Logic of Phantasy 08

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Logic of phantasy 08

Jacques Lacan

雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14: The Logic of Fantasy 07


Seminar 3: Wednesday, November 30, 1966

There will be one next Friday at 10:45, which is what is called, I have been assured, a "peak listening

time" (laughter). I am thinking: not for those who are listening to me here at this hour, precisely, because

I think at this peak listening time, they are at the hospital.




Anyway, too bad, you can organise things as you wish and I hope after all to be able to communicate

this text if the Ardio is willing to give me the authorisation. There will be another one on Monday - you

can see that they are in a hurry. For the first, it is Georget Charbonnier who is kind enough - I will not

say to receive it - to give me a place and for the second it is M. Sipridio, thanks to whom you will

perhaps have something a bit more lively than the first one, since it will be a dialogue with the person

who is most qualified to sustain it, namely, Francois Wahl who is here and was kind enough to agree to

carry out this exercise with me.






Now then, (in the audience: "At what time?") Well it appears that it is at ... I (5) would not swear to it, it

appears that it is starting at 6:15, only they are not going to be speaking just about my book and I

cannot very well tell you at what stage it will appear between 6:15 and 7PM, each one having his

quarter of an hour.... What then, is there another question? It is a peak listening time (laughter) which in

general is accompanied by exercises in gymnastics. There you are, anyway, we will see how all of that

works out.





And now I give the floor to Jacques-Alain Miller (the audience: "Oh!").


I am going all the same to communicate something very amusing to you, which was brought to me by

one of my faithful followers. It is a little paper done by a sort of special journal, linked, I think, both to

IBM machines and what has been done on an experimental level in the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology (MIT, as it is usually called) and which speaks to us about the use of one of these high-level

machines that are being made now, to which there was given - and certainly not for nothing - the name

of Elisa; at least it is called Elisa for the use that is made of it - that I am going to tell you about ... (Elisa

is, as you know, the person who in a well known play - Pygmalion - the person who is taught to speak

properly; she was a little flower seller on a busy London street and it is a matter of training her to be able

to express herself in the best society, when it is noticed that she does not belong to it).


小论文,关系到IBM 的电脑机器及麻省科技研究所(通常简称文MIT)。这篇论文跟我们谈到这些正在制




It is something of this order which emerges with this little machine; in truth, what is involved is not

properly speaking that a machine should be capable of giving articulated answers, simply when one

speaks to it - I am not saying when one questions it - it is something which now proves to be a game

and which puts in question what can happen in terms of obtaining responses from the one who is

speaking to it.




The thing, faith, is not absolutely articulated in a fashion which would be completely satisfying for a

situation, in effect, that is so usable for us - which gives us such an interesting reference in the

discourse pursued here - it is not properly speaking stated in a fashion which would satisfy us

completely - in other words which takes into account the framework into which we might insert it -

nevertheless, it is very interesting because, when all is said and done, there is something suggested

which may be considered as a therapeutic function of the machine and in a word, it is nothing less than

the analogue of a sort of transference which can be produced in this relationship, about which the

question is raised.






The thing did not dissatisfy me. I would like simply in this connection ... - since moreover it is not

unrelated to everything that I am leaving open concerning the fashion in which, in short, I have to

manage the diffusion of what is called my teaching - I could say that what you will find in terms of the

handling of a first symbolic chain (designed in its time, for me, to give me the notion that (6)

psychoanalysts are required to conceive of ... the notion to which their mind should accommodate itself,

to centre in a proper fashion on what Freud called memory (rememoration), to give them a sort model

that is suggestive of that), in the construction of this symbolic chain and of its own kind of memory, that

is undoubtedly consistent and even insistent, which is articulated in what comes now in this book, in the

second, let us say chapter or moment, namely, in the inverse position in which the Introduction to the

purloined letter which precedes it is fixed in this book, namely, just after The purloined letter.








I recall to those who were listening to me at that time that this construction, like all the others, was made

before them and for them, step by step, and that I started very exactly: first of all, from an examination,

starting from a text by Poe, about the way in which the mind works on this theme: can one win in the

game of odds and evens, and that my second step was the following: to imagine a machine, precisely of

this kind - and what is effectively produced today differs in nothing from what I articulated then - simply:

the machine is supposed by the subject to be provided with a programme which takes into account the

gains and the losses.






I mean that starting from this: that the subject might question the aforesaid machine, by playing the

game of odds and evens with it – starting from this single supposition, that it preserves, at least for a

certain number of throws, the memory of its gains and its losses, one can construct this sequence of: +,

+, -, +, - ... which encompass, united in a parenthesis of a typical length and which is displaced by a

notch each time, allows us to establish this trajectory that I constructed and upon which I am founding

this first most elementary type of the model ... (We do not need to consider memory under the register of

the physiological impression but only of the symbolic memorial),...


一的假设开始,它保留,至少投掷几次后,它保留了获利跟损失的记忆。我们能够建构这种系列:+, +, -,

+- ...。这个系列涵盖到某个长度后,会用括弧把它们联合起来,每一次都用一个刻痕来替代。这样它使我



It is starting from a hypothetical game with what was not yet perhaps in a position to function then at this

level, but which all the same existed as such, as electronic machine, namely, in fact, something which

can be written on paper (this is the modern definition of the machine), it is starting from there - well

before, then, this got onto the agenda of the preoccupations of engineers, who devoted themselves to

these apparatuses, as you know, that are always progressing, because people expect nothing less than

automatic translation - it is starting from there that 15 years ago I constructed a first model for the proper

use of psychoanalysts, with the goal of producing in their mens, mind, this sort of necessary detachment

from the idea that the functioning of the signifier is necessarily the flower of consciousness, which was

at that time to introduce a step that was absolutely unprecedented.







Over to you ... (There follows the presentation of <b>M Jacques-Alain Miller</b> on Boolean

logic) <b>Doctor Lacan</b>: - I am not going to add any commentary. I consider that the work

which has been pronounced before you as being truly able to guarantee by the perfect ease of its

presentation, something which supports, grounds, corresponds to what I introduced the last time as

being the absolutely necessary starting point for any logic which is properly the one the psychoanalytic

terrain requires.




This commentary is not to be considered as a reduplication. It showed you something in the

confrontation with the first of these sets, in the mathematical-logic sense of the term: which was given

by this Boole set and the confrontation of this Boole set - in so far as it finds itself apparently much more

homogeneous with classical logic - You have seen that from this set itself, we are allowed to construct

this logical precedence, this necessity which radically distinguishes the status of meaning and its origin

in the signifier - I find that you have had there, at once a very elegant demonstration and at the same

time this constitutes a which was necessary for the assimilation, in a way, and the complement, the

control, the configuration of what, the last time, I succeeded in bringing before you and which you will

have the continuation of the next time.








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