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By Meg News Channel

ONTARIO — Since the beginning of her candidacy, Meg Whitman has never been afraid to provide
California voters with specifics about how she’ll govern.

On Thursday, Meg released “Creating Jobs For A New California,” a policy booklet that highlights
her road map to create two million private-sector jobs by 2015.

Meg distributed the plan during a campaign stop at Ontario-based Mag Instrument, Inc., maker of
the Maglite flashlight. After touring the facility, Meg addressed nearly 700 workers, and told
employees that her top priority is putting Californians back to work.

“Lots of politicians don’t put out very specific plans, do they?” Meg said. “But I think Californians
need to know what is the plan that is going to get the economy back on track.”

She added: “If we want to turn this state around, if we want to make this the very best place to
start and grow a business, if we want more good jobs like you have here at Mag Instrument, we’ve
got to take an entirely different approach. And it has to be around what is in the best interest of
employment and getting people back to work in California.”

The new booklet draws a stark contrast between Meg’s plan for governing and the failed policies of
her opponent Jerry Brown, a career politician who has spent the last 40 years in public office. It
criticizes Brown for failing to offer a plan for jobs during his tenure as governor – and his
unwillingness to provide details now about how he’ll address the serious issues facing the state.

“Jerry Brown refuses to put down a detailed plan. He talks in generalities, but Californians need to
know what the plan is,” Meg said. “You have to have a point of view on how you’re going to turn
around the most important challenge we have in California, which is jobs.”

Meg’s plan for jobs includes making job-creating tax cuts, easing burdensome regulations that
stifle job growth and competing with other states for businesses.

Voters say Meg can do it

Workers at Mag Instrument cheered for Meg and the business-like approach she said she’ll bring to
government if elected. There was enthusiasm in the warehouse of this company, which began in
1955 in Tony Maglica’s garage with just $125 of his own money. Today, the company is a
household name and employs more than 750 Californians. It’s the kind of business Meg says she
wants to keep here.
But business has become challenging in California for Maglica. Regulations have stifled his
company’s growth and the dismal economy has forced him to cut about 300 jobs over the past few

Maglica said he’s counting on Meg to change the course of the state. He said he doesn’t believe
anyone else can do it.

“This lady is not a politician. She is a businessperson, and that’s what we need. We need somebody
who understands business, who understands that you need food on the table.” Maglica told his
workers that Meg can help them. “I know she will, I know it’s in her heart.”

Melinda Woodward couldn’t wait to tell Meg how much she believes in her leadership for California.
“I really think that California is going to become a better place with Meg,” she said. So after the
event, Woodward approached Meg and shared what had been on her mind all morning: “Four
words, Meg,” she said. “You. Can. Do. It.”

Meg News Channel is a fully dedicated media team, which produces original video and print content for the
Meg Whitman Campaign. To learn more, go to




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