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Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F Date: __8/03/17__ Time: _9.00-

_Year: _10_
Learning Area: Geography Topic: Sustainability
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)
Human Wellbeing, the different ways of managing and mapping human
wellbeing and development and how these can be applied to measure difference
between places
Students prior knowledge and experience:
(Outline what the students already know about this topic)
The students have been introduced to ideas of renewable and
nonrenewable resources.
They have an understanding of sustainability concepts and can
explain how social/economic/environmental decisions are made in
relation to environmental programs.
They understand strategies that can be used to manage
environmental change, such as coastal erosion.
Learning purpose: (May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum
content description here)
Enable an understanding of science

Learning objectives: Evaluation:

On completion of this lesson, (Explain how you will know that lesson
students will be able to: objective have been achieved / monitor
(What will students know and be able to student learning)
do at the completion of the lesson 1. Students will demonstrate
specific, concise and attainable an understanding of the
objectives) definition of the Brundtland
reports definition of
1. Enable students to understand
the power of the Brundtland
report in relation to sustainability 2. Students will be able to
and how it impacted the determine the pillars of
Millennium Goals sustainability and what they
2. Understand the leading nations represent.
roles in developing human
Preparation and Resources:
(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning
environment will be required)

Students will need

Pencil cases (if not available use the contents of their school
Writing tool and if possible computers and if not paper
Teacher will prepare

Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for
educational/resource adjustments)

Class discussion, make sure all students are involved and not just the
same ones over and over

Have an awareness of the students who may need more assistance or

Timi Learning Experiences:
1. Introduction: (How will I
engage the learners?)
- Move students into the class in
5min an orderly manner and have Students will enter the class room and
s them sit in the pre-prepared take their seats.
groups of desks. I will go through the role (also so I can
further learn names)
- Complete the attendance
I will ask students to get notebooks out
2. Body: or laptops if they prefer to take down
1. Brief introduction of The notes as I introduce the topic. I will be
5min Brundtland report from the walking around the class talking as the
students watch the PowerPoint
s teacher, emphasizing the Students will be taking notes and will
how it led to nations be encouraged to ask questions during
setting international the introduction.
standards of sustainability Ask if there are any questions before
goal and the three pillars we move on.
of sustainability,
PowerPoint led.

2. Activity Students are to Instructions to the activity are in the

complete an interactive last slide on the power point and will be
there for the students reference
worksheet in pairs or
10- threes If needed on the
throughout, and it will be explained
12 information provided.
mins Worksheet is a pictorial I will tell the students to work with the
person next to them if possible or
representation of the three
organize I three, depending on
pillars of sustainability as numbers ect..
well as the definition of I will tell students they have 8 minutes
sustainability from the to work on it before we go through it
Brundtland Report I will be walking around encouraging
answers and behavior management.
3. Quickly go through some Students will be working on laptops or
of the class answers out of the books or notes to fill in the
together sheet.

Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)

The Class started of far better in terms of timing and questioning, the students were far
more receptive in terms of calming down and accepting the topic.
This topic is a little bit dry in the scheme of teaching students about sustainability but it is
extremely important in understanding the bridging of the gap between the three pillars
mentioned in the worksheet. So at the start of the lesson I think I needed to introduce a
better hook or some sort of hook at all to engage the students in the topic and get them
thinking critically about sustainability.
The PowerPoint led the start of the class well and gave them the knowledge and opportunity
to write down enough information to complete the following activity.
I put an example on the board to aid in the activity but I didnt really explain the context of
the example and why it was so important. Still it was pretty self-explanatory but it was
wrong to assume that the students were able to understand it.
There was a little bit of classroom behavior management that I had to do as some boys were
talking at the front during the summation time, so I asked them to repeat the question and
it flowed nicely into the end of the class as we finished the summary and moved on.
(attached is the teacher reflection)

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