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Arizona Reserve Component

Member, Family, and Commanders Guide

to the



Revised May 2017

AZRC Emergency Relief Assistance Program
This document is provided as a source of information and guidance to assist Arizona Reserve Component
members, and dependent family members in requesting emergency financial assistance. It may also be
used by Commanders, unit leaders, full-time support staff, unit Family Readiness Group leadership, and
Family Assistance Center Specialists when assisting military members and/or their families with the
preparation and submission of requests for emergency financial assistance.


The Arizona Reserve Component Emergency Relief Fund (hereafter referred to as the AZRC ERFund)
was established to provide short term, emergency financial assistance to eligible personnel. Applications
can be submitted for emergencies when the situation can reasonably be expected to be remedied with one-
time assistance. The AZRC ERFund can provide Arizona Reserve Component members with assistance
in the form of interest-free loans or grants. The AZRC ERFund is dedicated to "helping us take care of
our own," and provides a valuable means to assist and improve the morale and welfare of our Reserve
Component members.

The remainder of this document covers the procedures to be followed by military members when
requesting assistance from the Arizona Reserve Component Emergency Relief Fund (AZRC ERFund).


All initial funding for the AZRC ERFund is received in the form of donations from individuals,
corporations, businesses, and specific fund-raising activities. The fund is maintained as a non-profit
organization incorporated in the State of Arizona and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax
exempt under the provisions of 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3). The AZRC ERFund is not a State Agency or
Federal entity and is not affiliated with the United Way, although citizens may contribute to the AZRC
ERFund via payroll deduction through contributory programs like the Combined Federal Campaign
(CFC), United Way, or State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC). Repayment of loans given to
military members is the primary source of continuing income for the fund.

The majority of all funds received by the AZRC ERFund go directly to helping Arizona Reserve
Component members (traditional, AGR, or mobilized). The fund has minimal overhead costs due to the
voluntary nature of its Board of Directors; however, required professional, financial, audit, and legal
services will be paid from revenues received. The Board may also appoint an Administrator who reports
to the Board, handles the day-to-day administrative requirements, and coordinates fund-raising activities
and other donations.


The AZRC ERFund operates under the general guidelines, eligibility and process prescribed below.

Definition of Emergency/Crisis Situations that Qualify for Assistance: As mentioned above, the
requested financial assistance must be to solve an emergency or crisis situation. An emergency or crisis

situation is defined as an event beyond the control of the military member that requires financial
assistance that is not available from any other reasonable source. Additionally, the assistance should
remedy a one-time problem, not an ongoing situation. If an applicants monthly cost of living notably
exceeds their normal income, no one-time infusion of financial assistance from the fund will solve the
problem. The AZRC ERFund requests that the applicant explore all available resources, (conventional
loans, family members, community service organizations, churches, etc.), before making application for
emergency assistance. A percentage of available funds are designed to provide immediate cash to
Arizona Reserve Component members who are waiting to receive military pay or military
reimbursements that have been delayed through no fault of their own.

Examples of emergency or crisis situations that could qualify are:

Delay in receiving pay or reimbursement from the government, causing inability to meet
immediate financial obligations.
Temporary shelter, lodging or rent, or payment of rent/mortgage to avoid eviction.
Emergency utility assistance, i.e. electric, gas, water.
Emergency repair/replacement of major required appliances (water heater, AC, etc).
Emergency transportation and vehicle repair.
Costs incurred for emergency travel due to death of immediate family member.
Any special circumstance as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.

Examples of things that would not typically qualify for assistance are:

Payment for nonessential items or services, second phones, cable or internet services.
Finance ordinary leave or vacation.
Payment of legal fines or expenses.
Liquidation or consolidation of debt; payment on monthly credit card debt.
Assistance with down payment on a home purchase or home improvements.
Funds to purchase, rent, or lease a vehicle.
Funds to cover bad checks.
Reimbursement of items already purchased/paid for through other financial means.
NOTE: Only bills that are past due or due immediately are considered an emergency.

Response Time: Provided the application form contains all the required information necessary to process
the request, the military member or family member can typically expect a decision within two to three
business days after receipt. If approved, funds are usually available within 24-48 hours. If an interest-free
loan is approved, the military member (or spouse with Power of Attorney) will be asked to sign a
Promissory Note upon receipt of the funds and a repayment plan and date will be established.

Type of assistance available: The type of assistance approved is at the discretion of the Board. Most
assistance is in the form of an interest-free loan; however, it is also possible to receive a grant (an outright
gift of funds) depending on the circumstances. A combination of loan and grant is also possible. Each
request is reviewed and considered on a case-by-case basis. Upon approval, and at the discretion of the
Board, the funds may be paid to the military member or may be made payable directly to a creditor.

Financial Counseling: When it is apparent that the military member and/or spouse need financial
counseling, the Board may recommend such counseling in addition to any assistance received from the
fund. The Family Assistance Center or the military members unit of assignment may provide referral to
the Personal Financial Consultant located at the Personnel Readiness Center at Papago Park Military
Reservation, who provides no-cost financial counseling service. MilitaryOneSource (1-800-342-9647) is
another organization that provides this service to military members for free.

Repayment: Repayment of an interest-free loan should be made by cash, check, or money order made
payable to AZRC Emergency Relief Fund.

Payments should be mailed to:

AZRC Emergency Relief Fund
P.O. Box 64252
Phoenix, AZ 85082.

The Promissory Note signed by the military member (or spouse with Power of Attorney) will specify the
repayment date and the payment schedule which is expected to be followed. Service members receiving
loans are typically expected to make repayment in a number of small, incremental payments, made on a
consistent basis. This will, in most cases, be easier than making one lump sum payment at the end of the
loan period. Repayment of the loan CANNOT be deducted from a military paycheck; the military
member must make personal payments by check, money order, or cash to the address above.

All military members receiving a loan should be aware of their moral and financial obligation to make
good on the Promissory Note they sign. Repayment allows the fund to continue to help other military
members in need. Failure to repay the loan by the due date will result in a reminder letter being sent to
the military member. If the individual fails to respond or fails to resume a consistent repayment plan, a
letter will be sent to his/her Commander informing them of the members failure to meet this financial
obligation. Should the military members financial situation worsen or not allow for timely repayment,
he/she may submit a written request to the Board for extension of the repayment date or write-
off/forgiveness of the remaining loan balance with specific justification and explanation. The Board will
consider all factors and notify the military member of their decision.


The Application Form (AZRC Form 1) provided at the end of this document should be filled out as
completely as possible, following the instructions provided. NOTE: It is preferred that the Application
Forms shown on page 8-10 be used, however, other means (email, memo, etc.) for requests will be
accepted as long as all the information required to process the request is provided. A poorly prepared or
incomplete application could result in delays in processing.

Separate Fillable Word and PDF versions of the Application Form and Client Worksheet (AZRC Form
1) are available and can be emailed to a unit or applicant upon request.

Unit leaders, full-time staff, unit Family Readiness Group leadership, or Family Assistance Center
Specialists who are assisting a military member in the completion of their application, should expedite the
application for the military member/family as much as possible. Under no circumstances will the unit,
chain of command, or others disapprove an application for assistance only the AZRC ERFund Board
and voting members have the ability to approve or disapprove an application. Military members
requesting assistance may submit their own application and all applicable documents direct to the board
for review; however, including the Statement of Good Standing (AZRC Form 2), or a memo/email of
support from the unit is required.

Step 1. Determine Eligibility:

Any current drilling member of an Arizona Reserve Component unit is eligible to request assistance from
the AZRC ERFund based on a financial emergency or crisis situation. A spouse or legal dependent may
submit an application on behalf of the military member, with his/her consent.

Step 2. Complete the Application:

Administrative Data complete all data at the top of the AZRC Form 1, specifically:
Complete name, rank, unit, address and contact information of the requestor
If deployed, indicate unit and location if not deployed, leave blank
Unit of Assignment all applications must include individuals current military unit
Employment ensure that current (or pre-deployment) employer, job title, and salary are
included. Also, if married or cohabiting with shared expenses, include the spouse or significant
others employment and income information; indicate if none.

Description of Request
Indicate the purpose or bills that the loan/grant will be used for. Be specific list ONLY those
bills for which assistance is requested. Show the creditors name/type of bill, the amount
requested, and the due (or past due) date for each item that assistance is requested for.
Describe in as much detail as possible the circumstances or events that caused the financial
Indicate whether the request is for a loan (indicating projected ability to repay over time), or a
grant (the military members situation is such a dire emergency that repayment within a
reasonable time cannot be predicted). The Board will make the final determination of whether a
loan or grant is approved based on all the information submitted.
Describe any attempt to remedy the situation by the military member or the lack of other options
or resources (denial for conventional loan; lack of savings account, family assistance, or other
organizational assistance; etc.), and any other information pertinent to the case.

Unit Input
When forwarding an application for AZRC ERFund assistance, information regarding the
military members standing in the unit, drill attendance, and any additional information
reference the military members situation is required. The AZRC ERFund board requests that
the unit Commander, First Sergeant or other full-time unit representative provide a statement
regarding the military member and his/her standing and ability to repay a loan should one be
approved, especially when a delay in military pay is the cause for the financial crisis. This input
should be provided on AZRC Form 2 (attached), or may be provided in a separate memo, or via
email. Include unit POC name and phone number.

Backup Documentation
All applications should be accompanied by a completed Client Worksheet, see pages 9-10. This
document should include a listing of all normal, monthly expenditures and income. Ensure the
military members date of birth is included on this form for identification purposes.
Applicants generally will be required to provide verifiable and current proof of the emergency
(i.e. copies of bills, rental agreement, etc.) and other supporting documents. These supporting
documents may also include the Leave and Earnings Statement and/or any proof of family
income, mobilization/ training orders, estimates for repair of vehicles, appliances, etc.

Step 3. Submit the Application:

Applications for assistance should be forwarded via email to the Fund Administrator at or may be mailed to the AZRC Emergency Relief Fund, P.O. Box 64252,
Phoenix, AZ 85082. The assistance application and supporting documents are emailed to the Board
members for voting, so scanning all documents together and submitting them by email will expedite the
request. For questions regarding AZRC ERFund procedures or to follow-up on the status of an
application, contact the Fund Administrator at the email address above.

Step 4. Finalization

Upon completion of the voting process, the military member or family member requesting assistance will
be notified of the Boards decision, by email or phone, and normally within two to three business days. If
submitted by unit personnel, they may be informed also and asked to assist in the delivery process.
Arrangements will be made for pickup or delivery of the check and signature on the Promissory Note (if
approved as a loan). Promissory Notes may be signed only by the military member or a spouse, provided
the spouse has a current Power of Attorney authorizing them to sign for the military member. Promissory
Notes will be witnessed by a member of the Board of Directors or an appointed Fund Administrator. A
current Military ID Card (or Dependent ID) is required. A simple Receipt Form will be signed if
approved for a grant which does not have to be repaid.

Case files will be prepared on all individuals receiving assistance, and repayment of loans will be
monitored by the Board of Directors or appointed Fund Administrator. Military members wanting to
check on their repayment status or remaining balance may send an email to
Upon payoff of the loan, the military member will receive a letter indicating that their loan is repaid in
full and their obligation has been met.


The Arizona Reserve Component Emergency Relief Fund (AZRC ERFund), was originally established
in 1996 under the name Army Reserve Components Emergency Relief Fund. It was created because
the Active Component Army Emergency Relief (AER) was not (and is not) available to members of the
Reserve Component, and there was no other immediate means to provide emergency financial assistance
to military members of the AZARNG and local USAR units experiencing financial crisis due to personal
reasons or delays in military pay.

The fund was originally established by the Board of Directors and membership of the Arizona Territorial
Chapter, Association of the United States Army (AUSA), who filed for incorporation and independent
501(c)(3) (non-profit) status. The fund, originally created, funded, and managed by AUSA Board
members, was turned over completely to the AZARNG in 1997. Since that time, board membership has
been made up primarily of current and/or former AZARNG Officers and Senior NCOs and at least one
current or former AUSA Board member/officer. Board members oversee the management of the fund
and review all applications for emergency assistance from eligible military members and their authorized

In 2003, the AERFund Board approved changes to the funds charter and letter of incorporation which
extended eligibility for assistance to members of the AZ Air National Guard. As a result of this vote, Air
NG members were added to the Executive or voting membership of the Board. To reflect this change and
drop the Army-only designation, the funds official name was changed to AZNG Emergency Relief
Fund, which was approved by the State of Arizona on August 30, 2006.

Additionally, in response to the outpouring of support by the citizens of Arizona for Reserve Component
military members deploying in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom, a sub-
account of the parent fund was created in March 2003 which was called the Family Assistance Fund
(FAF). Unlike the AERFund which was restricted to only AZ Army and Air National Guard personnel,
the FAF accepted applications for emergency assistance from military members and their dependents who
were mobilized and had membership in any Arizona Reserve Component unit or who had residency in

In 2005 the Board asked the State of Arizona to provide the opportunity for individual taxpayers to
designate an amount of the taxpayers income tax return as a voluntary contribution to the National Guard
Relief Fund (FAF). This was approved by the 47th Legislature via Senate Bill 1466, and signed by the
Governor on April 18, 2005, for taxable years starting after December 31, 2005. By law, these funds
were to be used by the National Guard to provide financial assistance to military members or families of
Arizona Reserve Component members when the member is placed on active duty and serving in a combat

In November 2011, the two funds were separated at the request of The Adjutant General of the Arizona
National Guard. At that time, the Adjutant General assumed control of the Family Assistance Fund (aka
FAF)(or National Guard Relief Fund) for deployed service members. This fund is no longer in operation
due to a lack of funding and the decrease in number of personnel being deployed.

As of November 2011, the Arizona National Guard Emergency Relief Fund (known as the AERFund)
continued to be administered by a Board of Directors operating under the original Articles of
Incorporation and 501c(3) non-profit status. This fund was designed to be utilized by non-mobilized
Soldiers and Airmen of the Arizona National Guard who are not eligible to apply for other emergency
financial assistance programs. At the height of the OEF/OIF deployments (from 2003-2008), the fund
provided an average of over $132,000 in assistance per year. Since 2013, the fund has provided an
average of $55,000 per year to Soldiers and Airmen in need.

On 5 September 2016, the Board made the decision to suspend operations due to a lack of funds; this was
the first time since the funds inception in 1996 that it had to close its doors. The fund remained closed
until 22 May 2017, when it started accepting applications again. During this suspension period, the board
sent delinquency notices to members who have not repaid their loans, conducted fund-raising activities,
and also formally applied to the Arizona Corporation Commission to change its name to the Arizona
Reserve Component Emergency Relief Fund to acknowledge its ability to provide emergency financial
assistance to military members and eligible dependents of any Reserve Component unit in the State of

Arizona Reserve Component Emergency Relief Fund
Request for Assistance
The Arizona Reserve Component Emergency Relief Fund, Inc. is an independent 501(c)(3) Arizona non-profit corporation;
not affiliated with the Department of Defense or any Arizona state government agency.

All three (3) pages of this form must be completed in their entirety. The information will be used to assess our ability to
assist you. Incomplete answers and/or missing documentation will delay processing of your request.

Full Name/Rank of Service Member

Branch of Service ETS Unit of Assignment

Home Mailing Address/City/State/Zip Email Address

Home Phone Work Phone Cell/Other

Spouses Name Is Service Member deployed; if so where:

Service Members employer (or pre-deployment employer), job title and pay rate $ per hour month year

Spouses employer, job title and pay rate $ per hour month year

Number of children in household: Ages Childrens special needs?

List the name of each creditor/individual/agency, the exact amount, and the due date of each bill for which you are seeking
assistance. Attach copies of each bill. Please list ONLY those bills for which you are requesting assistance.

Please describe your emergency situation including specific details of events, reasons, and/or circumstances that have led
to the emergency. Use additional paper if necessary.

Please describe what you have done to attempt to remedy your emergency situation, e.g. contacted the agency to request
an extension, attempted loan from other sources, requested assistance from community resources, etc.

Submitted by: Service Member Spouse Other: Date

NOTE: The AZRC ERFUND Board requests unit verification of membership and drill attendance via memo or email.

The following documents are attached or available (as applicable or requested)

Bills/statements Repair or other estimate of cost Leave & Earnings Statements
Other (specify):
AZRC Form 1 (May 2017)


Service Members Full Name Service Members Date of Birth Number of Dependents

Service Members
Married Single Divorced Legally Separated Widowed
Marital Status
Previous AZNG (or AZRC) ERFUND request(s) for assistance? No Yes If yes, date(s) of previous request(s):

Income Monthly Monthly Net Bank Balances Present Value Contribution:
SM Employer $ Gross $ Savings $ N/A
Spouse Employer $ $ Checking $ N/A
Child Support Income $ $ IRA $ $
Alimony Income $ $ 401k 403b $ $
Social Security $ $
Food Stamps $ $ Total Bank Balances $ $
Other $ $
Total Income $ $

Please list your monthly living expenses. Do not list any expenses which are deducted directly from your gross pay.
Essential Living Expenses/Current Monthly Variable Living Expenses/Current Monthly
Rent/1 Mortgage $ Beauty Shop/Barber $
2 mortgage $ Cosmetics $
HOA (Assoc Dues) $ Movies/Videos $
Property Taxes $ Dining out $
Homeowners/Renters Ins $ Gym/Hobbies/Clubs $
Gas/Electric (Average) $ Vacations/Travel $
Water/Sewer/Garbage $ Music/Books $
Cable $ Clothing purchases $
Telephone (not cell phone) $ Laundry/Dry Cleaning $
Groceries/Household Items $ Pool/Lawn Service $
Health/Dental/Vision Insurance $ Housecleaning Service $
Prescriptions/Doctor visits $ Monitored Alarm $
Car Payment #1 $ Gifts $
Car Payment #2 $ Pet Care $
Gasoline (monthly) $ Pager/Cell Phone $
Maintenance/Repairs $ Banking Fees/Postage $
Auto Insurance $ Cigarettes/Alcohol $
Auto Registration $ Computer/Online Fees $
Parking/Bus Fares $ Religious/Charity $
Daycare/Babysitting $ Other $
Alimony/Child Support Payments $ Other $
School Tuition $
Student Loans $ Variable Total
Life Insurance $
Union Dues $
Storage Fees $
Other $

Essential Total EXPENSES TOTAL

AZRC Form 1 (May 2017)

Unsecured Debt
List all unsecured debt with balances over $100. Do not include mortgage, vehicle loans, student loans, or any other
debt which is already listed on page 2 of this request.
# Mos.
Name of Creditor Acct# Balance Min Payment Int % Late
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $


I have credit card resources available, all

If you left the above section blank, please check one of the following: with balances less than $100.
I have no credit card resources available.

I understand and agree that the Arizona Reserve Component Emergency Relief Fund Board of Directors may
ask questions to my military unit to verify my good standing with my unit (attendance at drill and annual
training, lack of disciplinary actions pending). I also understand and agree that information regarding my
entitlements to base pay, allowance for housing, substance allowance, and any entitlement to bonus or line of
duty payments may need to be verified (including pay entry and ETS dates).

Under existing Privacy Act law and regulations, I agree to the release of the above information, in addition to
that allowable under law (as follows):

Name verification
Rank and date of rank
Gross salary
Present, past and confirmed future assignments
Unit telephone number and immediate chain of command
Source of commissioning
Military and civilian education level
Duty status at any given time

__________________ ____________________________________________
Date Signature

Service Member Spouse with Power of Attorney

(copy of Power of Attorney must be attached)

AZRC Form 1 (May 2017)



Member / Applicant Name:

Rank: Expiration Term of Service Date: Unit:

The following document serves as confirmation of the status of the aforementioned Arizona Reserve
Component unit member. This form and its contents are restricted and will be used solely by the Arizona
Reserve Component Emergency Relief Fund (AZRC ERFund) Board of Directors in making a
determination for financial emergency assistance via a grant or loan. The AZRC ERFund asks that the
Unit Commander, First Sergeant, or Full-time Unit Readiness personnel complete this form to confirm
the applicants ETS date, and that the member/applicant is in good standing with the unit (i.e., attends
unit drills regularly and is not pending disciplinary action or discharge in the immediate future).

1. Complete the personal information fields at the top of the form.
2. Obtain Unit Commander, First Sergeant, or Full-time NCOIC/Leader confirmation and signature.
3. Attach to the AZRC ERFund Application.
4. Submit packet to or mail to P.O. Box 64252, Phoenix, AZ 85082

** Please type or legibly print all requested information.


[ ] Reserve Component member IS in good standing and has no pending negative actions.

[ ] Reserve Component member IS NOT in good standing.

Other (Please explain):

Commander/Leaders Printed Name:

Commander/Leaders Phone: Email:

[ ] Reserve Component member / Applicant has been instructed to receive financial counseling
with either (1-800-342-9647), or another professional financial counselor.
(Check if applicable)

Commander/Leaders Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _____________

(Electronic signature is allowed provided the name and all contact information above is completed}

AZRC Form 2 (May 2017)


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