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197 Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.

204 Mich. 459, 170 N.W. 668 (1919) HELD

J. Ostrander Court held that they are entitled to a more equitable-sized
dividend, but the Court will not interfere with the companys
FACTS business judgment regarding the price set on the products or
1. In 1916, Ford has expected a profit for the year of the decision to expand the business.
upward of $60M. On that same year, it announced a
new dividend policy of paying no special dividends. The Court found that a corporation is organized primarily
Instead, it would reinvest all earnings except the for the profit of the stockholders. The powers of the directors
regular dividend of $1.2M. are to be employed for that end. The discretion is to be
2. It has been the policy of the corporation to annually exercised in the choice of mean to attain that end and does not
reduce the selling price of cars, while keeping up, or extend to a change in the end itself, to the reduction of profits
improving their quality. The goal of Ford was to or to the non-distribution of profits among stockholders in order
expand its production capacity, to employ more and to devote them to other purposes.
double the salary of employees and to cut the price of
cars. Basically, a corporation is a business and not a charity. It
3. Henry Ford admitted that the price negatively is the primary duty of the management to maximize
impacted short-term profits, but he defends his shareholder wealth. But that doesnt mean it is the sole duty of
decision based on his ambition to spread the benefits directors to maximize profits. The Court noted that an
of industrialized society with as many people as incidental humanitarian expenditure for the benefit of the
possible. employees would be permissible.
4. He also contends that he has out substantial
dividends ensuring that they have made a
considerable profit and should be content to take what
he chooses to give. As to the proposed expansion, Court is not persuaded that
5. Dodge brothers (minority shareholders) who owned it should interfere. Judges are not business experts. It is
their own motor company, brought an action against recognized that plans must often be made for a long future for
Ford Motor Company to compel the declaration of expected competition, for a continuing as well as an
dividends and to stop the building of Fords proposed immediately profitable venture. The experience of the Ford
smelting plant. Motor Company is evidence of capable management of its
a. They argued that the purpose of the affairs.
company was to maximize shareholder
profits, not to help the community by making Court affirmed the lower courts decision that the company
affordable cars or employ more workers. declare a dividend and reversed the lower courts
ISSUE injunction that halted company expansion.
Whether plaintiffs can force defendant to increase the cost of
the product and limit the money invested into expansion of the
business in order to pay out a larger dividend.

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