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Task and Project Management Board

CST 499 Directed Group Capstone

Brittany Mazza, Chris Pina, and Ken Vader

April 25, 2017



This project presents an opportunity to successfully achieve both team and individual goals. Our
team will gain hands-on experience with each step in the software development process.
Beginning with software design and architecture, through coding and testing, and ending with
user testing and deployment, the team will fulfill different roles throughout the project. These
varied roles will allow the team to gain valuable experience in the many facets of software
development. Working on this project will also allow the team to positively impact one another
through supportive teamwork.

The team also has goals for the users of this project. We hope to provide a system to assist users
in managing a project of any type, using any project management methodology, regardless of
discipline. The project aims to aid in increasing project participation engagement by adding
game elements to the user experience. The project management system will be designed with
simplicity in mind, to help streamline the project managers decision process. Users and project
managers will have the ability to add comments to any task, to aid in communication. Project
managers can set the permissions on any task or board, allowing access to only those who need

Project management software and tools are a key component of the successful planning and
completion of projects from many different disciplines. By offering an open source, simple, and
gamified project management tool, we are giving users an affordable option that has an easy to
learn interface. The flexibility of this project management software will fit the needs of projects
from any discipline using any project management methodology. One of the aims of this project
is to ease the burden of project managers by not only providing a tool for organization of their
project but incentivizing engagement through gamification. Individuals, small teams, or large
companies can take advantage of this tool to increase their productivity.

Our team will provide a web application deployed to a publicly accessible hosting service to
allow those who would like to take advantage of this software but do not have the means to run it
themselves an opportunity to utilize this tool. It will be a fully functional site, where users are
able to create accounts and manage their projects. We will also provide a means to download the
source code, through a Github repository, for those that wish to run the application on their own
servers. Users choosing to run the application on their own servers would receive the additional
benefit of having complete control over their potentially sensitive data.

Keeping this tool simple and free to use is a big part of our mission. Adhering to both of these
principles helps others achieve their dreams. And there is no greater satisfaction in life than
creating an opportunity for others to succeed.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Project Goals and Objectives

Environmental Scan/Literature Review

Stakeholders and Community


Ethical Considerations

Project Scope
Resources Needed
Risks and Dependencies

Final Deliverables

Usability Testing/Evaluation

Team Members


The name of this capstone project is InScope, and it is a dynamic, discipline agnostic

task and project management tool. InScope is an open source, web-based solution for task and

project management that adds game elements to aid in incentivizing project participants. This

solution will aid both individuals and teams in planning and executing daily tasks and long term

projects. The discipline agnostic design will allow teams to utilize InScope regardless of the type

of project they are working on and the project methodology they choose to use. The flexibility of

InScope allows teams to not only see the road ahead but also alter that road easily when needed.

When working on a project, it is often difficult to keep a clear vision of both short and

long term goals. It is not uncommon to find teams losing precious time due to the team focusing

on unimportant details while other pressing matters are being ignored. A well-run team needs a

focused vision, and a big part of that focus is knowing what needs to be done today, tomorrow,

and in the coming weeks. The ability of the team to adapt to shifting priorities and keep their

overall roadmap in mind is a crucial component of completing their project on time with high


With InScope, teams and individuals will now have a way of managing their tasks and

projects in one place, where they have control over the data. The discipline-agnostic approach

means that any project, not just software projects, can be tracked and managed with ease. The

ability to have multiple boards, and even boards inside of boards, will allow the project to be

managed at as fine-grained a level as the project requires. The game elements will include

features that allow the project managers to set up levels that the team can achieve with rewards

to go with each level. InScope will enable project managers to determine how much any given

activity contributes to each level. Including the game elements in the project will help with

overall engagement during the life cycle of the project.

InScope is for any team or individual with a project that needs planning and tracking, and

contains multiple smaller tasks. Since our solution is a web-based solution, those with access to

the internet will benefit the most. A small subset of users may choose to take advantage of the

open source nature of this project and run it locally without requiring internet access. The no

cost, open source philosophy of this project will enable anyone that has internet access to benefit

from the project management tools that are provided by InScope. This is an attempt to lower the

barrier to entry for people wanting to utilize a fully featured project management suite.

The current offerings for project and task management suites available online each have

their own shortcomings. Some require the user to adhere to a specific project management

methodology, some are little more than task lists, while others lock many of their features behind

a subscription model. InScope aims to solve these issues and more, by opening up the

methodology, open sourcing the software, and giving users the freedom to have the management

suite they need.

InScope will share some similarities with several popular management tools in existence.

It will have boards, similar to Trello, but will allow boards to be placed within boards. It will

provide task list functionality similar to Toodledo but will pull its sorted task lists from the

boards the user is a member of. The gamification of the project management tool is similar to

what has been done by Red Critter. One advantage that InScope will have in gamification is that

it will allow the project manager to select the rewards for each level, as well as setting how much

each task contributes to a given level. By taking the best of many different project management

suites and either improving on them or simplifying them, this project aims to position itself as a

universal project management solution.

Project Goals and Objectives

As contributors, we have a set of goals to work toward as we complete this project. These

goals include gaining familiarity with each step in the software development process, becoming

familiar with web application architecture and the tools that aid in its development, and learning

how to positively impact and assist one another when working within a team. In addition to

setting goals for ourselves, as contributors on the project, we also have a set of defined goals for

the users of this management tool, which includes the project managers and participants. In this

system, an ordinary user is initially a participant but can become a project manager by creating a

board, opening up new management features. They are able to fulfill both participant and project

manager roles through this system. Our primary goal is to provide the participants with a feeling

of accomplishment through their completion of tasks managed in our application and when they

promote themselves to project managers, we expect them to easily and successfully manage their

own projects.

A series of objectives will aid in our progress toward making participants feel as if

theyre accomplishing their own goals while using our the web application. Through their

completion of tasks, participants will be able to attain new levels, which will be assigned point

values and rewards by their project managers. To allow them to easily interact with each other

and discuss their tasks with appropriate parties, they will be provided in-page, one-click

comments in the task view. When theyve completed a task, participants can indicate that they

are done by selecting the appropriate status of the task within a drop-down menu or through drag

and drop functionality, depending on the board view. As our users become project managers, we

gather a wider set of objectives to allow them to easily and successfully manage their projects.

One of these objectives is to provide them with a simple project overview page, allowing them to

effortlessly review the overall status of the project. This would include a quick view of the

number of tasks completed and total tasks assigned for all time, as well as a user-defined time

range. We additionally want to allow project managers to set rewards for the project participants

by creating levels, where they define the point values of each, that each participant can reach.

Allow PMs to create new project boards, with a provided set of defaults, within three clicks from

their user page. Finally, we will allow the project manager to provide a set of permissions to

additional users to aid in the management of each project, further easing their project

management responsibilities.

As our users have their own goals for their projects, we have some as well. To work

toward a familiarity with the software development process, we expect ourselves to analyze the

project requirements within a week, design and architect the project within the next week,

complete a minimum viable product (MVP) within the next five weeks, including automated unit

tests. Making progress toward being effective team members that contribute positively toward a

team, our objectives will include weekly code reviews where we will review one anothers code

prior to it being included in the project, and give status updates on a bi-weekly basis. Gaining an

understanding of web application architecture and the software tools to aid in its construction is

our final goal as contributors. Our set objectives that work toward it include successfully

implementing a SQL database that is used on the project, working with Git and GitHub for the

duration of the project (where we will also perform our code reviews), and selecting and

implementing a language and framework for the application.

Environmental Scan/Literature Review

Project management (PM) software has become crucial to the success of project

managers in software development and a number of other fields. Research has shown that the use

of PM software is on the rise and its increased use will only continue. According to Bounds

(1998), in a survey of IIE Solutions, 20% of readers responded that they use PM software (cited

in Grevins, Lawrence & Nallan, 2000). It is almost certain that the figure has grown

exponentially over the past decade as the use of technology in the workplace has grown. This

increase in the demand for PM software could be crucial for the success of the proposed

application. However, our team of developers will need to ensure that users are satisfied with

their experience. Research in the field of PM and the use of software has shown that when users

are satisfied with the software they will be more likely to use it to increase their individual

productivity and consequently increasing the efficiency of the project (Grevins et all., 2000).

User satisfaction must be a top priority when developing any type of PM software, including the

application presented in this proposal.

One method for increasing satisfaction with PM software is to increase the engagement

of its users through gamification. As Zichermann (2013) explains, Gamification is the

application of design concepts and techniques, loyalty programs and behavioral economics in a

business environment (cited in Briers, 2013). Gamification can be very effective in modifying

or reinforcing certain behaviors. By turning the desired behavior change into a game, people

become engaged and encouraged to adopt new habits (Gartner, 2012). This gamification is what

will separate the proposed software from its competitors. The gamification of PM and task

management has been done before. The best example is Red Critter

(, which uses badges and rewards for completing certain tasks

to promote productivity. Red critter allows users to manage multiple projects and users. The

weakness of Red Critter comes in its strict adherence to the Agile development model. The

flexibility of the proposed application is what will set it apart. Red Critter includes many great

features, but those features may become cumbersome for some users. According to the survey of

IIE Solutions readers discussed previously, most users report using only the simplest features of

their PM software (Grevins et al., 2000). The proposed software will focus on simplicity by not

forcing users to follow a particular PM methodology. The proposed software will separate itself

from the competition through its simplified and flexible approach and gamification.

Stakeholders and Community

The primary stakeholders for this project include Individuals, working on personal

projects, the open-source community, and companies of varying sizes. Managing projects can be

very burdensome with a lot of overhead, which has led to many tools being developed to assist

with these needs. These project management tools are frequently overbuilt, closed-source, and on

subscription models. These aspects can cause more headaches to each of these stakeholders than

necessary but our stakeholders may not be aware of it until they completely dependent on it.

Privacy and data security is a major concern for people relying on third-party applications

to house their data. Individuals, small companies, and large companies alike, will have the option

to host the web application within their own network, where they can limit access to the public

and house their own data, specifically project information, within on their own machines. This

method may be ideal when working as or with high profile companies and sensitive data in

general. Additionally, when bugs or problems arise, each stakeholder can raise an issue or

correct the problem publically since we will have the project as an open-source project. If the

stakeholder is not concerned about this, however, we will still host a public-facing interface

where the users can work on their project without the overhead of setting up their own machines.

If our stakeholders are not satisfied with the project, they will be able to request features or use

the codebase as a starting point to refine it into their perfect application because it will be


The lack of a subscription model and availability of the code base make this application

easily available to all of our stakeholders without limiting their use or the features available to

them. Once the application is running locally, a user (or set of users) will be able to completely

run the application offline and continue progress on their tasks.

Choosing task management software is a large decision for all of our stakeholders

because of how tedious it is to switch applications after using a particular application for an

extended period of time. This is the largest risk for everyone and it can significantly impact

productivity and finances. Spending the time moving from their previous task management

software and later, after some use, finding that the new project management tool doesnt meet

the needs of the team can be detrimental to those working with the product. We aspire to make a

product that will boost productivity in the long run by providing game-like incentives to

complete tasks for participants and believe our stakeholders will be pleased with the result. The

success of our project and the teams working with the application could balance out the money


and productivity lost from switching project management tools and lead to increases in revenue

or productivity.


The project management methodology that will be used on this project will be a blend of

sequential and Agile methodologies. There will be an initial requirements gathering phase, where

the project team members will determine the minimum requirements needed for this project. This

phase will include researching similar project management suites, finding what features users

liked and used most often, and what features users typically do not use. The requirements

gathering phase is also where the team will formalize the priority of feature implementation.

Based on the results of the requirements phase, the team can then make a determination

on the appropriate technology stack that will be the most effective in implementing the

requirements. Factors influencing this decision will include the need for flexibility, scalability,

and overall design decisions. Languages and frameworks will be chosen based on their ability to

meet the needs of the project without adding unnecessary complexity.

The team will employ a more Agile-like approach as it heads into the construction phase

of the project. Features will be implemented based on the priority determined during earlier

phases of the project. The team will employ a test driven development methodology, with the

aim of making regression testing a simpler process. Code review will play a role in the overall

strategy to quickly produce high-quality code, thus the team will do weekly code reviews.

Determining appropriate milestones will happen during the requirements and architecture

phases, with the flexibility to alter them as needed during construction. Milestones will include

requirements gathering, architecture and design, and the addition of specific features during


construction. Due to the time sensitive nature of this project, setting appropriate milestones will

be crucial to the success of the overall project.

Ethical Considerations

Like most software, design, production, and implementation of this project all raise

important ethical and legal questions that must be considered before the start of the project.

Issues of security, software defects, the impact of the product in the world, and intellectual

property concerns need to be addressed.

It is crucial for us, as developers, to consider our responsibilities while working on this

project, especially since the proposed project will be widely available as open source software.

For example, the developers could be held responsible if a user loses important data as a result of

a bug in the program. According to Robert Plotkin (2012), when it comes to meeting minimum

standards of quality and security From a legal perspective, responsibility would almost always

fall with the company rather than its programmers (p. 98). Since the software is being released

to the public directly by the programmers and not a company, the development team must

establish minimum standards of quality and security. To do this, we will limit the possibility of

defects with a rigorous testing process and diminish liability for user error by providing proper


One of the key features of the proposed software is the ability to retrieve saved tasks by

logging into the system with a username and password. An important ethical issue to consider is

regarding safeguarding the data that the software has been entrusted with. In order to produce a

successful program, developers must manage permissions correctly at all stages of development.

Permissions will allow users to collaborate while protecting the stored data of each user.


Furthermore, as Plotkin (2012) argues, the success of username and passwords depends on the

difficulty of cracking the software that denies access to those who do not provide a legitimate

username and password (p. 30). Mitigating this ethical concern will require choosing the

appropriate technology to encrypt user passwords, proper implementation of that technology, and

ensuring users are only able to see what they have been given permission to.

We must also consider the impact of the proposed product on the world. It could be

argued, for example, that digital task management will help reduce paper waste and therefore

have a positive impact on the environment. However, as Don Carli (2010) argues, there is

growing recognition that digital media technology uses significant amounts of energy from

coal-fired power plants making a significant contribution to global warming. An application

like the one proposed may have a negative impact on the environment in the long term.

Applications that work on older products could extend the life of electronic devices and

decelerate the dangerous production of e-waste, so the development team for this project should

ensure backward compatibility. Developing an application compatible with a variety of devices

would additionally help underprivileged communities that may not have access to the latest

devices. It is the ethical responsibility of software developers to make serious attempts to allow

all users to benefit from the use of their products and supporting backward compatibility would

help. For those with limited internet access, moving simple activities that used to happen on

paper onto the internet may have negative effects when theyre expected to collaborate with

people online to get their work done. Each new application that requires internet access is

potentially an additional barrier. Providing offline access, which would allow users to continue

working offline and sync when the internet is available, may lessen that burden.


With a number of task management software products already available, concerns

regarding infringement of intellectual property arise. After researching and testing other tools,

the team will unavoidably be influenced by what others have already created. Copying another

companys product and releasing it to the public can be detrimental to their business and could

infringe on their intellectual property if any unique features are covered by software patents.

Even if a feature is in many of the available task management products, its possible that one of

them holds a patent that all the other programs are infringing.

Developers can easily get caught up in the process of designing and developing software,

forgetting the ethical issues that concern their product. They must actively continue to consider

the ethical implications of what theyre working on throughout development and then do

everything possible to lessen any concerns, as it is crucial to the success of any software product.

Project Scope


Time is the limiting factor for this project, as we are on a tight schedule of only six weeks

devoted to development. Spending the entire first week to settle the details of the application will

provide us with the tools to get a minimum viable product (MVP) running quickly with less

uncertainty. Each team member is expected to contribute at least 15 hours of time on this project

for the duration of its development. With three members total and six weeks of development, we

should contribute a combined total of 270 hours.

The timeline for the project is presented in the table below. Each implemented feature

will be completed with unit tests to accompany them, ensuring our project remains with as few


bugs as possible during its development. This will benefit us in the final week when we need to

place final touches on the project and prepare to present it.

Weeks Focus Milestones

1. April 25 - May 2 Project Setup / Wireframe application

Design Phase Design database
Create initial Github repository
Finalize technology stack
Create initial project with a simple Hello
World page
Create documentation
Create unit test suite

2. May 3 - May 9 Implement User Implement user login

Login Features, Implement user login features (encrypting
Admin Permission and storing passwords)
Controls, and Implement task CRUD routes (create,
Tasks CRUD read, update, and destroy)
Define preset task states (To Do, In
Progress, etc.)
Implement list view project board with
Implement admin controls
Board management
User group that has permissions

3. May 10 - May 16 Achieve Working Implement admin-defined level creation

Minimum Viable functionality (level CRUD)
Product (MVP) Implement assigning points definition for
tasks (for admin)
Implement functionality that assigns user
the defined amount of points for a task
Implement level functionality for
individual participants (calculate points)
Implement boards hierarchy (placing a
board within a task on another board)
Deploy the application as a live website

4. May 17 - May 23 Additional Feature Implement feature allowing admin to

Development define task states on board
Implement saved project board definition,
allow admin to create commonly used
board structures quickly


Implement kanban board view

5. May 24 - May 30 Additional Feature Implement drag-and-drop functionality on

Development kanban board view
Implement user profiles (picture upload,
about section, external links, etc.)
Complete any incomplete tasks from
previous weeks

6. May 31 - June 6 Finalize Project & Implement feature freeze

Prepare for Manually test (QA) the application
Presentations Fix any remaining bugs that come out of
Add any missing documentation
Add any missing unit tests
Deploy final version to the website

Resources Needed

The list of resources required for this project is very short because it is a web application.

The most important resource needed for the developers is a working computer and stable internet

connection. In addition to our own personal computers and free tools provided on the internet,

this project will require a domain name and hosting service. No additional resources are expected

to complete this project.


There are a few major milestones we need to achieve in the development of this project.

By the end of the first week of development (May 3rd), we need to have as much of the project

planned as we possibly can, as well as an initial Hello World application. The planned project

will include the application architecture, database schema, and the wireframed application.

About halfway through the development of this project, we expect to have a working MVP that

we will deploy to a live website. The features required for this are the basis for the application


and include features relating to users, user management, project boards, tasks, and level

implementation. The expected MVP completion date is May 16th.

The due date for this project aligns with our largest milestone on June 6th, which marks

the completion of our project. After the MVP milestone and prior to this date, we will work to

add features that refine our application and perform some final tests, cleaning up any issues

created during feature implementation.

Risks and Dependencies

The sheer quantity of feature in this application is the largest risk for its completion.

Failing to complete too many of them will lead to an undesirable product. Budgeting our time

wisely, communicating amongst ourselves well, and paying attention to deadlines will lead to a

successful project. This project is highly dependent on each developer contributing often and

completing their assignments.

The application will also be dependent on open source frameworks and tools. Choosing

popular frameworks and third-party libraries will be less risky due to their community support.

However, choosing the wrong framework or library that isnt fit for the job were doing could

lead to wasted time and effort, which could jeopardize the completion of our project entirely.

Final Deliverables

There are two major deliverables on this project. The first is a working web application.

This application will be hosted on a publicly accessible hosting service. The running web

application will allow users to create an account. Once the account is created, the user will then

have access to the full features of the application. They will be able to create and manage their

own projects, invite other users to work on their projects, and be invited to work on others


projects. The project manager of a given project will be able to create and edit tasks, assign tasks

to other users participating in the project, and set point values for individual tasks that contribute

to the overall progress of the project. There will also be the ability to set rewards at specific point

intervals (levels), to aid in user engagement. The rewards are not from a pre-determined set, but

chosen by the project manager to fit the needs of the project participants.

The second deliverable is the source code for the project. The team plans on

making this project open source, and will provide a Github repository with the code publicly

available for download. Users are then free to utilize the software on their own systems. The

open source nature of the project also allows for users to make changes to the software that they

choose to run, adding or removing features as they see fit. Along with the source code, the team

will provide configuration documentation regarding the SQL server requirements and any other

system specific requirements a user would need to know. The team will also include deployment

documentation to assist the user in determining the system requirements needed to run the web

application in their own environment.

Usability Testing/Evaluation

With so many competitors in the project management software field it is crucial that any

application entering this crowded space is easy to learn and easy to use. For this reason, the user

experience must drive our development and usability testing must be a priority throughout the

process. The first part of the usability testing process will be done using paper prototypes. Paper

prototypes of our application will allow us to involve potential users of the software in the

development process before any code is written. A paper prototype will allow us to see how

potential users interact with portions of the application immediately after the application


wireframes are developed and at no extra cost. In order to begin usability testing with paper

prototypes, our team will need to develop a list of task scenarios that cover all major features of

our application, including creating an account, creating a task, assigning task ownership and

others. We must also develop an appropriate list of testers. This could include classmates as well

as current and former coworkers who manage different tasks and projects. We will utilize the

results of these tests to make changes to our initial design.

Phase two of our usability test will take place once we have achieved the minimum viable

product. All testing during this phase will be done by the developers; testers will not be recruited

at this point in the process. The team will create detailed step-by-step instructions for the most

common user tasks supported by the system at the time of testing. Each member of our

development team will walk through each of these tasks one step at a time to make that they are

all easily achievable. Any task that is not achievable will need to be reported to the entire

development team and the design of the application will need to be modified until all key tasks

can be easily achieved. This will allow the development team to experience the product first

hand. Each member of the development team will take on a different user role to ensure that

permissions and different account types are working properly. Once the initial walkthroughs

have been completed, the development team will recruit two or three testers. Testers will need to

meet certain criteria. The development team will need to make sure that testers represent a

variety of potential users. These testers will also go through step by step walkthroughs of the

most common tasks. Upon completing the walkthroughs, all testers will need to complete a short

survey that will help the development team plan final changes before the release. The survey will

focus on user experience.



Team Members

Brittany Mazza

Chris Pina

Ken Vader

Our project will be successfully completed by implementing a practical approach to the

division of labor and team member responsibilities. Every member of the team will pull tasks

from the project to-do list. These will include programming tasks as well as design tasks. The list

will be prioritized by the team during weekly meetings, to ensure that any work that gets done is

the most urgent of the current priorities. Some specific facets of the project will be guided by a

team member in order to provide a clear, concise direction. The entire team will play a role in

each of the areas outlined below, but only one team member will lead each area.

For general software design and architecture issues, Brittany Mazza will guide the

decision making process. This will include leading the design of the specifications for the initial

prototype and planning the features for the minimum viable product (MVP). Brittany will

determine what suitable framework options exist to fit the needs of our project, and bring those

suggestions to the group for a final decision.

Chris Pina will lead the User Interface design tasks. General application layout, color

scheme, and font choice will all be a part of this. Chris will lead our discussions on usability and

simplicity, giving the team mock ups to view and base decisions on, thus ensuring that we give

the end user the best experience possible.



The backend and database design will lead by Ken Vader. This will require leading the

discussion on database design and table layout. Ken will also research required frameworks for

the back end and bring his findings to the group for further discussion, where a decision can be




Briers, B. (2013). The gamification of project management. Retrieved from

Carli, D. (2010). Going Paperless: Not as Green as You May Think. Retrieved from


Grevins, J., Sanders, L. G., & Suresh, N. C. (2000). The role of project management software in

project management process and project success. Retrieved from

Gartner. (2012). Gartner Says by 2014, 80 Percent of Current Gamified Applications Will Fail to

Meet Business Objectives Primarily Due to Poor Design [Press Release]. Retrieved from

Plotkin, R. (2012). Computers, Internet, and Society. Computer Ethics. New York: Facts on File.

Retrieved from


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