Digital SLR Photography - March 2017 UK

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Issue 124

Andreas Lundberg
Always up to speed
Profoto D2

A photographer faces many different challenges every day.

Its with that in mind we created the Profoto D2. Its a break-
through, because its the worlds fastest monolight with TTL.
So for the first time, no matter what the assignment, speed is
always on your side.

You can freeze action with absolute sharpness, shoot in super

quick bursts, sync with the fastest camera shutter speeds
available, and shoot fast and easy with HSS and TTL.

So whether youre shooting sports, food or fashion: with the

D2 youre always up to speed.

Get up to speed at

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Editor Daniel Lezano
Art Editor Luke Marsh
Contributing Editor Caroline Schmidt
Contributing Editor Jordan Butters
Editorial Consultant Jo Lezano
Other editorial contributors this issue:
James Abbott, Adam Burton, Mark Bauer, Lee Frost,
Ben Hall, Ross Hoddinott, Alex Stead & Jeremy Walker

Advertising & Production

Display/Classied/Advertising: 0207 907 6651
Commercial Brand Manager Alex Thomas
Account Manager Finan Tesfay

Sales Executive Heather Shearer
Junior Production Executive Maisie Harvey

Felix Dennis Founder
James Tye CEO WELCOME TO THE MARCH 2017 issue of DigitalSLRPhotography.
Brett Reynolds COO
Ian Westwood Group MD Unless youre one of our overseas readers or were fortunate enough
John Garewal MD Technology & Imaging
David Barker Newstrade Director to enjoy a winters break abroad, youll have endured freezing
conditions this month, with weather forecasts suggesting weve a
UK SUBSCRIPTIONS: 0844 249 0482
The subscription service is open six days a week:
few more weeks of it to come. While this might make shooting
Monday to Friday (8am-8pm); Saturday (9am-1pm)
Order online at:
outdoors less than desirable for some photographers, the more
Standard subscription rate: 12 issues for 43 (UK only)
OVERSEAS SUBSCRIPTIONS: +44 (0)1795 414953
dedicated among you will be taking advantage of the opportunities this time of
Europe 45; Rest of World 60; USA $99.
USA & Canada subscriptions: Phone: 1-888-428-6676;
year presents and head to the coast to capture stunning results. The colder
Fax: 1-757-428-6253; Email:;
weather means there are less people at popular locations, while the shorter days
ONLINE SUBSCRIBER SERVICE: mean later dawns and earlier sunsets, so you can capture these golden moments
Use this to manage your existing subscription, including
changing your address, renewing your subscription or
reporting problems. This should be your rst port of call if
at reasonable times. Because there is no better time than now to shoot coastlines,
you have any queries about your subscription. If you require
further help, email:
weve dedicated a variety of dierent articles to this topic. From shooting coastal
close-up abstracts in PhotoSkills (page 40) to our PhotoWorkshop (page 70) on
Digital SLR Photography is available for licensing overseas. piers to our ideas-rich MasterCoastlines (page 80), weve all the expert advice
Syndication Senior Manager Anj Dosaj-Halai; +44 (0) 20 7907 6132 and inspiration you need to make the most of the coast. Weve plenty of other
Licensing Manager Carlotta Serantoni; +44 (0) 20 7907 6550 subjects to shoot too, including studioash portraits and misty woodland, so
Licensing & Syndication Assistant Nicole Adams; +44 (0) 20 7907 6134 youve no excuse not to take lots of great images this month. All the best!
Back issues for UK cost 5 (includes p&p). To order by
Daniel Lezano Editor
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KimmeridgeBayinDorsetis Youcangetyourmonthlyx
Welcome to the rst edition publishing during the Trump oneoftheUKsmostpopular ofDigitalSLRPhotography
era. Dont worry, we wont be putting up any walls... coastallocationsforlandscape inspirationandadvicedirect
The publisher makes every effort to ensure the magazines
content is correct. All material published in Digital SLR photographers.Ourstunning toyourdoorormobiledevice
Photography is copyright and unauthorised reproduction
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March 2017 Digital SLR Photography 5
Contents MARCH2017/ISSUE124


34 40 44

Phototechnique 48

6 Digital SLR Photography March 2017

Daniel Lezano
With over 30 years experience as
an enthusiast SLR photographer and
20 years on photo magazines, editor
Lezano is as passionate as ever about
photography, in particular portraits.

Caroline Schmidt
With extensive experience as a
magazine journalist, contributing
editor Caroline is passionate about
photography and delivering an
inspiring magazine each month.

Jordan Butters
With a nger on the pulse of all
things photography, Jordans our
social media master, features guru
and a talented pro photographer.

Ross Hoddinott OUTDOOR

Hes not only an award-winning
nature photographer, a leading
expert in landscape and wildlife
photography, hes a top tutor, too.


A long-standing regular contributor,
Lee is a fountain of knowledge when
it comes to shooting landscapes and
delivering expert tutorials.


70 106 A renowned wildlife photographer,
author and tutor, Ben applies his
expert knowledge to help improve
your wildlife photography skills.


Helen is living the dream, having
given up a full-time job to live in
Cornwall and become a professional
landscape photographer.


A social media master, Alexs
Gear:Tested&Rated photography has quickly amassed
hundreds of thousands of followers.
Read his story on page 90.
TheEOS5Dishelddeartomanyphotographershearts. One of the UKs leading landscape
Canthelatestversionliveuptoloftyexpectations? photographers and author of four
110 DJI MAVIC PRO books, Adam shoots throughout the
Wegethandsonwiththelatestmust-haveaerialdrone. Uk and runs international workshops.
A pro photographer, Paul is an
Novo Dura 400 hard rolling case are reviewed and rated
expert on lighting. He specialises
in studio and location portraits, as
well as commercial photography.

James Abbott PORTRAITS

James is an award-winning editorial,
advertising and commercial
photographer, specialising in portrait
110 and landscape photography.

March 2017 Digital SLR Photography 7

The Bathing House
by Calum Gladstone

The sky was pretty flat when I arrived at The Bathing

House in Howick, but I decided to go down onto the
rocks and set up anyway. It's treacherously slippery
along the tide line, so it takes time to get into
position. Eventually, after almost an hour of waiting,
the sun broke through the cloud, creating gorgeous
colours and highlights across the clouds above.
Canon EOS 6Dwith Canon EF 17-40mm f/4Llens.
Exposure: Fourseconds at f/10 (ISO 50).

Dunstanburgh Castle by Calum Gladstone

(Above) The sky was beautiful upon arrival, so I made my way

to the waters edge easier said than done, photographers
call them the death rocks for good reason! I set up and
waited in anticipation. The area to my right started to flood,
isolating the boulders, and reflecting the vibrant sky.
CanonEOS6DwithCanonEF17-40mmf/4Llens. Exposure:1.6secondsatf/9(ISO100).

Blyth Pier by Calum Gladstone

(Left) It was a frosty morning in Blyth, perfect conditions for
shooting the south pier. I chose a spot where the planks had
detail and character, being careful not to leave footprints in
the area I wanted to shoot. I chose a low angle to capture
the wood's detail and frost glistening in the morning light.
CanonEOS6DwithCanonEF17-40mmf/4Llens. Exposure:1/5secatf/9(ISO100).

Rippling Light by Calum Gladstone

(Right) I wanted to capture Bamburgh Castle with water
movement in the foreground, so upon arrival I headed
straight to the water's edge. I chose portrait orientation for a
nice lead-in to the shot and kept moving out further into the
wash, until I was happy with the motion and composition.
CanonEOS6DwithCanonEF17-40mmf/4Llens. Exposure:1/4secatf/8(ISO640).

500px Perfect for photos

Every photographer featured in Portfolio receives a
years Awesome membership to online photo
community, 500px. The Awesome membership
includes unlimited uploads, advanced statistics, Google
Analytics support, a customisable portfolio and the
option to licence your images through 500px Prime.
500px is the perfect place to discover, share, buy and
sell inspiring images from the best photographers from
around the world. Formoreinformation on 500px memberships,

10 Digital slr Photography March 2017


Cascade Du Herisson by David Gianos

(Above) This waterfall is called 'Chteau Garnier', on the site

of the Hrisson waterfalls. I took this shot in autumn as the
fog faded, giving a special atmosphere to the place. I chose
this framing to integrate the foliage, the shapes of rocks
sprinkled by water, and the pretty colours of the season.

Waterfall BW by David Gianos

(Centre right) The Tufs waterfall is a site near Baume-les-
Messieurs in the Jura region, France. I chose to stitch several
frames together to form a panoramic in order to capture as
much as possible in the frame as possible. The weather was
very dull and dreary, with rain and fog, so I felt that black &
white was the best medium to convey this atmosphere.

Les Tufs Givres by David Gianos

(Bottom right) This waterfall, also in Jura, is beautiful and looks
very different according to the seasons. When I captured this
image it was very cold around -13C! Unfortunately, my
gear did not appreciate the extreme cold, and every drop of
water and spray that splashed on the camera froze instantly,
eventually putting an end to the session!

Freckles by Alex Heitz

(Left) This was a spontaneous shoot. I had seen this model

on social media, and happened to be passing her hometown.
So I asked if she was interested in a quick photo session.
We only shot together for around an hour, but captured
some fantastic photos and had a lot of fun. I love her freckles
in black & white they're even more apparent.

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 13


Long and Winding Road by Sophia Spurgin

(Above) This little cricket lived on a Dahlia in my garden all

summer. I took it into my conservatory, which I use as a
photo studio because it has lots of natural light but is out of
the wind. It was difficult to keep the cricket in frame as they
like to jump! Using a low ISO, yet with a narrow aperture,
I had to use a slow shutter and wait until he was very still.

Catching the Light by Sophia Spurgin

(Centre left) I like to take fungi photos in my local wood in the
autumn. For a different angle, I lifted the fungi attached to its
twig and put it on a fallen branch so I could position my
camera below and see the gills underneath. I lit the fungi
with a Manfrotto Lumimuse LED light and the bokeh came
from Christmas lights with coloured sweet papers on them.

Queen of Flowers by Sophia Spurgin

(Bottom left) This anemone is from my garden. I wanted to
take a photo that showed the flowers softness. I tried using
a wide aperture but too little was in focus, so I opted for f/5.6
and blended part of a separate photo taken at f/11 for a bit
more detail in the stamen. I used a coloured card as the
backdrop to keep the composition simple.

Marbled White by Sophia Spurgin

(Right) There is a chalk hill not far from where I live. I decided
to visit during the hottest day last year and there were
butterflies everywhere it was beautiful! I had to lie down,
with my camera level to the ground for this shot. The
butterfly landed for the briefest of moments so I had very
little time to get into position, focus, and get the shot.

14 Digital slr Photography March 2017

/ YourmonthlYphotodigest

The great
outdoors C
elebraTing iTs TenTh anniversary,
the annual international garden
photographer of the year award is the
worlds premier photographic competition,
embracing all things botanical. From
sweeping vistas with explosions of wildflowers
to macro details of specimens grown in
humble back gardens, and a wide gamut of
GrandGardens,wildflower-pepperedlandscapes disciplines in between, in its ten years in
andbotanicalbeautiesarecelebratedasthelatest picture rotation, the igpoTy never fails to impress
internationalGardenphotoGrapheroftheYearis special and inspire photographers the world over.
operated in conjunction with Kew royal
announced.ladiesandGentlemen,Yourwinners botanical gardens in london, the award not
image: Francis Taylor/
only aims to reward those with a keen eye for This years overall winner was named as Landscapes category well done Ross!
capturing all things green, but also looks to Lee Acaster from the Norfolk/Suffolk border. The winning images will go on display at
educate and inspire, with exhibitions, Lee secured himself the title of International the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew until 12
workshops and lectures around the UK. Garden Photographer of the Year 2017 as March, before heading overseas to venues in
When the award began in 2007 it accepted well as a 7,500 cash prize for his artistic The Netherlands, Italy and Gibraltar! Should
only UK-based entries, but the following year interpretation of an autumn birch against a you miss the exhibition fear not, the
was opened up to a worldwide audience. murky lake in the Snowdonia National Park, International Garden Photographer of the
This years award attracted photographers Wales. There were also winners announced Year Collection 10 hardback book is available
from over 50 countries! Entrants vied for across the individual categories, including now, priced at 20.
recognition across eight categories, plus an Digital SLR Photography regular contributor Entries for the Collection 11 award open on
additional category for under 16s Young Ross Hoddinott, who took first place in the 20 February 2017. For more information on
Garden Photographer of the Year and an Wildlife In The Garden category, as well as how to enter, the IGPOTY exhibition and the
extra portfolio award for series of images. being named as a finalist in the Wildflower book, visit:
onthecameratocreateasoft,dreamyeffect. NikonD810
withrainwaterandcreateadazzlinglandscape. NikonD750
atnightbelow,inspectingtheirdomain. NikonD750with
existinthisformitjusthadtobephotographed. CanonEOS
thevibrantbellheatheronMillstoneEdge. CanonEOS5D
MkIIIwith16-35mmlens.1/60secatf/11(ISO100). 1


2 3


4 5

18 Digital Slr Photography March 2017


Sn pshots



2 3

thecoloursusingfilterstocreateastrikinglandscape. Nikon
gardens.Itwasatrulyidyllicsetting. SonyNEX-7with
fullofbarepinetreesandblackenedtreetrunks. NikonD4S
changeddirectionandjumpedtosafety. CanonEOS60D
with100mmmacrolens.1/160secatf/5.6(ISO125). 4

20 Digital Slr Photography March 2017


Snapshots / The world of photography





British photographer and lmmaker
Lord Snowdon passed away, aged 86, CONSISTENTLYSHARPERIMAGES

in his Kensington home on Friday HILE MODERN AUTOFOCUS
13 January. Snowdons documentary systems continue to become
work offered an insight into the lives of increasingly more advanced and AUTOMATIC SELECTION
celebrities and royalty, as well as a smarter, you still need to have a grasp on In this mode, the camera chooses a point
visual commentary on English society. the basics in order to be able to set your or points to focus on for you, with zero
Born Antony Charles Robert camera up to perform. Selecting the user input. It can be hit and miss, and is
Armstrong-Jones, his photographic correct number of focus points to use to probably only useful when you need a
career began at Tatler magazine in accurately record your subject in quick shot and dont have time to choose
1952. He went on to meet Princess tack-sharp detail is step one. Here are the where to focus! Some cameras offer a
Margaret after being commissioned to basic AF point options summarised face-detection feature for portraits.
photograph the royal family, and the


couple married in 1960. Armstrong-
Jones took the title 1st Earl of
Snowdon, and was known as Lord
Snowdon from then on, however his
marriage to Princess Margaret ended in
1978 when the two divorced.
During his career he photographed a
number of notable world gures,
including Queen Elizabeth II; Diana,
Princess of Wales; Barbara Cartland;
Laurence Olivier; Elizabeth Taylor and
David Bowie. His work can be seen in SINGLE POINT GROUP-AREA/ZONE
The Sunday Times, Vogue, and Vanity Activates a single AF point in the centre of Activates a group of AF points based
Fair to name but a few. London's the frame by default, but can be moved around a single main point that can be
National Portrait Gallery holds over around. It's useful for precisely picking the positioned across the frame by the user.
100 of Snowdons portraits and he was exact point in a scene to focus on, for On some cameras, this mode will give
also an Honorary Fellow of the Royal example a subject's eyes. And popular priority to the closest subjects. Useful for
Photographic Society. Alongside his with professionals across all walks of situations when positioning a smaller
photography, he also co-designed an photography due to its precision. single AF point may become tricky.
aviary at London Zoo, holds a patent
for an electric wheelchair and was an


avid campaigner for disabled rights.

Photo Fact:
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were
big fans of photography. In fact, the
Queen embraced the up and coming
art form to such a degree a darkroom DYNAMIC/EXPANSION 3D TRACKING (NIKON)
was added at Windsor Castle. Select an area of the frame to tell the Works alongside Dynamic AF-Area to
camera where the subject is and the actively track subjects across the whole
camera uses the middle AF point frame using colour and contrast
primarily, calling on the surrounding information, allowing you to recompose
points when needed. Nikons Dynamic while tracking. Good for photographing
Area also uses the surrounding points to erratic moving subjects, but isn't as fast to
track moving subjects within the zone. react due to extra processing power.

22 Digital SLR Photography March 2017
The world of photography \ Snapshots

when it comes to innovative,
inventive and avant-garde
companies, youd probably say the
big tech giants of silicon Valley are
up there as the most proactive
were talking apple, Google and

Microsoft. But how about Canon?
the annual IFI Claims ranking,
which orders companies in terms
of copyright patents granted in any
one year, revealed that Canon had
the third highest Us patents
FujiFilmlauncheseuropeanproFessionalservice,oFFeringuk-based granted of any company in 2016,
Fujiphotographerssupport,quickrepairsandloanequipment with over 3,660 successful

applications. the Japanese firm
t wasnt that long ago that mirrorless launching its own Professional service was topped only by samsung with
cameras were seen as the reserve of scheme in the UK and Europe. the Fujifilm 5,518 patents and IBM with 8,088
amateurs and enthusiasts, and that Professional service, which will go live on successful applications.
professionals only used DsLRs or bigger. 1 March in the UK and major European so what does this mean? well,
however times are changing, and the markets, will be offered for free for the first while patents are a good indicator
advancements in mirrorless technology two years to qualifying professional
that a company has come up with
alongside the desire for smaller, lighter and photographers, and also to those who own
ideas or concepts worth
more portable kit has seen mirrorless models a GFX system or at least two professional
protecting, quite often these dont
boom in popularity with professional users camera bodies and three XF lenses.
end up materialising into anything
too. Fujifilm is one of the brands at the Following that, the service will cost 260 per
groundbreaking for the consumer.
forefront of this movement, having year and includes a guaranteed speedy
also, Canons business extends
relentlessly campaigned for mirrorless by turnaround time for camera and lens repairs,
beyond photography, so not all
consistently innovating and launching free loan kit if the turnaround cannot be met,
3,665 patents will relate to new
improved models across its range, including free health check and sensor clean for up to
cameras or lenses. still, fingers
the worlds first mirrorless medium format, two products per year, dedicated telephone
crossed for some exciting new
the Fujifilm GFX 50s, available in March. support and a 15% discount on all out-of-
technology from Canon in 2017!
now, Fujifilm has announced that it is warranty repairs. Great stuff!
joining the likes of Canon and nikon in Formoreaboutthenewservice,


Adobe, editMyPhotos
Intelligent virtual voice assistants are set to
become a hot trend in 2017, with apples siri,
Microsofts Cortana and amazons alexa
allowing users to control their devices and
homes just by talking. Imaging software
specialists adobe look to be not far behind
either, and theyve released a short video to
help you envision where theyre heading.
the virtual assistant is shown to help the user
by cropping, flipping and rotating an image,
controlled by voice alone, before uploading
it to Facebook. while this technology is still in
development, and is something that we cant
see being introduced to adobes fully fledged
desktop products, itll be interesting to see
what it leads to. to view the short video for
yourself, visit:

March 2017 Digital Slr Photography 23


Steve Brown -

Generation X is a revolutionary and uncompromising range of flash products
from Bowens that has been engineered for speed, reliability and cutting edge
design. The XMT500 all-in-one battery flash is an unrivalled location system
designed to provide photographers with limitless creative opportunities.

Includes TTL, HSS, Strobe mode (up to 100 flashes), 2.4GHz radio control,
Lithium-ion battery (500 full power flashes), integrated reflector, easy-open
and quick-lock angle adjustment latch, foldaway stand mount.
The world of photography \ Snapshots


BEnjAmIn Von Wong


EgulAR REAdERS mIgHt have heard
of Benjamin Von Wong the Canadian
conceptual photographer has made
quite a name for himself for tackling unusual
or technically challenging shoots and getting
his work to successfully go viral online. Weve
also featured several of his projects in this
very magazine. more recently, Von Wong has
been using his photographic prowess and
skill to raise awareness for charitable and
environmental issues. From the Saving Eliza
campaign that Von Wong spearheaded to
raise funds for pioneering treatment for
Sanfilippo syndrome, to his underwater
portraits with sharks in aid of shark
conservation, and storm-chasing portraits,
raising awareness for the effects of climate
change. Behind each and every one of Von
Wongs ambitious projects is an important
message what better way to utilise the
attention that his work receives than to
invoke change?
Von Wongs latest project is an undertaking
itself; how do you make the issue of plastic
pollution seem interesting and garner to supply the mermaid tail too. While the to find a way to make it more interesting.
attention for the cause? the answer an underwater world for each image was Alone, I was just a photographer but thanks
elaborate underwater world comprised of carefully created on the floor from the to the help of amazing individuals we
some 10,000 plastic bottles and a mermaid, coloured plastic, Von Wongs Sony camera transformed a lifeless pile of used garbage
of course! Von Wong persuaded a waste was rigged and hoisted to the ceiling, pointing into a message: #mermaidsHatePlastic.
management centre to lend him the bottles, straight down, to be triggered via an iPad app It just goes to show that with a creative
which he and an army of volunteers spent connected to a 52in tV. If the average idea and a strong enough will, photography
days removing the labels from, thoroughly American uses 167 plastic bottles a year, in 60 can be used to do good. to find out more,
cleaning and sorting into colours. Von Wong years they will have used 10,000 plastic visit:, or to see
found a warehouse to shoot in, a model and bottles, Von Wong states on his blog. I knew more of Von Wongs excellent and varied
make-up artist as well as a costume designer plastic pollution was a boring topic and I had work, visit:

Shortcut keys make it quicker to
navigate and work in Photoshop
pressing a key is always faster than
moving your mouse across the screen
and clicking on something. Heres a
useful shortcut did you know you
can instantly change a layer's opacity
using just the keys on your keyboard?
As long as the tool youve selected
doesnt have its own opacity option
(for example the Brush, Fill or Eraser
tools) then pressing the 1-0 keys will
set the opacity for the active layer
accordingly. So, 1=10%, 2=20% and so
forth, until 0=100%. Pressing two
number keys in quick succession
enters that exact value, for example 3
and then 4 sets the opacity to 34%.
If you do have the Brush or similar tool
active, then the 1-0 keys set the
opacity for that tool instead. Easy!

March 2017 Digital Slr Photography 25

With young children to take care of there was no way I could attend
university. People ask me how I manage everything; it is challenging
but studying with the OCA makes me really happy. Sarah-Jane Field


Sn pshots


WhetherWere experiencinga 3) KeepingBatteriesWarm 6) acclimatisinggear
chillysnapathome oryoure Cold conditions are a batterys worst enemy, Suddenly taking your gear from your warm
sapping all power reserves even when the house or car into the freezing cold often
headedto colder climates in device isnt powered up! Always fully charge causes condensation to form inside your
search ofWonderfulWinter your kit before heading out and pack more camera and lenses, rendering them useless
batteries than you think youll need. Keep until they dry out! Avoid this by acclimatising
images, make surethatyou're batteries that aren't in use close to your body kit slowly; sit your camera bag outside for 30
prepared forthe chill! folloW rather than in your camera bag the inside minutes before unpacking. Before returning
pockets of your jacket are ideal, or even indoors, seal your kit inside zip-lock bags.
ourtipsto keepon shooting under your armpits! Your body heat will help The moisture will form on the outside of the
Whenthe mercurydrops prevent power loss from the cold. bags rather than inside your kit!

1) KeepyourlensesWarm 4) KeepingyourselfWarm 7) gloves

Optics can often attract condensation in Hiking to locations can be great exercise, but Pro tip: always pack two pairs of gloves
extreme cold conditions, even after careful when youve found your composition and a thicker, waterproof pair for when youre
acclimatisation (see point 6). One neat trick are waiting for the right light that's when walking to or from a location, and a thinner
is to use a dedicated lens warmer to keep the you feel the cold! Make sure you wrap up pair for operating your camera with.
optics toasty. If you don't have one, then warm; wear several thin synthetic layers that Fingerless gloves allow you to easily handle
hand warmers also work just as well just you can strip off, or add to, to adjust your memory cards and filters without negatively
secure them to the lens barrel using an temperature, and avoid cotton clothing as it affecting dexterity. Alternatively, if you use a
elastic band. Finally, fitting a lens hood can retains moisture! Protect your extremities camera with a touchscreen, consider
also help as it blocks some of the cold air with warm socks and gloves and a hat. Make touch-conductive gloves that allow you to
from passing across the front element. sure outer layers are waterproof. retain this functionality.

2) tripodinsulation 5) exposure 8) enjoythegoodlight

This might not come as news to you, but Snow and ice can make for wonderful During the winter months the days may be
metal things tend to get cold quickly! winter images, however it can also play shorter, but the sun is lower in the sky for
Luckily, most aluminium tripods come with havoc with your cameras metering system. longer, offering warm light, long shadows
at least one leg insulated by foam. If not, or if Your camera may mistake the blanket of and plenty of definition. Its the perfect light
you wish to improve on this, head to a local white for bright light, which will cause it to for portraits, landscapes and pretty much
hardware store and pick up some thin- underexpose the scene. Pre-empt this by anything you fancy photographing
walled foam pipe insulation simply wrap it adding positive exposure compensation outdoors! Sunrises and sunsets are also at a
around each leg to avoid the cold touch! between +0.7 and +1.5 should do, but keep reasonable hour in the winter, so make the
Oh, and dont be tempted to lick your tripod a close eye on the histogram to ensure you most of this. Wrap up warm and get out
in the cold; nothing good will come of it! dont blow out, and lose, highlight detail. shooting during the best light of the day!

March 2017 Digital Slr Photography 27

Hot shot
The world of photography \
sn ps
faLcon 9 rocKeTLandinG
platformarecontrolledautonomously,andthephotowas Flickr

manufacturerspaceXsuccessfullylandedits falcon9rocket
onthedroneshipinJanuaryinthe pacificocean.oftheten
withrokinon14mmf/2.8eDlenswasmountedonboard By Martinohemmi
wereguessingtheperfectalignmentwith martinosseasonalportraitcaught
thesunwasmorethanjusta ourattentioninthe DigitalSlR
happyaccident. Photographyflickrgroup


What Weve been Watching

Looking forvisuaLinspiration? HereswHattHe DigitalSlR PhotogRaPhyteam Has beenwatcHingtHis montH

TheUGLYSideofLandScape phoToGraphinGLiqUidMoUnTainS WanderLUST4K

phoToGraphY By Great Big Story By Tony and Chelsea Northrup
By Thomas Heaton You might remember that a couple of issues WANDERLUST 4K isnt one video. It's more
Vlogger Thomas Heaton is becoming ago (January 2017, Issue 122) we featured of an ongoing mini-series (shot in 4K, if you
somewhat of a regular, and for good reason sports photographer-turned-wave hadnt guessed), so its worth subscribing to
the British landscape photographer is one connoisseur Dave Sandford, whose Lake Tony and Chelsea Northrups YouTube
of the most relatable photographers in the Erie project has taken the internet by storm. channel if you like it. The series follows the
vlogosphere (thats a made-up word). In this Dave has teamed up with The Weather couple as they travel to exciting locations
slightly melancholy episode, Thomas shares Channel to create a video showcasing around the world, obviously taking photos
something that all landscape photographers behind the scenes of his craft, and what as they go. The duo share tips on travelling,
feel at some point disappointment. Its not goes into the making of the photographs. If photography and life, as well as anecdotes
all glory and award-winning images you you havent already, go back and read Daves of things that happen along the way and the
know! Give it a watch, safe in the knowledge interview and then watch this video its a images that they create (along with
that youre not the only one who has bad great insight into the lengths he goes to! technical info such as exposure settings).

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 29

The world of photography \ Snapshots

Work for free?
For most people across a range of
jobs and skills, youd assume the
resounding answer to the above
question would be no. However,
a recent survey by software start-up discovered an amazing
87% of freelance photographers in the
uK were asked to work for free last
year. Whats even more shocking is
that 16% of them agreed!
the survey, conducted of over 1,000
freelancers working in the uK,
reported that photographers were the
most likely to be asked to work for
free, followed by graphic designers
and copywriters. the results also
revealed that women (55%) were
more likely to be asked to work for
free than men (44%), and are also
more likely to say yes to the
proposition (59% compared to 40%).
age was also found to be a big factor
under 25's were twice as likely to

Smile with Samsung

agree to working for free and
location came into it too, with Belfast,
liverpool and glasgow-based
freelancers most likely to be
approached without remuneration
makeuslaughforachanceofwinningasamsung64gBsDXcProPlusmemorycarD! and london, manchester and
Brighton the least likely.

amsungs latest Pro Plus sD cards are designed for ultra-fast the most common cause for this
data transfer, with read speeds up to 95mB/sec and write speeds up behaviour? social media. most
to 90mB/sec, making them ideal for high-resolution images and surveyed said they were approached
4K video. Plus they're waterproof, temperature-proof, X-ray-proof and to use their work online in return for
magnetic-proof, so you can be sure of their reliability no matter what credit, with some saying they would
the conditions. You can experience this superior card for yourself do the work for free to help grease the
samsung is generously giving one away. all you have to do is come up wheels for future opportunities. You
with a witty caption for the image, right. email it with subject 'smile this march' to: can read the results of the survey for by 1 april 2017 and, if you make our sides split, youll scoop a yourself at
samsung Pro Plus 64gB sDXC card worth over 80. uK entries only.

uK Camera retailer Wex Photographic
has revealed the winner of its Photographer
of the Year competition. the norwich-based
specialist has been running its weekly
#Wexmondays competition on twitter for
three years now, with photographers
entering their favourite images from each
week using the competition hashtag. in total,
over 17,000 images were entered in 2016! officerlouiswahlatthelondonexhibition,right.
the best images each week are selected by a
team of judges, assigned a points value and other winners included tony sellen from
the corresponding photographers correlated london in second place and tom lowe
into an ongoing league table. from Whitley Bay, tyne & Wear in third.
at an awards ceremony and exhibition at the winning images from the 2016
truman Brewery in london in January, the #Wexmondays competitions are on display
winner was announced as neil Burnell from at the gallery at munro House in leeds until
south west england, who only started 10 march 2017. For more information on
entering the competition in 2016. neil Wexs weekly #Wexmondays photo
bagged himself 1,500 worth of vouchers to competition, follow @wextweets on twitter,
spend at Wex Photographic! or head to

March 2017 Digital Slr Photography 31






photographing our feathered friends is far fromafair-weather
pursuit. professionalwildlife photographer ben hallbravesthe
coldto bringyouan expertguideto photographingwinter birds

believe we are very lucky to live in a even in an urban garden. To make your
temperate part of the world, with our images as natural as possible, seek out some
four distinct seasons, each of which attractive perches such as lichen-covered
offers new photographic possibilities. branches and set these out around the
when autumn fades and temperatures fall, bait. it's important to take the background
winter arrives, and it's my favourite season into careful consideration. Make sure that
for wildlife photography. whether it's it's distant enough to appear completely
golden light combined with cold, crisp days, diffused. Using a wide aperture will help to
ethereal mist or blankets of snow, our often ensure that it's well out of focus, thereby
unpredictable weather at this time of year eliminating any distractions and keeping
can create a truly magical atmosphere. To emphasis on your subject. regardless of
make the most of winter shooting, it's a good the selected location or subject, one factor
idea to have a few select locations in mind. that can make or break an image is the
local areas will likely prove to be the most quality and availability of the light. The sun
productive as their proximity will allow you remains low enough in the sky to shoot all
to visit numerous times and at short notice. day in winter, a major advantage for this
when seeking out a new spot, it pays time of year! The warm hues help to cut
to visit several times in advance. Take a down contrast, making exposure easier,
notebook and some binoculars with you and too. backlighting can be an effective way
scan carefully for potential subjects. Note of highlighting the form of your subject,
the position of the sun at different times of especially when lit with a low, winter sun.
day and generally try to develop a feel for when exposing for such backlit images,
the place and the potential images that it try to be creative. by exposing for the
might hold in store. wetland centres such as rim-lighting around the edge of your subject
wwT reserves are excellent places to start, and dialling in some negative exposure
as winter sees the arrival of thousands of compensation, you may find it possible to
swans and geese. These can make fantastic create images of a very graphic nature. when
and relatively accessible winter subjects. done correctly, only the outline of your
as birds become emboldened by the cold subject should be visible, with the shadows
weather and the need to find food, even appearing a deep black, yielding a very
your own back garden can provide plenty dramatic result. Never be afraid of shooting
of winter opportunities. by placing a few in extreme weather. Falling snow, deep mist
bird feeders out you might be surprised at or even rain can create atmosphere and help
the variety of species it's possible to attract, to tell a story about your chosen subject.

EssEntialkit:a DSlr with the ability to
shoot relatively noise-free images at high spEciEstolookoutFor:
iSO ratings offers an undeniable advantage
when shooting in low levels of winter light.
an aPS-C sensor will help too, when shooting
subjects that are difficult to approach, as it
will provide extra reach. when it comes to
action, a fast burst rate will make it easier to
capture the decisive moment. while 5fps is
enough to cope with most situations, the
faster the frame rate, the better. Depending
on your chosen subject, focal lengths ranging
from 200mm to 600mm will prove most
useful. Fixed telephoto lenses with a wide
maximum aperture are better suited to action
shots, but they are by no means essential.
Telezoom lenses such as a 70-200mm or
100-400mm will prove more flexible than
a fixed lens, making it easier to fine-tune
your compositions. The more comfortable GardEnbirds:Gardenbirdsbecomemorevisible FiEldFarEs&rEdwinGs:Aswellastheusual
you feel, the longer you will be prepared to inwinterasthefoliagedropsfromthetreesandthey suspectssuchasvarioustitsandfinches,keepaneye
stay out shooting, so it really does pay to becomemoredesperatetofindfood.As theyareused outforfieldfaresandredwings.Thesebeautifulbirds
wrap up warm. waterproofs are essential tohumans,theyareusuallyeasiertoapproach,too. arepartofthethrushfamilyandmigratesouthto
when shooting in rain or snow, and i would Puttingsomefeedersoutwithavarietyoffoodislikely spendthewinterintheUK.Choppedapplescanbe
also recommend investing in a waterproof, toattractanumberofdifferentspecies.Peanuts,fat usedforbait,buttheyalsoliketofeedonberries,so
camouflaged lens and camera cover to andsunflowerseedsareallfirmfavourites. keeponeyeonrowanbushesandhedgerows.
protect your kit from the elements.

36 Digital slr Photography March 2017

birdsjust WannaHavefern!

all images: ben hall

WaxWings:Waxwingsaddawelcometouchof sWans&geese:Winteringgeeseandswansarrive Herons:Heronsbegintonestveryearlyintheyear.

theunusualandexotic,andcanoftenbeseeninlarge inautumnandremainthroughoutwinter,providing ThenestbuildingusuallystartsinJanuaryandactivity
flocksduringthewintermonths.Theyareparticularly greatopportunitiesforatmosphericimages.Thereare continuesthroughouttherestofthewinter.The
gregariousbirds,andcansometimesbefoundinthe WWTwetlandreservesdottedaroundtheUKthat nestingsiteisknownasaheronryandthesearedotted
mostunlikelyofplaces,suchasgatheringinlarge haveexcellenthides,offeringcloseupviews,suchas aroundthecountry,alwaysincloseproximitytowater
supermarketcarparks,wheretheygorgethemselves MartinMereinLancashire,Slimbridgein astheirmaindietisfish.Theselargebirdsareeasily
onberriesfromnearbybushesbeforemovingon! GloucestershireandCaerlavalockinScotland. spottedstandingatthewater'sedge,orwheninflight.

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 37



CapturebehaviourFor an image to be
really successful, it should instantly grab
the viewers attention. Images that show
interesting bird behaviour have the ability to
excite and stir emotion, and ultimately, help
to create a connection between the subject
and the audience. As winter progresses,
food becomes more and more scarce.
During particularly harsh spells of weather,
it's a common sight to see birds squabbling
and fighting over food. This offers great
opportunities to capture some action and will
baCklitswans&geese: During the golden give a real insight into your subjects life cycle.
hour, backlighting is a favourite of mine. Birds of prey such as buzzards will lock talons
Shooting a bird in flight against the light over prey. When ponds and lakes are frozen
reveals its delicate form, and its wings can over, herons will compete with each other
appear almost transparent. Exposure can be for fish, and can even be baited. However, it's
tricky, so switch to spot metering and meter not only fighting behaviour that you will see in
directly from the bird itself, which should winter, since some species of bird begin to pair
prevent the highlights from over-exposing. up very early in the year. Great crested grebes,
Remember to check your histogram for instance, begin their elaborate courtship
regularly, as the light and background tones displays as early as February, offering the
can change in an instant. Dont dismiss wider chance for evocative images of their intricate
shots. The conditions at dawn following a displays on a misty lake. To freeze action you'll
cold, clear night can be spectacular. Mist need to pay attention to your shutter speed. I
can form on water and in the right light this keep to a minimum of 1/800sec and increase
can create a wonderful atmosphere. Shoot it for fast moving subjects. Keep your camera
towards the sun to capture the golden hues, set to continuous drive so you can fire off a
and if there are surrounding trees, look for burst of frames; this increases your chance of
rays of light filtering through the branches. capturing that perfect moment.

38 Digital slr Photography March 2017

Birdsinflight:Capturing the beauty of shootinginsnow:Knowing how to
flight is one of the most challenging exploit different weather conditions
areas of wildlife photography, but one that can transform an otherwise humdrum image
holds great rewards. Large birds such as into a work of art. Snow can create a special
swans, geese and herons have relatively slow kind of atmosphere and convey a sense
wing beats. Compared with smaller birds, of wildness and extremity. Calculating the
they're an easier target, making them great exposure is critical in snow as the pale tones
for honing your skills. Developing a smooth fool the camera into under-exposure. You
panning technique should be your first goal. will need to increase the exposure using
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart exposure compensation by up to two stops
and tuck in your elbows to increase stability. depending on the amount of white in the
As your subject passes, swivel your top half in frame. A white swan surrounded by snow for
one smooth motion. Your camera should be instance, will need more positive exposure
set to predictive focus and continuous drive. compensation than a darker subject. Pay
Wing position is vital, as a shot can be attention to the histogram and push it to the
ruined with an awkward wing shape, so firing right as much as possible, taking care not to
a rapid sequence of shots increases your clip the highlights. Falling snowflakes can
chances of success. In low light, or snow, I lend a painterly look, and can look different
prefer to use the central focus point as it's the depending on the shutter speed used. To
most sensitive. Depending on your camera, freeze the snowflakes, opt for a fast shutter in
you may be able to expand the focusing area. excess of 1/1000sec, but slower speeds can
This offers a greater margin for error when be as effective too, as they render the snow
maintaining the focus point on the bird. as streaks falling through the frame.

Frame-filling portraits can work
beautifully, and many hold immediate impact,
but a well-composed image of a bird in
its natural environment can be even more
compelling. Such images show the relationship
between bird and landscape, and help to tell
a story. Long lenses are not a prerequisite; I
find that mid-zooms, such as a 70-200mm or
100-400mm, will give greater flexibility and
allow you to refine the composition with ease.
Wide-angle lenses shouldnt be dismissed
rEvEalingmotion:To create images either. These can be used to great effect with
that appear painterly in appearance, birds that allow a close approach. By getting
experiment with slow shutter speeds. I would close, using wide optics, the subject will appear
recommend shutter-priority mode, and large in the frame but the perspective will allow
trying various speeds between 1/15sec and you to include the surroundings. Framing
1/60sec, depending on the speed of your your subject within the environment requires
subject. By panning in a smooth motion, you careful forethought. To avoid the bird from
should find it possible to capture definition becoming lost in the picture, set it against an
in the subject, but reveal the motion in the area of diffused colour, or look for contrasting
background. For a more abstract result, background colours. Lead-in lines can be used
photograph a flock of birds as they're taking to lead the viewers eye towards the subject.
off. You may find this more successful with And look out for elements to use as a natural
an even slower speed of between 1/5sec and frame, too: branches, foliage, and trees can all
1/15sec. This type of image can be hit and be used to good effect. When positioning your
miss, so dont be afraid to experiment and subject, the rule-of-thirds can work particularly
take plenty of shots! Deliberately moving the well, but try not to let these guidelines dictate
camera during the exposure can also create your picture taking. Instead, be creative and
interesting results. experiment as much as possible.

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 39



E ALL KNOW THE coast is a great absolutely nothing dictating your approach
place for landscape photography. CAMERA: NIKON D810 / LENS: NIKKOR 105MM F/2.8 you dont have to record your subject in its
Large sandy bays, dramatic rocky entirety, completely in focus, and it doesnt
ledges and large crashing waves all make but if you want to get close-ups of smaller even have to be recognisable. As they say
great subject matter in wide-angle vistas. Its detail, like whelks, barnacles and shells, a form is primary, content irrelevant.
also a great place to capture colourful skies, macro lens will be better suited. A cut-price When visiting the beach, always check
and practise using lters particularly NDs alternative is to use a close-up attachment, tide times beforehand. Not only is this a
to creatively blur water motion. However, did such as extension tubes. You will also want a good idea from a safety viewpoint, but low
you realise that the seaside is also home to a good tripod, although dont overlook water will reveal more potential subjects
wealth of interesting detail, shape and form? shooting handheld. So long as your shutter avoid high tides, as much of the beach will
If not, the next time you visit the coast, pack a speed is fast enough to eliminate camera be submerged. Wear wellies too; they are far
macro lens or telezoom in order to capture shake, shooting handheld will give you more more practical when working close to water
eye-catching coastal abstracts. freedom and encourage spontaneity, and for wading through rock pools. While
It can be hard to see beyond the big view allowing you to quickly alter your angle and you can shoot coastal abstracts at any time
when you visit the coast, but you need to change perspective or framing. If necessary, of the day, and in any light, I would
take a closer look around you. Naturally, the increase the ISO rating to generate speeds recommend visiting in the morning or
opportunities will vary from beach to beach, fast enough to allow handheld shooting. evening. The suns lower angle will produce
but among the things to look for are wavy Also experiment with apertures. Using a warmer, more dramatic light. Side light is
patterns in the sand, colourful pebbles, large aperture, like f/4, will create an often best for shooting detail, as it highlights
seaweed, shells, shing rope and driftwood. attractively shallow depth-of-eld, which shape, form and texture. A warmer colour
If you wish to capture coastal detail and can help direct the eye to a key point of temperature, like your Cloudy or Shade WB
abstracts, you will typically want to get up interest. When capturing images of detail preset, also tends to suit coastal abstracts,
close, lling the frame with your subject to and form, technique is often less important particularly those including sand.
help maximise impact. The long end of a than having a good, creative eye. When So what are we waiting for? Lets head to
telezoom will suffice for many subjects, shooting any type of abstract, there is the beach and see what we can nd
sKIlls Coastal abstracts

1 CheCk tides This advice might seem

elementary, but before heading to the
coast, always be sure to check the tide
2 Be prepared! The beach is sandy and
wet no surprises there then! Therefore,
wear wellies because theyre useful for
times. Low tide is best for shooting coastal wading through pools and prevent wet feet
abstracts, as more subjects are revealed. By if you get caught out by a big wave. To avoid
checking the tides in advance you can avoid your kit bag and straps from getting damp
disappointing or wasted trips. There are and sandy when you put it down to access
various mobile apps and websites available your kit, keep a waterproof cover attached,
that offer tide times. I use an app called or place it on a bin-bag or sheet of plastic.
AyeTides, which gives accurate tide height, The latter also comes in handy if you need to
range and also sunrise and sunset times. kneel to get low and close to your subjects.


Cloudy WB

3 look for patterns When shooting coastal

abstracts, search closely for interesting
shapes, repetition, contrast and exquisite
4 White BalanCe issues The suns low
position, side-lighting the beach, created
a nice degree of contrast, which helped to
5 identifya foCalpointWhile happy with
my shots, I felt they lacked a focal point.
I wandered along the shoreline, looking
small detail. Sand provides one of the most reveal texture. Although the sand looked for more patterns. I found an area where
obvious and photogenic coastal patterns. warm and orange, the images looked pale smooth pebbles were embedded into the
I quickly found this area of interesting wavy on my screen. This was due to Auto White beach. I tried a number of compositions
lines in the sand, which I was able to isolate Balance mistakenly neutralizing the warmth before identifying this shot, which I captured
using a 105mm macro lens. By arriving at the of the sand a common error with AWB handheld. The circular pebble acts as a key
beach nice and early in the morning, not only when the frame is dominated by just one point of interest, harnessing the composition.
was the light better, but there were fewer colour. I switched to a Cloudy WB setting to Within just two hours, I had taken a variety of
footprints spoiling the sand. capture more pleasing, realistic tones. abstracts see below for some more ideas.


peBBles: Oftenthebiggestskillisseeingtheshotin seaWeed: Inclose-up,shiny,reflectiveseaweedis roCkformations: Geologycanprovidegreat

thefirstplace,ratherthanthetechniquerequiredtotake beautifullydetailedandphotogenic.Lookforair abstractopportunities.Youllfindinterestingpatterns
it.Pebblesontheshorecanlookveryphotogenicin bladdersandwavylinestoaddafocalpoint,or andtexturewithinrockyledgesandclifffaces,sotakea
close-up,creatinginterestingpatterns.Ifnecessary, interestingrepetitiontoyourimages.Considerusinga closelookwhenyounextvisitthecoast.Filltheframeto
arrangethemtoproduceamorepleasingshot.Inthis circularpolarisertoothiswillhelpregulateoreliminate disguisescaleandcontext.Andforpin-sharpresults,
instance,Icombinedashallowdepth-of-fieldwithalow unwantedreflectionsfromshinysurfaces,suchaswet positionyourcameraparalleltothesurfacethiswill
viewpointtocreateamoreartisticandinterestingresult. seaweedandreflectiverockpools. placemoreofthesubjectwithintheplaneoffocus.

42 Digital slr Photography March 2017

lifes a beach


Camera: CANON EOS 5DS / Lens: CANON EF 16-35MM F/4L IS USM

f yOU gO DOWN to the woods today well, you might
actually bag yourself some amazing images! Woodland
offers great potential as a photographic subject. from
close-ups of patterns, details and textures to stunning
foliage colour and studies of sturdy old trees, there is
something for everyone, and no two days are ever the same.
However, if you want to take the top prize and scoop the
creative jackpot, then nothing beats woodland on a misty
morning or afternoon with golden rays of sunlight bursting
through the branches. Its such an amazing spectacle that
you could almost be tempted to leave your camera packed
away and just savour the moment. I did say almost though,
because theres no way on earth any photographer could
ever resist the temptation to capture this sight.
The UK has a lot of woodland, so no matter where you live
even the middle of a busy city you should never have to
travel far to hug a few trees. I live half an hour outside
London these days, but I only have to walk a few minutes up
the road and Im in the middle of lovely woodland, which is
where these images were captured. getting to know a local
patch of woodland is useful because you can predict when it
might be worth a visit to shoot particular images, and you
dont have to travel far to get there.
for misty sunburst shots like these, all you need is a damp
day followed by a clear, cool night so moisture rises through
the trees and is trapped by cool air to form mist, followed by
a sunny morning. Autumn is often the best time to shoot
woodland sunbursts as you have the added benefit of
beautiful foliage colour as well, but you can also get
fantastic results in winter when mist is plentiful, the sun low
in the sky and the trees skeletal in appearance.
you need to be on location around sunrise so you can wait
for conditions to be right. Initially the mist may be so dense
that no sunlight can penetrate, but be patient because as the
sun rises its warming rays will often start to burn the mist away,
and eventually those beams of light will find their way through.
Dont just limit yourself to morning either on a misty day you
may get sunbeams as the sun sets in the evening.
Technically, shots like this are easy to take as everything is
there. you dont need to use filters or fancy techniques
simply mount your camera and start shooting. Its that easy!
sKIlls Woodland sunburst

1 ON LOCATION Get to your chosen location

nice and early so that you have plenty
of time to find a suitable spot to shoot from.
2 READYTO SHOOTSet your DSLR to multi-
pattern metering and aperture-priority
(Av) mode. This is a good approach as you
3 TAKETHE SHOTWith the camera ready, lets
shoot. Use a remote release to trip the
shutter or set the self-timer to a two-second
Mount your camera on a tripod and attach a choose the aperture to control depth-of-field delay and press the shutter release. The delay
wide-angle zoom in this case a 16-35mm and the camera sets the exposure. Stop the reduces the risk of vibrations that can cause
zoom was used on a full-frame DSLR and lens down to f/8 or f/11 then compose your camera shake. Check the preview image and
fit a lens hood to reduce the risk of flare. shot and focus using autofocus. histogram to see how the shot turned out.

4 RE-TAKETHE SHOTIn this case the first shot

was underexposed due to the bright area
in the centre of the frame fooling the cameras
got the first scene spot-on, try some
alternatives by varying your viewpoint, lens
6 IMAGE PROCESSING Once home, download
the images to your computer and start
editing. In Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), increase
metering into giving too little exposure. focal length and camera format. Shoot Clarity to emphasise the sunbeams and
The problem is easily and quickly solved by portrait as well as landscape format, get down Vibrance to enhance the colours. Experiment
increasing the exposure by +1EV using the low, go wider but work quickly as the suns with colour temperature and use the Shadows
cameras exposure compensation facility. warmth can soon burn away the mist. slider to reveal more detail in the shadows.


46 Digital slr Photography March 2017

beam me up scotty!

How to use

Camera:nikond750 /Lens:af-s24-70mmf/2.8gEd/FiLters:lEEfiltErs100mmsystEm

ACK IN THE DAYS of lm, if you were a Filterstrengths explained bybrand
landscape photographer, you never
Stops Optical Filterfactor
left home without your graduated ND (Lee Filters,Tiffen) (Cokin, Hoya, B+W)
lters. You probably had a full set of soft
1 0.3ND ND2
grads, a set of hard grads and then various
coloured lters for creative effects, such an 2 0.6ND ND4
enhancing sunsets. Since the advent of 3 0.9ND ND8
digital, cameras with incredible dynamic 6 1.8ND ND64
range and software with powerful effects
10 3.0ND ND1000
mean that we can now replicate optical ND
grad lters during editing. Yet, youll nd a
vast number of professional photographers
still use graduated ND lters why is this?
Simply, its often down to the ethos of
getting the image as close to the nal result
as possible in-camera. You dont need to
carry a large range of lters and using ND
grads enables you to spend more time
crafting outdoors rather than in front of your
computer, manipulating sliders. For most, a
set of four grads a 0.6ND and 0.9ND in both
hard and soft varieties is often enough.
Of course the downside of optical lters is
that you have to get it right at the point of
capture. With digital lters you can adjust the
1 COMPOSE With a suitable scene in front
of you, attach your camera on a tripod
and compose the shot. Depending on the
effect at any time, but with optical lters direction of the light, you might not need to
once you press the shutter the ltration is use lters for a balanced exposure, but as you
applied. Thats why its key to understand can see here, when I meter for the land, the
how to meter, apply and adjust ND grad sky is overexposed. Select aperture-priority
lters to suit the scene youre capturing. exposure mode and youre ready to go.

2 METER FROMTHE LAND You dont need a

light meter your camera can do that!
First we need to meter from the foreground.
3 METER FROMTHE SKYRepeat this for the sky,
pointing the camera up so that the sky
lls the frame. If youre using the Nikon spot-
You can either use multi-zone metering and metering method, then dont meter from the
point the camera at the ground, so it lls the brightest part of the sky, as the reading will
frame, or if youre a Nikon user then you can be incorrect for the majority of the sky. Once
select spot metering and move the single AF again make a note of the shutter speed. The
point over a mid-tone in the foreground, as difference in stops between the foreground
I have. Make a note of the shutter speed. and sky will dictate your lter strength.

4 CHOOSEAFILTER Select the strength of lter

based on your metering. For example,
my foreground metered at 1/6sec at f/11
5 ALIGN FILTER Decide on whether a hard
or soft grad will suit the scene. Correct
lter alignment is crucial. Use LiveView, or
6 SHOOTIf you used spot metering earlier
on, then remember to move the spot
back over the foreground so that the reading
(ISO 100), and the sky metered at 1/50sec at look through the viewnder whilst holding is taken through the clear part of the lter. If
f/11 (ISO 100) thats a difference of three down the depth-of-eld preview button and youre using multi-zone metering, then the
stops, so Ive chosen a two-stop ND grad. slowly positioning the lter to nd the correct scene should now be evenly exposed. Take a
Some photographers prefer the sky one to alignment. Dont push the lter down too far, test shot and check the results. You can make
two stops brighter than the land, others like a or it may overlap with the land, or objects that adjustments to the overall exposure using
more dramatic sky. If in doubt, try both! jut above the horizon, creating a dark band. exposure compensation.

50 Digital SLR Photography March 2017

Using ND graduated filters

which type?

balance it out


1) filtertoo low Positionyourfiltertoo lowand 2) filtertoo strong The skyis brighterthan the 3) enhance in processing You can enhance
youll see a dark band inyourimage.Adjust the filter, land, so ifyou add too much filtration it often looks filtration during processing, although its fareasier
using LiveVieworlooking through theviewfinder. unnatural.Aim fora skythats 1-2 stops brighter. to increase filtration digitallythan to reduce it.

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 51



F YOURE A STEADFAST optical lter
acionado then the idea of replacing one
sky with another might not hold much
appeal. And if youve read our tutorial on p48, a scene in which lter use wasnt possible, or
then youre fully up to speed on how to one captured with the wrong exposure, into
correctly meter for and use ND grad lters. something worth sharing.
So what use is knowing how to swap a sky? Before we start youll need two images
Well, of course, in ideal situations youre your landscape and then a replacement sky
always packing your ND grads and the light with sufficient interest. Ideally these will be
and clouds are just right, but we all know that images youve shot yourself, but you can also
reality doesnt always work like that, and this peruse stock photography sites for
is an editing trick that could turn a drab sky, candidates if youve nothing suitable.

1 MAKE SURE THE SKYWORKS If youre trying to

inset a sunset sky in a midday landscape,
then its going to look wrong straight
landscape and sky images. On your
landscape image, use the Quick Selection
3 PASTE IN THE NEW SKY Open your sky donor
image and use the Rectangular Marque
Tool (M) to select the sky before going to
away. Or, if the landscape was shot with a Tool to draw across the sky. If the sky is clear Edit> Copy. Then, in your main image, go to
relatively shallow depth-of-eld and the sky it should select it in one go. Use the Zoom Edit>Paste Special>Paste Into. The sky will
is pin-sharp, or vice versa, itll look off. Also Tool on the horizon and check for any areas be dropped within the boundaries of your
pay attention to the direction of light in both which havent been selected. If there are any, selection. You can then use the Move Tool
images is it coming from the left or right, paint over these too. If the tool has selected to reposition the sky, or press cmd + T (Mac)
high or low? Match your sky selection to your something it shouldnt have, hold down the or ctrl + T (Windows) to transform and scale,
image or it will immediately look fake. alt key and paint back over to deselect it. ip or rotate the sky as needed.

4 ADD A GRADIENT The sky probably looks a

bit rough at the horizon, so lets x that.
Start by right-clicking on the Layer Mask
5 TIDYTHE HORIZON You can apply the
gradient over and over until you get
it right, and you can also adjust the mask
window that opens, rst click on the
Clip to Layer button (shown) so that the
thumbnail for your sky in the Layers palette manually using the Brush Tool with White or adjustment only affects the sky layer, then
and selecting Apply Layer Mask. Then, Black set as your Foreground Color. It might make your adjustment as needed, judging by
click on the Add layer mask button to add be that your sky now looks just right, but for eye. My sky also needed a bit of extra contrast
a fresh mask. Select the Gradient Tool and, my image, I need to adjust it further so that it to match the scene, so I added a second
with a white-to-black gradient active, drag matches. The sky is too saturated, so I click the adjustment layer, this time selecting Curves,
downwards near your horizon to create a Create new ll or adjustment layer button in and again clipped it to the sky layer before
transition between sky and land. the Layers palette and select Hue/Saturation. adding contrast. All done!

52 Digital SLR Photography March 2017

The skys noT The limiT
want your shots critiqued by the
digital slr photography experts?
turn to page 59 to find out
how to submit images

Golden silence
aDam BURton

by Peter Henry

What we think: Peter's climb to the summit
of Latrigg in the Lake District has been
rewarded with a gorgeous sky and reflection
in Derwentwater below. Using a telephoto
lens has compressed perspective, creating a
layered effect and bringing the distant
Borrowdale valley into the composition. It's
a lovely tranquil image, but we can't help but
wonder what the scene looked like bathed
in light a few minutes later? Perhaps it didn't
materialise, but a touch of direct light would
have helped define the landscape better.
Regardless, lovely image Peter.
Why it works
Stunning elevated viewpoint
Focal length compresses perspective
Beautiful light and colour in sky

54 Digital slr Photography March 2017

landscape expert AdamBurton arayof light
by Ali Yamaner
locationfordawnonachillyday. CanonEOS5DMarkIIIwithCanonEF24-105mmf/4LISUSMlens. 1
Topmarksforusingalongerlens Exposure:1/160secatf/4(ISO800).
offerslotsofpotential.Compositionally,the What we think: A classic Vatican City
imageworkswell.Thetelephotohasallowed moment, beautifully captured with
Petertomaximisethereflections,andhelpsto considered composition! Any self-
conveythemountains'magnificenceinaway respecting photographer who has visited St
thatawide-anglesimplycouldn't.Theinclusion Peter's Cathedral on a sunny day has sat and
ofthefrostyfieldsintheforegroundisanice waited for someone to pass through one of
touchthatemphasisesthecold,butIdliketo the iconic beams of light. Ali has handled the
seeatightercroptoremovethedistracting exposure well the dark interior can cause
apartmentblocksalongthebottom.Thetrees overexposure of the crucial point in the
andmountainslookabitdark;Ithinktheimage photo. The timing is spot on too. Our only
couldbenefitfromlighterprocessing.Itlooks criticism would be that if the figure captured
asthoughPeterhassetwhiteandblackpoints; in the light was someone in religious attire,
generallyagoodpracticebutinsomesituations the image would be near-perfect!
itisntnecessary. Afrostymorningisusually
accompaniedbypasteltones,andinsuch Why it works
1) Good composition and angle 3
theimagelightandnaturaltothescene. 2) Tricky exposure has been handled well
3) Timing is spot-on

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 55


secret garden
by Arthur Kantemirov

Exposure: 1/250sec at f/1.6 (ISO 100).
What we think: Arthur's portrait has been
thoughtfully captured and processed. The
model's pose is natural, and the setting works
well for the whimsical feel he's gone for.
We're not sure the central composition
works at this angle maybe if the foliage
filled the other side of the frame too, as per Why it works
the example on the right, it would be more 1) Natural pose and expression
balanced. Also, the focusing is ever so slightly 2) Tastefully processed with good skin tones
off easily done at such a wide aperture. 3) Setting adds interest

Into the mornIng lIght

by Becca Fulcher

What we think: In terms of atmosphere,
Becca has captured a lovely wildlife image
the warm dawn light, the frost-coated
three wIde Into druIds 1 bracken, the attentive stag with just a
by Paul Babbington touch of moss hanging from his antlers
and his warm coat creating a fine steam in
NikonD750withNikkorAF-S300mmf/2.8GVRlens. the cold air. Perfect! Her composition is
Exposure: 1/200sec at f/3.2 (ISO 100). 2
good she has allowed space in the
What we think: There are few UK racetracks frame for the stag to 'move into', although
with the dips and drops of Brands Hatch, and the crop is a little close on the right-hand
this is a classic angle for this circuit. Paul's low side. The slight flare of light passing
angle has captured the cars at bumper- 3 through the tree on the left adds great
height, which adds drama and depth. His interest and depth too. The only thing
timing is spot on too the three cars are we'd advise watching out for is focusing
neck and neck going into the next corner! Why it works accuracy in backlit situations such as this
Usually we'd suggest the jaunty angle of the 1) Angle of composition adds dynamism Becca has slightly forward-focused, so
camera is a bit much, but it works here as the 2) Perfect timing with all cars equal the ferns in front of the stag are pin-sharp,
track is so extreme anyway! Good job! 3) Low angle adds depth and the animal itself is ever so slightly soft.

56 Digital slr Photography March 2017

Wildlife expert BenHall
ben hall


March 2017 Digital slr Photography 57




EMAIL: If you want to email FACEBOOK: Join us on Facebook at POST: Burn your high-res images as
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Please only email images at a maximum your best shots to our wall. We regularly with location and technical details. Put it
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Digital SLR Photography contact form Checklist

Tick a box and ll in your details if you would like to submit images or take part in Photo Workshop.
If submitting images by post,
remember to include your 'mugshot'
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Please don't send us high-res
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1,000 pixels along the longest edge
and if we see something we like, we'll
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Emails exceeding 8MB total size
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Workshop Portfolio ExpertCritique General submission down into two or more
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Name: Address:
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Postcode: portfolio as you may appreciate we

Phone: Email: receive a lot of submissions and

aren't able to look through hundreds
of images narrow the selection
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Fora full set ofpicture guidelines, orto ask anyquestions, please email

March 2017 Digital SLR Photography 59

The Beginners Guide

Words & images: JAMES ABBOTT

capture the best light possible. Whether
youre a landscape, wildlife or portrait
photographer, our goals are essentially
the same. So wouldnt it be amazing if you
could take full control of light? Unfortunately
for landscape and wildlife photographers,
they are usually at the mercy of the elements.
Portrait and fashion photographers have
a huge advantage they can use a studio.
A photo studio, whether a small home
set-up or a professional rented studio, offers
complete control of absolutely everything, Notowningstudiokitor
from lighting to background and havingspaceathome
environment. And, depending on the size of isntareasontonottry
the studio, you can create tightly-cropped yourhandatstudioash
images, or pull back for more dramatic photography.Hiringa
full-length shots with lots of creative negative studioisanaffordableandpracticaloption,and
space. For portrait photographers, the studio allowsyoutoshootusingarangeofstudiogearin
is a haven of potential. aspacedesignedsolelyforphotography.Studio6
Learning how to use studioash is an inLetchworth,Hertfordshireisoneofthenewest
essential skill for portrait and fashion studiosintheUKandboastsanextensivearray
photographers. Not only because it means offacilitiesandequipment,aswellasplentyof
you can shoot at any time of the day or night spaceinwhichtoprepareandshoot.Weusedit to
and in any weather conditions, but it also shoot all ofthe Beginners Guide to Studioash
expands your creative potential. There are and can thoroughlyrecommend it to readers of
many lighting effects and styles that can be all levelswanting to tryout studio photography.
achieved in the studio that are difficult to With 2,000ft studio space, awhite cove,various
produce outdoors, if not impossible. backdrops, changing areas, several Elinchrom
One of the most important aspects of lights, alongwith an extensive range ofash
studio lighting is that it provides you with a modiers, its the ideal place to shoot studio
blank canvas on which to paint your subject portraits.We'll be using them again soon!
with light. The word photography itself Formore details on the range facilities available
loosely means light drawing, and thats at Studio 6,
exactly what were going show you here.
The Beginners Guide


UYING YOUR FIRST studioash kit is
exciting because its a move that will ANATOMYOFASTUDIOFLASH HEAD
completely change the way you shoot
portraits, for the better. Weather and light 1) Poweroutput: On some ash heads
conditions will no longer be a problem theres a digital readout forpoweroutput,
because youll be able to control everything. while on others poweris denoted on a dial.
LED lighting is growing in popularity, with 2) Powercontrol: Forash headswith a
some photographers making the move to digital readout therewill be simple up and
continuous light sources. But while they down controlstosetpoweroutput. 1
3 9

offer several advantages, these heads cant 3) Modellinglampon/off:Turnsthe 4

produce the same intensity of light as ash, modellinglamponoroff,andsetsitspower 6

and remain much more expensive. outputproportionaltotheashortomanual.
5 10
With studioash its possible to nd options 4)Modellinglamppower:Allowsyouto 2

at every price point ranging from a couple manuallyadjustthepoweroutputofthe

of hundred, all the way up to a few thousand modellinglightwhensettofree(manual). 8
pounds and everything between. Plus theres 5) Slave cell on/off: Ifyoure using several 7

a wide variety of lighting modiers available ash heads the slave cell can be used to re
to help you to control and shape light. themwhen the triggered ash res.
6) Slave cell receptor: Youll nd awhite
MAINTYPESOFSTUDIOFLASH dome on most ash heads, and this is simply
When it comes to buying photographic the eye cell receptorthat seesotherashes.
kit there are always a few considerations, 7) Sync socket: This iswhereyou plug in
and studioash is no exception. The most a traditional sync cable orwireless trigger 1
common type of ash head is a self- to sync the ash toyourcamera.
contained unit that plugs into the mains, 8) Main on/off: This is the masteron/off
with all controls, slave cell and sometimes switch and everyash head has one.
cooling housed in a single unit, known as a 9)Test button: Pressing this button res 15
monoblock or monolight system. This type the ash soyou can check itsworking,
is popular, but for photographers producing orto discharge the ash cell.
a large number of ashes a separate power 10) Charge readybeep on/off: You can set
pack and head solution is more common. the ash head to beepwhen the ash has 13

Professional photo studios often use a recharged and is readyto be red again.
pack and head ash system, which uses 11) Modelling bulb: The modelling bulb 11

a power pack that plugs into the mains to produces light that allowsyou to see how
deliver power to the ash heads. This means the ash lightwill fall on the subject.
that ash recycle times are quicker than with 12) Flash tube: The ash tube is the bulb
a monoblock ash head, and power output that creates the ash light.These are
is often much higher. The downside is that expensive to replace so take carewith them.
they're not as portable as the all-in-one type. 13)Accessorymount: Modierssuchas
If the ability to take your studio to literally softboxesandbeautydishesattachtothefront
any location is important then a battery- ofashunitsusingtheaccessorymount.
powered solution may be what you need. 14)Tilt handle: Whenattachedtoastand
This type of ash works along the same lines ashheadscanbetiltedbackwardsand
as a pack and head system, although the forwards,andthishandlelockstheirposition.
difference is that the pack is a high capacity 15) Mount screw: Flash heads attach to
battery. This type of ash is ultra-portable, light standsvia a lockable bracket.
but ash power is often lower and recycle Thiswill keep them rmlyin positionwith
times slower than the other two options. even heavymodiers attached.


1 SETMANUALMODE: Turn the mode dial onyour

camera to M formanual.This mode allowsyou to
set both the shutterspeed and aperture, and thesewill
shutterspeed to the ash sync speed.Thiswill be
around 1/160sec, 1/200sec or1/250sec checkyour
3 CONNECTTOTHE FLASH: Whenyou release the
shutteryou need the ash(es) to re at the same
time. Onewayto do this is using a sync cable that
remain on the chosen settings untilyou change them. camera's manual. Next set the aperture to f/11. For plugs into a PC sync socket onyourcamera.Abetter
To get started set the ISO rating to 100 foroptimum most studiowork f/8 orf/11 is favoured foroptimum wayofring studioash is to use awireless triggeron
image qualityinyourshots. lens sharpness. Set theWB to Flash ifshooting inJPEG. the camera,with a receiveron one ofthe ashes.

62 Digital SLR Photography March 2017

The Beginners Guide

essentialtechnique: howto meter for perfectstudioflash exposures

HeN SHOOTINg OUTdOORSwith just a

camera, metering is a fairlystraightforward

affair. But in the studioyoureworkingwith
light that hasn'tyet been emitted bythe light source, and
youreworkingwith manual camera settings, so howdo
you achieve a correct exposure?Working out exposure in
the studio is actuallyeven easierthanwhen shooting
undernatural light because light remains the same for
everyshot, unlessyou change poweroutput orthe
position ofone ormore ofthe flash heads.There are two
ways to assess exposure.The first is to take test shots and
use the LCd screen to judge exposure, and thisworks
well. However, ifyouwant to knowthatyoure achieving
perfect exposures a handheld light meteris useful.
1 takeatestshot: Setyourcamera to manual mode
with the shutterat the flash sync speed. Ifyoure
unsure set 1/125sec orcheck the camera manual. Next
2 assessandadjust: Use the previewimage and, if
you're confident enough, the histogram too, to judge
whetherits too light ortoo dark. Ifits too dark open the
a) easymethod: Find a suitable exposurewith trial and set aperture at f/11 and ISO to 100.This givesyou a good aperture to f/8, orincrease flash power, and take another
errorusing the LCd monitor. B)accurate method: Use start exposure.Take a shot ofthe model and look at the test shot. Ifits too bright reduce flash powerratherthan
a handheld meter,which indicates the ideal exposure. image on-screen to see howthis test exposure looks. stopping down. Repeat until the exposure looks good.

1 selectthe desired settings: Aftermanually

dialling the desired settings intoyourcamera, set the
ISO rating on the light meterto match that ofyour
2 syncthe meter: Ifusing awireless flashmeterpair
itwith the flash head. Ifnot, plug the sync lead into
the flash at one end and the flashmeterat the other. Hold
3 change exposure: Arecommended aperture
settingwill showon the meter's screen.You can either
set this aperture on the camera oradjust the flash power
camera we'd suggest ISO 100. Next select a shutter the meterin front ofyourmodels face facing the output to allowyou to useyourdesired settings.The
speed close to the sync speed ofyourcamera.This directionyoull be shooting from and press the fire latteroption is usuallypreferable becauseyou remain in
doesnt need to be exactwhenyou're shooting indoors. button to triggerthe studio head(s) to fire. control.Take anothertest shot to confirm it's OK.

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 63

The Beginners Guide


help to think of it being like water.
Whatever you pour that water
through will inuence the way it comes out
of the other end. A funnel concentrates water
into a tight stream, and thats exactly what a
snoot does for light. Light modiers are
essential for controlling and shaping light,
and theres a variety of options available.
Light is much more complex than water, so
while thinking of it being like water to be able
to visualise the way modiers affect it, you
also have to consider how materials placed in
front of it will make it behave. Material softens
light, while honeycomb grids narrow and
direct it. To fast track you straight to in-depth WHITE
knowledge of how modiers affect light Producing a wide, soft This is essentially the
were going to show you exactly how spread of light, white same as a white brolly,
different modiers control and shape light. reective brollys are although the very fact
At the consumer to professional end of small, lightweight and that the reective surface
studioash there are two main mounts for ultra-portable compared is silver rather than white
accessories modiers Elinchrom and to large softboxes. Theyre means light will be slightly
Bowens S. The accessory mount isnt a key perfect for lighting larger scenes in the harder and more concentrated. This means
consideration when buying a lighting kit, but studio and outdoors, but for more controlled a silver brolly will be more commonly used
once you have chosen one be sure that the light they fall behind softboxes that are as a ll or rim light where the highlight needs
modiers you buy will t your ash heads. available in a variety of shapes and sizes. to stand out from the key light.


are one of the most is a type of softbox As a staple in fashion
popular light modiers thats long and thin to photography, beauty
available, and for good produce light that, you dishes are similar to
reason. They produce guessed it, is spread over softboxes in the way
soft even light, and since a long and narrow area. they direct light. But light
theyre available in a variety This makes them ideal for rim is slightly harder with more
of shapes and sizes, its possible to achieve lighting in portraits. Where a regular square dened shadows and less wrap-around
a number of lighting effects and styles. softbox would spread light too much, the light. They're available in white or silver, with
A standard square or octagonal softbox striplight keeps it concentrated in the right the white option producing slightly softer
produces a fairly wide spread of light. area the very edges of the model. light than their silver counterparts.

64 Digital SLR Photography March 2017

The Beginners Guide




To stop light from spilling small parts of a larger Honeycomb grids are
out in all directions subject a snoot is the available to t onto spill
when using a bare ash best modier by far. kills, softboxes and also
or umbrella, a spill kill / This cone-shaped beauty dishes. The grid
reector dish is essential. modier forces light into a focuses and directs light
These are usually included small circle. To further control so that it doesnt wrap-
in studio lighting kits, and force light to the light, some snoots also come with a around the subject as much as it would
move forwards rather than spilling out at detachable honeycomb grid. If using the without. This helps to create a hard
the sides. They're available in a variety of modelling lights take care when removing graduation from the most lit area of the
shapes and sizes for different purposes. the snoot as they become extremely hot. image to the shadow area.

March 2017 Digital SLR Photography 65

The Beginners Guide

single light


he adage don't run before you can
walk holds strong in many areas of life,
and photography is no exception.
Keeping things simple will pay dividends
because you have fewer variables to contend
with. When it comes to lighting starting with
one light is perfect for beginners because
you can focus all of your attention on it.
as your experience grows youll inevitably
want to introduce more lights to achieve a
range of effects. But its worth remembering
that you should always start with one light
and build from there. Introduce a simple
reflector into the mix and the possibilities

increase exponentially.
In the examples on the right we show you
how the position, angle and height of a light
source can drastically change the light. With
just a small softbox, and the occasional
reflector, its amazing how much can be
achieved with a single studioflash. For
camera settings head back to page 62.

1 Abovewith reflector: Straight-on with the

light above the model and facing down at
a 45 angle is a classic set-up. Ideally, youll
see a small and light triangular shadow
appear below the models nose. The shadow
under the chin shouldn't be strong with this
lighting, so you can position a reflector on
the models lap to fill the shadows.

2 side-lighting: This is a popular lighting

style for black & white male portraits with
a dark background because half of the face
appears to be emerging from the darkness.
as you move the light away from the model
towards where youre standing, more light
will be able to reach the other side of the
models face to illuminate it.


litfrom below: Used independently of a

second light, lighting from below can
create unflattering hammer horror movie
style lighting. To get the best results ask the
model to look down towards the light. and
for an even better effect, use this technique
in conjunction with a second studioflash.

4 side-litwith reflector: a reflector is your

best friend in the studio because it can
equate to another light source. With the
studioflash positioned 45 to the side of
the model and using a reflector to fill the
shadows, you get a well-lit portrait with
shape and form across the models face. an
assistant is useful for holding the reflector.

5 rembrAndtlighting: 45 to the side and lit

from above the aim of this lighting style
is to have one side of the face well-lit with a
triangle of light below the eye opposite the
light source. Its the simplest way to create
pleasing results, and can be achieved with a
single light or a light and a reflector.

66 Digital slr Photography March 2017

The Beginners Guide

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 67

The Beginners Guide

two light


ith single light techniques
under your belt, its time to move on
to slightly more advanced effects
requiring two lights. What well be doing
here is introducing a second flash head to
do the shadow-filling work of a reflector in
single light set-ups, and to also help add
shape and form by introducing highlights.
its with two lights where sculpting with light
begins to take place. When working with
two or more lights it pays to set them up one
at a time, getting the position and exposure
correct before setting up the second. this
makes it quicker and easier to make

adjustments as you go, rather than turning

both lights on and not knowing which light
needs to be adjusted. some photographers
even set up and meter for the first light,
switch it off to do the same for the second,
before turning both on to check them and
make any final adjustments.

1 Cross lighting: this lighting is achieved by

positioning a light in front of the model at
45 to the side, and one behind at the same
angle but diagonally opposite. the result is a
dramatically-lit model using a technique
that can be set up in a few minutes using
brollys softboxes, or even spill kills for harder
lighting and ultimately more edgy results.

2 Above sideAnd rim: this is a variation of

cross lighting but rather than having both
lights straight, the main light is raised and
aimed down slightly to allow more light to
reach the other side of the models face. the
rear light catches the hair and shoulder to
add contrast and helps separate the model
from the background.

3 sCissor lighting: With lights either side of


the model, at an equal distance and

identical angles, the result is clean and even
with no shadows. You can also reduce the
power of one of the lights to help to create
more definition reduce the power of one
of the lights by half or a full stop.

4 ClAmshelllighting: For even lighting with

few shadows this is a great way to take
the single light and reflector technique a
step further. One light is positioned in front
and above the model aiming down at a 45
angle. the second light mirrors this but from
below to eliminate all shadows. Use equal
power or vary for different effects.

5 strAightonAnd hAir: introducing a light

to catch the outline of the models hair is
a classic technique that remains as popular
as ever, and can be applied with any main
light set-up, whether straight on or at an
angle. if using a softbox for a hair light, aim it
at the back centre of the models head and
adjust as necessary to refine the result.

68 Digital slr Photography March 2017

The Beginners Guide

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 69

The PhotoWorkshop


OUREXPERT: LeeFrost OURREADER: RichardNewman

LeeisoneoftheUKsbestknown RichardisadirectorofaleadingUK
landscapeandtravelphotographers CivilEngineeringConsultancy.His
aswellastheauthorofalmost20 interestinphotographydeveloped
booksandhundredsofmagazine moreseriouslyaboutveyearsago
articles.Leeleadsworkshopsand andhespendsmuchofhisfreetime pursuinghispassionforlandscapephotography.
Leeskit:CanonEOS5Sand5DMkIII,CanonEF Richardskit:NikonD750,TamronSP24-70mm
16-35mmf/4LISUSM,EF24-70mmf/4LISUSM f/2.8,NikonAF-S70-200mmf/4GED,Nikon
andEF70-300mmf/4-5.6LISUSM,LeeFilters AF-S16-35mmf/4GED,Manfrotto055XPRO
systemwithpolariser,NDandNDgrads,Gitzo carbon-bretripodwithManfrottoXPRO
carbon-bretripodwithReallyRightStuffball magnesiumballheadandLoweproFlipside
head,F-StopLokabackpack. 500AWbackpack.
IERS PROVIDE A walk on the sea creams, the bright, glossy paintwork glistens deck chairs apping furiously in its wake, as
without the disadvantage of being in the sun while ags utter in the breeze to dark clouds pass overhead.
seasick and are havens of fresh air and create a sense of joy, warmth and happiness. No matter what season of the year and no
freedom we can ill afford to lose, said By night the bass thud from the dance hall matter what the weather's doing, the good
the late great poet Sir John Betjeman. With shakes the pier's very foundations, while old British pier is packed with potential. And
that in mind, Betjeman founded the National young couples get intimate and carve love making the most of it couldn't be easier. Many
Piers Society in 1979 to protect a vital but hearts on benches worn smooth by subjects demand planning or prior
disappearing part of our coastal heritage. Its overweight backsides. Colourful man-made knowledge, but not this one. Whether you're
still going strong, as are most of the 59 piers illuminations stretch from end to end, on a ying visit to the seaside or there for the
that still remain, dotted around the coast of reecting in the shiny boardwalks and duration, all you have to do is spend an hour
England, Scotland and Wales. creating shimmering reections on the sea. or two wandering and youre guaranteed to
The great thing about seaside piers is Then winter comes and the mood of the come away with some great images.
they're so full of character. In the summer place is transformed. Choppy seas snap at To show you what can be achieved, we sent
they're thriving subcultures, packed with pier supports like a pack of angry dogs. The reader Richard Newman off to Brighton
holidaymakers soaking up the sun, spending once-busy walkways lie quiet, frequented home to one of Englands most popular piers
their hard-earned cash and generally having by the odd solitary dog walker or couple (and the derelict West Pier that was destroyed
fun. Big wheels spin gracefully against the wrapped up in their woolies out for a breath in 1985). His challenge was to come up with
deep blue sky, amusement arcades buzz of salty sea air. The wind whistles and groans four inspiring images before nightfall. Lee
with activity, kids lick away at monstrous ice as it snakes through broken windows leaving Frost joined him to offer help and advice.
The PhotoWorkshop


When you plan a shoot like this in winter, its

anyones guess what the weather might be
doing on the day blowing a gale, pouring
with rain, or snowing! Fortunately for
Richard, none of the above applied because
on arrival in Brighton, he was greeted with
a cloudless blue sky and bright winter
sunshine it could have been summer!
Had we been shooting landscapes, such
conditions would have been met with a
deep sigh as theyre far from dramatic or
atmospheric. However, for a subject like
Brighton Pier, which is bold and architectural,
sunny weather is actually a bonus, and
changes in the direction and quality of light
throughout the day can be put to good use. 3
I purposely avoided telling Richard
what his challenges were until we met on
Brighton seafront on the day of the shoot.
I didnt want to tempt fate with the weather
and put ideas in Richards head that he
might have to change at short notice if
conditions werent as expected. Checking
the weather forecast the night before, it
became quite clear that wed be enjoying
clear, dry and sunny conditions, so I decided CHALLENGE1Pro verdict
that wed kick the day off with Richard
producing an image that exploited colour. Whenyoureunderpressuretoproducea
Towards the end of Brighton Pier there strongimageinashortspaceoftime,itseasyto
are fairground rides so Richard immediately getintoapanicespeciallywhentheres
started heading along the boardwalk. anotherphotographerbreathingdownyour
Access was restricted by maintenance work neck.ButRichardremainedascoolasa
taking place in certain areas, but Richard 1)Richardhitsthedecktocapturethescenefromalowangle.
was able to wander around most of the subjectthatwouldmeetthebriefthencarefully
fairground rides, checking them out from composestheshotusinghisDSLRsLiveViewfacility. andconfidentlyproducedtheimage.Itwas
different angles against the sky. interestingtoseeitevolveandIthinktheend
After a few minutes of exploration, in his backpack and seconds later a polariser resultisareallyvibrant,eye-catchingimagethat
Richard stopped by a fantastic carousel and was screwed onto his lens. Iwouldhavebeenhappytotakemyself.
Helter Skelter and put down his tripod. Both The first couple of shots Richard took
fairground rides were packed with colour lacked impact. There was too much
and also bathed in sunlight, which made space between the two fairground rides, with quirky camera angles so the rides
them look even better. I suggested trying to which resulted in the central area of the would be leaning dramatically. This is a
juxtapose their bold shapes against the blue composition being empty just sky. This handy trick to employ when you want to
sky by shooting from low down with a wide- was partly because Richard wanted to make a composition more dynamic and
angle lens, so Richard locked a 24-70mm include the distant tower of Brightons latest abstract the final image becomes more
zoom onto his Nikon DSLR and got to work. tourist attraction, The i360, but it was so about shapes and colour rather than the
The angle hed chosen meant that the sun far away that it made no contribution to subject matter it includes. Richard took
was off to one side of the camera perfect the shot. I suggested that Richard change this idea on board immediately and within
to get a good effect from a polarising filter. position slightly so the two fairground rides minutes had bagged a fantastic shot that
Realising this, Richard had a quick rummage were closer together, and also experiment captured all the fun of the fair!

around 30.Rotatingthepolariserslowlywhile
speedcanslowdown,resultingincamerashake. NOpOLARisER WitHpOLARisER

72 Digital slr Photography March 2017

thatpolarisedsky. Agreatfirstshot.
The PhotoWorkshop

2 4

2 3
CHALLENGE2:HDR 1)Richardsetsuphiscameraunderthepier.2)Checkingthe
One downside of bright, sunny weather is producetheHDRsequence.4)ItstemptingtogoOTTwhen
that you can easily end up producing very producingHDRimagesbutyoudonthaveto.
similar shots. But the whole point of this
Photo Workshop is to show versatility and and established that hed need to shoot
come up with different photographs, so with a sequence of seven frames from EV-3 to CHALLENGE2Pro verdict
that in mind I challenged Richard to produce EV+3 stops in full stop increments.
an HDR image about as far removed from The best way to produce the exposure Insunnyweather,middaylightcanbebland.
his first shot as you could get! sequence is by setting your DSLR to Richardcompletedhisfirstchallengebefore
Piers are a popular subject for HDR, aperture-priority and then either using 1:00pm,whichmeanttherewouldbeseveral
especially when theyre shot from Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) set to the hoursbeforethequalityoflightstartedto
underneath, as contrast is usually strong required parameters, or manually adjusting improve.Ratherthankickourheels,Isetthis
and its near impossible to capture a full the exposure for each frame using the challengeasIknewit'dbepossibletocreatean
range of detail in a single frame. Brighton exposure compensation facility, starting interestingimageunderthepier.Richardhad
Pier was no exception. The sun was pretty at the darkest or lightest exposure. Its oneortwoteethingtroublesbuttheywere
much over the pier when we wandered important to use aperture-priority mode soonovercome.Hesdoneagreatjob,
under it, which meant that the pier itself because that way, the aperture you set revealingfantasticdetailunderthepierwhile
was effectively casting its own shadow on remains unchanged so depth-of-field is retainingasenseofrealismitdoesntlook
the sea beneath, making it dark and murky. the same for each shot. If you use shutter- overdone.Thewidecompositionisstrongtoo.
Beyond the pier, however, light levels were priority mode, the camera will keep the
extremely high and, to compound matters, shutter speed constant and change the
the sun was shining on the sea to the right of aperture (f/number) for each frame to frames that would make alignment difficult.
the pier, creating shimmering highlights. change the exposure. This can cause Having overcome those initial teething
It turned out Richard was no stranger problems with alignment if the images as troubles, Richard bagged a perfect set
to HDR, so he knew the score. To create a depth-of-field will vary with each frame. of images, using his 16-35mm zoom at
successful composite you need to shoot Its also a good idea to set focus to 16mm, so he could include lots of the piers
a set of images of the same scene, each at manual rather than using AF, just in case boardwalk as well as the criss-crossing
a different exposure, so the darkest frame the lens has trouble focusing. Richard pattern of legs and struts supporting the
records detail in the highlights (though in discovered this to his peril when he shot pier and the waves sloshing beneath it.
this case we decided to ignore the sunlight the first exposure sequence, as the darker All that remained was for him to combine
on the sea as that was only ever going to frames were out of focus. Had he not the images at home to create the final
come out white) and the lightest frame realised, they would have been impossible HDR photograph, which he did using the
records detail in the darker shadows. to merge. Focusing the lens manually excellent HDR Efex Pro 2, part of the free Nik
How many frames you need to shoot prevents this. Finally, it goes without saying Collection by Google (see panel, above).
depends on the contrast in the scene. In that the camera should be on a tripod so With challenge two complete it was time
this case, Richard took some test shots that theres no camera movement between for a well-earned lunch break.

74 Digital slr Photography March 2017

The PhotoWorkshop

challenge3:SUnSeT 2

After a well-deserved lunch break to warm

up and fuel up, we headed back along
Brighton seafront to the pier to ready
ourselves for sunset due to happen at a
very respectable 4:30pm! With almost an
hour to go there was no mad panic, but I
personally like to be on location with plenty
of time to spare instead of rushing around
like a headless chicken. Not only does
rushing reduce your risk of taking a great
shot, but it also removes the option to scout
a location for different viewpoints, give your
shots some thought, set up your gear in a
relaxed manner and also be ready to take
advantage if anything interesting happens
before the actual event youre there for.
During the last hour before sunset, for
example, the quality of light can be amazing
its not called the golden hour for nothing!
In our case, things started to get
interesting once the sun dropped low
enough in the sky that it was visible
between the pier legs and sent a golden
shimmer of light across the sea towards us.
Initially the sun was very bright and caused
flare, but after a few minutes it dropped into
a slight winter haze, which took a lot of the
sting out of it so that it stopped flaring and 1)Richardsetsuphiscameraandtripodasthesunstartstosink
burning out. Richard took advantage of this towardsthehorizon.2)RichardalignsanNDgradinhisLee challenge3Pro verdict
window of opportunity. ofRichardsNikonD750,withtheelectroniclevelactivated.
On checking his initial images, I pointed Iknewfrompreviousvisitsthatthesunwould
out that the sky looked overexposed and the You can choose to take a meter reading setinanidealpositioninrelationtoBrighton
sea was a little dark. The reason was simple from the foreground, setting it on your Pier,soitwaswellworthstayingonuntil
Richard wasnt using a Neutral Density camera in manual mode, then position the sundown.Richarddefinitelymadethebestof
(ND) grad. In situations like this an ND grad is ND grad and take the shot. However, an
almost essential as it reduces the contrast easier option is to set your camera to
between the sky and foreground so you can aperture-priority mode, position the grad in filtertoincreasetheexposuresohecould
capture a more balanced image. Richard the holder and let the camera work out the smoothouttheseathesmoothseagoeswell
had a set of excellent Lee Filters ND grads in exposure more often than not youll get a withthesmoothskyandgivestheimpression
his backpack, so he grabbed them, slotted a perfectly exposed shot, providing you've thatthepierisalmostfloating.
0.6ND grad into his filter holder, carefully chosen the right filtration for the scene
aligned it using LiveView and re-shot the (see panel on the right).
scene. It made a big difference to the shot Anyway, back to Brighton. Once the sun Airport, so we also ended up with numerous
(see panel, opposite) and stayed in place for gets close to the horizon, it doesnt take long chemtrails in the sky as well, which spoiled it
the rest of the sunset shoot. before it sets. It almost seems to speed up! somewhat. Not that it mattered because
A lot of photographers assume that you Richard wasted no time and continued Richard had already bagged some great
need to change the exposure when youre shooting, changing camera position a shots and as the light levels started to drop,
using ND grads, but you dont. The whole couple of times. A few streaky clouds drifted a beautiful warm glow developed behind
point of the grad is to effectively darken the in and there was a chance they would be the pier, adding atmosphere to the scene.
sky so that when you correctly expose the up-lit by the setting sun. They did turn pink Richard had completed his third
foreground in our case the beach and sea for a few minutes, but Brighton is on the challenge. Normally that marks the end of
the sky also comes out correctly exposed. flight path for planes landing at Gatwick the workshop, but we werent done just yet!

76 Digital slr Photography March 2017

golden SHot

NDgradfilters nofilter 0.3ndgrad

0.6ndgrad 0.9ndgrad

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 77

The PhotoWorkshop


We could have happily packed up after the

sun went down in Brighton. But as any
photographer worth his salt knows, once
the sun sets and daylight levels fade, urban
scenes are transformed by colourful
man-made illumination and youd be a fool
to turn your back on them. Piers are no
exception. In fact, in some ways, piers look
even better at night than they do during the
day, thanks to all those dazzling lights
strung from one end to the other, so I threw
one last challenge at Richard to take a
great night shot of Brighton Pier. Was he up 1)Richardgetsset-upinthefadingsunset.Lightlevelsdrop 3
for that challenge? What do you think? quicklysoRichardmakesthemostofeveryminute.2)Aquick
The best time to take night shots isnt checktoseehowtheshotsarelooking.3)Thecolours
really at night, but during the crossover whenRichardtookthisshot.5)Oncedaylightlevelsdroptoo
period between day and night when low,contrastincreasesanditstimetocallitanight.
man-made lighting has an obvious effect
on a scene, but theres still enough daylight brighter for longer than if you shoot towards
around to help fill in the shadows and the eastern sky. Also, cloudy skies darken
theres still colour in the sky to provide an faster than clear skies, regardless of the
attractive, contrasting backdrop to the direction you shoot, because theyre
warm glow of the artificial illumination. If you naturally darker than clear sky.
wait until the sky fades to black, its too late As Richard had been busy shooting suggested that the jetty would make an
because the sky looks bland and contrast sunset, he was already on location and set interesting foreground feature, as it was wet
goes through the roof. up to resume shooting as soon as the and reflecting some light from the sky
Whether the day has been sunny or cloudy, balance between man-made and artificial above and the nearby road.
the sky is usually a deep blue colour during lighting was right. Initially he started out Richard agreed and promptly got himself
this crossover period. Consequently, its shooting at the wide end of his 24-70mm set up. Although the sunset itself didnt
often referred to as the blue hour, although before zooming towards the 70mm end exactly set the world on fire, within 20
dont be misled by the title because you rarely and capturing sections of the pier. Happy minutes the colours in the sky had intensified
get a whole hour to shoot before the colour with the results, Richard then decided to significantly, graduating from deep blue to
in the sky fades to black often its more like wander a little further along the beach and rich orange at the horizon. Richard zoomed
the blue half hour, especially during winter, look for a different angle. It was while doing back to 24mm, moved in close to the
when darkness seems to creep up very this that we stumbled upon an old, concrete jetty and composed the scene. As
quickly. The direction youre facing makes a barnacle-encrusted and sea-worn the sky and foreground were well balanced
difference shoot towards the western sky, concrete jetty that was being lapped by by this stage, an ND grad was no longer
where the sun went down, and the sky stays waves. The tide was going out and I needed so it was a straightforward shot

78 Digital slr Photography March 2017

at Days enD

4 5
Richard Newman
camera in aperture-priority, lens set to f/11 colourfulpieragainstabluesky,enhancedwith
to provide sufficient depth-of-field to record challenge4Pro verdict apolarisingfiltergaveplentyofopportunity.
the whole scene in sharp focus, with the Thewackyfairgroundattractionsfavoured
shutter fired via remote release and the RichardsenthusiasmdidntfalterwhenI angledcompositionstheyseemedtosuitthe
exposure time determined by the camera. suggestedanextrachallenge.Infact,Ialmost quirkiness.IfoundattemptsatHDRtobringout
As expected, it produced the perfect result. hadtodraghimoffBrightonBeach!Hisfinal thedetailintherustystructureunderthepier
By 5:30pm, just an hour after sunset, it imageisfantastic.Thecoloursaresuperb,the morechallenging,giventhehugerangein
was game over. The sky was heading exposurespotonandthebalancebetween contrast.Theconditionssuggestedapromising
toward black and contrast was too high to naturalandman-madelightisperfect.Ialso sunset,butthefullrichnessofthecoloursdidnt
handle. Richard had a very productive day likethecompositionthatgnarledslabof appearuntilthesunhaddroppedbelowthe
though, completing three different concreteechoestheshapeofthepier,adding horizon.Still,theever-changinglightallowed
challenges and producing a great image for scaleandbalanceaswellasforeground metocaptureshimmeringsunlightacrossthe
each. All that remained was to battle interest.Impleasedwedecidedtostayon seaandpebbles,andthenfinallytherichglow
through the Brighton traffic at rush hour to becauseforme,thisisthebestshotoftheday. ofthelightsonthepierandtheskybeyond.
get home and process them!

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 79

Master... Words: daniel lezano / Image: jeremy walker

in the UK, We're blessed With having the coastWithin atWo to three hoUr drive at most, no matter Where
We live. this means that Whatever the season or Weather, the potential to captUre great images is never
too far aWay. to get yoU started, We offer yoU a dozen inspirational ideas on hoW to captUre the coast

Jeremy Walker
Landscape expert

1 Lighthouses By their very nature,

lighthouses tend to be in dramatic or
interesting locations. Lets face it, they
are there to warn and protect shipping from
hazardous waters or dangerous coastlines.
So find a lighthouse and hopefully you
already have an inspiring location to shoot.
Lighthouses symbolise the ocean, so
include plenty of sea, rocks or coast in your
image; it will help tell the story and keep the
lighthouse in context. Dont be afraid to
leave plenty of space around the structure;
they can be solitary and remote and their
scale is effective in a big landscape.
Because lighthouses are designed to be
illuminated try shooting just before dawn to
capture the predawn glow of a sunrise with
the lamp still shining. The same applies at
sunset, shooting just as it gets dark will help
with the mood and feel of the image.
The conditions and tides will play a huge
part in how your image looks storm clouds
and big waves are ideal! Play with shutter
roSS hoDDinoTT

speeds and adjust them for the conditions

fast shutter speeds freeze the motion of
crashing waves while slower shutter speeds
add blur and motion to the water and clouds.

82 Digital slr Photography March 2017

The Nikon School at the newNikon Centre
ofExcellence in central London offers a
wide range ofphotographycourses and
workshops.Whynot treatyourselforsomeone
you love to a Nikonvoucherthat can be used
at the Nikon School. Forfurtherdetails,

ross hoddinott
jeremy walker

2 Dramatic viewpoints
while shooting on the actual beach
or shoreline offers a wealth of
3 Coastal close-ups
when you're presented with a
stunning coastline, it's natural to fit
the wide-angle and look to capture as
much of the scene as possible. however,
potential, you shouldn't ignore coastal
images that include the landscape in the you should also consider doing the
foreground. By placing the coast in the opposite and focus on a very small part
backdrop, you can add depth and scale of the scene instead. Coastlines are areas
to your images. not only that, but that are in constant flux due to the
shooting in spring or summer, when effects of tidal water and exposure to the
flowers, plants and even weeds are in elements. signs of this are evident if you
bloom, allows you to include vibrant take the time to look for them. Fit a
colours, which contrast with the darker, macro lens, such as the nikon aF-s
or more neutral tones of the beach and 105mm f/2.8G micro, and you're able to
sea. you'll find many photogenic coastal fill the frame with interesting close-up
locations are accessed via paths winding details that you wouldn't find anywhere
down to the beach, so stop on your else. Pebbly beaches make for ideal
journey to the beach and use the patterns, while rock surfaces have
pathway as a lead-in line to the beach in interesting shapes, lines and patterns
the distance. a moderate wide-angle, like that look great in close-up. on sandy
a nikon aF-s 16-35mm f/4G is ideal, and beaches, look for ripples and channels,
to ensure you avoid washed out skies, fit a or debris such as seaweed that can make
nd grad filter. (see p48 for more on this). for attractive still-lifes, and shoot early or
Use a small aperture, such as f/16, to
ross hoddinott

late in the day to accentuate shapes with

maximise depth-of-field, with your shadow and light. the ever-changing
camera on a tripod to minimise shake. nature of the coast means you can find
potential images on each and every visit.

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 83


4 Storm power! There is no better place to

head to shoot in bad weather than the coast,
when a combination of strong winds, high
waves and dramatic skies all work together to
produce images that reveal the awesome power of
nature. Brooding clouds make for strong
backdrops, while waves crashing against the shore
and into the air add to the drama. Using a fast
shutter speed is the preferred option, as it freezes
the motion of water and helps reveal the power of
the storm. Photographing waves hitting the
promenade and crashing over railings adds scale to
the scene. Needless to say, no image is worth
risking your life for, so take extra care, stay away
from exposed areas and heed all warnings waves
can hit at any moment and drag you and your
equipment out to sea, so be sure to keep a safe
distance. Using a telephoto lens, such as the Nikon
AF-S 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR, you can fill the
frame while avoiding any risk of harm.

5 Beached boats and shipwrecks

Low tide is a wonderful time to explore the
beach for subjects to include as foreground
interest or as the centre piece to your image.
Favourites include fishing boats or larger vessels
resting on or in the sand. Boats, in particular those
that bear evidence of exposure to the weather and
sea, are particularly photogenic, boasting character
and feeding the viewer's imagination of voyages
past. While most beaches might only host one or
two beached boats at any given time, certain
locations, such as Dungeness in Kent, are known
for their abundance of semi-permanently beached
craft. If you're lucky, you'll find near-wrecks sunk in
the beach with their beams poking out of the
sand, they can have the appearance of the
skeletons of large marine creatures the wreck of
the Helvetia in Rhossili, Gower, is one famous
example in South Wales. Shoot as a silhouette
against a sunset or try creating atmospheric
monochrome images with a timeless quality.

84 Digital slr Photography March 2017

Rock pool revelations
Head to the beach as the tide recedes and look
for large rock pools or puddles in the sand to use as
foreground interest. What makes these appealing
elements in coastal images are the reflections on the
water's surface, which can add depth. Sunsets, with their
glorious array of colours, are ideal as the striking hues in
the reflection contrast with the earthy tones of the sand or
rocks. However, any time of day is suitable blue skies
with puffy clouds also work. Use a wide-angle lens, like
the Nikon AF-S DX 12-24mm f/4G, and adopt a low
viewpoint to maximise impact. You'll want a
mid-aperture to make the most of depth-of-field,
and a tripod is recommended as the shutter
speed may be relatively slow. A polarising
filter will help control the reflection
and maximise saturation.
RoSS HoDDiNott

lee FroST

7 The delights of driftwood after particularly rough storms out at sea, you may
discover large chunks of driftwood have washed up on the beach. These gnarled,
weathered and barnacle-encrusted chunks of wood have a unique shape and character
and can make for great subjects, so take advantage of them before they're removed. There are
several ways that you can use driftwood in your images if it's a particularly interesting looking
sculpture, as most of them tend to be, consider making it the central point of focus in the
image and place it directly in the centre of the frame. Get in close with a wide-angle to
exaggerate its scale against the backdrop and set it against a colourful sunset to contrast its
jeremy walker

tones with the sky. alternatively, fit an extreme ND filter and create a mono masterpiece with
the dramatic, static nature of the craggy driftwood contrasting with the smoothness of the
skies and sea. most Nikon DSlrs sport an electronic level to ensure horizons are perfect.

8 Coastal harbours & towns

Shooting the coast shouldn't be
limited to beaches and rural scenes
although you can't argue against
wanting to spend most of your time
photographing them! you should also
make time to visit small villages located
by the coast, as they offer a wide variety
of different subjects to photograph.
Small fishing villages have a quaint
character all of their own, so look to
capture it using a wide view that includes
the harbour, boats, narrow streets, houses
and surrounding landscape. Then move
in closer and shoot tighter compositions
such as a solitary boat with the harbour
setting behind. Finally, look to capture
individual elements that reveals life in a
fishing village, such as nets, signs, boat
close-ups and lobster baskets. and,
should there be any fishermen around,
take the opportunity to capture an
environmental portrait weathered faces
and all. Be sure to take their details and
send them a print as a courtesy!

86 Digital slr Photography March 2017


Jeremy Walker
Landscape expert

9 Long exposures Turning water

and clouds into a milky blur is not
everyone's cup of tea, but it can be an
effective technique, especially on an overcast
day on the coast when it is difficult to shoot
an expansive landscape image. To make a
long exposure shot work well you need two
main ingredients, an appropriate location
where you have a contrast of subjects: one
that will move and one that's stationary. The
other ingredient is a filter that will allow you to
increase the time element of your exposure.
The speed and movement of your subject
will influence just how long an exposure you
capture, and how your subject will look.
Unless the light levels are falling fast or it's
a gloomy day, you'll need to use a Neutral
Density filter to increase your exposure. Lee
Filters make the famous range of Stopper
filters with densities from six through to
fifteen stops. A fifteen-stop filter enables an
exposure of several minutes, even on a
bright and sunny day clouds will blur and
water will become misty and silky.
HeLeN DixoN

A sturdy tripod and a remote release will

also be needed, as will a deal of patience, but
the results are often well worth the wait!

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 87


lee frost
10 Pier potential! As you'll have
noted if you've already read our
Photo Workshop on p70, piers
make for extremely interesting coastal
subjects, with no shortage of ways of having
them form the central focus in your images.
old, disused piers are ideal for graphic black
& white images and are particularly suitable
for long exposures taken using extreme
Neutral Density filters. Modern piers also work
in this respect, but also provide great subjects
set against a sunset or sunrise, depending on
which coast they're located. At twilight,
combine the lights on the rides and
attractions with the colours in the sky behind
for additional interest. Don't forget to actually
take a walk on the pier, when you can use the
boards on the walkways as lead-in lines into
the frame and capture candids of visitors and
pier workers. As you'll soon discover, you can
easily spend hours discovering new ways to
capture interesting pier images.

11 Simple symmetry
there are times when less is more
and capturing a scene with minimal
elements in the scene can be visually, very
effective. one perfect example is capturing
groynes that are partly submerged in water.
By fitting an extreme ND filter, such as the
six-stop lee filters little stopper, you can use
an extremely long exposure running into
lee frost

minutes that totally blurs any detail in the

water and the sky. look to convert the image
into black & white. If you shoot on an overcast
day, you can capture images with the sky as a
solid white, while on sunny days the backdrop Prepareforthecoastwithweatherproofcameras
takes on an attractive uniform grey. By placing
the groynes centrally in the frame and Shootingonthecoastoffersrealpotentialtocaptureamazingimages,butthereisalsoariskofdamagingyour
cropping the shot into a square format, you camera,duetoscenesbeingexposedtotheelements,includinghighlycorrosivesea-spray.Thankfully,Nikon
can create a minimalist image that has very camerasarehighlyreliableanddesignedtohandleavarietyofconditions.Some,liketheD610andD7200,have
little in the frame, but maximum impact. bodiesthatboastadditionalsealsandgasketstopreventwater,saltandsandfromcreepinginbetweencontrols
Nikon Dslrs have a trim feature in the andinsidethecamera.Thisallowsyoutokeeponshooting,eveninpoorconditions,withouthavingtoworry.
retouch menu that allows in-camera crops.

88 Digital slr Photography March 2017

Fill the foreground
One thing you shouldn't have trouble finding
when composing classic coastal images is suitable
foreground interest. Depending on the location, you'll
find all manner of natural subjects to provide a strong
foreground presence. Boulders are one such example; their
rounded shapes and dark tones contrast with the lighter
colours of the sea, sky and land. And with long exposures, you
create the impression of swirling mist. Sandy beaches offer
ripples and rock pools. Certain locations, such as St Michael's
Mount in Cornwall, provide stony pathways that can be used
as lead-in lines. Channels of water through the sand can
be used for the same purpose, while locations like
Trebarwith Strand in Cornwall have rocky outcrops
that act as strong, natural lead-ins. Wherever you
shoot on the coast, you shouldn't find it too
difficult to locate foreground interest that
can add real visual impact and
depth to your shots.
jereMy WAlker
The BigInterview


hereS No diSpuTiNg that social media has changed the world
as we know it. its a phenomenon that, just 20 years ago, was
completely unheard of, and is now so deeply ingrained in our
lives that its hard to imagine a world without it. even those most
steadfast antagonists of the likes of Facebook, instagram and
Twitter cant avoid its effect. From the news we read to the television
programmes we watch, our interactions with other people and even the world
of photography, social media affects everything, and is one of the defining
trends of the 21st century. For better or worse its here, and its here to stay.
in the world of photography, social media is now hugely important. it has
not only changed how people consume images and how photographers share
their work, but its also hugely important to professionals in the industry.
Social media has allowed professional photographers to essentially become
their own in-house pr agency, and reach a huge audience, and potential
future clients, for very little outlay. For young Cornwall- and London-based
professional photographer Alex Stead, social media is the backbone to his
photographic career so far, and has provided the platform to propel the
21-year-olds work from A-Level photography projects to working with
worldwide brands and travelling the globe for a living in just five years.
photography for me all started when i was in school, at the age of 13 or
14, Alex tells me. i studied the subject at gCSe and A-Level before taking a
gap year before university. unfortunately, a back injury put my travel plans
on hold and so i started doing a lot of personal photography projects. i would
travel to London and spend the days and evenings shooting in the city,
meeting other photographers and trying out tutorials and techniques.
photography in school was very arty and reliant on editing and processing,
whereas this personal time allowed me to concentrate more on in-camera
techniques. it was nothing serious, just something i enjoyed that allowed
me to discover photography and find my style.
Alex Stead

lex wAsnt keeping
his endeavours to himself, Before i knew
however. At the age of 16
he joined instagram,
it i had around
registered the username 100,000 followers
and started uploading his images to the and started to
social network. Before long, his following
started to increase at a rapid pace. There was realise that there
no grand plan or scheme in place, instagram
was simply an outlet for Alex to share his
was potential
work. i would upload an image a day, or in social media
sometimes more, and would share my
settings and locations in the images to
connect with other photographers, Alex
explains. i think this approach, coupled
with the fact that i use nikon and had a
memorable username, helped my following
grow quickly. i wasnt hugely into it at first
to be honest, but before i knew it i had
around 100,000 followers and started to visitedthewestcoastoftheU.S.onbehalfofAdorama.
realise that there was potential in social
media. when i left school i started working At first, Alexs work mostly involved
with brands who were just starting to see the shooting and promoting products and
benefits of instagrams reach. My big boost services on his own channels, however
came when i got my first sponsorship with more recently hes finding more and more
Us-based camera retailer Adorama. They enquiries are coming in specifically for his
funded my first trip to Canada to travel and photographic services. i find brand content
photograph around the Rockies for a few creation far more enjoyable than
weeks. The trip provided a huge boost to my competitions and link-throughs from my
photography, helped me build a portfolio own account, admits Alex. im doing a lot
and develop a plan for what i wanted to do. of work shooting campaigns for travel
it taught me that if you have a large social destinations or services, creating online
media following, people and brands tend to imagery for car companies, hotels, airlines
trust you a bit more, especially if youre and outdoor and adventure companies, as
young and relatively new to the industry. well as several clients in the photographic
now, just five years after first stepping foot industry, such as Adorama, as mentioned
into the world of social media, Alex is an before. Theres a fair amount of variety in
online favourite with several big-name what i do, but its mostly based around the
brands from the photographic, travel and travel and adventure lifestyle. Different
adventure industries; the likes of lufthansa, brands give you different levels of creative
lowepro, nikon, Mercedes Benz, sanDisk freedom, but most trust my judgement and
and Vodafone, to name but a few. He gets to are happy for me to go out and shoot creative
travel frequently, shooting in adventurous content for them. nikon has also been a great
locations from the pacific northwest of help, supplying equipment and support
America to iceland and beyond. whenever i need it.

92 Digital slr Photography March 2017

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 93
Alex Stead
Alexs style of photography is tailored
specifically for online and social media I find that adding that human element
consumption, and its a market that he
understands well. Two of my biggest
not only adds a sense of scale to landscapes,
influences are adventure photographers but it also helps to make the connection
Chris Burkard and Alex Strohl both have
very simple styles that command your between the viewer and the scene
attention online, Alex tells me. He also
explains that images shot for a brands
Instagram or Facebook account, or for or people in landscapes. I find that adding Facebook, is surely a risky approach, is it
inclusion on blogs or email newsletters that human element not only adds a sense of not? What happens if an algorithm changes,
have to instantly grab the viewers attention scale to landscapes, but it also helps to make his account is compromised or the platform
an approach dictated by how viewers use the connection between the viewer and the falls out of popularity? As with any market,
these platforms. Theres simply so much scene. The idea is to make the viewer want to its hard to predict whats going to happen
content out there, and everyone is so busy be that person enjoying the great outdoors, with social media, Alex comments. I
now were bombarded with visual so Ill always consider what the person is think at the start, when the likes of MySpace
imagery every minute of the day, when wearing and making sure they fit the image, and Bebo were around it was quite volatile.
someone is quickly scrolling through social such as dressed in outdoor gear, wearing a Now its much more stable. Facebook owns
media you want them to stop on your image. backpack, holding a camera and so forth. most of the major channels and theyre now
I mostly shoot outdoor, adventure and urban The aim is to sell that outdoor lifestyle. so big that I cant see it falling out of favour
photography, and composition is crucial. While for most people social media is just for a while. I think Instagram will keep
Simple and impactful always works best. a bit of fun, or a welcome distraction from growing. Year by year people have said its a
People want instant gratification on social everyday life, for the new pioneers of social fad thatll fade but I dont think itll happen
media, so compositions that are too photography, such as Alex, it represents and its a constantly evolving and improving
complex, busy or take too much time to work and an important part of his business. platform. Still, I want to expand my horizons
explore dont tend to do as well. Playing devils advocate, I present Alex with and work more in offline campaigns too.
Another approach that I find does well in the notion that placing great importance in a I dont want to rely on my following, I want
my adventure images is including a person third party platform, such as Instagram or people to be interested in my content and

March 2017 Digital slr Photography 95

I enjoy being outdoors and taking understandyouraudienceandwhattimesof
pictures. Most of the time Im out shooting Beconsistentinwhatyoushareandyour
because I enjoy learning new things and toseeyournightsout,orphotosofyour

moving my photography forward children,socreateaseparatepersonal


my photography, and Im increasingly Meanwhile, he has already began branching than just sitting still. Above all, I want to
finding that brands arent hiring me for my out into aerial photography and even video, continue shooting for myself. I think a lot
numbers, but more for what I can create for after recently completing another project for of photographers can get lost in trying to
them. Its been a huge part of my work so Adorama. My friend and I shot a video blog continuously churn out social media content
far, but I dont want to rely on social media. series whilst travelling the west coast of the to appease their followers. I did it myself at
Alexs future in photography is looking USA over the course of five weeks and one time, but then I had a hard think about
bright, and hes achieved a lot in a short Adorama has just commissioned a second what I enjoyed doing. I enjoy being outdoors
period of time given his age. Along with his series, to be set in New Zealand, Alex and taking pictures. Most of the time Im out
photographic ability, his social media reveals. Im also investing more time in shooting because I enjoy learning new things
prowess has given him a head start in a niche video. I think its important to keep up with and moving my photography forward.
that many other professionals are still competition and develop a range of skills; To keep upwithAlex, follow@Nikon_Photography_
struggling to get their heads around. I always want to keep on improving rather on Instagram,

96 Digital slr Photography March 2017

Alex Stead
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Digital SLR Photography covers popular topics such as landscapes, portraits and macro
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14 U

Part two


Improve your photo skills by trying
out a number of new techniques,
including handling are outdoors
and building your own ringlight

Our group test of shoulder bags
tests a selection of the latest
models from leading brands to nd
out which offers the best value

We ask a leading pro to venture into
the great outdoors and assist a
Digital SLR Photography reader
with a variety of photo challenges


photo kittested & rated Byexperts

canon eos
5d MaRk IV

Gearnews:we'vethelatestonseveraldslrandmirrorlesscameraslaunchesthismonth Page105
MInI tests:weratethedJimavicpro,amanfrottomonopodkitandnovo'shardrollingcase Page110
Product news \ Gear


with photographers of all levels and continues
to expand with the launch of several new
products. The X-T20 (1) is its latest mirrorless
model, updating the highly popular X-T10
and boasting a 24.3-million pixel APS-C
X-Trans CMOS III sensor, X-Processor Pro
imaging engine and 4K video capability. The
enhancements also see an improvement in
the speed of the AF system, processing and
image quality. Designed with a stylish retro-SLR
layout, with large dials on the top-plate giving it a
very traditional look, it's a very compact and
lightweight model available in silver or black. The 3in including Wi-Fi, Advanced Hybrid View nder,
LCD monitor boasts a tilting facility and touchscreen with Film Simulations and a 3in LCD monitor.
1,040,000-dot resolution, while the 2.36-million-dot 3
Along with the two new cameras, Fujilm
electronic nder offers a bright, instant and lag-free display. launched the (449) Fujinon XF50mm f/2 R WR
Other features include Wi-Fi, Film Simulation modes, an (3), which has an equivalent focal length of 75mm
interval timer and advanced lters. The Fujilm X-T20 is and boasts nine elements in seven groups.
available from 23 February for 800 body only, 899 with Digital SLR Photography was at Fujilm's
XC16-50mm lens, or 1,099 with XF18-55mm. European launch and had the chance to try out all
The X100-series has long been a popular choice of premium the new products. We'll be running full reviews once
compact and the latest version, the X100F (2), is its nest incarnation available, and with rst impressions of handling and image
yet. Available for 1,249 in black or silver, it sports a 24.3-megapixel quality being very favourable, we can't wait to give them a proper test.
X-Trans CMOS III APS-C sensor and X-Processor Pro, so you can be Also revealed were two new variants of existing models: the
assured of a top quality performance. The Fujinon 23mm lens (35mm (1,649) X-T2 Graphite Silver Edition and (2,149) X-Pro2 Graphite
equivalent: 35mm) has eight glass elements in six groups, including a Edition. Finally, Fujilm UK also conrmed that the previously
double-sided aspheric lens and features both an aperture ring and announced 51.4-megapixel medium-format mirrorless GFX 50S will
control ring to quickly change settings, as well as built-in ND lter. A be available in March for 6,199, body-only, along with three lenses:
digital teleconverter can be activated to boost the angle of view to an the (1,399) GF63mm F2.8 R WR, (2,199) GF32-64mm F4 R LM WR
equivalent of 50mm or 70mm. It's packed with a range of features and (2,599) GF120mm F4 R LM OIS WR Macro.

mirrorless Micro Four-Thirds models. The GH5 (1) is its
latest agship model and sports a 20.3-megapixel sensor,
integral ve-axis stabilisation and a high resolution
3.68-million-dot electronic nder. Geared for video as
much as stills photography, it's packed with features
and modes for dedicated videographers, including
Cinema 4K recording at 60fps. The GX800 (2)
has a 16-megapixel sensor and offers both 4K

LEICAUNLEASHES video capability and Panasonic's 4K Photo mode,

as well as Wi-Fi and a tilting 3in monitor. Both are
LATESTM-SERIES available late March; the Lumix GH5 will cost
1,700 body-only or 1,900 with 12-60mm lens,
while the GX800 will cost 2
around since the middle of the
20th century and the latest digital
incarnation, the M10, looks like it
could have come from the same era.
Looking like a classic rangender, the LAST YEAR'S FULL-FRAME K-1 proved a success for Pentax
traditional body hides a 24-megapixel and it will be hoping that its latest DSLR, due late February,
full-frame CMOS sensor with a enjoys similar fortunes. Priced at around 1,100, body-only,
sensitivity range of ISO 100-50000 and available in black or silver, the KP features a
and an electronic nder with a 24.32-megapixel APS-C sensor sans anti-aliasing lter,
2.4-million-dot resolution display. PRIME IV imaging engine, Full HD video and an ISO ceiling
It's the rst Leica M with Wi-Fi built-in of 819200. Despite being compact, the KP boasts dust- and
and can be used with the Leica weather-proof seals and claims to work in temperatures as
M-App companion app to transfer low as -10C. Other features include a body-intergal
images, including Raw les. The Leica ve-axis Shake Reduction II system, which gives ve-stops
M10 is available to order now and of stabilisation, a glass prism viewnder with near-100%
costs 5,600 body-only. coverage, 27-point AF system with 25 cross-sensors and a tilting 3in LCD monitor. We'll be testing it as soon as review
models are available.

March 2017 Digital SLR Photography 105

Gear/ Full-frame digitalSLR



ANONS EXTENSIVE RANGE of To speed up access, the top-plate buttons
digital SLRs ensures that whatever by the small LCD panel have dual uses
you want, it has one or more models rotate the rear dial to change one variable, or
that should t the bill. If you've a need use the front control dial to change the
for speed, you have the 20.2-megapixel other. The Q button on the rear provides
EOS-1D X Mark II, capable of 14 frames-per- instant access to a number of key functions,
second. For the ultimate in resolution, then selected quickly using the toggle stick, while
the 50.6-megapixel EOS 5R/SR is the one. the Menu button offers access to the
While for full-frame seekers on a budget, the extensive and neatly laid out menu system.
EOS 6D is a more than capable option. This The EOS 5D Mark IV's 3.2in LCD monitor Above:Basedaroundamagnesium-alloychassis,the
latest model updates the incredibly popular boasts a touchscreen, which is a massive
four-year-old EOS 5D Mark III and looks to bonus in terms of speed and ease of use. Its
satisfy the general photographer looking for 1,620,000-dot resolution screen provides a feature of interest shooting Dual Pixel
the ultimate all-round performer. sharp and bright display. There's no tilting Raw les that are double the size of a
Four years is a long time for the semi-pro action, most likely as this could compromise standard Raw le. This isn't to increase
EOS 5D Mark III to remain on the market, so build quality and weatherproong. resolution to over 60-megapixels, but
you'd expect the Mark IV to offer signicant The viewnder uses Canon's Intelligent rather to offer some quirky additional
improvements. The fact is, that while it Viewnder system, which overlays features. Because the system works by
doesn't bring anything too revolutionary, the information on the screen. This, along with having each pixel split in two, each records
benets on offer are extensive and make it a the large size and 100% frame coverage, the image at a slightly different perspective.
highly appealing model for those shooting a provides a very clear and informative display Using Canon's software, you can render the
wide variety of subjects. that aids image composition. image at a slightly different point of focus
This latest Canon looks much like its At the heart of the camera is a 30.4-million in theory allowing you to correct focus
predecessor and controls are very similar pixel CMOS sensor, which represents a good when capturing images with very shallow
too, but improvements have been made to jump over the 22.3-megapixels of the Mark depth-of-eld. This micro-adjustment is an
the handling. In particular, weather- and III. Bucking the trend, it retains use of an interesting concept but in real terms, the
dust-proong has been enhanced through anti-aliasing lter to minimise the risk of difference is so miniscule that I can't see any
the use of additional seals and gaskets. moir. As well as stills photography, video is practical uses for it in general photography.
As with the majority of cameras of this ilk, greatly improved, with 4K recording at both Of more practical use is ghosting reduction,
the body feels incredibly robust and heavy, 24p and 30p, with the option to extract which allows you to reduce are in certain
although its worth noting the Mark IV is 8.8-megapixel stills from the recordings. situations by replacing affected areas with
marginally lighter (by around 75 grams) than The sensor boasts Canon's Dual Pixel AF, unaffected areas. Unfortunately, we weren't
the Mark III. While there are a few minor which can be used with Servo AF when able to test this due to time constraints.
alterations, the main dial and function shooting still images. The system works The main AF system is based on that of
buttons are pretty much unchanged, so if incredibly well for both accurate LiveView AF the agship EOS-1D X Mark II, which is a
you've used Canon EOS models before, you and when shooting video. The Dual Pixel favourite with sports pros. It uses 61 AF
won't need long to locate everything. system also brings with it an additional points covering a wide expanse of the

106 Digital SLR Photography March 2017

Full-framedigitalSLR\ Gear



image frame and of the 21 cross-type The AF system is excellent, proving fast
sensors, ve at the centre sport more precise and responsive with static and moving VERDICT
dual cross-type sensors. There is an subjects. In particular LiveView AF shows a
extensive array of options available to suit real jump in accuracy and speed. The There are several full-frame
specic uses, which is a bonus for dedicated metering system is rst-class too, with models at the top of the Canon
action or wildlife photographers, but may be Evaluative providing a near faultless range, but this one represents the
confusing for less dedicated shooters. performance. Strong backlighting provided best option for the serious general
photographer. It handles well, offers good
Processing power is enhanced by the use the main problem, as it does with every
weatherproong and boasts a very wide
of two DIGIC imaging engines. A DIGIC 6+ multi-zone system. Colour reproduction
range of features. Above all, its performance
processor handles image processing, while and tonal rendition is excellent, as is is excellent in every regard. If you need a
a DIGIC 6 works in conjunction with the exposure latitude and dynamic range. Noise high-resolution full-frame model, then this
150,000-pixel RGB+IR metering sensor to is very well handled and shots at ISO 3200 one denitely needs to be on your shortlist.
produce accurate exposures. The improved retain decent colours and only show slight
processing means that despite the higher softening to detail. Handling 19/20
resolution, the maximum frame rate has As with all Canons, JPEGs deliver very Ease of use 18/20
been increased to up to seven frames-per- good results but to get the most of the Features 19/20
second (fps), or 4.3fps in LiveView. sensor, you should process your Raw les.
The Canon has much to like and little to Performance 19/20
Along with built-in GPS, the Canon also
sports Wi-Fi and NFC, providing control of fault. Apart from the inclusion of a standard Value 18/20
the camera from smart devices or can be CF slot rather than a faster CFast 2.0 slot,
used for wireless image transfer. there is very little to complain about.
Overall 93/100

March 2017 Digital SLR Photography 107

Move up to a Nikon Nikon D750

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AF-S 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED.............................................. 1,399.00
Nikon D7100 + MB-D15 Grip Kit......................................... 869.00 AF-S 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5G.................................................. 585.00
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We are always seeking mint Nikon D5600 SLR body.......................................................
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cameras and manual focus Nikon D3400 DSLR body....................................................
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Nikkor lenses Nikon D3300 DSLR body.................................................... 279.00
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.............................................. 1,190.00

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Nikon Speedlights
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for full details AF-P 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR DX.......................................
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50mm f/1.4 Nikkor..............................................................
50mm f/1.2 Nikkor..............................................................
AF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VRII ED DX............................... 149.00
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AF-S 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G DX VR..................................... 289.00 105mm f/2.8 Micro-Nikkor.................................................. 1,047.00
AF-P 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3G ED VR DX............................... 299.00 200mm f/4 Micro-Nikkor..................................................... 895.00
AF-P 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3G ED DX..................................... 259.00 PC: Perspective Control. PC-E:Tilt/Shift-Perspective Control

Prices include 20% VAT. Prices Subject to Change. E.&O.E. TO ORDER TELEPHONE 020-7828 4925

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Photography by Tony Hurst

The Shop with the Dragon FM2

To celebrate the new Millennium Year 2000 (The Chinese Year of the Dragon), Nikon released the Nikon FM2 Millennium Edition.
The camera has special markings: a Chinese-style golden Dragon sits above the self-timer and has matching serial numbers for the
camera body and 50mm f/1.4 Nikkor AIS lens. It is presented in a rich gold makers box with a red satin lining, a white outer shipping
carton, warranty card, instruction manual and certicate of authenticity signed by Mr. Michio Kariya, President Nikon Imaging
Company, Japan.

The Dragon is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese
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NEW 3,000.00

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Gear/ Camera drone



Maximumighttime:27minutes ready-to-yinseconds,simplybyfoldingoutthefourarms.
Size:83x83x198mm(folded) Below:ItsportabilitymeansthatIrarelyleaveitathome.
Weight:734g Thecontrollerandinterfaceareeasytounderstandanduse.

burst onto the market in the last ve
years, taking aerial photography from
an expensive pursuit reserved solely for
professionals to a fun and relatively low-cost
hobby for anyone. Chinese company DJI
were the rst to capture the attention of the
consumer market, with the launch of the DJI
Phantom back in 2013. While the Phantom
range has continued to grow and improve
year-on-year, it always suffered from one
downfall its size. Cue the DJI Mavic Pro.
Announced late last year, the DJI Mavic point of interest, as well as a tripod mode for Once you progress into full control, the
Pro is a compact consumer drone that seles or videos. The app and interface is safety guides remain in place to help you,
makes it easier to get ying without the fairly intuitive too. Alongside the main ight with legal altitude restrictions (400ft),
hassle associated with drone size and setting controls, many of the functions can be geofencing to stop you ying where you
up. While DJIs Phantom series demands a accessed by the controller itself, such as shouldnt and sensors that automatically halt
large case or bag, and removable propellers camera tilt, exposure compensation, image the Mavic when you get too close to
for transport, the Mavic Pro simply folds capture, or the Mavics Return To Home something. In fact, the Mavic boasts ve
down, propellers intact, and ts neatly into function, which safely and automatically positioning cameras, GPS and GLONASS
your camera bag in fact, its only around brings the craft back to wherever it took off (Global Navigation Satellite System), two
the size of a 24-70mm lens! Although lead from. You can also control the Mavic using ultrasonic range nders, 24 computing cores
times for the DJI Mavic Pro were tedious at your smartphone alone, without the as well as up to seven kilometres of controller
rst due to high demand, orders are now controller, albeit with reduced functions, range! An added reassurance is the Mavics
coming through at a reasonable pace, and although Ive had no desire to try this yet. incredible stability and precision, which I
Ive had my Mavic for long enough to have In terms of image quality, the Mavic Pro found far out-performed my previous drone,
given it a thorough test in a number of packs a 12.35-megapixel 1/2.3in Sony Exmor the Phantom 3 Pro. Even in windy conditions,
different situations and conditions. R CMOS sensor and 28mm f/2.2 xed focal the Mavic hovers exactly in position, and
The Mavic Pro is supplied with all you length lens with an ISO range of 100-1600 using the automatic Return To Home sees
need to get ying, including a single battery for photo and 100-3200 for video. There is the UAV land within centimetres of its
and controller. The controller is far more Cinema 4K video recording at 24fps, or UHD take-off location impressive.
compact than the Phantoms the Mavic 4K at up to 30fps and Full HD at up to 96fps, Operating the camera is easy, with the
can be controlled by the controller alone, and stills can be saved as JPEG or DNG smartphone interface allowing you to eye up
or you can slot in your smartphone and view Raws. There are also creative stills effects compositions. A tap of the screen activates
the Mavics camera feed in real time via the available, such as Burst mode, Auto autofocus, and exposure compensation can
DJI Go app. This also allows you to change Exposure Bracketing and an interval timer. be applied via a scroll wheel on the
parameters, as well as congure the drone, The idea of sending over 1,000 skyward controller, or on the touchscreen. You can
monitor performance, height and speed, can be a bit daunting, but the DJI software also shoot in manual exposure mode for
set waypoints and routes, or view where and Mavics ease of use make it simple for extra control. Image quality is good not
the drone is in relation to your position on beginners to take to the skies. There are quite up to the standard of an APS-C or
a map. There are intelligent modes that can safety measures, such as a Beginner Mode full-frame sensor, but still of sufficient detail
follow, track or circle around a person or which limits speed, height and distance. and clarity to be printed or viewed at a good

110 Digital SLR Photography March 2017

Cameradrone Gear

size. With heavy editing the les do fall apart safety margin before returning to land.
slightly, especially if shot in low light. For me, the area in which the DJI Mavic VERDICT
Video quality is exceptional, delivering Pro shines is portability. Whereas with my Ifyoure in the market fora UAVfor
crisp and clean 4K footage. Half the battle is Phantom I had to plan ahead and carry a photographyorvideo, thenyou
practising with the controls to create large case with me, the Mavic Pro is small cant go farwrongwith the Mavic.
smooth sequences, but the on-board enough to go into my bag just in case. Its Easyto y, light and compact,
gimbal does an amazing job of stabilising the also quick to set up I can be in the sky in and delivering impressive image
footage, given its tiny size. Battery life is good under a minute. My ight time with the Mavic quality, theres not a lot to fault!
too I nd that I get around 20 minutes of has already exceeded that of the Phantom,
ight per full charge, allowing for a 20% simply due to its ease of use and portability. Overall

March 2017 Digital SLR Photography 111

Accessories\ Gear

Novo Dura 400
MONOPOD+ Rollingcase/Waterprooff to5m


optionalFluidTechfootprovidesastablebasewithuidaction to be less accessible

ONOPODS DONT RECEIVE the same amount of exposure as and more expensive
their three-legged cousins, but are an useful accessory in than your traditional
fabric-based types.
certain shooting situations, and can sometimes be a more
But, when the
appropriate support for your camera than a tripod.
ultimate in protection
Manfrotto produces an extensive range of monopods,
is required, hard cases
including the ve-section carbon-bre XPRO model reviewed
are ideal, able to
here. It also has an innovative uid base, compatible with a
withstand being
number of models in the range, that not only provides
submerged in water
additional stability, but offers a uid action that has benets
or driven over by a
for the professional photographer and videographer.
car. Peli is the market
At 175, this is one of the more expensive monopods, so leader, but others, like
what do you get for your money? Well, height for one thing Novo, offer a wide range of attractive
with all ve legs sections extended you'll reach 1.76m, which is options, including this Dura 400 rolling
more than enough for most. And thanks to its carbon-bre case. The Dura 400 features a
construction, it's extremely lightweight and very stable, which retractable handle, press-pull safety
is an ideal combination. Plus the large, rubberised handle latches that allow for fast access and
provides a very assured grip that's also warm to the touch stainless steel protectors that allow you
when used in cold conditions. Large Quick Power Locks are to t padlocks for additional security. As
used to release/tighten the legs after altering the height and are well as being impact-resistant, the tough
very fast and positive in use. For those looking for a lightweight, fast ABS injection moulding, along with the
to use monopod with a good height, it's a great choice on its own, silicon rubber seal, means the Dura 400
but is made all the more versatile if used with the FluidTech Base. is waterproof to 5m, and it also features
This innovative base attaches via a simple yet secure mechanism. an automatic pressure valve.
A collar holds the Monopod+ in a vertical position that, as I found, It's a good sized case, with external
can be left freestanding if the dimensions of 556x358x230mm
camera has a short lens tted, MANFROTTO XPROMONOPOD+ meaning it is cabin-friendly on many
although it's not designed to do Price:175 airlines, although check the weight
so. Raise the collar and you can tilt Productcode:MPMXPROC5 limits as empty it weighs 5.7kg. Open
it in any direction up to 19. With Material:Carbon-bre the case via the easy to use latches and
the collar raised or lowered in the MinimumHeight:49cm you'll nd a well-sized interior
lock position, you can rotate the MaximumHeight:176cm (518x295x188mm) packed with pre-cut
monopod to follow action, with LegSections:Five diced foam inserts. I managed to place
the FluidTech system giving a very LegLocks:QuickPowerlock two camera bodies, four lenses,
smooth action. This is ideal for Load:5kg including two large zooms, with room
wildlife and action photographers Weight:620grams for a ashgun and smaller accessories.
panning their subject, as well as The foam insert meant that everything
videographers following moving was stored securely with no risk of
subjects. It's also a very useful MANFROTTO XPROFLUIDBASE movement or damage. It's removable
set-up if you use a ashgun or Price: 75 too, so you can replace it if you ever
small location ash unit like a Productcode:MVMXPROBASE need to create new layouts. The rubber
Godox on location, as it's a Material:Aluminiumandsteel wheels give a smooth ride and, while I
simpler, faster and less wieldy MinimumHeight:10.5cm didn't risk driving a car over it, I did stand
set-up to use than a lighting stand. MaximumHeight:11.5cm and jump on it all in the name of
This combo is a lightweight and PanoramicRotation:360 science, without causing damage.
easy set-up to use, so if the cost FrontTilt:+/-19
isn't prohibitive, you're sure to nd Load:8kg
it very useful on location. Weight:385grams
Ifyou frequentlytravel and need a
tough and durable storage option
VERDICT foryourcamera equipment, then
Thecombinationofapremiummonopodandinnovativefoot theDura400isanexcellentoption.
providesaveryusefulyetexpensivesupportsystemforphotoor Its a good size fora medium outt
videouse.Ifyouneedstabilityyetfreedomtofollowsubjects, and is sure towithstand heavyuse.

March 2017 Digital SLR Photography 113

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For speediest response please email your equipment details to...
Canon EOS 1DX MKII Canon EOS 7D MKII Canon EOS M5
70-200 F4 L IS USM. . . . . . . . .1018
70-200 F4 L USM . . . . . . . . . . . . 648
APS-C 10-18 F4.5/5.6 IS STM . . . . . . .228 70-300 F4/5.6 L IS USM . . . . .1188
Body only 70-300 F4/5.6 IS USM II . . . . . . 498
Full Frame Body only 1049
18-55 F3.5/5.6 IS STM no box 169
18-135 F3.5/5.6 IS U Nano . . . 448 85 F1.8 USM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
1239 Plus 18-135 F3.5/5.6 IS STM no box 349 100 F2.8 IS L USM macro. . . 749
Body only 15-45 1149 24 F2.8 STM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 100 F2.8 Macro USM. . . . . . . 448
CANON EF 100-400 F4.5/5.6 IS LII U . . . .1779
price Canon EOS 80D Canon EOS M5 FULL FRAME LENSES 200-400 F4 IS L USM . . . . . . .9699

4797 APS-C APS-C 8-15 F4 L USM Fisheye. . . . . . . 979 200 F2.8 II L USM . . . . . . . . . . . 649
Body only 11-24 F4 L USM . . . . . . . . . . . .2649 300 F2.8 IS L USM II . . . . . . . .5777
M5 + 18-150 16-35 F2.8 L USM MKIII . . . . .1997 300 F4 L IS USM. . . . . . . . . . . .1138
998 16-35 F4 L IS USM. . . . . . . . . . . 866 400 F2.8 IS L USM II . . . . . . . .8997
Canon EOS 5D MKIV Plus 18-55 STM
Plus 18-135 STM
1399 17-40 F4 L USM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668
20 F2.8 USM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
400 F4 DO II IS USM . . . . . . . 6497
400 F5.6 L USM . . . . . . . . . . . .1098
500 F4 IS L U II . . . . . . . . . . . . 8197
24 F1.4 L II USM. . . . . . . . . . . .1478
Full Frame Canon EOS 750D Canon EOS M3 24 F2.8 IS USM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 600 F4 IS L USM II . . . . . . . .10444
APS-C 24 F3.5 LII TSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1499 1.4x III converter. . . . . . . . . . . 376
Body only APS-C 24-70 F2.8 L II USM. . . . . . . . .1897 2x III converter . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Body only 12mm EF MKII ext tube. . . . . 69
24-70 F4 L IS USM. . . . . . . . . . . 747
price 528 M3 + 15-45
24-105 F4 L IS USM MKII. . . .1049 25mm EF MKII ext tube. . . . 128

Plus 18-55 STM 628 419 24-105 F3.5/5.6 IS STM . . . . . .378 CANON FLASH & DSLR GRIPS
Plus 18-135 STM 798 28 F2.8 IS USM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 MR-14 EX II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .448
35 F1.4 USM LII . . . . . . . . . . . .1798 MT-24 EXII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .748
Canon EOS 760D Canon EOS M LENSES 35 F2 IS USM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 430EX III RT Speedlight
Speedligh . . . . . .218
Canon EOS Full Frame Bodies APS-C
11-22 f4/5.6 IS STM ....................... 317
15-45 f3.5/6.3 IS STM .................... 219
40 F2.8 STM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
50 F1.2 L USM . . . . . . . . . . . . .1249
600EX-RT II Speedlight
Speedligh . . . . . . 538
BG-E20 (fit 5D MKIV) . . . . . . . . 279
EOS 5DsR body..................................2897 18-55 f3.5/5.6 IS STM .................... 199
50 F1.4 USM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 BG-E16 (fit 7D MKII) . . . . . . . . . 179
EOS 5Ds body ....................................2797 Body only 18-150 f3.5/6.3 IS STM.................. 429
50 F1.8 STM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 BG-E18 (fit 750/760D) . . . . . . . . 99
22 f2 STM ....................................... 198
EOS 6D body......................................1447 548 28 f3.5 Macro IS............................. 289 70-200 F2.8 IS LII USM. . . . . .1848 BG-E14 (fit 80D). . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
EOS 6D + 24-105 f3.5/5.6 IS U STM ..1697 55-200 f4.5/6.3 IS STM.................. 268 70-200 F2.8 non IS L USM. . .1097 BG-E13 (fit 6D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147


10.5 F2.8 DX Fisheye . . . . . . . .599
10-24 F3.5/4.5 AFS G . . . . . . . .729
Full Frame APS-C 16-80 F2.8/4 AFS ED VR. . . . . .858
16-85 F3.5/5.6 AFS VR . . . . . . .568 8-16 F4.5/5.6 DC HSM . . . . . .478 105 F2.8 EX DG OS HSM . . . .318
Body only price 18-105 F3.5/5.6 AFS G no box239 10-20 F3.5 EX DC HSM . . . . . .328 150 F2.8 EX DG OS. . . . . . . . . .647
Body only
18-140 F3.5/5.6 AFS VR . . . . . .458 12-24 F4 DG HSM Art . . . . . 1647 150-600 F5/6.3 OS Cont. . . . .697
18-300 F3.5/6.3 AFS VR . . . . . .628
price 35 F1.8 AFS G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178
12-24 F4.5/5.6 II DG. . . . . . . . .528
17-50 F2.8 EX DC OS. . . . . . . .278

FX FULL FRAME LENSES 18-35 F1.8 DC HSM Art . . . . .547
14-24 F2.8 AFS G ED. . . . . . . 1638 18-300 F3.5/6.3 DC mac OS .335
Nikon D5600 16-35 F4 AFS VR . . . . . . . . . . 1018
18-35 F3.5/4.5 AFS G . . . . . . . .618
20 F1.4 DG HSM Art . . . . . . . .629
24 F1.4 DG HSM Art . . . . . . . .598 150-600 F5/6.3 OS Sport . . 1197
APS-C 20 F1.8 AFS G ED. . . . . . . . . . . .647
24-35 F2 DG HSM Art . . . . . . .698 500 F4 DG OS HSM Sport . 4997
Nikon D750 Plus 18-55 AF-P 798
24 F1.8 AFS G ED. . . . . . . . . . . .628
24-70 F2.8 AFS G ED VR. . . . 1598 24-70 F2.8 EX DG . . . . . . . . . . .548 500 F4.5 EX APO DG HSM. 3499
TC1401 converter. . . . . . . . . . .228
Full Frame 24-120 F4 AFS G ED VR . . . . . .897 35 F1.4 DG HSM Art . . . . . . . .598
Plus 18-140 VR 989 50 F1.4 EX DG HSM Art . . . . .569 TC2001 converter. . . . . . . . . . .269
35 F1.8 AFS G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438 USB Lens dock. . . . . . . . . . . .39.99
Body only 50 F1.4 AFS G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .377 50-100 F1.8 DC HSM Art . . . .828
1597 Nikon D3400 50 F1.8 AFS G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188 50-500 F4.5/6.3 DG OS. . . . . .848
70-200 F2.8 EX DG OS . . . . . .728 LOTS OF SIGMA LENSES
70-200 F2.8 AFS VRII . . . . . 1898
Plus 24-120 f4 VR 2297
APS-C 70-200 F4 AFS G ED VR . . . . 1178 70-300 F4.5/5.6 Mac DG . . . . . 99 AVAILABLE IN SONY &
Plus 18-55 AF-P 70-300 F4.5/5.6 AFS VR . . . . . .497 70-300 F4.5/5.6 APO Mac DG 149 PENTAX AF FITS
70-300 F4.5/6.3 AFP VR . . . . . .288 85 F1.4 DG Art. . . . . . . . . . . . 1189
Nikon D810 438 70-300 F4.5/6.3 AFP non VR .259
85 F1.8 AFS G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428
150-600 F5/6.3 VC USD G2 1349
Full Frame Nikon DSLR Cameras APS-C Format 105 F2.8 AFS VR macro . . . . . .748
150-600 F5/6.3 SP VC USD ....728
200-500 F5.6 AFS E ED VR. . 1178
D7200 Body only ..............................848 300 F2.8 AFS ED VRII . . . . . . 4897 16-300 f3.5/6.3 Di II VC PZD .388 Kenko Converters
Body only D7200 + 18-105 VR .........................1087
D5500 Body only ..............................578
300 F4 AFS E PF ED VR. . . . . 1497
400 F2.8 G E FL ED VR . . . . 10398
18-200 F3.5/6.3 Di II VC..........189 1.4x Pro 300 converter...........159
70-300 F4/5.6 Di VC USD.......289 2x Pro 300 converter ..............159
2398 D5500 + 18-55 VRII ...........................648 500 F4 E AFS FL ED VR . . . . . 8447
70-300 F4/5.6 Di AF.................129 Auto ext tube set..............109.99
D5500 + 18-140 VR ...........................797 600 F4 E AFS FL ED VR . . . . . 9699

Body Black
1398 X-Pro2 body.................................1299
X-T2 + 18-55mm ........................1647
16-55mm F2.8............................... 898
18mm F2 XF................................... 449
56mm F1.2 XF ............................... 797
60mm F2.4 XF ............................... 578
GFX50 Medium
Format System

Plus 18-55 X-T2 body Graphite...................1649 18-55mm F2.8/4 OIS .................. 618 90mm F2 R LM WR ...................... 797
X-T2 body .....................................1398 18-135mm F3.5/5.6 XF............... 649 100-400 F4/5.6 OIS WR ............... 1439
1647 X-T20 + 18-55mm......................1049 23mm F1.4 XF ............................... 788 1.4x XF TC WR................................ 299
X-T20 body..................................... 799 23mm F2 XF R WR ....................... 418 2x XF TC WR ................................... 347
X-T10 + 18-55mm........................ 798 27mm F2.8 XF ............................... 328 11mm or 16mm Ext tube ea.......64
X-T10 body Blk/silv...................... 485 35mm F1.4 XF ............................... 448 X System Grips & Flashguns
X-Pro2 X-A10 + 16-50mm ....................... 499 35mm F2 R WR.............................. 347 VPB-XT2 Vertical grip.................. 268
Body only X100f compact camera ...........1249 50mm F2 R WR.............................. 449 VPB-XT1 Vertical grip.................. 119

X System Lenses
10-24mm F4 XF ............................ 766
50-140mm F2.8 R OIS...............1328
50-230mm F4.5/6.7 XC OIS ...... 247
EF-20 TTL Flashgun........................98
EF-42 TTL Flashgun..................... 168
For body & lens prices
14mm F2.8 XF R ........................... 788 55-200mm F3.5/4.8 OIS XF....... 597 EF-X20 TTL Flashgun .................. 168 please see website
16mm F1.4 XF ............................... 797 56mm F1.2 R APD......................1158 EF-500 TTL Flashgun .................. 449

Family Run Pro Dealership With Friendly, Knowledgeable Staff. Prices Inc VAT - Correct 30/01/2017. P&P Extra. E&OE.
Although we are the best stocked dealer in the West Country,
we cannot always have every item listed in stock at all times, so
Website altered daily inc. manufacturers cashback & promotions
we are happy to reserve new & used items for customers
planning to visit. Prices correct 30/01/2017 but subject to
change without notice. See website for up to date prices. E&OE.
Subscribe to our newsletter - send your email address to
QUALITY USED EQUIPMENT. See website for full list. Call us to check condition. 6 Month warranty on most secondhand.
CANON USED Buy with confidence - all of our used equipment is thoroughly tested and cleaned before being offered for sale
canon dIgItal af used BG-E6................................................79 17 F4 L TSE M- box............. 1199 70-200 F4 U L ..........................399 sIgma caf used 1.4x EX DG converter................149
used canon 1DX MKII body..................... 4299
1DX body box...........2299/2799
17-40 F4 L.................................449
17-55 F2.8 EFS IS USM .........399
70-300 F4/5.6 L IS U.....699/799
70-300 F4.5/5.6 IS USM .......249
10-20 F3.5 EX DC................269
10-20 F4/5.6 HSM box .......219
Kenko Pro 300 1.4x conv........... 99
Kenko ext tubes............................. 79
EOS 1DX 1D MKIV b/o serviced ....... 1499 BG-E11 .......................................... 169 17-85 F4/5.6.............................199 75-300 F4/5.6 MKII .................. 99 12-24 F4.5/5.6 EX DG II...........449 other caf used
body 1D MKIV body.........................999 BG-E13 .......................................... 119 18-135 F3.5/5.6 IS USM............349 85 F1.8 M-.................................269 18-50 F2.8 EX DC.......................149 TAM 10-24 F3.5/4.5 Di II ......... 199
1D MKIII body .........................699 BG-E16 box ................................. 149 24 F3.5 TSE MKI box...................699 100 F2.8 IS USM L ..................599 18-125 F3.8/5.6 OS DC ...........149 TAM 18-270 F3.5/6.3 VCII ......169
box 1Ds body ..................................299 CANON AF FILM BODIES USED 24-70 F2.8 L USM box...............799 100 F2.8 USM box..................299 18-200 F3.5/6.3 HSM OS...........179 TAM 28-300 F3.5/5.6 Di
7D MKII body box..................999 EOS 3 body M- box ...............299 24-85 F3.5/4.5 USM....................149 100-400 F4.5/5.6 L IS U......... 899 24-70 F2.8 HSM..........................469 VC PZD.......................................449
2299/2799 7D body ....................................499 EOS 1n HS body.....................199 24-105 F4 L.....................................549 135 F2 L M- box......................499 28-135 F3.8/5.6 ............................99 TAM 28-75 F2.8 XR Di...........199
5D MKIV body Mint box... 3097 EOS 30/5 body each............... 69 28 F2.8 .......................................129 180 F3.5 L mac..........................799 50 F2.8 EX macro .....................149 TAM 70-300 F4/5.6 .....................99
5D MKIII b/o box......1399/1699 EOS 650 body ........................... 39 28-80 F3.5/5.6 ........................... 79 300 F2.8 LI IS U.......................2799 50-500 F4/6.3 EX DG ............399 TAM 90 F2.8 .................................249
used canon 5D MKII body ............................. 799
5D MKI body box ..................... 499
EOS 600 body ........................... 39
EOS 50E body............................ 29
28-90 F3.5/5.6 ........................... 79
28-135 F3.5/5.6 IS USM .......169
300 F4 L IS USM box...............749
400 F4 DO ISII L U.................5799
70-200 F2.8 EX DG ...............399
120-300 F2.8 DG OS
TAM 150-600 F5/6.3 USD......599
TAM 200-500 F5/6.3.................449
EOS 5D 70D body box............................ 549 EOS 500N body ........................ 29 40 F2.8 STM .............................139 400 F5.6 L box...........................749 Sport box............................... 1799 canon flash used
60D body..................................... 399 EOS 1000 body......................... 29 50 F1.2 L USM box.................999 500 F4 LII IS USM ..................6999 120-300 F2.8 EX DG ..............699 ST-E3 transmitter box ..........189
MKIII 50D body..................................... 299 PB-E2 drive M- box................199 50 F1.4 USM.............................239 500 F4 LI IS USM....................4499 120-400 F4/5.6 DG ................399 ST-E2 transmitter ..................... 79
body 30D body..................................... 129 PB-E2 drive fits EOS1/3........149 50 F2.5 macro .........................149 1.4x extender MKII ................239 150 F2.8 EX DG OS mac.........499 MR-14EX ringflash.................349
20D body........................................99 canon af lenses used 55-250 F4/5.6 EFS..................139 2x extender MKIII.....................319 150-500 F5/6.3 HSM................499 430EXII.......................................169
box EVF-DC1 for G3X ...................... 149 10-22 F3.5/4.5 U.....................279 60 F2.8 USM EFS mac...........249 2x extender MKII......................199 150-600 F5/6.3 DG OS..............999 550EX.........................................149
BG-E2............39 BG-E2N..........49 16-35 F2.8 USM LII.................899 70-200 F2.8 IS USM LI...........999 Teleplus 2x DG conv............... 89 170-500 F5/6.3 APO DG...........299 580EX box ................................179
1399/1699 BG-E4 box...69 BG-E5 .............49 16-35 F2.8 USM LI..................699 70-200 F2.8 USM L ................799 Kenko ext tube set DG............... 89 180 F3.5 EX DG HSM mac.......399 580EX MKII ...............................299

NIKON USED We carry out sensor cleaning on the premises, firmware updating and equipment hire - please enquire for details
nIkon dIgItal af used MBD-100 grip............................ 39 24-70 F2.8 AFS box...................849 85 F1.8 AFD..............................249 sIgma naf used 19-35 F3.5/4.5................................. 99
used nikon D4s body box....................... 3699 MBD-200 grip............................ 49 24-85 F3.5/4.5 VR ........................329 85 F3.5 DX M- box.................269 12-24 F4.5/5.6 EX DG II.............449 24-70 F2.8 USD.............................599
D4 body box......................... 2299 NIKON AF FILM BODIES USED 24-120 f4 AFS VR.........................699 105 F2 AFD...............................649 15 F2.8 EX DG ...............................399 28-300 F3.5/6.3 XR Di................149
D4s body D3X body box...................... 1799 F4S body inc MB-21..............349 24-120 F3.5/5.6 AFD..................199 105 F2.8 AFS VR......................579 18-200 F3.5/6.3 DC OS............199 60 F2 SP Di......................................229
box D3s body box............1499/1799 F4E body inc MB-23..............299 28 F1.8 AFS G................................479 105 F2.8 AFD...........................399 24-70 F2.8 EX DG serviced....299 70-300 F4/5.6.................................. 79
D3 body box......................... 1199 F65 body..................................... 39 28-100 F3.5/5.6 AF G................... 69 135 F2 AFD box......................799 28-200 F3.5/5.6 early...................69 other naf used
3699 D2xs body ................................399 F801 body ............................29/59 28-300 F3.5/5.6 VR......................599 180 F2.8 AFD M- box............449 30 F1.4 EX DC..............................199 TOK 10-17 F3.5/4.5 ATX.......249
D2x body ..................................349 F601 body .................................. 29 35 F2 AFD .......................................199 200 F4 AF..................................999 50 F1.4 Art M- box.....................499 TOK 11-18 F2.8 ATX Pro.......329
D800 body ............................ 1399 nIkon af lenses used 35-70 F3.3/4.5 AF.......................... 59 200-400 F4 AFS VRII........... 3799 50-500 F4/6.3 DG..........399/499 TOK 12-28 F4 ATX DX...........399
used nikon D700 body box.......................699
D600 body box.......................799
10-24 F3.5/4.5 AFS DX .........549
14-24 F2.8 AFS M- box........1099
40 f2.8 AFS Micro...................169
50 F1.4 AFD..............................199
200-500 F5 AFS VR ................999
300 F2.8 AFS VRI ................. 2699
70-200 F2.8 OS DG................599
70-200 F2.8 EX DG.................399
TOK 80-200 F2.8 ATX Pro ....299
flash / accessorIes used
D4 body D300 body box.......................299 14-24 F2.8 AFS ..................... 999 50 F1.8 AFD................................ 99 300 F4 AFS box.......................549 70-300 F4/5.6 APO DG........... 99 SB-24.....................................................49
box D200 body box.......................149 16 F2.8 Fisheye AFD.......... 499 55-200 F4/5.6 AFS ................... 79 400 F2.8 AFS VR serviced. 5799 80-400 F4.5/5.6 DG OS ........399 SB-25.....................................................49
D7100 body box ....................499 16-35 F4 VR............................ 749 55-300 F4.5/5.6 VR DX .........219 400 F2.8 AFS non VR.......... 3999 105 F2.8 EX ..............................199 SB-28................................................... 69
D7000 body....................299/349 16-85 F3.5/5.6 AFS VR.........399 60 F2.8 AFS ..............................399 600 F4 AFS VR ...................... 6299 120-400 F4/5.6 DG ................399 SB-80DX............................................. 79
2299 D5000 body.............................199 17-55 F2.8 AFS ............................449 60 F2.8 AF.................................199 600 F4 AFS VR 150 F2.8 EX DG OS mac...........499 SB-600...............................................169
D90 body..................................199 18-35 F3.5/4.5 AFS ....................479 70-200 F2.8 AFS VRII.......... 1349 serviced.................................. 5799 150-500 F5/6.3 DG OS..............499 SB-900...............................................249
used nikon D80 body..................................169
D50 body.................................... 79
18-35 F3.5/4.5 AFD ...................299
18-55 F3.5/5.6 AFS VR................99
70-200 F2.8 AFS VRI..............899
70-200 F4 AFS VR...................899
600 F4 AFS II non VR
serviced.................................. 4499
300-800 F5.6 EX DG................2999
2x EX DG converter....................149
SB-R1 kit M- box..........................399
SD-8 batt pack................................ 49
D3X body MBD-15 grip ............................149 18-105 F3.5/5.6 AFS VR...........169 70-300 F4/5.6 VR....................369 TC14EII.......................................299 1.4x or 2x EX conv each............. 99 DR-3 angle finder.......................... 59
box MBD-14 grip ............................149 18-135 F3.5/5.6 AFS G.............169 70-300 F4/5.6 AFD ................129 TC17EII.......................................249 tamron naf used MB-10 (fits F90).............................. 29
MBD-10 grip M- box.............129 18-200 F3.5/5.6 AFS VRI..........249 85 F1.4 AFS M- box ...............999 TC20EIII M- box ......................249 10-24 F3.5/4.5 DiII.......................239 MB-23 (fits F4)................................. 69
MBD-10 grip .............................. 79 20 F2.8 AFD..................................329 85 F1.4 AFD..............................499 TC20EII.......................................199 11-18 F4.5/5.6...............................219 MC-30 remote ................................ 39
1799 MBD-80 grip .............................. 49 20 F2.8 AF......................................279 85 F1.8 AFS ..............................329 TC20E .........................................149 18-250 F3.5/6.3 ............................149 MF-23 (date back F4) .................. 79

DIGITAL USED Why not register to receive our email newsletters? Simply send your email address to to enrol
fuJI dIgItal used Sony HV56AM.......................... 169 35-70 F4 ......................................39 50 F2.8 EX DG macro ............ 149 14-50 F3.8/5.6 ........................ 199 HLD-8 grip............................... 149
used fuji X-Pro2 body box................... 999 Sony LA-EA4 mount adap .. 189 35-70 F3.5/4.5.................................25 55-200 F4/5.6 ..............................69 14-54 F2.8/3.5 ........................ 149 HLD-7 grip box...................... 119
X-Pro2 X-T1 body graphite box ..... 499 sony neX used 35-80 f4/5.6......................................25 70-300 F4/5.6 DG OS ........... 169 35 F3.5 .........................................99 HLD-6 grip..................................99
X-T1 body black..................... 499 A6000 body..................................329 35-105 F3.5/4.5 ..............................99 70-300 F4/5.6 APO DG...........99 35-100 F2 M- box.................. 899 PanasonIc dIgItal used
body box X-T1 body black..................... 449 NEX 5 body ...................................129 50 F1.7 AF.........................................89 150-500 F5./6.3 DG .............. 499 40-150 F4/5.6 ............................49 GH2 body ................................ 299
X-T10 body box ..................... 349 FE 16-35 F4 ZA OSS E...............999 50 F2.8 macro..............................149 170-500 F5/6.3....................... 299 50 F2 macro............................ 279 G6 body black........................ 299
999 X-E1 body black .................... 199 FE 16-50 F3.5/5.6 EZ .................149 75-300 F4.5/5.6 ..............................99 1.4x EX conv ..............................99 25mm ext tube.........................79 G3 body box........................... 129
10-24 F4 ................................... 599 FE 28-70 F3.5/5.6 OSS..............299 85 F1.4.............................................549 TAM 10-24 F3.5/4.5 DiII ...... 239 FL-36 Flash .............................. 119 GX7 body................................. 399
18-55 F2.8/4 XF ..................... 399 FE 90 F2.8 macro........................799 100-300 F4.5/5.6 APO..............149 TAM 18-200 F3.5/6.3...............99 olymPus mIcro 4/3 used GX1 body box........................ 149
used olympus 27 F2.8 XF box ....................... 199 Samyang 100 F2.8 macro......229 VC700 grip........................................39 TAM 70-300 F4.5/5.6 Di box 79 Stylus 1F................................... 299 GF7 body silver box............. 199
OM-D E-M1 35 F1.4 R box.......................... 399 mInolta/sony af used RC1000S/L cord .............................15 TAM 90 F2.8 ................... 179/249 OMD-EM1 body M- box ..... 599 GF3 body black ........................99
body M- 55-200 F3.5/4.8 R.................. 449 Dynax 9 body......................... 299 Angle finder VN..............................69 TAM 150-600 F3.5/6.3 USD ..... 599 OMD E-M5 MKII b/o box.... 499 GF1 body .......................................79
60 F2.4 macro box................ 429 800Si body .................................69 sony lenses used Teleplus 1.4x conv...................69 OMD E-M5 body box........... 249 GM1 body silver.................... 299
box 1.4x converter........................ 269 7xi body ......................................49 16-80 F3.5/4.5 ZA DT................499 Teleplus 2x conv ......................79 OMD-EM10 MKII body........ 299 12-35 F2.8................................ 549
599 X-T1 vertical grip......................79 7000i body.................................39 18-55 F3.5/5.6 SAM......................59 Kenko 1.4x Pro 300DG........ 149 OMD-EM10 body.................. 249 14 F2.5 ...................................... 199
X10 box .................................... 149 300Si body .................................19 18-200 F3.5/6.3 DT ....................199 Min 5200i....................................29 12-40 F2.8 Pro........................ 649 14-42 F3.5/5.6 ...........................79
Sony A7R II body box..........2299
20-35 F3.5/4.5 M- box......... 249
24 F2.8 AF................................ 199
55-200 F4/5.6 DT SSM ................69
75-300 F4/5.6...............................129
Min 5400HS ...............................39
Min 5600HSD M-......................99
12-50 F3.5/6.3 ........................ 149
17 F2.8 ...................................... 159
14-45 F3.5/5.6 ........................ 149
20 F1.7 ...................................... 199
A7R II Sony A7 II body ....................... 999 24-50 F4 ......................................99 sIgma mIn/sony af used olymPus 4/3 used 45 F1.8 box ............................. 199 35-100 F4/5.6 ......................... 199
Sony A6300 body................... 749 24-85 F3.5/4.5 ........................ 149 18-35 F1.8 Art........................... 449 E10 MKII body........................ 349 40-150 F2.8 Pro ..................... 949 45-200 F4/4.5 box ................ 199
body box Sony VG-B30AM.........................69 28 F2.8 .........................................99 28-135 F3.8/5.6...........................79 E10 body.................................. 279 40-150 F4/5.6 ......................... 139 100-300 F4/5.6....................... 349
2299 Sony VG-C2EM......................... 179
Sony VG-C70AM...................... 139
28-80 F4/5.6...............................39
28-85 F3.5/4.5 ...........................99
28-300 F3.5/6.3 macro.......... 149
50 F1.4......................................... 149
14-42 F3.5/5.6 ...........................49
14-45 F3.5/5.6 ...........................79
45 F1.8 ...................................... 159
60 F2.8 .........................................99
PentaX dIgItal used
Km body .................................. 149

MEDIUM FORMAT 6x45, 6x6, 6x7 & 6x9 USED For more used equipment listings please see website
Used Hasselblad bronIca etrs 645 used
40 F4 MC................................... 149
135 F4 PS M-............................ 229
150 F3.5 S ....................................79
Polaroid back tatty...................79
50 F4 CF FLE ............................ 849
Ext Tube 1, 2, 3S each .............29
Teleplus 2x converter..............49
Pro S body................................ 149
Pro S body scruffy ....................99
PentaX 645af used
645N body ............................... 399
50mm F4 75 F2.8 PE ................................. 149 150 F4 PS ......................... 149/199 80 F2.8 CF................................. 479 Vivitar 2x converter..................39 Plain prism late....................... 199 AF500FTZ flash..........................79
105 F3.5........................................99 180 F4.5 PS............................... 399 150 F4 chrome serviced...... 199 mamIya tlr 6x6 used WLF..........79 Chimney...........99 PentaX 645mf used
CF FLE 135 f4 PE................................... 249 200 F4.5 PS M- box ............... 199 250 F5.6 CF .............................. 399 C330 F Body + WLF ............... 149 120 645V back ...........................99 645 + 75 F2.8........................... 249
849 150 F3.5 E ....................................99 2x PS converter M-................ 179 Ext tube 21, 55 each................39 55 F4.5 ....................................... 199 50 F4.5 ....................................... 199 645 body + insert .................. 199
150 F3.5 PE M- Box................ 149 135N back ................................ 119 Vivitar 2x conv ...........................49 65 F3.5 box late ...................... 199 90 F3.5 KL ................................. 299 55 F2.8 ....................................... 249
200 F4.5 PE............................... 199 SQA Polaroid back....................59 Pro shade 6093..........................99 65 F3.5 serviced...................... 149 127 F3.5 KL............................... 299 150 F3.5 EX++......................... 149
Used Mamiya E14 Ext tube ...............................49
E42 Ext tube ...............................49
SQAi 120 RFH .............................79
SQAi prism late....................... 299
Lens hoods various........... 20/50
mamIya 645 mf used
80 F2.8 late serviced............. 139
180 F4.5..................................... 149
180 F4.5............................................ 149
Pro SD ext tube 2 82mm............99
200 F4 ........................................ 149
300 F4 ........................................ 249
RB67 Pro SD + 120 RFH........................................69 45 Prism box .......................... 129 645 Prol TL + 80 + prism 250 f4.5 late serviced............ 249 Pro SD ext tube 1 45mm............99 1.4x converter......................... 199
90 KL + WLF Polaroid Back .............................39 Plain Prism S Boxed .................69 + winder box........................... 399 250 f4.5 early serviced...... 179 Ext tube 2...........................................49 PentaX 67 used
+ Back Plain prism ..................................59 AE Prism Early ............................79 Plain prism (645 Super)..........39 Paramender ................................49 mamIya rZ 6x7 used 45 F4 latest M- ........................ 499
Rotary prism...............................99 ME Prism Finder ........................69 Polariod Back HP401 ...............29 Porrofinder..................................59 RZ Pro body ............................. 149 135 F4 macro late .................. 249
549 Angle viewfinder E................ 129 Metz SCA 386.............................49 Polaroid back .............................29 mamIya 6 & 7 rf 6x7 used 120 RFH Pro II.............................99 165 F2.8 latest M- .................. 499
Winder early ...............................79 Pro shade S .................................59 120 Insert.....................................20 6 body + 75 F3.5..................1099 120 RFH Pro I..............................49 200 F4 latest ............................ 169
Used Rollei Speed Grip E...............................39
Tripod adapter E .......................39
Lens Hood 65-80.......................20
SQAi Motorwinder ................ 149
HA401 120 RFH Box.................49
120 Back.......39 Winder........79
50 F4 G ...................................... 599
50 F4.5 L + VF.......................... 699
Polaroid back .............................79
FE701 prism............................. 299
200 F4 early...................................99
300 F4 early scruffy................... 99
3.5F 6x6 Winder early ...............................49 Speed grip S ...............................79 45 F2.8 N................................... 199 80 F4.5 L M- box..................... 699 WLF...........79 Winder II..........69 Pentax rear conv 1.4x.............. 249
Metz SCA 386.............................49 hasselblad 6x6 used 120 F4 macro .......................... 269 150 F4.5 M- .............................. 399 50 F4.5 W .................................. 249 2x rear converter.................... 179
TLR bronIca sq 6x6 used Sports viewfinder .....................69 150 F2.8 A................................. 199 mamIya rb 6x7 used 65 F4 box M- ........................... 399 Auto ext tubes ...........................49
40 F4 S........299 50 F3.5 PS299 Chimney.......................................89 150 F3.5 N ...................................79 Pro SD + 90 KL 90 F3.5 W M- box................... 299 Vivitar 2x conv ...........................49
50 F3.5 S.................................... 149 A12 chrome latest................. 299 150 F3.8 NL leaf...................... 299 + WLF + back .......................... 549 180 F4.5 W................................ 199 rolleI 6x6 tlr used
see web 110 F4.5 PS macro................. 399 A12 late blk/chr...................... 129 210 F4 N M- ................................79 Pro S + 90 + WLF + back..... 399 Pro shade.....................................49 3.5F ............................. see website

35MM & MISCELLANEOUS USED Please contact us to determine availability before making a lengthy journey
canon fd used contaX mf used X700 black body .......................69 28 F2.8 E box..............................69 OM-1n body ............................ 199 70 F2.8 Limited....................... 349
used leica 28 F2.8 ..........................................49 28-70 F3.5/4.5 MM ................ 169 XGM chrome body...................49 28-85 F3.5/4.5 AIS.................. 199 OM-1 body............................... 149 70-300 F4/5.6 .............................79
35-70 F3.5/4.5 ............................59 HASSELBLAD XPAN USED 28 F3.5 MD..................................39 35-70 F3.3/4.5 AIS.................. 129 OM-2SP body.......................... 149 100-300 F4.5/5.6 .......................89
R8 body 35-70 F4 .......................................69 Centre filter 49mm........................129 50 F1.7 MD..................................49 35-70 F3.5 AIS ............................99 OM-2n body blk or chr........ 149 sIgma Pkaf used
black 50 F1.4.........99 50 F1.8........49 leIca slr used 50 F2 MD .....................................49 35-105 F3.5/4.5 AIS..................79 28 F3.5 ..........................................49 18-250 F3.5/6.3....................... 199
box 50 F2..............................................49 R8 body black box................. 499 70-210 F4 MD.............................99 50 F1.4 AI.................................. 199 35-70 F3.5/4.5 ............................79 TAM 70-300 F4.5/5.6................69
70-150 F4.5 .................................29 28-70 F3.5/4.5 R ..................... 399 2x Converter...............................79 50 F1.8 AIS pancake.............. 139 35-105 F3.5/4.5..........................79 PentaX mf used
75-200 F4.5 .................................49 leIca oPtIcs used Ext tube for 50 F3.5..................29 50 F1.8 E.......................................59 50 F3.5 macro ............................79 40 F2.8 PK....................................99
499 100-300 F5.6...............................79 Televid APO 77 + eyepiece .... 799 Ext tube set.................................49 55 F2.8 AIS................................ 199 200 F4 ...........................................79 50 F1.4 PK....................................99
135 F3.5 (Breechlock)..............39 Televid 77 + 20x60................ 649 Auto bellows 1...........................99 105 F2.8 AIS macro ............... 199 7, 14, 25 man ext tube ea......20 50 F4 macro PK..........................99
used Zeiss 2x Extender B.............................49
25mm or 50mm Ext tube ea 29
Trinovid 10x42........................ 599
Ultravid 8x32 HD ................... 849
nIkon mf used
F3 body ..................................... 199
180 F2.8 AIS ED scruffy........ 179
500 F4 AIS...............................1499
14 auto ext tube .......................29
25 auto ext tube .......................29
tamron adII used
90 F2.5 SP ................................. 149
Victory Diascope 85T* 177A flash....................................20 lIghtmeters used FM2n body chr box............... 299 500 F8 mirror early................ 279 PentaX 35mm af used vanguard scoPes used
199A flash....................................39 Polaris ...........................................99 FM2n body chr ....................... 249 TC200 ............................................49 16-45 F4 .................................... 199 Endeavour HD65A................. 229
FL + 20x60 box 244T flash......20 277T flash25 Sekonic L308..............................99 FE body chrome........................99 SC-17 TTL lead...........................25 17-70 F4 SDM M- box .......... 299 voIgtlander used
1399 300TL flash..................................49 Sekonic L408........................... 149 20 F3.5 AI.................................. 199 DW-3 WLF find fit F3 ...............99 18-55 F3.5/5.6 ............................29 15 F4.5 + VF M- box.............. 269
Winder A.....20 Winder B....30 mInolta md used 24 F2.8 AI.................................. 199 DW-21 fits F4........................... 149 28-80 F3.5/5.6 ............................49 ZeIss used
contaX 35mm rf used X300 chrome body ..................49 28 F2.8 AIS................................ 199 olymPus om used 50-135 F2.8 SDM.................... 379 Victory Diascope 85 T* FL
90 F2.8 G................................... 299 X300s black body .....................49 28 F3.5 AIS...................................99 OM-4T body ............................ 249 55-300 F4/5.8 ED box........... 199 + 20x60 box...........................1399

Item you requIre not lIsted? Please gIve us detaIls of what you are lookIng for and we wIll contact you when that Item becomes avaIlable.
mail order used items sold on 10 day approval. return in as received condition for refund if not satisfied (postage not included - mail order only). e&oe.
01603 208762
Call us Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 10am-4pm

THE WEX PROMISE: Over 17,000 Products | Free Delivery on 50 or over** | 30-Day Returns Policy | Part-Exchange Available | Used items come with a 12-month warranty

Black, Red
EOS 7D Mark II EOS 760D EOS 700D or Grey
D3300 D5600 D7100

20.2 mp
10.0 fps 24.7 mp 18.0 mp 24.2 mp 24.2 mp 24.1 mp
1080p 5.0 fps 5.0 fps 5.0 fps 5.0 fps 6.0 fps

7D Mk II 1249 760D Body 579 700D Body 469 D3300 From 289 D5600 From 799 D7100 From 699
7D Mark II Body 1249 760D Body 579 700D Body 469 D3300 Body 289 D5600 + 18-55mm 799 D7100 Body 699
750D Body 599 700D + 18-55mm IS STM 549 D3300 + 18-55mm AF-P 369 D5600 + 18-140mm 989 D7100 +18-105mm VR 899
750D + 18-55mm 649
750D + 18-135mm 849

5D Mark IV EOS 6D EOS 80D

D7200 D610 D750

30.4 mp 20.2 mp 24.2 mp 24.3 mp 24.3 mp

7.0 fps 4.5 fps 24.2 mp 6.0 fps 6.0 fps 6.5 fps
Full Frame Full Frame 7.0 fps 1080p 1080p Full Frame

5D Mk IV 3499 6D 1449 80D Body 999 D7200 From 849 D610 From 1299 D750 From 1599
5D Mk IV Body 3499 6D Body 1449 80D Body 999 D7200 Body 849 D610 Body 1299 D750 Body 1599
6D + 24-105mm 1699 80D + 18-55mm 1029 D7200 + 18-105mm 1099 D610 + 24-85mm 1699 D750 + 24-85mm VR 2099
80D + 18-135mm 1219 D750 + 24-120mm VR 2279


D810 D5 D500

50.6 mp 20.2 mp 36.3 mp 20.8 mp

5.0 fps 16.0 fps 20.1 mp 7.0 fps 12.0 fps 20.9 mp
Full Frame Full Frame 4.2x zoom Full Frame Full Frame 10.0 fps

5DS From 2799 1D X MK II 4799 G7 X Mk II 549 D810 From 2399 NEW D5 5099 D500 1729
5DS Body 2799 1D X Mk II Body 4799 G7 X Mk II 549 D810A Body 2899 NEW D5 Body 5099 NEW D500 Body 1729
5DS R Body 2999 G5 X Body 629

Canon Lenses Nikon Lenses

EF 24mm f1.4L II USM................ 1499 EF-S 10-18mm f4.5-5.6 IS STM . 229 EF 24-70mm f4.0 L IS USM ...... 819 24mm f1.8 G ED AF-S ....................................... 629 70-200mm f2.8 G AF-S ED VR II....................... 1999
EF-S 24mm f2.8 STM ................. 149 EF-S 10-22mm f3.5-4.5 USM ..... 399 EF 24-105mm f4.0 L IS USM...... 799 50mm f1.8 G AF-S ............................................. 189 80-400mm AF-S Nikkor f4.5-5.6 G ED VR ........ 2089
EP 35mm f1.4 L II USM ............ 1899 EF 11-24mm f4L USM ................ 2699 EF 24-105mm f4L IS II USM....... 1065 35mm f1.8 G AF-S DX ....................................... 175 24-120mm f4 G AF-S ED VR............................. 939
EF 40mm f2.8 STM ................... 199 EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM 579 EF-S 55-250mm f4-5.6 IS STM .. 269 58mm f1.4 G AF-S ............................................. 1349 50mm f1.4 AF-S ................................................. 385
EF 50mm f1.2L USM................... 1369 EF 16-35mm f2.8L III USM ......... 2020 EF 70-200mm f2.8 L IS II USM... 1848 105mm f2.8 G AF-S VR IF ED Micro................. 749 60mm f2.8 G AF-S ED Micro ............................. 499
EF 50mm f1.4 USM..................... 349 EF 16-35mm f2.8L Mk II USM .... 1429 EF 70-200mm f4.0 L IS USM ..... 1149 10-24mm f3.5-4.5 G AF-S DX............................ 729 200-500mm f5.6E ED VR AF-S ......................... 1179
14-24mm f2.8 G AF-S ED.................................. 1619 105mm f2.8 G AF-S VR IF ED Micro................. 749
EF 85mm f1.2 L II USM............... 1769 EF 16-35mm f4 L IS USM........... 999 EF 70-300mm f4-5.6L IS USM.... 1289
16-35mm f4 G AF-S ED VR............................... 1019 85mm f1.8 G AF-S ............................................. 430
EF-S 60mm f2.8 USM Macro...... 419 EF-S 17-55mm f2.8 IS USM ....... 749 EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6 L IS II USM 1899
16-80mm f2.8-4 G AF-S VR ED DX .................. 860 300mm f4E PF ED VR AF-S.............................. 1489
EF 85mm f1.8 USM..................... 349 EF 17-40mm f4 L USM................ 719
16-105mm f3.5-5.6 G ED VR AF-S DX ............. 219 20mm f1.8G AF-S ED ........................................ 649
EF 100mm f2.8 L IS USM Macro 869 EF 18-135mm f3.5-5.6 IS STM... 379 For Canon-t Tamron,
18-200mm f3.5-5.6 G ED AF-S DX VR II .......... 625 28-300mm f3.5-5.6 G AF-S ED VR ................... 829
EF 135mm f2 L USM................... 949 EF-S 18-200mm f3.5-5.6 IS ........ 439 Sigma or Samyang lenses,
visit our website 18-300mm f3.5-6.3 G ED VR AF-S DX ............ 629 18-300mm f3.5-6.3 G ED VR AF-S DX ............. 629
EF 180mm f3.5 L USM Macro .... 1329 EF 24-70mm f2.8L II USM .......... 1729 24-70mm f2.8 G AF-S ED.................................. 1599

Photo Bags & Rucksacks Anvil Slim

Pro Runner BP 350 ProTactic 450 AW Professional
AW II Backpack Backpack Backpack Hadley Pro
Purpose-built Designed to t Canvas Khaki/Tan
Advanced Travel
to organise 1-2 Pro DSLRs
and protect Backpack - Grey
(one with up to
more gear, and is made up of two
70-200mm lens Hadley: Canvas/Leather: Khaki/Tan,
provide more compartments;
attached), up to 8
options for the bottom takes Black/Tan, Black/Black.
manoeuvring photographic FibreNyte/Leather: Khaki/Tan, Sage/
a 15 laptop, tripod
in busy airports equipment and the Tan, Black/Black.
and accessories.
and crowded top section holds
Digital .................................. 109 RuggedWear:
streets. all of your personal
Anvil: belongings. Small ................................... 129 F-5XB ......................................69
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IN THE NOT too distant past, photographers background music from hundreds of songs
would return from their adventures, crank on and sounds in the software's library.
their projector and put on a slideshow for The software is highly versatile, allowing
family and friends. Things have moved on you to add titles and effects, as well as
but slideshows remain popular, although automatically match colours and tonal
now it's in the form of digital presentations characteristics to create a seamless look.
viewed on televisions or portable devices. Along with attractive borders, you can add
If you've wanted to create your own picture-in-picture effects, HDR, travel route Foryourchance towin a Magix PhotostoryDeluxe
entertaining and professional videos using a animations and a wide number of transitions/ software package, answerthis simple question:
powerful but user-friendly software package, dissolves. Using Camera MX media transfer,
then this month's competition is for you. you can wirelessly transmit photos from your WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM
We're giving ten readers the chance to scoop Android phone to the software for editing. RESOLUTION CAPABLE WITH
Magix's latest software package, Photostory Photostory Deluxe supports all standard
Deluxe for PC, worth 55, designed to easily photo and video formats and can even
create video slideshows with your photos in handle 360 panoramic footage. A)SD B) HD C)FULL HD D)ULTRA HD
resolutions up to Ultra HD, for viewing on a Magix Photostory Deluxe is the ideal Emailyouranswer, alongwithyourname & address, to:
TV, smartphone or tablet. And to have a software for any photographer looking for an using the subject
chance of winning, all you need to do is easy way to transform images and video into 'Magix Competition'byTuesday21 March 2017.We'll
answer one simple question (see right). attractive and entertaining slideshows. pick twowinners at random and theywill receive
Designed with a clean, modern and simple To have the chance of winning one, all conrmationwithin seven days. Open to UK readers only.
to follow interface, Magix Photostory Deluxe you need to do is answer our simple question
is intuitive to use and powerful enough to before the closing date of Tuesday 21 March
produce stylish and slick slideshows. Use it 2017. Please note that this competition is only
to import photos and videos into your open to readers living in the UK.
slideshow, then add screen-ready Forfurtherinformation on PhotostoryDeluxe and other
animations, adjust colours, or select the Magix software,

March 2017 Digital SLR Photography 138

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