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ePortfolio 2b

I chose this image for several reasons, as you can see there is a hidden
metaphorical interpretation of the image that needs to be explained. The
teacher I wish to become encompasses the criteria on what I also think is
required to be an effective teacher. It is a characteristically fuelled image
that engages the eyes to the tip of the arrow; this arrow is designed to
represent the teacher, leading the grey bodies which represent the
students. You will notice that although the blue being (the teacher) is at
the front leading the grey beings (the students) and the clear boundaries
are defined between the grey and blue, that the teacher does not stand
above or over the students, rather with them whilst building a mutual
Effective teachers are caregivers that aid in the structure of building self-
esteem in an effort to make the learning environment better. I think the
above image best describes a role model that is able to build respect and
therefore credibility with parents and students through firm leadership
The image also represents some sort of directional base that can be
interpreted as the curriculum being pragmatically worked through with the

teacher at the helm but also the students involved creating autonomy in
their learning. Schiemer (1996) state that Construction of student
autonomy is impossible without the teacher, this emphasizes the
metaphor in the picture with directionally curriculum based workload lead
by the ethically driven teacher, but aided but the students autonomy.

Possibly the most effective teacher habits that I have seen whilst on
placement experience is the mixture of the ability to communicate what
they (the teacher) are doing and why they are doing it with the ability to
develop trusting and respectful classroom atmospheres (Mcleod, J. 2007).

I also like how this image has no faces on the students and teacher, I
think this best facilitates a sense of togetherness where there is no
culturally driven or ethical inclination evident and it can be considered as
a blank canvas and open mind that I determine as an effect teacher
(Mcleod, J. 2007).
Motivating the classroom encompasses the effective teacher attributes
that I want to portray, meaningful learning objectives and teaching goal
setting (Self-reinforcement) is two of many points that align with the
image (Good & Brophy, 1991). It can be interpreted as an arrow heading
towards predetermined goals as a group, where no one is left to do it on
their own.
The final aspect of my thoughts on the sort of effective teacher that I wish
to portray includes understanding the nature of ethical issues. Our values
are concerned with what we believe to be good, furthermore our values
are about what we have been brought up to believe (Taylor, C. 2005). An
ethically sound teacher projects good values as a leader as well as a
human being. My most highly valued ideology of being an effective
teacher is continuous conscious choices that exemplify the morals of a
good person, these choices are explicitly contextual but the general crux
is generalised and common sense is paramount.

Good, Good, A., & Brophy, W. (1991). Strategies for motivating in the
classroom. Word press.

Mcleod, J. (2007). Reflection in action: assessing teaching and learning.

South Melbounre, Victoria: Thomson, Social Science Press.

Schiemer, S. (1996). Efficient and effective assessment techniques.

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67, 26-28.

Taylor, C. (2005). Effects of classroom-based assessment on students.

Pearson, Merrill,Prentice Hall.

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