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.Be&tec4 t o the G o d
Wise Examine Your Rellgion . .. . 11
1 Grand Blessings from God Near at Hand! ... 5

WhoIs God? . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . ... 17

2 Why It Is to

4 Why We Grow Old and Die . . . . . . . . .. ...

W L o J d Gracioad t o
5 Where Are the Dead? . . . . . . . . . . . .....
JBee 3 L o a e WLO S e e 4 God Blesses Mankind . . . . . . .. . .....
6 Jesus Christ, the One Through Whom
7 Are There Wicked Spirits? . . . . . . . . . ....

Until Our Day? . . . . . . . . . ........

J i d d/Lgiving YrutL 8 WhyHas God Permitted Wickedneso

Goes to Heaven . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. 75

D The Reason Why a "Little Flock"

in the Midst of Its Enemiea . . ..... ...

10 God's Kingdom Comes to Power

of Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....
0 1968 11 The Last Days of Thh Wlcked System
Rule Makeg Earth a Paradh . .... 102

and Its Foundation . . .....114

-~ ~
l2 Righteous

the True Religion . . ......

All rights reserved 13 The R u e Church

15 "Get Out from Among Them" . . . . . ... ... 131

14 How to Identify 122
16 Popular Customs That Displease God . . . .... 140

Heard by God . . . ..... 151

18 Christian Obedience to Law . . . . . ........l 5 l
INTERNATIONAL 17 How to Pray and Be
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
19 Godly Respect for W e and Blood . .. ...... 163
Building a Happy Family Llfe . . ......... 170
Revised in 1981

21 Your Decision to Serve God . .. .... ......Is1


True Worship-a Way of Llie . ..........I81

This Book Is Published in 117 Languages
Total Books Printed of All Editions:
106,800,000Copies 22
The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life Unlsrs othenvlse Indicated Scripture uotatloni In thl boo are
English (tr-E) p m the modern-Ian uapd N e r ~%'or% Tmnrlot(on o/l the %oiv
orlptures. revised e&tion of 1961.
Made in the United Ststes of America
Abbreviations of name8 of other Blble v e m l w quoted:
AT -The Bible: An American R.lulatlo& by J. Brmtb UId
E. G o o d s m , of 1935.
AV - A u t h o r m or Klng James Vemlon Blbl* ol l6lL
D# -Roman Catholic Douay Vemlon. ol lsla
Grand Blessings born
G o d n e a r at %andl
0 YOU want to live in peace and happiness?
Do you desire good health and long life for
yourself and your loved ones? Do you long to see
wickedness and suffering end? Every honest-
hearted person wants these things. But today, in
all parts of the earth, violence, crime, hunger and
sickness are increasing. Why is the world so filled
with trouble? What does it all mean? Is there any
sound reason to believe that conditions will really
get better in our lifetime?
'Yes, there is reason for such hope, and it is
clearly set out in a book that is published in more
languages than any other book in the world. That
book is the Bible. It tells us of God's purpose to
set up an entirely new system of things for man-
kind. If you had the power to do so, would you not
bring to an end the conditions that cause so much
sorrow? Of course you would! Should we think
that the Creator of mankind will do any less? The
Bible tells us that "God is love." (1 John 4:s)
Surely this loving heavenly Father knows what
mankind needs. He has the power to fill those
II "God ... will wipe out every tear from their eyes,
and death will be no more, neither will mourning
nor outcry nor pain be any more."-Rev. 21:3. 4.
needs, and he will most certainly do so, for Psalm
1. I n vlew of ramscnlng world condltlona, what questions nriw?
1. (8) What book glvem un r e m for hop? (b) Why can we
mmonablg thhk that the lovlag C M a b nill bring an end to
condttlons that caw lorrow?
145:16* says of God: "You are opening your hand between nations, but among neighbors and in
and satisfying the desire of every living thing." every household. Think what a grand blessing that
S e e also Deuteronomy 32:4. could be to you! And how reassuring to know that
'When will God satisfy man's desire for true the fulfillment of this heartwarming promise does
peace and happiness, along with lasting health not depend on men! It is God who will bring it
and life? Must mankind wait for thousands of about. How? By destroying the wicked and by
years more? No! The time is near a t hand! But educating his people in the ways of peace.-Prov-
how can this be? Conditions in the world are get- erbs 2:21, 22; Isaiah 54:13.
ting worse, not better. True, but the Bible clearly "mong the many blessings that people will
showed, long in advance, that these very condi- enjoy in the new system of God's making is good
tions would be proof that we are living in the "last health. Even death, which brings much sorrow
days" of the present wicked system. (2 Timothy to all of us, will be no more. The Creator's promise
3:l-5) Soon the loving Creator will bring to their is: "And [God] will wipe out every tear from their
end both wickedness and those who cause it. But eyes, and death will be no more, neither will
God will richly bless honest-hearted ones who
want to do what is right, for he promises: "The
mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more. .. .
Look! I am making all things new." (Revelation
world is passing away and so is its desire, but he 21:4, 5)" That is something that no human ruler,
that does the will of God remains forever." no scientist, no doctor can do; but it is something
-1 John 2:17. that God will do. Is it reasonable that God's only
WHAT GOD WILL W FOB purpose for man is that he spend twenty years
'What a change this earth will experience! growing up, perhaps another twenty or thirty
There will be no more war, nor will there be any years gaining knowledge and experience, and
of the suffering that war brings. Hatred, selfish- shortly thereafter begin to grow old, suffer from
ness, crime and violence will all be things of the sickness and die? Why should man's life be so
past. Instead, there will be perfect peace and se- short when even a turtle may live to the age of
curity on earth. God's own Word declares: "Just two hundred years and a tree may live far longer?
a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no God made man to live, not to die. The Creator
more; . . . the meek ones themselves will possess promises that soon it will be possible to enjoy life
the earth, and they will indeed lind their exquisite everlastingly, right here on earth. (Isaiah 25:8)
delight in the abundance of peace." (Psalm 37:10, With peace-loving neighbors, good health and
11 [36:10,11, Dy])Such peace will exist, not only
- satisfying activity to All our lives, what a pleasure
- Paalrn
. .~
~~-~144:lE. Douav Version.

3. (a) Will It be a long time yet before God satlsAes man's

that will be!
deriri far peace and hippinesil (b) Of what are worsening * The Bible book of Revelatlon is called Apocalypse In
world conditions a proof? the
- Douay Verdon.
4 (a) In God's new sgstem, what causes for unhappiness wffl 5. (a) In the new nystem, what will happen to sickness and
ie thlnga of the past? (b) How wlll God fu1811 his promh death? (b) What questions arlse about man's present short
01 peace7 life-wan?
8 How can you be sure that this new System will when the end was near. He said that the last days
come? How can you be sure it is not just a dream? of this wicked system would be marked by such
You can be confident because Almighty God has things as world wars, food shortages, increasing
promised it. The One who created and sustains lawlessness and a growing loss of faith in God.
the universe has given his guarantee that it will (Matthew 24:3-12) He said there would be
come. "God . . . cannot He." (Titus 1:2) His word "anguish of nations, not knowing the way out."
never goes unfulfilled.--Joshua 23: 14. (Luke 21:25) We have seen the PulAllment of
" These thrilling truths are found in God's Word, these prophecies in our lifetime.
the Bible, the Holy Scriptures. There is no other $Many men who study world events are con-
source of information available to man that ex- vinced that a great change is definitely in the
plains in a truly satisfying way the reason for making. The famous writer Walter Lippmann said:
what has happened on earth and God's p p "For us all the world is disorderly and dangerous,
for mankind. While men were used to write the ungoverned and apparently ungovernable. Every-
Bible, they did so under the direction of God's where there is great anxiety and bewilderment."
powerful active force or holy spirit, so that "all He added that all this "marks, I believe, the his-
Scripture is inspired of God." (2 Timothy 3:16) toric fact that we are living through the closing
Just as an invisible radio beam can carry infonna- chapters of the established and traditional way
tion to you, so God's invisible active force directed of life."' Also, as reported back in 1960, a former
the writers of the Bible to put down what he United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson,
wanted mankind to know. That is why one of declared that our time is "a period of unequaled
those writers, the apostle Paul, could say: "When instability, unequaled violence." Based on what
you received God's word, which you heard from he knew was then going on in the world, it was
us, you accepted it, not as the word of men, but, his conclusion that soon "this world is going to
just as it truthfully is, as the word of God!' be too dangerous to live in.";
-1 Thessalonians 2:13; see also 2 Peter 1:20, 21. All the many things foretold in God's Word
WORLDWIDE OHANOE NEAB of truth indicate that the time for world change
God's Word of truth tells us very clearly that is upon us right now! What we see going on
we are fast nearing a worldwide change. It shows throughout the world today in fulfillment of Bible
us that our time is the one Jesus Christ had in prophecy shows that our time is the one that will
mind when he foretold the end of this wicked sys- see the destruction of this entire wicked system.
tem. Jesus foretold many things that his future Present-day governments will be removed to make
followers should watch for so they would know
- isw week, October 0. 1967 p. ai.
t US.News & world ~ e p o r t June
- : 13,1960. pp. 116,110.
6. Boa can we be mnm that thls n m sgetun wlll come7
1. Even though men wem UWd to wrlte the Bible. why cun ne 9. Give an example or two of what men who ltudy w a d
truthfully vlew it sr "the word of W " 7 events say about our time.
8. What ars some events that Jwus suld would mark the hat 10. (a) How do we know that world change la v e q near7
days of this wlcked matem7 (b) Wr what doan the comlng world change mean destquctlon?

way for the rule of all the earth by God's govern- CHAPTER 2
ment. (Daniel 2:44; Luke 21:31, 32) Nothiig can
stop this change, because God has purposed it.
"The coming world change will affect every
WAg S s W i s e to
person on the face of the earth, including you.
If you love life and want to live, you should hasten
to take in accurate knowledge of God,his purposes
Examine ?Jour Weligion
and his requirements. That is what God wants you
to do, for it is his will that "all sorts of men should
be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of
truth." (1Timothy 2:4) Accurate knowledge from
God's Word of truth will enable honest-hearted
w E HAVE good reason to think seriously
about our standing with God. Why? Be-
cause the evidence proves that God will soon de-
stroy the wicked and establish his righteous new
persons to survive the end of the present wicked system. So we need to ask: "Am I worshiping God
system. (Zephaniah 2:3)* It will also reveal the in the way that he approves?" It is not any man,
way to eternal life in God's grand new system. Je- but God, who is the judge of what pleases h i
sus Christ said in prayer to God: "This means ever- To get God's viewpoint, we need to go to the Bible.
lasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the There he plainly tells us the course to follow if
only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, we want to gain eternal life. (Proverb 3:1, 2) If
Jesus Christ."-John 17:3; see also John 4:14. we take to heart what he says and apply it in our
l a How encouraging it is to know that soon we
lives, it will result in marvelous blessings for us,
will see the end of all the world's troubles! HOW both now and in the ages to come.
thrilling it is to know that we have the hope of a When we examine what the Bible says on this
shortly entering a new system where we can for- matter, what do we find? Does it teach that the
ever enjoy life to the full! This should give wery hundreds of millions of persons who practice re-
one of us strong reasons for wanting to learn the ligion in so many different ways are all pleasing
truth from the Bible. By seeking this truth we to God? Does it show that all religion is good? To
begin to lay "a Ane foundation for the future, in enable us to know how he views the matter, God
order [to] get a Arm hold on the real life," "eter- had this plain statement recorded in his Word:
nal life" in God's new system of things.-1 Timo- "Broad and spacious is the road leading off into
thy 6:19; AV. destruction, and many are the ones going in
- -
- aophonlan a:s, Douau version.
11. (a) Can we ascape tlu eftectd of the coming world ch-?
1. (8) Slnce Ood will awn d s s W thlr ayat4m of thlnga, what
qUMtion do we need to ask about our north 7 (b) It ws want
(h) So, If ws want to llve, what muat we do, sooordlng to to follow the wursa God approves, to whetkak wIU we go?
1 Timothy 1:4 and John ll:B? 1. What atatement In ths Blble lhows that not rill nllglons
12. What atron remom do we have for wantins to laMl the .re pleaslns to Ood?
truth irOm the %me? 11
through it; whereas narrow is the gate and also involved. The Bible informs us that "the true
cramped the road leading off into life, and few are worshipers will worship the Father with spirit
the ones finding it." (Matthew 7:13, 14) How and truth." (John 4:23) If our worship is to be
clearly those words answer our questions! They acceptable to God, it must be firmly rooted in
show that many people are not worshiping God God's Word of truth. Jesus reproved those persons
in a way that pleases him. Only a few are on the who claimed to serve God but who relied heavily
road leading to life. on the traditions of men in preference to God's
8Probably you find yourself readily agreeing Word. He applied to them God's own words from
with the fact that much religion is not approved Isaiah 29:13, saying: "It is in vain that they keep
by God. No doubt there are many things done in worshiping me, because they teach commands of
the name of religion that you do not approve. For men as doctrines." (Matthew 15:9) Since we do
example, if you look around in the churches and not want our worship to be in vain, it is important
observe persons who live immoral lives but who for each one of us to examine his religion.
make a pretense at being righteous, you know that We need to examine, not only what we per-
something is wrong. (2 Timothy 3:4, 5) And when sonally believe, but also what is taught by any
you read in the newspaper that some clergymen religious organization with which we may he asso-
are publicly approving of sex relations between ciated. Are its teachings in full harmony with
unmarried persons and that they are saying that God's Word, or are they based on the traditions of
homosexuality is all right under certain condi- men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing
tions, you are well aware that this is not what to fear from such an examination. It should be the
God says. You may remember that God destroyed sincere desire of every one of us to learn what
the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. And God's will is for us, and then to do it.-John 8:32.
why? Because they practiced such thiigs! So you The mere fact that church members may have
know that God is not going to approve of a religion the Bible or that it is occasionally read to them
that tells people it is all right to act like that. from the pulpit does not of itself prove that all the
J u d e 7. things they are taught are in the Bible. It is good
However, you have no doubt heard people say: to have the Bible; each and every person should.
"It doesn't matter what you believe, a s long as But we must also know what it says and believe it.
you lead a clean moral life and deal kindly with If a religion really accepts the Bible as God's
your neighbors." But is that all there is to worship- Word, it is not going to use certain parts of it and
ing God in an acceptable way? These things are reject other parts. "All Scripture is inspired of
necessary, but God requires more. Doctrines are -
3. Are there thlnas done In the name of religlon of whlch you
6. Why should we examlne, not only our personal bellefs, but
~ B the
O teachings of any rellgloua organiaatlon wlth which we
do not approve? - may be asaoclated?
4. (a) Besldes our belng moral and kind, what else must we 6. (a) Does the fact that the Blble is occnslonally used in a
consider about our religion. In view of Jesus' words at John ohurch prove that aU the church doctrines are from the Blblel
4:23? (b) Why do we need to examine the doctrines that we (b) Why muat rellglon approved by Ood .gne in all detaiLs
have been taught? wlth the Blble?
God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving,
for setting things straight." (2 Timothy 3:16)
your name .. . ?' And yet then I will confess to
them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you
Since this is so, the religion that is approved by workers of lawlessness."-Matthew 7: 21-23.
God must agree in all its detaii with the Bible. Knowledge of the Bible and of God's will is
?The man who wants to please God must be essential for God's approval. But, as Jesus said,
sincere. But sincerity alone does not make one's it is the doing of that will that counts. One must
religion approved in God's eyes. The apostle Paul have works that are consistent with what one has
was moved by God's spirit to write concerning learned. (James 2 2 6 ) To please God, then, one's
certain ones in hi day: "I bear them witness that religion must be in full harmony with the Bible
they have a zeal for God; but not according to and be applied in every activity of life.-Luke 6:
accurate knowledge; for, because of not knowing 46-49.
the righteousness of God but seeking to establish loJesus said that you could recognize whether a
their own, they did not subject themselves to the man practices the true religion by his "fruits,"
righteousness of God." (Romans 10:2, 3) As a that is, the things he does. (Matthew 7:20) In the
result, their sincerity was misdirected. Their prob- same way, we can recognize a religion by the kind
lem was that they were looking in the wrong di- of people it produces. Tme religion ought to pro-
rection for instruction. They held onto the Jewish duce better persons-better husbands and fathers,
religious system, which had rejected God's Son better wives and mothers. It should produce per-
and so was itself rejected by God.-Acts 2:36, 40; sons who are honest, who stand out among others
Proverbs 14:12. because they do what is right. Is that not what you
What, then, of the religions that take the name would expect of a religion that truly draws one
of Christ and profess to accept him as their Lord? close to God? God looks for these things too, and
Does their preaching in his name guarantee that they determine whether a religion is approved
they meet with God's approval? In view of the of God or not.
scriptures already considered, perhaps you have Certainly you do not want to be classed with
concluded that it does not. If so, then on this those who are refused entry into the kingdom of
matter you agree with Jesus Christ, the one whom God because of failure to do God's will. It will be
God has appointed as heavenly judge; because he to your benefit, then, to get well acquainted with
warns us, saying: "Not everyone saying to me,
'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the kingdom of the the Bible. The book that you are now reading is
heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father designed to help you do that. Follow the course
of those ancient Beroeans whom God's Word a p
who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me
in that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in
9.What baddea Bible knowledge b nmded for one's reWon
- tabe laasingtoOad?
7. A# shown b7 the apaUe Paul, dors the sfnarity of the aor- 10. A t iruitage wiu true mUlon bring about in the paamal
shlpss in itself indlcat. that their roll on b approved by Ood? Ilw of those who praetia it?
1. A m did J-s C-t show t h t nofall h i o n that -a 11.Whatwwetakenbypeoplein~t~domdo
rsll ta follow7
proves because they "received the word with the CHAPTER 3
greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining
the Scriptures daily as to whether these things
were so."-Acts 17:11.
lZ As you examine God's Word, you will learn
that your love for God will be put to the test. There
Who 9 s God?
may be individuals, perhaps even close friends or
relatives, who will not approve of your examining
the Scriptures. ( 1 Peter 4:4; Matthew 10:36, 37) AN'S need for God and his help has never
They may try t o discourage you. They may do this been greater than now. Our lives depend
in all sincerity, because they do not know the mar- upon knowing him. But, strangely enough, there is
velous truths found in the Bible. Perhaps you can much confusion as to who he is, for today, as in
help them. In other cases the opposition may come the past, there are many gods worshiped in differ-
from persons who have no love for God. If this ent lands. Yet the Bible makes clear that there is
should occur, remember, having God's approval only one true God.-1 Corinthians 8:5,6.
is far more important than having the approval 'To distinguish himself from the many false
of men. I t is God, not man, who will give you eter- gods, the true God has given himself a personal
nal life if you love him above everyone and every- name. This sets him apart from all others. "Is not
thing else.-Matthew 22: 37-39. 'God' his name?" some may ask. No, for "God" is
IS Always look to God for his help and guidance. merely a title, just as "President," "King" and
Keep on praying, as did the psalmist: "0 Jehovah, "Judge" are titles. God's personal name is made
hear my prayer .. .Teach me to do your will, for known to us through his Word, the Bible, and that
you are my God." (Psalm 143:1, 10 [142:1, 10, name is JEHOVAH. In many translations of the
Dy]) If you sincerely want to know and practice Bible this name is found a t Psalm 83 :18, where we
the religion that he approves, he will answer your read ( A V ) : "That men may know that thou,
prayer. And he will bring you into association with whose name alone is JEHOVAH, a r t the most
those who really do "worship the Father with high over all the earth." And in almost all trans-
spirit and truth."-John 4:23; see also Matthew lations the name is found a t Revelation 19:l-6 as
7:7, 8. part of the expression "Alleluia" or 'lHallelujah."
- This means "praise Jah" (a shortened form of Je-
12 (a) How mas our love for God be put to the test, perhaps
by friends and relatives? (b) Whose approval should we always hovah). The Catholic Encyclopedia (1910, Vol.
seek? VIII, p. 329) says of this Divine Name: "Jehovah,
13. If we seek to do God's will, for what should we pray?
the aroper
- - name of God in the Old Testament."
1. W h y is there much confusion as to who God is?
a. (a) Is "Qod" the personal name of the true God? (b) What
is hb personal name?
However, The Jencsalem Bible, a recent Catholic name but honor it and praise it before others, as
translation, regularly uses the name "Yahweh," God's Son did when on earth.-Matthew 6:9;
as do a number of other translations. Why is that? John 17:6, 26.
In Hebrew, the language in which the first QOD'S QUALITIES AND WHY WE SHOULD
thirty-nine books of the Bible (AV) were written, WORSHIP HIM ALONE
God's name is represented thousands of times by 'What does the Bible itself tell us about God?
four Hebrew letters, YHWH. In ancient times the It tells us that "God is a Spirit." (John 4:24) A
Hebrew language was written without vowels, spirit is not composed of Aesh and blood, nor of
the reader supplying the vowels as he read the other material substances that can be seen or felt
words. So, the problem is that today we have no by human senses. (1Corinthians 15:44, 50) So,
way of knowing exactly which vowels the He- human eyes have never seen God. (John 1:18) He
brews used along with the consonants YHWH. is far superior to anything our eyes behold. The
Many scholars think the name was pronounced majesty of the mountains, the brilliance of the
"Yahweh," but the form "Jehovah" has been in sun, and even the glory of the starry heavens are
use for many centuries and is most widely known. nothing as compared to him.-Isaiah 40:25, 26.
Because there is uncertainty as to the exact BNo wonder that in the heavens the song is
pronunciation of God's personal name, some cler- sung: "Great and wonderful are your works, Je-
gymen say you should not use it at all, but instead hovah God, the Almighty. Righteous and true
simply say "God" or "the Lord." However, they do are your ways, King of eternity. Who will not
not insist that you should not use the names "Je- really fear you, Jehovah, and glorify your name,
sus" and "Jeremiah." And yet these commonly used because you alone are loyal?" (Revelation 15:3,
pronunciations are quite different from the He- 4) As the Creator of all things, Jehovah God, the
brew pronunciations "Yesh'ua" and "Yirmeiah'." "King of eternity," existed before all others. He
The vital point is not what pronunciation you use is "from everlasting to everlasting," meaning that
for the Divine Name, whether "Yahweh," "Jeho- he had no beginning and will never have an end.
vah," or some other, as long as the pronunciation -1 Timothy 1:17; Psalm 90:2, AV [89:2, Dy].
is common in your language. What is wrong is 'How right, then, that our worship should go
to fail to use that name. Why? Because those who only to him! As we consider his creative works,
do not use it could not be identified with the ones we too can say: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even
whom God takes out to be "a people for his name." our God, to receive the glory and the honor and
(Acts 15:14) We should not only know God's the power, because you created all things, and be-
a. (a) How h God's name re resented in the Hebrew Bcrlp- cause of your will they existed and were created."
tures? (b) Why Is it not oss!ble to know exactly how aod'a -
name wss pronounced in #ebrew in ancient times7 6. Why has no human ever seen aod?
4. (a) How are clergymen who eay we should not use God's 6. (a) How does the Bible at Revdatlon 16:S.4 deaorlbe aod's
name because we do not know its exact pronunciation incon- qualities? (b) Did God have a beginning?
sistent? (b) What Is Far more Important than how We pro- 7. (a) According to Revelation 4:11, why h It fight that our
nounce Oad'a name? ( 0 ) Why Is it impartant to uss God's worahlp 0 only to Jehovah? (b) By means of what did God
name. In view of Act8 16: 147 accompl& the creation of all thlngs?
(Revelation 4:ll) He accomplished the creation, 9;" see also Isaiah 40:29-31.) And we may be sure
not with tools such as men use, but by means of that Jehovah always uses his power with a right
his holy spirit, which is his invisible active force. purpose and for the good of those loving what is
(Genesis 1:2; Psalm 104:30 [103:30, Dyl) It is right. For "God is love."-1 John 4:8.
that same holy spirit by which he later caused the lo Jehovah, therefore, is not an oppressive God.
Bible to be written so that we might know his will "All his ways are justice." (Deuteronomy 32:4)
and purposes for men on earth.-2 Peter 1:21. True, he is "a God exacting exclusive devotion,"
Since all things were created 'beeause of his but he is also "a God merciful and gracious, slow
will,' they all must serve God's purpose. Jehovah to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and
informed the first man and woman, Adam and truth." (Exodus 20:5; 34:6) "He himself well
Gw, of hi purpose for them, and he held them knows the formation of us, remembering that we
accountable to act in harmony with it. Are we, are dust." (Psalm 103:14 [102:14, Dy]) We can
too, accountable to God? Yes, because God is the be happy indeed to have such a just yet compas-
Source of our life. This is true, not only because sionate God as our Supreme Judge, Lawgiver and
we have descended from that first human pair to King.-Isaiah 33:22.
whom God gave life, but also because our con- " With Jehovah there are "wisdom and mighti-
tinued l i e each day depends on the sun, rain, air ness; he has counsel and understanding." (Job 12:
and food from which Jehovah continues to let us 13) Evidence of his wisdom is seen in all his cre-
benefit (Psalm 36:9 [35:10, Dy];Matthew 5:45) ative works, in both heaven and earth. We may well
To what extent, then, do we live our lives in har- ask, then: "Why should anyone ever doubt God's
mony with God's purpose for us? We ought to wisdom?" The Bible shows that his requirements
think seriously about this, because our opportu- are for our good, with our everlasting welfare in
nity for eternal life is at stake. view. It is true that there may be times when we,
@Arewe really to fear God? Yes, but with a as humans having limited knowledge and experi-
healthy fear of rebelling against his will, because ence, do not fully appreciate why a certain law
his will is Tight. In even ordinary things, do we not stated by God is so important, or how it really
fear to take risks that could cause injury or loss works for our good. Yet our firm belief that God
of life? How much more so should we fear to dii- obviously knows far more than we do, that his
please "Jehovah God, the Almighty." Yet we can experience is so much greater than ours, and that
be glad that he is almighty, for "as regards Jeho- what he does is for our everlasting good, will move
vah, his eyes are roving about through all the us to obey him with a willing heart.-Psalm 19:7-
earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose 11 [18:8-12, &I ;Micah 6 %
heart is complete toward him!' (2 Chronicles 16:
- - 2 Paralipomenon 16:O. Dy.
lo. What qusllti~p.of Jehovah mahe urr happy to have hfm as
8. (a) Wh.v are we .~oountsbleto God? (b) SO, what quaatfon
ought we to think about ~rlously? our Ood?
9. (a) In what way should we f e u God? a) Why can n be 11. Even U we may not understand the repson for' a csltpln
glad that Jehovah i8 .lmlphty? law of God, what WIU move us to obey it7
IS aon A l ~ ~ ~ m " some
~ things that neither he nor the angels knew
" Many religions of Christendom teach that God but that only God knew. (Mark 13:32) Further-
is a "Trinity," although the word "Trinity" does more, he prayed to his Father for help when un-
not appear in the Bible. The World Council of dergoing trial. (Luke 22:41,42) Also, he himself
Churches recently said that all religions that are said: "The Father is greater than I am." (John
part of that Council should advocate the belief that 14:28) Because of this, Jesus spoke of his Father
there is "one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit," as "my God" and as "the only true God!'-John
that is, three persons in one God. Those teaching 20:17; 17:3.
this doctrine admit that it is "a mystery." The 16After Jesus' death, God raised him to life
Athanasian Creed, of about the eighth century of again and gave him glory greater than he had
the Common Era, says that the Father, the Son before. However, he was still not equal to his
and the Holy Ghost (Spirit) are all three of the Father. How do we know? Because later the in-
same substance, all three are eternal (and hence spired Scriptures state that God is still "the head
had no beginning), and all three are almighty. So of the Christ." (1 Corinthians 11:3) The Bible
the creed reads that in the "Trinity none is afore also says that Jesus is to reign as God's appointed
or after other; none is greater or less than anoth- king until he has put all enemies under his feet,
er."* Is that reasonable? More importantly, is it and that then shall "the Son also himself be sub-
in agreement with the Bible? ject unto him that put all things under him, that
"This doctrine was unknown to the Hebrew God may be all in all." (1Corinthians 15:28, AV)
prophets and Christian apostles. The N a o Catholic Clearly, even since his resurrection Jesus Christ
Encyclopedia (1967 edition, Vol. XIV, p. 306) ad- is not equal with his Father.
mits that "the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is not lo But did not Jesus say on one occasion, "I and
taught in the OT [Old Testament] ." It also admits the Father are one"? (John 10:30) Yes, he did.
that the doctrine must be dated as from about However, that statement does not even suggest a
three hundred and fifty years after the death of "Trinity," since he spoke of only two as being one,
Jesus Christ. So the early Christians who were not three. Jesus was surely not contradicting the
taught directly by Jesus Christ did not believe scriptures we have already read. What he meant
that God is a "Trinity." by this expression he himself made clear later
"When Jesus was on earth he certainly was when he prayed regarding his followers that "they
not equal to his Father, for he said there were may be one just as we are one." (John 17:22)
- Jesus and his Father are "one" in that Jesus is in
* Cyclopmdia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical
- by J. M'Clintock and J. Strong, Vol. 11, P. 661. full harmony with his Father. And he prayed that
all his followers might likewise be in harmony
12. (a) What do church creeds, such as the Athanasian Creed,
teach about God? (b) What questions should we ask about
thin tenchlng?
15. ROWdo we know that Jesus waa not equal with Qod even
13. Accordlng to the New Catholic Encuclopedia, did the Rebrew alter he waa ralsed from the dead?
prophets and the *st Chrtstlans belleve in a "Trinity"? 16. (a) Doen Je8us' statement, "I and the Father are one,"
14. How did Jeaus show that he was not equal with hls Father? teach a "hlnity"? (b) What dld Jedw mean by that erpresslon?
with his Father, with Jesus and with one another. '*What, then, do the facts show as to the "Trin-
"What about the statement a t John 1:l ( A V ) , ity"? Neither the word nor the idea is in God's
which refers to Jesus as "the Word," saying: "In Word, the Bible. The doctrine did not originate
the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. But, you will be interested to know that,
with God, and the Word was God"? Does that not according to the book Babylonian Life and History
prove the "Trinity"? No. Notice, first of all, that (by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, 1925 edition, pp. 146,
only two persons are mentioned, not three. Also, 1471, in ancient Babylon, the pagans did believe
in this same chapter, verse 2 says that the Word in such a thing; in fact, they worshiped more
was "in the beginning with God," and verse 18 than one trinity of gods.
says that "no man hath seen God a t any time," WORSHlPING GOD "WITH SPIRIT AND TRUTH"
yet men have seen Jesus Christ. For these reasons, Zo To love and respect a person, one needs to
and in full harmony with the Greek text, some know him as he really is. To give God the exclusive
translations of verse 1read: "The Word was with devotion that he deserves, you need to study his
God, and the Word was divine," or was "a god," Word and 'prove to yourself the good and accept-
that is, the Word was a powerful godlike one. (AT; able and perfect will of God.' (Romans 12:2) The
NW) So this portion of the Bible is in agreement important thing is not how humans want to wor-
with all the rest; it does not teach a "Trinity."* ship God, but how God wants to be worshiped.
lB AS for the "Holy Spirit," the so-called "third 21Religious ceremonies and "aids to devotion"
Person of the Trinity," we have already seen that may seem beautiful in the eyes of those who use
it is, not a person, but God's active force. (Judges them, but how does God view them? Surely you
14:6) John the Baptist said that Jesus would bap- want to know, because you want to have God's
tize with holy spirit even as John had been bap- approval. God's own Son tells us that "the true
tizing with water. Water is not a person nor is worshipers will worship the Father with spirit
holy spirit a person. (Matthew 3: 11) What John and truth." (John 4:23) Is the use of images, for
foretold was fulfilled when God caused his Son example, worship "with spirit and truth"? Does
Christ Jesus to pour out holy spirit on the apostles it please God?
and disciples during the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., '%t Exodus 20:4, 5, in one of the Ten Com-
so that "they all became filled with holy spirit." mandments, God himself says: "You shall not
Were they "filled" with a person? No, but they make yourself a carved image or any likeness of
were filled with God's active force.-Acts 2:4, 33. 10. (a) So is the "Rinity" a Bible teaching? (b) In what
- ancient ishd did the pagans believe in trinities of gods?
* Trinitarians have practicall~ceased to cite the words "the 20. According t
a Romans 12:2, what must we do to give God
Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are exclusive devotion?
one" that appear in some Bible versions a t 1 John 5 : T . Tex- 21. I n the words of God's own Son, how does God want to
tual s ~ h o l w sagree that these words are a later spurious addi- be worshiped?
tion to the inmired text.
- 22. (8) What does the Bible, at Exodus 20:4, 5, say about
17. Why does the statement at John 1:l not teach a "Trinity"? religious images? (b) What does God's Word say to show that
18. HOWdoes the Bible account of what took place a t Pente- the use of images as a n "aid" to worship L8 no part of true
cast of 33 C.E. show that the holy spirit could not be a person? worship?
anything . . . you shall not bow down to them or CHAPTER 4
serve them." (The Catholic Jerusalem Bible) Some
people regard a religious image simply as an "aid"
to worshiping God because they can see and touch
the image. But God inspired the apostle Paul to
write: "We are walking by faith, not by sight."
Why We Grow Old
(2 Corinthians 5 3 ) God is very frank about the
matter. He tells us that the use of images is no and Bie
part of true worship, but that such images are "a
falsehood." (Isaiah 44: 14-20; Psalm 115:4-8 [113:
4-8, second set of numbers, Dy]) Even though one
may say that the honor given to a religious image
is less than that given to God, God himself says
E VERY normal person desires life with good
health. We seek relief from the pain and suf-
fering that disease brings and we long for some
that he will not share any of his glory and praise way to escape from the weakening effect old age
with such images.-Isaiah 42:8. has on our bodies. It hurts us, too, when we see
2%ovingly, the apostle John warns us: "Guard those we love afflicted by these things. Because of
this, many persons ask, "Was all this part of God's
yourselves from idols." (1John 5:21) Why not original purpose? When God created man, was it
look around your home and ask yourself whether his purpose that man should grow old, and become
you are doing this? (Deuteronomy 7:25) By bring- deaf or blind? Did he mean for man's skin to
ing your life and way of worship into harmony wrinkle with age, his heart to become diseased and
with Jehovah's loving will you may gain his ever- his other organs to break down? Really, did God
lasting blessings.-1 Corinthians 10:14. make man to die?"
24 Continue to learn of Jehovah's majesty and No, Jehovah God did not create man for such
his loving purposes, and you will grow in love for a miserable future. The Bible tells us that Jehovah
him. Never let a day go by without thanking him provided a lovely garden home for the first human
for the good things that you enjoy because of his pair, and he blessed them. Reviewing his creative
work, God rightly declared it "very good." (Gene-
loving-kindness. As you learn more about him, sis 1 :28, 31) This means that Adam and Eve were
impress upon your heart the importance of loyalty created perfect, without a defect in mind or body.
to him as the great God of the universe. By loving (Deuteronomy 32:4; Proverbs 10 :22) They had
obedience to him, you will put yourself in the way the .prospect
. of living
- forever.
that leads to eternal life.-Ephesians 4:23, 24; -
1. (a) What Lr the desire of normal persans respecting health
Psalm 104:33-35 [103:33-35, Dy]. and life? (b) Because sickness and death are evervwhere.
what quest~onsare raised about God's purpose for man?
23. As we look around our homes, what words of the apostle 2. (a) Did God create man with ang defect7 (b) What pros-
John should we keep in mind? pect, then, did God glve Adam and m e ?
24. If we truly want to draw close to God, what should we do7
Interestingly, modern scientists h o w that the They were not deprived of needed food, nor were
human body continually renews itself. And they they tested beyond their ability. However, their
say that, under the right conditions, it is capable obedience would show that they appreciated their
of living forever. A Nobel Prize winner, Dr. L i relationship with God. (1 John 5:3) Although
Pauling, explained that man's bodily t i e s re some persons have the idea that the 'forbidden
place themselves and, theoretically, should con- fruit' had to do with sex relations between the man
tinue to do so forever. Biochemist W i i a m Beck and woman, this was not the case. God himself had
also observed: "I can see no reason why death, already told them to "be fruitful and become many
in the nature of things, need be inevitable." Yet, and fill the earth." (Genesis 1:28) When God com-
in spite of being so made, men continue to grow manded them not to eat the fruit of a certain tree
old and die. Why? God's Word the Bible gives us it merely meant that God singled out one of the
the satisfying answer. many fruit trees of Eden and commanded the hu-
RESULTS OF DISOBEDIENCE man pair not to eat of its fruit.
'When Jehovah created Adam and Eve, they Why was the tree called "the tree of the
became the earthly part of God's great family, knowledge of good and bad"? Because, as a result
which already included a great number of spirit of God's command, its fruit symbolized God's
creatures in the heavens. God was the Father of right to decide for his creatures what is "good"
the human pair, since he had given them life. The and what is "bad" for them. So, for the human
gift of life, however, was conditional; that is, it pair to take of this fruit would mean that they
would continue to be theirs only as long as they were turning their backs on their heavenly Father
met the condition of loving obedience to their and rejecting his divine guidance and perfect will.
heavenly Father. Obedience to law is necessary to While simple, the test involved much. It involved
continued peace and good order, so they had to man's dependence on his Creator and man's recog-
recognize God as their Supreme Ruler. Did they nition of divine authority. Remember, too, that
know this? Yes, because Jehovah placed upon Jesus Christ applied to imperfect humans the rule
them a test that emphasized the seriousness of that "the person faithful in what is least is faith-
obedience. He said to Adam: "From every tree ful also in much, and the person unrighteous in
of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as what is least is unrighteous also in much." (Luke
for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad 16:lO) How much more did this apply to perfect
you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat creatures!
from it you will positively die."-Genesis 2:16, 17. Why did Eve break God's law and eat of the
- ' This test of obedience was not a difficult one. fruit? The idea did not begin with her but was
3. What do mientists aa about the life potential of humans? 6. (a) Why was the tree called "the tree of the knowledge of
4. What teat did God p%ce upan Adam and Eve, emphasi~lng good and bad"? (b) When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, what
the serlouaness of obedience? bad thlng were they doing in regard to theh heavenly Father?
5. (a) Would the test of Adam and Eve's obedience put a 7. (a) What dld an invlslble creature, apeaklng through a
hardship on them7 (b) Why was the 'forbidden fruit' not aex serpent, tell Eve about the tree's irult? (b) What did Eve then
rslntfona? do. and when her h u s b d found out, what did he do?
presented to her by a spirit creature using a lowly seriousness of what Adam and Eve did by the
serpent through which to speak. That spirit crea- way many people view things in our time. Today
ture, identified in the Bible as Satan the Devil, disobedience to parents is common, often going
is therefore called "the original serpent." (Revela- unpunished. Stealing also is common, and many
tion 12:9) The invisible creature speaking through think that, if what is stolen is small, the theft
the serpent openly denied the truth of God's com- does not matter much. Rebellion and speaking
mand that Eve quoted. He represented the tree's against authority are likewise frequent today. But
fruit as being able to cause her to be like God, that does not make these things right! Much of
deciding for herself what was "good" and what the rotten fruitage we see today in the form of
was "bad." Eve then began to view the fruit as growing delinquency and crime is due to failure of
very desirable and she disobeyed God by eating of parents and others in authority to correct matters
it. Adam, her husband and head, upon finding out at the start.-Proverbs 13:24; Ecclesiastes 8 : l l .
what she had done, did not oppose her course but God was not going to encourage wrongdoing
joined her in it.-Genesis 3:l-6; James 1:14, 15; by a failure to enforce his own law. By their dis-
1 Corinthians 11:3. obedience Adam and Eve showed a great lack of
BY this lawless act they became d t v of sin. love for the One who had provided so wonderfully
and s o they for them. They were guilty of stealing, because
brought upon they took what their Creator said was not theirs.
themselves the Still worse, they joined with God's enemy and,
penalty of sin. by their actions, called God a liar. Jehovah owed
(1 John 3:4) it to himself and to all his universal family to up-
In considering hold the law. This he did. As a result of their de-
the rightness liberate sin the lawless couple were driven out of
of God's deci- Eden to die.-Genesis 3:22-24.
lo The effect of sin upon them might be illus-
sion we should
not make the trated by what happens to a piece of fine machine-
ry when it is not used properly, according to the
m i s t a k e of maker's instructions. The machine will develop
judging t h e weaknesses and, in time, break down. Similarly,
as a result of ignoring the instructions of their
Maker, Adam and Eve lost their perfection. Their
minds and bodies began to break down, and finally
ceased to function, in death. That is what disobe-

Adam deliberately violated God's

plainly stated law
&ence and removal from God's favor meant for could pass on to their offspring only what they
them. (Genesis 3:16-19) After Adam had used themselves had: imperfection, with a future of
up the tremendous vitality of his once-perfect sickness and death. That is why we all grow old
body, he died at the age of 930 years. This was and die, and why we so easily do what is wrong.
within the symbolic "day" of one thousand years l3However, it is one thing to make unintentional
that God had set.--Genesis 5:5; 2 Peter 3:s. mistakes because of inherited sin, but entirely
another matter deliberately to practice what one
EFFEOT UPON ORTSPRING knows to be wrong. (1 John 5:16) If one is truly
'*But, since we today did not disobey that law repentant over mistakes he makes because of in-
in Eden, why is it that we also get sick and die? herited weaknesses, he can expect merciful for-
It is for this reason: All of Adam's offspring were giveness from God. (Proverbs 28:13) But he must
born after his disobedience. Thus his offspring be careful that, once he knows what is right, he
inherited sin and death from him. All men inherit does not deliberately choose to follow a course
imperfection, because all come from Adam and contrary to God's will. To do so would mean loss
Eve. As the Bible book of Job tells us: "Who can of God's favor and of life itself.-Deuteronomy
produce someone clean out of someone unclean? 30:15-20; Hebrews 10:26, !27.
There is not one." (Job 14:4) Also, a t Romans 5:
12 the Bible explains: "Through one man [Adam] '' Happily, Jehovah has made loving provision
sin entered into the world and death through sin, to save repentant ones from the bad effects of
and thus death spread to all men." Just as a per- inherited sin and death. This grand relief will
fect piece of machinery cannot be produced from come through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
an imperfect mold, so Adam in his imperfection Concerning this provision the Bible says: "God
could not produce perfect children, free from sin. sent forth his only-begotten Son into the world
-Psalm 51:5 [50:7, Dy]. that we might gain life through him." (1John
lz The effect of Adam and Eve's sin upon their 4:9) So, in God's due time, under the Kingdom
offspring can be compared with what often h a p rule of his Son, inherited human imperfection will
pens when people who ignore God's law and live gradually be taken away, and mankind will no
immorally bring forth children. Such people may longer feel the effects of Adam's sin. Why, even
get diseased in the sex organs that God gave them the death we inherited from Adam will no longer
to bring forth their children. The children of such have power over us! (Revelation 21:3,4) You can
"unclean" parents may be born physically or men- be one who will enjoy such blessings. How? By
tally damaged because of the sin of their parents. taking advantage of the provisions that Jehovah
So, too, our first parents became "unclean," im- has made and proving your love for him by keep-
ing his commandments.-Ecclesiastes 12:13.
perfect, subject to sickness, and finally death. They
- -
13. Is there a Wereme between dehberate sin and uninten-
11. HOWdoes the Bible explaln why we today get slck and die?
12. How can the effect of Adnm and Eve's sin be compared to tional sin? How so?
what happens when persons who live immorally brmg forth 14. What provision hap God made to save mankind from BLn
children? and death?

CHAPTER 5 them is forgotten. Whatsoever thy hand findeth

to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work,
nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the
grave, whither thou goest." This means that the
W h e r e A r e the B e a d ? dead cannot do anything and cannot feel anything.
Their thoughts have ceased, as the Bible states:
"Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of
'P ERHAPS you have experienced the empty
feeling that comes with losing a loved one in
death. On such occasions most persons feel not
man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth
forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day
his thoughts perish."-Psalm 146:3, 4, AV [145:
only sad but also very helpless. I t is only natural 2-4, Dy].
to wonder: What happens to a person when he
dies? Is he still conscious somewhere? Is there a
real hope that the dead will live again? The Bible 'But what about the soul? Is it not a part of man
contains a comforting answer to these questions. that separates from his body a t death and goes on
Simply stated, death is the opposite of life. In living? To answer this properly we need to deter-
sentencing the first man Adam for his willful dis- mine what the soul is. You may be surprised to
obedience, God said: "You [will] return to the know that animals as well as men are called
ground, for out of i t you were taken. For dust you "souls" in the inspired Scriptures. For instance,
are and to dust you will return." (Genesis 3:19) Numbers 31:28 speaks of "one soul [Hebrew,
Consider now: Where was Adam before God neph'eshl out of five hundred, of humankind and
formed him from the dust and gave him life? Why, of the herd and of the asses and of the flock."
he simply did not exist. At his death Adam re- -See also Revelation 16:3, where the Greek word
turned to the same lifeless, unconscious state. He for "soul," psykhd appears.
went neither to a fiery hell nor to heavenly bliss, What, then, is the soul? Let us see what the
but died--as God said he would.-Genesis 2:17. Creator's own written Word says about it. At
The Bible clearly teaches that the dead are un- Genesis 2: 7 we read: "And Jehovah God proceeded
conscious and lifeless in the grave. Note what to form the man out of dust from the ground and
Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 (AV) says regarding the con- to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the
dition of the dead: "For the living know that they man came to be a living soul."
shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither 6Note, please, that after God started man
have they any more a reward; for the memory of breathing "the man came to be a living soul."
- Hence the man was a soul. iust as a man who be-
1. What questions do people commonly ask about the dead?
a. What does the Bible say happened to the first man Adam
a t his death, and so what is death?
3. What does Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 say about the condltion of
the dead, snd what happens to man's t h i n b g a t death?
comes a doctor is a doctor. (1Corinthians l5:45) one's losing his life, we can speak of hi losing his
Since the human soul is man himself, then it can- soul. Jesus said: "For what is a man proflted, if
not be some shadowy thing that merely inhabits he shall gain the whole world, and lose hls own
the body or that can exist apart from the person. soul?" (Matthew 16:26, AV) When Rachel had
In harmony with this fact, the Bible makes plain .trouble in giving birth to Benjamin, her soul (or
that the human soul possesses physical qualities. l i e as a soul) went out from her and she died.
For example, the Bible speaks of the soul's desir- (Genesis 35:16-19) She ceased to be a living per-
ing physical food, saying: "Your soul craves to eat son and became a c o w . And when the prophet
meat." (Deuteronomy 12:20; see also Leviticus Elijah performed a miracle in connection with a
17:12.) It says, too, that souls have blood traveling dead child, the child's soul (or life as a soul) came
through their veins, for it speaks of "the blood of back into him and "he came to life." He was
the souls of the poor innocents." (Jeremiah 2:34, again a living soul.-1 Kings 17:17-23..
AV) Yes, your soul is really y m , with all your Since the soul is the person himself, what h a p
physical and mental qualities.-Proverbs 2:lO. pens to a soul at death? The Bible is very dear in
7 What, then, of the texts that use such expres- stating that the soul is subject to death, saying:
sions as "my soul," or those that speak of a per- "The soul that is sinning-it itself will die.'' (Eze-
son's soul as though it is within him? These texts, kiel 18:4, 20) The apostle Peter quoted from the
of course, must harmonize with the scriptures writings of Moses concerning Jesus, saying: "In-
already considered, for there can be no contra- deed, any soul that does not listen to that Prophet
diction in God's Word. It becomes evident, then, will be completely destroyed from among the
that the word "soul" may be used in different people." (Acts 3 : s ) Consistent with this basic
senses. At times it refers to me's own self as a truth, not once in any of its verses does the Bible
so&. So just as one says "myself" he also can say say that either human or animal souls are im-
"my soul," meaning basically the same thing. Thus mortal, deathless, cannot be destroyed or cannot
the psalmist wrote: "My soul has been sleepless perish. There are, however, dozens of scriptws
from grief."-halm 119:28 [US: 28, Dyl. that show that the soul can die or be killed. (Levit-
8 "Soul" can also refer to tlse life one enjoys as icus 23: 30; James 5: 20) Even of Jesus Christ the
a living soul or person. Now, we can say that Bible says: "He poured out his soul to the very
someone is alive, meaning he is a live person. Or death." (Isaiah 53:12) We see, then, that the
we can say that he has life, meaning he has life human soul is the person himself, and when the
as a person. In the same way, man, according to person dies, it is the human soul that dies.
the Bible, is a soul; but, as long as he is alive, he
-can be said to "have soul." So, just as we speak of - lo Much of the misunderstanding about death

9 Whan the Bible nsea the exmadon "mx sou&" to what h

kt referring?
-3 Klng8 11:lT-23, DU.
0. (a) Doe8 the Bible my that the h u m aoul h deathlau?
8. (a) In what other ns can the word "soul% wad? 80 (b) What scriptures show that the human soul can dl87
can a live peraon be rfgttlg said to "have soul"? (b) What 10. ConiucAon about what two war& has cauaed much of the
Bible nocountn sgaag of one's lortnp hls Ufe w soul? misunderstanding about death?
has been due to the confusion in many persons' by the breathing process in order for Adam to
minds as to the meaning of "soul" and "spirit!' The carry on the activities of a living person.
Bible shows they are not the same, as we shall see. la Whereas the human soul is the living person
WHAT IS THE SPIRIT IN LIVING GBEATURES? himself, the spirit is simply the life force that en-
l1 From Job 34:14, 15 we learn that there are ables that person to be alive. The spirit has no
two things that man (or any other conscious personality, nor can it do the things a person can
earthly creature) must have in order to be and do. It cannot think, speak, hear, see or feel. In
stay alive: spirit and breath. There we read: "If that respect, it might be likened to the electric
he [God] sets his heart upon anyone, if that one's current of a car's battery. That current can ignite
spirit [Hebrew, ru'ahh] and breath [Hebrew, the fuel to make the engine produce power, cause
neshamah'] he gathers to himself, all flesh will the headlights to shine, sound the horn, or cause
expire together, and earthling man himself will the car's radio to produce voices and music. But,
return to the very dust." We know that the first without the engine, headlights, horn or radio,
man was formed by God out of the "dust of the could that battery current do any of these things
ground," that is, the elements taken from the soil. by itself? No, for it is merely the force that enables
At the time of Adam's creation, God caused the the equipment to perform and do such things.
billions of cells in his body to live, to have in them "This spirit or life force is found in all living
the force of l i e . This active life force is what is creatures, being passed on from parents to off-
meant here by the word "spirit" (ru'ahh). But for spring at the time of conception. Thus, God told
the life force to continue in each of Adam's billions Noah that he would cause a flood of waters "to
of cells, they needed oxygen, and this was to be bring to ruin all flesh, in which the active force
provided by breathing. So, God next "breathed [ru'ahh, spirit] of life is," both of animals and
into his nostrils the breath [neshamah'] of life." men.-Genesis 6: 17, margin, 1953 edition; see also
Then Adam's lungs began to function and thereby 7: 15, 22, AV, marginal reading.
sustain by breathing the life force in his body l6 Because they all have this same life force
cells.--Genesis 2:7, AV. or spirit, man and the animals die in a similar
lZThiswas similar to the case of certain new- manner. For that reason, Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20
born babies. Although there is life in the baby says: "There is an eventuality as respects the sons
when born, it sometimes does not begin to breathe of mankind and an eventuality as respects the
right after birth. The doctor finds it necessary beast, and they have the same eventuality. As the
to spank the child to make it start breathing, for one dies, so the other dies; and they all have but
without breath the child would soon die. So, too, .
one spirit [rm'ahh] . . All are going to one place.
the life in Adam's body cells had to be sustained
(a) Accordfng to
11. Jab 34:14, IS what two thlngs must man
have to stay allve? (b) Explaln what each of these means.
12. Illustrate the '+breath of llfe" by what can happen to a
newborn baby. anlmals have thin splrlt or Me ioroa7
They have all come to be from the dust, and they WHAT IS HELL?
are all returning to the dust." "Many religious organizations teach that the
l6 Since God is the Giver of life, his Word says wicked are tormented endlessly in a hellfire. But
that when a person dies "the dust returns to the is this belief taught in God's Word? You may
earth just as it happened to be and the spirit itself know the meaning that your own particular church
returns to the true God who gave it." (Ecclesiastes organization gives to "hell," but have you ever
12:7) At death the life force eventually leaves all investigated to see the meaning given it in the
the body cells and the body begins to decay. All Scriptures? What is hell according to the Bible?
conscious thought and actions end. (Psalm 104: '"In the Hebrew Scriptures of the Bible the
29 [103:29, Dy]) How, then, does the spirit 're- word "hell" is translated from the Hebrew word
turn to God who gave it'? Does the life force sheol'. This word occurs 65 times in all. The King
literally leave the earth and travel through space James Version of the Bible, however, translates
to God's presence? No, but it returns to God in the sheol' 31 times as "hell," 31 times as "grave," and
sense that now the future life prospects of the 3 times as "pit." The Catholic Douay Version of
person rest entirely with God. Only God can re- the Bible translates sheol' as "hell" 63 times and
store the spirit, causing the person to live again. as "pit" once and as "death" once. In the Christian
l7 Some persons live in fear of the dead and
Greek Scriptures the word "hell" is sometimes
make offerings to appease dead ancestors. But translated from the Greek word hddes. Both the
we can find comfort in knowing that, since the King James and Douay versions translate hddes
dead are unconscious, it is not possible for them as "hell" in each of its ten occurrences.
to harm the living. And though one may have
loved very much some person who died, God's lo IS hell a hot place? Do sheol' and hides refer

Word shows that one cannot benefit the dead per- to some place where the wicked suffer after death?
son by having religious acts or ceremonies per- I t is plain that they do not, for we have already
formed for such one, perhaps at great expense to seen that the dead are not conscious and therefore
the survivors. (2 Samuel 12:21-23)' The knowl- cannot suffer. The Bible does not contradict itself
edge of the true condition of the dead also protects with regard to the condition of those in hell. This
us against the practice of trying to speak with the is proved by the fact that the Bible says that Jesus
dead. The Bible warns that those who claim to was in hell. (Acts 2:31, AV, Dy) When the apostle
speak with the dead are really getting in touch Peter stated this on the day of Pentecost, he clear-
with demons, wicked spirits that falsely pretend to ly meant that Jesus had been in the grave, not in
be the one who has died.-Deuteronomy 18:lO-12.
- 18. What do many religious organieatlons teach about hell,
- a xings la:al-as, DU.
16. (a) In what way does the aglrlt leave the body at death?
and what questions Prlse concenlng It?
19. (a) From what Hebrew word is the word "hell" translated7
And how is this Hebrew word rendered in various Bible ver-
(b) HOW dou, it return to ad7 slons? (b) The word "hell" La sometimes tranahted from what
17. (a) Can a dead peraon harm the llvlng, or a IMng person c.-k W.,,.A9

baneflt a dead permn? (b) Our knowln the truth about the 20. (a) W h y La hell not a place where people suffer7 (b) Wha
condltlon of the desd protects us from w%at demonlc praotice7 Jesus In hell?
a place of fiery torment. (1Corinthians 15:3, 4) believe that one is blessed with heavenly life just
In saying this the apostle quoted from Psalm 16:10 because he is a beggar? Consider this too: Is hell
[15:10, Dy]. Here the Hebrew word sheol' was literally within speaking distance of heaven so that
used, and at Acts 2:31 this word is translated by an actual conversation could be carried on? Also,
the Greek word hcides. This shows that sheol' and if the rich man were in a literal burning lake, how
hides refer to the same thing. The Bible "hell" is could Abraham send Lazarus to cool his tongue
actually mankind's grave. with just a drop of water on the tip of his finger?
21 AS further proof of this, consider the case of
What, then, was Jesus illustrating?
Job, a righteous servant of God who suffered In this illustration the rich man stood for the
much. He prayed to God: "Who will grant me class of religious leaders who rejected and later
this, that thou mayst protect me in hell [sheol'; killed Jesus. Lazarus pictured the common people
the grave, A V ] , and hide me till thy wrath pass, who accepted God's Son. The Bible shows that
and appoint me a time when thou wilt remember death can be used as a symbol, representing a great
me?" (Job 14:13, Dy) How unreasonable to think change in one's life or course of action. (Compare
that Job desired protection in hell if it is a fiery-hot Romans 6:2, 11-13; 7:4-6.) A death, or change
place! Clearly, this "hell" is simply the grave, and from former conditions, happened when Jesus fed
Job desired to go there so that his sufferings might the Lazarus class spiritually, and they thus came
end. Good people as well as bad people go to the into the favor of the greater Abraham, Jehovah
Bible "hell," the common grave of all mankind. God. At the same time, the false religious leaders
"died" with respect to having God's favor. Being
cast off, they suffered torments when Christ's fol-
22Thereis one place where hides occurs, how- lowers after Pentecost forcefully exposed their
ever, that has caused some persons to believe that evil works. (Acts 7:51-57) So this illustration does
the Bible hell is a place of physical torment. That not teach that some dead persons are tormented
is where Jesus spoke of the rich man and Lazarus, in a literal fiery hell.
and said that the rich man died, and in hides ex-
perienced torment. (Luke 16:22-31) Why is the GEHENNA AND PURGATORY
use of hcides here so different from its use in other 24Perhaps someone may object and say that the
places? Because Jesus was giving a parable or Bible does speak of "hell fire." (Matthew 5:22,
illustration and was not speaking of a literal place AV, Dy) True, some versions use this expression,
of torment. (Matthew 13:34) Consider: Is it rea- but in such cases the original Greek word here
sonable or Scriptural to believe that a man suffers used for "hell" is G&nna, and not hddes. Gehenna
torment simply because he is rich, wears good -
23 What is the meanhg of the fflustration with regard to
clothing and has plenty to eat? Is it Scriptural to (a) the rich man? (b) Lazarus? (c) the death of each?
- (dl the torments of the rich man?
21. (a) Did the righteous man Job believe hell to be a fler! 24 (8) When some Bible versions speak of "hell fire," from
hot place? (b) So what is the Bible hell? what original Greek word is the term "hell" translated?
22. How do we know that Jesus' words about the rich man ana (b) HOWwas Gehenna used when Jesus was on earth?
Laearus are an Illustration?
occurs twelve times in the Christian Greek Scrip- WILL THE DEAD L N E AOAIN?
tures, and refers to the valley of Hinnom outside "The Bible teaching on the true condition of
the walls of Jerusalem. When Jesus was on earth the dead relieves one's mind of much unnecessary
this valley was used as a huge garbage dump fear and worry regarding those who have died. To
where fires were kept burning by adding brim- know that such ones are not suffering helps us to
stone (sulfur) to burn up the refuse. Smith's Dic- appreciate far more God's love, and his justice.
tionary of the Bible, Volume I, explains: "It be- Yet, one may still wonder, If a man dies and simply
came the common lay-stall [garbage dump] of the goes to the grave, what hope is there for the dead?
city, where the dead bodies of criminals, and the The Bible reveals that there is a wonderful hope,
carcasses of animals, and every other kind of filth the hope of living again.
was cast." During his earthly ministry Jesus Christ
*'So when Jesus said that persons would be showed his power over death, actually bringing
thrown into Gehenna for their bad deeds, what did dead persons back to human life. (Luke 7:ll-16;
he mean? Not that they would be tormented for- John 11:39-44) He thus provided a preview of
ever. Jesus used that valley (Gehenna) of fire and what he will do on a grand scale in God's new sys-
brimstone as a proper symbol of everlasting de- tem of things. The heartwarming prospect is that
struction. That is what his first-century listeners then hell, mankind's common grave, will be emp-
understood it to mean. The "lake of fire" rnen- tied of its unconscious dead. (Revelation 20:13)
tioned in Revelation has a similar meaning, not Some receive a resurrection to heavenly glory as
conscious torment, but "second death," everlasting spirit creatures, even as did Jesus Christ. (Romans
death or destruction. It is evident that this "lake" 6:5) However, the vast majority of mankind will
is a symbol, because death and hell ( h d d a ) are be brought back to enjoy life on a restored earthly
thrown into it. Such Wigs cannot literally be paradise.-Acts 24:15; Luke 23:43.
burned, but they can be done away with, or de- "In God's new system the resurrected dead, if
stroyed.-Ftevelation 20: 14; 21: 8. they carry out God's righteous laws, will never
ze What, then, about purgatory? This is said to need to die again. (Isaiah 25:8) Certainly this
be a place where human souls are conscious and grand provision for blessing mankind is reason for
going through fiery purging after death. Since us to take in more knowledge of Jehovah and hi
the Bible clearly shows that the dead are uncon- Son, Jesus Christ. Doing so can lead to our eternal
scious, how could God be tormenting anyone in life and blessing.
such a place? (Psalm 146:4 [145:4, Dy]) Actually,
2 7 . What ho e is there for the dead?
neither the word "purgatory" nor the idea of a as. (a) Of wiat did Jeaus' ralslng of persona from the dead pro-
vlde a prevlew? (b) To what will most people be resurrected?
"purgatory" occurs in the Bible.
15. (a) Of what irr Qehenna a p r o w symbol? (b) What term
29. What should Jehovah's grand provislona for blessing man-
kind encourage ua to do?
In the Blble book of Revelation are a symbol of the same thing?
as. DO= the Bible ever mention aueh a plaa as purgatory?
CHAPTER 6 would be blessed through his "seed." That "seed"
proved to be primarily Jesus Christ. (Genesis 22:
18; Galatians 3:14-16, 28, 29) God also provided
yesus CArist, t L One for a priesthood and sacrifices under the Law
given to Israel. These too pointed forward to
Jesus. They directed attention to him as the great
gArough W h o m G o d High Priest and to the sacrifice of his own human
l i e as the means to take away sins forever and
bring deliverance even from death. (Galatians 3:
24; Hebrews 9:11, 12; John 1:29) Furthermore,
Jehovah foretold that the one through whom eter-
H OW loving the provision that Jehovah has
made through his Son for blessing persons of
all races and nations! He has promised deliverance
from oppression, sin and death. What a glorious
nal peace would come to humankind would be of
King David's family line and would become the
king of God's kingdom, ruling over the entire
earth. The angel Gabriel, in announcing Jesus'
prospect! It is vital for us to appreciate, however, human birth, said: "This one will be great and
that these blessings will come to mankind only will be called Son of the Most High; and Jehovah
through Jesus Christ. For this reason, God in- God will give him the throne of David his father."
spired the apostle Peter to say of Jesus: "There is (Luke 1:32; see also Isaiah 9:6, 7; Daniel 7:13,
no salvation in anyone else, for there is not anoth- 14.)Yes, the entire Word of God focuses attention
er name under heaven that has been given among on Jesus Christ as the one through whom Jehovah
men by which we must get saved." (Acts 4:12) God will administer the blessings of eternal l i e
By gaining accurate knowledge of this provision to mankind,-Luke 2: 2532; Philippians 2: 9-11.
and by exercising faith in God's purpose in con- -HUMAN EXISTENCE
nection with Christ, you may put yourself in line a Did you know that Jesus had a glorious exis-
for the grand blessings of eternal life. tence long before he was born as a human here on
For thousands of years men of faith have earth? The Bible informs us that he is God's "first-
awaited the fulAllment of this hope, and the born" Son. This means that he was created before
promises of God gave them good reason for doing the other sons of God's family. He is also God's
so. To the Hebrew family head Abraham, Jehovah "only-begotten" Son, in that he is the only one
made the promise that "all nations of the earth"
In what I# It absdutely necesaaly for us to have falth It we
directly created by Jehovah God; all other things
came into existence through him as God's Chief
arm to receive tho blessin s of eternal We?
2, (a, What promlae of bfessfng dld God make to tibraham, and Agent. Thus,before being born on earth as a male
who dld hle "aesd" prove to be? (b) To whom did the
hood end aacritlwn under the law of M- point? (of"%$
doss the Blble &ow who would be klw of God's U ~ d o m ?
child he served in the heavens, where he was
8. (a) Row b it t b t J W is W a "dnt-bmn" Em? (b) Why
d W tho Bible ug J W b W'a be be go^'"?
known as "the Word," God's spokesman.-John As foretold centuries before, Jesus was born in
1:3, 10, 14; Colossians 1 :15-17. King David's city, Bethlehem of Judea. (Micah
Jesus could therefore properly say: "Before 5:2) He lived with his mother and his foster-
Abraham came into existence, I have been," and, father Joseph, working at the trade of carpentry
"I am the living bread that came down from heav- until he was about thirty years of age. Then God's
en." (John 8: 58; 6: 51) Referring to the high posi- time came for him to do other work. So he went
tion he had held in heaven, he prayed: "Father, to John the Baptist to be baptized or dipped com-
glorify me alongside yourself with the glory that pletely under the waters of the Jordan River.
I had alongside you before the world was."-John This showed that he was presenting himself to
17:5. God to carry out the work that God had sent him
HIS LIFE ON EARTH to earth to do. By submitting to baptism Jesus
'In harmony with God's purpose for blessing set an example for all who exercise faith in him,
men of faith, the due time arrived for this heaven- and later he commanded that all who became his
ly Son to become a man on earth. This required a disciples should be baptized.-Matthew 28:19, 20.
miracle of God. Jehovah, by his holy spirit or However, something else happened to Jesus
active force, transferred the life of Jesus from at the Jordan. The heavens opened, God's spirit
heaven to the womb of a Jewish virgin girl named came upon him, and God himself spoke from
Mary. Announcing this to Mary in advance, the heaven, saying: "This is my Son, the beloved,
angel Gabriel said: "Holy spirit will come upon whom I have approved." (Matthew 3:16, 17)
you, and power of the Most High will overshadow There was no mistake about it; this was the one
you. For that reason also what is born will be whom all God's prophets had foretold! There at
called holy, God's Son." (Luke 1:35) It was well the Jordan, by means of holy spirit, Jesus was
within the power of the Creator to do this. Cer- anointed by God to be the foretold great high
tainly the One who formed the first woman with priest, the king of God's kingdom, and to preach
the ability to produce children could cause a while here on earth. (Luke 4:16-21) There was
woman to conceive a child without a human work for him to do.
father, God himself being directly responsible for
the l i e of the child. This child, Jesus, was not For three and a half years he preached God's
God, but God's Son. He was a perfect human, free Word throughout the land, and he taught his dis-
from the sin of Adam. How was that possible? ciples to do the same. (Luke 8:l) Though others
Because, as the angel said, the "power of the Most in those days superstitiously avoided using the
High" was responsible; it even guided his growth personal name of God, Jesus did not hold back
from making it known. (John 17:26) He always
while in the womb of Mary.
What dld Jesus sag to bear wltness to the fact that he had
6. (a) As foretold In prophecy, where waa Jesus born? (b) W h y
lived in heaven before coming to earth? dld Jesus get baptized?
6. (a) When Qod'a tlme came for his Son to become a man on 7. What dld Qod do at the tlme of Jesus' baptlam?
enrth, how dld God b r b thls about? (b) How could the child 8. Dld Jesus hold back from uslng the ersonal name of God
Jeaua be born free from t%esin of Adam? or from speaklng the truth? Bo what &ould we do?
spoke the truth, whether it was popular or not. own laws. This would have merely encouraged
In what he did he provided an example that we further lawlessness by a bad example. Yet he did
should follow if we want to please God. But he not turn his back on mankind and leave them
also accomplished more than that. without hope. While sticking to his laws, God lov-
RELIEF FROM SIN AND DEATH ingly provided relief, not for the willful sinner
'Jesus knew that his coming to earth as a man Adam, but for Adam's offspring, who, without
was a direct part of God's arrangement for re- any choice in the matter, suffered the effects of
leasing humankind from sin and death. So he said: his wrong. God did this in harmony with a legal
"The Son of man came . . . to give his soul a ran- principle that he later included in the Mosaic law,
som in exchange for many." (Matthew 20:28) namely, "soul will be for soul." (Deuteronomy 19:
Exactly what does that mean? Well, a ransom is 21) Let us see how that principle applied in the
the price paid to obtain deliverance from captivity. ransom provided through Jesus.
l2 The "living soul" Adam, who forfeited life for
In this case, Jesus' perfect human life offered in
sacrifice was the price paid to obtain mankind's mankind, was a perfect human. In exchange for
release from bondage to sin and death. (1Peter what he lost, another human soul, equal to Adam,
1 :18,191 Why was such a release needed? was needed, one who would offer his own perfect
'OThis was because Adam, the forefather of us life as a sacrifice on behalf of mankind. ( 1 Co-
all, had sinned against God. Thus, Adam became rinthians 15:45) No offspring of Adam qualified
imperfect and lost the right to life. As a willful for this, because all were born imperfect. As a
violator of God's law, he came under its penalty result they all die because they are sinners, and
of death. God had also established laws of hered- they have no right to human life that they can
ity, which assure that we all receive physical sacrifice on behalf of others. (Psalm 49:7 [48:8,
characteristics and other traits from our parents. Dy])So God sent his own Son to earth. Jesus
According to these laws, Adam could pass on to was born as a human, because it was a human life
his offspring only what he himself had; so we re- that was required. But he was born without the
ceived from him an inheritance of sin and death. aid of a human father, so that he would be perfect
(Romans 5:12) All mankind therefore has been as Adam was. God alone was the Father of the
dying in payment of the penalty of sin. How could human Jesus, as he had also been Adam's Father.
this death penalty be lifted and the requirements (Luke 3:38) Thus Jesus was fully qualified to
of justice still be met? offer his life as a "correspondiig ransom."
God did not weaken and compromise as to his -1 Timothy 2:6; Ephesians 1:7.
- On Nisan 14 of the year 33 C.E. Jesus' ene-
9. (a) According ta Matthew 20:28, Ior what other reason dld mies put him to death on a torture stake. He could
Jesus come to earth7 (b) What is the ransom prlce that Jesus
pald to release us from sln and death7 have resisted, but he did not. (Matthew 26:53, 54)
10. Why could we recefve from Adam only an Inheritance of
sln and-death? 12. Who Only could provlde the ranaom price for what Adam
11. In provldlng rellel for Adam's offspring. how dld God show lost? 8 0 why dld Jeaua have to be born as a human?
due regard for law? 13. Why did Junu, ailllngly lag down h& We and not realat?
He willingly laid down his life in sacrifice for us. divine justice had been met; relief was now avail-
As his apostle Peter tells us: "He himself bore our able for mankind.
sins in his own body upon the stake, in order that 16Even now we may benefit greatly from the
we might be done with sins and live to righteous- ransom. By exercising faith in it we can enjoy a
ness. And 'by his stripes you were healed.' "-1 Pe- clean standing before God and come under his
ter 2:24; see also Hebrews 2:9. loving care. (Revelation 7:9, 10, 13-15) When,
''That was indeed a marvelous expression of due to imperfection, we commit a sin, we can
God's love for mankind! The Bible helps us to freely seek forgiveness from God on the basis of
appreciate it, saying: "God loved the world so the ransom, with confidence that he will hear us.
much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order (1 John 2:1, 2) Furthermore, the ransom has
that everyone exercising faith in him might not opened up the way for preservation through the
be destroyed but have everlasting life." (John 3: end of this present wicked system of things. It
16) If you are a parent who has a dearly loved makes possible the resurrection of the dead. And
son, no doubt you can appreciate, at least to some it provides the basis for gaining eternal life in
extent, what that meant to God. It surely should God's new system of things, where it will be ap-
warm our hearts toward him to realize that he plied to mankind in order to wipe away all the
cares for us so much.-1 John 4:9-11. effects of inherited sin.-1 Corinthians 15:25, 26;
Is Jehovah God did not leave his Son dead in Revelation 7: 17.
the grave, but raised him to l i e on the third day. RULER OR THE KINGDOM OF GOD
He was not given human life again, because that
would have meant that he was taking back the
" During his earthly ministry Jesus constantly
directed attention to the kingdom of God. He
ransom price. But he was "made alive in the taught his followers to pray: "Let your kingdom
spirit." (1Peter 3:18) During a period of forty come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also
days after his resurrection he appeared visibly to upon earth." And he urged them to "keep on, then,
his disciples a number of times, in materialized seeking first the kingdom." (Matthew 6:10, 33)
bodies, to prove that he really had been raised Many of his parables drew attention to the King-
from the dead. Then, with the disciples looking on, dom. He made it the theme of his preaching.
he ascended heavenward and was caught out of (Matthew 9:35) By his miracles of healing and
sight in a cloud. He returned to heaven, there "to raising the dead, he showed on a small scale what
appear before the person of God for us" bearing will take place on earth under the kingdom of God.
the value of his ransom sacrifice as the great high At that time sickness will come to an end, blind
priest. (Hebrews 9:12, 24) The requirements of
18. (a) Explain how we beneflt even now from the ransom
14. What does the Bible at JohIn 3:16 tell us about Qod's love provialon. (b) As we consider the future, what does the ransom
for manklnd? 8a how should we respond? make posslble for us and for the dead?
16. (a) Was Jmus resurrected with a human body? fb) After 17. (a) TO what did Jesus constantly draw attention, making
- .
.. -.-- -. whv did Jesus a w e m visibly to hfs disdplrs?
his resur~rtlan. it the theme of hfs preaching? (b) What did Jesus demon-
(c) WalI it naoessarjr for Junui 6 r e t urn to heaven? W h ~ l strate by hfs miracles oi h d l n g and rafslng the dead?
eyes will be opened, deaf ears unstopped, and CHAPTER 7
crippled arms and legs will be healed. What a
blessing that will be!-Revelation 21:3, 4.
Is Jesus himself is the one anointed by God as
ruler of the Kingdom. However, when Jesus re-
turned to heaven it was not the due time for him
to exercise that kingly power. He must await his
Father's appointed time. (Acts 2:34-36) Yet, he
pointed forward to the time when he would return
with Kingdom power, saying: "When the Son of
man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with
him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne.
And all the nations will be gathered before him,
J ESUS CHRIST, who came to earth from the
spirit realm, acknowledged the existence of
wicked spirits. You may recall that he often spoke
of the Devil, and that he called him "the father of
and he will separate people one from another, just
as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats." the lie" and a "manslayer." (John 8:44) For our
(Matthew 25:31,32) We are living in that time of own protection in this time when lying and murder
separating now. Soon Christ on his heavenly are on the increase, we do well to examine this sub-
throne will use his kingly authority to destroy the ject.
wicked and deliver sheeplike ones who will in- 2Many persons, of course, do not believe that
herit the earthly realm of the Kingdom.-Matthew there are wicked spirit creatures. Even some who
25: 34, 41, 46. claim to use the Bible say that Satan the Devil is
By means of Jesus Christ blessings are avail- only a quality of evil, not an invisible spirit person.
able to all mankind, but we must exercise faith But do the facts agree with their belief? What
in him in order to receive them. (John 3:36) We about Jesus Christ's own experience when the
must become his disciples and submit ourselves to Devil tempted him? The Bible tells us that the
him as our heavenly king. Will you do that? There Devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world
are opposers who want to hinder you, but if you and said to him: "All these things I will give you
put your full trust in Jehovah you will without if you fall down and do an act of worship to me!'
fail receive the blessings that God has in store for Jesus answered the Devil: "Go away, Satan! For
those who love him.-Psalm 62:7, 8 [61: 8,9, Dyl. it is written, 'It is Jehovah your God you must
- worship."' Then the Devil left Jesus.-Matthew
18. (a) Did Jesus exercise kingly power ns soon as he returned to
heaven? Why? tb) Aecordmg to Matthew 25:11,32. what did Je- 4: 1-11.
sus say he would do when he returned wlth Kingdom power?
19. TO enjoy blcsslngs through Jesus Christ. what must we do? . . What
1. (a) Did Jesus believe that wicked mirits exist? (b)
did Jesus call the Devil?
a. (a) Contrary to what Jesus taught, what do some persons
believe the Devil IS? (b) What experience did Jesus have wlth
the Devil?
During that experience, by whom was Jesus Adam and Eve to rebel against God. How did he
Christ tempted? By a real person? or by a mere do this? The Bible shows that a serpent spoke to
quality of evil? If he was tempted by a mere qual- Eve, telling her a lie. As a result she disobeyed
ity of evil, in whom did this quality dwell? Was God. Then she caused her husband to join her in
this evil in Jesus Christ? If so, then it could not be revolt against God. But who actually put the idea
true that in him there was no sin. Yet the Bible, of rebellion into Eve's mind? Was it a mere snake
God's Word of truth, makes it very clear that Jesus with no speech organs? No, there was someone
was "guileless, undefiled, separated from the sin- behind the serpent making it appear as if it were
ners." (Hebrews 7:26) The Bible also says: "He talking. We know that some skilled humans can
committed no sin, nor was deception found in his speak words with their lips nearly shut, making
mouth." (1Peter 2:22) So Jesus could not have it appear as if a nearby animal or a dummy is
been carrying on a conversation with "evil" in his talking. How much easier for a superhuman in-
own self. He was talking to a living spirit creature. visible person to do this! God made Balaam's ass
Thus the Scriptures and sound reasoning make speak. (Numbers 22:28) In Eden, Satan used the
clear that Satan is a real, live person in the in- serpent. And so the Bible identifies the Devil, or
visible spirit realm.-1 Peter 5:8. Satan, as "the original serpent," hence the one
A SELF-MADE DEVIL who really introduced rebellion and wickedness
But in what way did the Devil originate? Ob- into the universe-Revelation 12:9; 2 Corinthians
viously, the God 'whose work is perfect' would not 11:3.
create someone wicked. (Deuteronomy 32:4) He "ut, you may wonder, if this highly intelligent
would not create intelligent creatures with whom spirit really was perfect, how could he turn to
he could not associate. Such would be contrary to wickedness when there was no one to tempt him?
reason and God's love.-Psalm 5: 4-6 [5: 5-7, Dy I. The Bible answers that it was by his thinking upon
'So, the invisible spirit who later became the a wrong idea. (James 1:14, 15) There is nothing
Devil must a t one time have been perfect, without wrong in itself with seeing the possibilities in a
defect as a creation of God, just like all the other certain situation. For example, a person in some-
millions of angelic "sons of God." (Job 38:7) How, one else's home may see money lying on a table.
then, did he go bad? After the creation of the first The possibility of his taking that money and put-
man and woman, this particular spirit creature ting it into his pocket is there. But, since that
entered on a course of rebellion against God. He would be stealing, he should not even consider it.
developed a desire to be worshiped and so enticed
3. (a) How does that experience show that the Devil could not
Or, if the idea does come into his mind, he ought to
be merely a quallty of evll? (b) What, then, h Satan the Devll? dismiss it. But if he keeps the idea in his mind and
4. From what we know about God, why can we be certain that allows it to grow, then wrong desire develops. Soon
he would not create someone wlcked?
this may move him to commit an act of wickedness.
6. (a) How dld the splrlt creature who became the Devll take
a wron course? (b) Was it a mere snake that put the I d a -
of rebelton Into the mlnd of Eve? 8. How could a perfect creature turn to wickednuu?
So, too, with the perfect spirit creature. The some of these spirit "sons of God" materialized as
possibility was there of his using the human pair men, that is, they left their place in heaven as
for his own purpose rather than carrying out what spirit creatures and clothed themselves with flesh-
God wanted. As a free moral agent, he not only ly bodies. And why? To enjoy human passions by
considered it but also failed to dismiss it from his marrying the good-looking daughters of men. This
mind, and it led him to sin. Just as a formerly was an act of disobedience to God, and the Bible
honest man can make himself a thief by stealing, associates it with the actions of the people of Sod-
so thii spirit creature made himself Satan by act- om and Gomorrah who 'went after flesh for un-
ing as a resister of God; and he made himself the natural use.' (Jude 6, 7) So, too, it was against
Devil by becoming a slanderer of God, because their heavenly nature for angels to come down
that is what those names mean. and seek human flesh with which to have sex re-
lations. Their course brought bad results, including
lOf course, someone may say, "Might it not a freakish offspring, "mighty ones" called Neph-
have been simply a mistake that he made? Could ilim. By their rebellious action, those spirit sons
he not have apologized and so ended the matter of God turned themselves into demons and put
there?" In answer, we need to keep in mind that a themselves on the side of the Devil, who is the
perfect individual is different from us. When he "ruler of the demons."-Matthew 9:34.
uses hi free will, the choice that he makes is not
lo When the global flood of Noah's day destroyed
due to weakness or imperfection. Imperfect people
often make mistakes due to inherited weakness. all the wicked humans, the unfaithful angels dis-
They can admit their mistakes, apologize and solved their fleshly bodies and returned to the
change their course. But when a perfect creature spirit realm. But they were not allowed to become
chooses to do wrong, he does it deliberately and he part of God's organization of holy angels again.
does not later turn back to doing good. This was Instead, they were confined in a debased condition
the case with the one who made himself the Devil. of spiritual darkness. (2 Peter 2:4) Since the
Flood, God has not permitted these demonic angels
OTHER B P m T CREATURE8 to materialize in the flesh as they did before then.
MAKE THEMSELVES DElllONS Yet they can still exercise dangerous power over
9 The Devil was not the only spirit creature to men and women. In fact, with the help of these
turn to disobedience and wickedness. God had demons Satan is "misleading the entire inhabited
created a great number of holy angels, millions of earth!' (Revelation 12:9) The great increase in
them. Daniel 7:10 reveals a portion of them as wrongdoing that we see all over the earth today
being 100,000,000. The Bible record at Genesis 6: should alert us to the need to be on guard against
1-5 explains that before the flood of Noah's day
7. (a) 80 how dM thts splrft Creature became wiokad?
being misled by them.
(b) Who, then, made Satan the Devil?
8. Why wsa It not juat s &take that Satan made?
9. Bow dld other8 of Qcd'a holy angels make tham&=lvea
THE DEVIL IS THE "RULER OF THIS WORLD" or political governments. (Daniel 7:2-7, 17, 23)
'l Three times in the Bible book of John we read
That the symbolic beasts of Daniel's vision and the
that the Lord Jesus Christ called the Devil "the "wild beast" of Revelation have a similar meaning
mler of this world." (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:ll) is seen from the fact that both accounts refer to
At 2 Corinthians 4:4 he is referred to as "the god the same kinds of creatures: a lion, a bear, a leop
of this system of things." Does this mean, then, ard and a ten-horned beast. (Revelation 13:1, 2)
that all the nations of the earth are under the con- So the "wild beast" represents the Devil's entire
trol of Satan the Devil? The Bible answers: "The political organization that has exercised beastlike
whole world is lying in the power of the wicked rule over the earth throughout the centuries until
one." (1John 5:19) Thus the Devil, as "ruler of now. No wonder Jesus Christ said: "My kingdom
the world," exercises great influence on men, over- is no part of this world." And no wonder that his
reaching them and even controlling political gov- followers would be no part of the world either,
ernments.-Revelation 16:13, 14. that is, they would avoid getting involved in its
affairs.John 18:36; 17: 14-16.
l a If you will open your Bible to Revelation 12:9,
you will see that the Devil is described as "the KEEP FREE FROM EVERY FORM OF SPIRITISM
great dragon." In the next chapter, verses 1and 2, lS One of the ways that wicked spirits mislead
we are told that this dragon, the Devil, gave power men and women is through spiritism. What is
and a throne and great authority to what is sym- spiritism? It is getting in touch with wicked spirit
bolically called a "wild beast" out of the sea. creatures, being misled by them either directly or
What is this symbolic "wild beast"? Well, over through a human or other medium. The Bible
what does Satan hold authority? What did he offer warns us to keep from every practice associated
to Jesus Christ? "All the kingdoms of the inhabit- with spiritism, because spiritism brings a person
ed earth." (Luke 4:5-8) Jesus quickly rejected under the influence of the demons.-Galatians 5:
that offer, but he did not deny that the Devil ruled 19-21; Revelation 21: 8.
over the political kingdoms of the earth. In har- l4 God condemns every kind of spiritism. The

mony with this, Revelation 13:7 says concerning Bible tells us what some of these disapproved
the symbolic "wild beast," that "authority was things are: divination, magic, looking for omens,
given it over every tribe and people and tongue sorcery, binding others with a spell (hypnotism,
and nation." Further, with what did the prophet black magic, and so forth), consulting a spirit
Daniel identify certain beasts? With "kingdoms," medium or a fortune-teller and inquiring of the
- dead. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Isaiah 8: 19) AU
11. What posltlon does Satan hold wlth regard to all natlons?
of this is demonism, and those who turn to such
12. (a) According to Revelatlon 13:1,2, to what does the Devil
give power and authorit ? (b) How does the D e w s offer to -
Jesus help us to ldendfy the "wUd beast"? (e) Since the 13. What is spiritism, and why dour the Bible warn us to
account about the "wlld bast" of Revelation 13:l.a and the keep free from it?
one about the beasts of Danlel's vlslon both refer to the aame 14. What are some Prsctlces associated wlth Spirltlsm, and
&ds of animala, what must the "wlld beast" represent? how does Cicd vlew those who hun to mch practlcesl
practices make themselves enemies of God.-Le- invisible realm.-Proverbs 18:lo; James 4:7.
viticus 19:31; 1Chronicles 10:13,14.* lTBut what if one has been dabbling in some of

lwivination is one of the common forms of the spiritistic religions or sciences and now wants
spiritism. It is the effort to obtain knowledge of to break free from spiritism? Well, what did many
the unknown or of the future by means of omens of the early Christians at Ephesus do when they
or demon power. (Acts 16:16) Many are the ways wanted to get free from the magical arts? The
divination is practiced today, such as by divining Bible tells us that, after accepting the "word of
rods, pendulums, crystal-ball gazing, Ouija boards, Jehovah" preached by the apostle Paul, they
ESP, examining the lines of one's hand (palm- "brought their books together and burned them
istry), studying the flight of certain birds, looking up before everybody," even though they were
for omens in one's dreams and in other incidents worth 50,000 pieces of silver! (Acts 19:19, 20)
in one's life and then trying to relate these to the Their example of destroying objects related to
future. There is also divination by the stars, com- spiritistic practices is the wise one to follow.
monly called astrology. This originated in ancient le Do not be deceived by the increasing interest

Babylon, as did various forms of the magical arts. in mystic and occult matters. Wicked spirit crea-
The Bible shows that all who use divination sin tures are promoting such spiritism. But these
against God.-1 Samuel 15:22,23.? wicked spirit forces, including the Devil, will
l6 One of the common ways in which wicked eventually be destroyed. (Matthew 25:41) If you
spirits mislead people is by talking to them, either want eternal life you need to stay free from their
through a spirit medium or by a "voice" from the influence by avoiding every kind of spiritism.
invisible realm. The "voice" pretends to be a de- THE DEVIL PROMOTES FALSE RELIGION
parted relative or a good spirit; but this is false- '*It should not surprise us that the Devil and
hood! The voice is actually a wicked spirit speak- his demons have many ways of misleading man-
ing! What should you do if such a "voice" speaks kind, spiritism being just one of these. What, then,
to you? Well, what did Jesus Christ do when the is the foremost means by which the Devil, "the
ruler of the wicked spirits spoke to him? Jesus father of the lie," turns mankind away from God?
rejected the Devil's suggestions, saying: "Go (John 8:44) It is by means of false religion! False
away, Satan!" [Matthew 4:10) You can do that religion is worship that is built on falsehoods and
too. Also, you can call on Jehovah for aid, praying that is in conflict with God's Word of truth, the
aloud and using his name. Follow this wise course, Bible. That is one reason why the Bible points out
and do not - eive ear to such voices from the that if a person worships in a way that is not in
- -
1Paralipomenon 10:13, 14, D y 17. Hew can one break free of spiritism today by following the
- - 15:22.23. 0 8 .
1 1 K1np.s example of the early Christians a t Ephesus?
15. [a) What is divination, and what are some of the ways 1.3 (a) What will happen to all wicked spirits? (b) In view
that people engage In it today? (b) Where did astroIogy and of this, what must we do If we want eternal life?
magic begin? 19 (a) What is the ohlei means by whlch the Devil turns
16. What should we do if wa ever hear s "voice" from the m a i n d away from God? (b) What is false religion? (c) Ii
invisible realm speak to us? one practices false rdlgion, to whom i s one really giving servlce?

harmony with God's Word, he is in reality serving CHAPTER 8

the demons, because he is acting in harmony with
what they want and in conflict with God.-Deuter-
onomy 32:16, 17; 1 Corinthians 10:20.
Although fake religions may appear respect-
able, we should realize that the Devil is like many
modern-day underworld or crime leaders who hide
Permitted Wicledness
behind a front of respectability. What more subtle
way could there be for him to deceive people and
get them to serve him than by using a religious
UntilOur Bag?
front that has an outward appearance of righteous-
ness? That the Devil would mislead people by re-
ligion that outwardly claims to serve God is shown
in the Bible. (Matthew 7: 22,23) In fact, the Chris-
T HROUGHOUT all of man's history there has
been much wickedness. And today, no matter
where you look in the world, there is bloodshed,
tian apostle Paul said that "Satan himself keeps crime, hatred and immorality. All too often it is
transforming himself into an angel of light" and the innocent, decent people who suffer from the
"his ministers also keep transforming themselves wicked acts of others. They may be victims of
into ministers of righteousness."-2 Corinthians violence, perhaps losing their homes, loved ones
11:14, 15. or even their own lives. You may or may not have
Z1 So Jesus Christ was not imagining something experienced such things personally. Even if you
when he called the Devil "the ruler of this world.'* have not, you likely have gone through things that
(John 12:31) There are indeed wicked spirits mis- have caused mental suffering, experiences such as
leading "the entire inhabited earth." But only a injustice, unkindness, being cheated or deceived.
"short period of time" remains before the Devil Why has God permitted such wickedness until
and his wicked angels are to be put out of opera- our day? There are a number of reasons, but to
tion. (Revelation 12:9,12) Meantime, keep free understand those reasons properly we need to
from every form of spiritism and break free from examine the issues raised a t the time of the first
religion that may appear respectable but is really rebellion. You have likely read the account of this
based on falsehood. You cannot hold to spiritism in the Bible in the third chapter of Genesis. Let
or any other religious falsehood and get eternal us consider, then, the real meaning of these events.
life in God's new system of things, because it is 'Briefly, this is what occurred: Jehovah told
only the truth that leads to eternal life.-Ephe-
sians 6: 12, 16. -that his life depended
man - upon
- obedience to his
- 1. What is mankind's experience regarding wickedness7
a. The reasons why a O d has permitted wickedness have to
ao. LNe crime leaders, how does the Devil deoelve people? do with questions raised at what time?
21. (a) What does the Bible show aa to the time left for the 3. Bllefly relate what t m k plane at the time of man's fall into
wicked spirits? (b) Why should a person break free from sin.
spiritism and ail other false religion?
Creator, and that disobedience would result in cause they love God and his righteous rule, but
death. (Genesis 2:17) God's adversary, Satan, con- only for selfish reasons, such as the material bless-
tradicted this clear statement. He told Adam's ings God gives them. He claimed that, if such rea-
wife that the human pair could disobey and still, sons were taken away, then even a man like Job
"You positively will not die." He further claimed would turn away from God. (Job 1:6-11; 2:4, 5)
that such disobedience would actually improve Yes, Satan's rebellion in Eden called into question
matters for them, causing their eyes to be opened, the loyalty of all God's creatures in heaven and
and that they would "be like God, knowing good on earth. If put to the test, would they prove their
and bad." (Genesis 3:4,5) Now, what was involved love for their heavenly Father and show that they
in this rebellious action of Satan? preferred his rule to that of any other?
'A number of issues or vital questions were "Note, please, that Satan did not raise any
raised. First, Satan called into question the truth- question as to God's strength. He did not challenge
fulness of God. In effect, he called God a liar, and Jehovah to use his might to destroy him as an
that with regard to a matter of life and death. opposer. But he did challenge God's right to rule
Second, he questioned man's dependence ola his and the rightness of his way of ruling. Also, he
Creator for continued life and happiness. He questioned the loyalty of God's creatures. So it
claimed that neither man's life nor his ability to was a moral issue that had to be settled.
govern his affairs with success depended upon ' Satan's false charges against God may be illus-
obedience to Jehovah. He argued that man could trated, to a certain extent, in a human way. S u p
act independently of his Creator and be like God, pose a man having a large family is accused by one
deciding for himself what is right or wrong, good of his neighbors of many false things about the
or bad. Third, by arguing against God's stated law, way he manages his household. Suppose the neigh-
he in effect claimed that God's way of ruling is bor also says that the family members have no real
wrong and not for the good of his creatures and love for their father but only stay with him to
in this way he even challenged God's right to rule. obtain the food and material things he gives them.
"ut Satan's action raised still another ques- How might the father of the family answer such
tion, as is shown later in the Bible in the book of charges? If he simply used violence against the
Job, chapters 1and 2. There, in connection with a accuser, this would not answer the charges. In-
man named Job, it is shown that Satan called into stead, it might suggest that they were true. But
question the faithfulness and loyalty to Jehovah, what a fine answer it would be if he permitted his
God of all creatures. In so many words, Satan made own family to be his witnesses to show that their
the claim that those who serve God do so, not be- father was indeed a just and loving family head
- -
8. Did Satan raise a questlon as to God's strength? So what
4. Name some of the issues raised by the Devil's rebellion. kind of h u e had to be settled?
5. As Shown in the Bible bwk of Job, what other question w w 7. Relate an Ulustrntion that shows how such a moral &sue
rataed by Satan? mlght be settled
and that they were happy to live with him because showing you my power and in order to have my
they loved him! Thus he would be completely vin- name declared in a l l the earth."-Exodus 9: 15,16.
dicated.-Proverbs 2i':ll; Isaiah 43: 10. WHAT aAVE TFm RESULTS SHOWN?
'Thii illustrates in certain respects what God The Bible shows that Satan has made use of
has done. Moreover, he has allowed sufficient time the time to build up an organization in heaven
-now almost 6,000 yeam-for the issue to be and earth over which he rules. The extent of his
settled beyond all doubt. He has allowed this time, control of the earth is indicated by the fact that
not only to permit his faithful creatures to prove he could offer Jesus a l l the kingdoms of the world
their devotion to him and his rule, but also to in exchange for Jesus' worship. (Matthew 4:8, 9)
demonstrate that any other kind of rule results That is why Satan is called "the ruler of this
only in bad. (Proverbs 1:30-33; Isaiah 59:4, 8) world." (John 16:ll) What has this meant for
By rebelling against Jehovah God, Satan set him- mankind, and what has been the result of man's
self up as a rival ruler. And, by taking the course course of independence from God and his rule?
Satan recommended, the first human pair declared l1 History testifies to the fact that this has not
themselves independent of Jehovah's rule and brought peace, contentment and eternal life to
came under Satan's control. (Genesis 3:6; Romans mankind. It has brought the opposite: thousands
6:16) By God's letting both Satan and man go to of years of pain, suffering and death. The record
the limit in their efforts to act and rule indepen- of history and the dreadful state of affairs in the
dently of their Creator, their total failure to pro- world today are proof that man has not succeeded
duce good government, with real benefits for all in governing without God. Man has tried all kinds
mankind, would be made evident beyond all future of government, but he still lacks security and en-
denial. Meanwhile Jehovah would have those on during happiness. True, there has been progress
earth who love him proclaim his name and pur- in a materialistic way. But is it really progress
poses for the enlightenment of all who love and when men send rockets to the moon, and yet can-
seek what is right. not live together in peace on earth? What good is
9 So, the situation is much like that involving it for them to build homes equipped with every
a Pharaoh of Egypt who took a course similar to convenience, only to have families torn apart by
that of Satan the Devil in opposing Jehovah God, divorce and delinquency? Are wars, riots in the
and to whom Jehovah said: "By now I could have streets, destruction of life and property and wide-
thrust my hand out that I might strike you and spread lawlessness something of which to be
your people with pestilence and that you might proud? Not at all! But they are the fruitage of
be effaced from the earth. But, in fact, for this rule that ignores God. Truly, as Ecclesiastes 8:9
cause I have kept you in existence, for the sake of
8. What has been demonatrated by W s allowhg enough
- . -
savs., "man has dominated man to his injury."

How has
lo. 88tsn used the time allowed by God wlth regard
time for the h u e to be settled beyond BU doubt? to both heaven and earth?
8. What did Ood l a y to a Pharaoh of Eggpt that is slmilPr to 11. What hss been the sad result of man's mwse of indepen-
the crss of Batan the Devil? dence from Qcd and hls rule?
So God's long permission of wickedness has brought terrific pressure against him and stripped
proved beyond doubt that man's attempt to 'play him of his belongings, children and health, Job still
God' is a miserable failure. (Psalm 127:l [126:1, declared: "Until I expire I shall not take away my
Dy])As a prominent editor said: "The more we integrity." (Job 27:5) Job proved Satan a liar.
search for an *bi, the more we discover that un- '"As we have seen, the perfect man Jesus re-
happiness on earth is man-made. Our key weak- sisted all of Satan's temptations and bribes. Fur-
ness is that we have not solved the problem of self- ther, when whipped by soldier guards and nailed
government."* The inspired Bible writer Jeremiah to a cruel torture stake to die, Jesus held fast his
rightly said: "I well know, 0 Jehovah, that to loyalty to God. (1 Peter 2:23) This proved that
earthling man his way does not belong. It does not perfect Adam could have done the same if he had
belong to man who is walking even to direct his wanted to, and that God was not unrighteous in
step. Correct me, 0 Jehovah."-Jeremiah 10:23, requiring full obedience from man. (2 Thessalo-
24; see also Proverbs 16:25. nians 1:4,5) By his loyalty to Jehovah, Jesus gave
13Satan's influence over earth's affairs has the finest answer to Satan's false challenge.
brought disunity, wickedness and death, and his l6 But Satan, his mind being twisted by selfish-
rule has been by means of deceit, force and selfish- ness and pride, has refused to slow down in his
ness. He has proved himself unfit to be the ruler insane course. Although it has long since been
of anything. So Jehovah is now fully justified in proved that he was wrong and is a liar, he con-
destroying this debased rebel along with all who tinues to persecute lovers of God. (Revelation 12:
have shared in his wicked deeds. (Romans 16:20) 17) Since Jesus' death many thousands of Chris-
But what about the loyalty of God's creatures to tians have served Jehovah God because they loved
Jehovah's loving rule and Satan's claim that d l him and wanted his loving rule over them. And
would turn away if put to the test? right now, hundreds of thousands proclaim their
l4 Jehovah God knew that "love never fails" loyalty to Jehovah as ruler. (Revelation 7:9, 10)
and he knew that some of mankind would serve Their faithful keeping of Jehovah's Word and
him willingly, out of love, and not because they their respect for his law have enabled them to
were being bribed or forced. (1Corinthians 13:8) live in contentment, in spite of all opposition from
Many thousands have done this throughout the Satan. The unity, love and integrity displayed by
centuries. Job was one of these. Even though Satan
- * David Lawrence, U.S. News di World Report, Sept. 25,
God's servants throughout the centuries provide
p. 128.
a mountain of evidence that Jehovah's way of rul-
la. (a) What dId a prominent editor ay about the cause of
unhappiness on earth? (b) According to the prophet Jeremiah,
can man safely direct his own step?
ing in love is the only right way, that man can
15 (a) How did Jesus answer Satan's false challenge against
13. Since Satan's rule has proved a failure, what is Ood now Jehovah? (b) Could perfect Adam have proved full loyalty tu
fully justmed in doing? QOd?
14. (a) Out of what fine motive have some of mankind served 16. (a) Though fully proved a liar. why does Satan still con-
God willingly? (b) By Job's keeping his inteerfty to God de- tinue to persecute lovers of God? (b) Of what is the Loyalty
spite pressure from Satan, what did Job prove the Devil tu be? of God's faithful servants Convincing evidence?
stay loyal to him under the most severe test, and Also, God has used this time to provide for man's
that Satan is the most monstrous liar of all time. redemption through Christ.--Galatians 4:4, 5.
ZOIn addition, God has used the time to select
and prepare from among mankind "vessels of mer-
"Jehovah has permitted wickedness until our cy." These are the ones who will make up the
day in order to settle all the issues raised by Satan. righteous government over those who will live
But he will not permit wickedness to continue in- forever on earth in the new system. What blessings
definitely. He has set a definite time when he this heavenly kingdom means for mankind! Dur-
will bring it to an end. The Bible writer Daniel ing the time that God has been preparing the "ves-
referred to this long ago when he wrote: 'The end sels of mercy," he has shown much long-suffering.
is yet for the time appointed."-Daniel 11:27. He has tolerated the wicked, the "vessels of
18Nearly six thousand years from Adam's day wrath." He has held off their destruction. Why?
to ours may seem a long time when viewed from The Bible clearly answers: "In order that he
the standpoint of humans who live about seventy might make known the riches of his glory upon
years. But since God set the time limit, it is good vessels of mercy." (Romans 9:22-24) To God's
to appreciate his view of the matter. The prophet heavenly kingdom will go the glory of vindicating
Moses, a t Psalm 90:4 [89:4, Dg],says of him: "A God's name and destroying the wicked, the "ves-
thousand years are in your eyes but as yesterday sels of wrath." Also, by his allowing wickedness
when it is past." A year is a long time to a child of to continue for a time, facets of God's personality
five, but to a man of sixty it is comparatively are manifested that would not ordinarily be seen:
short. Likewise, to Jehovah, who lives for eternity, his mercy and long-suffering. These enrich our
a thousand years is like a day.-2 Peter 3:s. appreciation of the Creator and our own personali-
"This set time during which wickedness has ties, as we imitate him.-Ephesians 5:l.
been permitted has been no injustice to us. Why, 21 There has also been another real benefit in
if God had immediately crushed the l i e out of all God's permitting wickedness as long as he has.
the rebels in Eden, we would never even have been If at any time in the future anyone should call
born! We would never have had the opportunity into question God's way of doing things, it would
for eternal life in his new system. So the fact that not be necessary again for him to grant that one
Jehovah did not cut short his long-suffering at time to try out some other way. The record of six
some earlier time has given us opportunity to live thousand years of failure by Satan, his demons,
now. and eternally in the future. (2 Peter 3:9,15)
ill Qod permit wickedness indefinitely,
11. W and how does the
and men who have tried to run affairs independent
of God has supplied sufficient answer. No one can
rightly claim: 'They did not get a chance,' or say,
Bible b w k of D-el answer that question?
18. Although a time period of nearly 6,000 years Seem long -
ta man. does it seem long- ta Gad? So how does God vlew a 20. How does the Bible at Romans 9:22-24 explain why God
thousand years? has permitted wiokedneas?
19. W ~ haaY Qcd's Re~mtsstGnof wickedness been no inJusWEe 21. What other benefit h w come by Gad's permitting wicked-
ta US? ness to run its set time?
'If only they had more time.' The permitted time CHAPTER 9
has been enough to prove that the way of rebel-
lion against the Creator has been absolutely
disastrous! So God will be fully justified in swiftly
crushing any rebel that threatens the future peace
of the universe.-Psalm 145:20 [144:20, Dy].
l1 There is only a short time left before Jehovah
will destroy this wicked system of things. This
remaining time gives us the opportunityto take
sides with him and 'make his heart reioice.' (Prov- -
erbs 27:ll) If we willingly submit to &is rulership,
he will bless us with eternal l i e in his new system.
The choice of accepting or rejecting is set before
each one of us.-Deuteronomy 30:19, 20.
W HILE Jesus Christ was yet with his follow-
ers here on earth, he spoke to them about
heavenly life. He told them that he was going to
prepare a place for them and that, in time, they
Obedience to God is not really difficult. If we would be there with him. (John 14:l-3) Millions
appreciate that Jehovah's wisdom is much greater of persons have set their hearts on such heavenly
than ours, and that whatever he does is for our life. To them it has represented a prospect of relief
good because he is a God of love, then we will obey from the troubles of this life. But do you know
him in everything. Whatever Jehovah's will is, we why God has arranged for some persons to go to
will want to do it, whether in times of crisis heaven? Do you know what they will do there?
or in the everyday things of life. That is the way 'During his earthly ministry Jesus said much
loyal servants of God have always felt. (Daniel about the "kingdom of God." He taught hi fol-
3:16-18; Psalm 119:33-37 [118:33-37, Dy]) In the lowers to pray that, by means of the Kingdom,
first century some of these said to a high court:
"We must obey God as ruler rather than men." God's will would be done here on earth. Thus, the
(Acts 5:29) Today, Jehovah is using his loyal earth would become a delightful home for man-
servants to declare his name and purposes in all kind. But the kingdom, or government itself, would
the earth. (Matthew 24:14) When that is done to be that of God in heaven, and for this reason Jesus
his satisfaction, then he will show Satan his al- often referred to it as the "kingdom of the heav-
mighty power by crushing him and all other rebels, ens." (Matthew 5:20; 6:9, 10) This helps us to
bringing an end to this wicked system. Thus, Jeho- understand what he meant when he said: "Have
no fear, little flock, because your Father has ap-
vah will clear the universe of wickedness and pave -
the way for his righteous
- new svstem.
aa. How much longer wlll Jehovah Permlt wfckednesa, and
1. (a) When Jesus was on earth, what dld he tell his followera
about heavenly life? (b) Why do many persons want to go to
what opportunity does the rem-g time glve us? a. (a) What h the klngdom of God and where h it located?
23. (a) How should we view obedience to God? (b) After (b) 80, when Jesus aald that the "little Roclr" would inherit
Ood'a loyal acrvanta have done the work of declaring his name "the irlngdom." what dld that mean?
and putpasen In all the earth,what will Jehovah do? 15
proved of giving you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32) (Revelation 20:4) And how loving of God to put
Yes, God would give this "little flock" a share in in office those who have experienced the problems
the heavenly government over all mankind. common to humankind! Surely, they, like Christ,
'At Revelation 20:6 we read concerning those will deal in an understanding way with their sub-
who would be resurrected to heavenly life: "They jects. (Hebrews 2:17, 18) What a blessing it will
will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will be to the inhabitants of earth as these heavenly
rule as kings with him for the thousand years." priests apply to them the benefits of Christ's ran-
Jesus Christ is the principal king and the high som sacrifice, healing them spiritually, mentally
priest, and these faithful ones taken from the earth and physically until they reach perfection!-Reve-
serve with him.-Revelation 5:9, 10. lation 21: 2-4.
Why are they chosen from the earth for such HOW MANY a0 TO HEAVEN?
a work? Because it was here a t this earth that Je- 0 Those who are called by God to share in such
hovah's rulership was challenged. It was here that heavenly service are few in number. As Jesus said,
the faithfulness of men to God could be put to the they are a "little flock." Years after his return to
test under opposition from the Devil. It was here heaven, Jesus made known the exact number in
that Jesus proved his full loyalty to God under test a vision to the apostle John, who wrote: "I saw,
and gave his life as a ransom for mankind. So it and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount
was from this earth that Jehovah arranged to Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thou-
take a "little flock" of persons to be associated sand ... who have been bought from the earth."
with his Son in the heavenly kingdom. They are (Revelation 14: 1,3) The "Lamb" referred to here
persons who show full faith in God's provision for is, of course, Jesus Christ; and this "Mount Zion"
salvation through Wi. They are ones whose is not on earth, but in heaven where Jesus is.
lives prove the Devil a liar when he charged that (John 1:29; Hebrews 12:22) So the 144,000 are
men serve God only for selfish advantage. Jehovah persons who die on earth as humans and are
has marvelously purposed to use them for his resurrected to heavenly life as spirit creatures,
glory.-Ephesians 1:9-12. as Jesus was. (Romans 6:5) When compared with
% kings and priests under the direction of the thousands of millions of persons who live on
Jesus Christ, they will serve from their heavenly earth, they are, indeed, a "little flock."
positions in carrying out Jehovah's will toward 'However, the "little flock" who go to heaven
mankind. How wonderful it will be to have as are not the only ones who receive salvation. As
rulers those who have proved faithful to God!
8. What does Ravelatdon a0:B ssy that those resusreoted to
we have seen, they will have happy earthly sub-
jects. Jesus referred to these as his "other sheep,"
hssvetlly life WUdo there? of whom "a great crowd" are even now serving
4. Why h it fltth that thoae whom Ood arranges to be h
Wu, heavenly Ungdom are tslren irom thts earth?
6. ( 8 ) Wh la % a lovfng arrangement of Ood to put in omcs
-faithfully.-John 10:16; Revelation 7:9, 15.
6. Xow man make u the "lltWe flock"?
those who save cx~~14enced the problema cxunmon to ~nankh~d?
(b) What blassins8 wUI earth's inhabitants enjoy when theas
7. (a) de1 ~ . 0 0 8 t h only
e on- to -ve salvation? m) BY
whst tam did Jesus refer to thoss who w i l l live on aarth?
heavenly prleatd apply the beneflta of Christ's ransom sacrlllos?
ROW ONE KNOWS WHETAEs BE IS OR ones whom you had lost in death. But when you
THE 'ZITl!LE FLOCK" had that expectation, did you know that the Bible
8Members of the "little flock" know that God says that such faithful servants of Cod as King
has called them to heavenly life. How? By means David and John the Baptist did not go to heaven?
of the operation of God's spirit, which implants (Acts 2:29, 34; Matthew 11:ll) At that time did
and cultivates in them the hope of heavenly life. you know that only 144,000 chosen from among
The apostle Paul, as one of the "little flock," mankind over the past nineteen centuries would
wrote: "The spirit itself bears witness with our gain heavenly life? And did you know then that
spirit that we are God's children. If, then, we are the Bible holds out hope of eternal life under
children, we are also heirs: heirs indeed of God, righteous conditions here on earth for all others
but joint heirs with Christ, provided we suffer who would become faithful servants of God?
together that we may also be glorified together." -Psalm 37:10, 11,29 [%:lo, 11,29, Dyl.
(Romans 8:16, 17) The operation of God's spirit When you were then thinking about heavenly
changes the entire outlook of such a person, so l i e for yourself, did you believe in the immortality
that his thoughts and prayers are centered upon of the human soul? Then, understandably, you may
serving God with the heavenly hope in view. Being have hoped that your soul would go to heaven.
with Christ in heaven is more important to him But if you had such a hope it was not because
than any earthly ties. God's spirit was bearing witness to you. To the
No doubt you have thought about this matter, contrary, as you now know, God's inspired Word
and perhaps you have wondered whether you are says that the human soul dies and goes out of exis-
one who will receive heavenly life. Before one can tence. So those who die must depend on God to
properly analyze his situation, he needs an under- resurrect them to whatever place he wills for
standing of what the Bible teaches on this matter. them.-Ezekiel 18:4; 1 Corinthians 15:35-38.
Why? Because God's holy spirit that bears witness iaIn this matter, then, we must look to the
that one has been called to heavenly glory is the Scriptures for guidance and not let emotions, or a
same spirit that directed the writing of the Bible. background of unscriptural beliefs, confuse our
With this in mind, let us examine the situation. thinkiig. Those who receive heavenly life are not
loIn the past did you believe that all good per- persons who choose it for themselves; God is the
sons go to heaven? If so, and if you endeavored one who does the choosing. (2 Thessalonians 2:
to live a good life, you may well have expected to 13, 14) They are called on to leave behind close
be included among them. You may also have family members and friends and all earthly things
for the privilege of sharing as assistant kings and
- in this way to be reunited with your loved
8. How does one who ha8 been called to heaven b o w that?
8. Before one can MOIYM)hln situtlm with regard to heavenly
underpriests with Christ and as part of his
l s false teaahlnu aa to the soul do many Per-
11. ~ m s ~of~whst
~ ~

--, -hat 4.
iif- nua.a? i&-thlnl-thst they wlll go to hiaven7
10. (a) What belief may have caused one to ect to ga Lo 11 (a) Who 8ws the chmslng of psrsona who wlll W v e
heaven? (b) what ~ t b l etruths are not born% thass who h&v- We7 a) To what hope i8 a0d principslly pomtlns
think that all good people go Lo heaven? p e r m today7
"bride!' (Revelation 21:2) That is what God has "Will this be a visible, physical return? Some
set before them, and they show deep appreciation may point out that Revelation 1:7 says: "Look!
for it. But it is not necessary to be of that heavenly He is coming with the clouds, and wery eye will
group to gain relief from the troubles of this life. see him." Does this mean that they will see him
God loves his earthly "other sheep" too. He prom- literally with their physical eyes? The Bible speaks
ises that he is going to make thii earth a para- not only of seeing with our physical eyes, but of
dise, where pain and sorrow will be no more. seeing in the sense that we understand or discern.
The facts show that it is principally to such an Jesus showed that the religious Pharisees of his
earthly hope of l i e that God has been pointing day were blind although they said, "We see!' They
persons in recent years. were spiritually blind. (John 9:39-41; Isaiah 4323)
la Howwer, each year, on the anniversary of It is in such a sense of spiritual seeing that Reve-
Christ's death, the few remaining members of the lation 1:7 is to be understood. "Every eye" is made
"little flock" yet on earth keep the Memorial of to "see" him because, even though they may re-
Christ's death. As Jesus directed, they partake of fuse to show faith now, when Christ executes the
unleavened bread and red wine, which are symbols wicked, they will know what is happening because
representing the flesh and blood that Jesus gave they have been told in advance. However, that
for mankind. Jesus said to those whom he in- Jesus would not visibly return he himself made
structed to partake of these emblems that he was clear, saying: "A little longer and the world will
making with them 'a covenant for a kingdom'; behold me no more, but you will behold me, be-
so those who are not heirs of the heavenly king- cause I live and you will live." (John 14:19) Man-
dom do not partake of the emblems. (Luke 22:19, kind in general would behold him no more because
20, 29) Nevertheless, those who look forward to he was going to return to heaven. But the 'little
earthly life are present each year in large numbers flock" would behold him because he was going
as observers at the Lord's evening meal. As one to take them to be with him there.
who is keenly interested in life under the heavenly So Christ's return does not mean that he re-
kingdom, you too should be in attendance. turns as a man to llve on earth. Rather, it means
that he takes up his kingly rule toward the earth
" On the evening before his death Jesus Christ and that he resurrects his "little flock" from the
promised eleven faithful members of the "little dead to their reward in the heavens. There they
share in carrying out the loving purpose of God by
flock" that he would come again, saying: "I am
going my way to prepare a place for you. . . I am . means of his kingdom. You are living in the time
when you, too, can experience blessings from that
coming again and will receive you home to myself, Kingdom rule.-Revelation 11 :15-18.
that where I am you also may be."-John 14:2,3.
- -
16. (a) 'What do- Revelation 1:7 may smut CMst's return, and
18. (8) Who p r o g ~ l ypartake of the bread and wine at the m- la thl8 to be understood in a vl.lble aenae? (b) HOW
do we know
nusl Msmorhl of Chrlst's death? (b) Who else are present? that msnklnd in geneml would not behold CM.t at his return?
14. Wh8t promlse dld J e m make about comlng agahl? 16. What, then, d m Chrl#t's return mean?
"rulership and dignity and Mngdom, that the
peoples, national groups and languages should all
serve even him."-Daniel 7:13,14.
a That event has already taken place in heaven.

Comes to Powerin the Kingdom authority has already been given to Je-
hovah's Son. Does that sound strange to you? It
might, especially in view of the terrible conditions
aWicting mankind. But, really, it is because of
these very conditions that we can be certain that
this is true. Why is this?

F OR thousands of years men of faith have lived

in eager expectation of the day when God's
kingdom would begin its rule. They have felt keen-
'mi6 is so because the coming to power of Je-
hovah's kingdom is not welcomed by all creatures.
Not everyone wants to live under a government
ly the need for God to take a direct hand in earth's that insists on righteousness. (Luke 19:ll-14) For
affairs. Does this mean that God has not been this reason, Jehovah long ago recorded in his
King during the centuries past? No, for Jehovah Word that when he 'begins ruling as king' toward
has always been the Supreme Ruler of the mi- the earth 'the nations would become wrathful.'
verse. (Jeremiah 10:lO) But here at the earth (Revelation 11:17, 18) He foretold that, a t the
his rulership has been challenged. And, as we time of empowering his Son to act, it would be
have already seen, for sound reasons and with a necessary for him to say: "Go subduing in the
loving purpose in view, God has allowed human midst of your enemies."-Psalm 110:2 [109:2,
governments under the influence of Satan to rule
for a Axed period of time.
m1Christ Jesus would then oust Satan from heav-
2 Jehovah promised, however, that a t the end en, the seat of government, hurling him down to
of that time he would take direct action against the vicinity of the earth, in preparation for put-
all rebels and opposers of his rule. And he would ting him completely out of action. In the heavens
bring the earth and its inhabitants completely the grand announcement would then be made:
under his rule again. How? By the Kingdom, a "Now have come to pasa the salvation and the
new heavenly government under his Son Christ power and the kingdom of our God and the author-
Jesus. So the coming of that kingdom to power ity of his Christ." But for the earth, what? "Woe
means that great changes are near a t hand. It ...
- , because the Devil has come down to you,
means that Jehovah God has given to his Son
I. (a) To what have men of faith long looked forward7
S. Why may some at fist flnd It strango to w that
kin dom haa already wme to powor9
4. fa) why do not ~ I Icreatursa welwma amiss bgdom?

(b) ma not Qod swam been K(ng7 (b) So what WM it foretold that Gad would say to hia Son
I. What La ood'a klngdom, and to whom daes he glve the When ersntlng hlm p o w to act M f i g ?
rulloP ma7 s2 6. What notion nu then to take place In h e a m and aith
what rmult for the anrth?
84 me RUTH m ~ LWDS
having great anger, knowing he has a short period
of time." (Revelation 12:5, 7-10,12) Full control
of earth by God's kingdom must soon follow! How-
wer, the start of the rule by God's kingdom does
not mean immediate peace and righteousness on
earth. To the contrary, it triggers a period of
unprecedented trouble for earth's inhabitants.
"Realzing this, we can better understand the
meaning of what Jesus told his followers about
his second presence. They had asked him: "Tell
us, When will these things be, and what will be
the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of
the system of things?" (Matthew 24:3) Jesus then
described, for their benefit and ours, what would
take place on earth when he would begin to rule
in heaven. In this way, although the events in
heaven would be invi&ble to human eyes, there
would be visible proof that Christ was a t last on
the throne, taking action as king. It would be prod
that the wicked system of things that has o p
pressed mankind for centuries had entered its "last
days." (2 Timothy 3:l) Although it was foretold
that there would be ridiculers that would try to
belittle the facts, yet the evidence would be clear.
-2 Peter 3:3,4.
'As we consider the evidence together, it is
important to realize that Jesus did not say that
any one event, such as threat of war or a terrible
earthquake, would be the p m f that "the end"
was a t hand. (Matthew 24:6) Rather, he said:
"Note the fla tree and all the other trees: When

Jesus told his disciples what would be visible proof

of his invisible presence In Wngly power
they are already in the bud, by observing it you ushered in the century of Total War, of-in the
know for yourselves that now the summer is flrst full sense of the term-global war.
near. In this way you also, when you see these "Never before 1914.1918 had a war absorbed
things occurring, know that the kingdom of God so much of the total resources of so many comba-
tants and covered so large a part of the earth.
is near." (Luke 21:29-31)If we see one tree put Never had so many nations been involved. Never
out its leaves in midwinter because the weather had the slaughter been so comprehensive and
is warm for a few days, we do not reason that indiscriminate."'
summer has come, do we? But when we see all The World Book Encyclopedia noted that the
the trees budding and the days growing longer number of soldiers killed and wounded was over
we know that summer has to be near. Likewise, 37,000,000,and added:
when a22 the things that Jesus described take place, "The number of civilian deaths in areas of actual
we can know for sure that Christ is on his heavenly War totaled about 5,000,000. Starvation, disease,
throne and that his kingdom has, indeed, begun and exposure accounted for about 80 of every 100 of
active rule. When that happens, liberation is near! these civilian deaths. Spanish influenza, which some
persons blamed on the war, caused tens of millions
FULFILLMENT OF "THE SIGN" of other deaths."?
'Exactly what did Jesus point to as marking This was just as Jesus foretold. Put together, these
his second presence and the "conclusion of the facts mark 1914 as the beginning of the "last
system of things"? He said: "Nation will rise days" and the year that God's heavenly kingdom
against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and began its active rule.-See also Luke 21:10,11.
there will be food shortages and earthquakes in Also, after 1914 a series of earthquakes rocked
one place after another." (Matthew 24:7) Here the earth, causing great damage. In 1915, in
Jesus tells us to look for a new kind of warfare Italy, nearly 30,000were killed. In 1920,in China,
-total war! The war that began in 1914 fits his 180,000died. In 1923,143,000died in Japan. And
description. Not only did annies fight on the major earthquakes have continued to take place
battlefields; civilian populations too were orga- with unusual frequency since then. As Jesus fore-
nized to give full support to the war. As Jesus told, they are another mark of the "last days."
foretold, entire nations and kingdoms were fight- 'OHowever, Jesus said that the events that
ing against one another. For the first time in
history the whole world was at war. Hence it is marked the beginning of the "last days" in 1914
called "World War I." Of it the book Worlal War I were only the "beginning of pangs of distress."
said : (Matthew 24:8) Greater trouble was to come.
True to his prophecy, it did. The World Book
"In its scone. Its violence. and above all. in its - World War I , by H.W. Baldwh, 1882, pp. 1, a.
t The World Book Encuclopedl~,1966. Val. 20, p. 377.
Encyclopedia says: "World War I and its after- nutrition is said to affect more than a thousand
math led to the greatest economic depression in million people; perhaps as many a s 400 million
live constantly on the brink of starvation."
history during the early 1930's. The consequences J u n e 3, 1980.
of the war and the problems of adjustment to
l2 Jesus also foretold the "increasing of lawless-
peace led to unrest in almost every nation." This
paved the way for World War II. And of that war ness" as a mark of the "last days." (Matthew 24:
the same source notes: 12) And God inspired the apostle Paul to add:
"World War I1 killed more persons, cost more "In the last days . . . men will be lovers of them-
money, damaged more property, affected more .
selves, . . . disobedient to parents, . . without self-
people . .. than any other war in history. . . . I t control, fierce, without love of goodness, . . . lovers
has been estimated that the number of war dead,
civilian and military, totaled more than 22,000,000.
of pleasures rather than lovers of God, . . wicked.
The number of wounded has been estimated a s men and impostors will advance from bad to
more than 34.000,000."* worse." (2 Timothy 3:l-5, 13) These are the con-
Truly, the "pangs of distress" Jesus foretold have ditions that have developed a t an explosive rate
become greater as the "last days" move toward since 1914! You have seen them with your own
their climax. eyes, have you not? Throughout the world law-
"During and after World War I1 widespread lessness is running wild. Said one lawyer: "Almost
food shortages added to the distress. Shortly after everywhere, including Soviet Russia, there ap-
the war Look magazine observed: pears to be an increase in crime, and particularly,
"A fourth of the world is starving today. To- alas, in juvenile crime."* From nation after nation
morrow will even be worse. Famine over most of come reports such as the following:
the world now is more terrible than most of us
can imagine. . . . There are now more people hunt- "A wave of crime and rioting is sweeping across
ing desperately for food than a t any other time the United States . . . In many cities, women are
in history."t afraid to go out after dark. And they have good
More recent reports have shown that a constant reason. Rapes, assaults, sadistic outbursts of sense-
less violence are on the rise. Crimes often seem to
lack of adequate food, resulting in chronic mal- be committed out of sheer savagery. . . Respect for
nutrition, has become the "major world hunger law and order is declining.?
problem today."$ The London Times reported: l 3 AS another feature of the "last days," Jesus
"There have always been famines, but the scale spoke of great confusion and fear among the na-
and ubiquity [presence everywhere] of hunger tions and their leaders. He foretold: "On the earth
today is on a totally new scale. . . . Today mal. -
- U.S. News d World Report Nov. 1. 1965, p. 80
* The W o ~ l dBook Enoyclopedia, 1966. Vol. 20, pp. 379, 380, T Ibid., Aug. 1, 1966, pp. 46,' 47.
t Look June 11 1946. 12. (a) What other conditions foretold in the Bible have
I u.s.A. ~resid&tial Commission on World Hunger (1980). developed at an explosive rat; since 1914? (b) So whdt klnd
- of reports come from nation after nation?
l.3. (a) At Luke 21:25 26 what other feature of the "last days"
11. (a) To what extent have food shortages added to the dis-
tress, as Jesus foretold? (b) How do food shortages of our day did Jesus foretell? (6) HOW is the fumllment of this prophecy
dmer from thase previous? evident i n the news of our time?
anguish of nations, not knowing the way out . . . days of one political empire, but in the 'last days"
men become faint out of fear and expectation of of the entire wicked system controlled by Satan.
the things coming upon the inhabited earth." 1914 A MARMARgED YEAR
(Luke 21:25, 26) The fulfillment of this prophecy " Years in advance Bible scholars realized that
is evident in the news of our time. U.S. News 1914 was to be a year of great significance. Bible
& World Report said: chronology specifically points to that year,: and
'Ts the world in greater tumult than before careful students of God's Word knew that. They
World V a r II? No doubt. expected great changes to take place, and the facts
"Shooting troubles, on the average, erupt once confirm that 1914 was, indeed, a marked year.
a month. Counting out real wars like Korea and
Vletnam, the record still shows over 900 revolutions, " Others with knowledge of world affairs fully
coups, uprisings, rebellions and insurrections world- agree that 1914 was a marked year. The London
wide since the end of World War II."* Evening Star commented that World War I "tore
Added to all these things is the fear of being the whole world's political setup apart. Nothing
destroyed by the huge supply of nuclear weapons could ever be the same again. . . . some historian
some nations possess. One news editor comment- in the next century may well conclude that the
ed: "The fact is that today the biggest single emo- day the world went mad was August 4, 1914."?
tion which dominates our lives is fear."+ It is Of the great change 1914 made, the historian
just as Jesus foretold: mankind is fearful and the H. R. Trevor-Roper said:
nations are in anguish. "It is instructive to compare the first World
All the foretold marks of the "last days" are
War with the second .. . the first war marked a
f a r greater change in history. I t closed a long era
here. They prove beyond a doubt that we have of general peace and began a new age of violence
been in the "last days" since 1914. Hence it was in which the second war is simply an episode. Since
in that year that God's heavenly kingdom came to 1914 the world has had a new character: a char-
power!-Revelation 11:17,18. acter of international anarchy. ... Thus the 5rst
World War marks a turning point in modern
Is It is true that in past generations there were history!'%
periods marked by violence and much immoral World leaders have also commented on the

conduct. The decline of the Roman Empire is an significance of the year 1914. Former chancellor
example. But never before in human history have of West Germany Konrad Adenauer spoke of the
an the conditions specified by Jesus been observed T r deb& conoemln this, see the book "Babylon the
in the same generation. And never before have Great Has Fallen," God's %ingdon RuZesl, pages 174-181; slso
From Paradise Losi to Parndise Regorned, page 113.
they existed at the same time in every nation of t London Evening Star, quoted in New Orleans Times-
the earth. Today we live, not merely in the last Ptcagune, Aug. 5, 1960.
r U.S. News di World Report, Nov. 27. 1967, p. 62.
- $ The New York Tames Ma&m, Aug. 1. 1954, p. 9.
16. Did Bible scholars know in advance that there Would be
7 I b i d , Oct. 11. 1965,p. 144.
What does all the evidence show
14. ns to the year lsll?
great changes in 19141
17. What do historians sit about the year 19141
18. What have others safd a b u t the s W o a n o e of 1914P
15 why is our generation unlike all others?
time "before 1914when there was real peace, quiet that deliverance is near! (Luke 21:28) And they
and security on this earth-a time when we didn't do not keep this joyful news to themselves, but
know fear." Then he added: "Security and quiet in all the earth they are preaching the thrilling
have disappeared from the lives of men since 1914. news that the kingdom of God now rules. As Jesus
And peace? Since 1914, the Germans have not foretold: "This good news of the kingdom will be
known real peace nor has much of mankind."' preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness
Note, too, the comment in the book entitled to all the nations; and then the end will come."
"1914" The author says: "In the year 1914 the (Matthew 2414) This, too, is part of the "sign."
world, as it was known and accepted then, came In North and South America, Europe, Africa. Asia
to an end. Far more than any year before or since and the islands of the seas Jehovah's witnesses
was this the punctuation-mark of the twentieth zealously keep proclaiming this urgent message.
century . ..
the same."t
from then on nothing could ever be In both large cities and small villages you will
5nd them, in all parts of the earth. Yes, this part
*@Satanthe Devil and his demons know they of the "sign" is also being fulfilled.
have only "a short period of time" left before their Beyond all doubt, the evidence points to 1914
destruction. (Revelation 12:12) Even when Jesus as the year when the kingdom of God went into
was on earth, the demons knew that someday they operation, and that event is causing things to hap-
would be destroyed. They showed a vicious dis- pen here on earth. In that same year "the present
position back then, and now that they know their wicked system of things" entered its 'last days."
time is short they are more vicious and desperate (Galatians 1:4) Soon, now, the prayer for God's
than ever. (Luke 8:X-33) They are out to stir up kingdom to "come" will be answered, when it d im
all the trouble that they can, in order to direct plays its great power by destroying Satan's entire
the attention of mankind away from the kingdom wicked system. Then God's kingdom alone will
of God. That is why this wicked system of things operate as the one government to rule the earth
has been behaving so crazily since 1914. It is be-
having like a top, a child's toy, that wobbles throughout eternity. (Daniel 2:44) Taking direct
crazily just before it tumbles to a complete stop. control of all earth's affairs,it will shower down
loAre we disheartened by this situation? Jesus
on obedient mankind blessings of peace, happiness
said that his disciples would have reason to lift and life. The prayer for 'God's will to take place,
their heads up. Why? Because they realize the as in heaven, also upon earth,' will have had glori-
ous fulfillment, for God's kingdom will have come
- of it all. They see in these events proof
Cleveland Wart Parkur, Jpn. 10, 1966 p. 1. to rule forever. And think of it! You may enjoy
- t 1814. by J. CsIMrOIl, 1969, pp. d
19. why h M thla WkOd lpstem Of thlnea behaved
eternal life under the loving rule of that kingdom.
sfnce 19147
80 OlUdS
20. (a) why should w not be disheartened by the world nit-
-Matthew 6:9,10.
21. (a) Explab lust what took p k a in 1914.(b) What will tbs
ustion7 (b) What did Jgll, fmeWl that lala follower8 would
be pmncblw at thll tlme7 I8 It belug done7 uurnes to the pram for W'I LLnpdom to "come" mean7
CHAPTER 1 1 yet to occur down to the end of this wicked system.
(Matthew 24:33) Persons born even as much as
Afty years ago could not see "a0 these things."
3he L a s t B a g s of 3his They came on the scene after the foretold events
were already under way. But there are people still
living who were alive in 1914 and saw what was
happening then and who were old enough that
they still remember those events. This generation
is getting up in years now. A great number of
them have already passed away in death. Yet Je-
T HE Bible speaks of the time in which we
are living as the "last days" or the "time of
the end." (2 Timothy 3:l;Daniel 11:40) The facts
sus very pointedly said: "This generation will b~
no mans pass away until all these things occur."
Some of them will still be alive to see the end of
show that this is a limited period that has a defi- this wicked system. This means that only a short
nite beginning and a definite end. It began in 1914 time is left before the end comes! (Psalm 90:10
when Jesus Christ was enthroned as king in the [89:10,Dy])So now is the time to take urgent
heavens. I t will end,when God destroys this action if you do not want to be swept away with
present wicked system of things. What a relief this wicked system.
i t will be when the organizations and persons that WHY A "'ITME OF THE END"
cheat and oppress, and all who endanger the se- 6Although the Kingdom came to power in 1914,
curity of their fellowmen, are gone! Jehovah did not immediately destroy those who
"ow soon will that be? God's own Son, Jesus were not serving him. How glad we can be of that!
Christ, gives the answer. After drawing attention
to the many things that mark the period from
- ~ -- - -
-.. God's lone-sufferine has afforded us the
4. (a) Why can we be glad that Ood dld not immedlately
1914 onward as the "time of the end," Jesus said: deatroy those who were not servln hlm when his; kingdom
came to power in 19147 (b) How dice8 the Blble, at 2 Peter
"This generation will by no means pass away until 8:9, help us ta view this matter properly7
all these things occur!' (Matthew 24:34) Which
generation did he mean?
"esus had just referred to persons who would
"see all these things." "These things" are the
events that have taken place since 1914 and those
1. When dld the "last days" begln, and with what event wU
they end?
a. What did Jasun m y at Matthew 24:34 sr to when the "tlme
of the end" would run out7
3. (a) Whloh pensratlon dld Jesua any would not msd away
before the end ~)me.s7 (b) 80 how can we tell we are very nar
the end of thb wlcked ayatem7
opportunity to take a firm stand for his kingdom, graciously given men everywhere opportunity to
and so escape destruction. The Bible helps us to choose the side of his kingdom and live.
view this matter in the proper light, saying: "Je- HOWdoes God do this? How is the separating
hovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some work accomplished? Under angelic direction God's
people consider slowness, but he is patient with loyal servants throughout the earth proclaim the
you because he does not desire any to be destroyed message of God's kingdom so that honest-hearted
but desires all to attain to repentance."-2 Peter persons can hear and act upon it. This is the work
3:9; see also Matthew 24:21, 22. that Jesus foretold as part of the "sign" indicating
T o this end, Jehovah God has allowed time the nearness of the end, saying: "Also, in all the
for a separating work during these "last days." nations the good news has to be preached first."
In his description of the "conclusion of the system (Mark 13:lO; see also Matthew 24:14 and Reve-
of things," Jesus foretold this, saying: "When the lation 14:6, 7.)On the basis of their response to
Son of man [Jesus Christ] arrives in his glory, this message, and of their attitude toward those
and all the angels with him, then he will sit down whom Jehovah uses as his messengers, the people
on his glorious throne. And all the nations will are judged as to whether they will be preserved
be gathered before him, and he will separate alive or not. (Matthew 25:40, 45) If you want life
people one from anotber, just as a shepherd under the kingdom of God, it is vital to show it
separates the sheep from the goats. And he will now by responding favorably to the Kingdom mes-
put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on sage and urging others to do the same. In the near
his left. Then the king will say to those on his future this preaching work will be finished. The
right, 'Come, you who have my Father's blessing, door of opportunity will be closed. Then it will
inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the be too late!-Ezekiel 33:8, 9.
founding of the world.' . . . Then he will say, in
turn, to those on his left, 'Be on your way from WHO W m BE DESTROYED?
me, you who have been cursed, into the everlast- 'In frank terms the Scriptures reveal that,
ing fire [of destruction] prepared for the Devil when this wicked system comes to its end, "those
and his angels.' ... And these will depart into slain by Jehovah will certainly come to be ...
everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones from one end of the earth clear to the other end
into everlasting life." (Matthew 25:31-46) When of the earth." (Jeremiah 25:33) But you do not
judgment is executed a t the conclusion of these have to be among the slain. In his Word the Bible
"last days," the ones destroyed will go into "ever- God clearly states what kind of persons, systems
lasting cutting-off." There will be no return to life and organizations will be destroyed. Being fore-
by a resurrection for them. (2 Thessalonians 1: warned, persons who love life, and who sincerely
7-9) So. now. during - these "last days," God has -
- 6. (a) How is the separating work accomplished? (b) So, what
must we do now lf we want life under God's kingdom?
5. (s) HOWdid Jesus descrlbe the separating work he would
do at thb time? (b) What happens to those agalnst whom 7. HOWdoes Jeremlah 25:33 descrlbe the end of this wicked
judgment is executed at the conclusion of these "last days"? system, and how does the Blble help us to avoid belng among
those slain?
want to do what is right in the eyes of God, can truth about God it really serves the purpose of
get out of the danger zone. the enemy of God, Satan the Devil. (1Corinthians
So, then, who does God say will be destroyed? 10:20; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15) It may make some
As we might expect, it is the wicked. "When the use of God's Word, but if it seeks to be a part of
wicked ones sprout as the vegetation and all the the world by having a say in worldly affairs, then,
practicers of what is hurtful blossom forth, it as the Bible declares, it becomes "an enemy of
is that they may be annihilated forever." (Psalm God." (James 4:4; John 15:19) Do we want to
92:7 [91:8, Dy]) But let us not be misled by be numbered among God's enemies? If not, it is
adopting the world's viewpoint as to what is righ- up to us to prove to God now that we are not in
teous and what is wicked. God plainly tells us that sympathy with them, that we find pleasure only
much of what this world views as commonplace in the truth and that we ourselves practice worship
is wicked in his eyes. Fornication, adultery and that is "clean and undefiled from the standpoint
homosexuality may be tolerated by modern-day of our God and Father."-James 1:27.
society, but those who practice such things will 'oAlso in line for destruction is the political
not be spared alive by God a t the end of this system system that has so cruelly oppressed mankind.
of things. Likewise, those who are liars, thieves, As any study of history reveals, this system has a
drunkards and murderers will be barred from the record of bloodshed and greedy grasping for
realm of God's kingdom. (1Corinthians 6:9, 10; power. Fittingly, God's Word compares the
Revelation 21:8) Some may have become involved entire political arrangement on earth to a "wild
in such practices because of bad associations. But beast," and it explains why the governments
now, knowing what God says, it is vital for these have manifested beastly qualities. It tells us that
to change their ways if they want to avoid destruc- Satan the Devil, "the dragon," has given the
tion. In God's new system there will be no place worldly governments their power and that they
for persons who corrupt and cheat and who en- operate under his control. (Revelation 13:2;
danger the lives of their fellowmen. Daniel 8:20, 21; Luke 4:5-8) God makes this in-
*Nor will there be any organizations that mis- formation available to us so that we can decide
lead the people. We have already learned from the intelligently as to whether we will have anything
Bible that not all religion is approved by God. So to do with the political affairs of the world or not.
it should not surprise us that religion built on God also informs us what he will do. In Daniel
falsehood will become a thing of the past. A reli- 2: 44 he speaks of the time when "the God of heav-
gious organization may have beautiful buildings en will set up a kingdom that will never be brought
and colorful rituals, but if it does not teach the to ruin." That took place in 1914 C.E. But, as to
- the action that God's kingdom will take in the near
8. (a) Who does God say will be destroyed? (b) What kinds
of pefsons does God classliy as wicked? Can they change their future, in the war of Armageddon or Har-Ma-
ways'! -
9. (a) What wlll happen to religion built on falsehood, and 10. (a) Why will Qod destroy the entire political system on
why? (b) If we do not want to be numbered among those earth? (b) So, with what dechlon are we individually con-
enemies of Ood, what must we do? fronted?
gedon, he goes on to say: "It will crush and put an they must not retaliate by seeking revenge against
end to all these kingdoms [existing at the time of the rulers or trying to overthrow the government.
the end], and it itself will stand to times indefi- They wait on God. "Do not avenge yourselves,
nite."-See also Revelation 16:14, 16; 19:17-21. beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is
"After Satan's entire visible system has been written: 'Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says
crushed, Jehovah will next turn his attention to Jehovah.' "-Romans 12:19.
Satan the Devil, the god of this wicked system. He WHAT WILL NEVER END
will crush Satan, and he will do this soon. (2 Co- z'The end of this system of things will not be
rinthians 4:4; Romans 16:20) At the time the the end for this planet earth. God's own Word
Devil was ousted from heaven following the estab- guarantees: "The earth abideth for ever." "He
lishment of the Kingdom in 1914, Satan knew has founded the earth upon its established places;
that he had only "a short period of time." (Reve- it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or
lation 12:12) Now that time is wen shorter. Soon forever." (Ecclesiastes 1:4, AV; Psalm 104:5
the prophetic vision recorded at Revelation 20:l-3 [103:5, Dy])It is not the earth that is at fault,
will be fulfilled: "I saw an angel coming down out but the wicked system upon it.
of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great
chain in his hand. And he seized the dragon, the "Furthermore, not all human life will come to
original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, .. . an end. "Ungodly men" will be destroyed. (2 Peter
3:7) The people who made up the unbelieving
And he hurled him into the abyss and shut it and
sealed it over him." So Satan, together with hi world will be gone. But, after stating this, 1John
demons, will be taken out of the way. Their in- 2:17 adds: "He that does the will of God remains
fluence will be gone. This present wicked system forever." It was to make this possible that Jesus
of things, in all its parts,will have come to its end. Christ gave his life on behalf of mankind.-He-
1sTrue Christians here on earth will have no brews 5:9.
part in that destruction. It is God's war. He will The marvelous prospect of eternal life under
use angelic forces under Wit to carry out the the righteous kingdom of God awaits the survivors
execution. He will also cause one part of Satan's of the end of this wicked system of things. Will
visible organization to turn on the other in violent you be one of them? You may well be. But, if so,
hatred. But Jehovah's servant.. on earth are not you must "do your utmost" now, so that God's
to join in the violence. (2 Corinthians 10:3, 4) Word will deeply influence your entire life. (2 Pe-
ter 3:13, 14; Romans 12:1, 2) How thankful we
Even when persecution is directed against them,
11. (a) After the a b l e part of thin wicked system has baen
can be that Jehovah, in his love and mercy, has
omhed, to whom wiU Clod turn hla attention? (b) How in thla
W l b e d at mvwlatlon 20:l-S?
-provision for survival!
IS WUI the anrth be d a a h ed whm thb system ends?
11. (a) WUI true Chrlsthna have my part In that deshuctlon?
Whom will God uae to execute judgment7 (b) When puxcu- 14: What klnd of peo le wd be gone, but who will remain?
16. To aurvi~ethe en8 of thls wicked asatem and lrve tn QodQods
tlon h dlrscted sg.lnst them, how ahould Jebovah'a m a n t s nea lortern, what mmut we do now?
CHAPTER 12 rinthians 5:20) To restore righteousness to this
planet Jehovah himself has made provision for
"an administration at the full limit of the appoint-
ed times." This administration or rule is by
Christ's kingdom. As we have seen, the Kingdom
has already come to power in the heavens and will
soon take full charge of earth's affairs. What is
V l i l e s Earth a Paradise its main purpose in doing this? "To gather all
things together again in the Christ, the things

H OW much mankind needs a righteous rule

over all the earth! Everyone must agree that
this planet today is no paradise. Poverty and hun-
ger are the daiiy experience of millions of persons.
in the heavens and the things on the earth."
(Ephesians 1:9, 10) This administration is God's
means for bringing all those living on earth into
full harmony with his heavenly rule. This is what
Ugly cities rob earth of much of its natural beauty we pray for when we say: "Let your kingdom
and poison the air and water around them. More come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also
and more cities are becoming 'jungles' of crime, upon earth."-Matthew 6: 10.
where people are afraid to leave their homes at 'What will this mean with regard to human
night. How different this is from God's original relations? United in pure worship of their heaven-
purpose for man! But how good it is to know that ly Father, people of all races and nationalities will
God has not abandoned his purpose! For he as- live together as one family of brothers and sisters!
sures us: "My word that goes forth from my (Acts 10:34, 35; 17:26) With God's kingdom by
mouth . . . will not return to me without results!' his "Prince of Peace" ruling over the entire globe,
(Isaiah 55:11; see also Genesis 2: 8,15; 1:28.) He the earth will no longer be divided politically.
will yet make this earth a glorious paradise. There will be no proud nationalism to arouse
Jehovah will soon bring to its end all the hatred, conflict and bloodshed. (Isaiah 9: 6,7) Any
present wicked system. If you gain Jehovah's ap- death-dealing weapons of war that remain after
proval now, you may be privileged to survive into Armageddon will soon be destroyed forever. (Eze-
God's new system. What will this mean for you? kiel 39:9, 10; Psalm 46:8, 9 [45:9, 10, Dy])So
there will be no more newspaper lists of war
casualties, no more war widows or war orphans,
aMankind's greatest need, for nearly six thou- no more homes and cities bombed into ruins.
sand years, has been to be brought back into full What a blessing this will be for mankind!
harmony with Jehovah God, his Creator. (2 Co-

1. (a) What conditions show the need for a righteous rule o w

all the earth? (b) Win Ood yet make the earth a paradise?
- 'From his heavenly throne Jesus Christ will
4. (a) What changes will the Kingdom bring to human rela-
2. Row may we surlrive Into God's new system? tions? (b) Why wdl there be no more war, and what wU thts
3. What Is God's means for restoring righkousnes? mean to manklnd?
loa 6. Under Christ's rule, why wW there be no lnlustice?
administer earth's affairs in a way that will bring gregation, doing so by means of God's holy spirit.
lasting benefits. How wonderfully he has already (Isaiah 32:1,2; Acts 20:28) So we can be confi-
demonstrated his qualifications, even laying down dent that Christ will see to it that the right men
his own life on behalf of those who will be his on earth are assigned to represent the Kingdom
subjects! Furthermore, the Bible record shows that government, for then he will be taking a direct
nothing-temptations, pressures, reproach, even hand in earth's affairs. Because these men repre-
death itself-muld turn Jesus aside from doing sent the King in a special way, the Bible calls
what is right. We can be sure, then, that under them "princes." These will all have proved their
his rule there will be no oppression, injustice or loyalty to God and their love for their fellowmen.
corruption.-Isaiah 11:2-5. The same spirit of God that motivates their
Would YOU not appreciate, also, a ruler who heavenly King will also guide them.-Psalm 45:16
always speaks the truth? Jesus is that kind of [44:17,Dy].
person. (John 1:14; 18:37) And who would not Neither race, nor color, nor place of birth will
feel drawn to one who shows genuine warmth and have any bearing on the way these princely repre-
sincere interest in others? When Jesus traveled sentatives apply God's righteous laws. (Deuteron-
about declaring the good news, the Bible tells us, omy 10:17;Romans 2:11) Following the example
he freely used the Wwer that God had given him of their King, the "princes" will serve humbly and
to heal the sick, both physically and in a spiritual helpfully, bringing refreshment to their fellow-
way. (Matthew 9:35,36)While it would have been men. Yet they will be firm in upholding God's
grand to live during the time of Jesus' earthly min- righteousness.-Matthew 11:29;20:25-28.
istry, it will be far grander to live on earth when 'O The earth having been cleansed of all evil-
he uses this power on behalf of all mankind. doers, crime will never be allowed to take root
Associated with Jesus in his heavenly kingdom again. (Psalm 37:9-11[36:9-11,Dy]) Never again
will be 144,000kings and priests taken from among will there be a need for policemen, jails, handcuffs,
mankind and made perfect by God. (Revelation burglar alarms, safes, locks and keys. Under the
5:10) These, too, are persons who prove their love
of righteousness down to the death.-&velation Kingdom's righteous rule, you will know that any-
14:1,4,5;2:lO. one knocking at your door is a friend. There will
B B ~will
t this heavenly government have any be complete freedom from fear of any harm.
visible representatives? Yes, indeed! Why, even Nevermore will anyone be afraid to stroll through
now the heavenly administration appoints faithful a park at night to view the starry handiwork of
- -
men as its representatives in the Christian con- the Creator. Even as is true of God's congregation
person 14 Jesus, ao that we should be grateful today in a spiritual way, so then in a literal way,
6. What klnd of
ta have him ar Ruler?
7. What klnd of pusom are those who WUrule with Jesus In
9, will the color of one's skin or his place of blrth influence
his heavenly klngdom? how he is treated then?
8. (a) Wffl there be vlsible representatlVeB of Chrtst's heaved7 10. m contrast with the insecurity and fear so common today,
ldngdom? (b) Who will select them? what will be the conditions under Christ's righteous rule?
"they will actually dwell in security, with no one nations." (Revelation 22:1, 2) By making con-
to make them tremble."-Ekekiel 34:28. tinual progress in righteousness and with the help
of the heavenly priesthood, they will progressively
HEALTR AND LIFE grow young and strong, until they reach perfec-
The initial program of the Kingdom will cover tion of health in mind and body. They will be set
a period of one thousand years. During that time completely free from the bondage to sin and death
Jesus Christ and the members of his heavenly inherited from A d a m . J o h n 11:26.
government will serve not only as kings but also "Yes, in this way, God will "wipe out every
as priests of God on behalf of all their human sub- tear from their eyes, and death will be no more,
jects. (Revelation 20: 6) Why? Because all persons neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any
on earth will need to be "set free from enslave- more. The former things have passed away."
ment to corruption" in order to have "the glorious (Revelation 21:4) How marvelous it will be to
freedom of the children of God." (Romans 8:21) enjoy perfect health! Even as God's Son cured
Even after the wicked have been destroyed, the lepers and healed the lame and blind when on
earthly survivors will still be imperfect due to sin earth, so his righteous rule will bring an end to
inherited from Adam. The wrong desires of their all disease and suffering. (Mark 1:40-42; John 5:
imperfect flesh will still be warring against the 5-9; Matthew 9:35) Gone then will be the need for
right desires of mind and heart. (Romans 7:21-23) hospitals and health insurance! With sickness and
So, to be accepted fully into God's family of sons, death removed, a worldwide cause for tears will
they first need the services of the heavenly priests be gone. (1Corinthians 15:25, 26) How wonder-
of God. What will these do? N it will be to enjoy full freedom from sin, and
l a They will have a power that has been lacking
to be able to measure up perfectly to God's righ-
in all human governments till now: the power to teous standards in speech, thought and conduct!
cleanse persons of sin and imperfection. This WELCOMING PERSONS BACK
power rests in God's heavenly priesthood by means FROM THE DEAD
of Jesus' ransom sacrifice. God's Son and his asso- "There is also the happy prospect that your
ciate priests will then apply the benefits of Jesus' loved ones who have died will be able to enjoy the
sacrifice directly to all obedient ones. (John 1:29; blessings of the righteous rule of God's Son over
1 John 2: 2) This provision is pictured in the Bible the earth. Jesus revealed the hope for the count-
by the symbolic "river of water of life" that flows
from the "throne of God and of the Lamb" and less millions who have died, saying: "Do not mar-
"the leaves of the trees . . . for the curing of the vel a t this, because the hour is coming in which
11. Besides servlng as kings. in what other capacity wU1 the
all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice
members of Christ's heavenly government serve? W h y ?
12. (a) What unique power will the members of Christ's
heavenly lringdom have? (b) To what bleued state wU1 people ,
attain? e v d a t John 5:28,297
other observers react to this miracle? "At once
they were beside themselves with great ecstasy!'
They could hardly contain their happiness.-Mark
5:35, 38-42; see also John 11:38-44; Luke 7:ll-16.
When paradise is restored to earth, Jesus will
again use hi power to raise the dead. For the
Bible assures us that "there is going to be a resur-
rection of both the righteous and the unrighteous."
(Acts 24:15) What joy there will be earth wide
when group after group of dead persons come
back to life! Imagine what happy reunions of loved
relatives there will be! Instead of obituary columns,
there may well be announcements of newly resur-
rected ones to bring joy to their loved ones.
l7 Many millions of persons have died, but that
poses no problem for God. He can remember them
Even the dead were raised to life by Jesus all. Why, the Bible tells us that God "is counting
the number of the stars; all of them he calls by
and come out." (John 5:28, 29) What a time of their names!' (Psalm 147:4 [146:4, Dy]) Con-
thrilling joy it will be when first the news is sider what that means. There are said to be hun-
flashed around the earth: 'The dead are b e i i dreds of millions of galaxies, each galaxy con-
raised up!" taining hundreds of millions of individual stars,
We can have full confidence that this will be and yet God knows each star by name. The num-
a reality. Keep in mind that, while on earth, Jesus ber of all the humans that have ever lived is small
not only cured the sick and crippled; he also by comparison. So it will not be difficult for God
brought dead persons back to life. (Matthew 11: to remember all who have died and who come
2-6) This demonstrated God's wonderful power under Christ's ransom provision. (Matthew 19:
of resurrecting the dead, a power he has granted 26) They will be restored to life right here on
to Jesus Christ. Perhaps you recall the occasion earth. What a thrilling privilege to be on hand to
when Jesus came to the house of a man whose welcome them back from the dead!
twelve-year-old daughter had died. Addressing laWhen they come back will they be the same
himself to the dead girl, Jesus said: "Maiden, I
say to you, Get up!" What was the result? The - Will we know them? Yes! Even man can
Bible tells us: "Immediately the maiden rose and ".."
Who wlll be rslmd from the dead, and how d l thla affect
tkl I l v l l ~ D
17. Why II no problem for
f to remember all those
Qod who
began walking." How did her parents and the
IS. Wlw on wa have oontulm~ethat Jesua wlll ra(ae the dead?
u s to be redwated?
18. xn the ranurmtlon, will you be abh to rscapnlre thorn
h e w befomP why?
indefinitely preserve pictures and voices on mag- of the "scrolls." (Revelation 20:ll-13) By re-
netic tape for later use on television. God can do sponding to the education provided, even those
even more than that. At resurrection time he can who were once as dangerous as wild animals will
provide each one with a suitable body, just as he change their ways, just as many have already done
did in creating the first man, and then reimplant upon coming into association with the Christian
in the brain the exact memories of all that the congregation.-Isaiah 11:9; 26: 9; 35 :8, 9.
person learned and experienced during his for-
mer life. Thus in the resurrection that person will
come forth with the same personality that he had *'Progress in righteousness will bring material
at death, just as the resurrected Jesus retained his blessings too. There will be a literal fulfillment of
own personality. (Hebrews 13:8) You will recog- the prophetic words of Isaiah 25 :6: "And Jehovah
nize those you knew before. What a wonderful of armies will certainly make for all the peoples,
prospect!-Job 14:13-15. in this mountain, a banquet of well-oiled dishes."
None will ever again know the gnawing pain and
The apostle John was given a vision of these weakness of starvation. But how will God provide
thrilling events that will take place during Christ's this banquet?
reign, and it is found in the book of Revelation.
Za When the Israelites were God's chosen people,
His vision shows that death and Hades (mankind's
common grave) will 'give up those dead in them.' his blessing brought them great prosperity. Their
None will be left there. Then death due to in- lands produced fine crops of grain. Their orchards
herited sin will be gone forever. (Revelation 20: grew excellent fruits. Jehovah opened up to them
13, 14; Isaiah 25:8) Gone will be funeral parlors his "good storehouse, the heavens, to give the rain
and tombstones! No graveyards will remain to on [their] land in its season." (Deuteronomy 28:
mar the beauty of the paradise earth. 12; see also verse 8.) Similar blessings will abound
2oThoseresurrected to life on earth will come in fullest measure under the rule of Christ's king-
forth to the opportunity of gaining eternal life dom. (Psalm 67:6, 7 [66:7, 8, Dy])The earthly
in paradise. It will be a time of education for them. subjects of the Kingdom will fulfill the command
"Scrolls" containing instruction from God will that Adam and Eve never carried out. They will
be opened, and they will need to follow these in "subdue" the earth, making the entire globe a
making their minds over in harmony with God's paradise. It was concerning such a prospect, and
will. They will be "judged individually according with the hope of resurrection in view, that Jesus
to their deeds"; that is, the deeds they do after said to the sympathetic evildoer who was executed
being resurrected and after learning the contents with him: "Truly I tell you today, You will be
- with me in Paradise."-Luke 23:39-43.
19. What does the book of Revelation show as to the dead? 80 -
what will be gone? 21. What blessing of the Xlngdom rule is deswibed at Imiah
20. (a) What opportunity will be open to the resurrected ones, 25.61
and what wlll they need to do? (b) O n what basis will they '22. (a) As shown in the Bible, how will this material plenty
be judged? (c) How wlll changes take place in the ways oi be provided? (b) To what condition will the entue globe be
persons who may previously have been dangerous? transformed?
23 Then the whole earth will radiate happiness. tunity to show their loyalty. How? By releasing
It will be as if its meadows and mountains, its Satan and his demons from their condition of
trees and flowers, its rivers and seas, are all re- restraint in the "abyss." (Revelation 20:7) By
joicing a t .Jehovah's righteous rule. (psalm 96: this test each one in God's earthly family may
11-13 [95:11-13, Dy];98:7-9 [97:7-9, Dy]) The individually have the privilege of giving a per-
fresh air will no loncer suffer contamination. sonal answer to the challenge made to their heav-
Every river and stream will sparkle with fresh, enly Father by Satan.
. water. There will be no more ruining - of the 2BThosewho stay loyal to God will be judged
land. worthy of everlasting life. Jehovah will give this
Z 4 All earth-its forests, its fields, its mountains right to them, writing their names in his "book of
-will be one beautiful park, alive with colorful life." Any who rebelliously turn against God will
varieties of animals and birds. These, too, will be be destroyed in the "second death." Then, Satan
subject to the wise control of Jehovah's Son. And the Devil, along with his demons, will be destroyed
in that "inhabited earth to come" he will bring forever. (Revelation 20:7-10,15) Never, no, never,
them all into harmless subjection to mankind. will the earth, or any other part of God's vast uni-
-Hebrews 2:5-8;Psalm 8:4-8 [8:5-9, Dy]. verse, be disturbed again by sin and rebellion.
FINAL TEST D E T E R ~ N E SWORTHINESS Made into a paradise where righteousness pre-
FOR ETERNAL LIFE vails, the earth will serve for all time to come as
Z5God's kingdom by Christ will rule for all a jewel of praise to Jehovah's name.
eternity. However, by the close of the first thou- 27 Does God's purpose for a righteous rule over

sand years it will have accomplished a particular a paradise earth deepen your respect for his righ-
purpose toward the earth. It will have removed teousness? Does it increase your appreciation of
every trace of unrighteousness. All humankind on his wisdom? Does it move you to express your love
earth will stand as perfect creatures before the for him? If so, then you should do all you can now
throne of the Supreme Judge, Jehovah God. In to serve him wholeheartedly. Share in telling
every respect they will be equal to the first per- others of Jehovah's name and purpose. (Psalm
fect humans in Eden. (1 Corinthians 15:24) Will 89:14-16 [88:15-17, D y ] ; 1 John 4:19)Live now
they be worthy to have God grant them the right according to God's righteous principles, and so
to everlasting life? It will be proper that the King- prepare for life eternal in the paradise earth under
dom subjects be tested as to their devotion to God's the Kingdom's righteous rule.
righteous rule. Jehovah will give them the oppor-
23. How do the Psalms describe the happy condition that will
26. What will be the outcome for (a) those who stay loyal to
God? (b) those who turn against God? (c) Satan and his
prevail on earth? demons?
24. What will Chrlst's rule do for mankind with regard to the 27. If we really want Me in the paradise earth, what should
animal creation? we do now?
25. (a) By the dose of the first thousand Years, what will the
Kingdom have accomplished? (b) What test will then take
place, and why?
CHAPTER 13 inspired Scriptures, a t Ephesians 1:22, 23 (Dy),
tell us that God made Christ "head over all the
church, which is his body." This church is also
compared to a virgin girl engaged to Christ, be-
cause as a group the members of the true church
are to be closely united to Christ, as a wife is to
her husband. Writing to certain members of the
church, the apostle Paul said: "Ipersonally prom-
ised you in marriage to one husband that I might

I F WE want to live eternally in God's new system

we must acknowledge the true church and its
foundation. With reference to them, Jesus said:
present you as a chaste virgin to the Christ"
(2 Corinthians 11:2; see also Revelation 21:2, 9,
10.) So it is a clean congregation, free from world-
ly corruption and devoted to its Head, Jesus Christ.
"Upon this rock I will build my Church." (Mat-
thew 16:18, Dy) What is this church and what is ' Could anyone of us decide to "join" this church
the rock upon which it is built? The Bible provides simply by getting his name placed on some mem-
us with the right answers. bership roll here on earth? No; as Hebrews 12:23
(Dy) explains, this is the "church of the firstborn
%Whilemany persons speak of the buildings in who are written in the heavefis." God is the one
which people meet for worship as "churches," did who selects the members. He sets them in the
you know that the Bible never does? In the Bible congregation as he pleases. (1Corinthians 12:18)
the word "church" always refers to people, actual- These are the ones who will be with Christ in
ly to an assembly or congregation of persons. heaven. And Jesus revealed that, far from includ-
(Philemon 2) The Greek word ek.kZesi1a,trans- ing all who profess to be Christians, they are
lated "church" or "congregation," literally means limited in number to 144,000.-Revelation 14:1-3;
"that which is called out." It refers to a group Luke 12:32.
of persons called out from among others for a par- They are, indeed, a group of persons called out
ticular purpose; but it is used as the equivalent from spiritual darkness for a special purpose.
of the Hebrew word qahal: meaning "congrega- While here on earth they boldly "declare abroad
tion" or "assembly." the excellencies" of the Most High God, who
a The true church or congregation is likened to called them out of darkness into his wonderful
a human body, because it has many members but light. ( 1 Peter 2:9) And, after their resurrection,
only one head, just as a human body has. The
- they will have the grand privilege of ruling with
1. Whv is it hmortant to know the identity oi the true church
- in his heavenly kingdom.-Luke 22:28-30.
4. (a) Can anyone "Joln" the true church by gettlng his name
on some earthly membership roll? Why? (b) How many make
up the true church that will be with Chrlst in heaven?
5. For what SpeciaI purpose are members of the true church
@The flrst members of this true church were a l l can lay, but that which is laid: which is Christ
Jews (as were Jesus and his apostles) or circum- Jesus."-1 Corinthians 3: 11,Dy,
cised Jewish converts. At Pentecost of 33 C.E. ernere could be no finer and surer foundation
-just ten days after Jesus had ascended to heaven for the true church than Christ Jesus, could there?
and opened the way for others to follow him in It is hi own perfect human life given as a ransom
due time-Jehovah indicated his selection of these that makes possible this divine arrangement. Yet,
members through the pouring out of holy spirit. how can we harmonize this testimony by Jesus
Their receiving of the spirit on that occasion bore and the apostle Paul with what Jesus stated to
witness to them that they were now God's spiritual Peter at Matthew 16:18? We may be sure that
sons and heirs of the kingdom with Christ. (Acts there is no contradiction.
2:l-4, 16-21, 33; Romans 8:16,17) But the mem- "UPON TR18 RODK I WIU BUILD MY CAU&CR'
bership of the true church did not remain all Peter had just acknowledged Jesus to be the
Jewish. Three and a half years after Jesus' death

Christ (or, the Messiah), the Son of the living God.

the way was opened for Gentiles or non-Jews to Jesus then said: "I say to thee: That thou art Pe-
be included, (Acts 10:30-33,44; Romans 9:23,24) ter, and upon this rock I will build my Church."
So, in course of time, the true church came to have ( D y ) Some understand these words to mean that
international membership. Jesus' church is built on Peter as the foundation.
THE FOUNDATION OF THE TRUE CHURCH This is the ofTiclal position of the Roman Catholic
'Who is the foundation of the true church? Church. But it is of interest to note that Arch-
Jesus Christ made clear that he h i i e l f is that bishop Kenrick, in the book An Inside View of the
foundation. He applied to himself the prophecy of Vatican C m c i l (1870), shows that of a t least
Psalm 118:22 [117:22, Dy],saying: "The stone eighty-six early church "fathers," only seventeen
that the builders rejected is the one that has be- understood Jesus' reference to the "rock" as apply-
come the chief cornerstone!' (Matthew 21:4244) ing to Peter. Were you aware of this?
The apostle Paul adds his testimony that Jesus is loConsider, for example, the view of Augustine

the "chief corner stone," writing to Christians at (354430 C.E.), usually referred to as "Saint
Ephesus: "You are fellow citizens with the saints Augustine." Though a t one time he viewed Peter
and the domestics of God, built upon the founda- as the "rock," in later life Augustine restated his
tion of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ position, saying in his Retractationes: "I have
himself being the chief corner stone." (Ephesians since frequently explained the words of our Lord:
2:19, 20, Dy) The apostle was very definite about 'Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my
- saying again: "For other foundation no man
<(a) Who nore the &at members of the true ehureh and how
WM witnw borne to them that they were Qod's spiri6u.l sonal
(b) When waa membcrahlp opened up for nonJews?
1. Haw dld Jedw and the apostle Paul ldentlfy ths foundatlm
merutone of the true church?

Church,' to the effect that they should be under- apostle Paul found it necessary to reprove Peter
stood as referring to him whom Peter confessed (Cephas) publicly for having taken a course not
when he said: 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the in keeping with true Christian faith. The fact that
living God,' . . . For what was said to [Peter] was Peter was wrong on this matter involving faith
not 'Thou art the rock,' but 'Thou art Peter.' But and morals and also that Paul felt free to correct
the rock was Christ." him publicly shows that Peter was not looked to
"But of far more importance-how did Peter as an "infallible" head of the apostles or of the
himself understand Jesus' words? Concerning the early church. (Galatians 2:ll-14) In the true
Lord Jesus, Peter said: "Unto whom coming, as church there is only one Head, Jesus Christ, who,
to a living stone, rejected indeed by men but since his resurrection, is "alive forever," and so
chosen and made honourable by God: Be you also needs no successors.-Hebrews 7:23-25.
as living stones built up, a spiritual house, a holy A UNITED OHURGE
priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, accept- la Jesus, the Head, does not split up the body
able to God by Jesus Christ. Wherefore it is said of his congregation into a clergy class and a laity
in the scripture: Behold, I lay in Sion a chief ccrr- class of the "common people." He says to his fol-
w stone, elect, precious. And he that shall believe lowers: "Do not you be called Rabbi, for one is
in him shall not be confounded. To you therefore your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. More-
that believe, he is honour: but to them that believe over, do not call anyone your father on earth, for
not, the stone which the builders rejected, the same one is your Father, the heavenly One. Neither be
is made the head of the corner: and a stone of called 'leaders,' for your Leader is one, the Christ"
stumbling and a pock of scandal, to them who (Matthew 23:8-10) So Jesus shows that there is
stumble at the word." (1Peter 2:4-8, Dy) These no division among those who make up the true
words of Peter show that he, like the apostle Paul, church. However, he did arrange for men to take
understood Jesus to be the "chief corner stone," the lead in the Christian congregation, to serve the
the "rock" on which the church is built. Peter is spiritual needs of their brothers and organize the
just one of the 144,000 "living stones" making up work of preaching the good news. Jesus said such
the true church. ones were not to "lord it over" their brothers but
IZ Peter enjoyed fine privileges as an apostle of were to be like slaves or servants to them. (Mat-
Jesus Christ, it is true. But nowhere does he in- thew 20:25-28) Is that true of the clergymen you
dicate that he thought he was the chief of the know?
apostles. Nor do we read anywhere that the other ''To fit the Bible's description of the true
apostles and disciples recognized Peter as a "pope" church, those who make it up must be united in
and gave him honor as such. On one occasion the - -

13. (a) What worda of Jesus show there was to be no dl*lsion

oi the congregation inta clergy and laity? (b) How were the
ones t a m the lead in the congregation to conduct themselves?
14. Why must the ones makinina UD the true churoh be nathered
in just one ormlsation for wo%hip?
their worship. In this regard the apostle Paul established Kingdom to all the nations in the "time
wrote: "I exhort you, brothers, through the name of the end."-Matthew 24: 14, 45-47; 25: 19-23.
of our Lord Jesus Christ that you should all speak I* A ll those today who hope to gain eternal life
in agreement, and that there should not be divi- in God's new system need to recognize this ar-
sions among you, but that you may be fitly united rangement. For Jesus said that, in this "time of
in the same mind and in the same line of thought.'" the end," he separates to a position of favor those
(1Corinthians 1 : l O ) So we cannot Scripturally doing good to the remaining ones on earth of his
expect to find them scattered among all the con- "brothers," his joint heirs who make up the Chrii
flicting religions of Christendom. They must be tian congregation (Matthew 25: 31-40) These are
gathered together in just one organization. As the remaining ones of the "living stones" that are
Ephesians 4:4, 5 says of them: "One body there
is, . Lord, one faith!' It is vital for us to
know what that "one faith" is.
built up into a spiritual house or temple, "a place
for God to inhabit by spirit." (1Peter 2:5; Ephe-
sians 2:20-22) Those 'doing good' to the members
APPREOULTION OF THE TRUE CHUROIi of this temple class are described in the book of
AND ITS FOUNDATION Revelation as a "great crowd" of persons who
l6 The members of the true church under Christ come under God's protection. Note, too, that they
their head are said * to become "Abraham's seed, gladly serve God "day and night in his temple,"
heirs with reference to a promise." (Galatians 3: that is, in association with the remnant of the
29) This promise is that all others of obedient spiritual temple class, the Christian congregation.
mankind will bless themselves through Christ and -Revelation 7: 9,10,15.
hi congregation. (Genesis 22:18) The Bible fore- I q These sheeplike persons say, in effect, to the
told that, at the time of the establishment of heirs of the promise made with Abraham: "We
Christ's kingdom, there would be only a remnant will go with you people, for we have heard that
of these children of the "Jerusalem above," God's God is with you people." (Zechariah 8:23) Even
heavenly organization, left on earth. (Galatians 4: as those of the true church or congregation faith-
26; Revelation 12:10, 17) Jesus described these
members of his church on earth as a "faithful and fully walk in Christ's footsteps and proclaim the
discreet slave!' And he Mid that such ones who Kingdom message, so likewise these sheeplike ones
were found faithfully serving at the time of his 'go with them,' serving God right along with them.
coming to his judgment work would be appointed Are you doing that? If so, you have the pmpect
"over all his belongings," that is, over all the earth- of receiving eternal life on earth, along with all
ly interests of Christ's kingdom. They would take the other blessings that will flow from Chrlst and
the lead in the preaching of the good news of the
15. (a) How do Chrlat and hla congregatlrm benefit all other
his glorified
. congregation in the heavens.
What blesslnga sun. to tins who ahow moper ~)oognttIon
obedient humane? (b) What rasponslbmty did Jeaua say he oi tm Eumlwment?,
would aive to hia tsue church st the tlme of hia coming in 11. 'What do sheep- o w w, fn sllsot, to the rmaIniw
onea of the true church?
CHAPTER 14 and the false ones, saying: "By their fruits you
will recognize them." He showed that what really
determines whether we are true worshipers of
God is not merely our claims or even our apparent-
ly commendable works, but our actually doing the
will of the heavenly Father.-Matthew 7:15-23.
a A faithful follower of Jesus, the apostle Paul,
also showed the need for caution. He warned that
some men would appear to be ministers of righ-

L OGICALLY there must be just one true re&

gion. This is in harmony with the fact that
the true God is a God, "not of disorder, but of
peace." (1Corinthians 14:33) Furthennore, Jesus
teousnesci and yet would be false Christians. Out-
wardly they may not seem bad. But when
measured in the light of God's Word, the Bible,
they are shown to be ministers of God's enemy,
Christ spoke of those who practice such religion as Satan, for their works are actually in opposition
worshiping God "with spirit and truth," and truth to God's will. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) Our follow-
is never at disagreement with itself. (John 4:23, ing the lead of such false Christians could only
24) But who are these true worshipers today? result in our losing out on llfe eternal.
How can you identify them and know that their APPLYING RULE
worship is indeed the one approved by God? What, then, are some of the identifying marks
a This cannot be decided simply on the basis of of true worshipers of God? What are the fine
what people and organizations claim to be. In his fruits that they would produce? The Bible tells us
Sermon on the Mount, Jesus pointed out that that "God is love." In harmony with this, Jesus
many would call him "Lord, Lord," claiming to showed that the most outstanding mark of those
have done notable things in hi name. Yet he who follow his example in worshiping God is that
would say to them: "I never knew you! Get away they would haw lorw a m g tlcsmsslvea. He said:
from me, you workers of lawlessness." Not only "By this all will know that you are my disciples,
words but a h appearances can be deceptive. Jesus if you have love among yourselve8." (1 John 4:s;
said that false prophets would come in sheep's John 13:35) For such love to be truly an identi-
covering, while inside they would be like devouring fying mark, it could not be merely a matter of
wolves. However, he gave us a rule by which we pretending to be nice to one another, could it?
can distinguish between the true servants of God It must be love that deeply affects wery aspect
- of one's daily living. It should influence how one
1. Why la it both loglml and Scriptural to ssy that thwre la j u t
one true rwll Ion?
1. (a) Are 8% who pmfwea to be CMstians practicing the true
rallglon? (b) What rule did Jesua give by which we aan dls-
treats the other members of one's household. It
What wamlng eat out by the .poaWe psul ahows the nwwd for
tlnaulah between Qod'a true servanta and the false ones? caution?
4. What L the mort oubtsndlng mark of the true wmahberfi of
lzl aod?
ought to affect one's attitude toward people of 'Another mark of true religion and of those
other races and nations. True worshipers of God who practice it is respect for God's Word. God's
show love, not only in word, but also in action. Son when on earth set the pattern in this by show-
They seek what is truly in the best interests of ing the highest respect for the inspired Scriptures.
others.-1 John 3: 18. He quoted them as the final authority on matters.
'Do the religious organizations with which you He continually referred his hearers to God's Word,
have been acquainted have this mark of identifi- encouraging them to read and apply it. (Matthew
cation? Do they instill in their members a love 19:4-6; Luke 24:44, 45) He showed his deep re-
that is so strong that it remains true even in spect for the Bible by living in accord with its
dBicult times? What do they do, for example, teachings every day. The fulfillment of God's
when tension between worldly nations leads to Word meant more to him than even his own life.
war? The facts show that by far the majority of (Matthew 26:53-56) Never did he downgrade the
them have been willing for their members to go Bible; rather, he condemned those who failed to
out on the battlefield and slaughter their fellow teach in harmony with it and who tried to weaken
believers of another nationality at the command its force with their own teachings.-Mark 7: 9-13.
of worldly men. Do you think such a course is What can we say in this regard about the many
according to God's Word and really reflects the church organizations of Christendom today? When
spirit of God?-1 John 3:lO-12; Matthew 5:44. you hear or read statements by clergymen who
&Yet,as you know, not everyone has followed refer to parts of the Bible as "myths," or who
this course. Some have been able to say with the favor the theory of evolution over the Bible teach-
apostle Paul: "For though we walk in the flesh, ing of creation, would you say that they are en-
we do not wage warfare according to what we are couraging respect for God's Word? Or when you
in the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are read statements in which such church leaders
not fleshly." (2 Corinthians 10:3, 4) They have argue that sex relations outside of marriage are
not been guilty of living a lie by saying, "I love not necessarily wrong, or that even homosexuality
God," while hating their brother of another na- can be quite proper, would you say that they are
tionality. (1John 4:20, 21) Those who truly imi- encouraging people to use the Bible as their guide?
tate Jesus, not only refrain from doing harm to They certainly are not following the example of
others, but also manifest love in other ways. How? God's Son and his apostles.-Matthew 15:18, 19;
By their unity with fellow Christians in all lands, Galatians 5: 19-21; Romans 1:24-27.
by the way they deal with their neighbors and by
their loving efforts to help others to learn about DO the fruits manifest in the lives of the mem-
God.-Galatians 6: 10.
6. How do relkious omniestlons and their members today mea-
sure up with regard & this maln mark of true rellglon?
6. (a) Are there persons who have shown true Christian love
his apostles fli this matter?
even in times of worldly rronfIlct? (b) How is their love more 9. Why Ls the worahlp of even many who have the Bible not
than a mere refraining from doing h a m to others? pleasing to God?
bers of these churches show that they truly respect weigh matters carefully, since the decision you
the Word of God? From your own experience, make will affect your standing with God and your
would you say that most people who go to a church prospects of eternal life in his new system.
building on Sunday apply Bible principles in their l' A further requirement of true religion is that
home l i e and in their dealings with others on it must sanctify God's name. Why so? Because
Monday and during the rest of the week? God's when Jesus Christ taught his followers how to
Word shows that there are persons who may have pray, he showed them that this should be their
the Bible and even study it but whose works prove first concern. "You must pray, then, this way,"
that they disown the God they claim to know. he said: "Our Father in the heavens, let your
(Titus 1:16; John 5:39, 40) The form of worship name be sanctified." (Matthew 6:9) This means
that they practice is not pleasing to God, because holding the name sacred, treating it as something
they do not allow his Word to exercise genuine holy. Jesus himself certainly did this. He did not
power in their lives.-2 Timothy 3:5. fail to use his Father's name, nor did he treat it
"At first one might reason that it is simply as unimportant. To the contrary, in prayer to his
one minister who is wrong or certain church mem- Father, Jesus said: "I have made your name
bers who do not do right. But what if the minister known to them and will make it known." (John
who downgrades the Bible continues to hold his 17:26) He knew that it is God's purpose for his
position? And what if the church members who name to be glorified in all the earth, and he set
do wrong continue to be in good standing? Then the example in proclaiming and honoring that
it is time to face the fact that the bad fruits iden- name. (John 12:28; Isaiah 12:4, 5) Also, the
tify the religious organization itself. If that is Scriptures show that the main purpose for the
true, you will, without exception, find that the existence of the congregation that God has called
teachings of the organization do not all line up out of the world is to be "a people for his name."
with the Bible. If you have read the previous (Acts 15:14) If you are to gain salvation, you,
chapters of this book and considered the Bible too, must know and honor the name of God.
texts found there, you may realize that this is -Romans 10:13,14.
true of the religion with which you have been lZ Now, stop and ask yourself: What religious
associated. If so, then you have a serious problem. group is most prominently known for publishing
It is the problem of making a decision either to the name of God, as Jesus did? The churches in
accept the truthfulness of the Bible or to reject general avoid the use of the name Jehovah; and,
it in favor of teachings that the Bible does not though some of them say that they favor the form
support. (Acts 1 7 : l l ) What you do, of course, "Yahweh," they seldom use that either. Some
must be your own decision. However, you should
10 can we know if the bad fruits identifv not merelv
11. (a) How does true religlon treat God's name. as lndleated by
Jesus Christ? (b) So what must we do it we are to gain sal-
individuals, but the rdiglous organization Itself? (bj What seri- 12. (8) Am the churches in general measuring up to thls re
ous decision must a person make if he has found that the quirement of true worshlp? (b) Am there any who bear mtness
teachings of his church do not sll line up with the Bible? to the name of God?
have even gone to the extent of removing God's doing the preaching of the good news about God's
name from their versions of the Bible. For exam- kingdom as Jesus foretold? If someone comes to
ple, the Revised Etandard Ver~iun~ which is now your door or to your neighbor's door and you hear
distributed with the backing of both Protestants him talking about God's kingdom as mankind's
and Catholics, omits the name Jehovah completely, true hope, with what organization do you associate
although it appears in the original Hebrew text that person? This is a principal activity of those
nearly seven thousand times. Are these organi- who actually do the will of the heavenly Father
zations measuring up to this requirement of true in imitation of hls Son Jesus.-1 Peter 2 : a .
religion? Really, what group does bear witness l6 Yet another requirement of true religion is
to the name of God, as Jesus did? (Revelation 1:5; that it keep s ~ m t frome the world and its af-
Isaiah 43: 10-12) If you were to talk to your neigh- fairs. The Bible, a t James 1 : Z , shows that, if our
bors and refer repeatedly to Jehovah, using his worship is to be clean and undefiled from the
sacred name, with what organization do you t h i i standpoint of God, we must keep ourselves "with-
they would associate you? That is not a difficult out spot from the world!' This is an important
question to answer. There is only om? people that
notably follow Jesus' example in this regard.
matter, for, "whoever ... wants to be a friend
of the world is constituting himself an enemy of
laTrue worshipers also proclaim the kingdom of God." (James 4:4) You can appreciate why this
God as man'a true hope. They could not do other- is so serious when you remember that the Bible
wise and be pleasing to Jehovah God, because he points out that the ruler of the world is God's
has clearly stated that the Kingdom is his provi- chief adversary, Satan the Devil.-John 12:31.
sion for governing the earth. (Daniel 2:44; 7: 13, "Do the facts show that the churches in your
14) Jesus set the example by going from one end community take this to heart? Are the clergy, as
of the land to the other ''preaching and declaring well as the members of the congregations, really
the good news of the kingdom of God." (Luke 8:l) "no part of the world," as Jesus said that his
He and his apostles did this by going from a g e true followers would be? (John 15:19) Or are
to village and "from house to house." (Acts 20:20) they deeply involved in the world's affairs, in its
Jesus also foretold that in these 'last days" "this nationalism, its politics and its class struggles?
good news of the kingdom" would be preached in You do not need someone else to answer these
all the earth for a witness.-Matthew 24:14. questions for you. The activities of the churches
'1 Today we often hear religious leaders speak- are widely publicized, and you know what is going
ing on behalf of political organizations such as the on in them. If there are people in your community
-United Nations and praying for them. But who are
IS. fa, What must true Worshmrs advocate ss man's only
who, because of their religion, refrain from such
- - no doubt know who thev are too.
activities.. you -
N m e mother
16. VIMmqulnment of true ~ U @ M . .s u-
pl8lnsd at Jma 1:27.
16. Roml what you have o
w ad. th0 WlewehUI in our
wmmunlty, and their members, maUJ "no part ol tho worfil*'?
*'Now, after reviewing these identifying marks CHAPTER 15
of the true religion that God has provided for us
in hi Word, what do we conclude? The question
at issue is not whether a certain religious group
appears to meet one or two of these requirements,
' ' t Qt /Am
nor whether some of its doctrines conform to the
Bible. Far more than that, the true religion must
measure up in all these respects and its teachings
must all be in full harmony with God's Word.
Only in this way can such religion truly be pleas-
ing to Jehovah God. There are not many religions
meeting these requirements. The Bible shows
that there is only "one faith."-Ephesians 4:5.
J EHOVAH GOD expects all who love and serve
him to keep free from false worship. Of God's
Son, the Bible says: "You loved righteousness, and
you hated lawlessness." Because of this his Father
Who, then, are the ones who form the body of has specially blessed him, exalting him as the a p
true worshipers today? On the basis of the evi- pointed king of God's kingdom. (Hebrews 1:9)
dence, which is known or available to persons in If you love truth and righteousness, then you will
all parts of the earth, we do not hesitate to say also hate and avoid what is false and displeasing
that they are the Christian witnesses of Jehovah. to God. In this way you can find protection both
For you to share that conviction you need to get now and during the coming execution of God's
well acquainted with them. The best way is to judgment upon those who disregard his will.
attend their meetings at the Kingdom Hall of Long ago God foretold that he would have a
Jehovah's Witnesses. In this way you can observe people who would be his "special property," and
for yourself how the organization functions and that observers would certainly see "the distinction
the way in which those associated with it apply between a righteous one and a wicked one, between
God's Word in their own lives. Since God assures one serving God and one who has not served him."
us that practicing true religion brings great con- (Malachi 3:17,18) If you see this distinction, then
tentment now and opens up the way for eternal you should act accordingly. Failure to do so would
life in his new system of things, it surely will be endanger your prospect of gaining life eternal.
worth your while to make such an investigation. What course should you take? God's Word says
(Deuteronomy 30:19, 20) You have our warm in- very definitely: "Do not become unevenly yoked
vitation to do so. Why not investigate now? with unbelievers. For what sharing do righteous-
ness and lawlessness have? Or what fellowship
17. (a) TO be the true rellglon, to how many of these requtrs-
menta must a rellglon conform? (b) As shown in the Bible, how
1. If we love truth mnd rlghteouaness, what must we al~,hate
many true rellglona are there? and avoid?
18. (a) In the Ught of the evidence, whom does thk book poht 2. If we We the dlstlnctlon between those serving acd and
to ~s the true worshipera today? Is that what you belleve? thwe not m l n g hlm, what oourse ahould we take, and why?
(b) What la the beat way to get well axqualuted with Jehovahl
wltnedaeal 131
does light have with darkness? . . Or what por- who sits over or controls "peoples and crowds and
nations and tongues," and who has "a kingdom
tion does a faithful person have with an unbe-
liever?" Because there can be no proper fellowship over the kings of the earth" and 'commits fornica-
between those practicing righteousness and those , tion'fwith these kings.-Revelation 17:1, 2,15,18.
practicing lawlessness, God commands: "There- This means that Babylon the Great is an em-
fore get out from among them, and separate your- pire. What kind of empire? Since "the kings of
selves."-2 Corinthians 6: 14-17. the earth," the political element, are said to 'com-
mit fornication' with her, Babylon the Great itself
To those who were once his chosen people and is not a political empire. The book of Revelation
who were in exile in ancient Babylon, Jehovah shows that when Babylon the Great is destroyed
the "merchants" of the earth stand at a distance
God spoke similar words: "I, Jehovah, am your and mourn; so it is not a commercial empire
God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the either. (Revelation 18:15) Could it, then, be a re-
One causing you to tread in the way in which you ligious empire? Well, religion has certainly had
should walk. 0 if only you would actually pay great influence over the political kingdoms, and
attention to my commandments! Then your peace its control does extend over peoples of all the earth.
would become just like a river, and your righ-
teousness like the waves of the sea. . . One's name
would not be cut off or be annihilated from before
But why should this religious empire be pictured
by a prostitute woman guilty of fornication? Be-
me. Go forth, you people, out of Babylon!" (Isaiah
cause it mixes religion and politics. As regards
48:17-20) What Jehovah did there was for the Christendom, the Bible shows that those who claim
to serve God but are unfaithful and enter into re-
benefit of those loving him,not to deprive them of lations with the political powers are viewed by God
anything good. By the conquest of Babylon in 539 as spiritual prostitutes or adulteresses.-Ezekiel
B.C.E. he made it possible for them to leave 16:l. 2.28-30: James 4:4.
Babylon as a free people. It was shortly after the global flood of Noah's
Ancient Babylon has ceased to exist. Yet God day that false religion got its start in Babylon,
speaks of another Babylon called "Babylon the where Nimrod exalted himself "in opposition to
Great." And again he gives the command: "Get Jehovah." However, Jehovah confused the people's
out of her, my people, if you do not want to share language and "scattered them from there over all
with her in her sins, and if you do not want to the surface of the earth." As they went, they took
receive part of her plagues." (Revelation 18:4) with them their Babylonish doctrines and prac-
In the previous chapter of Revelation, Babylon the tices. (Genesis 10:&10; 11:49) In harmony with
Great is described in symbol as an immoral woman -
6. (a) Is Babylon the Oreat a political empire? (b)
~ a b y l o nthe orsat not be a mmmercw empire? (XME
Bible, whg mould 8 rdlsiou empire be platwed by s prostitute
6. Where dld fdw Wh get its start sitex the Rood,and
haw dfd it8 dootrlned and prscticw become Wldespresdl
this, the book The Religim of Babylonia and practices? (Galatians 5:7-9; Matthew 7:22, 23)
Assyt-ia (by Professor Morris Jastrow, page 701) God has foretold that suddenly, "in one day,"
tells of "the profound impression made upon the plagues of "death and mourning and famine" will
ancient world by the remarkable manifestations come upon Babylon the Great. So it is urgent and
of religious thought in Babylonia and by the re- for our good that we completely separate ourselves
ligious activity that prevailed in that region." now from every part of that false religious empire.
TThus, although many persons are unaware -Revelation 18:8.
lo What does it mean to "get out from among
of it, there are many doctrines and practices found
in religions throughout the earth today that have them"? Is it enough for a person merely to recog-
a common origin in Babylon's false religion. What nize in his mind the falseness of Babylonish teach-
are some of these? ings, while still continuing to associate with a reli-
gious organization that holds to those teachings?
Among the teachings prominent in ancient Really, would this not be a course of hypocrisy?
Babylon were: worship of a triad or trinity of Would it not give visible support to something
gods, the belief that the human soul could not die, that God condemns? How could such a person
and the teaching that persons suffered after death truly consider himself obedient to God's command
in an underground world or "land of no return." to "get out from among them, and separate your-
The use of images also played a large part in Bab-
ylonian worship. As has been shown in earlier
selves, . . and quit touching the unclean thing"?
(2 Corinthians 6:17) If we do not want to be like
chapters of this book, none of these thiigs are those people who gathered at the temple of Baal in
taught in God's Word, the Bible. However, do we Jehu's time only to suffer destruction at God's
see similar teachings and practices in the religious command, then we need to make a clean break
organizations around us today? from any and all organizations of Babylon the
Along with the doctrines of the "Trinity," the Great. We need to quit sharing in their activities.
immortality of the human soul and a hellfire of (2 Kings 10:20-Z7)* We need to serve notice on
torment, any other teaching or practice that goes them that we are withdrawing from their organi-
contrary to God's inspired Word marks a religion zations. By doing this we will not be "limping upon
as false and labels it as part of Babylon the Great. two different opinions," trying to 'partake of "the
A religion may claim to advocate worship of the table of Jehovah" and the table of demons,' and
true God of the Bible and it may use the name of thereby "inciting Jehovah to jealousy."-1 Kings
his Son, Jesus Christ, but of what value is this if 18:Zl;t 1Corinthians 10:21, 22.
it is contaminated with Babylonish doctrines and
7. Where did many doctrines and practices found In relfgioas
"But is not the getting together of religions in
4 m g s io:ao-a?, og. t t ~ m g s18:ai. DV.
today have their orlginl -
8. (a) Name some of the religious teachings promlllent in 10. (a) Is a uerson 'nettfne out from among them' if he con-
ancient Babylon. (by Are they taught in God's Word?
s, (a) What labels a religion as psrt of Babylon the Great?
(b) Slnce Gad has foretold that he d l bring sudden destrua-
tion upon Babylon the Great, what is it urgent to do?
an interfaith or ecumenical movement a good as wen. This is the hope the Bible encourages us
thing? Well, how does Jehovah God view it? The to embrace and work for. (1Corinthians 7:12-16;
Bible record shows that he allowed no interfaith 1 Peter 3:1, 2) True, it will call for patience, faith
with the Canaanites for the nation of Israel. (Deu- that God's way is best, and, above all, love.
teronomy 7:3, 4) And how did God's Son view But God himself lovingly assures you that he will
interfaith? He did not engage in interfaith activi- support and strengthen you if you put him first in
ties with the various sects of Judaism while on your life.-Romans 8:38, 39.
earth. To the contrary, he roundly condemned the Again, some may feel that they are now well
false religion of his day, and stated positively; along in years, and that it is too late to change
"No one comes to the Father except through me." their course. However, Jehovah God, who is him-
J o h n 14: 6; see also Matthew 23: 13, 38. self called "the Ancient of Days," invites old per-
sons, also, to join in praising him. (Daniel 7:9;
Psalm 148:12, 13) His Word shows that old age
l2 Making a clean break from false worship may
will not excuse one if one fails to separate from
bring problems. Jesus showed that one's relatives what God condemns, but that "gray-headedness
may oppose such a course. Yet, wen though those is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way
opposing may be as near and dear as a member of of righteousness." (Proverbs 16:31; see also Eze-
one's own family, Jesus said that this should make kiel 9:4-6.) It is never too late in life to take a
no difference in our decision. (Matthew 10:32-37) stand in harmony with what one knows to be the
It is a question, not of loving such ones less than truth, thus setting one's steps firmly on the way
formerly, but of how strong our love is for Jehovah to eternal life.-Proverbs 10:22.
and his Word of truth. l6 If we now take positive action to get out from
IS Actually, it is by taking a firm stand for the among those who practice false religion, we may
truth that one can really act for the lasting good enjoy a blessed, happy relationship with our God,
of relatives who may at first oppose one's right Jehovah. (2 Corinthians 6:17, 18) For the matter
course. Yielding to pressure may only encourage does not end with getting out from among those
these in their opposition to the truth. On the other who teach and practice things contrary to God's
hand, your faithful conduct in holding to the truth Word. God also gives the command that we should
of God's Word and living in harmony with i t will not 'forsake the gathering of ourselves together,'
bring you blessings and happiness; it will make as Hebrews 10:24, 25 tells us. With whom, then,
a better person of you. Thus, in course of time, are we to assemble? With those who worship God
those close to you may come to recognize the wis- in spirit and in truth. Of such ones God says:
dom of your course and be helped to see the truth
12. (a) When one maken a clean break from false worshlp.
what may happen with regard to one's relatives? (b) What love
doen Wus put to the test?
13. fa) What effect may your enduring in the truth have on
persons dose to you? (b) What assurance does God give?
"I shall reside among them and walk among them, -Although separating from modern Babylon
and I shall be their God, and they will be my the Great may cost you something in the way of
people."-2 Corinthians 6:16. previous associations, you will gain far more by
leThose who make up the Christian organiza- your regular attendance a t the meetings of Jeho-
tion of Jehovah's witnesses are pemns who have vah's people. Like Jesus' early disciples, who also
separated themselves from the many religions of left much in order to follow him, you will see ful-
both pagandom and Christendom. They have thus filled the promise to "get a hundredfold now in
fled from Babylon the Great. By attending meet- this period of time" in the way of brothers and
ings at one of their Kingdom Halls, you can see sisters and homes where you will be gladly re-
for yourself the difference this has made. It is not ceived. You will find that you have become part
just the meeting place and the fact that money of a large family of Christian brothers, whose love
collections are not taken, but primarily the meet- and friendship are genuine and sincere. You will
ings themselves and the attitude of the persons gain all this along with the hope of everlasting life
attending that mark Jehovah's witnesses as dis- "in the coming system of things!'-Mark 10:28-
tinct from other religions. These meetings are real 30;Psalm 27:10 [26:10,Dy].
Bible studies, with emphasis on how Bible prin- Is Jehovah God has a visible organization that
ciples apply in our daily lives and also on how he is using today to train and equip us for life in
to teach God's Word tb others. There you will see hi righteous new system. After the present
persons who are sincerely 'seeking first the king- wicked system is gone, God's way will prevail
dom and God's righteousness,' and who earnestly everywhere. H i will be the only government left.
endeavor to produce the fruits of God's spirit. (Daniel 2:44) His approved people will be the
-Matthew 6:33; Galatians 5:22, 23. only ones remaining on earth with whom to asso-
*'Attending once or twice may satisfy your ciate. Only God's standards of right and wrong
curiosity, but for you to make genuine progress will be allowed. There will be only one religion. So
in God's service you need to be like the early the wise thing to do is to bring ourselves into line
Christians. They really valued the truth, so they with God's way of doing things now, taking full
"continued devoting themselves to the teaching advantage of the training that God provides
of the apostles . .. And day after day they were in
constant attendance at the temple with one ac-
through His written word the Holy Bible. In this
way we prove that we really mean it when we say
cord!' (Acts 2:42, 46) Only by regularly sharing that we want eternal life in God's righteous new
in these congregation meetings can you develop system.-Psalm 86:10, 11 [85:10,11, Dy];Prov-
the faith, appreciation and conviction that you
-need to gain God's approval. -
erbs 4:lO-13.
18. What prom& of J W W U be iul5llsd tmud YOU bY YOUI'
By atteading the mwWnea of Jehovah's wltnessea, what
18. nu1 tlnu from Babylon the Omat and regularly .ssoclsting
you o b m e r dlw (a) money coUectiona? (b) the meetlnm
themselves? ( Y t h e attitude of the ns attending? XY Jehovsh'n people?
IS. (a) Row h ~d using hfs vlaIbIs 01~811lutIon
fos our bless-
17. 11it mortant to ihare in =meetings r-1~~ ing? (b) 80~hathitnlasforUatodonon?
CHAPTER 16 In warning the Israelites against the religious
customs of the surrounding nations, Jehovah told
his people that they should "not learn the way of
.Poplar Customs the nations a t all." (Jeremiah 10:2) This was a
loving warning, because those pagan customs were
based on falsehood, misrepresenting God and his
purpose. Often those customs had a bad effect on
the morals of those practicing them. For a like
reason the Bible counsels us today: "Quit being

W E HAVE everything worth while to gain

and nothing of true value to lose by seeking
to please God in all things. To him the psalmist
says: "You will cause me to know the path of life.
fashioned after this system of things, but be trans-
formed by making your mind over, that you may
prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and
perfect will of God." (Romans 12:2) A sincere
Rejoicing to satisfaction is with your face; there desire to please Jehovah God will help us to do so.
is pleasantness at your right hand forever." THE USE OF THE OR088
(Psalm 16:11 [15:11, Dy])However, Satan the 'Many churchgoers wear a cross, or have a
Devil tries to turn persons away from true worship crucifix in the home, and crosses are found in
and direct them into ways that displease Jehovah many church buildings. But did you know that the
God. One of the means he uses to accomplish this cross actually has a pagan origin? The facts show
is the practice of popular customs that go con- that, rather than Wing the exclusive symbol of
trary to Bible teachings. Christianity, the cross was in use centuries before
a Not all popular customs are wrong. But they the birth of Christ. This is admitted by The Catho-
are displeasing to God if they are rooted in false lic Elzcyclopedia
. . (1908 edition, Vol. IV,page 517) :
religion or if they are in some other way in con- 'The sign of the cross. reuresented In its eimDlest
flict with Bible principles. (Matthew 15:6) Inter- form bf a crossing of tHio lines at right angles,
eatly antedates, m both the East and the West,
estingly, most of the popular customs that have of
Re Introduction Christianity. It oes baet to a
verv remote m l o d of human civ%ization.
survived till today are of a religious nature. Since
we have already seen that worldly religion has showing tl;e pagan religious origin of the
cross, the book m e Ancient Church by clergyman
turned aside from the Bible's standard of pure W. D. Killen says (1859 edition, page 316) :
worship, it should not surprise us to find that
"From the most remote antlqulty the cross was
many of their customs are based on pagan r e b
gious practices. - venerated in Egypt and Syria; it was held in equal
- S. (a) What warning did Jehovah elm hb psople againat paean
rewloua customs? (b) How csa we be helped to apply the
I. BY 6deklng to DIM Wd, do as gDLn a lose? counsel found at Romans m a ?
a. What determlnea whether a populer custom la wrong? 4 What does The Catholic Enwcla dia rdrmt about the cmas?
14a 6: Whst does the boo& Ths A&# ChUrph aog about the
mgan origin of the was?
"B the middlc of the 3rd mntury A.D. the churches
haX either dcpartcd from, or had [madc a distorted
imitation ofl. ccrtain doctrines of the Christian
faith. In order to increase the m e s k e of the auos-
6And, further showing its connection with
Babylonish religion, W. E. Vine, in An Expository
Dictionary of New Testament Words (Vol. 1, page
cross-piece lowered, was adopted to stand for the
256), says that the cross "had its origin in ancient cross of Christ!'-Vol. 1, page 256.
Chaldea [Babylon], and was used as the symbol of It is not normal to cherish and adore the in-
the god Tammuz (being in the shape of the mystic strument used to murder someone we love. Who
Tau [or TI, the initial of his name) ." would think of kissing the revolver that had been
But was not Jesus put to death on a two- used to murder a loved one, or of wearing it
beamed cross? The Bible indicates that he was not. around one's neck? This being so, and the cross
At Acts 5:30 and 10:39, in both Catholic and being proved to be a pagan religious symbol, per-
Protestant Bible translations, we are told that sons who have worn such an object or had cruci-
Jesus died on a "tree." The word "tree" here trans- fixes in their homes, thinking that this honored
lates the Greek word xylon (or mlon). Concerning God and his Son Jesus Chriit, are faced with an
this word and the word atauros, translated "cross" important decision. Will they continue to use
in some versions, The Companion Bible says on them? Will they even keep them? Love of the
page 186 in the "Appendixes": truth and the desire to please God in all things
"Homer [ancient Greek poet1 uses the word stauros will help in making the right decision.-Deuter-
of an ordinary pole or stake, or a single piece o t onomy 7: 26.
timber. And this is the meanin and usage oP
the word throughout the Greek 3assics. I t never RELIGIOUS IMAGES AND PIOTURES
means two pieces of tlmber placed across one
another a t any angle, but always of one piece l0Ever since the time of ancient Egypt and
alone. Hence the use of the word mZo% [or zylon, Babylon, the use of religious images, shrines and
meaning a timber1 in connection with the manneIr
of our Lord's death, . . . The evidence is thud pictures in the home has been popular. These have
complete, that the Lord was put to death upon an been cherished by persons who believed that they
uorieht stake. and not on two ~ i e c e sof timber would bring safety and blessing to their homes.
piac6d a t any angle."
But is Jehovah pleased with this practice? Does
Showing how and when such use of the cross he approve of those who look to material objects
began among professed Christians, W. E. Vine, in of devotion instead of putting full trust in hi,
his book, says:
- the true and living God?
6. Where did the cross have t s origin, and of what god was it

Christians? And why did they adopt a pigan sign?- deserte our consideratfan?
Showing his displeasure with religious images art object, such as pictures or statues, in the
as aids to devotion, God gave his law to the Israel- home? No, for there is a difference between mere
ites forbidding their use. Moreover, he warned objects of art and objects of religious devotion.
them against desiring the gold and silver on What is it that determines whether a statue or
images they found among pagan peoples (Exodus picture is displeasing to God? This: is it rever-
20:4, 5; Deuteronomy 7:25) Did God's attitude enced or worshiped, perhaps candles or food beiig
change with the introduction of Christianity? No, placed before it, as in some countries? Does it
for the Bible shows that Christians likewise avoid- misrepresent the Bible? Or does it portray pagan
ed the use of images. (Acts 17:29) Following the symbols? You may have noticed that some pictures
a m t l e John's counsel to "guard yourselves from of Jesus Christ have a circle of light around his
idols," they walked "by faith, not by sight." They head. This is called a halo or nimbus. If you look
put their complete trust in the invisible God. up "nimbus" in an encyclopedia, you will learn
-1 John 5:21; 2Corinthians 5:7. that it was used by ancient Egyptians, Greeks and
as Secular history agrees with this. As M'Clih- Romans in their pagan religious art. The halo can
tock and Strong's Cl/cZopcedia (Vol. IV,page 503) be traced back to Babylonian sun-worship, and it
tells us: "Images were unknown in the worship of appears with representations of gods of Babylon.
the primitive Christians!' Since the early Chris- " Do we have guidance from the past as to what
tians kept their homes free from religious images, we should do if we And such religious images and
where did images of Christ get started? The book pictures in our midst? Well, what did faithful Ja-
Hletolyl of the C%ristian Religion and C b ~ c h , cob do when he found false gods among the mem-
During the Three First Cmturies (by Dr. Augus- bers of his household? He got rid of them. (Gene-
tus Neander) (Second edition, 1848, page 183) sis 35:2-4) And what did young K i Josiah do
tells us: "Heathens, who, like Alexander Severus as a result of starting to search for the true God?
[Roman emperor of the third century C.E.], saw He cleaned the graven images out of Judah, break-
something Divine in Christ, and sects, which ing them to pieces. (2 Chronicles 34:3, 4)' What
mixed heathenism and Christianity together, were fine examples of zeal in giving glory to Jehovah
the first who made use of images of Christ." God!-Psalm 115:1-8, 18 [113:1-8, 18, second set
Since no images of Christ were used by the early of numbers, Dy].
Christians, it is evident also that they had no HONORINQ HUMANS AND INSTITUTIONS
images of Mary, Jesus' mother. "In many places it is the custom to set aside
- Does this mean that it is wrong to have any
(a) Dld
11. OQd allow the ancient IaraeUtas to use re1 ious
days to honor "saints." or famous Dersons, dead
-* a Paridpornenon 84:8,4, DV.
imwas Us aids to dWtlOn7 (b) Why did ttlc ~ I C Yh r
P 11 8 14. What did faithful mvanta of Wd in the t do when they
found wch fnlas rellgloua Item In thalr m l d s t p
16. (a) Are holidays that ve worshlDful honor6 to creatures
p p g to (b) ~ o l i g y ain memory oi the .,aptrtts of
dead" are b m d on what i.lre dwtrine? 80, what LI the
truth about All Day?
or alive. Is this pleasing to God? The Bible warns the only two birthday celebrations mentioned in
against giving worshipful honors to creatures, so the Bible are those of Egypt's Pharaoh and Herod
holidays that tend in that direction are not in Antipas, rulers who followed false religion. (Gene-
harmony with God's will. (Acts 10:25, 26; 14:ll- sis 40: 20-22; Matthew 14: 6-10) And what of the
15; Romans 1:25; Revelation 19:10) Further, early Christians? Historian Neander says: "The
holidays in memory of the "spirits of the dead" notion of a birthday festival was far from the ideas
are actually based on the false doctrine of the of the Christians of this period in general." (Page
immortality of the human soul. So it should not 190) They shunned birthday celebrations as of
surprise us to read, in the Enoyclopcedia Britan- pagan origin. Those who earnestly seek to please
mica (1946 edition, Vol. 1,page 666), that "certain God wisely avoid customs that exalt any creature
popular beliefs connected with All Souls' Day or that have their origin with false religion.-John
are of pagan origin." Persons who love the way 5:44.
of the truth are careful to avoid such celebrations. EASTER AND CHRISTMAS
l6 Other holidays or celebrations honor and exalt Easter is Christendom's chief religious holi-
nations or worldly institutions. The wrong custom day, said to be held in memory of Christ's being
here is giving credit to such organizations for raised from the dead. But did Christ give a com-
benefits that really should be credited to God, or mand to celebrate his resurrection? No, he did not.
crediting such institutions with the power to save History books tell us that Easter was not cele-
and protect in a way that actually only God can do. brated by early Christians and that it is based on
(Jeremiah 17:5-7) So, participants in these cele- ancient pagan practices. The Encyclop&ia Britan-
brations play false to God. True Christians will nica says:
be guided by the principle that they are to be "no "There is no indication of the observance of the
part of the world." (John 15:19) Rather than Easter festival in the New Testament. . . . The
sanctity of special times was an idea absent from
imitate the world, they will "quit being fashioned the minds of the first Christians."*
after this system of things."-Romans 12:2. Dr. Alexander Hislop says of Easter customs:
l7 Some customs that may seem quite innocent "The popular observances that still attend the
lead in the same direction as the practices rnen- period of its celebration amply confirm the testi-
tioned above. Thus, while the celebration of birth- mony of hlstory as to its Babylonian character.
The hot cross buns of Good Friday, and the dyed
days may seem of little consequence, they exalt the e gs of Pasch or Easter Sunday, figured ~n the
creature, making him the center of attention ~Xaldean[Babylonianl rites just as they do now."+
rather than the Creator. We should note, too, that The word "Easter" that appears once in the King
16. (a) What Is wrong with holidays or celebrations that hsnm
James Bible at Acts 12:4 is a wrong translation
natlons or world1 Institutlona? (b) How do the S c r l p t m
show what course Jhrlrlstxans should take?
* The Eneyclopaedta Bntannlca, 1910, Vol. Vm,p. 828.
t Tha TWOBabylons, pp. 107, 108.
17. (a) At a Wthday celebration, who is exalted as the center
of attention? (b) Who are the on1 persons whose blrthday 18. (a) Did the esrly Christians celebrate Easter? (b) What
celebrations are reported in the ~ i b t e ?(o) Bow a d the ear& Is the origin of Easter's popular customs? (c) Does the Easter
Christians vlew birthday celebratbns? celebration find any suppart at all In the Blble?
for the word "passover."* "Easter" appears no- it should not seem strange that the customs of
where in the Catholic Douay Bible. Christendom's Christmas are also of pagan origin. Thus the
chief holiday, Easter, therefore finds no support Encyclopmdia of Religion and Ethics tells us:
at all in the Bible. It is of pagan origin, and there-
fore displeasing to God.
'*What about Christmas? By checking refer- by the Church.. .. The Saturnalia in Rome provided
ence works in a public library, you will find that
it was unknown among the earliest Christians.
Jesus instructed his followers to observe a me- Also, The Encyclopedia Americana points out that
morial of his death, not of his birth. (1Corinthians among the customs borrowed from the pagan
11:24-26) Says The Catholic Encyclopedia: Roman feast of Saturnalia was "the giving of
"Christmas was not among the earliest festivals gifts."t
of the church. .. .
The first evidence of the feast ZZ There is no escaping it: Christmas is of pagan

origin. Knowing this, we should pay attention to

is from Egypt."?
What, then, of the date December 25, cele- the apostle Paul's warning against mixing the true
brated by many as the birthday of Christ? It could and the false. He says that even "a little leaven
not have been the date %ofJesus' birth. The Bible ferments the whole lump." (Galatians 5:9) He
shows that at the time shepherds were still in the reproved some of the early Christians for observ-
fields at night. As the Encyclopcedia Britannica ing days that had been kept under the law of
(1907, Vol. V , p. 611) acknowledges, they would Moses but that God had canceled for Christians.
not have been there in the cold, rainy season of (Galatians 4:10, 11) How much more important
winter. (Luke 2:s-12) As for the origin of the it is for true Christians today to shun a celebration
date, The World Boolc Encyclopedia says: that was never authorized by God, that stems
from pagan Babylon, and that falsely bears the
name of Christ!
birthday of the sun."$ *'True Christians have something finer than
21 Since the date of Christmas is of pagan origin, pagan celebrations. They have the "fruitage of the
* See modem Bible translations of hcts l2:4 or The West spirit," which is "love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
minster Dktlonarg of the Bible, p. 145.
t The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1908, Vol. m, p. 724.
- * Encyelap~diaof Religion and Ethtcs, by James Hastings,
f The World Book Encyclopedia, 1966. Vol. 3, p. 416. Vol. m. pp. 608. 609:
--. - --
\ , ., -- --. -
------ -.-- -, -.- -- - --- --- .
(b) What memorial dld Jesus instruct h b followers to keep7
t The hrcyclopedur Americana, 1956, Vol. VI, p. 622.
22. (a) Row should Galatians 5:9 tnfluence our attitude toward
20. (a) How do the facts show that Jesus could not have been Christmas? (b) For what sound reasons do true Christians
born in the cold of wlnter? (b) When was the date December shun the celeb~atlon?
-. chosen. and whv "-' '-'-'
b U * I -UC:
23. What do true CMstian. have that is finer than the once-
21.-What'do the far :ts of "hiptory show as to the origin of mo@ a-year "Christmas spi~it"?
of the Christmas cusruvl~:
kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control." CHAPTER 17
(Galatians 5:22, 23) This fruitage produces a
generosity that is much more beautiful and genu-
ine than the "Christmas spirit" that blooms just
once a year. God's spirit produces kindness and
unselfishness that can plainly be seen every day
of the year. This prompts Christians to give, not
with the hope of repayment or because they are
pressured into it, but out of genuine Christian
love.-Luke 6:35, 36; Acts 20:35.
"Real Christians can give gifts and have good
times together throughout the year. (Luke 6:38)
T HE Bible says of Jehovah God: "0 Hearer
of prayer, even to you people of all flesh
will come." (Psalm 65:2 [64:3, Dg]) Yes, God
Parents do not have to wait for birthdays or for does hear prayers. And persons in all the earth
Christmas, but they can bring gifts to their chil- who love the truth, who long to do his will, and
dren at various times during the year. This makes who approach him in the way he approves, can
for many happy occasions instead of one or two. enjoy this precious privilege. (Acts 10:34, 35)
Further, the childrev know that it is their parents Really, what a marvelous privilege it is to be able
who are giving them the gifts, doing so out of love to talk to the glorious Ruler of all the universe
for them. This helps to cement the bond of love and know that he hears you!-Psalm 8:1, 3, 4
between parents and children. Moreover, children [8:2,4,5, D y l ; Isaiah 45:22.
l Encouragingly, his written Word promises:
are not encouraged to be unthankful to man or
God, because of thinking that they are entitled "Do not be anxious over anything, but in every-
thing by prayer and supplication along with
to receive gifts on certain days.--Colossians 3:14. thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to
=Learning the truth about the pagan origins God; and the peace of God that excels all thought
of popular customs can have a marvelous liberat- will guard your hearts and your mental powers
ing effect. No longer do we feel obligated to follow by means of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6, 7)
practices that have proved to be a burden, finan- However, some may personally feel uncertain
cially and otherwise, to people of the world. And, about the matter of prayer because many of their
most important, our knowing the truth frees us prayers seem to have gone unanswered. Why is
to pursue the course that is pleasing to Jehovah, this? It is important for us to know. In his Word,
so that we may find everlasting life in his righ- - - oraver.
God makes clear what his will is reaardinn
- - -
1. What dw8 Psrlm 6S:P MY about Qod, and who may wme
-teous new system.--John 8:32; Romans 6:21, 22. to him with wurance of bsing heard7
1. (a) With regard to rayor what promha dws tha Bible gla
(a) When do real Chrlstlana give
14. glfgifb snd have good Mmea
tcgethsr? (b) Row la this better than what the world does? at PhillppIaI~4:0,7?
Pb) Why do a ~ m sfeel unmtaInty about
a6. Learning the truth about popular rmstams irees us from lsl
what, snd wlth what god In view?
TAE WAY OF APPROACH TO GOD IN PRAYER able to God, then, we must pray to Jehovah God
The Bible tells us that "he that approaches through his Son, that is, in the name of Jesus.
God must believe that he is and that he becomes PRAYERS THAT ARE PLEASING TO GOD
the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him."
(Hebrews 11:6) Notice that this scripture says q t 1Peter 3:12 we read: "The eyes of Jehovah
we are to 'approach God.' As the true and living are upon the righteous ones, and his ears are
God, Jehovah wants us to pray to him, not to toward their supplication." Thus, if our prayers
someone else. Prayer is part of our worship and are to please God, we must be sincere in trying
for this reason should be directed only to the to live our lives in harmony with the righteous
Creator, Jehovah. (Matthew 4:10) Jesus Christ principles of God's Word. If one rejects God's
taught his followers to pray to his "Father in the Word and his will he should not expect God to
heavens." (Matthew 6:9) Jesus did not teach them answer his prayers for help in time of trouble.
to pray to himself, nor to his human mother Mary, (Proverbs 15:29; 28:9) For example, to those
nor to any other person. Jehovah is all-powerful, who do not respect the sacredness of life, God
all-wise, perfect in justice and in love. So, why says: "Even though you make many prayers, I
should we go to any lesser person? Further, the am not listening; with bloodshed your very hands
inspired apostle Paul assures us that God "is not have become filled." (Isaiah 1:15) In this "time
far off from each one of us," if we seek him in of the end" when violence, immorality, dishonesty,
the right way.-Acts 17:Z. false worship and other wrong conduct are becom-
ing more and more common, we certainly need
'But you may say, "How can we, as imperfect to consider seriously the way we live our daily
creatures with inherited sin, pray to a God who is lives if we want our prayers to be heard by God.
perfect and righteous?" Jehovah has lovingly -1 John 3:21, 22.
taken this into consideration and provided a "help-
er" to speak for us in heaven. That helper is "Jesus OWhat we pray for also has much to do with
Christ, a righteous one." (1John 2:1, 2) He gave determining whether God will answer our prayers.
his life as a ransom for mankind. Moreover, Je- Jesus gave his disciples a model prayer to guide
hovah has appointed him as his High Priest. Je- them as to the k i d of prayer God accepts. (Mat-
hovah requires us to recognize the position of his thew 6:9-13) This prayer shows that God's name
Son in His purpose and to offer all our prayers and purposes should be our first concern. Next,
in his name. That is why Jesus told his followers: we may ask for our material needs, for forgiveness
and for deliverance from temptation and from the
"No one comes to the Father except through me." -
(John 14:6) Jesus also said: "If you ask the 5. (a) In view of what 1 Peter 3:12 says, how should we sin-
cerely try to live our lives If our prayers are to be heard by
Father for anything he will give it to you in my
name." (John 16:23) For our prayers to be accept-
God? (b) Who should not expect God to hear hh prayers for
6. (a) According to Jesus' instructions, what should be the
3. TO whom should all our prayers be directed, and why? matter of lirst concern in our prayers? (b) How did Jesus show
4. For OUT prayers to be acceptable to God, in whose name that our prayers should be not just for ourselves? For whom,
should they be offered? Why? then, should we pray?
wicked one. Note, too, that Jesus teaches us to heart to your reminders, and not to profits."
pray to "our Father" to "give us today our bread" (Psalm 119:34-36 [118:34-36, Dy]) If we pray
and to "forgive us." This shows that, when pray- to God in faith, he will generously give us the
ing, a person should think not just of himself, or wisdom we need to cope with the problems of life.
of his own problems and needs. Instead he should (James 1:5-8) He will help us to know and do
unselfishly broaden out his prayers to include what will bring honor to his own great name, and
others. We should include, not only our own family this will result also in our own happiness.-Psalm
and relatives, but others who are seeking to please 84:11,12 [83:12,13, Dy].
God, and especially those who face trials and diffi-
culties in their service to God.-James 5:16; THE PROPER MANNER OF PRAYING
Ephesians 6 :18-20. *Does God require that we assume a certain
The apostle John writes: "This is the confi- position when praying or that we go to a particular
dence that we have toward him, that, no matter building to pray? His Word shows that he does
what it is that we ask according to his will, he not. (Nehemiah 8:6;' Daniel 6:lO; Mark 11:25;
hears us." (1 John 5:14) Yes, every part of a John 11:41) Jesus indicated that it is good to have
Christian's life is a proper matter for prayer. But privacy in personal prayer, going into one's own
the important thing is that what he requests be in room to pray. (Matthew 6:6) And though Jesus
harmony with God's will. This is a foremost reason himself prayed a t times in public places, he strong-
why many prayers go unanswered. The person has ly condemned praying before others just to be
not tried first to find out what God's will is. (Prov- seen by them and to make a show of one's "holi-
erbs 3:5-7) So, rather than deciding what we want ness." He also showed that God does not approve
to do or have, and praying to God about it, is it of using the very same words over and over again
not proper to find out first what God wants of us, in prayer. (Matthew 6:5, 7, 8) Why is this?
what is his will for us, and then frame our prayers ' O I t is because what really matters to God is
accordingly?-James 4:3, 13-15. what is in our heart. "For, as regards Jehovah, his
By our study of God's Word and by our ex- eyes are roving about through all the earth to
perience in serving him in association with other show his strength in behalf of those whose heart
true Christians we can come to understand his is complete toward him." (2 Chronicles 16:9)t
will. (Romans 12:2) The psalmist prayed: "Make How could our prayer express what is in our heart
me understand, that I may observe your law and if it is simply read out of a prayer book? So, when
that I may keep it with the whole heart. Cause we pray, we should do so from the heart, with
me to tread in the pathway of your command- - "God opposes the haughty ones, but he
ments, for in it I have taken delight. Incline my 2 Esdras 8:6. Dy.
- t 2 Paralipomenon 16:9. Du
7. (a) Whst is a foremost reason why many prayers are not m ~ h e we n pray, is- any certaln posltlon required?
~nswered?(b) To offer acceptable prayers, what should we do (b) What did Jesus show about personal prayer? (c) What
first7 kInd of praylng dld Jesus condemn?
8. (a) How can we come to understand God's will? (b) Wffl 10. (a) Explaln why our Prayers should not be read out of a
God really give us the wisdom to guide our course in life? boak. (b) What kind of language should we use when we pray?
gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones." CHAPTER 18
(James 4:6) In our prayers there is no value in
using language that is unusual or high-sounding.
Rather, we should talk to God as we would to a
close and trusted friend and as a son to hi father. Christian Obedience
Our prayer may even be a silent one, in our own
heart. (1Samuel 1:12,13)' At times we may not
find just the right words to express our thoughts
to God. But we can be confident that God knows
our needs and will understand our simple prayer.
We all reach times in our lives when no human
L AWLESSNESS is widespread in the world
today, but those who truly live in harmony
with the Bible do not contribute to it. They take
help is available or when the help humans offer to heart the counsel of God's Word, which says:
is not sufficient for our needs. Then it is to God "Be obedient to governments and authorities as
alone that we must turn. However, if we love Jeho- rulers."-Titus 3: 1.
vah and appreciate the privilege of prayer we a It is true that some who now practice true
certainly will not wait for such occasions to speak worship previously did engage in lawless conduct.
to him. Instead, we will approach him regularly, They may have stolen things that belonged to
frequently, with expressions of thanksgiving and others. Perhaps they viewed obedience to certain
praise, as well as with our petitions and requests. laws as important only when the police were in
(Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18) A sight. In this they were probably no worse than
family benefits' greatly from prayer, wen the many others in the community. However, the
simple expression of thanks to God a t mealtimes, Bible made clear to them that, if they were going
following the example of Jesus.-Matthew 14:19. to take up true worship, they would need a very
laTruly, private prayer, family prayer and con- different outlook on life.-E@hesians 4:2%29.
gregational prayer all bring marvelous benefits. qommenting on the attitude that a Christian
Prayer shows a frank recognition of our complete should have toward the political governments, the
dependence on God for everything. It draws us apostle Paul said: "Let every soul be in subjection
close to fellow worshipers. It brings upon us the to the superior authorities, for there is no author-
peace of the loving Creator. It promotes the flow ity except by God." (Romans 13:l) This does
of God's holy spirit in our lives. It helps us to be not mean that God established these governments
confident about the future. It is a gift from God -
1. Thouxh l a w l m w Is wldamsad. what oourss do thoM
and one that we should appreciate and use.
I Klnw l:19,18. Du.
11. (a) Bhould we walt WU we need apednl help b i o m praginp
bl ood? (b) yplp b prayer apprm,rl& st mealtimu?
lo. state m e o the mwveloua benats of prayer.
or that he approves of their course. Some of them public servants constantly serving this very pur-
plainly say that they are atheistic. Nonetheless, pose. Render to all their dues, to him who calls
God perniits them to exist. They would not be for the tax, the tax; to him who calls for the
able to exercise authority at all if God did not tribute, the tribute."-Romans 13:5-7.
allow it. (John 19:ll) And if God permits them But how far does this subjection to political
to rule, why should any Christian interfere with authorities go? Is it unlimited? Is obedience to
their doing so? Even if a person disagrees with human law even more important than obedience
what the government is doing, why should he to the law of God? Certainly not! Notice that in
join in a riot or share in civil disobedience to try the scripture just quoted the "compelling reason"
to prevent the State from carrying on its business? for obedience is said to include "your conscience."
Anyone doing so will get himself into trouble, not So, one's conscience is not to be ignored, especially
only with the secular government, but also with if that conscience has been trained by the Word
God. As Romans 13:2 says: "Therefore he who of God. Jesus Christ showed that there are two
opposes the authority has taken a stand against aspects to consider. Pointing out that it was proper
the arrangement of God; those who have taken a to pay tax to the Roman State, he said, "Pay back
stand against it will receive judgment to them- Caesar's things to Caesar," and then he added:
selves." "But God's things to God." (Mark 12:17) So it is
' It is a good thing to show proper respect for vital for each one of us to examine his course of
the government and appreciation for the bene- life to be certain that, above all, he is not con-
ficial services that it performs. We all have good tributing to the widespread disregard for the law
reason to be glad that the governments under of God.-Psalm 1:1-3.
which we live provide roads for travel, schools OBEDIENCE TO THE SUPRF&lE LAW
for education, fire protection and food inspection.
Courts of law and protection against crime are also 'Not long after the death of Jesus Christ, his
of great value. In these and other matters the apostles were called on to show where they stood
"superior authorities" show themselves to be on this matter. They were ordered by the rulers
"God's public servants," providing services that in Jerusalem to stop preaching in the name of
benefit his people. So when we are asked to pay Jesus Christ. Did they comply? Would you have
for all these public services by means of taxes, done so? The apostles firmly replied: "We must
we do well to call to mind the scripture that says: obey God as ruler rather than men." (Acts 5:29;
"There is therefore compelling reason for you see also 4:18-20.) They did not treat lightly their
people to be in subjection, not only on account of obligations before the law of the land, but when
that wrath [in punishment of law violators] but a direct conflict arose between man's law and the
law of God. they recognized
- that God's law is
also on account of your conscience. For that is -
6. (a) Is Christian obedience to political authorities unlimited?
why you are also paying taxes; for they are God's (b) How did Jesus show there are two aspects to consider?
4.What benefits do governments provide for us? (b) What 6. What did the apostles do when they were ordereu to stop
view should Christians have regarding the paying of taxes? preaching? 80 whose law did they obey as supreme?
supreme. Seeing this, a respected member of the WOnhip belonged only to Jehovah. God approved
court before which they appeared wisely counseled Of what they did. But how did the king of Babylon
his fellow judges not to interfere with these Chris- react? At flrst he was violently angry. Yet, in time,
tians, so that they as officials would not become he saw the hand of Jehovah God in the matter.
fighters against God.-Acts 5:33-39. Realizing that they were no danger to the State,
'It is not only God's commandments about he issued a decree protecting their freedom.
preaching that are important. There are other (Daniel 3:l-30) Do you not admire their loyalty
matters too. Highlighting one of them, Jehovah to God? Do you not want to be just as flrm as they
said to his people in the days of Moses: "You were in giving worship exclusively to God?
must not make for yourself a carved image or 'This same issue of worship confronted Chris-
a form like anything that is in the heavens above tians living in the Roman Empire. The State re-
or that is on the earth underneath or that is in quired that weryone burn incense to the emperor
the waters under the earth. You must not bow as an evidence of loyalty. This the Christians
down to them nor be induced to serve them, be- could not do, although they obeyed the other laws.
cause I Jehovah your God am a God exacting ex- They realized that worship was involved, whether
clusive devotion." (Exodus 20:4, 5) Nevertheless, the act was performed in honor of an emblem or
many objects of devotion have been made by men. of a person. (Matthew 4:10) Justin Martyr, who
Some of them have been made of metal or wood. lived in the second century, expressed the views
Others have been made of cloth, with a form repre- of these Christians, saying: "God alone we render
senting some object in heaven or on earth m e d worship, but in other things we gladly serve you
or painted onto them. In some cases the acts of [the political rulers], acknowledging you as kings
devotion performed before these have been volun- and rulers of men." These Christians were often
tary, but in other cases they have been required misunderstood, but what they did really showed
by secular law. Does this make a difference? If no disrespect, did it? Nor did it make them a dan-
the h e a r law requires certain acts of devotion ger to other Romans. As the Roman governor
to be performed before an image or emblem, doea Pliny the Younger reported in a letter to Emperor
this relieve individuals of the obligation to obey Trajan, they refused to commit fraud or theft or
God's law on the matter? Faithful worshipers of adultery. They were the kind of people that any-
Jehovah in the district of Babylon did not believe one would like to have as neighbors, and it was
so. The Bible teUs us that three young Hebrews, their religion that made them that way.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, refused to *In addition to our worship, there is something
participate in a ceremony ordered by the king. else that we owe to God. An apostle of Jesus Christ
Why? Because it involved worshi~. and their
1.(d ~hatdldoodi.gin~led.yloi~-aboutpsrim -
pointed to this when he said: ''The God that made
8. (a) What d(d the Roman 8t.b r of itl mbfecb, and
.n act of dmtlrm b f m UI lm 7 (b) What Und of obJeetr
oi devotion hpre mcm nmde~8- b w m*a w m t b e l u chrl~tiam
#bowhl dlsrrllpect?
~ rsfwtX%W~ ttaw awisuaw
acts of devotion bfm .n & w e m e a ~ nhoru,
h 0. s s s l % a o u r ~ , r h . t e k a & r e m o o d ?

the world and all the things in it ... gives to all CHAPTER 19
persons life." (Acts 17:24,25) None of us would
be alive if it were not for God. He is the Source
of life. (Psalm 36:9 [35:10,Dy]) But what are
we doing with the life that he permits us to enjoy? -
True Christians recognize that, to enjoy God's
approval, they must avoid using their lives in
activities that will put them in opposition to God.
So thev avoid the course of those classes of wrsons
for $1j$and Blood
whom-the Bible describes as being in fine for OW much safer we would be if everyone
destruction by God's executioner when this wicked had godly respect for life and blood! But
system ends. (Revelation 19:17-21)They appre- many persons do not have such respect. Violence
date that Jehovah's judgment is true and righ- and bloodshed are on the increase everywhere. In
teous. And they mold their lives now in harmony
with his mw well aware *at
bring upon them disapproval, even persecution,
1 mmy p l a w a person's life is in danger if he sim-
ply walks the streets alone a t night. So accustomed
has the world become to violence that, wen for
from those whose only interests lie in this present
entertainment, people will sit for hours and watch
system of things. But, with full faith that God's
way is right, they exalt hi law and his worship,
giving these first place in their lives. (Micah 4:
1-3)In imitation of God's own Son, Jesus Christ,
i' it on telwision or in a motion picture. However,
the Bible teaches us that life is something sawed.
Do you view it that way?
'Unsrriptural attitudes have become so corn-
they use their lives, not for selfish pursuits nor
for the will of selfish men, but in harmony with monplace today that Bible teachings on the matter
the will of God. (1 Corinthians 7 : B ;1 Peter 4: may surprise some perm118 at fist. However, the
1, 2) So doing, they truly pay back to God what Author of the Bible, who is also the Giver of life
belongs to him. and the Creator of blood, is the Supreme Author-
" Do you want to have God's approval? If so, ity on the subject. His laws are to be respected.
.-. - to law will be a serious matter in vow -Psalm 365-9 [35:6-10,Dyl; Isaiah 55:8,9.
life. It will move you to have due regard f o i the "SHEDDIN0 MAN'S BLOOD"
person and property of your neighbors. It will aIt was flrst to Cain, a son of Adam, that Jeho-
make you respectful toward government officials. vah spoke about the seriousness of taking- human
But, above all, it will cause you to bring your life
into full harmony with the judicial decisions of
-Jehovah God, the greatest Lawgiver of all.
How do the
10. Euluhnes h e l ~ua to avold dfsplessing (tod
by the wa we w our l l V a a l
11. Bar &uld obe~~tmcs to law nu lives?
liie. God had already warned Cain that his anger unborn child in its mother's womb is precious to
might lead h i into sin, but Cain ignored the Jehovah. (Exodus 21 :22, 23; Psalm 127:3 [126:3,
warning and assaulted his brother Abel, killing Dy])And yet millions of abortions are performed
him. Then God said: "Listen! Your brother's blood throughout the earth each year. These are a vio-
is crying out to me from the ground." For his lation of God's law, for the human embryo is a
lawless shedding of blood Cain had to answer to living creature and should not be destroyed. If
God. (Genesis 4:6-11) Following the flood of married couples want to limit the size of their
Noah's day, God again emphasized that human families for economic, health or other reasons,
life is precious in his sight. "Your blood of your that is their personal affair, and the way in which
souls shall I ask back," God said. "Anyone shed- they do this is largely a matter for them to work
ding man's blood, by man will hi own blood be out personally. But we must face the fact that
shed, for in God's image he made man." (Genesis the practice of abortion does not show a godly
9:5, 6) That commandment has not gone out-of- respect for life.
date. It applies to all mankind today as descen-
dants of Noah. Whether human governments deal 'KEEP YOURSELVES FREE FROM BLOOD'
with criminals in accord with that divine law or eThe holy Bible frequently uses "blood" to
not. Jehovah will call to account those who law- stand for "life." This is because the life or soul
lessly take liie. is in the blood. (Leviticus 1 7 : l l ) Since God is
T o remain blameless before the Giver of life, the Creator of blood, he knows more about it than
however, there is more required. At 1John 3:15 any of us, and he has the full right to say what
it is written: "Evervone who hates his brother may be done with it. I t was first after the global
is a manslayer, and you know that no manslayer Flood that God granted humankind permission
has everlasting l ~ f eremaining in him." If we want to eat animal flesh. So at that time he also gave
everlasting life, we need to root out of our lives them his law on blood, saying: "Every moving
all hatred for our fellowmen. God is not going to animal that is alive may serve as food for you.
preserve into his new system persons who, like As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all
Cain, ignore divine warning and endanger the to you. Only flesh with its soul-its blood-you
lives of others with their hot tempers. A godly must not eat." (Genesis 9:3,4) Animal flesh might
view of life requires that we learn to love our be eaten, but not the blood.
fellowman.-1 John 3:11, 12; Matthew 5:21, 22. ' Later, that law was embodied in the command-
5 If we conform to God's thinking on this mat- ments given to the nation of Israel, and God's
ter, we will also appreciate that life is no less Word makes it binding on Christians as well. After
sacred because a person may be very old or very -

" -
God's Word shows that even the liie of an 6. (a) Who has the full right to say what may be done with
blood? (b) When God granted man permission to eat animal
food, what law did he give on,blood?
4. If we want etemsl We. what muat we root out of our Uve% 7. ( 8 ) What did the governing body of the early Christians
SO as not to endanger the Uvea of others? write about blood? (b) How does that decision mdioate the
5. What is the Scriptural view toward ahartion? seriousness of 'keeping free from blood'?
thoroughly discussing God's requirements for er of the second and third centuries C.E., said:
Christians, the governing body of the early Chris- "Those, too, who a t the gladiator shows, for the
tian congregation wrote to the non-Jewish believ- cure of epilepsy, quafP with greedy thirst the blood
ers: "The holy spirit and we ourselves have fa- of criminals slain in the arena, as it flows fresh
vored adding no further burden to you, except from the wound, and then rush off-to whom do
these necessary things, to keep yourselves free .
they belong? . . Blush for your vile ways before
from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and the Christians, who have not even the blood of
from things strangled and from fornication. If animals at their meals of simple and natural
you carefully keep yourselves from these things, foods; who abstain from things strangled and that
you will prosper. Good health to you!" (Acts 15: die a natural death. ...
To clench the matter with
a single example, you tempt Christians with
28, 29) So, we, too, must 'keep free from blood.'
And our doing so is a serious matter, having been sausages of blood, just because you are perfectly
put on a level with avoiding fornication and aware that the thing by which you thus try to
idolatry. get them to transgress they hold unlawful." They
"t is evident from what God says about blood understood God's law to include blood of every
that we should not eat the flesh of an animal that kind, animal and human.
has not been bled. (Deuteronomy 12:15, 16) Nor l0What about the use to which human blood
should we consume animal blood by itself or mixed is put today? Medical doctors, realizing the life-
in other foods. But is it only the blood of animals sustaining power of blood, use blood transfusions
that is involved? Certainly God did not forbid freely in their treatment of patients. Is this in
mankind to eat animal blood while permitting him harmony with God's will? Some persons may
to eat human blood, as if it were less sacred! He reason that getting a blood transfusion is not
made this clear when he later said to the Israel- actually "eating." But is it not true that when
ites: "As for any man . ..who eats my 8& of a patient is unable to eat through his mouth, doc-
blood, I shall certainly set my face against the soul tors often feed him by the same method in which
that is eating the blood."-Leviticus 17:lO. a blood transfusion is administered? Examine the
s This was well understood by the early Chris- scriptures carefully and notice that they tell us
tians. Even though it was commonly believed that to 'keep free from blood' and to 'abstain from
drinking the blood of another human would hene- blood.' (Acts 15:20, 29) What does this mean?
At one's health, they knew that lasting good If a doctor were to tell you to abstain from alcohol,
health, both physical and spiritual, depended upon would that mean simply that you should not take
obedience to God. So, Tertullian, a Christian writ-
it through your mouth but that you could trans-
fuse it directly into your veins? Of course not!
10 (a) I& w a blood tranafualon is not a c t W
d=ewt% *as3if$?%) ULuatrate that 'sbsta- irom
blood' means not tatlug It lnto our bodles at all.
So, too, 'abstaining from blood' means not taldng will lose it everlastingly. That is why Jesus said:
it into our bodies a t all. "Whoever wants to save his soul will lose it; but
" Does this put God's servants at a disadvantage whoever loses his soul for my sake will find it."
in comparison with persons who ignore the Bible (Matthew 16:25) So the wise course is always to
and take blood transfusions? No, it works no real have confidence in the rightness of God's law and
hardship on them. Do not forget that, immediately full faith that, if need be, God can give us life
after telling Christians to 'keep themselves from again by a resurrection in his new system of
blood,' the Scripture says: "If you carefully keep things. (1 Thessalonians 4:13,14) In that way we
yourselves from thew things, you will pmper. will show godly respect for life. We will not view
Good health to you!" (Acts 15:29) God had that our present Me as being more precious than loyal-
recorded in the Bible for a purpose. He knows ty to God. Instead, we will keep our eye on God's
what he is talking about! He knows more about provision of eternal life for those who walk in the
blood than do doctors whose efforts, though they way of the truth.
may be well meaning, do not always produce the "As never before, there is an urgent need for
deslred results. (Mark 5:25-29) The fact is that, people everywhere to get God's viewpoint of life.
while most patients survive blood transfusions, They need to learn of the provision that Jehovah
many become diseased as a result of them and God himself has made to save life. He sent his Son
thousands die every year as a direct result of Jesus Christ to shed his own lifeblood on behalf
them. There are other forms of treatment that do of those who will exercise faith, and he resur-
not cause such harm. A doctor may tell a person rected him from the dead. (Hebrews 1390, 21)
that he will be dead within a short time if he It is not by blood transfusions but only by means
does not wbmit to a transfusion, but the patient !o faith in Jesus' shed blood that salvation can be
may die wen though he accepts blood. On the had. And it is urgent to gain and exercise that
other hand, as you know, there are many patients faith now before t h b old system of things comes
who regain good health in spite of a doctor's pre- to iCs end. If we have learned about this loving
dictions to the contrary. provision, then we should feel moved to tell others
"For the doubtful chance that one might be about it. Godly concern for the lives of other peo-
kept alive for a few more years in this system of ple will move us to do it with zeal and boldness.
things, would it make good sense to turn one's (Ezekiel 3:17-2l) If we shoulder this respon-
back on God by breaking his law? If we try to sibility and persist in it until they have all had
save our life, or soul, by breaking God's law, we
(a) D m 'abatalning from blood' work m y real hardahip
opportunity to hear, we will be able to say, as
did the apostle Paul: "I am clean from the blood
on Qod's m a n t a ? (b) What ha pens ta many patients who of all men, for I have not held back from telling
sat blwd tnnaiualona? tc) Can toctors be mre that a erno on
GiU ill0 ii he is not @ven blood?
la. (a) Why la it not niae to to eave one's We by bre&n# -
you all the counsel of God."-Acts 20:26, 27.
blood truufurl~m,how rmlg can sal-
11). (a) Rather thm
aodr hw? (b) a om -nt%e m e ~reclouathan Wale rawm be had? (b) k
t do ns assd to do in mda to be
to aod? "~immthebloodof~~,"~tbsapaatlsPaulw7
'For married life really to be happy, both hus-
band and wife must appreciate their respective
positions. These are not set merely by local cus-
tom. They are outlined in God's own Word the
Bible, and are in harmony with the qualities that
God implanted in man and woman a t the time of
creation. Knowing how he made man, and the
purpose he had in view, Jehovah recorded in his

I N ADDITION to providing the truth on doc-

trinal matters, the Bible also gives much sound
counsel concerning home life. It shows us how
Word that "a husband L head of his wife as the
Christ also is head of the congregation." (Ephe-
sians 523) This means that the husband is to
take the lead in the home, planning family activi-
to cope successfully with the problems of everyday
life. There is no place where we could find better ties and shouldering the responsibility for making
advice, because Jehovah, the Author of the Bible, flnal decisions. But this does not authorize him
is also the One who originated marriage and ar- to be a harsh or cruel ruler of his household.
ranged for family lie.--Genesis 2:18,22. --Colossians 3:19.
'When God brought the first man and woman 'Though many men have exercised headship
together as husband and wife, he emphasized the in an unloving way, Christian husbands should
unity that should exist between them. Jesus Christ avoid this. They should study carefully how Jesus
drew attention to this when he said: "Did you not Christ has exercised headship over the Christian
read that he who created them from the beginning congregation, and then follow his fine example.
made them male and female and said, 'For this At Ephesians 5% husbands are counseled: "Con-
reason a man will leave his father and his mother tinue loving your wives, just as the Christ also
and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one loved the congregation and delivered up himself
flesh'? So that they are no longer two, but one for it." So doing, they will not be overly demand-
flesh." (Matthew 19:4-6) They were not to be com- ing of their wives, but will handle family affairs
petitors. Nor were they simply to be acquaintances in a way that refreshes everyone concerned.
that shared the same dwelling place. No, they -Matthew 11:28-30.
were to be "one flesh." So, marriage mates should wife, for her part, "should have deep re-
cultivate deep love for each other, and seek to be spect for her husband!' (Ephesians 5:33) Since
drawn together in unity of purpose.
1. Wh 18 there no bet@ placa than the Bible to get advbe
about homa life?
8. (a) How dld Jesua ChrM draw attention to the unit that
should exlat between husband and &el (b) What does tgis re-
quire that they cultivate?
he is the one authorized by God to take the lead, interests outside the marriage bond. But thcee
she can make a great contribution to family happi- who live in harmony with God's Word are pro-
ness by willingly submitting to his headship. tected against the heartache and grief that such
(Colossians 3:18) If she is keener of mind than conduct brings. In language that is easy to under-
her husband, as is sometimes the case, then she stand the Bible warns: "Let marriage be honor-
can use this quality to support him in his role as able among all, and the marriage bed be without
head, rather than competing with h i or belittling defilement, for God will judge fornicators and
what he does. (Proverbs 12:4) There is much adulterers." (Hebrews 13:4) There is no allow-
for her to do in connection with family life. The ance for immoral conduct. Those who want to be
Bible Attingly urges married women "to love their servants of God must lead clean lives. (1Thessa-
husbands, to love their children, to be sound in lonians 4:3-8) They must limit their sex interests
mind, chaste, workers a t home, good, subjecting to their own legal marriage mates, and they are
themselves to their own husbands, so that the accountable before God to do so. (Proverbs 5:15-
word of God may not be spoken of abusively." 21) It ought to be the earnest desire of both hus-
(Titus 2:4, 5) The wife and mother who fulfilla band and wife to help each other to avoid any
these duties will win the lasting love and respect temptation to wrongdoing. They can do this by
of her family.-Proverbs 31:10, 11,26-28. showing unselfish consideration for each other.
In many homes problems arise when a husband -1 Corinthians 7:3-5.
fails to take into consideration the womanly tem- OHowever, if a marriage union is truly going
perament, the emotional makeup, of his wife. to function in harmony with the godly principles
He needs to appreciate that she views things dif- that we have discussed,there must also be r e m
ferently. Her epotions respond in a different way. emphasis on spiritual matters. The worship of
Her strength is not the same as his. Thus the Jehovah God should be of flrst importance in the
inspired advice to husbands is: "Continue dwelling home. It should not be shoved aside in favor of
. with them according to knowledge, assigning efforts to obtain more material possessions or to
have more time for the pursuit of pleasure. (Luke
them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine
one, since you are also heirs with them of the 8:11, 14, 15) Family prayer and regular sessions
undeserved favor of life." (1 Peter 3 3 ) When a of family Bible study should be part of every
husband does this, he helps to bring about a spirit family's way of life. Do you arrange for this in
of understanding and security in the home. your home?
'It is common among worldly people for the REARING CHILDREN IN A aonm WAY
securitv of the home to be undermined bv
7 - sex *When children are born, it is the earnest de-
sire of loving parents to see that the lives of those
(a) What do mme
8. h1111hnda fail to wnslder w i t h rwwd to
the& wtved, thus glvlng riae to pmbbms? (b) So what dow -
8. (a) a mrmkge to work well, what must be of nmt
1 Peta 8:7 advlle husbands to do? lmport.m In the home? (b) Bo what should be mrt of the
7. (a) Row does ap iyfng what la written at Rebrewa lS:4 wn- fmily'8 way of Ufe7
trlbuta to a lenaa o f securlty In the home? (b) To whom must S. How osn Pmblems B maring ohlldmn be met -7
a ChrManC w Intereats be Wted, and why?
young ones turn out well. But the task is not an
be obedient to its parents. This is not something

easy one. There are many problems that arise to be treated lightly, because the child's prospects
along the way. These can be met s u c c e ~ only y for eternal We are involved. (Ephesians 6:1-3)
by applying the counsel in God's Word.-Proverbs God is the one who requires that children obey

22: 6; Deuteronomy 11:18-21. their parents. It shows wisdom on the part of the
loMuch time and effort are usually required tc parents if they patiently and consistently impress
see that there are proper food, clean clothing and this lesson on the mind and heart of their off-
a pleasant home in which to live. But the Bible spring.--Col~ans 3: 20, 23.
repeatedly shows that the responsibility of parents la There will be times when this calls for more
by no means ends there. It is also vital to include than just telling the child what is right. When he
the children regularly in the family's program of deliberately does what he knows to be wrong,
instruction in the Word of God. (Psalm 78:5-7 stronger action is required to impress the serious-
[77:5-7, Dy])Not only during regular study ses- ness of the matter on him. Wisely the Bible ob-
sions, but a t other times too parents should talk serves: "Foolishness is tied up with the heart of
to their children about Jehovah and his ways. I a boy; the rod of discipline is what will remove it
(Deuteronomy 6:6,7) When this is done, children far from him." (Proverbs 22:15) Due to inherited
learn to think of God in relationship to all the . imperfection children are born with a tendency
activities of lie. to do what is bad, so they need correction. A lov-
It is principally on the father, as head of the ing parent will not neglect this. As Proverbs 13:
household, that the Scriptures lay the responsi- t
24 says: "The one holding back his rod is hating
bility to see that this instruction is given. When his son, but the one loving him is he that does
he makes provision for it and personally takes look for him with discipline."

the lead in giving it, the entire family is drawn l4 Discipline that is administered in love has the
more closely together. At the same time, the chi- lasting good of the child in view. It is not done in
dren are given the kind of training that they so violent bursts of anger or with loud screaming
greatly need:,% it is important to take to heart of threats. That is not the Christian way. (Ephe-
what is recorded a t Ephesians 6:4: "You, fathers, sians 4:31,32) There must be firmness, but sound-
do not be irritating your children, but go on bring- ness of mind should also prevail. The parents

ing them up in the discipline and authoritative themselves should be setting a good example, not
advice of Jehovah."-See also Proverbs 4:l.
18 Part of the "discipline . .
. of Jehovah" that just to put on an appearance of righteousness
--children quickly see through that-but honestly,
must be taught involves the child's obligation to
10. (a) What bedldaa food, dothtng and shelter do cM&m -
sincerely. And If they do so, the children will be
vlWl need7 (b) When ,nshould thls be provided?
11 d h o has the principal reaponslbIIIt9 to see that children are
alkn ~ d l inmW ' a Word. and haw does the Bible ahow
la. Whg fa obedhce to p m t a not to be treated I l g h t l ~ ?
helped to realize that God's righteous principles erbs 5:3-14) Discuss together as a family the
rule the household, and not just unreasonable various problems that arise at home, a t school and
whims or temporary moods. The young ones will in play. Reason together on the scriptures that
not fear that they will be the victims of unjust show the kind of conduct that is pleasing to God.
punishment. Rather, they will associate punish- In this way the children will learn to apply the
ment with the breaking of proper rules of good Bible in their own lives. It will be a safeguard, so
conduct. that even when children are away from their
l6 Among the righteous principles from the parents the admonition they have received will
Bible that deserve serious family discussion are continue to guide them.-Proverbs 6: 20-23.
those having to do with godly moral standards. '=Careful thought also needs to be given to
Children need to be taught, for example, that choice of companions. Associates deeply influence
"everyone liking and carrying on a lie" is detest- one's life. Wholesome companions have a good
able to Jehovah. (Revelation 22:15; Proverbs 6: effect, but "bad associations spoil useful habits."
16-19) Theft, too, in all its various forms, should (1 Corinthians 15:33) Time and again the Bible
be seen as a violation of God's moral standard. record illustrates this fact. (Genesis 34:1, 2; Num-
(Ephesians 4:28; Romans 13:9, 10) These young bers 25:1, 2) Children may not appreciate the
folks need to be warned, in a way that they will seriousness of this, but parents should. So it is an
understand, against sexual immorality and any- evidence of wisdom on their part to keep a loving
thing that may lead to it. (Ephesians 5:5; Prov- eye on their children's choice of companions.
- These companions include, not only those with
16. (a) What should chlldren be taught wlth regard to: Lies?
Theft? 8exual immorality? (b) How can w e n b train their whom the children play, but also those about
children so they wiu do what is right even when away fmm whom they read and t h m that they watch in
motion pictures and on television.-Philippians
lrFor family life to be truly satisfying, however,
more is needed than avoiding what is harmful.
There should also be the enjoyment of doing
wholesome things together as a family. The real
joy of family life is lost when each one goes his
own way without regard for the others. But when
there is upbuilding family discussion, when plans
are laid together and everyone works together
to fulm them, the family is drawn together in

Regular ressions of Bible study should be

par) of every family's way of life
unity. (Proverbs 15:22) This is not difficult when 'OWhen the difficulty is between husband and
there is love in the home. And love is a normal wife, it is certainly best not to air it before the
thing among those who truly know God and have
his spirit.-1 John 4:7, 8; Galatians 5:22, 23.
F children. Nor will the situation be improved by
broadcasting complaints to friends and neighbors.
Though one may have been deeply hurt, shouting
will not make conditions any better. (Proverbs 29:
Is Even in homes that are normally happy, diffi- 22) And the breach will only widen if the two
culties may arise at times. These are often due to go for days without talking to each other. The
human imperfection, or the pressures of the world Christian thing to do is to discuss the problem
in which we live. What should be done when fric- together, with a tirm resolve to restore peace.
tion develops between family members? The so- Even if the other person is the wrongdoer, make
lution is not too hard to find if we remember that reconciliation easier by your own kindness. If
all of us are imperfect. It is not only outside the you are a t fault, humbly ask forgiveness. Do not

home but also within the family circle that we postpone it; handle the problem without delay.
need to apply the inspired counsel: "Clothe your- "Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state."
selves with the tender affections of compassion, -Ephesians 4:26; see also Matthew 18:21-35.
kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long-
suffering. Continue putting up with one another Though divorce is common in the world, the
and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a Bible does not recommend it as the way to settle
cause for complaint against another. Even as Je- problems. Marriage is a lifelong tie, and is not
hovah freely forgave you, so do you also. But, to be regarded lightly. (Romans 7:2) God's Word
besides all these things, clothe yourselves with allows only one ground on which a Christian may
love, for it is a perfect bond of union."-Colossians get a divorce that frees him for remarriage. What
3:12-14; see also Proverbs 10:12; 19:ll. is that? It is adultery. In this event, it is up to
the innocent one to decide whether to seek a di-
Is When a problem appears to be of a particu-
vorce or not. (Matthew 5:32) However, divorce
larly serious nature, there are steps that can be 1 action should never be taken merely on suspicion;
taken to prepare the way for loving forgiveness. there ought to be clear-cut evidence.
For example, when a dispute arises between the
children, one of the parents might sit down with ?I ZZIn the past, before learning God's righteous
them, listen to the problem, and then encourage r requirements, some persons may have been hasty
fitting apologies and the needed forgiveness. On in getting a divorce, and now they have taken up
these occasions scriptures such as the ones that 20. When some di5culty arises between husband end wife, what
we have just read could be reviewed with benefit. will not help in settling the matter, but what will?
- 21. (a) Is divorce the wag to settle marriage problems?
(b) What does the Bible say Fs the only ground for dlvorce
18. How can the wunsel at Cdossiluui 3:ll-14 help us to settle that frees one for remarriage?
any family difeculties that may arise? 22. If one hastily got divorced before learnfng Ciod's laws and
19. When a dmute arises between children, what might one has taken up living with enother mate, whet should he do li
of the parents do that would be really beneficial? he wants to serfe Jehovah?

living with another mate. What can they do about CHAPTER 21

it? They cannot go back and live their lives over.
But, if they want to have a part in the service of
Jehovah God, and they are living with a mate,
they should make sure that their present marriage
is legally registered with the government. They
ought to go to God in prayer and seek hi forgive
ness for their past course. Then they should work
hard a t living from this time on according to God's
requirements on marriage.
What if your marriage mate has declined to
study God's Word with you? And what if you are
T HERE is so much for which to thank and
praise Jehovah God He has mercifully made
provision for us to enjoy eternal lie. Already he
not able to discuss problems together on the basis has arranged to erase the death-dealing effects of
of Bible principles? The Bible still encourages sin by providing his own Son as a ransom sacrifice.
you to stay together and not to view separation God's purpose to have his earthly children enjoy
as the easy way out of your problems. Do what a paradise home forever will soon be realized!
you personally can to improve the situation in Does not this loving provision of God cause your
your home by applying what the =ble says in heart to overflow with thankfulness to Him?
regard to your own conduct. In time, because of --John 3:16; 1John 4:Q-11.
your Christian conduct, you may win over your True, none of us know everything about Jeho-
mate. (1 Corinthians 7:lO-16; 1Peter 3:1, 2) And vah and his ways. He is so great that humans will
what a blessing will be yours if your loving pa- always be learning new things concerning him.
tience is rewarded in this way! (Romans 11:33) But on the basis of what you
2' There is much that can be done in every home already know, have you not come to appreciate
in building toward a happier family life. Apply that everything he does is right and that there is
Bible counsel, and there will be good results! Let every reason to put full confidence in him? Are
each one in the household lovingly seek the wel- you not convinced that he truly loves his creatures,
fare of the others, thus strengthening family ties. that he is merciful and gracious, yet, a t the same
(Colossians 3:14) Above all, share unitedly in time, perfect in justice and wisdom? (Psalm 86:
true worship, so that all of you together will enjoy 5,10,15 [85:5,10,15, Dy]) If this is the way you
the rich blessing of Jehovah God, the One who feel about Jehovah God, you will be moved to serve
can crown your happiness with eternal life.-Prov-
erbs 3: 11-18. - - - back.
Him. and nothinn will hold vou

What rewon6 do we have for

1. g t h g thangs and prafae to
Jehovah God?
a. (a) On the b.sla of what yw now know, what is Your atti-
tude tonard Jehovah? (b)
If we W s love JshoVa What Will
we be moved to do?
Two courses are open to all humans. One leads
to death and the other to eternal life. (Deuteron-
omy 30:19, 20) Which one will you take? Making
the choice to serve Jehovah will lead to your great-
find mature Christians who will gladly give you
loving encouragement and support.-1 Peter 5:8,
9; 3:12; 1Thessalonians 5:ll.

Deciding personally to serve Jehovah and ex-

est possible happiness, both now and forever. As pressing this determination in prayer is important.
the psalmist said: "Happy is the man in fear of But there is something more. This was shown by
Jehovah, in whose commandments he has taken Jesus Christ, who provided a pattern for us to
very much delight."-Psalm 112:l [lll:l,Dy]. follow. Remember, Jesus did more than just tell

his Father that he had come to do H i will. (He-
DFDIOATION AND BAPTISM brews 105') When he began his service as a
*When love for God moves you so that you preacher of God's kingdom Jesus went to John the
want to do his will, then it is proper that you go Baptist, at the Jordan River, and was baptized
to h i in prayer through Jesus Christ and express in water.-Matthew 3:13-15.
your desire to be one of his servants,walking in T h e Bible reveals that Jehovah God approved
the footsteps of his Son. It L appropriate that you of Jesus' baptism. It says that, on that important
tell Jehovah that you want to belong to him and occasion, "the heaven was opened up and the holy
that you want to do his will both now and for all spirit in bodily shape like a dove came down upon
time to come. (Psalm 104:33 [103:33, Dy]) In him, and a voice came out of heaven: 'You are
this way you dedicate yoursel! to God. Thls is a my Son, the beloved; I have approved you."'
personal, private matter. No one else can do it for (Luke 3:21,22) Since Jesus set the pattern, dedi-
you. cated Christians today also should be baptized.
6 After you have made your dedication to Jeho- In fact, Jesus commanded his followers to make
vah to do his will, he will expect you to keep it. I disciples of people of an nations and then to bap-
It is no light matter. Prove that you are a person tize these new disciples. This is no baptizing of
of your word by faithfully sticking to this infants. It is baptism of persons who have be-
decision or dedication as long as you live. (Psalm come believers, having made up their minds to
50:14 [49:14, Dy]) The Devil will use every p0s- serve Jehovah.-Matthew 28: 19; Acts 8: 12.
sible means to make you break faith with Jeho- 1 8 What, then, does Christian baptism signify?
vah. But Jehovah himself will be with you. You It is not a washing away of one's sins, because
can always turn to h i in prayer, and he will cleansing from sin comes only through faith in
support you. Also, a s you have learned, God has Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:7) Rather, it is a pub-
- -
an orzanization here on earth, and here you will lic demonstration, testifying - that one has made

8. (8) What two &

oholce will laad to the g
4 When a
w hnpp-?
to On perso~llt(b) What
urn deddea that he mollg mtS to do aod'l &%kt .-.--
did Jeaua go to J'ohn
do we lsarn ~ o-r -r
the 8.Pw at thc J0rd.n Rlw,
Bible show that Qod a
i m what fn~eppropriatct-t he do? the b a p h O O I U U I U l d u P ~ Y U I o l ~ ~
. 6, (a) ~ f t e ryou make you dedication to OoQ what d m hs
rapectpu todot (b) What helpIIavuUableto gmr InIlVW
l2ll to your dedlcatlont
a solemn dedication to Jehovah God and is pre That was God's will for him, and Jesus faithfully
senting himself to do His will. Thus, baptism h did it.-Luke 4:43; John 17:4.
not to be viewed as of little importance. It is a l1 What is God's will for Christians today? It is
requirement for a11 who obediently walk in the for them to do a similar preaching work, and one
footsteps of Jesus Christ. of great urgency. Bible prophecy reveals unmis-
.The Bible says that, after his baptism, Jesus takably that we are living now during "the con-
"came up from the water." He had been actually clusion of the system of things." And Jesus fore-
down in the water so that John could completely told regarding this time: "This good news of the
immerse him. (Matthew 3:16; John 3:23) So, it kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth
was no mere sprinkling with water. Proper Chris- for a witness to all the nations; and then the end
tian baptism is accomplished by having a devoted will come." (Matthew 24:3, 14) It is God's will
servant of God--a male, as John the Baptist was that this preaching work be done now. The warn-
--completely immerse the person in water and ing concerning the end of this wicked system must
then raise him up again. If you have made up your be sounded. Meek ones need to be shown the place
mind to serve Jehovah and want to be baptized, of safety. Will you share in this work?-Zepha-
then make this known to the overseer of the con- niah 2:2,3;* Proverbs 24:11,12.
gregation of Jehovah's witnesses with which you Jesus Christ set the example in performing
are associated. He will gladly assist you, without the ministry. He preached everywhere, in the
any charge for the baptism. cities and villages, in homes and in public places
THE CHRISTIAN MINISTBY - e v e n to a woman at a wellside. (John 4:7, 21-
lo Of course, dedication and baptism are not 24) A true Christian today will follow Jesus'
the end of one's doing God's will. They are only example. He will preach at every opportunity.
the beginning. They mark the start of a happy He will not simply wait for people to come to him,
life of serving Jehovah, with the prospect of con- but he will endeavor to seek out persons with a
tinuing alive forever, doing his will. A dedicated listening ear. "Go," Jeslls commanded, "make
Christian should always have the attitude of Jesus disciples of people of all the nations!' (Matthew
Christ, who said: "My food is for me to do the 28: 19; see also 10:11-13.)This command applies to
will of him that sent me and to finish his work!' all Christians-laborers and housewives, elderly
(John 4:34) A principal part of God's work for persons and youths-even as it did in the first
Jesus on earth was to preach the kingdom of God, century.-Acts 4:13; Romans 16:l.
l 3 Early Christians followed Jesus' instruction
and to lay the foundation for a preaching organi- -
zation to carry on this activity after his death. Sophonias a:a, s. DU.
11. (a) According to Jesua' worda at Matthew 24:14 what ia
(fod'a wlll for Chrlatlans today? (b) Why is thls work ur ent?
12. (a) How la the preaching work to be done? (b) Does jesua'
command to "make dlsolplea" a ply to all Chrlstiana?
la. Where la much of the preacRing wmlr dons?
and example, making a special effort to call on
people in their homes. (Luke 8:l; 10:l-6; Acts
5:42) The apostle Paul said: "I did not hold back

from telling you any of the things that were prof-

itable nor from teaching you publicly and from 3rue Worship
house to house." (Acts 20:20) This is still the
principal way that true Christians carry on their
ministry in our day. -a Wagof Jib
"Those who share in this grand work do not
do so in their own strength. Jehovah God backs
them up. By his spirit he qualifies and empowers
them for the ministry. (2 Corinthians 3:5, 6;
2 Timothy 4:17) Through his visible organization
Y OU have before you the prospect of life
eternal under the kingdom of God. As you
have seen, this prospect is solidly based in the
truth of God's own Word. Its attainment is within
he provides training and assistance, at no financial your reach if you truly love God and worship him
cost, for all his witnesses. You, too, can enjoy the by "walking in the truth."-2 John 1-4.
benefits of this provision, a t your local Kingdom " True worship means more than just knowing
the truth. It means even more than speaking and
'J When you make your wholehearted decision
proclaiming the truth to others. It means believ-
to serve Jehovah God, you will experience rich ing and acting on the truth, "walking in the truth"
blessings. The happiness that you have had in by putting it to work in our daily lives. (James 1:
learning the truth about Jehovah and his purpose 22-25) True worship so influenced the daily lives
will be greatly enlarged as you share it with others of early Christians that it became known as "The
and see the fine changes that it brings in their Way" and "the way of the truth." (Acts 9:2;
lives. (Acts 20:35; John 13:17) As you more fully 2 Peter 2:2) It is the "way" marked out by God
apply God's Word in your own life you will be for all true worshipers to live their lives as they
drawn closer to your Creator. You will enjoy his strive for the goal of eternal life.
loving care in ways that you have never experi- our worship of Jehovah God cannot be
enced before. (Revelation 7:9-17) Indeed, your something separate from the rest of our life.
wise course will make God's own heart rejoice. Rather, we must apply the truth of his Word in
(Proverbs 27:ll) And what joy will be yours as werv activitv of life. "Whether vou are eatina or
you experience fulfillment of the psalmist's words: drinking or 2oing anything e1se;do all thinglfor

"Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah!" 1. What p t fs now before us. but what muat we do to
- -Psalm 144:15 [143:15, m]. 1 1
. what
9. BY v did true amahlp bsoome known among the
o ftann
1 0 _ _ _ 7
14. How doa Ood hpl w in ths mhkdXY? a. &&rg muat we apply the h t h oi aodr Word In evrq
16. When a m mn &den to m e 006, what rioh b l m ~ t l v l t poi we7
sre~~toreforhtm? m
God's glory." (1Corinthians 10:31; see also Co- it will be your constant guide. In making decisions,
lossians 3: 17.) Our every action should harmonize large or small, you will learn to ask yourself:
with the truth of God's Word, and so bring glory "What will be pleasing to Jehovah God? What do
to God. This will be for our lasting happiness. The the principles in his Word show to be the right
righteous principles of his Word do not change and wise course?" (Psalm 119:105 [118:105,Dyl ;
according to place of dwelling or personal circum- Proverbs 3:1-6)For example, a true Christian
stance. They are always true, always right. will be concerned that his secular employment
-Psalm 119:142 r118:142.Dvl. does not interfere with his service to Jehovah God,
If you really do pra&cecehe worship, what or involve work or practices that the Bible con-
will it mean for you now? It will bring your whole demns. (Hebrews 13:5,18;Isaiah 2:3,4;Revela-
life into harmony with God's way. His Word tells tion 18:4) Even when it comes to recreation, God's
us: "Put away the old personality which confonns Word should guide in selecting something upbuild-
to your former course of conduct .. .
you should ing, wholesome. (Philippians 4:8) There is
nothiig in your life that will not be influenced in
be made new in the force actuating your mind,
and should put on the new personality which was a beneficial way by true worship.
created according to God's will in true righteous- HAPPY REWdsD FOE mNDURANOE
ness and loyalty." (Ephesians 4:2224) Putting on 'However, because of the presnws that the
the new personality means putting away obscene, world brings upon genuine Christians, it may not
lying speech in favor of clean, truthful language.
It means replacing drunkenness and sexual im- be easy to continue walking faithfully in the "way
morality with upright, honorable conduct. It of the truth." Jesus warned that true worshipers
means cultivating, not greediness, but u n s e l a - would be hated and persecuted, just as he was.
ness and generosity.-Colossians 3:5-10. (John 15:18-20;2 Timothy 3 :12) Circumstances
How refreshing it is when godly qualities are may arise that threaten to interfere with your
displayed in one's everyday contacts with people regular study of the Bible or your assodation with
-with family members, business associates, close fellow Qlristians a t congregational meetings.
acquaintances and strangers! (Colossians 3:12- Opposition may cause the preaching work to be-
14, 18-23)But, do you think it ditlicult to make come difficult, wen dangerous. What will you do?
thii change, and maintain it every day? With the The Bible counsels: "You have need of endurance,
help of God's spirit you can do it. Through true in order that, after you have done the will of God,
worship you can produce the wonderful fruitage you may receive the fulfillment of the promise."
of God's spirit in your life.-Galatians 5:19-24.
When true worship becomes your way of life (Hebrews 10:36) So, the only right course is to
-on courageously in God's service. trustine.
7. (a) Whl may it not ba e w to continua in the " a a ~
oi the truth"? (b) when facad with oppaowm, what h ths
right C-nUEa, in view of Hsbrew8 i0:sBP
The 'coming' of God's king-
in Him to sustain you.-Psalm 55:22 [54:23,Dy]; dom will mean more for man-
Hebrews 6:11,12. kind than any other event in
TO early Christians, the disciple James wrote: history. That is why all of
"Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet us need to be fully informed
concerning the Kingdom.
with various trials, knowing as you do that this
tested quality of your faith works out endurance." ,
(James 1:2.3) Yes. we can have real -iov " if., under
opposition, .we fa& up to the test of our faith.
Jehovah's Wrtnesses will be happy to discuss thls vital
Why? Because by enduring we uphold the side of top~cwlth you, free of charge, on a famlly or an lndlvldual
our heavenly Father in the great issue before all basls Just wrlte to Watch Tower at the approprlate ad-
the universe. Furthermore, God's Son assures us: dress llsted on the next oaae of t h ~ sbook. reouestlno such
"By endurance on your part you will acquire your s be ma& for squall-
a Bible drscussion ~ r r a n g i k e n t will
souls." Yes, by endurance you will gain the reward fled Wrtness to call on you and help you to come to a clear
of life eternal.-Luke 21:16-19;1 Peter 2:21-23; understanding of the Kingdom
2 Thessalonians 1:4,5.
We live in the most blessed time of all human
history. Soon now Jehovah and his Son, Christ Millions of persons in all parts
Jesus, will rid the universe of all enemies of God's of the earth have already
kingdom. What a joy it will be, after that war, to been benefitted by this free
live under righteous conditions in the paradise service. You, too, may obtain
earth, free of suffering, sorrow and death! You the satisfying answers that
can have full confidence in that hope, because will help you to build faith in
"God . . cannot lie." (Titus 1:2) Look ahead to God's kingdom.
that blessed ~ r o s ~ e cthen,
t . and never forsake the
worship of ~khovahthe true God. Keep on in the
way of the truth, for "the world is passing away
and so is its desire, but he that does the will of Would you lrke to read God's Word
God remains forever."-1 John 2:17. In easv-to-understand. accuratelv
translated English? More than
8. Whv can we have real fav If we face UIJ ta the test of our
60,000,000 copies of the "New World
Translatron of the Holv Scriotures"
have already been prlnied. ~ b may
request your copy by wrlting Watch
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