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Test no.

1(Mixed test)

1.What is a buyout?

2.What is a leveraged buyout?

3.Suppose you invest 10% of the needed capital(1million $) and borrow (9million $) for investment on X
company.If the interest rate is annually compounded and is 5%,and in 2 years, the investment will
produce 9.5 million dollars,is the borrowing worth the investment?


1.A buyout is the purchase of a companys shares in which the acquiring party gains controlling
interest(50%+1 of outstanding or a significant portion of the voting shares,or both) of the targeted firm.

2.A leveraged buyout is a buyout with borrowed funds.The collateral used is the companys assets,
company which is targeted.

3. You pay every year 0.45 million $ so in 2 years you will pay (with the face)(9.9million) so its not worth
the investment.


4.Exemplify two types of shares of a company.

5.If you have semi-annual payments of 2% out of 9million and the shares will produce in the first year 4
million$ and in the second 6 million $ payments,would in that case be the take-over profitable?

4.Voting shares and preferred stock

5. 0.36 million $ times 4 + 9million=10.44 million.Still,it is not worth it. The loss would be 10-10.44=-0.44
= 440,000 $.


6.What grade have the bonds issued in a buyout?

7.What do you think can be a company balance-sheet equilibria vulnerability?

6.Junk bonds because of the high leverage ratio (usually 90%-10% bond-equity, involving much risk).

7. A specific companys assets can be used as collateral by a hostile company in case of a buy-out.

It is required however that the company is profitable and growing.

8.Define the term spin-off.

9.How can become a public company private?

10.How is the probability of default of the take-over entity changing with respect to the leverage
ratio?Or the PD of the bonds associated to the take-over entity.

8.spin-off----any product or development derived incidentally from the application of existing knowledge
or enterprise.
In this case,taking over or transferring a portion of a company to either another entity or in formation of
a new entity.

9.By leveraged buyouts (sometimes).

See also this:


10.Probability of default increases with the leverage ratio increasing.

The rating of such a credit would be below B if the debt/equity ratio is greater than 0.7.


11.Give an advantage and a disadvantage of a public company from a shareholders point of view.

12.Give at least 3 measures for financial leverages.

11.Investors who hold stocks in public companies can trade them more quickly.

However,there are also tremendous regulatory,administrative,financial reporting and corporate

governance bylaws to comply with.

Q:What is a bylaw?It is a rule made by local authorities for management its area or societies contained
In it.

12.Total debt/Total equity is one of them.

Financial Leverage Ratio=Average Total Assets/Average Total equity(it is also called equity multiplier).

Financial Leverage Ratio is a component of Return on Equity.

ROE=Net Profit Margin x Asset Turnover x Financial Leverage Ratio.

Another measure is:

Long-term Debt to Capitalization ratio=Long-term Debt/(Long-term debt+minority interest+equity).


1.In Python, write a file-open exception error related code.

fh.write("This is my test file for exception handling!!")
except IOError:
print ("Error:can\'t find file or read data")
print ("Written content in the file successfully")
fh.write("This is my test file for exception handling!!")
except IOError:
print ("Error:can\'t find file or read data")
print("Written content in the file successfully")
The previous two examples work but the next piece of statements will raise an exception.
fh.write("This is my test file for exception handling!!")
except IOError:
print("Error:can\'t find file or read data")
print("Written content in the file successfully")
If it is changed the first line with r+ instead of r, it works.

2.Compute in python the average of a sequence of numbers.

def average(l1):
for index in range(len(l1)):
return s;

3.a)Print the integer part of a number in Python

b)print the result of 4!+5! And build a function that computes n!+(n+1)!

c)print the absolute value of a number,and the square root of it

d)print the sin(x),cos(x),exp(x),e^x-sin(x)-cos(x)

import math;
def integer_part(x):
print(math.ceil(x)-1);#function for integer part


def fact2(n):
return math.factorial(n)+math.factorial(n+1);

def trigo(x):
math.cos(x),sep=' ')


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