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College of Arts and Social Sciences

Department of Psychology

(Written Report)

 Definition
 Characteristics
 Prerequisites
 Forms
 Steps
 General Purposes

Submitted by:

Alberto, Louise Ann Marie

Amores, Mekisa

Magpantay, Dary Jean

III-23 BS Psychology

Submitted to:

Dr. Adelaida Gines

27 July 2010
I. Definition

Collaboration generally means:

- (n.) an act of working jointly to achieve a shared goal

In the context of education Collaboration is associated to Inclusive Education

wherein partnerships emerge between:

a.) General education teacher and Special education teacher ( Co-teaching )

b.) Parents and Teachers
c.) Teachers and Paraprofessionals
d.) Teachers and other Professionals

Learning Styles

Goals Instruction


Thus, Collaboration means providing options to allow students with disabilities to be

educated in the least restrictive environment by the help of these partnerships.

Its Principles are:

1. Education not Segregation

2. “High quality education is a RIGHT not a PRIVELEGE”

And its legal bases are:

1. Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA, 2004)

2. No Child Left Behind
Planning n

es Decisions


Setting Solving
Goals Problems

II. Characteristics of Collaboration

(The Six Essential Elements)

 mutual goals
 parity (functional equality)
 shared participation
 shared resources
 shared accountability
 voluntariness

III. Prerequisites of Collaboration

a.) Reflecting on your personal belief system

b.) Refining your interpersonal communication skills
Particularly non-verbal communication skills
c.) Contributing to a supportive environment

IV. Forms of Collaboration

 Collaborative Teaming


 sharing tasks and goals

 sharing of expertise
 sharing responsibilities and accountabilities

 Collaborative Constatation/Consultation


 involves consultant and mediator

 sharing of specialized skills and knowledge to the co-educator
 sharing of goals and tasks

 Collaborative Problem Solving

 Defining a Problem
 Determining Possible Causes
 Identifying Possible Interventions
 Making Predictions
 Evaluating Progress

V. The Five-Step Process

For a successful Collaboration follow these steps

Step 1: Review the standard, performance task, and curricular demands

-The collaborative general and special education team communicate about

the standard that students will encounter.

Step 2: Discuss the learning needs of the student and the availability of resources
-This step is an opportunity to talk about the specific needs and concerns
relevant to the placement of the student. Modifications may be discussed
at this stage.

Step 3: Decide on accommodations for the student and determine responsibility

for implementing them.

-The general and special education teacher creatively explore the changes
that will be implemented to allow the student to more fully participate in

Step 4: Monitor, adjust, and provide formative feedback

-This step provides an opportunity for the collaborative team to determine

who will be responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the

Step 5: Evaluate students using established criteria

-Step five provides an opportunity for the collaborative team to clearly

identify the target and discuss how students will be evaluated in relation to
the target.

VI. General Purposes

 Increase instructional options

 Improve educational programs
 Reduce stigmatization for students
 Provide support to the professionals involved

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