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-Search for documents began today

-Essential Questions: What are some of the long term benefits of being in a youth
group? How does being in a youth group mentally and emotionally impact people? Why
does it seem so easy for people to be involved, but so difficult to start?
-No major progress besides establishing essential questions

-Few articles written based on studies, many from church websites
-Found an article about trends in youth ministry including amount of youth participating,
importance in the church and other information from surveys
-Article could be good to help set background information like how adults perceive youth

-Article from yesterday could also be used to show how parents impact a teens
inclusion in youth group
-Found a paper about the pros and cons of being in a youth group, list with descriptions
-This article is extremely honest and a first hand account, can use to open discussion
about a point and follow up with information from a study?
-Still need to find a study though

-Found research from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
-Focus on Religious Teens' outlook on life and behavior
-Study of four religion variables and attitudes of self view and hopefulness on the future
-This will go well with the article from yesterday
-Also mentioned however that a minority of religious twelfth graders have a negative
-I wonder why this is?

-Nothing happened today cause Vocab and Free Reading

-Found a more formal research paper linked to mental health and religious orientation
-Through the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
-Link between suicide attempts and influence of religion in the youths life?

-Found an older study following similar research to the study from yesterday
-Through professors at Universities of Michigan and Texas at Austin
-Can compare results and procedures

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