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Student Name:

Assessment Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Oral Presentation Student is Student seems The student is Student does not
completely prepared pretty prepared but somewhat prepared, seem at all prepared
and has obviously might have needed a but it is clear that to present.
Total: rehearsed. couple more rehearsal was
rehearsals. lacking.
Presentation Style Team consistently Team usually used Team sometimes One or more
used gestures, eye gestures, eye used gestures, eye members of the
contact, tone of contact, tone of contact, tone of team had a
voice and a level of voice and a level of voice and a level of presentation style
enthusiasm in a way enthusiasm in a way enthusiasm in a way that did not keep the
Total: that kept the that kept the that kept the attention of the
attention of the attention of the attention of the audience.
audience. audience. audience.
Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well with Graphics go well with Graphics go well with Graphics do not go
the information the information, but the information, but with the
presented 3-5 there are so many there are too few (0- accompanying
graphics. that they distract 2 graphics). information and
Total: from the information there are not enough
(more than 5 graphics used (0-2
graphics). graphics).
Spatial Assignment has Assignment has Assignment has well- The formatting and
Understanding exceptionally attractive formatting organized organization of
attractive formatting and well-organized information. assignment is
and well-organized information. confusing to the
Total: information. reader.
Spelling and No grammatical, Almost no A few grammatical Many grammatical,
Grammar spelling or grammatical, spelling, or spelling, or
punctuation errors. spelling or punctuation errors. punctuation errors.
punctuation errors
Quality of Information is logical Information is logical Information is logical Information has little
Information and clearly relates to and clearly relates to and clearly relates to or nothing to do with
the main topic. It the main topic. It the main topic. No the main topic
includes several provides 1-2 details and/or and/or it is not
supporting details supporting details examples are given. logical.
Total: and/or examples. and/or examples.
Working with Almost always listens Usually listens to, Often listens to, Rarely listens to,
Others to, shares with, and shares, with, and shares with, and shares with, and
supports the efforts supports the efforts supports the efforts supports the efforts
of others. Tries to of others. Does not of others, but of others. Often is
keep people working cause \"waves\" in sometimes is not a not a good team
Total: well together. the group. good team member. player.

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