History of Yellow Fever Outbreak

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History of Yellow Fever Outbreak

Luke Powell 1st

Yellow fever is a virus that is spread by mosquitos that pass it on through

biting humans, monkeys, and other animals. Mosquitos thrive near the equator, in
Central and South America, like Brazil and Africa, such as Nigeria, Cameroon, and
Congo. In between December 5th,
2015 to February 14th, 2017, there was
a yellow fever outbreak that originated
in Angola, and spread to Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC). More than
30 million people were given
emergency vaccinations to protect
them from the virus. In order to
eradicate the virus, they had to contain
the yellow fever from small, hard to
reach areas. To help these areas recover, many countries sent a portion of their
vaccinations to Angola and DRC. Brazil is now in the beginning stages of a yellow
fever outbreak because they sent too many of their vaccines to Angola and they
dont have enough left to give to their own people.

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