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The Writers Insider

Spring 2017 Vol 1. Issue 5

For students who are interested or considering This semester, big changes have
[the technical and professional writing] track, I think its a come around within the Writing Arts
super valuable option for anyone interested in technical Club. The club, open to students of
or workplace writing, but also for students who are dual all majors who are interested in Writ-
ing, is petitioning to become SGA
majors or have interest or expertise in different fields,
sanctioned. The petitioning process
even fields like the sciences or business. These will continue until March of 2018,
courses increase their marketability in the job market. It after which the club will potentially
gives them a kind of niche. - Jen Tole be sanctioned.
Becoming SGA is a huge step
Technical Communication: An Overview forward for RUWAC, said WAC
President Morgan Douglas and Vice
Engineers with technical expertise mastered, graduates found it difficult President Amanda Spadel. SGA
and the ability to communicate be- to communicate this information has always been a solid foundation
came important in American society through writing. for students and clubs, it provides an
during the Civil War. This value Changes came to engineering additional measure of support and
for technical projects and the skills colleges at the beginning of the 20th integrity.
needed to carry them out opened up century: English departments institut- The club also works on a new writ-
new educational opportunities for ed upper-level writing courses geared ing project each semester. Currently,
those interested in pursuing careers towards writing in the engineering the club is working together to create
in technical fields. As a result of profession. Textbooks for teaching a Novella. Students work together to
this increased importance, the US these technical writing styles began to create the content, write the novella,
Government passed the With the circulate. then eventually publish the work in
Morrill Land Grant Act With the introduction of
of 1862, which called introduction of English departments in
a zine format. Members work out of
Google Docs in order to collaborate
for 30,000 acres of English depart- engineering colleges effectively. Then, at weekly meet-
land in several states ments in engineering came tension: English ings, members discuss the Google
to be set aside for the colleges came and engineering depart- Doc elements and vote on what
creation of colleges fo- ments had differing views
cused on the agricultural and
tension about what the focus of writ-
elements will remain in the story. Ad-
ditionally, the club participates and
mechanical arts. ing courses should be. The English hosts events for the campus at large.
Prior to 1870, all students of higher departments tended to value teaching As an SGA organization we are
education, including engineering literature whereas the engineering required to complete four services
students, primarily studied rhetoric faculty felt this was not teaching the projects during the duration of the
and what we understand today as the engineering students the technical complete school year, we try to com-
humanities. With industrialization writing skills they needed. mit to volunteer work that will direct-
becoming central to the American Industry professionals were dis- ly benefit our campus, said Spadel
economy, institutions of higher satisfied still with the writing ability and Douglas. We also host our P5
education shifted to produce engi- of engineering graduates. Changes Party- Portfolio, Pizza, Pajama, Pity,
neers, and as a result, much of the were made, and the increase in En- Party- at the end of each semester.
focus on the Humanities diminished glish departments across the country This is another chance for students
and the only writing courses many multiplied the need for more English to work together on their final work;
engineering students received was in faculty. These faculty members were this can include everything from
First Year Composition. Regardless predominantly interested in literary writing portfolios, to AFT assign-
of the level of engineering material ments, to preparing for final exams.
See TECHNICAL, page 10
Each year the Writing Arts Department recognizes students for their work and dedication.
This year, a Toni Libro Outstanding Master of Arts in Writing Medallion Winner is Michael Fotos.

Spotlight on Michael Fotos

The Toni Libro Medallion serves to Club. Mike was looking for a place to
acknowledge these devoted students connect with their peers, and stum-
and their hard work. The medallion bled on the Writing Arts Club. When
is awarded to a graduate student who Mike got here, the Writing Arts Club
consistently demonstrates profession- was nowhere near what it is today.
alism, diligence, and great talent and Mike didnt hesitate to help revamp it.
promise. Winners of the medallion They helped restructure the meetings,
are exceptional students with a pas- created a website, and allowed for
sion for learning and a dedication to it to take form. Now, the the club is
the school that makes them stand out petitioning to be SGA sanctioned and
amongst their peers. This year, we are is an outlet for many students, like it
proud to recognize Mike Fotos as one was for Mike.
of these students. Approaching their senior year, Mike
In their time here at Rowan, Mike found they werent ready to leave
has become an invaluable asset to the Rowan yet. They applied for the 4+1
department. When I asked why they program and is now in their M.A year.
thought they received this award, Mike works on Glassworks and still
Mike attributed it to simply show- works in the Writing Center. Apart
ing up for things, being thrown into from their grad classes, Glassworks,
things having a hand in so many and tutoring, you can also find Mike
little and big things. If you look at in the front of the classroom. Mike
the recent evolution of the depart- drive and purpose to write and teach. was the first student to make an
ment, you can find Mikes finger- Around the same time, Mike found attempt at both the 4+1 program and
prints. a new place to thrive the TEP program.
While Mike has played a role in in the Writing Say yes to as They has been
Center. The Writing
much of the growth and development
Center became a
many things and teaching ICC1 for
here in Writing Arts, they did not start
out here. Mike came to Rowan as a safe space for them, opportunities as two semesters
and Theyd like to
biochemistry major, unenthusiastic their happy place. possible, even if continue to teach.
about school. When they realized that Mike is currently the
longest employee at
youre in way over Mike may have
biochemistry might not be their call-
the Writing Center, your head. started out not
ing, they switched gears and studied
theatre and dance and truly thrived holding the title of Thats when youre so happy here at
Rowan, but now
in that environment. But something Graduate Intern/Tutor
Coordinator. (They
most yourself. They love it and
was not right. After careful consider- does want to leave.
ation of their future in theatre, Mike prefers Tutor Coordi- They love being valuable to the de-
switched to nator as it sounds better.) partment. Theyd like to stay here and
Writing Arts
Mike decided they Mike expanded the Writ- have a significant role perhaps as
and realized were going to be an ing Center and its impact an adjunct and in the Writing Center.
on the University. They
they had been advocate of the founded a fellowship
Mikes hopes for the future include
a writer all
disruption of program where the tutors
continuing to write for advocacy and
continuing to perform.
In the normalcy. now can go to classes My final question for Mike was if
course How and help students with they had any advice for the rest of us.
Writers Read, Mike discovered their their work. Mike has been instru- And they certainly did.
lifes mission. Mike decided they was mental in spreading the word across Say yes to as many things and op-
going to be an advocate of the dis- campus about the Writing Center and portunities as possible, even if youre
ruption of normalcy, that they would expanding the program. in way over your head. Thats when
value things that are not what we see Another program that Mike helped youre most yourself.
everyday. This would ignite their to develop was the Writing Arts
2- The Writers Insider - Vol. 1 Issue 5
Each year the Writing Arts Department recognizes students for their work and dedication.
This year, a Toni Libro Outstanding Master of Arts in Writing Medallion Winner is Sarah Knapp.

Spotlight on Sarah Knapp

When I sat down with Medallion Recently, shes been working closely
award winner Sarah Knapp, I had with Glassworks magazine, pub-
only a brief understanding of the lishing opinion pieces, reviews, and
award, which was sponsored by Dr. performing readings at Glassworks
Antoinette Libro, a former Dean of events. She hopes to continue work-
the College of Communication. Evi- ing with the magazine and exploring
dently, Sarah knew of it from being at opportunities that have opened up for
last years Student Showcase, but she her while working with the publica-
hadnt known she was nominated for tion. Working with the magazine has
it until she received the email just a opened her eyes on her love for the
few weeks ago. The email included a rhetoric of publishing.
time for her to come to the ceremony Along with Glassworks, Sarah
and a statement that the medallion is worked hard in the departments
Awarded to a senior who has demon- internship to build the website for the
strated outstanding course perfor- Writing Arts department and is happy
mance, strong leadership skills, and about how the work she did impacts
excellent career potential as a writer the department and the college.
and as a teacher of writing. Its kind of cool to look at when
Upon reading the qualifications you go to the website and youre like
for the award, her response was I did this! People are looking at this
something like, oh my god, really? and coming to our school.
When she shared her accomplish- dont think Id change it because it Sarah aspires to begin her own
ments during her time here at the made me who I am, and brought me literary magazine in which shes the
University, to where I am. Editor-in-Chief calling the shots. She
Sarah particularly
it became What Ive done here at enjoyed Writing, also would like to become a profes-
clear she sor within the field of Women and
was more Rowan, and the career Research, and Tech- Gender Studies, which she is fiercely
than quali- path that Ive started on nology, finding the passionate about. She mainly hopes to
fied. style and approach to
She is
is one that Im happy in writing taught in the continue writing opinion pieces and
articles for online based publications,
graduating and one that Ive com- course a good fit for
her development as a
reaching a larger audience. Shes
with her enjoyed her ride with the University
B.A. in
pletely enjoyed, so Im writer. She conducted and is eager to see where it will take
Writing ready to see where it her own research,
set up a website and
her next.
Arts at the
end of this
goes. wrote articles for
Maybe Ill have my own mag-
azine, maybe I write for someone
spring semester 2017, with the aim it: she continues to elses, but either
explore new
to begin graduate school with Row-
technologies She also would like to way I know that
an in the fall. Shes also pursuing a what Ive done
concentration in Women and Gender of writing, and become a professor within here at Rowan,
would like to
Studies, educating herself on different
make a career
the field of Women and and the career
perspectives on gender and social is- path that Ive
sues. She waited until her sophomore of it. Gender Studies, which started on is one
Sarah also
year to declare herself a Writing Arts
worked over the
she is fiercely that Im happy
major, after taking a Creative Writing in and one that
class. summer in the passionate about. Ive completely
I fit the whole four year college Deans office enjoyed, so Im
experience into my last two years, of the College of Communications ready to see where it goes.
she says with a positive tone, but I and Creative Arts, writing articles
and putting together a newsletter.
The Writers Insider - Vol. 1 Issue 5 -3
Easing the Tension: Breaking Down Technical and Professional Writing
Those of us who dare to embrace say technicalandprofessionalwriting developments that will be in place for
the title of writer probably entered in just one breath or simply call it the 2017-18 academic year.
the field under the premise that all technical writing. While technical and Courses specifically designed for
writing is inherently creative-- an professional writing may be one con- this concentration are being devel-
ornate and melodic juxtaposition centration (formerly known as a spe- oped and will shape a concrete field
of language that creates a narrative, cialization) in our department, they of study for interested students. The
evokes emotion, and reveals truth and are in fact two separate fields with Technical and Professional Writing
insight about the world and our lives. different conventions and purposes. concentration shares several courses
When students become Writing Arts The easiest way to differentiate be- with the other two concentrations
majors to develop themselves as cre- tween these two kinds of writing is to in the major. For instance, Tutoring
ative writers, they will likely discover define both of them separately. Tech- Writing satisfies Creative Writing and
that there are other valuable options nical writing is understood as writing Technical and Professional Writ-
they might otherwise neglect, for for those who work in technical ing, Writing for the Workplace and
example, technical and professional (mechanical or scientific) areas. This Professions in Writing Arts satisfy
writing as well as new media writing genre requires writers to objectively New Media and Publishing as well as
and publishing. deliver facts and data in ways that are Technical and Professional Writing,
Despite its newness and reliance on useful to readers, such as instruction and The Publishing Industry satis-
multiple genres and digital multimo- manuals or grant applications, but fies all three concentrations. The
dality, writing with new media bears also clothing labels or coupons, that Publishing Industry and Professions
some relationship to creative writing, is, writing that we use to get things in Writing Arts are basic tools that
where writers construct engaging nar- done, and writing are helpful
ratives filled with emotion and insight, that most of us Professional writing is the for all writers.
expressed within digital contexts. But fail to recognize overarching definition that Writing for the
where does the most underrated and but could not get encompasses all writing that would Workplace is a
misunderstood field of writing fit into on without. While happen in a profession: special case. It
the equation? Especially since it is normally considered correspondence, emails, memos, is focused on
one of the central parts of the Writing to be informative newsletters, brochures, pamphlets, professional
Arts major? What exactly is techni- and not persuasive, even signage. writing, but
cal and professional writing? technical writing, - Grace Fillenwarth still satisfies
Im willing to bet that most new when we consider the New Media
Writing Arts students dont know the way a writer and Publishing
much about it. I didnt. All I knew presents facts to and Technical
was creative writing, and even my frame a readers understanding and and Professional writing concentra-
knowledge of that was limited. In attitude, may be seen as persuasive tions perhaps because professional
retrospect, my ignorance of tech- and perhaps even creative. writing is a necessary skill for every
nical and professional writing was Because professional writing is not field (think editors, agents, et cetera).
part of why I chose to study creative as localized and specific as techni- Another course offered in the concen-
writing without a second thought. Is cal writing, anyone can become a tration is Rhetorical Theory (offered
the same true for other Writing Arts professional writer: someone who by Communications Studies), a class
students? Is our ignorance and fear of writes within any professional setting. where students learn to develop
the unknown holding us back from Such writing includes emails or press rhetorical sensibility. The Technical
exploring the world of technical and releases, memos or policy statements, and Professional Writing concentra-
professional writing? letters or contracts. Becoming aware tion also borrows courses from other
Broadly speaking, the purpose of of the impact of written communica- departments, including Journalism
technical and professional writing tion within business and institutional (Magazine Article Writing, The
is to convey information in order to settings promises to elevate profes- Publishing Industry); Communication
accomplish a task with others and get sional writers as essential players in Studies (Rhetorical Theory); and RTF
work done. Given this definition, it is the functioning of any organization. (Intro to New Media). Other courses
important to understand that technical This aim is partly responsible for the available are Introduction to Techni-
writing and professional writing are creation of the Writing Arts concen- cal Writing, Magazine Article Writing
not one and the same. If you listen tration in technical and professional
See TENSION, page 5
closely, you just might hear someone writing (fall 2013), and the new
4- The Writers Insider - Vol. 1 Issue 5
TENSION from page 4
(offered by the Journalism depart-
ment), Tutoring Writing, and Intro-
A More Inclusive Future
duction to New Media (offered by for Technical Writers
RTF). This is only the beginning for
the technical and professional writing When the field of technical commu- pating in the education system in
concentration here at Rowan. nication began to form, its focus was general. This greatly influenced what
In the fall 2017, we will see Medical on training writers to communicate was considered technical and what
Writing and Rhetoric as a special top- within the sciences, and more specif- was considered professional. Writ-
ics course where students will have ically engineering. The Civil War and ing one may associate with home
the opportunity to explore medicine the World Wars that followed em- maintenance and factory work was
as a culture and a discipline, what is phasized the importance of technical not studied at a college level, though
called medical rhetoric. We will also know-how, especially with respect to writing associated with engineering
see Science Writing and Rhetoric in weaponry and infrastructure. and medical work was. The effect
the spring 2018, in which students This group of students was predom- of this disparity limited, historically,
will gain familiarity with reading and inantly male, as was the area of study the accepted contributions made by
writing within scientific genres to and studies in general. According to female technical and professional
better prepare them for a career in an the National Womens History Muse- writers.
important field. This is a solid foun- um, women did not begin attending As the education system became
dation for the concentration, however college in the same numbers as men more diverse over the past half-cen-
it is only a start. New courses will until the 1980s. This gender gap in tury (since the 1960s) and women
continue to make their way into the education subsequently resulted in a gained greater access to more edu-
curriculum to form a more concrete gender gap in technical and profes- cational materials, practical training,
track for the students that choose this sional writing studies. as well as opportunities for career
growing field of study. Additionally, what was first as- advancement and achievement,
Now, I bet youre wondering why sociated with technical and profes- this field of writing has grown, and
you should choose this concentra- sional writing was only writing that continues to grow, more inclusive.
tion. If Im frank, technical writing pertained to male dominated-fields As a case in point, one of the leading
seems to offer the most accessible within the sciences, and especially in figures in the field of technical and
and most lucrative career options, engineering and related fields. Many professional writing today is Lisa
which as a writing student, I know is women remained in the home, or Meloncon, Associate Professor of
a pressing concern. Its an expanding became factory workers during the Technical Communication at the Uni-
field, not just here at Rowan, but out Industrial Revolution and afterwards. versity of Cincinnati. Dr. Meloncon
in the world. While both technical Both of these occupations involved is a past president of the Council of
and professional writing have exist- large volumes of dense technical Programs in Technical and Scientific
ed since medicine, science, business writing, but it was not legitimized, Communication, a current member
(really, anything that needs to be let alone taught at a college level. of the steering ommittee of Women
written about) have existed, there is The forms of technical communica- in Technical Communication, and
constantly more and more attention tion women engaged in--cook book co-founder of the only stand-alone
being drawn towards these genres. reading and sewing machine mainte- conference for rhetoricians of health
Plus, just think about all of the oppor- nance, for example--were considered and medicine.
tunities there would be to write and to womens activities and therefore The organization Women in Tech-
get published! I think thats a pretty not a practical area of study. For nical Communication not only does
convincing case in itself. example, cookbooks are essentially research on women in the field, but
Personally, I am intrigued by the how-to guides involving chemical also holds conferences and provides
technical and professional writing experimentation and trial and error. mentorship opportunities to help
fields and Im excited to watch it Women using sewing machines had women advance in their careers.
grow and develop here at Rowan. Im a technical understanding of how to These supports for women have
happy to be a part of it, and I think operate the machine which involved helped these forms of communication
you all should be too even if you understanding its mechanics. grow in more inclusive ways while
just take one class. A writer should be However, women were not free- also expanding the definition of what
well-rounded and established, able to ly permitted to be involved in the constitutes technical communication
speak on and write in multiple genres. sciences and were therefore excluded to include genres that were once
So I urge you, take this opportunity to from technical writing or partici- rejected as feminine.
expand your understanding of writing.
The Writers Insider - Vol. 1 Issue 5 -5
Glassworks Launches
Spring 2017 Issue of Magazine

The Writing Arts Club prides

itself on having a diverse group
of members, each bringing a
unique set of skills and view on
writing into the meetings. Meet-
ings take place Friday evenings
at 5:00 pm until 6:30pm,
On March 29 in the Edelman Plane- magazine while providing enter- in Bozorth Hall room 107.
tarium, students, staff, and communi- tainment and engagement with the
ty members attended the reading and writing.
launch of Glassworks Literary Mag- Each piece was handpicked by the
azines Spring 2017 edition. Students Glassworks team, and were the per-
and editors read their favorite pieces fect pieces to showcase what the mag-
from this issue, and Writing Arts azines about and the thought that goes
Professor Marya Hornbacher read not just into the pieces, but into the
excerpts of her own creative work. way the magazine is structured and
The evening took no more than an how much time the staff spends to put
hour, but in that time, while reclining together the best product. When
in the chairs and basking Professor Hornbacher took the stage,
in the dimmed light- you could tell she was
ing, with images used to reading
projected on the The reading was met with aloud, and there
domed ceiling, laughter and applause from wasnt a hint of
members of the au- everyone in the audience, and anxiety in her. She
dience experienced one member even questioned read from her own
a combination of her if she would be reading for stories gracefully,
poetry, short story, an audiobook any time soon. and captivated
memoir, and short the audience as the author. The reading was met with
prose pieces. Professor images above her flowed laughter and applause from everyone
Hornbacher shared insights into her from one to the next. in the audience, and one member even
writing process and background to her The tone of her voice was leisure- questioned her if she would be reading
work, and each reader elaborated on ly, and perfect to narrate her tales for an audiobook any time soon. With
the reasons they chose each piece and from her past and being on the road. the refreshments, the dim lighting of
its history with Glassworks Magazine. Her works were at times humorous, the planetarium, and the easygoing
The evening provided insights into dramatic and vividly entertaining, speakers, this night was relaxing and
the work that goes into producing and and shed some insight into her life enjoyed by all.
editing creative content for a literary and what helped shape her as an

6- The Writers Insider - Vol. 1 Issue 5

Mediafest 2017:
Behind the Writing

Creators of visual or audio content DeLio got the idea for this project realization that I had wasted a lot
in the Department of Radio, Televi- by slowly watching the number of of time and never got to know him
sion and Film (RTF) gathered for the LGBTQ web series grow during the as well as I should have, Spencer
fourth annual Media Fest to honor the last five years. To find inspiration for said. This film provided some much
best content of the 2016 semesters. creative work, DeLio suggests paying needed closure for me and through it
The event, which took place on Fri- attention to your thoughts when doing I was able to learn a lot about him and
day, March 24 in King Auditorium in everyday tasks. his life.
Bozorth Hall, was put together by Jon- Dont chase the ideas, let them Although Spencer did a lot of
athan Mason, a professor in the RTF come to you! DeLio said. Im pre-writing for the documentary, she
department. Students submitted a link definitely one of those people who continued to edit as she learned more
to a video or a script in the beginning put a lot of pressure on themselves to about her grandfather and his influ-
of the spring semester to be assessed. come up with a great idea on the spot. ence.
Students need to really make sure However, I found that the great ideas If Im being honest, the writing
the version of the script their sub- dont come when you want them. process was pretty rough for me,
mitting is the best it can possibly be, They come when youre walking to Spencer said. It was a weird experi-
which means not just turning it what- class, driving home, taking a shower, ence because, even though this was
ever they finished at the end of the and basically all moments that you my family, there were so many details
semester, but using all the notes they find yourselves without a pen. Ive I wasnt completely sure about. So I
received from their professors or class- gotten used to carrying around a small was constantly rewriting and uncov-
mates and polishing that script to make notebook and I jot ideas down when ering new details that I never even
sure there arent any open questions, they come to me. But, your cellphone knew existed. And even though I did
Mason said. Proofreading seems works, too! Text yourself. Dont let do an extensive amount of pre-writing
like a petty thing, but when the jury them fly away. for this piece a majority of the story
receives a script and there are spelling Like DeLios piece, many of the telling was done through the edit. So
mistakes, they either stop reading it or works nominated featured new topics the revision process was extremely
you have to work extra hard to regain or ideas. However, when submitting interesting for myself and the crew
their trust. Every little storytelling works for Media Fest, this should not because essentially we were all learn-
mistake you make is amplified by the be the focus, according to Mason. ing about my family and shaping the
fact the script is unpolished. Dont worry about your script story together.
Alyssa DeLio, who won Best New being original enough. The jury is Media Fest is a reminder to students
Media (linear), submitted an informa- looking for storytelling that feels that the professional world is different
tive piece about LGBTQ representa- authentic, Mason said. Theres a than school and they should conduct
tion in media and the booming web difference between being authentic themselves like the artists they are.
series world among the community, and being original. Being authentic is The purpose of the RTF Media
much of it made by lesbian women. more important. When a piece of writ- Fest is to celebrate the work that is
To make the piece, DeLio did a lot of ing comes from an authentic place, done here at Rowan so that we move
research and found a lot more con- you feel that on the page. Those are past the feeling that were just writing
tent than she expected. She created a the stories people want to read. something for an assignment for a
script that was too long and needed to Authentic storytelling was especial- class, Mason said. Its a remind-
make some cuts. ly true for Argiea Spencer, who won er that when you create something,
The revision process is never an Best Documentary for a film about when youre an artist or a writer,
easy one, but I always make my deci- her recently deceased grandfather, a youre creating something because
sions by reading my piece over a few man who made a great impact in a youre passionate about expressing an
times and asking myself, Why does school within a low-income area. idea. That idea shouldnt just die at
this part need to be here? and, Can I For a long time I thought about the end of the semester. This festival
say this better? DeLio said. Youll making this film but after he started is to celebrate that work that you put a
know when something doesnt sit well becoming sicker and sicker in the lot of blood and sweat into.
or sound right. Go with your gut. final months of his life I came to the
The Writers Insider - Vol. 1 Issue 5 -7
Dr. Sanford Tweedie:
College of Communication and Creative Arts Dean
and there was a totally different world
where people where the emphasis was
on production, Tweedie said. Yes, [in
English] you do lots of reading. Yes,
you do lots of film viewing and lots of
critical analysis of lots of things, but
[communication and creative arts] was
more about the production whereas
English literature its more about con-
sumption and analyzing and interpret-
ing. It felt so much more energizing to
me to be in this department versus the
English department.
The College of Communication and
Creative Arts has grown significantly
I miss students. I love teaching. The classroom, to me, is
during Tweedies time here. Tweedie
energizing. Interacting with people who have so many
originally did plan to become the per-
interesting ideas. Ive always said if Im not learning from
manent dean and acted as the interim
my students, then Im not enjoying teaching.
dean to fill a seat. However, now he
the teaching assistantship if he got it
Dr. Sanford Tweedie, the new perma- is excited to play a role in the contin-
because it paid more.
nent dean of the College of Communi- ued growth of the university.
Tweedie was offered the teaching
cation and Creative Arts, didnt always It was not as intimidating or scary
assistant job and began teaching at 22
picture a career in higher education. as I thought it would be, Tweedie
years old. After receiving his masters
Tweedie did not put a lot of thought said. Having been chair of writing
degree, Tweedie attended a Ph.D. pro-
into school as an undergraduate. He arts, with its over 100 faculty and hav-
gram for English at the University of
chose English as his major because he ing to teach, the work here is probably
Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he also
needed to finish in three years due to more than that, but I dont have to go
worked as a teaching assistant.
his ill father, and he already had a few into class embarrassed because I dont
Tweedie began working at Rowan
credits in that subject. have papers done. Theres a different
two years after Henry Rowan made
After graduating with a bachelors sort of pressure but I dont mind doing
the donation of $100 million in the
degree in English, Tweedie traveled 10,000 things at once. Its easy for me
Department of Communications in
to California for graduate school, but to stand around and brag about the
1994, expecting it to just be a stepping
dropped out before the first semester amazing things that our faculty does.
stone in his career. At the time, there
was over. Starting next semester, the writing
were only five writing courses, which
Tweedie returned home to Michigan arts and communication studies depart-
included first-year writing and busi-
and decided to teach high school En- ments will be housed in the building at
ness writing.
glish. At the time, Michigan required Victoria Street, bringing four of the six
Despite Tweedies initial impressions
certification to teach in two subject departments in the College of Commu-
of the university, he soon found it was
areas, so Tweedie went back to school nication and Creative Arts to that side
growing rapidly and provided immense
to study English language to accompa- of campus.
opportunity. Tweedie helped create the
ny his English literature background. When we first started moving
multiple majors and minors during his
The professor in Tweedies psycho- buildings down here, I did not think
23 years at Rowan. In 2013, Tweedie
linguistics class suggested Tweedie this was the best idea. But President
became the chair of the Department of
apply to be his research assistant. Houshmand has a big picture and
Writing Arts.
While filling out the application, understanding of what he wants to do,
It was really interesting for me to
Tweedie noticed there were two boxes and I didnt see it at the time, Tweedie
come into a Department of Commu-
he could check: research assistant and said. The whole center of gravity on
nications because I had come out of
teaching assistant. Tweedies professor campus is
three English literature departments,
suggested he check both and to take shifting from See TWEEDIE, page 9

8- The Writers Insider - Vol. 1 Issue 5

Dr. Jenn Courtney: TWEEDIE, from page 8
the north halls to here. This is now be-

Writing Arts Chair coming the place to be on campus.

The College of Communication
and Creative Arts is also creating a
As chair, Dr. Courtney will continue to help new major for sports communication,
things run as smoothly as possible for faculty and anticipate having it available to
and students. students by fall 2018. The major will
In May of 2016, Dr. Jennifer Court- Along with all of this, she has pub- likely be housed in the journalism
ney was elected interim chair of the lished on curriculum development as department, but include classes from
Department of Writing Arts. A few well as cultural studies. every department in the college.
weeks ago, she became the permanent As chair, Dr. Courtney will contin- Tweedie anticipates the major to
chair of the writing arts department. ue to help things run as smoothly as generate a lot of interest and become
As the chair of the department, Dr. possible for faculty and students. She a destination major.
Courtney will continue to have a hand will work in curriculum development, Although Tweedie enjoys his new
in everything, working with and sup- hiring of new faculty, mentoring fac- role as dean, he does miss teaching
porting faculty and students. ulty, working with faculty (both new and interacting frequently with stu-
Dr. Courtney graduated with her and current) on recontracting, advising dents.
Ph.D. in English and a specialization students, coordinating programs and I miss students. I love teaching,
in rhetoric and composition from events for faculty, planning orienta- Tweedie said. The classroom, to me,
Purdue University. In 2004, she came tions for prospective students, and is energizing. Interacting with people
to Rowan when Writing Arts was still scheduling classes. She will also work who have so many interesting ideas.
called the Department of Rhetoric and closely with newly elected Dean, Dr. Ive always said if Im not learning
Composition. Two years later, it be- Tweedie, to map out the future of the from my students, then Im not enjoy-
came Writing Arts. In Dr. Courtneys Writing Arts department and how to ing teaching.
time here, the department has been get there. Currently, Dr. Courtney is Despite no longer teaching, Tweedie
through many changes. As it became gearing up for Writing Arts big move still stays up-to-date with what the
Writing Arts, it developed its major, across campus, which will take place student population is doing. On April
minor, and liberal studies sequence. this summer. Dr. Courtney will also 1, the College of Communication and
The curriculum became more coherent continue to teach one course per se- Creative Arts celebrated 50 years of
with the creation of the three concen- mester, most likely Intro to WA and the excellence with a student showcase,
trations (formerly known as special- Teaching Practicum. award ceremony and banquet. During
izations). Its relationships with outside Dr. Courtney has many plans for the the fifth annual showcase, students
departments, like business, engineer- future of the department. The first is from the college presented various
ing, and the honors program continues already in motion-- that is the develop- projects and research. The showcase
to develop, as do the extracurricular ment of the Technical and Professional and award ceremony allow him, as
activities offered for students. The Writing concentration, as well as a well as others from Rowan Universi-
most notable change in the department Certificate of Undergraduate Studies ty, see what students in the college are
over the years is the growth. It has at in Technical and Professional Writing doing.
least doubled in size, but thanks to for students outside of Writing Arts. Ultimately, Tweedie wants to
the amazing faculty, still retains its She will also be working to develop continue to serve students and their
commitment to students. A lot of this additional courses in conjunction with needs. He hopes to create a student
excellence in the department has traces other departments across campus, like advisory board in the near future to
of Dr. Courtney. Business Composition. Dr. Courtney hear the student perspective and what
Dr. Courtney has taught Evaluating is also hoping to expand the amount he and the faculty of the College of
Writing, the Sophomore Engineering of online courses offered, get more Communication and Creative Arts can
Clinic, and Intro to WA, and the MA students involved in internships, and improve upon.
Teaching Practicum. She has been in- enhance and further develop the Grad- Thats why were here, for the stu-
strumental in developing the First Year uate program. dents, Tweedie said. Its all struc-
Writing program as well as the Teach- There is no doubt that Dr. Courtney tured to provide students satisfying
ing Experience Program. Dr. Court- will continue to do great work in the educations then become good citizens
ney has been an active voice in the department; we in the Writing Arts and thriving people in their careers. If
University community. She has been Department are excited to be a part of were not doing that, then why are we
a University Senator and a member of this time in Writing Arts history. here?
of the Academic Integrity Committee.
The Writers Insider - Vol. 1 Issue 5 -9
Growing the Technical and TECHNICAL, from page 1
studies, and the divide between En-
Professional Writing Concentration glish and engineering deepened.
Though technical writing began to
Technical writing, as we typical- The topics of medical writing range develop as a discipline, those teach-
ly understand it, provides users of from lengthy scientific documenta- ing it grew discontent. Oftentimes,
technology with written instruction tion of research for actual doctors these professors were more interested
manuals, guides, and software and to read through and help with their in teaching literature, were underpaid,
technical demonstrations. Profes- practices, to more broader non-physi- and did not have respect or recogni-
sional writing, on the other hand, is cian oriented guidelines for people to tion within their departments because
a genre of writing concerned with read and follow to take the best care they were relegated to teach writing
communication within a company or of themselves. Students will become rather than the more coveted liter-
institution: drafting emails, newslet- familiar with medical concepts and ature courses. Though morale was
ters, bulletins, anything that keeps ideas that they can use in their writ- generally low amongst the faculty of
employees, employers, and stake- ing, and also the different techniques engineering English courses, the
holders communicating in a way to follow to become well equipped in demand for the courses increased as
that gets the work done. Technical a career that relies on working with did the number of offerings.
writing also includes writing rsums medical literature. As a result of World War II and the
and cover letters as well as reports While related to medical writing, G.I. Bill, new students poured into
and procedural documents (these Scientific Writing and Rhetoric takes universities. Also a result of the war
short articles in this newsletter are in- on a broader approach. Medicine is, was countless mechanical inventions,
stances of professional writing). The by definition, a science, and much all requiring manuals and instructions
genres of technical and professional of the literature is research-based as for operation, thus increasing the
writing require directness, concision, well as professionally conducted. demand for technical writers.
clarity, and are meant to guide read- Students will develop research prac- By the 1950s, technical writing
ers to get work done. tices and best approaches to devel- formed into how we know it today.
In order to better provide students oping scientific documents, includ- The contention between Engineering
the skills necessary to excel in ca- ing reports, articles, white papers, and English continued, but by the end
reers that involve technical and pro- research development reports, and of the 1950s, technical writing cours-
fessional communication, the Writing proposals. In the process, students es developed further and became
Arts department is expanding the will learn the rhetorical features of required for students.
concentration to include two new these forms of scientific writing. Stu- The end of the 1960s saw a de-
courses, which will be taught first as dents who become involved with this cline in enrollment for engineering
special topics courses. This fall 2017, course will be taught the best ways programs, and therefore decreased
Dr. Amy Reed will teach Medical to convey findings to a reader, and enrollment in technical writing cours-
Writing and Rhetoric, and this spring the differences in the writing process es provided for engineering students.
2018, Dr. Fillenwarth will teach Sci- that come with differences in subject This meant that professors who were
entific Writing and Rhetoric. matter. more resistant to technical writing
In Medical Writing and Rhetoric, These two classes are a large addi- were no longer required to spend
students will examine the field of tion and a start of the reconstruction time teaching it. Those who remained
medicine from a social standpoint, of the Technical and Profession- teaching the courses deepened their
and assess the impact medical al Writing concentration. As the understanding of technical writing
advances have had on our world concentration grows with varied and and were in contact with one another,
as a whole. Students will work on complex course selection opportuni- strengthening the courses as a whole.
patient-oriented assignments such as ties, students will continue to devel- Increased enrollment began in the
training materials, drug and disease op the tools to become better writers, 1970s, and technical writing profes-
related literature, informational both within the medical and scientific sors began to receive recognition for
pamphlets, and tools that will help schools of thought, and in varied their knowledge of the subject matter.
a medical patient better understand methods of professional communi- The legitimization of these courses
and become educated about their cation. These courses offer students brings us to where we all now, with
situation. This class, combined with a base in Technical and Professional technical and professional writing
Magazine Article Writing, could po- communication allowing for further existing as a legitimate and necessary
tentially help students create concise development of these skills in future area of study that has expanded well
articles in the style of the various courses. beyond engineering to include all
health magazines that exist today. STEM fields.
10 - The Writers Insider - Vol. 1 Issue 5
Writing Arts:
A Brief Timeline

6 6 Several faculty members separate from The English Department and

19 to teach courses in journalism and public relations Writing.

School of Communication forms with five departments, one of which
is College Writing.

9 9 The Department launches both the undergraduate B.A. in Writing

19 Arts as well as M.A. in Writing.

Creative Writing joins the Composition and Rhetoric department and
the department is renamed Writing Arts.

The Writers Insider is published

The College of Communication and every semester by the Rowan
1 7 Creative Arts celebrates 50 years since the Univeristy Department of Writ-
20 founding of the department with a banquet,
celebrating 50 years of excellence.
ing Arts Interns.
This editions contributors
Ellie Leick
Madelyn Carroll
To view the digital version of The Writers Insider, as Thomas Klodowsky
well as archived editions of previous publications, Devon James
please visit:
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The Writers Insider - Vol. 1 Issue 5 - 11

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