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Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F Date: 1/03/17 Time: _9.00-_Year: 10

Learning Area: Geography Topic: Renewable and Non-
Renewable Energy
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)
Explain how communities and governments attempt to balance
environmental, economic and social criteria in decisions on
environmental programs.
Analyse non-renewable & renewable energy resources in Australia.
Students prior knowledge and experience:
(Outline what the students already know about this topic)
The application of systems thinking to understanding causes and likely
consequences of the environmental change being investigated.
Environmental changes including; pollution, loss of biodiversity, climate
change and invasive species.
Strategies to manage these environmental changes
Learning purpose: (May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content
description here)
Analyse non-renewable & renewable energy resources in Australia

Learning objectives: Evaluation:

On completion of this lesson, students 1. Students will be able to list
will be able to: several types of non-renewable
1. Understand the differences and strengths and renewable energy
and weaknesses of non-renewable and resources
renewable resources 2. Students will be able to link
2. Explain the links between non-renewable non- renewable energy
resources and environmental management. resources to environmental

Preparation and Resources:

(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning environment
will be required)

Students will need

Pencil cases
Writing tool and if possible computers and if not paper
Teacher will prepare
Power point
Worksheets and activity
Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for
educational/resource adjustments)

Group work when completing the worksheets so that all are involved.

Have an awareness of the students who may need more assistance or


Be aware that students may not want to commit to the group work that is
planned and be ready to help them in the right direction.

Timi Learning Experiences:

ng: I will mention to
1. Introduction: (How will I engage the learners?) the kids that I
will be taking
Move students into the class in an orderly manner and have the class.
5min them sit in the pre-prepared groups of desks. Students will be
Introduce the lesson to the class setting up a brief discussion
s with the class, asking what does the word energy mean?
moving into
class and sitting
after a few attempts and if it isnt answered, down in normal
Explain to them that energy means the power created using
5min resources
s I will be at the
Now ask the class to think about what the word renewable front of the class
means but also walking
Explain to them that I referrers to something that can be around as the
replaced questions are
being asked
Now finally ask the class what the word non-renewable means
The answer should be come to quickly given the previous Students will not
knowledge. need to write
(something that cant be replaced) down the
answers, its just
2. Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to
a class
help the students achieve the learning objectives? What
25mi tasks and activities will the students be involved in to help
discussion to
get the ball
n achieve the learning objectives?)
Go through the energy power point so that the students can
have some content of knowledge on the topic for the final
During the
Powerpoint time
Focus question: What are some advantages and
students will be
disadvantages of using renewable resources in place of instructed to
non-renewable resources? write down
(after the PowerPoint activity) What can we learn from ideas and then
using too much non-renewable resources as the
20mi population grows?
as then the
n activity they will
3. Randomly give out the two work sheets and assign 15 mins be instructed to
of class time to complete them, they may use laptop or take a piece of
book resources to help them. paper with the
4. Go through some of the answers that the class got in a generation on it
discussion type forum, to summarize the lesson and follow my
I will be at the
computer and
walking around
as the
guides the

I will be again
walking around
and guiding the
during and after
the worksheets
and answering

Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)
The lesson started rather abruptly, where I think I was a fraction eager to
get started, as it was my first full lesson. So as I was explaining the lesson
objectives to the class some students where still coming in late. So
something I learnt from that, is the first class of the day allow a little more
time for students to arrive.
I rushed the first few PowerPoint slides that were supposed to set up the rest
of the lesson, so some students may have missed a little content of
information to begin with, but as the lesson went on there seemed to be
some strong discussion about the topic.
The activity that needed the class to move around a little broke up the
lesson well and put it all in context for them.
The final worksheet task was designed to pool together all their knowledge
of the topic and be relatable to the daily life. I think I am quite strong in this
area of knowledge so was able to really contribute to the everyday

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