PRAnewsletter Jun 2010

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Plimmerton Residents’ Association Newsletter

What’s new in Plimmerton?

June 2010
Railway station restoration project
Working bee this Saturday 29 May
Let’s get plastered!
Call our project managers Dave Anderson or Allan Dobson if you can help with any of
the following … plastering, plastering or plastering!
If you can help to put up gib board, do general labouring type things or provide
morning tea for the workers, we’d love to see you there too.
This is Plimmerton’s big project for 2010 and one that will benefit us all … you can
be part of it! Progress made to date is amazing and we thank all the volunteers who
are giving their time so generously … and to our incredible team of organisers and
tradesmen we say thank you thrice over!

Beanies and board shorts … Kindergarten mid winter dip

Sunday 20 June 10.30am … immersion time 11am
Celebrate mid winter at Plimmerton Kindy’s mid winter dip. Either give it a go …
participants only need to get wet … or simply come along for great family fun.
Fantastic spot prizes, a beach dig, face painting, great coffee and hot food plus this
year, Cherie on the megaphone!
Karehana Bay, north end of Plimmerton, gold coin donation to enter.
Check out the web site

It’s Razzle Dazzle time again!

Polish the pumps and starch the stiff petticoats
Plimmerton community dance at Plimmerton School Hall
Saturday 19 June, 7.30pm. Fun guaranteed for just $20 a ticket.
Call Kelly or Mike to book on 237 8900, 021 0298 1847, 021 2614 366

Historic Plimmerton photos needed

Vistas, views … Uncle Victor and Grandma Vera
For the history section of the Plimmerton community web site now under
construction we would like to scan your favourite historic family and scenic shots. If
you have images you think should be on the site please email us at

Pleasantly inspired
Solo exhibition by nature photographer Johanna Lowe for two weeks … open Friday,
Saturday and Sunday for the next two weeks. If you are keen to see her magical
work, or have friends staying from out of town who want to take home a little piece
of Plimmerton, call Daphne who will arrange a private showing … 233 9776
Bay Gallery, School Road.
Free publicity for all sports and cultural and interest groups and clubs!
Have you organised someone to draft information about your group or club and to
source some great photos for the new Plimmerton web site?
All the details are in our last newsletter and we look forward to including your group
on the site so everyone far and wide can find out about your activities. Remember,
we are also interested in the history of long standing organisations here and you can
send us words and photos of how your club or group has worked over the years.
Contact us if you need to know more at

Web site wordsmiths and web watchers wanted

This is a community web site so we are inviting everyone with expertise in any area
to contribute content. Thanks to Brian Mosen and the historians and archivists who
are under way with compiling fascinating glimpses into this area’s past. And there
are people with scientific expertise who will explain in pictures and words about the
geology, ornithology ecology etc of this area.
We have a great editor and proof reader on board now which is brilliant so we’re
ready to process your contributions! There are several sections where we need help
with generating content … this could be a nice little winter evening project for you
… an excuse to surf the net and contribute to a great resource.
Urgent! Help! We need a competent typist to do a very important one-off two
hour job for us … can you help? Call Carolyn 233 6385

Mountain goats please!

Motuhara Road bank planting bee
Sunday 13 June 10.30 – 12.30
Arbor day is coming and this is our project. Porirua City Council and Plimmerton
residents will be tidying up the bank at the school end of Motuhara Road. If you are
fit and have experience of planting in tricky situations we need you! Strong foot
wear is needed as the bank is steep in places. (Not really suitable for kids, dogs and
those with a fear of heights!)
For further info call

Guardians of the Pauatahanui Inlet (GOPI) AGM

3 June 7,30pm, Bradey Room, Whitby
Speaker Taku Parai will explore how traditional kaitiakitanga fits in with modern
technological advances to conservation.
Enquiries at or Beverly Fairfax 233 2557.
Warm invitation to Plimmerton residents to join GOPI, details on

Alpine Light at Bay Gallery

A photography exhibition by Richard Young
Mountain photography … great peaks and mountain horizons … 13– 27 June
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and by appointment … call 233 9776

Northern Ward Councillors’ monthly clinics

Councillors encourage constituents to pop in for an informal chat about anything
from rubbish to rates and with positive suggestions on what you’d like the council to
achieve for the city.
Plimmerton library and Whitby Mall foyer from 10.30am to 11.30am
Pop along for poppadom at Plimmerton Taj
Welcome to new manager Karan Singh who will be running the Plimmerton Taj while
Virender Singh Sandu concentrates his efforts on his new Wellington business,
Courtenay Taj. Karan plans to tempt us to try lesser known dishes from their menu
with specials advertised on the blackboard outside. Be adventurous and take your
taste buds on a trip to the tropics. (We hope that the beauteous Preet enjoys her
visit to see family in India.)
Plimmerton Taj 233 0474

Kapiti Propeller and Marine … on the move

From mid June you’ll find them at 2 Plimmerton Drive (first right after the
roundabout to the industrial estate, opp the croquet club) in their new 400sq m
showroom and 200 sq m workshop. Talk to Robert and the team 233 6164

Laugh more and live longer

Mana Little Theatre presents… Imaginary lines
23 June – 3 July $18 adults and $15 for seniors and students
This English comedy by Reggie Oliver, directed by Stephanie Drew, has been popular
overseas and translated into several languages. Imagined conversations are more
successful than the real thing.
For booking call 233 1842.

Story time at the library … and other news

Pavilion supper room Saturday 5 June at 11am.
Grown ups can enjoy a cuppa and check out books in peace.
Lisa our librarian says, “We want to establish a collection at Plimmerton that
reflects this great community. Our readers are coming up with great ideas for books
we should buy for permanent housing here … tell me what you think.”
Lisa can bring in books from other Porirua City libraries at any time. She says, “If
you have a favourite author let me know and we’ll get books in for you when we do
our weekly shelf changes.”

Plimmerton croquet celebrates another successful year

The club has just celebrated 83 years as part of the Plimmerton scene with a day of
play and prize giving with patron Jenny Brash. Our mayor congratulated the club on
its contribution to a lively community and noted that from her home she can enjoy
the colourful spectacle of crowded lawns and volunteers working hard maintaining
the facilities at the club.
At the recent AGM Tony Watts stepped down as president with Pat Wilson of Whitby
taking the role. Remember that their club lawns will be available for play through
winter and, weather permitting, association croquet will be played on Tuesdays at
10am, Thursdays at 1pm and Saturdays 10am with golf croquet on Tuesdays at 1pm
and Thursdays and Sundays at 10am. A warm welcome awaits those wishing to
experience the game … call Pat Wilson 234 8779, Carolyn Rait 234 7422, or Ken
Rae 233 9614.
Happy birthday Revolve and Phejoa Design
The design and fashion people on Beach road are celebrating their first birthday this
week … my how time flies. Lee and Jo say, “thanks to all our customers … we love
being part of this great community!”

Fairy nice too

Dream Time Photography May madness sale ends soon … check out their website for this month’s special offer on children’s fairy photos.
Capture your offspring at their fairy cutest.

Plimmerton Boating Club welcomes Siggy the chef!

Their restaurant is open Fridays and Saturdays from 6pm for dinner and Sundays
from noon for lunch and from 5.30 for dinner.
Next time the kids/grandkids arrive, can the cooking and whisk them all off to the
boating club for a family treat. Great new menu … changing weekly!
Call 233 1592 to make a booking.
The club’s Winter Sail Series has started on Sundays so come down to the club and
enjoy the spectacle.

Plimmerton AGM lots of fun

Austin Brooks held the crowd of 70 locals in his hand as he shared, in his laconic
style, his mountaineering and sailing adventures and told us about some of the
characters he and wife Jay met in their travels. Chairman Colin Bleasdale kept
formalities moving briskly and our three major projects … Plimmerton community
website, promenade seating and the station refurbishment were all presented …
Allan Dodson station project manager stole the show with a presentation with all
the bells and whistles. An amendment to the PRA constitution was passed so we
can apply for charitable status and the committee welcomes Judi Thomson and
Johnny Johnson into its ranks for this year.
Thanks to everyone who braved the moist conditions to share an enjoyable evening
and thanks too to the team at Vella who made a top-hole supper.
Botanical brew
Wellington Botanical Society is planning a trip into Brew’s Bush covenant on
Saturday 5 June. This sounds like something for those who know their floribunda
from their fungi ... call Sunita Singh 387 9955 to find out more.
Community heroes
Special mention in despatches to Leon Smith plumber, Marty Sammut, builder and
Brett Pearson electrician who are providing services above and beyond the call of
duty on the railway station refurbishment. These guys are real stars … in
appreciation we will be featuring them on our new website and telling everyone
about their tremendous contribution, as building professionals, to our community.
Great investment … just $15!
Subs for 2010 are due now. You and your family can be involved with any of the
projects under way in Plimmerton with the $15 fee for family membership. How do
you join? Just email

Support your community – it’s the best!

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