Johnsons Hungary Update July 2010

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July 2010 Hungary
had chronic abdominal pain. That pain has increased
Family Ministry Update
through the years and become nearly debilitating. Recently
round our home church, my Mom, Sammie Johnson, we found a gastro specialist in Charleston, SC who per-
A has come to be known as the “Miracle Lady.” Diag-
nosed with Stage 4 liver cancer derived from an ovarian
forms a unique surgery related to these issues. Just last
week, Debbie underwent her third laparoscopic surgery in
tumor, Mom was told that she had between 4 and 12 the last 4 months. It will be several weeks before we know
months to live. The prospects were very bleak. Surgery and if the surgery was indeed successful. Thanks for praying
chemotherapy, she was advised, might extend her life mini- with us that Deb will finally get some relief from the chronic
mally, but decrease the quality of her remaining days dras- pain she’s been living with for these years. I would love
tically. The diagnosis was shocking and as dire as one nothing more than to take a healthy wife back to Budapest!
could imagine.
Financial Update
Hundreds of people
began praying for ortunately, our medical insurance pays practically
Mom. She herself
embarked on a mis-
F 100% of surgeries and hospital stays allowing Debbie
to get excellent care during this period of time. Still, we’ve
sion to give honor been left with huge out-of-pocket expenses because our
and praise to God Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage does not include office
for what He was do- visits, prescriptions, well-care, vision nor dental. Brianna
ing in her life. She and I have also had our share of doctor’s visits. The bills
told the Lord, “God, are still coming in, but to date, we have been charged
if this is what you want to do in my life, if this is your will for $5000 in non-covered expenses in the last 10 months
my life, then I’m going to praise you for it.” August 13th will since we’ve been in the US.
mark the one-year anniversary of Mom’s diagnosis. Since
that time, Mom has shown no symptoms of the cancer still Many of you have encouraged us time and again over these
present in her body. She’s lived to see her 70th birthday last 19 years with your prayers and financial gifts. If you are
and to celebrate her 50th wedding anniversary with 140 able to make a special donation of any amount to our min-
friends on June 11th. During a recent routine blood screen- istry at this time, it would not only be a great encourage-
ing as part of the follow-up to her kidney cancer surgery 6 ment to us, it will literally make it possible for us to return to
years ago, the doctor was shocked to she that her readings Hungary on August 17th as we so desire. We have 3 areas
were practically normal. So he ordered additional and of financial need for your prayer and consideration:
highly sensitive tests on her liver. That also showed that her
We MUST raise this
counts were within the normal range. Needless to say, Monthly Support $250/mth before we can return!
we’re ecstatic and filled with gratitude that God has chosen
to extend Mom’s life. We prayed for a miracle and God has Non-covered Need in the next 60
shown His miraculous power once again. I’m ashamed that Medical Expenses days.
I seem a bit surprised. Oh, me of little faith! You can watch 2006-2010
Mom’s testimony in her own words on our blog: $15,900 Need by January 2011
Support Shortfall
uring these same months, however, we’ve been en- The weak US Dollar and high inflation rates in recent years
D gaged in another struggle related to Debbie’s health.
Since gall bladder surgery nearly 6 years ago, Debbie has
have combined to become a powerful “one-two punch” on
our financial health. Today, $1 can only purchase 50 cents

Field Address USA Address Financial Support Address

Tóth Ilona utca 4. 621 Autumn Drive ABWE Finance Department
2049 Diósd, HUNGARY Harrisburg, NC 28075 P.O. Box 8585
+36 23 370-018 704.455.4563 home Harrisburg, PA 17105-8585 704.453.1770 mobile Account # 11064
worth of the same goods and services as it did in 2000.
We simply have not been able to raise new support fast
enough to keep pace with these rapidly-changing economic
factors. Since 2006, we’ve had a shortfall of at least
$15,900. Donations to our ministry account have been
about $4000 per year short of our actual expenses. We
desperately need to erase this red ink as soon as possible.
Please use the enclosed slip with your gift and designate
which area of financial need you wish to help us with at this

What’s $1 Worth in Hungary?

Currently, Debbie and I lead a small team of ABWE mission-

aries (Kevin & Joy Phillips and Ruth Rust). Right now, we
are focusing our efforts among the new church plants and
one 75-year-old Baptist church located in the white circle
on the map. The pastors and leaders of these congrega-
tions have come together in an informal fellowship of en-
couragement, accountability and partnership in reaching
Ministry Update the suburbs of southwest Budapest with the Gospel. For
the past 3 years, these fellowships have organized a joint
ncredibly, God has permitted each of us to invest in His worship service in November. This year nearly 400 people
Harvest and to play equally important, though different
according to each of our gifts and calling. As we part-
gathered in a local community center. When you realize
that 4 of these 6 churches weren’t even in existence 10
ner together in this way, sinners find grace, lives are years ago, it’s a joy to see what God has been pleased to do
changed, families are restored and churches are estab- in bringing men, women, teenagers and children to Himself
lished. and into His Body and then granting us the privilege to par-
Less than 1% of Hungarians can be considered “born-again ticipate in the process.
believers.” The spiritual climate in Hungary as in the rest of
Europe is characterized by skepticism and apathy, but the hank you for “holding the rope” for us all these years.
seed of the Gospel still finds root in this barren soil. Along T Once again, we’re ready to descend into the spiritual
darkness found in Europe. More than ever, we need the
with our other ABWE missionary colleagues, we’ve been
directly involved in partnering with Hungarians to establish assurance of your firm grip on the rope through your prayers
8 brand new churches. All but one of those is located in and financial support. Please let us hear from you soon!
greater Budapest and of those, one is an English-speaking Thanks so much!
church targeting the large international expatriate commu-
nity in Budapest. The map shows the locations of that fel-
lowship and the other 6 new churches we as a mission have
Ministry Objective
been directly involved in planting since 1992. We’ve also
helped strengthen 2 existing Baptist churches (indicated by To partner with Hungarians to facilitate a movement of
the larger circles) who have “birthed” daughter church relevant, rapidly-reproducing New Testament churches
plants. within the borders of Hungary and beyond.

ABWE Hungary Team Diósd Church Plant 2007 Fellowship of Pastors Joint Worship Service

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