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TCHM 131-Spring 2017 Name: _______________________________________

04-05-17: TEST-3 (V-1) Last First

1. If a small amount of a strong acid is added to buffer made up of a weak acid, HA, and the
sodium salt of its conjugate base, NaA, the pH of the buffer solution does not change
appreciably because (4 pts)

A) the Ka of HA is changed.
B) the strong acid reacts with A to give HA, which is a weak acid.
C) no reaction occurs.
D) the strong acid reacts with HA to give H2A+.
E) the strong acid reacts with A to give H2A+.

2. State the Oxidation Number of each of the elements that is underlined (6 pts).

a) Na: _____ b) Cl2: _____ c) Na2O2: _____

d) SO42-: _____ e) CaH2: _____ f) Fe(H2O)63+_____

3. Which of the following indicators would be most suitable for the titration of 0.10 M acetic acid
with 0.10 M KOH(aq)? (4 pts)

A) methyl orange (pKa = 3.4) D) bromophenol blue (pKa = 3.9)

B) thymol blue (pKa = 1.7) E) phenol red (pKa = 7.9)
C) alizarin yellow (pKa = 11.2)

4. How many electrons appear in the balanced half reaction: NO3 (aq) NO(g), in acidic
solution? (4 pts)

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 6 E) 8

5. If the solubility of solid Ca3(PO4)2 in water is s mol L-1, what is the Ksp in term of s? (4 pts)

A) Ksp = 72s5 B) Ksp = 5s C) Ksp = 6s2 D) Ksp = s5

6. Calculate the ratio of the molarities of CO32 and HCO3 ions required to achieve buffer solution
at pH = 9.0. For H2CO3, pKa1 = 6.37, and pKa2 = 10.00. (5 pts)

A) 0.50 B) 3.16 C) 1.65 D) 0.32 E) 0.61

7. If equal volumes of 0.004 M Pb(NO3)2(aq) solution and 0.004 M KI(aq) solution are mixed, will
PbI2 precipitate ? Justify your answer. Ksp for PbI2 is 1.4 108. ( 5 pts)
8. Consider the following buffer solution to answer the questions below. (7 pts)
2.00M in HC2H3O2 and 2.00M in NaC2H3O2 ; 50 mL; Ka of the acid: 1.8 10

a) Write the chemical equilibrium of the buffer system and identify the acid and the base.

b) Calculate the pH of the buffer solution.

9. What is the pH of a buffer containing 0.25 M NH3 and 0.45 M NH4Cl? Kb for ammonia is
1.8 x 10-5 (5 pts)

10. If 25 mL of 0.050 M formic acid (HCO2H, a weak, monoprotic acid) is titrated with 0.125 M
NaOH. (12 pts)

a. Write the balanced chemical equation for this reaction.

b. How many mL of NaOH are required to reach the equivalence point of this reaction?

c. Is the resulting solution at the equivalence point acidic or basic? Explain your answer.
11. Cl-(aq) and I-(aq) can be separated by the addition of Ag+(aq).
If AgCl(s) Ksp =1.6 x 10-10 and AgI(s) Ksp = 8 x 10-17 which compound will most likely
precipitate first and why? (5 pts)

12. What is the solubility of AgI(s) in 0.050 NaI(aq) (Ksp (AgI) = 8 x 10-17)? (5 pts)

13. The titration curve for the titration of 0.100 M H2SO3(aq) with 0.100 M KOH(aq) is given
below and use this to answer the questions below. (10 pts)

a) What is the volume of KOH required to reach the first end point of the titration?

b) Estimate the total amount of KOH is required for the second stoichiometric point.

c) What is the pKa1 of H2SO3?

14. Consdier the following reaction to answer questions below: (4 pts)

CO2 (g) + H2(g) CO(g) + H2O(l)

Substance oxidized: _____ Substance reduced: _____

Oxidizing agent : _____ Reducing agent: _____

15. Balance the following half reaction in basic solution: (5 pts)

SO42- S

16. Balance the following half reaction in acidic solution: (5 pts)

BrO3 Br2

Bonus Question (5 pts):

100 mL of each of the following solutions is mixed; which one of the mixed solutions is a

A) 1.0 M NH3(aq) + 0.6 M KOH(aq)

B) 1.0 M NH4Cl(aq) + 1.0 M KOH(aq)
C) 1.0 M M NH3(aq) + 0.4 M HCl(aq)
D) 1.0 M NH4Cl(aq) + 0.4 M HCl(aq)
E) 1.0 M NH3(aq) + 1.0 M HCl(aq)
TCHM131-Spring 2017 Name: ________________________________
Due: 04-10-17: Test-3(II) Last First

Show your calculations for the following questions.

1 In the determination of iron in vitamins, Fe2+ is titrated with permanganate, MnO4, in acidic
. solution. The products of the reaction are Fe3+ and Mn2+. (5 pts)

a) Write the balanced redox equation.

b) What is the oxidizing agent?
c) What is the total number of electrons transferred?

2. In the process of separating Pb2+ ions from Cu2+ ions as sparingly soluble iodates, a
solution of sodium iodate is added to a solution containing 0.001 M Pb(NO3)2 and 0.001 M
Cu(NO3)2. ( 3 pts)

What is the concentration of Pb2+ when Cu2+ just begins to precipitate?

Refer the text book for necessary Ksp data.

3. Calculate the pH of a buffer that is made by dissolving 2.85 g of benzoic acid with 3.78 g
of sodium benzoate in water to a final volume of 500 mL. How would this pH differ if the
final volume was 250 mL? (2 pts)

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