Translation Traineeship - 1st Year

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Read closely the texts below and translate them into Romanian:

1. Plant of the week: Japanese quince

Its perfumed fruits make wonderful jams, jellies, fruit leathers and lemonade

What is it?
Dont be fooled by the quince in the name: Japanese chaenomeles isnt a tree, its a shrub that
can be trained as a hedge or wall climber, or left shrub-shaped. The perfumed fruits are round,
yellow and hard, and make wonderful jams, jellies and lemonade. The blossom is captivating,
emerging before the leaves and lasting into May.
Any good varieties?
Nivalis is pure white; Lemon and Lime is greenish white, and Moerloosei is pink; all will
reach at least 2m each way if untrained. If you want a prolific fruiter, forest gardening expert
Martin Crawford recommends Crimson and Gold, which has beautiful crimson flowers and a
slightly more compact size (1m x 2m). Simonii also has red flowers, but grows to 60cm, so is
ideal as a low hedge or ground cover.
Plant it with?
In shadier spots, some hellebores at its feet would look grand. In full sun or part shade, scented
tazetta daffodil Narcissus Geranium would add perfume.
And where?
Chaenomeles is hardy and tolerant of partial shade. Most reasonably fertile soils will do.
What else does it do?
The flowering boughs look pleasing in a vase.
Any drawbacks?
Its deciduous, so youre left with a network of spiny bare branches in winter.

2. Planet Nine: Four unknown objects being investigated as potential new worlds in our
solar system
The research was helped by 60,000 people around the world, who checked through more than
four million possible planets

Astronomers might have found a new planet, hiding in our solar system.
And it might have been discovered by citizen astronomers 60,000 of them, who picked through
pictures of rocks and may have found the mysterious 'Planet Nine'.
Astronomers from the Australian National University are investigating four unknown objects,
each of which could be a candidate for a new, as yet unknown planet in our own solar system.
The candidates were found by a planetary search that was inspired by a TV programme that
encouraged people more than 60,000 of them to pick through more than four million objects
and see whether they might be a new world.
The search has already found two minor planets. That proves that the approach could eventually
stumble on the much-rumoured Planet Nine, they say.

Planet Nine is a hypothetical world lurking on the edge of our solar system. It has never been
seen directly but it has been theorised on the basis of unusual gravitational patterns that seem to
suggest something is out there, beyond Pluto.
The citizen astronomers helped rule out large parts of the southern sky, blocking out places where
Planet Nine could be situated.
Weve managed to rule out a planet about the size of Neptune being in about 90 per cent of the
southern sky out to a depth of about 350 times the distance the Earth is from the Sun, said Brad
Tucker, lead researcher on the project.
With the help of tens of thousands of dedicated volunteers sifting through hundreds of thousands
of images taken by SkyMapper, we have achieved four years of scientific analysis in under three
days. One of those volunteers, Toby Roberts, has made 12,000 classifications.
Now astronomers will point telescopes around the world at the unknown objects to find out
whether they are Planet Nine, other dwarf planets or just asteroids.

3. Wild days out for Easter: UK walks, attractions and activities without the crowds
Big-name attractions are heaving over the spring break but the UK has a wealth of
spectacular, less-well-known days out. Our experts reveal their favourites

Art walk, Lake District

A lovely 45-minute walk starts at Wainwrights Inn in Langdale. Take the footpath down the
stream, emerging eventually near the Britannia Inn in Elterwater. From there, go left until the
main road and left again to get to the Merz Barn. A peculiar twist of fate brought Kurt Schwitters,
pioneer of installation art and veteran of Weimar Berlin and the Dadaist movement, to the Lake
District. He had been denounced by the Nazis as a degenerate artist, forced into exile, then
interned on the Isle of Man, before moving to Ambleside after the war. While there, he received a
1,000 grant from New Yorks Moma to restore his German installations. Instead, he built one in
Langdale. The actual artwork is in Newcastles Hatton Gallery, but the barn is now an art centre
and place of pilgrimage for art lovers. Theres a memorial garden, information about the history
and an artist-in-residence. Armitt Museum in Ambleside and Abbot Hall Art Gallery in Kendal
both have works by Schwitters.
Cycling, Isle of Wight The 68-mile cycle route around the island is well-signposted and theres
much on the way to surprise a first-time visitor. Heading clockwise from the ferry terminal
at Ryde, you reach Bembridge, where theres a fishmonger who does excellent dressed crab
fresh from the bay match it with some crusty bread from the bakery. It was near here at
Godshill in 1970 that Jimi Hendrix, The Who and Miles Davis rocked 600,000
festivalgoers four times bigger than Glastonbury. Camp at Compton Farm in the south-
west, by the islands best sandy beach. The vertiginous military road to Freshwater is all the
more thrilling to ride given the high chance it will fall into the sea sometime in the next few
years. The Red Lionin Freshwater is a good pub stop. At Newtown, dont miss the
Elizabethan Town Hall, saved by the anonymous benefactors of Fergusons Gang, a group
of masked women who, in the 1920s and 30s, set about saving Englands heritage from
destruction. The sea is an ever-present companion on the route, which includes a ferry hop
across the river Medina at Cowes.

Glorious gardens, Worcestershire The West Midlands has swathes of non-urbanised green, full
of character and wildlife. Start at The Knapp and Paper Mill nature reserve, west of
Worcester: an old orchard leads to a trail through wildflower meadows and a river where
otters have been seen. A short drive takes you to the Fold Caf, a 17th-century threshing
barn where theres delicious organic slow food. From there, head east to Spetchley Park.
This 400-year-old garden is the joyous result of one familys dedication. Two Edwardian
women were particularly influential: Ellen Willmott and her sister, Rose Berkeley, designed
and planted much of the space. There are formal elements, but it mostly consists of packed
borders and specimen trees that create a magical place. Serious gardeners will be impressed
by the variety of plants. My favourite corner is the Fountain Garden, where Im convinced
Ellens ghost lingers, plus theres a cafe for teas and light lunches

4. My Crocs rock and the fashion world has finally come round to them
For years, my rubber footwear was met with titters, but since Christopher Kane put Crocs on
the catwalk, Im suddenly the most fashionable man at the Guardian

At last, the email I have been waiting for and expecting. For quite a long time, actually,
although I was never in any doubt that it was coming. Would I write a short piece about being the
most fashionable man in the Guardian? Of course, with pleasure.
Specifically, its about my footwear: Crocs. You know, the rubbery plastic clogs with
holes and a strap that first appeared 15 years ago, and were embraced the world over by toddlers,
chefs, surgeons and other cool people such as George W Bush? I have a pair, in chocolate brown,
that I wear around the office. They are very comfy, light (amazingly so), practical, durable and
cool. My feet dont get sweaty, In winter, I wear socks too, like Dubya. But also I do feel pretty
cool in them.
Ive heard the comments, though: the tuts and titters, a glance down and then a really?
or still? A kind member of the fashion desk once even took me aside for a word.
Yeah, well, no ones tutting or tittering now, are they? It comes as no surprise to me to
find that Crocs are very much back, ever since Christopher Kane sent Croc-shod models down
the catwalk at his spring show. We know, Chris and I. And its good news for the models, too, as
they would have found them very comfortable.
So Christophers are encrusted with sparkling rocks and crystals, and will set you back
275, which is a little more than the 29.99 you pay for a classic pair (considerably less if you go
fake, Ive heard). But Im thinking that, with a few carefully chosen pebbles (free from most
good beaches, where, incidentally, youll find Crocs to be the perfect footwear), and a tube of
Super Glue (a couple of quid from the corner shop), I will be able to achieve a similar effect.
Ill probably feature them, with pictures, in my new style column, which cant now be
long in coming. Ciao.

5. Italian police have arrested four people in Venice after one of them was overheard in an
intercepted phone conversation talking about the possibility of placing a bomb under citys
Rialto bridge.
With all the non-believers there are in Venice, if you put a bomb under the Rialto bridge youll
immediately earn a place in heaven, one of the suspects said. It wasnt clear if the reference was
bluster or indicated an imminent threat.
The suspects three men from Kosovo and an unidentified minor were also reportedly
overheard praising the terrorist attack in London last week and discussing a desire to join jihadis
in Syria.
The group had been under surveillance for more than a year. A police statement said they were
detained in an overnight sweep after it was established that they had undergone religious
The Rialto is the oldest of four bridges that span Venices Grand Canal, first built at the end of
the 12th century.
The current bridge, an arched stone construction that dates from the late 16th century, is one of
Venices best-known landmarks. The Venice prosecutor Adelchi dIppolito told reporters that the
comment about blowing it up was one the most worrying and alarming remarks we heard on
the intercept.
DIppolito said the suspects appeared to have been studying how to make explosives, but did not
have the necessary components for constructing a bomb.
There was [also] a lot of talk about unconditional support [for] Isis. It wasnt just theory and
dogma, DIppolito added, referring to the intercepted conversations.
Twelve raids were carried out overnight in the citys historic centre, and one each in the nearby
town of Mestre and the Veneto city of Treviso.
The interior minister, Marco Minniti, praised Italys anti-terror squad, Digos, for its important
achievement in the prevention of terror.
Italy has deported 21 terror suspects since the beginning of this year, and 153 since January 2015,
when the country ramped up security after the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris. Security was
tightened again after the attack in London on 22 March.
Earlier this month, authorities deported a Tunisian man allegedly linked to Anis Amri, who killed
12 people after driving a truck into a crowd at a Christmas market in Berlin in
December. Amri was shot dead by Italian police during a routine check in Milan days after.
Agence France-Presse contributed to this report.

6. Quarter of adults in England 'exercise for less than half hour a week'
NHS review finds high levels of obesity and inactivity in England, with minority eating five
portions of fruit and vegetables
One in four adults in England get less than 30 minutes of exercise a week, with women more
likely to be inactive, a report shows.
NHS Digitals annual review of obesity in England also found high levels of obesity among
adults and children, with only around a quarter of adults eating the recommended five portions of
fruit and vegetables a day.
Twenty-six percent of all adults were classified as inactive (undertaking fewer than 30 minutes of
physical activity a week), with women being slightly more likely to be inactive (27%) than men

(24%). People who have been unemployed long-term or have never worked are most likely to not
take exercise (37%), compared with 17% of those in professional and managerial jobs.
Almost a third of people in South Tyneside, Leicester, Barking and Dagenham and Rochdale are
deemed to be inactive, while the lowest rates of inactivity were found in Wokingham (13%) and
Brighton and Hove (14%), the report said.
In 2015, 58% of women and 68% of men in England were overweight or obese. Obesity has risen
from 15% of adults in 1993 to 27% in 2015.
The prevalence of morbid obesity has more than tripled since 1993, affecting 2% of men and 4%
of women in 2015.
The report also revealed high numbers of overweight children, with more than one in five in
reception class (aged four to five) being overweight or obese in 2015-16, rising to more than one
in three for children in year six.
On Thursday, Public Health England (PHE) published new voluntary targets for the food industry
to reduce sugar levels by 20% by 2020 in nine categories of food popular with children.
The NHS Digital report found that only 26% of adults ate the recommended five portions of fruit
or vegetables a day in 2015: 47% of men and 42% of women ate fewer than three portions a day.
But 52% of 15-year-olds said they hit the recommended five a day.
The data also showed there were 525,000 hospital admissions in England in 2015-16 where
obesity was recorded as a factor. Two in three patients, or 67%, were female.
The report found that 6,438 weight-loss surgical procedures were carried out.
A spokesman for the Obesity HealthAlliance, a coalition of more than 40 health charities,
campaign groups and medical colleges, said: As waistlines increase, so do the chances of
developing life-threatening conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer, putting
further strain on our already overstretched health service.
This data is a stark reminder of exactly why we need measures like the sugar reduction
programme and the soft drinks industry levy to help create a healthier environment for all.
Dr Justin Varney, Public Health Englands national lead for adult health and wellbeing, said: We
need many more adults and children to be more physically active. Little and often makes a big
difference just 10 minutes extra walking each day can improve a persons health and their
overall quality of life.
Chris Allen, a senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: Being inactive can
dramatically increase your risk of having a deadly heart attack or stroke.
But the good news is that its never too late to start being more active, which can help you
control your weight, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and improve your mental health.
The recommended 150 minutes of physical activity a week may seem like a lot, but you can
break it down into 10-minute sessions and gradually build up.

B. Read closely the excerpts below and translate them into English:

a.i.1. Mustrrile d-tale sunt fr utilitate, ca mnia cuiva care bate la ua vecin nchis, n loc
de aceea pe care o caut, dar i n scrisoarea trecut, ca i acum aproape, mi-a slbit voina de
a face efortul unei explicaii gndul c i lmuririle sunt de obicei zadarnice. Veneam n ziua
aceea cu braul plin cu flori ... Nu m ateptase ... Nu dorisem dect s retriesc o clip ... ceva
din trecut i m supuneam acestui demers cum primeti un singur pahar de vin, tiind c mai
multe nu ai putea suporta. Dar servitorul mi-a remis un bilet cnd am sunat. Un plic odios, de
un albastru pal, aproape alb. Parc un gnd otrvit mi s-a mprtiat n snge i mi-a uscat
pielea. Nu tiam ce s rspund, nici n-am citit biletul, pentru c acum coninutul lui mi-era
indiferent. Alt-dat m adnceam n cercetarea motivelor, cum ai cuta izvorul apei neregulat
subterane ntr-o grot. Mi-era acum numai o mil imens de bucuria mea i de florile pe care
le aveam n brae. Am regretat pe urm brusc c am dat drumul trsturii din superstiie
cci eram att de obosit, c nu mai puteam merge pe jos, i parc din senin am nceput s
sufr n tot corpul cum revin durerile dac a trecut prea repede anastezicul. M strngeau
pantofii, mi se lipeau nduite, de-a lungul picioarelor, jartierele. Nu tiu de ce mi-a fost ruine
s m vad servitoarea c aduce flori neprimite acs i asta era fr temei, pentru c de obicei
mi cumpr singur flori, pe care le aduc i le risipesc n vasele smluite. Dar gndirea mi-era
att de dezorientat i m puteam folosi de o logic jignit tot att de puin ct te po i sprijini
pe un picior bandajat. ncruntasem sprncenele ca s nu-mi dea lacrimile i regretam stupid pe
un singur ton, cum, i aduci aminte cnd ai fost la noi la vie, cnta nentrerupt din fluier,
aceeai msur nebunul care se ntorcea cu vacile. De ce a fcut asta ? Singur m-a chemat i
eu am venit s fac un lucru drgu, nerefuznd s retrim o or dintr-un trecut att de plin de
bucurii neclasate nc. Acas l-am gsit pe D. stnd pe divan i citind. Socot ns c a luat
cartea n mn numai cnd mi-a auzit paii n vestibul. M-a scos din srite i cred c n privire
mi apruse, ca un cine la poarta ogrzii, toat indignarea de care eram capabil. Mi-a fost
ns mil de el ... Era palid, mai urt ca de obicei, cu ochii tulburi i gura inform, uscat ca o
smochin. A fi vrut s-i pun din nou n vedere c nu trebuie s intre i s rmn la mine cnd
nu sunt acas, dar mi s-a prut c mnia mea i-ar sfrma nervii, c l-ar deprima ca o insult
nemeritat. De aceea am zmbit oportun i i-am dat mna ... Mi-a srutat-o intimidat i a
cutat s-mi defineasc parfumul. ntia oar m parfumasem din nou tot din superstiie cu
parfumul care fcea parte din vechea mea dragoste, ca mirosul dintr-o grdin. Pe urm a
ntrebat stngaci i penibil: Te superi c te-am ateptat ? ntrebarea lui, care nu avea dect un
rspuns, m-a crispat din nou, m-a enervat mai mult dect ateptarea nsi i n-am rspuns.

Camil Petrescu, Patul lui Procust

a.i.2. n vreme ce Aglae rentocmea jocul, Pascalopol contempla pe Otilia. Aceasta i potrivea
acul cu perl din cravat, i scutura uor umerii, privindu-l cu o graioas maternitate, mereu
atrnat pe marginea scaunului. Deodat, privind spre minile albe i ncrcate de inele ale lui
Pascalopol, se entuziasm: Vai, ce inel frumos! Nu l-am mai vzut. Inelul n chestiune era
petrecut pe degetul mic al minii stngi, cam spre vrful lui, dei degetul era destul de fin. S-ar
fi prut c bijuteria nu era pe msura proprietarului i era pus acolo numai spre pstrare. Era
un inel simplu, ns un foarte frumos safir ncadrat ntr-un numr de mici perle, ca un miez de
floare ntre corole, i apoi elegant strns n cteva foi de aur. Pascalopol l scoase cu o grab
extraordinar i-l ntinse Otiliei, rugndo cu toat afeciunea teatral pe care un om matur e n
stare s-o pun n glas:
Te rog s-l iei!
Otilia l aez pe inelarul minii drepte i, ridicndu-i braul subire n dreptul lmpii, zise
E superb! Apoi trecu lng btrn, sub ochii cruia l puse mbr-indu-i umrul cu mna
sting. Nu e aa, papa?
Btrnul l privi avid cu ochii lui bulbucai, i din buzele sale groase emise invitaia optit:
Ia-l! i-l d ie.
Prin ochii Aglaei i ai Aurichii trecur fulgere scurte.
Nu i-e ruine, Costache, lsai omului inelul. Poate e vreo amintire.
n loc de orice protest, Otilia ntinse inelul lui Pascalopol. Acesta ns i prinse mna.
Te rog s-l iei. Pentru dumneata l-am i adus, dar am uitat. Mi-ai vorbit de safir ca de un
port-bonheur al dumitale.
Zicnd acestea, Pascalopol i strecur inelul n deget i, inndu-i braul, i-l srut n apropiere
de cot. Ascult, Pascalopol, izbucni Aglae iritat, joci, sau nu joci? Vd c te zbenguieti cu
fetele. Simioane, strig ea, aruncnd ochii spre fundul odii, tu ce faci acolo? De ce nu te duci
s te culci?
Omul cu broboad i mic barbion, care broda i scruta din cnd n cnd pe Felix, scoase un
scurt mormit. Zarurile ncepur din nou s cad. Prsit de toi, obosit, Felix examina mediul
n care czuse; Otilia l surprinsese de la nceput i n-ar fi putut spune ce sentiment nutrea fa
de dnsa, dar simea c are ncredere n ea. Fata prea s aib optsprezece-nousprezece ani.
Faa mslinie, cu nasul mic i ochii foarte albatri, arta i mai copilroas ntre multele bucle
i gulerul de dantel, ns n trupul subiratic, cu oase delicate de ogar, de un stil perfect, fr
acea slbiciune supt i ptrat a Aureliei, era o mare libertate de micri, o stpnire
desvrit de femeie. Mo Costache o sorbea umilit din ochi i rdea din toat faa lui spn
cnd fata l prindea n braele ei lungi. Fata avea, era limpede, toat iniiativa, i Costache era
un simplu satelit al voinei ei. ns Otilia nu fcea nici un gest care s par ndrzne, nu scotea
nici o vorb nechibzuit. Totui, pe Felix, familiaritatea ei, orict de copilreasc, cu
Pascalopol l nemulumi
George Clinescu, Enigma Otiliei

a.i.3. Trei biei avea bunica i-o singur fat, pe mama.Bieii, mai mari dect mama, Tone i
Lisandru, i luaser lumea n cap de mici, slugriser pe la stpni, agonisiser ceva, i
veniser n Omida, sat mncat de srcie, dar mare, cu gar, cu pot, cu greci negustori de
grne.Cumpraser locuri la osea, cldiser case, deschiseser prvlii cu de toate. Cu fete de
la ora se-nsuraser amndoi. Casele lor, case cu copii Pe mama o mritase repede bunica.
Nu suferea nghesuial n case, vrusese s rmn numai cu biatul cel mic, singurul care-i era
drag dintre mugurii ei. Poate c-i czuse scump bunicii nenea Dumitrache, fiindc era
slbnog, prostovan. Bunica vedea n el un fel de neom, un bieandru cu mintea slab, care se
inea de fustele ei i nu-i ieea din cuvnt.
Dumitrache, mtur casa
Dumitrache apuca mtura de coad i mtura casa mai abitir ca o fat.
Dumitrache, adun urzici, toac-le, fierbe, amestec- le cu tre i d-le la rae
Dumitrache, ast-sear rmi acas
Rmn, mam Dumitrache, azi te duci la hor
M duc la hor, mam
Ai s te prinzi n hor, Dumitrache
Am s m prind, mam
Ai s joci frumos, Dumitrache S se uite lumea la tine, s se minuneze
Am s joc frumos, mam
Pe urm, cnd s-o sparge hora, ai s te duci cu fete, la deal
Dac-o vrea s mearg vreuna cu mine
Zaharia Stancu, Descul

a.i.4. Ultimele ecouri ale zilei ntrziau n buctrie i n odile servitorilor. Linitea intrase n
cas ca un nghe fr duritate i fr scnteiere. Prin ferestrele deschise intrau delicaii oaspei
cari niciodat nu vin pe u: somnul vntului, freamtul plopilor, dulceaa teiului. Paturile erau
nfate, dar goale; luminile, stinse. Doamna Deleanu i Monica se plimbau pe aleea care ducea
spre poart. Tceau. Fiecare cu gndurile i umbra ei, dei purtau n gnduri pe acelai Dnu,
altul n fiecare. Doamna Deleanu se rezema ntr-un baston luat la ntmplare din vestiar; nu att
pentru a-i sprijini trupul; mai cu seam pentru a-i nsoi singurtatea, cci tcerea Monici era
o deprtare. Puiu, clare pe biciclet, fcea opturi concentrate pe nisipul aleii. Era furios. Olgua
plecase la gar cu domnul Deleanu, i el...
Puiule, nu-i dau voie s mergi noaptea cu bicicleta prin ora. La ora asta copiii se culc.
Da azi i smbt, tante Alice! Mne n-am coal! suspinase el.
Cu att mai bine: stai cu noi acas la aer curat.
Puiu Deleanu, licean n clasa patra, era vr de-al doilea cu Olgua i Dnu. Avea o fa rotund,
pe care mniile cdeau rumene i dese, ca cireele scuturate din pom, i fruntea domnului
Deleanu, purtat cu aceeai arogan. Cu patru ani nainte, intrase pe poarta casei Deleanu
laolalt cu clienii un copil mrunt i ndesat, tuns chilug, cu o plrie de psl neagr, prea
larg pentru el, adpostind doi obraji sntoi de copil care s-a dat cu sniua, doi ochi serioi i
preocupai de cioban prematur, i un nsuc

Ionel Teodoreanu, La Medeleni

a.i.5. Cnd s ias Nicolae Tabr din cas, se poticni n prag, i ct p-aci s se prvale cu
dsagii de-a umr, cum era.
- Bag de seam, brbate, i zise nevast-sa cu glasul rguit de spaim, bag de seam s nu
peti ceva, c asta nu nseamn bine!
Ia taci mulcom, mi drace, nu-mi tot cobi a ru, mormi ranul necjit, bojdicind pn n
mijlocul ogrzii.
- Da ce s pesc? urm apoi mai rspicat. Numai voi s-avei grije s numi ticluii vreo pozn
pn ce ne intoarcem noi... S fii cu ochii n patru la pologul cela din livad, s nu-l lai s vi-l
mnnce toi cinii!...
Mai boscorodi el vreo trei vorbe, apoi ii scoase plria de paie zdrenuit, ii fcu cruce,
inchinndu-se ca la mtanie, i rosti domol:
- Doamne-ajut!...
Pe urm i ndes plria pe cap, tui de dou ori, scuip ascuit i se ntoarse spre feciorul
su, care atepta somnoros deoparte:
- Hai, biete, s pornim, s nu ntrziem!...
Femeia, luminndu-le din prag cu felinarul, adog i ea, cu mintea ei cea proast:
- Aa, aa, grbii-v, s nu vi se ntmple ceva... D-zeu s v-ajute!...
Dar Nicolae n-o mai auzi. Ieise repede din ograd i o apucase cu pai voiniceti pe ulia ce
se ntindea ca un bru albine printre casele pitite n noaptea de pcur. n urma lui, feciorul
tndlea, ca un mnz trudit, ciulind urechile i uitndu-se cnd n dreapta, cnd n stnga,
parc i-ar fi fost fric s nu se npusteasc cineva asupra lor. n colul ulicioarei ce ducea la
gar, felinarul funinginit mprtia o lumin glbuie, mucezit. Umbrele pervazurilor se to-
lneau rchirate ca degetele unei mini uriae i se pierdeau ndat n bezn.
-Taci, c-i bine! rsufl Nicolae, oprindu-se oleac sub felinar.
- Oare n-o fi trecut? blbi feciorul, ca s zic i el ceva.
- Da de unde!? Doar l-am fi auzit uiernd, fcu btrnul cu mndrie, urnindu-se iar nainte.
Gara era pustie toat. Numai ntr-un ochi de fereastr clipocea flacra bolnav a unei lmpi de
veghere. Cele trei perechi de ine licreau, ca nite dungi de argint, sub plpirea luminii
Liviu Rebreanu, Nuvele
6. Aa, ntr-o toamn ca asta, duceam vinuri la inutul Sucevei. i eram n popas aici, la hanul
Ancuei, cu cruii i cu antalele. i m aflam n mare mhnire, cci dragostea mea din anul
acela se desfrunzise cu vara. Iar mama acestei Ancue se uita pe sub sprncene la mine i
rdea, cci nici vinul nu-mi plcea, nici pe lutari nu-i sufeream. Umblam bezmetic i ingur
ca un cuc.
Era ntr-o smbt, pe la toac. Am nclicat i-am purces ncet, pe-un drumuor, printre
miriti. -ascultam n singurtate, pe sus, cocoarele care se cltoreau. Cnd am ajuns la malul
Moldovei, am luat-o la vale, printre ap i lunc, ntr-un rstimp au nceput clopotele la
biserica de la Tupilai. Am oprit calul i le-am ascultat cu jale, pn ce au contenit i-mi aduc
aminte c, dup ce au stat clopotele acelea, am auzit altele, de la bisericile altor sate, - i
picurau deprtate i stnse: parc bteau n inima mea. M-am trezit ntr-un trziu privindu-m
ntr-o revrsare de ap ca-ntr-o oglind, i m-am spriat de mine, ca de o vedenie

Era o fetican de optsprezece ani. i vzusem n ap trupul curat i frumos rotunjit. Sta
aproape de mine, numai n cma i-n fust ro. Obrazul i era copilresc; dar nasul arcuit,
cu nri largi, i ochii iui m tulburar deodat. Am imit n mine ceva fierbinte: parc-a fi
nghiit o butur tare. Hasanache o ajungea cu braul ridicat Ea feri n lturi, m ocoli n fug
i trecu iar spre balt. La malul apei se opri i ncepu iar s m priveasc. Btrnul i scoase
luleaua, scuip, i rnji negru. Toi dinii dinainte i erau rupi.
Srut mna, beiule, nu bga n sam. E-o fat proast, care n-a ieit nc n lume. Marga
chicoti, la malul blii, i pru-i negru i lins avea luciri de pun. Hasanache o amenin cu
luleaua. Apoi iar se ntoarse spre mine.
Dumneata trebuie s fii boierul care-a poposit la han, cu vin din jos...
Da, dar de unde tii?
Mi-au spus lutarii, care-s de-ai notri. Am vzut obraz strin i-am neles c dumneata
trebuie s fii acela. Dac mi-i da de-o garaf de rachiu, i pup minile i-i zic bogdaproste
mriei tale. i faci poman c-un igan btrn i nevolnic!
Mihail Sadoveanu, Hanul Ancuei

7. S-au ntmplat multe n viaa ei care mi produc mil de cte ori mi aduc aminte, cu toate c
nu tot - deauna pentru motive nsemnate. Era la nceputul cunoaterii noastre un personagiu
important, domnul X. El a invitat pe civa studeni ca s se arate apropiat de tineree. Prin nu
tiu ce ciudenie, ne-am hotrt s mergem i noi, necunoscui i n acelai timp foarte
orgolioi, deci trebuind s ne supere cea mai mic neatenie care ni s-ar arta. ntr-un salon mare
au intrat vreo patruzeci de persoane. n sfrit, a aprut i gazda, grav, zmbitor, dar distant, i a
nceput s dea pe rnd mna tinerilor musafiri, oprindu-se mai mult la cei pe care i cunotea. La
Ioana s-a mrginit cu o strngere de mn i cu o uoar aplecare a capului. Ioana i-a rspuns cu
un zmbet, iar domnul X a trecut mai departe. Curnd Ioana a schimbat locul, domnul X s-a
gsit din nou n faa ei, i fr s o recunoasc, i-a dat mna din nou, iar Ioana a tre buit iari s
zmbeasc. Am asistat de la distan la amn - dou scenele (nu i-am spus Ioanei niciodat,
chiar cnd am devenit intimi) i am vzut-o la a doua prezentare, mic, ncercnd s zmbeasc,
dar n fond lovit n orgoliul ei de femeie care se ntreab zilnic dac este sau nu frumoas. Am
avut o durere imens pentru Ioana din clipa aceea, durere ce a rmas identic de cte ori mi-am
adus aminte de scen, oricare ar fi fost relaiile dintre noi, i cte dezastre veritabile ar fi venit.
Acum domnul X a murit, Ioana pro babil c a uitat, iar eu transcriu cu aceeai emoie. Pentru
multe suprri de ale ei am fost necjit, cu toate c, mai tr ziu, cnd am urt-o, m-am bucurat
c s-a ntmplat aa. Acum, cnd dragostea i ura se succed cu repe - ziciune i fiecare mo ment
difer de cellalt, i aceleai fapte de ale ei le vd n fiecare clip altfel, totui, vizita la domnul
X subzist intact. Mila este i ea, ca orice sentiment, greu de delimitat, de gradat, ncepe, se
transform, se schimb dup legi misterioase
Anton Holoban, Ioana


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