufcient to some. Her
critics suggest that if we concentrate wholly on
what has actually beneted organisms as the basis Figure 2: Multiple Proper Functions (Adapted from
for determining what an icon ought to represent Neander 1995, p. 125).
then we are in danger of counter-intuitively
demanding too much of the representational capac- [proper] functional analysis (Neander 1995, p.
ities of these devices (Neander 1995, pp. 126129, 129). She reminds us that what counts as low-
Jacob 1997, pp. 123124). This is because such est is relative to the trait in question (Neander
descriptions can be quite abstract and general. 1995: 129). This last point is graphically illustrated
Neander illustrates the problem with the example of by gure 2 (modied from Neander 1995, p. 125).
a male hovery. According to an exclusively bene- Considering this diagram we might wonder:
t-based account, given his ultimate needs a male Which level, and its associated proper function,
hovery misrepresents if he chases an infertile matters to intentional content? Neanders answer is
female or one who is soon to be the dinner of some that we should look to the lowest level on the
passing bat (Neander 1995, p. 127). Likewise the grounds that this reects sound biological practice.
frog misrepresents if the y it detects happens to She writes that with respect to a given part (P) of
be carrying a frog-killing virus or if it isnt in fact an organism, biologists should (and do) give prior-
nutritious. Consequently, the correct description of ity to that level of description which is most specic
proper function of such devices is to lead hoveries to Pthe lowest level of description in the func-
to fertile mates or enable frogs to get nutritious tional analysis before we go sub-P (Neander 1995,
protein. This in turn xes their representational p. 128).
content at a higher level of grain than described ear- But this move is ill motivated. It is wholly consis-
lier. tent with Millikans benet-based account of the
On this construal, the main issue is whether or not direct proper function of intentional icons that there
we can seriously credit organisms with the capacity exist logically stacked proper functions of the kind
to represent only that which is good for them. This Neander describes. What her diagram reveals is
worry inspires Neanders proposal that when offer- simply that various higher level ends are served by
ing a biosemantic account we ought to look, as biol- the successful performance of the lower level
ogists do, at the lowest level at which the trait in devices or mechanisms. Organisms have devices
question is an unanalysed component of the (traits, responses, etc.) with different, multiple
proper functions that are related to one another in a
means-end fashion. The higher ends are served by
She has expressed the same view to me privately in the operation of mechanisms which can be func-
the following terms: Connecting with something black
tionally described in various ways depending on
andadot is no part of any proximate normal explana-
tion of why any particular ancestors helped it survive.
which end of the spectrum we wish to study. Row-
Neither the blackness nor the dotness helped in any way, lands recognises this kind of divide between higher
neither need be mentioned. But the nutritious object was and lower ends by insisting that we distinguish
essential (Millikan 1996, private correspondence). between two importantly distinct levels of func-
Cognition without Representation? 63

tional specication which he respectively calls to get the consumer bee to nectar. This is why Mil-
the organismic and the algorithmic levels of likan assigns predominance to a devices direct
description (Rowlands 1997, p. 288). For example, proper function when determining the content of an
in the case of the rattlesnake the organismic icon. It is also why she is able to ask, rhetorically:
proper function of the mechanism is to enable the Is it the hearts function to pump, or to pump
rattlesnake to detect eatability, but the algorithmic blood? Both, I should think And so with the mag-
proper function of that mechanism is to detect netosome and the frogs detecting mechanisms.
warmth and movement (Rowlands 1997, p. 291). (Millikan 1991, p. 160, cf. Jacob 1997, p. 120).
Likewise, Elder draws a distinction between Although these proper functions standardly com-
what a representation-producing device is supposed plement one another nothing guarantees that they
to do, and how it is supposed to do it. (Elder 1998, always do. Malfunctions can occur at various levels,
p. 356). Clearly, as Neander, Rowlands and Elder all for a number of reasons. But our concern is the
note an organisms higher ends will only be served intentionality of the complex responses, not the
if the lower ends of its detector devices are served. possibility of malfunction in the mechanisms that
That is to say an organism will only reap benets by underlie them.
means of its lower order devices if things are func- In light of what appears to be a general consensus,
tioning properly on all fronts. But this observation we can now return to the real question in this private
is nothing new. Compare the distinction between war between biosemanticists: Which level, or which
the highest (organismic) and lowest (algorithmic) proper function, matters to intentional content?
level of proper functional description with Milli- Recall that Neanders answer is that we should look
kans discussion of the various ways a bee dance to the lower level on the grounds that this reects
can malfunction. She writes: sound biological practice. But this encourages the
It is a function of the bee dance to lead the watching
question: Why is attention to the lowest level of
bees to the indicated nectar, even if it is poisoned. description the focal point of sound biological prac-
Prior to that, it is a function to lead them to a certain tice? The answer is that the biologist is concerned
location, even if someone has taken the nectar away with the lowest level of a mechanisms proper func-
or replaced it with a trap. Suppose that a bee makes tions because it is at such a level that the explanation
a mistake and dances a dance thats just wrong, ei- of a devices capacities can be discharged in non-
ther because it is not normal or because environmen- teleological terms. It is the hand over point for a dif-
tal conditions are not as required for its accurate ferent, Cummins-style, functional analysis. By
functioning. In either case, a function of the dance is focusing on the effects that mechanisms are, in fact,
still to lead the watching bees to where the dance capable of producing when contributing to an over-
says the nectar is. (Millikan 1993, pp. 167168, em- all system response, we are able to understand how
phases mine).
such capacities can be ultimately broken down into
purely physio-chemical (merely causal) processes.
In this context, we can see the importance of Milli- Rosenberg supplies some detailed examples of the
kans distinction between a devices direct proper way this kind of homuncular discharge takes place,
function and its derived, adapted proper function. at the border of molecular biology and organic
For example, a token bee dance will point the con- chemistry (Rosenberg 1985a, p. 59). However
sumer bee(s) towards the current, possibly unique, despite bidding us to look low Rosenberg rightly
location of nectar. In this sense, it has the derived recognises that attention to the lowest level is
function to point thusly. But it only has this function wholly consistent with the idea that at the higher
in virtue of the fact that bee dances, as a class, have level these mechanisms should be accorded func-
the stable direct proper function to send watching tions with respect to their evolutionary or adaptive
bees toward nectar. This is comparable to the way in pedigree (Rosenberg 1985a, p. 59). Thus he writes:
which a photocopier has both the general proper The function of the liver is to maintain blood-glu-
function to copy that which is placed on the glass cose levels because (1) the liver is capable of doing
and the supporting adapted, derived proper function so, and (2) the body that contains it meets the needs
to produce copies of the particular items placed on to supply energy to the muscles, in part through the
it. The point is that the function to point in particular capacity of the liver. (Rosenberg 1985a, p. 58, rst
direction is inherited from its direct proper function and second emphasis mine).
64 Daniel D. Hutto

Nothing in Millikans benet-based account of the react to, and thereby xing their target, cannot be
direct proper function of intentional icons breaks done in a vacuum. Furthermore, taking the too
faith with this. All Rosenbergs example shows is high road results in loss of explanatory purchase. If
that various higher level ends are served by the suc- we travel too far in the direction of an abstract
cessful performance of lower level devices. Look- description of the organisms needs then every crea-
ing at matters in this light reveals why there is no ture will be described as targeting the same things.
need to make a choice between high and low biose- For all creatures, great and small, success in the
mantics. wild depends on appropriate responses to fertile
If we accept that the various teleofunctional levels mates, predators and nutritious objects. Despite
are complementary then, to return to Neanders this, not every creature in the same biologically
example, it is surely the case that the correct selec- niche are genuine competitors for the same
tionist explanation of a hoverys target is female resources, even though their targets fall under these
hovery while the frogs target is y. And we can general categories. The ys potential mate is the
address the concerns raised about perceptual capac- frogs potential dinner. Creature needs are particular
ities (cf. Elder 1998, p. 359). Consider the frog. In and, thus, must be distinguished more nely than
the normal environment of their ancestors, it was the top-level description allows.
the (perhaps rare) encounters with ies that
accounted for the proliferation of their imperfect The Reply from on High
sensory systems. It was to ies that they responded
when all was well and those responses were good Neander is right to deploy the terminology of proper
enough, given their needs and their competition. functions with respect to a devices lowest level of
Hence, it is to ies that their descendants ought to operation. It is true that such devices can malfunc-
respond. And, ought implies can. In my view, the tion in a way that demands a normative understand-
Neander objection is confused because the notion of ing.9 For example, she notes that if we think of the
a capacity is equivocal. Sometimes it is important to frog as directed, not at ies, but at small dark, mov-
talk of greater and lesser capacities. However, in ing things it is still possible for its responses to go
this case, it would be wrong to dene the notion awry. She writes:
comparatively. Of course, it is true that frogs A sick frog might R-token at a snail if it was dys-
respond more frequently to small moving black functional in the right way. Damaging the frogs
dots than to ies. But this is no surprise since neurology, interfering in its embryological develop-
such responses are the means by which they are able ment, tinkering with its genes, giving it a virus, all
to get ies at all. This would only be a worry if we of these could introduce malfunction and error.
were dening proper functions in statistical terms Therefore, the theory I am defending does not re-
which we are not. In the right conditions, frogs do duce content to the non-normative notion of indica-
have the capacity to target ies. What they lack is tion or natural meaning. (Neander 1995, p. 131, cf.
the capacity to discriminate ies and ies alone. Jacob 1997, p. 118, 134).
What then of the worry that taking the high road
demands too much of the perceptual capacities of Such is true even of the brains, normally reliable,
such creatures and assigns too much content to their opioid receptors which are meant to interact with
icons? Why not say it is the more abstract end of the endorphin molecules. As Dennett notes Both can
spectrum that denes the intentional object? Why be trickedthat is opened by an impostor. Mor-
say the frog is after ies instead of nutritious phine molecules are artifactual skeleton keys that
things, or simply nutrition? Once again, the
answer concerns explanation. Given the competi- 9
Interestingly Godfrey-Smith notes that Although it
tion, in the historical environment, the swallowing is not always appreciated, the distinction between func-
of ies was good enough to get nutrition. If it tion and malfunction can be made within Cumminss
wasnt the presumption is that frogs of this type framework If a token of a component is not able to do
would have adapted more precise sensory mecha- whatever it is that other tokens do, that plays a distin-
nisms to detect only the nutritious things or they guished role in the explanation of the capacities of the
would have failed to proliferate. In either case, broader system, then that token is malfunctional. (God-
determining what was good enough for them to frey-Smith 1993, p. 200).
Cognition without Representation? 65

have been fashioned to open the opioid-receptor p. 100). Godfrey-Smith provides an illustrative
doors too. (Dennett 1997, p. 47). As we have seen, example:
recognition of this fact inspires view of content that Sand scorpions detect prey by picking up combina-
locates it at the lowest possible teleofunctional tions of mechanical waves in the sand When an
level. Nevertheless, Im afraid that Neanders pro- intruding biologist disturbs the ground with a ruler,
posed philosophical marriage of Fodor and Milli- and elicits a strike, the scorpion could be function-
kan must end in divorce (cf. Neander 1995, p. 137). ing normally, but the environment is abnormal.
Apart from being ill-motivated, there are serious (Godfrey-Smith 1989, p. 546).
problems in taking Neanders recommended low
road when it comes to xing intentional content. The point is that the scorpions co-ordinated
First, Neanders account re-introduces the prob- response is meant for a particular environment. This
lem of distality which Millikans version of biose- is in harmony with the idea that the behaviour of
mantics laid to rest. She notes this herself by telling interest to the biopsychologist must be classied in
us that low church biosemantics seems to drive accordance with [proper] function which is
us to proximal content [for example,] it is, after dened with reference to a loop into such an envi-
all, by responding to a retinal pattern of a particular ronment (Millikan 1993, p. 135, 136). Nonetheless,
kind that the frog responds to small dark moving while talk of environments is important, the inter-
things (Neander 1995, p. 136).10 nal/external dichotomy is largely articial. The only
This is not a trivial point: Low church bioseman- interesting difference between an internal and exter-
tics violates one of the minimal conditions for a nal environment, in the biosemantic context, is that
device to count as an intentional icon. The mere fact the former tend to be homestatically regulated and,
that a biological device has a proper function and, hence, more stable (cf. Millikan 1993, p. 161).
hence, can malfunction is not sufcient to regard it If this is the case, then what, exactly, is wrong
as having a representational capacity. For if this was with the idea the frog is directed at certain charac-
all that was required then all naturally selected bio- teristic patterns on its retina as opposed to ies? The
logical devices would have content of some kind. problem is describing the function of the producer-
Millikan shows this last claim to be fallacious when device only in terms of generating retinal patterns
she describes the devices in chameleons that enable or detecting black dots, as opposed to any of a
them to alter their skin coloration in relation to the number of proximal causal descriptions, does not
background of their particular environments. Such explain why the response, and its underlying mech-
devices have this capacity as a relational, derived anisms, proliferated. Only mention of the distal
adapted proper function, and as such they produce object of concern, the nal cause,be it internal
an appropriate mapping rule, but they lack a co- or externalcan do that. Therefore, it is the distal
operating consumer device. For this reason, they object that the organism ought to be directed at.
cannot be regarded as intentional icons (Millikan Consider Millikans distinction between a devices
1993, p. 107). direct proper function and its derived, adapted
But, we must tread carefully in understanding proper function, once again. This distinction pro-
why Neanders move is inadequate. Unlike the case vides a means of clearly demarcating proximal and
of pigment adjusters in chameleons, the problem is distal projection rules. She uses it in just this way
not that there is no consumer-device for the retinal when she describes hovery mating responses. Of
pattern. Nor is it that all icons must be necessarily the former, she writes:
directed at an external state of affairs in order to be Rather than turning toward the target in order to
intentional. It is true that biosemantics licenses the track it, the hovery turns away from the target and
idea that the functions of organismic systems reach accelerates in a straight line so as to intercept it. Giv-
out into the external world. Millikan has no com- en that (1) female hoveries are of uniform size,
punction in supporting a very broad vision of what hence are rst detected at a roughly uniform dis-
intentional icons are directed at (cf. Millikan 1984, tance (about .7 m), (2) females cruise at a standard
velocity (about 8m/sec), and (3) males accelerate at
a constant rate (about 3035 m/sec2), the geometry
10 of motion dictates that to intercept the female, the
To be fair Neander both recognises the problem and
states her intention to address it. male must make a turn that is 180 degrees away
66 Daniel D. Hutto

from the target minus 1/10 of the vector angular ve- I am unhappy with these remarks and Millikans
locity (measured in degrees per second) of the tar- claim that biosemantic theory provides a non-vac-
gets image across his retina Taking note that this uous ground for a correspondence theory of truth.
rule is not about how the hovery should behave in By such lights, all representations, whatever other
relation to distal objects but rather how he should re- features they exhibit, or fail to exhibit, have truth-
act to a proximal stimulus, to a moving spot on his conditional content. While consideration of the
retina, let us call this rule the proximal hovery
scope of this claim may give us pause, the biose-
rule (Millikan 1993, p. 219).
manticist re-assures us that only humans really have
The point is that the lower-level, algorithmic projec- beliefs with propositional content; lesser creatures
tion rule (which is a product of the icons derived, have less sophisticated representations (i.e. proto-
adapted proper function) enables us to understand beliefs, sub-doxastic states, etc.). Even so, these
how the hovery should respond to proximal stim- crude representations can still be true or false. Mil-
uli. This is contrasted with the distal hovery rule likans examples of simple organisms are speci-
(which is a product of the icons direct proper func- cally meant to make it clear how very local and
tion). Millikan describes that rule as if you see a minimal may be the mirroring of the environment is
female catch it (Millikan 1993, p. 222). The point accomplished by an intentional icon (Millikan
is that if we are to speak of the content appropriate 1993, p. 106). The thought is that such content
to an intentional icon we need to focus on the icons enters into our natural history at a very early phase
direct proper function, or what Rowlands has called and becomes tied up with more and more complex
the organismic proper function. cognitive dynamics as we travel up the phylogenetic
tree and progress up the ontogenetic ladder. It is
A Modest Proposal because we can describe systems of representation
of graded complexity that we can explain the emer-
Having now defended Millikans high church ver- gence of propositional content as a late develop-
sion of biosemantics from some recent criticisms, I ment. For instance, we can mark the differences
want to encourage adoption of it in a modest form. between creatures which are hard-wired for a par-
Ambitious biosemantic accounts suffer because ticular environment from those which display plas-
they attempt to unpack the notion of basic represen- ticity (i.e. the ability to learn to cope with new envi-
tation in terms of truth-evaluable content.11 Con- ronments). This point is crucial to note lest we be
sider these remarks of Papineau and McGinn. led astray by talk of bees and frogs into thinking that
The biological function of any given type of belief is
there are no differences between their forms of rep-
to be present when a certain condition obtains: that resentation and ours.
then is the beliefs truth condition (Papineau 1987, p. Millikan lists six fundamental differences
64).12 between human and animal representations which
secure our superiority, [and] make us feel com-
[T]eleology turns into truth conditions [because fortably more endowed with mind (Millikan
a] sensory state fulls its function of indicating Fs
1989a, p. 297).13 The most important one on her list
by representing the world as containing Fs; and it
fails in discharging that function when what it repre-
is the fact that we are able to make logical infer-
sents is not how things environmentally are ences by means of propositional content. Thus only
(McGinn 1989, pp. 148, 151). representations of the kind which respect the law of
13 It is in this regard that Millikan responds to the rhe-
11 Godfrey-Smith usefully outlines the full spectrum of
torical question Is it really plausible that bacteria and
views from the pessimistic to the optimistic (Godfrey- paramecia, or even birds and bees, have inner represen-
Smith 1994b). tations in the same sense that we do? Am I really pre-
12 Papineau discusses the notion of truth more fully in pared to say that these creatures, too, have mental states,
his Philosophical Naturalism. Therein he tells us that he that they think? I am not prepared to say that (Millikan
is attracted to a redundancy theory of truth which is 1989a, p. 294). Dretske makes a similar point when he
backed up by a substantial theory of content (Papineau writes: [t]o qualify as a belief a representational content
1993, p. 85). Unsurprisingly, he tells us that The substan- must also exhibit (amongst other things) the familiar
tial theory of content I favour is in terms of success con- opacity characteristic of the propositional attitudes
ditions and biological purposes (Papineau 1993, p. 85). (Dretske 1986a, p. 27, emphasis mine).
Cognition without Representation? 67

non-contradiction can be deemed to have proposi- we must link it with that of judgement or assertion.
tional content. In a nutshell, she holds that there are (Dummett 1993, p. 157). How to understand the
distinct types and levels of representation and that conditions that make talk and assessment of truth
not all representations have the kind of content possible is a complicated business. Hence, Dum-
appropriate to full-edged beliefs or desires. What mett makes the further claim that A philosophical
this means is that biosemanticists need not, and account of judgements lies, however, in their having
should not, hold that content of the frogs inten- a further signicance than merely being right or
tional icon is captured by the conceptual content of wrong: they build up our picture of the world
the English sentence There is an edible bug or any (Dummett 1993, p. 157). I discuss this issue in
other near equivalent. Millikan is explicit about this. greater depth elsewhere (Hutto 1998, 1999).
With reference to bees she writes: In contrast to truth-conditional versions of biose-
Bee dances, though (as I will argue) these are inten-
mantics, my alternative proposal is much more con-
tional items, do not contain denotative elements, be- servative. I suggest that organisms are information-
cause interpreter bees (presumably) do not identify ally sensitive to objective features of their target
the referents of these devices but merely react to objects in ways that enable them to engage with
them appropriately. (Millikan 1984, p. 71). them successfully. Information sensitivity, as I am
using the term, need not be understood in Dretskean
What I take from this remark is that we identify form. It does not requires that there be unequivocal,
the object that the bee is directed at as nectar using perfect correlations between the source and
our own conceptual scheme. Indeed, we settle on receiver, although it is a move in this direction. We
this description because it is explanatorily relevant can take on board Neanders point that in some cir-
when giving a full, selectionist explanation of the cumstances there might be malfunctions even at this
proper function of bee dances. This much is incon- level. Even in normal conditions, an organisms per-
testable. Moreover, due consideration of this fact ceptual mechanisms will only be responsive only to
reveals that although Fodors critique concerning certain features of things. Consider Akins descrip-
the indeterminacy of deciding on the right inten- tion of the phase-locked character of the FM neuron
sional description with respect to our selectionist in the bats auditory cortex. These neurons re in
explanations fails to undermine the biosemanticist response two auditory stimuli which, in the bats
project in the way he proposes, it is apposite to the normal environment, are reliably co-varied with the
extent that it highlights the fact that such descrip- beat of wings of certain type of insects. If we know
tions are intensional in a way that the content of that the creature is in such an environment then we
icons is not. can say the its neural response carries information
Any attempt to state the content of intentional about the beat of the insects wing. Of course, to
icons in conceptual terms is an inappropriate respond appropriately the bat does not, and does not
attempt to deploy our own standard scheme of ref- need to, extract that information.
erence. But if one is willing to concede this then it The big issue is not to determine what the bat is
is difcult to see what could motivate thinking of informationally sensitive to, but to determine what
basic representations as having truth conditions. If it is intentionally directed at. To understand inten-
icons lack intensional content then it is surely mis- tionality aright, it will prove useful to revive its
guided to think of their mappings to the world in original, medieval image of aiming an arrow at
such terms. If we accept that they are not proposi- something (intendere acrum in) (Dennett 1997:
tions, and that sense determines reference, we might 48). With this in mind, we can ask: Should we also
ask: What is true? How can we have a truth relation say of the bats neural response that is directed at
if one of the crucial relata is absent. Hence, even if the beat of the insects wing? As we have seen, one
a modest version of biosemantics gives us a handle reason to think so is because its perceptual or neural
on the bivalent content of intentional icons it is a systems may appear to have this proper function.
mistake to think of such content as truth-condi- That its to say, we note that they might malfunction.
tional. Minimally, to speak of truth requires that the But, as I have already argued, noting this is not suf-
subject in question has a capacity for propositional cient for intentional ascription. Although respond-
judgement. As Dummett notes, In order to say any- ing to the wing beat of certain insects is part of the
thing illuminating about the concept of truth, then, bats co-ordinated response to its usual food source,
68 Daniel D. Hutto

nutrition they detect Xs will vary if their, perceptual and neu-

ral mechanisms are informationally sensitive to dif-
ferent features of Xs, as genetic variation ensures.
object Of course, which features are better to be sensitive
to depends on the context. And even this is never the
X whole story. The contest between the two organisms
can be played out on other fronts as well. For exam-
p r ple, although may be a poor hunter/gatherer, he
q may be a better lover. Nevertheless, even this crude
rendering of the ght for survival is sufcient to
enable us to draw the distinction between inten-
tional direction and informational sensitivity.
A good way to make sense of this suggestion is to
compare it with Akins neurophysiological chal-
lenge to the traditional view of perception. Arm-
strong speaks for the tradition when he says
[t]he senses inform us about what is going on in
Organism Organism our environment (that is the evolutionary reason for
their existence) and, sometimes deceive us (Arm-
Figure 3: Intentional Direction and Informational strong 1973, p. 27). To make us reconsider this stan-
Sensitivity dard philosophical assumption, Akins describes the
way in which our thermoreceptors respond to
we must remember that it this is only part of a co- changes in temperature. She reports that our
evolved package. Informational sensitivity to a cer- sensations are the result of the action of four differ-
tain feature or features is rarely an end itself for ent types of receptors: two thermoreceptors warm
most creatures. In the bats case, its FM neurons spots and cold spots, and two pain receptors
would not be responding thusly unless they compet- (nociceptors) that re only in the extreme condi-
itively enabled the bat to get enough food. It does tions of very high or very low temperature (Akins
that by getting insects. Hence, it is insects that the 1996, p. 346). Each thermoreceptor has a static as
bat and its conspecics are directed at. They are the well as a dynamic function. The static function of
focus of its intentionality. Anything short of the both cold and warm spots is to respond to a constant
whole insect will fail to meet the bats minimal, temperature but they do so in different ways. For
nutritional needs. Hence, anything less will be example, warm spots respond only to a narrow tem-
insufcient to explain why the response prolifer- perature range with an increase in activity as they
ated. Conversely, bats are not directed at the protein reach the top of the range, then they quickly cease
the insect carries for a similar reason. In their home responding. In contrast, cold spots respond to a
environment, targeting anything more rened than wider range of temperatures and their maximal
the insect is more than is required to meet their basic response comes at the centre-point of this range. In
needs. light of this, Akins notes that The static functions
In summation, while organisms are information- of neither the warm spots nor the cold spots are ther-
ally sensitive to certain features of the world they mometer-like with a certain set increase in ring
are not (usually) directed at those features. Rather rate per degree of temperature change (Akins
they are directed at objects in the world which 1996, p. 347). Things get even more complicated
enable them to meet their basic needs. Their infor- when we consider the dynamic functions of these
mationally sensitive perceptual systems provide the thermoreceptors. Warm spots respond to tempera-
means of detecting, and thus competing, for what ture increases by increasing activity until they
they require. This is illustrated by gure 3. Two obtain a stable higher base rate, but the degree of
organisms of the same kind, and , can be inten- activity varies in relation to the initial temperature.
tionally directed at the same type of object, X, With respect to temperature decreases the rate of r-
because these objects provide a basic resource ing simply tampers off dropping from one plateau to
which they both require (e.g. nutrition). But how another. The dynamic function of cold spots is the
Cognition without Representation? 69

reverse of thisring increases as temperature their properties) are important to the survival of all
decreases and vice versa. creatures. But from this fact alone, one cannot infer
Having outlined the various mechanisms that that the system of sensory encoding, used to produce
underpin thermoreception, Akins then asks us to: that behaviour, uses a veridical encoding. That is, it
does not follow from the fact that the owls behav-
reconsider the old illusion created by placing one iour is directed toward the mouse or that the brain
hand in cold water, the other in hot, and then, after a states bear systematic relations to stimuli, that there
few minutes, placing both hands simultaneously in are any states of the owls sensory system that are
some tepid water. Stupid sensors. They tell you that about or serve to detect the property of being a
the tepid water is two different temperatures. But the mouse (Akins 1996, p. 364).15
sensors seem less dull-witted if you think of them as
telling you how a stimulus is affecting your skin Standardly, in thinking about representations there
that one hand is rapidly cooling while the other is is a tendency to reify. One the one hand, there is the
rapidly warming. Skin damage can occur from ex- inner representation. On the other, is the external
tremes of temperature (being burnt or frozen) but object it represents when suitably related. But I have
also from rapid temperature changes alone, even if argued that intentional icons do not represent
the changes occur within the range for healthy skin
objects per se, even though they are directed at
(Akins 1996, p. 349).
them. Nevertheless, even if one takes seriously the
She concludes that What the organism is worried modest biosemantics I have advocated, one could
about, in the best of narcissistic traditions, is its own attempt to preserve this kind of picture by thinking
comfort. the system is not asking What is it like out of iconic contents as representing Gibsonian affor-
there?a question about the objective temperature dances. Affordances are dened as:
states of the bodys skin (Akins 1996, p. 349). relational properties of things; they have be speci-
Although thermoreception is but one case of sen- ed relative to the creature in question Thus, the
sory perception it is sufcient to cast doubt on the surface of a lake affords neither support nor easy lo-
traditional view of the function of senses because it comotion for a horse, but it offers both of these
reveals that veridical representation would, in many things for a water bug. To speak of an affordance is
cases, be evolutionarily excessive and expensive to speak elliptically; an affordance exists only in re-
(cf. Clark 1989, p. 64). This sits well with Stichs lation to particular organisms (Rowlands 1997, p.
observation that natural selection does not care 287).
about truth; it cares about reproductive success
(Stich 1990d, p. 62).14 Armed with this notion, Rowlands suggests that the
In dropping the traditional assumption about the organism must be able to detect the affordances of
function of the senses, Akins nal analysis brings its environment (as they relate to it) but not neces-
exactly the right level of sophistication to bear on sarily the objects of the environment per se (as we
the issue of how we should understand biologically might describe them from our perspective). From
directed responses. She writes: this angle, he describes the direct proper function of
Of course, it is true that, as a whole, an animals be-
the rattlesnakes detection/response mechanism as
haviour must be directed toward certain salient ob- designed to detect a certain affordance of the
jects or properties of its environment. Objects (and environment, namely eatability. This allows the
attribution of content such as eatability! or eat-
14 This
conclusion obviously contrasts with the pre- ability, there! to the rattlesnake (Rowlands 1997,
sumptions of those who base their teleofunctionalism on p. 291). The fact that we describe the proper func-
an information-theoretic account of indicator functions. tion of the snakes detection device as one of locat-
Against the objection that such systems may carry infor- ing mice, and can do so on principled explanatory
mation nonetheless, Akins concedes the point but right-
15 Thus, Rowlands is on safer ground when he sug-
ly suggests that it doesnt follow that the system has any
means of extracting this information. Hence, she says: gests that: One can, therefore, speak of the mechanism
The question that concerns us here is whether, given detecting flies, or enabling the frog to detect flies, but this
that information about the stimulus is often carried in the is only in a secondary and derivative sense, and reflects
sensory signal, this will be of any practical use in con- neither the algorithmic nor the organismic proper func-
structing a theory of aboutness. (Akins 1996, p. 357). tion of the mechanism (Rowlands 1997, p. 295).
70 Daniel D. Hutto

grounds, is incidental. Although I am sympathetic features of things (cf. Dennett 1997, p. 49). We must
to the spirit of this proposal, I think it is wrong- distinguish between having contentful thoughts
headed. It must be asked: What is the value of think- about things and being merely directed at them.
ing that organisms as having internal representa- For all these reasons, I am suspicious of the idea
tions about creature-relative affordances? They that the biological norms which underwrite the sim-
drive us in the direction of odd representational con- plest form of representational content, i.e. intention-
tents as well as bizarre metaphysical entities. ality, could be straightforwardly deployed in at-
Let us take the second complaint rst. Affor- footed correspondence views of representation and
dances are, at best, explanatorily superuous and truth (Millikan 1993, p. 12).16 Contra Millikan, I
metaphysically extravagant. If we consider gure 3 maintain that although creatures are normatively
again, instead of simply talking in terms of organ- directed at features of the world the correctness con-
ism and having different means of detecting a ditions which underpin this intentionality are not
common object of concern, we must consider that if best understood as truth conditions. Biosemanticists
they have different discriminatory capacities they should not assume that natural selection grounds
have different representations. But since these rep- veridical responses, even though the responses it
resentations necessarily relate only to subjectively- produces may play a role in underpinning proposi-
relative properties, they will be representations of tional judgements, which can be true or false.
different things. Even putting to one side the pecu- In other words, the correctness conditions for the
liar metaphysics this inspires, it is clearly obstruc- proper functioning of this type of response are non-
tive to biological explanation since an orientation objective. However, given the discussion of the pre-
towards a common world is needed if organisms are vious section of this paper, we need not regard this
to compete. This problem would need to be as an unsatisfactory result.
addressed if affordances were to be made viable. To return then to the original question, bearing
The cost of success would be a dramatic increase in this correctness criterion in mind, we may ask
our ontological economy. Every subtle difference in again: Do representations require reality? In one
discriminatory capacity would need to be matched important sense, it seems they do not. For if we treat
by a detectable creature-relative property. But, such intentional icons as a species of representation then
labour and its attendant ontological overpopulation they are clearly non-objective in character. On the
is unnecessary unless we are forced to introduce the other hand, the lack of systematicity characteristic
notion in the rst place. And as long we are not mis- of such modes of thought fails to meet Millikans
led by a misleading philosophical picture into reify- requirement that full-blooded representations must
ing representations, I can see no need to do so. be capable of use in mediate inferences. Also, they
Furthermore, we must be wary the suggestion that do not have the kind of opacity we expect of inten-
we ought to positively designate the content of sional contents. Therefore, it is not arbitrary to think
intentional icons in terms of a creature-relative con- that we can only properly speak of representations
cepts such as eatability. Consider Elders embar- when there is a capacity for context-invariant, infer-
rassing attempt to provide such a designation in the ential cognition which relates to the objects and fea-
case of the marina bacteria. He writes: tures of intersubjectively recognisable external
The bacteria have not a single thought about oxygen,
world (cf. Hutto 1996, 1998d, 1999b). So, in this
and could not recognize it if it were right in front of light, the principled answer seems to be that repre-
them. So it is misleading to suggest that the content sentations do require reality.
of a given tug is oxygen-free water thither; it
would be better to say, safe travel that-away (Elder 16 Millikan tells us that it is specifiable correspon-
1998, p. 360). dence rules that give the semantics for the relevant sys-
tem of representation [and that a] certain correspon-
Better, but not good enough. The problem with these dence between the representation and the world is what
awkward descriptions is that intentional icons sim- is normal (Millikan 1989a, p. 287). She also boldly says
ply do not have Fregean sense of any kind. In an I take myself to be defending the strongest possible kind
important sense, they are not about anything, if of correspondence theory of truth and the most flat-foot-
aboutness requires us to say how the thing is thought ed interpretation of the truth-conditions approach to se-
about, even though they can be directed at things and mantics (Millikan 1993, p. 212).
Cognition without Representation? 71

Epilogue: Consequences For oretical content is in an important sense inherited or

Eliminativism given to us via a social environment. However, he
has recently qualied this view by insisting that
The arch-eliminativist Paul Churchland has long although Institutionalized science certainly
advocated an account of cognition which con- depends upon [public devices and techniques],
trasts sharply with the kinds of representational and individual theorizing and explanatory understand-
processing strategies that analytic philosophers, ing need not (Churchlands 1996, p. 266). Instead
cognitive psychologists, and AI workers have tradi- he insists that the right views to hold are that (a)
tionally ascribed to us (namely, sentence-like repre- speculative attempts to understand the world have
sentations). (Churchland 1989, pp. 130131). their primary, original and still typical home within
His rejection of orthodox accounts of representa- the brains of individual creatures and (b) an ade-
tion and sentential epistemologies is intimately quate account of that original activity must precede
linked to his attempt to eliminate folk psychologi- and sustain the secondary account of its subsequent
cal categories of mind which incorporate such owering within the social matrix of the occasional
notions such as propositions, truth, and rationality. social animals such as Homo Sapiens (Church-
Nevertheless, as he writes, I remain committed to lands 1996, p. 267).
the idea that there exists a world, independent of our The trouble is that he is quite clear that such
cognition, with which we interact, and of which we activity must be understood in terms of neural
construct representations (Churchland 1989, p. representations which are, in some sense, supposed
151). In making these claims, he has been faced to be a species of conceptual network, albeit of a
with the question: Just what is the basic nature of non-linguistic variety. This raises the issues about
representations if they are so very different from the kinds of content such neural representations
those of the traditional sentential sort?. can allegedly sponsor. The issue needs clarication
The issue of representational content is important for, as Clark, writes the writings of [working
to Churchland because it is necessary to his overall connectionists and connectionist-inspired philoso-
eliminativist project that theories, with different phers] are steeped in content-ascriptions of a rela-
contents, can be compared, contrasted and in some tively familiar kind. Thus we nd talk of networks
instances condemned (cf. Hutto 1993, 1997). With- learning to recognise typical (and atypical contents
out some account of representational content elimi- for rooms (Rumelhart, Smolenksy, McClelland &
nativism would be self-defeating. Eliminativists
must be committed to the idea that theoretical con- 17
In order to properly understand the nature of con-
tent exists.17 ceptual change we need to know what concepts are being
Interestingly, Churchland has written as if such employed and what semantic value they carry, not prima-
content is determined solely by external and social rily how, or even why, certain mechanisms are operating
factors. For example, we see this when he discusses in the brain of the thinker. We can see the problem viv-
what is involved in the learning of a scientic idly if we consider Bechtels criticism of the Church-
truth. lands account of large scale conceptual change. As he
writes, such a phenomena occurs in Churchlands con-
In school and university we are taught to recognise
nectionist framework, when a network gets trapped in a
a panoply of complex prototypical situationsfall-
local minimum and must be bumped out of it by an infu-
ing bodies, forces at equilibrium, oxidation, nuclear
sion of noise that significantly alters the current weights
ssion, the greenhouse effect, bacterial infection,
in a network. With luck, the network will then be able to
etc.and we are taught to anticipate the prototypi-
find a deeper minimum While this account may char-
cal elements and effects of each. This is unquestion-
acterise what occurs in the scientist as he or she under-
ably a process of learning But it is just as clearly
goes large-scale conceptual change, it neither explains
a process of socialization, a process of adopting the
what causes the change (the sort of noise that will bump
conceptual machinery of an antecedent society
a network out of a local minimum) nor its rationality (es-
(Churchland 1989, p. 300, emphasis mine).
pecially since must bumps fail to lead to deeper mini-
mums). (Bechtel 1996, p. 123). If this is correct then
This quotation of Churchlands seems to suggest concept learning simply cannot be reduced to a form of
that concept-learning is largely the adoption of an brain activity to be understood entirely in neuro-compu-
externally embodied intellectual tradition; that the- tational terms.
72 Daniel D. Hutto

Hinton 1986), to distinguish rocks from mines (P. parochial virtues as Tarskian truth, since that is a
M. Churchland 1989, Chapter 9), to group together feature unique to the parochial elements of human
animate objects (Elman 1989), etc., etc. (Clark language, which is a peripheral medium of repre-
1996, p. 228). sentation even for human cognition (Churchland
Given this we might wonder if Churchland is 1989, p. 301).18 Elsewhere, he has cast his revision-
really operating with a radically different concep- ist project as being in pursuit of some epistemic
tion of content. For as we have seen, in the earlier goal even more worthy than truth (Paul Church-
sections of this paper, where classical cognitivist land 1989, p. 150).
and connectionist accounts certainly differ is in the I agree with Cussins that Churchlands problem is
way they describe how content is processed. Hence, that he has concentrated far too much on giving
according to the traditional story the symbols alternative accounts of the vehicle of content, by
themselves are the entities involved in the computa- advancing proposals about state space semantics,
tional transformations whereas the connectionist and not enough on developing successor proposals
claims that computation occurs at the sub-sym- about the nature of the content itself. It might appear
bolic level (cf. Smolensky 1995, pp. 3334). On that because connectionism offers a new means of
this characterisation of the classical cognitivist-con- understanding the mechanics of cognition it thereby
nectionist debate the point of issue concerns the offers an alternative theory of content; but this does
nature of processingnot the nature of content. For not follow.
this reason, both classical cognitivists and connec- On the other hand, I do not believe that an
tionists alike must at some point face up to the prob- endorsement of nonconceptual content alone is
lem of naturalising content. That is to say, as long as enough to rescue the epistemological requirements
eliminativist connectionists still make use of the of eliminativism. If the arguments of the previous
notion of representation they must be prepared to sections of this paper are in order, then the kind of
explain how is it that their connectionist units or nonconceptual content most appropriate for con-
aggregates of units, manage to represent. Put other- nectionist processing, is a form of non-systematic,
wise, we might wonder how we can determine the non-objective and non-truth-evaulable content. It is
correctness conditions of a connectionist nets rep- not properly speaking representational because it
resentations without appeal to normative features of does not map unto objective features of the world.
its training, embodiment and/or environment. Thus, if Churchland were to adopt the Cussins strat-
The point is, as Cussins says, that the Church- egy it would undermine rather than rescue elimina-
lands and Paul Smolensky (1988) amongst others tivism.
have explored accounts that appeal to representa- If the eliminativists treat nonconceptual content
tional vehicles such as connectionist vectors and as a form of non-objective content, then it cannot
vector-spaces, gradient descent through weight/ underwrite or explain full-blown theoretical con-
error space and partitions of activation-vector tent of the familiar kind by any direct means. For
space. And Gareth Evans (1982), Christopher Pea- this reason, such a manoeuvre cannot secure the
cocke (1989, 1992a, 1992b) and Adrian Cussins epistemological basis of eliminativism. The catch
(1990, 1992b) amongst others have explored of endorsing such a view of content is that it cannot
accounts of nonconceptual contents which are protect eliminativism from the charge of advancing
experiential modes of presentation whose structure a self-defeating account.
is dependent upon how they are embodied in ani- In clarifying his position, Churchland faces a fatal
mals and embedded in the physical and social envi- choice. Either he must endorse a traditional line
ronment (Cussins 1993, p. 241). He concludes making his views far less radical than they were
from this that If eliminativism is ultimately to originally advertised to be. Or, he must deny tradi-
withstand the self-defeating charges then it must tion altogether but lack the resources required to
combine theories of non-sentential vehicles with
theories of non-conceptual contents (Cussins 18
This is also why Churchland tends to glorify the
1993, p. 241). theoretical capacity of non-verbal animals. He says,
There is evidence in Churchlands writings to language use appears as an extremely peripheral activi-
suggest that he is willing to take this daring line. For ty, as a biologically idiosyncratic mode of social interac-
example, he encourages us to look beyond such tion (Churchland 1989, p. 16).
Cognition without Representation? 73

explain the nature of representations per se. In the Perceptual Experience to Subpersonal Computa-
end, I believe that he ought to forgo his extreme tional States. Mind and Language 10 (4): 333
eliminativism, and accept a more limited applica- 369.
tion of his work on the nature of what might be Chrisley, R. (1993) Connectionism, Cognitive
called non-representational cognition. Maps and the Development of Objectivity. Arti-
In the end, I question whether eliminativists can cial Intelligence Review (7): 329354.
deal adequately with the kind of representational Churchland, P. (1979) Scientic Realism and the
content required to ground their epistemology. Iron- Plasticity of Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
ically, it is worth emphasising, in this regard, that versity Press.
Churchland has been wont to say of some of his Churchland, P. (1989) A Neurocomputational Per-
opponents that There need be nothing inauthentic spective: The Nature of Mind and the Structure of
about declining eliminative materialism if one Science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
declines the [coherentist] epistemology that makes Churchland, P. (1993) Evaluating Our Self Concep-
it possible (Paul Churchland 1993, p. 212). I want tion. Mind & Language 8 (2): 211222.
to claim that it is precisely by accepting a broadly Churchland, P. & Churchland, P. (1996) Replies
coherentist epistemology that we must reject elimi- from the Churchlands. In: McCauley, R (ed.) The
nativist materialism. For it is with respect to coher- Churchlands and Their Critics. Oxford: Black-
entism that we must conclude that it is extreme well.
materialism that is lacking (cf. Nagel 1986). It turns Clark, A. (1990) Microcognition: Philosophy, Cog-
out that there are good reasons to maintain a com- nitive Science, and Parallel Distributing Process-
mitment to some form of conceptual, representa- ing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
tional content. If such content cannot be incorpo- Clark, A. (1993a) The Varieties of Eliminativism:
rated into a restricted naturalised metaphysics then Sentential, Intentional an Catastrophic. Mind &
that metaphysics needs to be reconsidered. This is Language 8 (2): 222233.
not a possibility that the Churchlands permit them- Clark, A. (1993b) Associative Engines. Cambridge,
selves to entertain. It is true that because some phi- MA: MIT Press.
losophers simply assume without further ado that Clark, A. (1996) Dealing in Futures: Folk Psychol-
conceptual content is ineliminable that bad ogy and the Role of Representations in Cognitive
faith or inauthenticity dominates current dis- Science In: McCauley, R (ed.) The Churchlands
cussions of Eliminative Materialism (Paul Church- and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell.
land 1993, p. 211). Nonetheless, a similar bad Crane, T. (1992) The Nonconceptual Content of Ex-
faith infects the eliminativist position in so far as perience In: Crane, T. (ed.) The Contents of Expe-
they assume that their extreme materialism is rience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
beyond question. But materialism can and should Cussins, A. (1990) The Connectionist Construction
be questioned (cf. Hutto 1992a, 1992b, 1993, of Concepts In: Boden (ed.) The Philosophy of
1998a, 1998b, 1998c, 1999, forthcoming). Steeling Articial Intelligence. Oxford: Oxford University
ourselves to think in this way may be the prelude to Press.
our taking the rst steps in developing a proper Cussins, A. (1993) Nonconceptual Content and the
account of the phylogenetic and ontogenetic basis Elimination of Misconceived Composites! Mind
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