Lightolier Calculite CFL Downlighting Catalog 1996

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Se e.t !f [.] i]trir 4

Trir: Tr le 6

0raLlTr[e 20

Ii,r r fube

Si rare 35

D!aorir'!i 36

SLr'iaLrc 42

Reference lnlormation

LmErll! rir L !lr. r-!l 44

ltl.r rt f!t 0ptlnrs 45

E ecllc r cs |fil D mnr ig 46

F iilr nfl T m OpL ! ri 48

Serr ie r rl Plr0hmiilr l Slafrlirrl,i 4q

Calculite downlights make a major difference in the way a space

looks. Their well-controlled beams and comfortable, unobtrusive

appearance direct attention to architecture and the activities

within it. Calculite also mahes a difference in the cost of good

lighting. Efficient optics and PowerSpec@ electronics reduce

Prccise rellector conlours, thermal
both initial and operating expenditures. Finally, Calculite engineering, oniliaed optics,
oulstandinq finishes and hiqhlv-
ellicient Powerspec electronics all
downlights make a difference over time. Calculites maintain easily, coniribute lo Calculite's superior
luminaire elficacy and visual comlort.
preserye rated lamp life, and are warranteed for three years.

makes a dffererlce.
This new edition of Calculite Compact Fluorescent Luminaires

showcases new fixture styles; new downlights for triple tube lamps

featuring high light output and small apertures; plus a complete

range o{ innovative PowerSpec LFI electronics. In addition, you

will find much useful perforrnance and reference information.

Simply put, Calculite compact fluorescent downlights offer what you lfl
I lflnl
More light smaller
and sr
sm ler iapertures:
would expect from a company that has made a 90-year Calculil 6"'Triple
Calculire !le Tube
Tripl rbe downlights
liqhts and
wall wi
wallwashers can )w be used
)rs ca :d insj
ot 7" dc
downlights.s. Neww (Calculite
ite 8'
commitment to "lighting that makes a difference.." ace2x2troller
downlilgnls can rreplace
downlighls troflers
waftaqe HID dou

Twin Tube: 0uad Tube: Triple Tubo: Tho

The originalcom- The most widely newest s0urce
pact lamp permits available source packs lhe mogt
ultra-shallow loday for down- light into a compact
recessed lixlures lighting; also used lorm and mainlaills
and can be driven in decorative light outpul over a
by PowerSpec wall-mounted and wide range of
IFleleclronics. ceiling-mounted lenpentures.
1216 mml ''11')
L il?iJ

How to Specily:
Bellecror + Framein Kit Triple Tube tamping

s0loEwl + a118v@or@ ,8,4

For a comp ete dowi Ghl you need l0 spec fy both the Bel ectoi and
the Frame n K I 0nrer0pli0ns are sied beow eft PowerSpec ballasl

l\iledl!m beamspread afd h gh eff ciency provide eflectlve distrib!t on for med !m t0 hlgh
ce I ngs. Specia ly des gned deep ref ectors provlde 50' crt off ard better visual c0mfort
than gereral y aval ab e with c0mpact f uorescent dOwf ights

Belleclor: Specu ar A zak! s precisely coftoLred for matching physica and 0plical r
cLrt off and a smooth, w thout hot sp01s ridescefce Free- fiflsh
soft edged fie d 1308 mn)

el m nates "ra nbowing" whlle ma ntaifing fLr ight 0utput Vented t0 c00l amp.
lnterchangeable w th other 0ne lamp trip e tLbe dowf lghts if des red.
Trim: Se f flanged with matte wh te f nish, covers ce ling 0pening wlth0!t light eaks
A s0 avai able with p0 lshed flarged trim 0r trim ess
Mounting Frame: Die cast a Lrmlnum constrlrctior. Suitab e f0r dry or wet p aster ce I ngs, How to Specify:
up t0 1 1/B' th ck Frictl0n sprifgs and snap'on socket cup efsure c0fsistently correct optical Relleclor + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tube tamping
a ignmeft wlth0Lrt adlustmefl Access t0 al e ectrical componefts without too s
so2oM + 61328@0r@ 11)26Wor32W _
Powerspec'r LFl Electronics: Fu I I ght oltpLt; HPF, therma ly protected C ass "P",
Fora comp ete down lghtyou need lo spec fy botlr the Bel ector and
interna ly fused, w th Lamp FaLr t ntefiupter:' s!peri0r p0wer q!alltyt qu et, f icker free the Frame n Kt Otheroplionsare sred beow eft
operati00 soft, n0n p!lsatir! startifg dowir to 5' F. Speciflcatl0ns on page 46
Damp L0cation: A units are UL' isted f0r damp ocations. a (
Emergency Battery Packr Ava lab e, see page 44.
Chicag0 Plenum: Approved !n t ls avai able, see page 45

T T -r
32142w ?0w
t0 /: t0 132a mml

{267 mm) 1254 mm)

Berlector 0ptions Ballast 0ptions Triple Tube Lampinga

I ht:#
Clear kidescence Free 0sram Li,"
I ltgl mm) l
crwi -nolPowerSpec Sylvania Philips
Wh te arge E edron c
@ 18w Fl8TBx/ /4P CFIsDT/E/N/ Pt TIB!1rfl4P How to SpeciS:
Polished Flange
Befleclor + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tube tamping
26w F26TBX/ /4P CF26DT]E/N/' Pt T26!1/1,/4P
latTl [Cl20lPowerspec HDF s050[Ctwl+ TlBzB@or@j 1] )26w or 32w

Tr mless @ Dlmming?
32w F32TBX/ /4P CF32DTIE/Nf Pt T32Wf/4P sos0 + 7142B@or@n t' tt,'\
For a comp ete downlightyou need to spec fy both the Bef ector and
other Filishesl 4zW Fa?AVlfl4P CF42DT/E/Nr Pt T42!\rfl4P rre Frame n K t Other oolions are sted be ow ef1

ss G!?Ql Electron cs
'SpeN jy ampcoo,as desned
Soft Spec lF G271
Sem D ffuse lF

Champagne Bronze
ArchitctLralBronze L I/" l
1226 mm I

How to Specily;
Champagne Gold
WH Beflector + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tuhe Lamping
a (
White + 8142v[a12olor[At l1) 42w

Noies: I See ta!re 48 Sperl!rllerrnrwherei0rrhov/r w = while Flange, shedFanqe,T Trms3 tora conpete downlighlyou need tospe. t bolh the Ref edu and
P = Po
rSee paqe 47lor d nn rs dela s rhe FraneIi (il 0lheropt onsare sted be owlel1
3GE anpsaremrcomparbewrh Lroer![ePorvedpe.allhslme Co]s!tfadon/
Reterence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smarto Application Data (18W) Coelf icienls of Utilization
PL TLamping 11)18W S rglF Un t' t ple un rs*'
[,,1u B0 (20'/' Fbor)
Lamp Lumefs 1200 Height a
to Bearn ln t Spacing nillal Watls %Wa 50 30 10
Balast Llghled Dia Foot on Foot- per 1575655
VGl20 nput Watts t9 P ane rneter caidLes Center candLes Sq Fl ?5351 5|
Amps A1l 56' ]t 076
3 49 .47 45
VG277 fput Watts 21
4 46 .43 .41
13 B 19 0.53 5 .43 .39 - .37
52a/ 8'0' t6 5 14 039 6 .40 .36 .34
L!mina re Lumenst 90 ]B 1l E 7 .36 .33 .31
Elf cacy at 301fl.4/
10'0 023
B 33 .30 .28
Spaclng Ratlo I 4
I 31 .21 .25
Cut-Off lSl ' Beamspread= 90'al50:/" CenterBeam Cand epowe. t0 28 25 .22
"Bded on 60 x60 BDom lBCF=Il:80/50/20"n FeiecGires
'nil a Lamp Lumensx Ba ast Factorx Eficeicy
" Lum na re Lumens/ npll llatts

Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (26W) Coelf icients ol Utilization
%G 'r!- 80 lr0%lGii
Lamp Lrrnens 1800 2400 Heightto Beam lnitia Spacing nilia Walls 9"Wal 50 30 l0
Bellast L ghted Dla Fool on Foot- per 115 13 12
BEl20 28
npur Walls 36 ane meter cand es Cenler cand es Sq. Ft. 2 69 .67 64
Ampa nZ -

56" I 28 5' 52 112 36561 58

8E277 fput Watls 28 35 4 60 56 .53
66' | 21 6 36 078 5 56 .51 48
68% 55"/, 80 1: 14 044 6 52 48 .45
Lumlnaire Lumens' l2B5 132Q s0 l5 11 16 035
E 1484441
Eff cacy at 120V"* 46 LPW 37 Lnl/ 44 40 .31
Spac fg Bat o
10 0' 1l t0 t3 41 36 33
Cul0ff 5!: !S' ' Beams0read =80'at50% Center Beam Cand epo$er
60 x60 Boom {BCF=I l. 80/50/?0% Fele.tam4
10 .37 33 .30
"Based on
'nilia Lamp LLrmefs r 8a iast FaNtorr EfliNlen.y 32WCLrCUx08. FCx Il
" lufir na re lumefs/ nputWalls
8eporl No 1T103023(26W)

Belerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (32W) Coellicients ol Utilization
PIT tarnp fg i1)32W {1)42W " N4u tp e Lln ts "*
Sing e Unit Bo --oo'l
larnp LLrmens 2400 3200 He glrt to Beam illlal Spacing ln t a Watts 50 30 l0
B?1lQ!t Lighted D a Foot- on Foot per 1 t2 _.71 70
8E120 nputwatts 36 43 Plane nreter cand es Cenler candles Sq. Ft 2686663
Amps 031 036 3 .63 6r .58
88277 nput Warls 3! lq 56 8 37 5 69 1.44
4 .60 .56 .54
Amps 013 015 t0 48 100 5 .56 .52 .50
Effic ency 65% 63"/" 8'0 12 1B
_q 6 .52 .49 .46
lLrmina re LLrnrens* 1565 1938
10'0' 15 11 21 044
E 149454?
Efficacyai120V.. 43L$/ 46LR/ B .46 42 39
SpaclngBato -1 1 11 120 18 I lt 18 9423936
qrtqt ' Beamspread - 72'al50c/" CenterBeam [and epower 10 39 36 33
"Basd on 00 x60 noom 1nc8=lliBD/50/20% Refmtams
'ln r a Lamp Lumens x Ba an Faclor x Eil c ency 26WCL CLlrl l FCr08
" L!m na re Lumens/ rpulWatls Repoi No t5 r2rrb {32W) 42Wa CLlx l 0FC r l2

Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (42W) Coeff icients ol Utilization
Pt T Larnp 11)42W " Sing e Unit Mllllip e Un rs ** jij@
Lamp Lumens 3200 He oht to Beam iitlal Spacinq nhlal Watts %Wa 50 30 l0
Ba ast Lighted Di! Foot- on Foot- Per
114 12 l1
vEuo lrr!]]!qll! Plane meter cand es Cenler cand es Sq. Ft 2 .69 67 .65
Amps 0.36
6'6 6 66 118
3 .65 .63 .60
VE277 nput wats 43
1 49
4 62 .59 .56 I
B0 10 5 s9 .55 .53 -l
Effrc enry 66"/" rnin' 1? 21 I 452 6 .ss .52 .50
Lumina re Lumens'
120 14 14 t0 24 0.43
E t .52 49 46
L49 .46 43
140 16 11 12 1l 0.30 !L46 .43 40
Cul off 50" ' Beamspread= 62"at50% CenterBeam Cand epower
"Baed on 60 r60 Room lFCF=ll: 80/50/20% Fef ectaices
10 44 .40 38
'ni1ia tampLumem xEa astFart0rr Ellcei.t
" Lum na re LumenynputWatts RepodNo 0028Ffl 14ZW)
^ ,,r r {283mml
0 (
L r3
L6l '{346nmlr
il52 m,nl

How to Specily:
Bllector + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tuhe Lamping

803l@ + 61328@or@ {l)26wor32w

Fu a complete down ght you need to spmi! bolh the Fefleclorand
the Frcme ln Kit 0lheropt ons are lisled beLow eft

Wlde beam dlstr bution and high efficlency de iver high levels of unifotm 1l umination.
Pr0per y con10!red reflect0r provides 55'cLrt off, without f ash, and offers visual comf0rt
sultable f0r most general lightlng.

Rellector: Specu ar A is prec sely contoured for matching physlca afd 0ptical clrt off I
/DlJ\ rrYo
and a smooth, soft-edged fleld withoLt hot spots. lridescence Free"'finish e iminates
1168 nrm) !_u-,r1")
"rainbowing" whi e malntain ng ight output. Vented t0 c00l lamp. lnterchangeab e with I Lr37^-l
Other 0ne amp trip e tube downlights if deslred. f,l'f;J
Trim: Self-f anged with matte white flnish, covers cei ing opening without ight leaks. A s0
avai able with po ished self flanged trim or trlm ess.
Mounting Frame: D e-cast alLrmlnum c0nstr!ction. Suitable for dry 0r wet plaster cei ings, How to Specily:
up to 1
'llB' thlck. Fricti0n sprinqs and snap on socket cup efsure consistent y c0rrect 0ptica
allgnment wlthout adjustment. Access t0 al e ectr ca components without tools.
+ Frame-ln Kit
Reflector Triple Tube l"amping

PowerSpeco LFI Electronicsl FLrl ight 0!tp!t; HPF, therma ly protected Class "P", 8()3lM + 6l32Bmor@l (1)26wor32w
Fora comp ete downliqhlyou need lo spec fy both the Bel edor and
lnternal y fused, with Lamp Fa!Lt lnterrupterl superior p0wer quallty; qulet, f icker free
the Frame- n Kt otheroplionsare lsledbe0whft
operatiof; soft, n0n pulsating startifg down to 5" F. Speciflcatlons on page 46.
Damp Location: A I units are UL@ llsted f0r damp ocations.
Emergency Battery Pack: Avai able, see page 44
Chicaqo Plenum: Approved !nit is avallab e, see page 45.

T .ltr<.ll rz
Ballast 0ptions Triple Tube Lampinga
EeIlectol 0ptions
L )--l l3rB mnr)

Clear lridescence Free 0sram

I L rs -l
El.w @ Powerspec GE3 Sylvania Philips {381nrnrlI
tlectron c
White Flang""
l@ 26w F26TBV'/4P CF26DT/E/N/, Pt-T26Wf/4P
ll87 mm)

Polished Flange 32w F32T!X/'/4P CF32DT/E/INr PL T32W|/4P

E @ Powerspec HDF How to Specily;

Trimless reZnlDimrning2 4zw F42OB/'l4P CFA7DI/ElNf oLI42\"lll4P Reflector + Frameln Kit Triple Tube Lamping

other Finishesl tCl2ol 0ther 'Specily amp m ms dsired

8()37M + 71328@or@ (l)26w or32w
ectronicb sp{ii/
ss lcrf, E Fora complele downlighl you need to
rhe Frame ln Kii OthsoptioNare sred belowlefi
both lhe flef ector and

Soft Spec F

SemiDiffuse F


cz -T
Champagne Bronze /hJ\
{3l8 nrm)
{197 mnr)
ArchitecturalBronze I Lrs
Champagne Go d

-l N/Lr tl-Groove BaffLe How to Specify:
WH Eetleclor + Frame-ln Kit TripleTube Lamping
8037 lcl.Wl + 7t428@ot@ ul 42W
F, Nores:lSeepage48 Spec Iy lhe lr m where not shown W=Whte Flanse, P= Po shed,T=Trn ms Fora comp eie down ightyou need to spec fy both the SefLedor and
2see pase47 iord nm ng deta s rhe Frame- n Kt 0theroptions are lisredbeowleft
3GE lamps are nol compar b e w th v p e tLrbe Powedpec atthis time.

55ee page 46
Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smarto Application Data (26W) Coelf icients ol ljtilization
...oll, ' l,li rg B0 12096 Floor)
Lamp Lumens 1800 He ght to Beam flllal Spacing rltlal Watts o,/dwa 50 3! 111

Ballast Lighted D a Foot- or Foot per 1686665

8E120 lnputwatts 28 P ane meler cafd es Cerler cand es Sq. Fl 2636159
5 46 112 359 lL 53
8E277 lnput Watts 28
66', t3 6 33 071 4 .54 -11 48
5 51 41 44
80 16 I B 18 044 6 .47 .43 40
Lufirinaire L!mers" 1176 10 0 2! 6 1t 12 0.28 E 7433936
42 tPW 8403633
12 0' 24 12 019
0rrt-0ff ' Eeansprcad =90" dl50% Celiler EearrCdfd epower
"Bard on 60 r60 Boom{BCB=I) 80/50/2096 8eIledam4
10 32 28 25
'n t alLamp Lumens r Eallast Fa.tor r Efin en.y
" tlmina re tumem/lnputWatts Repod No tFt /90.1A 126W1

Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data {32W) Coetf icients ol Utilization
{1)32W Sing e Unit " N4Lrhip e Un ts "" urullqq -@Eltqi
Lamp Llmens 2400 Height nlt a
to Beam nitia Spacing Watls ItWa 50 30 l0
Ba last L ghted Dla Foot- on Foot- per 1686765
BEl20 npLrr W?lts ! P ane meLer cara es Cenler cand es Sq Fl 2 64 61 .59

56', 11 22 5 63 144 3 5s .16 i3

8E277 fput Watts 35
Amps 0 13 6' 6' 13 16 10n Es s0 47 44
Efflciency 62% 80 1 t1 36 47 .43 40
Lurnina re Lurnens*
Efft.cV al l20V'"
t0'0' 21 10 16 036 E 1 .43 39 .36

Spacinq 1.4 120 25 5 t2 Il q!c!z
Cur0ff 55' ' Beamspread- 92'al50on Cent-"rBeam Cand ep0wer t0 31 2l .24
"Eased on 00 i6q noom lFCH=] 1. 80/50/20% Reledames
'nitia tamp t!mensxBa astFactorxEflc ency
" Lum na re tlmentnputWatts neporl No tBL 79F lB 132W)

Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (32W) Coefficients of ljtilization
PL-T Lampinq {1)26W (1)32W S, l" r" r' ; Fl, %cel B0 |llfflsqtl
Lamp Lurnefs 1800 ?4tt) He ght to Beam ln t a Spac ng nltla Watts sQ 30 10
Balasl Lighted Dia Foot on Fool per 113t2.1
8E120 28 nput Watts 36 Plane meter cardles Cefter cand es Sq Ft. 2 6! 66 .63
Amps 0.23 0.31 3 64 6t .58
8E277 fplr Wats 24 30
5'6 1t 5 70 1A4
4 59 .56 .53
Amps 0.11 0.13 t3 21 49 100 5 .55 .51 .48
Eftic ency 66% 66% 8'0' 16 14 0s6 6 .51 .47 .44
Tuminairelurnens-4264 15s2' e 1484340
Tff 0AGilrOV." 4ffw 44 rPW
10 0 2A 044
Spacinq Rallo 11 1: 120 24 6 10 18 036 I 4it 36 33
CIt-Off 55' 55' ' Eeamsoread=90"ar 50% CenlerBeam Card epower r0 .36 31 28
"Bded on 60 i 00 Foom lfcF=rli80/50/20% Fer ecurces
'n tialtamp t!mensxBa astFactorx Effcency 26WCL CU r 1 0. F0i075
" tumina re tlment nput Watts Sepml No tBt 796 ll] 132W)

Relelence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smafi Application Data (42W) Coelf icients ol ljtilization
PL T Lampinq i, " i" l ti Fll, B0 tr0"/" "
'/"Cril[q F

Lamp LLrnens Height fltlal Watts

to Beam nitia Spacing 50 30 l0
Ballast L ghted lla Fool on Fool per I t2 70 -6L
8E120 .
n!_ur Watts ane fieter cand es Center cand es Sq Ft.
P ? 6t _64 .62
Amps 0.36
5 6' 5 88 112
8E277 nput Watts 43
451 54 51 I
0 r5 66 14 24 6 61 119 5534946 -l
66% I 0' 1l 16 I 35 1167 6 49 .45 42
10 0 10 1A 22 043 E 7 45 4t .38
120 26 1 12 15 9 3B .34 3l
CLft0ff 55" " Beamspread =S4'a1500/" Cenler Beam Cand epower 10 33 29 26
"Based oi 60 r60 Foom lBCR=I )r 80/50/20% Bel mlam*
'n( a tamp Lumensr BaLasl Faclor ! ElUrleirt
" t!or nane tumens/ n0ul Walls FeporrNo LFL798.lF
L /l l
1356 mm)
1203 mm)

L 8 /,. --.1

How to Specify:
Belleclor+ Frame-ln Kit Triple Tube Lamping

8038FrWl + 8?32{@,o@n (2)26Wor32w

Fora comp ete down iqlrtyou need 10 spec ly borh the Felleclorand
lhe Frame n Kt Otheroptiom e lisled beow eft

Wide beam spread for high eves0funiform I uminatlon with high efficiency Propery
c0ntoLrred wide beam ref ector provides clrt off, without flash. Ch0 ce of two opt ons: 55'
cut off for most genera ighting; 50'cut'off f0r better v s!a comfoTt.

Befleclor: Spec! ar A zak"r is precisely contolred for matching physica and 0ptical
cut-Off afd a sm00th, s0tt edged field without h0t spots. lridescence Free'' flnish e imifates T mml
\*,'r l {l56nm)
"rainbowing" whi e maintainlng fu I I ght 0LrtpLrt. Vented t0 cool larnps. lnterchangeable
with other two lan'rp lrip e tube downllghts and wa I washers.
I lzzo8 /. --.1

Trim: Self-f anged wlth matte whlte flnish, covers ce I ng opening w thout ight leaks. A s0 mmt I

ava lab e with polished se f flarged trim 0r trim ess.

Mountinq Frame: D e-cast al!mlnum constrlrcti0n. Sullable f0r dry or wet p aster cei ings, How to Specily:
up t0 1 1/B thick Fr ction spr ngs afd unltized socket bracket ens!re consistently corlect
Rellector + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tuhe Lamping
0ptical al gnment witholrt adjustment. Access t0 al e ectrical c0mponents without l00ls.
PowerSpec"'Ltl Electronics: Ful ight 0utplt; HPF, therma ly pr0tected Class "P",
Sms + 8242HE4,ot@ ita?w
tor a comp ete downlighlyou need lo spec Iy both the Fe{leclor and
interna ly i!sed, with Lamp Fault lnteffLrpterl quiet, f icker-free operati0nt soft, non
lre Frame n Klt 0tlrer options are lisled be ow eit
pulsatlng starting to 5" F. Spec ficati0fs 0n page 46
Damp Localion: A I units are UL' isted for damp ocat ons.
Emergency Battery Pack: Avallab e, see page 44.
Chicago Plenum: Approved urlt ls avai able, see page 45.

1229 mm)

Rellector 0ptions Ballast 0ptions Triple Tube Lampinga I

Clear lridescence Free 0sram

lqrE [F120l Powerspec

GE3 Sylvania Philips
White Flange Electroric
@ 26w F26TBX/'/4P CF26DT/E/N/. PL T26wf/4P How to Specily;
LrP-l Reflector + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tube Lamping
Polished Flange 32W F32IBX|'|AP CF32DT/E/ Nf PLT32W'/4P
crTl @ Powerspec HDF smsM + 8232H@or@ (2)26w or 32w
Dimm ng? N/
Trlmless Ezt 42w F420BX/'/4P CF4?DT/E/ PL T42Wfl4P For a comp ete downlightyou need ro spec iy both the Bellecr0r and

rhe Fiame n Kt 0the.options are lisled beow eit
0ther Finishesl ,1y Jmp.oora de ned
tGr2ol 0ther
ss E ectronic5
Soft Spec F @n
SemiDllflse F

t-1t [f]')
Champagne Bronze I L 17l" l
Arch tectLral Bronze
-l Champagne ljo d Howto Specify:
WH neflector + (it
Frame-ln Triple Tuh Lamping
eoes@ + szl2H@otEn Ql42w
Nores:IScepagc48Speolyr[errm$herenotsrowrW=WhteFanqe,P=PDshedFanee,T=Trmess For a complete down ighl you need to speclfy boih lhe Bel ecloraid
2see pasc 47 ior d nn dqdera s the Frame ln Kit 0lheroplionsare sted beow efl
3GE lanrps are no1 cor.palibLe w th fi p e rrbe Powe Specatthistlme Consuiiactory
Reference Data Candlepower Cuave Energy Smart@ Application Data {32W) Coeff icients ol [Jtilization
PL-T tampinq (2)26W (2)32W Sing e Unlt " N/l!ltip e Unlt! " '/,C"n.q B0 80"/" H..i
3600 4800 Neiqht to Beam nrtial Spacinq nitlal Watts %Wa 50 30 l0
Ba asl Lghted D. Foot on Foot per 1 .79 .77 15
HEl20 nput Walls 56 1? P afe neter cand es cand es Sq. Ft
Center 2 .72 .69 .66
0.46 062
5 6' 12 6 106 tn(l E3 .66 .62 .58
HE277 nput Watts 56 1A
66 14 1 11 141 :4 60 .5s 52
Amps 0?s El -51 5! 46
Efficiency 80"/" 72"n B O' 18 24 B 59 1.13 3o .so ,+s +r
Lum na re Lrrnens* :077 10 0' 22 15 10 38 AtZ !z .+o +r :r
55 Ln /
Ln! 48
120 2t 10 12 21 0.50
e .+z .:r :q
14x16 14x16 I .39 34 .31
CLf-Off '
on 60
- 36'at5D'/" Cenler
Beam Cand epower
EoonlBCB=]1 80/50/20% Eelleclances
t0 36 .31 .28

'n t alLamp Lumensx 8a aslFaclDrxEiiiciency 26!\r Ct CLI i 1 l. FC r 0 85

" L!mina.e Lumens/lnpul Walls Bepon No TL 44462132W1

Belerence Data Energy Smart Application Data (42W) Coeflicients ol lJtilization

PL T Lamp (2)42W S ngle Llnit
* Mu tip e Unils
** 80 (20% Floor)
Lamp Lumens 6400 He qhl lo Bearn lnitia Spacinq nilia Watts "/"Wa 50 30 10
Balirst Lighted Dia Foot oi Foot per 1 .14 l2 .ta
HE120 Wats
lnput 85 Plane rneter candles Center cand es Sq Fl 261 64 6l
Amps 412 .9 1

HE277 lnoutWaits
56 12 59 6 131 236 e,t qA
45651 q] rq
Amps 0 30 _9.'_ql 14 42 1' 97 -113 551 46 43
Ffficlency 67% 8 0 18 ?8 8 74 132 641 42 38
4141 10 0 18 r0 48 085 E7 43 38 35
49 LPW EB 39 35 31
Spacinq 1.4 x 1 7
12' 0' 1?'
Cut Olf 55' ' Eeamspread = 96' at 5091 Center Beam Candepower t0 34 29 26
"8ased on6! r60 Boom lFCF=l li BD/50/20% Fefle.tam*
' nta Lamp Lumensx 8a asl Faclorx Efiiciency
" tum nane Lumem/lnpul Wafls Repo( No Tt44463i42w)

Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Sman Applicalion Data {32W) Coeflicients ol lJlilization
Sing e Unir " Mu tip e Llnits
** 80 120%
%Celling F oor)
50 30
Lamp L!rnens 4800 Height to Beam nitia Spacinq a Watts
ln t 10

L ghted Dla Foot of Foot per 1585756

f put W.l1s 7? P ane meler cand es Center candles Sq. Ft 2545250
Amps 062
56 11 5', 56 120
: 50 47 4s
e4 46 43 4r
Arnps n?5 66' t3 28 6 3S 083 .3 s 43 40 ^3?
80 16 18 B 22 441 36 40 36 34
Lumlnaire Lumens* 2526 90' tB 14 I 17 0.37
E 13t3331
35 LPW
10 0'
14x16 2A 12 10 0.30
9 31 21 25
tjut oft 50. ' Beamspread = 90'at 50% Cenler Beam Cand epowe. 1A 28 25 22
'"Based on 60 r 60 FooilFCB=l). 80/50/?0% Fer eclaices
'lnra Ladp L!oens I
Ba asr Fador r Ellirieiry
" L!nidane lumens/ln0ut warts

Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smarl Application Data {42W} Coellicients ol ljtilization
S ngle ljn t * 80 l\4!ltip e ljflts "" %Ce lnq (20% Foor)
6400 He ght a Spac fg lnit a Watts
to Bearn ln t 50 %Wal 30 l0
Lighted Dia Foot on Foot per 16!5857
HEl20 nput Watts 85 flane
Plane meter cardles
cardles Lenter Sq. lt
Center candles bq. Ft s 2 56 .53 51

56 5? b l07 .ro E 351 49 46
HE277 nput Walls 85 4 48 .45 .42 I
Amps n30 6 6' r3', 37 ? ?B 1.?3 F 5 .44 .41 .3 -l
54% 8',0' 11 25 8' 60 1.32 E 641 37 35
Luminalre Lumens* 3283 100 21 16 10 38 085 0B5 3 7 :8 ?,4 3?

L34 .31 .28
25 12 0.59
I 32 .28 25
92'al50% CenterEeam Candlepower
60 x60 Boom lBCR=I ); 80/50/20% Beleclames
10 .29 25 .23
"nta LamptumeNrBa asl Fadtr r Efii.iemy
" Lumhaire LumeN/ rpn Wans
ui:-\ T
;-*.0 (
IL/ V Il-r

llzzo.rl I

How to Specify:
+ Frame-ln Kit
Befleclor Triple Tube Lamping
so6gM + u32H@or@ fr r'w
8069m + 8242H@or@ r' 42W
Fora compleled0wn ght yo0 needto speciiyb0lhrhe Refmtorand
the Frameln Kir.0r[eropt ons are stedbelowlell
N/edium beam spread and excel ent cut off provlde superi0r g are c0ntroL and visual comfort.
Avai able if two sty es:folrr ce I Crucif0im Ouver afd distlnctlve, rad al Turbo ouver.

Crucilorm 0ptics: Deep Alzako ref ectol with removable l0!ver; plecisely lormed for -f
mifimal inter reflecti0ns. Clear lridescence Free'' f nlsh el minates "rainbowing" whi e
provlding a geft e luminoslty Louver ls keyed t0 housing f0r c0ns stent orientatl0n. Self
flarged trim with matte white fiflsh or optiona p0 lshed flange. Lnterchafgeab e with other
1l97 mm)

G 15 l
l3r8 mml

two- amp trip e tube downl ghts. Lit"-)

I lrer mml I

Turbo 0ptics: Spec!lar c eaI A zak deep ref ector with removable radia ouver assembly
comb nes g00d efficiefcy wlth a shie ded apert!re. SelJ-Flanged with matte whlte fin sh or @
optlonal pol shed f ange. nterchafgeable with other trip e tube dOwnllghts How to Specify:
Mounting Frame: Die cast a um num constrLrctlon. Su table for dry 0r wet plastel cei ings + Frameln Kit
Eelleclor Triple Tube Lamping
up to 1 1/B thick. Frlctlon sprlngs and unit zed sOcket bracket ensure consistently correct 803TW + 71328@or@ (1)260r32W
optical al gnment without adj!stment. Access i0 al e ectrical components without t00 s.
8m7@ + 71428@or@ llr4zw
PowerSpec@ LFI Electronics: ight outplt; HPF, therma ly protected Class "P ,
Fora comolete downliqhlyou need lo spec fy both lre Bel ectfi and
internally l!sed, with Lamp Fault lnteff!pterl" superiot power quality, quiet f icker free theFGme ln Kit. 0lher ooliorc are sled beowleft.
operati0n; solt, n0n-pulsatincr starting dowr t0 5' F. Specif calions 0n page 46.
Damp L0cation: All units are ULo Llsted f0r darfp locati0fs.
Emergency Baftery Pack: Available See page 44.
Chicago Plenum: Appr0ved unlt ls available. See page 45.
T lH. ll ra
{203 mm)
I 1,15a
Rellector 0ptions

Clear lridescence Free

Ballast 0ptions Triple Tube Lampingr
rcrw lantlPowerSPec
GE3 Sylvania Philips
E ectronlc
Cruciform White Flange
@ 26\N F26IBI I4? CF26DT/E/INf PLT26WI/4P
Howto Specilyi
CruciJorm 32W t32TB!.4p .Fi/DT/E N,' pLT32w/'/4p Rellector + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tube Lamping
Po ished Flange F@ Powerspec HDF
aoso@ + s232H@or@ 12)26 ot 32w
Turbo White ange
42W F4208X|/4P CF42DT/E/ Pt T42Wr/4P
For a como ete downliqlrlyou need lo spec Ir both tlre Beilecr0r and
F r[e Frame n Kt Otlrer oplions are lisGd beow eft
'Spa t lamp co or as desned
liBPl iCuol Other
Turbo Po lshed Flange Electronlcs
other Finishes'
Soft Spec F
SD mm)
! <)

SemiDiff!se F
v'h 1

_L !asa mmt
Champagne Bronze
{, WH
How to Specily:
Bellector + FrameJn Kit TripleTuhe Lamping
. ,rt^
Notes: I Cruc lorm on y See a so pa0e 48 Specfytlredes red tr.n wrre.e nol shown W=Wrlte Flanqe. P=Po shed Flanse
2 See paSe 47 for dimmins delaiLs
"r*fryt "^ "*rr L "t--
For a comDlete downliqhlvoLr need lo spec fy botlr tlre Belleclor and
3GE amps are not compatlble wilh trlple tube PowerSpec al rh s I me Consultlaclory theFGme ln Kit Otlrer oolions are sledbeow eft

5see ps 46
Relerence Data Consult lactory lor availability and photometry.
) TEiL""pFs----EIEW--f?t
Ldmp Lumens 4800 6400
Ba lasi
HEl20 lnputwatts 72 85
61 0 72
HE277 inpLrrwatrs 70 85
Amps 0 25 30

Curve Energy Smart Application Data {l-42W) Coetf icients ol Utilization

PL-T Lampins {1)32W {1)42W S r:1" U l' V-lLir e ljn: ' ";Gil.s- Bo--lro%T6il
Larnp Llrnens 2400 3200 Heightto Beam lnitia Spacing iitial Watts "4wall
l! !
Lighted Dia Foor on Foot per
Watts 36 43 Piane rneter cand es CenteT cand es Sq Ft 2 .56 .54 52
Amps 0.31 0.36 49 46 44
5'6 3B 5 17 112 4 .49 .46 .44
21 I t9 46 .43 40

8' 0' 13 18 30 0.67 6 .43 .40 .37

LLrmlna re 1431 1659
Lumens' E 74031 34
120V*. 40 39 LBN
Eff cacy at
10' 0" 11 11 0.53
B .37 .34 .32
SpacingBaro 12 12 12'0' 20 B 10', t9 043 9 .34 31 .29
C rl Off 5n" 5n" . ' Eeamspread = BD' al 5D% CenterBeam Candlepower 10 32 .n 26
"Bdedon60 x60 BoomlBCF=I);80/50/200/0 neiedances 32W:CU x I l,FCx08
'lntialtamp tumensx Ba astFactorx Effcency
) " Lumina re Llmeos/ nput Watts
Beporr No. LSC 6710
26W:CU x 14. FCr 08

Energy Smart Application Data (2-32W) Coeflicients ol Utilization
PIT Lamping (2)26W (2)32W (,,r"
, " 4, nt" t, " "/"CeiLi.g B0 (20'l" Fl*r)
Lamp Lumens 3600 4800 Heightto Beam lnitia Spacng lntal Watts %Wa 50 30 10
Ba last Llghted Dla Foot on Fool per
HE120 lnpLl Watts 48 60 P ane meler cand es Center cardles Sq. Ft 2 51 49 .41
Arnps 0.43 0.55 341 45 43
HE277 lnplr Watts 48 60
56" B' 72 1.61
4 44 41 J9
Amps 0.20 0.24 66' 12 32 53 122 5 41 .38 .36
Efficiency 45% 49%. B0 15 41
Lrrn naire lLrmers" 1552 2258
10 0'
E 7 .35 32 30
13 10
B .33 3A 21
Spacinq Batio 1.4 1.4 120' 22 I 12 18 042 , _30 r 15
0rri Off 50' 50" -
* =85" at50% Cenrer Bean Candlepower
Beanrspread 1A .28 25 23
"Based on 60 x60 Boom {BCB=I ). 80/50/20% Beileclames
'nilia LampLurionsx Ba asl Facr0rr Eilniency 26WCt:CUr09. fC irlT
" Lum naire Lumens/ npul Walls
Bepon No tSC 6639

Relerence Data Energy Smart Application Data (2-42W) Coelf icients ol Utilization
qr^t",,r' .trr." ,i %CT's--Bo-EbqTrorl
Heightto Bearn lnitia Spacing lnitia Watts 9"Wall50 30 l0
Lighted Dia Foot of Fool per 1 57 .56 55
8E120 nout Watts Plane rneter candles Center cand es Sq. Ft. 2 53 51 .49
412 3 .50 47 45
l5 56' 6' 101 ? ?,6
4464441 I
Amps !30 6' 6', 113 -l
)(t L!mina re Lumens*
Ell racy at I20V*'
38 LPW
i0 0'

l7 1B 10
40 .37 3s
31 .34 .32
34 .31 .29
12 0' 20 13 12 25 0.59 9 32 .29 26
l]ut off 50' -- ' Beanspread = BD'
CenterBeam Candlepower
a1 5Do/" 1t) ?9 ?6 ?4
on 60 x60 noom {RCB=])r 80/50/20% Bel eclames
'i lia tanpLunens !BallastFactorr Effcency
'* Lum na re Lune.s/lnputWatts
Bepon No LSC 6698
0 .'J. rr
L /l l 1l8l ', mm)

L]] "-J
15, lI Ll5lmmll
' 1tqg.r)

How to Specily:
Be{leclor Frame-ln Kit Triple Tube Lamping

8091EBw + 61328lEl2olor[E2Z (1)26wor32w

Fora comp ete dowo qht y0u need 1o spec ly botlr tlre Felledmand
the Frame.n Kt 0therool0is are lisled beow eft

Sh elded optics provide medlLrm beam spread wlthoLrt dlrect v ew of the I ght source Deep
paraboiic cone prov des excel ent vlsLra comforl. Lens !nit is wel sulted to exterior appl ca
tl0ns Cross Blade Louver offers superi0r cut-Off with a clean architect!ra appeararce.
-T -T-

Lens: Fresne , 0pal or Clear optics ol molded acry ic; flxed t0 apert!re cofe f0r easy 121t:'
maiftefafce Vefted to c00 amp. Core finished in C ear F"'Alzak" to match other ref ect0rs, l3l8 mm)
{r65 mm) I
0r matte whlte. Se f fLanged trim wlth matte white finish A so aval ab e with p0 lshed se f L5-.1
f anged trlm nterchafgeable with one-lamp lrip e tube down ights.
I llSlmml

Cross-Blade Louver Die formed,!mif!m.N/laltewhitefinish Accepts ens Ll84 mml
{c0nsL t factory). Se f flaf0ed. lfterchangeab e wlth ofe amp trip e tlrbe down ights.
Mounting Frame: Die-cast a umif!m constr!ct on. SLr table for dry 0r wet plaster cel ings
How to Specifyl
up to 1 1/B thick Frlct on sprlngs and sfap 0n socket c!p ensure consistent y collect 0ptical
al gnment w thout adjustmeft Access t0 a I electrica components w thout t0o s Bellector + Frame-ln Xit Triple Tube Lamping

Powerspeco LFI Electronics: Ful ight output; llPF, therma y protected Class "P , 8097[tBW + 7132B@@or@] 11)26wor32w
interfa ly fused, with Lamp Fault lnterrupter;^'sLrper 0r power qLra lty; qulet, J icker flee 8097lCBWl + 1t42BE4,ot@n ll42w
operati0n; soft, non plr sat nO start ng to 5" F. Speclficati0ns 0n page 46. Fora conrdele down ghryo! need tosp{ fyboththe Beledorand

Wet Location:Fresfe afd Clear lens !nits are Llf istedf0rwel 0catl0nst 0pal dlJf!ser
the Frafie h (il Olheroplorsare stedbeow elt
a (
and CrOss-B ade l0uver are damp location on y.
Emergency Battery Pack: Avallab e, see page 44
Chicago Plenum: Approved !n t ls avai able, see page 45.

Rellector 0ptionst Ballast 0ptions Triple Tube Lampinga

Cross Blade Louver 0sram

Et20 PowerSpec Sylvania Philips
How to Specily;
EaZIE 26W F26IBX/14P CF26DT/E/ PLT2bWf/4P
Reflector + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tuhe Lamping

rc120- Po!\,e Spec HDF

32W F3?TBX/ /4P CF32DT/E/N/' PL T3lWf/4P sosr @+ 61328@0r@ 1l )26w or 32w

D mminq/ tora comp ete down ghiyou need tospecfyboththe Bei ectorand
ffi 42W t420BX/'/4P CF42DT/E/ N/. PL T42W/'/4P rheFrane ln (!r Olheropl onsare sted be ow eft

C ear lF Cone 'Spec ly amD.olor as des red

Wllte F ange El?!l Orher
.;;;; E eclronics
Clear Lens

Cear lF Cone T 12'l:
Wh te Flange 15
13Bl mm) I
White Cone
White F ange
I How to Specily:
Refleclor + Framein Kit Triple Tube l-amping
8097@ + ?1B2B@or@j (1) 26w or 32w

Nores:l0ther standard rone llnlshes are available:ronsull laclorl

soeiftr"cwl+ i1428@or@ (r )42w
2See pase 47lor dimming delais Fora competedown ghtyou needto spmily bolhthe Bef{torand
3GE ampsarenotcompatbewillrtriplelubeP0werSpecatlrsline Consuhlaclory rhe Frane n Kt Otheroptons are listed be ow eft

5see pase 5
Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smarto Application Data (32W) Coelf icients of Utilization
'1. ?l
- __Llj.lllj__ rv, l.I P h ' r %Cil-ns- Brl--lroqTidf
Lufirens to Beam lnitia Spacing lnitia Watts "4!{al110 30 10

Lighted Dia Foot on Foot per 13231 30

36 P ane rneter cafdles Center cand es Sq. Ft.
;_ .''...
0. 31
56' 1 1l 5' 31 144 -
8E277 lnplt Watts :5 E4?5?3v
6'6' 8 1? 100 .95.z:rii,
Etficiefcy 33% B0 l0 12 073 36 21 19 .18
Lwrifaire Lumens* 804" s'0 17 056 E 1 20 t7 16
22 tPW
100 13 l0 444
I 18 16 15
I t7 .15 13
Crrl-0ff ' Beamspread
''Bd5ed on 60
=66"at50% CenterBeam Candeoower
60 FoomlBl,B=l) 80/50/20% Bet(nm6
10 16 14 12

'hi1a Lamp Lumens xBailastFarl0rr Effniency

" Lumina re Lumens/lnpulWalis

Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Enelgy Smart Application Data (32W) Coelf icients ol Utilization
PL T Lamplng 11)32W 11)42W qi-n"lri" [r 'rl" | ' '/,C"ililB0 P0"/" fl*r)
Lamp Lumens 2400 3200 Height to Beam nitial Spac;nga Walts n t %Wal 50 30 10
L ghted Dla Foot on Foot- psr r .42 .41 40
8E120 lnpu Watts 36 43 P ane meter cand es Center cand es Sq. Fl. 2 .39 .37 36
Amps 0.31 0 36 3363432
8E217 nput Watts 35 43 5 6' 54080 4 33 3t .29
Amps 0.13 0.15 66 17 100 531 28 26
Efiiciencv 39% 3070
8' 0' 10 t1 413 6292624
Lurninai.e Lumens* 936 922 E 1262422
g', 0" 12 16 056
Efiicacy at 120V-' 26 LPW 2l LPW B 25 .22 .24
Spaclnq 0.B 0.8 100 13 7 9' 12 4.44 s2324 19
Cut'Otf 50' 50' ' Seamspread= 06" a150% CenterBeam Cand epower 1t 21 19 1l
"8ased on 60 x60 8oomiBCF=I);80/50/20% Bef{tams
'lnila t!mensxBa astFactorxEflc ency 42W CU^08 iIl
) "
Lumina re tlmenv nput Watts Fepon No LS 12582132W)

Relelence Data Energy Smart Application Data {32W) Coeff icients ol Utilization
(r)26W S ngle Un t
* Mlhiple Unlrs **
.l-"!ctlr!s 80.... l?a%!!!r)
1800 He oht a Spac no ln t al Watts
to Beam ln t %Wa I 50 30 l0
Lighted Dia Foot on Foot- per - l .s6 .s5 s4
8E120 lnputwatts 28 36 P ane meter cand es Center candles Sq. Ft 2 52 .50 48
Airps 0.23 0 31
5 54
3 48 .45 .44
lnpurwarts 78
8E277 lnnrrwaris 28 35 56 144
4 .45 .42 .44
Amps 011 013 r00 5 .42 .38 .36
Efliclency 56% 51% 80 13 056 6 .38 35 33
Llminaire l!rnens" 1062 1229 E 7 .3s .32 .30
90 t5 10 444
Efticacyat120V.. 36LPW 34LPW 8 ?,? ?9 ?1
Spacing Batio 1.1 12 100 t7 I t0' 13 0.36 I 30 .2/ .24
' Beamspread
"Based oo
=80'at50% CenlerBeam Candepower
60'x 60 FoomlBCF=l) 80/50/20% Fef dam*
1A .28 29 .22
'lntia Lamp Lumens xBa aslFaclorxEffcency 32W CCLC!/FCxl0 DWH
" Lum naire Lumens/ nDUt Wails
C!/FCx0i 26W CU!1.1.Fl]x08

Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (42W) Coeff icients ol ljtilization
PL T Larnping (1) 32W (l ) 42W S ngle ljnt* Mu tip e Unirs
** %C"iil.q B0---]r0"/" fl *i
24AA 3200 He ght to Bearn ln t a ng initia Watts
Spac %Wa 50 30 10
Ballast Lighted Dia Foot on Foot' per 15251 49
8E120 ipLrt Warts 36 43 Plane meter cafdles 2 .48 .46 .44
0.31 0.36 344424n
35 43 5'6' 5' 66 11A 4 41 .38 .36 I

ta Luminalre
Etflcac\/ at

34 LPW
10 0'



1 10


6 .35 .32 .30
8 30 .2/ 25
I 28 24 .22

' Beamspread =70"at50% CenterBeam Candepower 1A .25 .22 .24

"Basedon60 r00 Foom IFCB=])i80/50/20"/" Fef ecrances
'nila Lamp LlmensxBa astFactorx Ellcency 42W:CCtiCU/FC x DWN;

" L!minaire t!menv nput Watts Bepon Na.0066FB 142W)

CU/FCx D 65 32W CLI i I 2. FC x0 3
0 (
1109 mm)

How to Specify:
Bellector + Frame-ln Kil Triple Tube Lamping

sost 0twl + 61328@or@ 11)26wor32w

Fora compete dolvnlighlyou need to spec ly both the Bel eclor and
tre Frame n Kit other oDlions are sled be ow eft For Cmv and Doub e
Wa Waslrss se belov righl

Ever y graded wa I wash ng, c0mb ned w th r00mside down lghlifg, deflnes and expands
the architectural space, whlle comp eting downl ght paltetns near wa s A so eflectlve for
I ghtinq she vinq or d splays F0r !se wlth both ve( ca and hor zontal downllghts

Beflector: Specular Alzak'" with permanently lastened wa washer optics Reflector

contour afd narrow "w ndow" c0ntrol sideways glate and distractlng lntel lef ect ons.
Vented {0 c00l larnps. lr descerce Free'^'f nish el m nates "rainbowing whl e malfla nifg

f! llght output lnterchangeable w th other trip e tlrbe dowr ights.

Trim: Self flarged matte wh te f nish, covers ce I ng open ng withoLrt I ght eaks Also
avai able with po lshed se f-flafqed trim 0r trimless
How to Specily:
Mounting Frame: D e cast allmiir!m cOnstruct on. Su tab e for dry or wet cel lnls up t0
1l/8 Lhck Frictl0f sprifgs afd snap-on socket c!p ensLlre c0fs steft y c0llect 0pt ca Reflector + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tube Lamping

a ignment withoLrt adj!stment Access to a I e ectrica componefls wllh0Llt tools.

PowerSpeco LFI Electronics: Fu ght output; HPF, thermaly protected C ass "P', For a comD ete down qlrt you need l0 spec ly bolh the Feflecl0rand

ifterna y fused, with Lamp Fault nlerrupter;' superl0r pouret qua ity; quiet, f ickel'free ftame n Kt 0theroptonsare lisled below elt ForCofierand Doube
Wal !4/ashers, see be ow r qlrt
operatiof; soft, non p! sat nq slaft ng down 10 5' F Spec licatiofs 0n page 46
Damp Location: A I unlts are LIL'! isted for damp l0catl0fs
Corner/Double Wall Washer: Ava lab e, see pa!e I7
Emergency Battery Pack: Avallab e, see page 44
Chicago PlenumrApproved unll ls avaiable, see page 45.

Rellector 0ptions Ballast 0ptions Triple Tube Lampinga

Clear lridescence Free 0sram

GE3 Sylvania Philips
ctw [Fl20lPowerspec
Fiectrofic How to Specily:
While Flange
@ 26w F26T8X/'/4P CF26DT/E] N/' Pt T26t!/ r4P
+ frame-ln Kil
Belleclor Triple Tube Lamping
Po shed Flarge
PowerSpec HDF
32W F32TB!,''./4P CF32DT,/E/ N/' PtT3zWr'/4P 80s7M + 71428@or@, a.1t7
rctr._ E!?!l
For a conp eie dowr ghtyo! need to specifybolhlhe Befectoand
Trim ess [c27lDimmlngz 42w r420llN/','4P CF42!T/ErrNf PL r42W'r4P
tlreFramelnKl0lreroDlonsare sledbeowlen For Comer and Doub e
WallWashers. see be ow rsht
-Spec ff
0ther Finishes' anp ro or asdes ed

ss c?o 0lher
F edrani.5
Soft Spec lF 1c277
SerniDiffuse F

Champagne Bronze
BZ F ol,,i'
Arch tectLral Broize
I GD How to Specily:
Champagne Gold Relleclor + Frame-ln Kil Triple Tube l-anping
sossElwl + 92f,2{@or@l (2)26wor32w
8os9@ + 8242F.E4,ot@n \2\ 42w
Noles:lsee Dage 48 Spenl,i 1re lrLm lihcre noi !u!r W.Wr te F an0e, P=Po sred F anqe, T = Tr m ess
For a co plele down gx you need to spec fy both the Bel ectoi and
2SeeDage4Tlordimr rq dei:r s (il
tlre Frame h Olheropl onsare sted be o!! ef1
3cE a N are nol ronpai r c r! irr lr p e rLnre Poierspe. ai i[ s I ine Consu 1 lactory
Relerence Data llnits 2 Feet From Wall Units 3 Feet From Wall
Pt T tamp fq 1l)26W 11)32W
Lamp LLmens 1800 2400
Ba asl 114 14 14
?47 223 21
8E277 lnpLl
0 31
4 t9 t9

Arnps 0.11 0.13
5 t5 15 15
Eff c ency 610/" 64%
I rminaire lLrmens" l7g0 1415
6 15 612 1? 1?

Efflcacy at 120V". 46 tPW 43 tPW l' 11 11t 10 10

l]Ln rjfl 55" 55' Bgs9 Examp e Witrm0ftpeunts ocated ll frorn

' r 1a Lanp L!mens i 8a ast Fa.tor x Efl. en.y 98BB wa land 3 0 C lmatchins dow.lshts 3'0
the i umnaL0n0nthewal3 down lrom the

'' L!n na re Llmens/ nput Wafts

Footcand e 0es e avsaqed and munded offand 4e b4ed ona m r num ce ing s 22 Fl] benealh fxtures and 23 FC
offve on h FC lllu tp ss: 32W Ctx I3

Reference Data units 2 Feet From Wall ljnits 3 Feel From Wall
PL T Lampinq (1)26W (1)32W
Lamp LLmers 1800 24AD
Ba last 146 51 46
2585558 2222522
8E277 noutWatts
Amps 0.23 0.3r 3 41 45 47 i@jd@
E 4:53435 E 4252325
Effic ency
Amps 011
1qar 660/"
5262t26 5 ?n ?0 2t)

Luminalre LLrnens" 1474 1584

6' 2t 21 20 611 11 11

Efficacy at 120V"" 53LPW 44LPW 7 16 16 16 114 t5 14

CLrt l]ff 8 13 13 13 812 13 12 Fxample w th mult p e un rs locatd3 fiom

I 11 11 11 I tl tl 1l wal and3'0 C.lmatch ng downighrs 3 0 C ),
tre i um nation 0n the wall3 down irorn the

) (l :n**:lumensf,tamlFelmxEnr*mv
Footmndle valu* aE avesed
olliveunils FCN4ulD ere 26W CLx0S
and rcunded ofi and aE based on a mm mum ca ig s 27 FC lrnealh Jixlures and 2s FC

Belerence Data lJnits 2 Feet From Wall lJnits 3 Feet From Wall
PL fgT Larnp 1l)42W
Lamp Lumens 3200
Ba ast 1' 62 6l E2 1???3??
BEl20 lnDUtWatts 4?, 2146874 2293229
036 ?,' 51 55 57 E @
015 E 4 4
s' 31 32
4t 41

e 'E
4 3{r 28
Eff ciency 61%
Lrm naire LLranens" 1814
6242524 6202424
7' 19 tg 19 111 11 1l
Eff cacv
at l20V-'
g'rn rn-rn I 15 15 15 Fxamp e Wth mu tip e urits ocated 3 from

' nra Ba as1 FadorrEfinien.y

Lamp Lumensx
I 13 13 13 I 13 13 13 wal
{marchlnqdown slrrs3 0C).
i.t nn.i thF wal :' rha
" Llm na re Lumens/ rDUlWalls Fool|ard eva lesareaveraqed and rcunded olland areb edonamnmum ce lfg is 34 FC beneath f xtures and 3l FC

Belerence Data Corner wall washers lght the Size Frame-ln Kit + lnner Triple Tube
intersedion of hrvo adlacentwals;
PL tamplns 12)26W 12)32W(2)42W
do!ble wa washers ght two
Rellector Lampinq
turq !j.rsn! .._.. lqqq 4q0 qqq_
Ba last
HEl20 lnplrwatts 56 72
faclng wa s, lyplca \/ in a corridor
Bnrh fixlr res i:onsisl.f a dcdicaicd
i,- ll
Amps 0 46 0.62
HE277 lnplr Warts 56 70
Frame ln Kit. wh ch ncludes a 360'
outelwa washing ref ector. Corner
rii li
Arnps 0 22 0 25
and doub e nner reflectors have
down lght conlours wilh "windows'
ot:zw@or@ so76 + I \1126/32\,^,! I
t ttzzwEj.z or:tntr sotr f J
)(0 Cona t factory for availabilily and pholome1ry cut in the approprlate locations to
create the wa washlng effed.
These Uxtures are assembled to
t nqzw@or@j +sorr f l
+ 11i26/32W
order L ghtolieis standard ballasl i:)' corner wa wash atl/ ctwl
oplions are avaiab e. Consu t the
factory for optiona flnishes
.(:)' DoLb e Wa Wash bwllwl
.O Sing e Wail Wash WW CtW
1172 mm)


How to Specily:
Reflector + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tube Lamping

aoqeErwl * e t sze lEuii or [at7 (])26wor32w

Foracomoetedown qhtvouneedl0speclybotlrtheBelleclorand
the Frame r Kt 0theroptlons are lisled beow eft

Utra smoothwal wash fr0m low brightfess apeft!re I uminates vertical s!rfaces witho!t
downward ight; creates vls!a ba ance, espec a y n ow ambient env r0nments
Steep y angled spread ens ard specular apertuTe cone assule v slra comforl espec al y iil
circ!latlon aieas.

0ptics: Directi0faL prismatic g ass spread ens and Alzako "k ck" tef ector direct ight
i172 mm)
sm00th V across and down the wa L A zak cone prov des 0w apert!re bllghlness ltldesence
Free''' fif sh e imirates "ra nbowifg" wh le mainta ning ful ighl output Vefted t0 cool L5 l
lamps nterchanqeable with other 0fe- amp trlple tube down ights.
Trim: Self-flanged wiih malte white firish, c0vets celllng opef ng wllh0Llt I ght eaks Also
avai able w th po ished self f anged tr m. How to Specily:
M0unting Frame: D e cast al!mlnum c0nstrLtctl0f. Sultable f0r dry oi weL plastel cei ifgs Bellector + Frameln Kit Triple Tube tamping
!p t0 I 1/8 thlck Fricti0n sprirgs and sfap otl sOcket cup ens!re c0ns sleft y c0rrect opt ca
oom@ + ot:ze@or@ (1)26w or 32w
all!nr,nent wlth0!t adjustment Access l0 a I electrica comp0nents w thout too s.
For a rompLele down g x yo! need to specily b0lh 1re Ref ector and
PowerSpec@ LFI Electronics: F!light output; HPF, therma ly pr0tected Class "P , tlre Frame.h Kil 0lher optonsare sted be 0wleT1
intema lv f!sed, with Lamp Fauli lnterrLpterl^'sLrper or powet quality, qu et, f lcker lree
operat on; soft, for'r p! satinq stafi nq d0wr to 5' F Specif cat Ons of page 46.
Damp Location: Al !ntsarellLi:r istedf0rdamp ocations.
Emerqency Battery Pack:Avai able, see page 44
Chicago Plenum: Approved unit is ava lable, see page 45
{r8/ r'm)

Bellector 0ptions Ballast 0ptions Triple Tube Lampinga I

Clear lridescence Free 0sram
i@l Elz0 Powerspec Sylvania Philips
White Flange E ectton]' How to Specify:
[24 26W 76 6 lP tFlb0T E N PL l2[l\r lP
ErP Bcflector + Frame-ln Kit Triple Tube Lamping
Polished F
Cl20 PowerSpec HDF
32W F:l2ttsXr'/4P tF32DTlE/tNt PL n2!!f14P 8047ELE + 7r32B.E@or@ (1)26w or32w
other Finishesl D mmins2 comp ete down lqlrty0u ieed ly botlr the Fel!eclor
rc277 42w t420Bx/'r4P CF42DTlt/ Nr' PL T42W1'/4P For a 1o spec a rd

rhe trame n Kt 0tlreroptlo.s are lisled be ow eft

ss 'Spec f! am! co or as dPs red
Solt Spec F
Gt 20 0ther
SD Electroflc5
SmlDlffLrse lF

Champagre Bronze 1l87 mml
;r+ r
I lrbZ mml

Champagne Go d

-l WH
Whlte How to Specily:
Bellector + Frame-ln Kil Triple Tube Lamping

eolr@ + trszelElzdprFzln
Noles:lseepaqe48 5!0! ly Lhe lrm llhere notshotn W=WnleFarge P-Po sh0dllanqe
lSee paoe4/,'or d trn i!r rlera s Forarompleledown gxyouneedtospeclfylr0lhlheBelectorand
3l]E ampsarcnolroutal leulrlrpelurePotprSpecalnrstme Corutfactorl the Frameln Ki1 0{heropl onsare sted beow ell
Relerence Data llnils 2 Feet From Wall lJnits 3 Feet From Wall
PL-TLarnping (l)26W
Lamp LLrmens lB00
Ba lasl 1242224 1l6l
8E120 lnputwatts 28 2 31 :1 31 213 12 13
Amps 423 3' 28 28 28 E14 @
8E277 lnplrWats
Amps 0 11
511 11 1l
E 'E
512 12
6 t3 13 1: 6 t0 11 10
7 10 11 10 7999
8999 8888 Examp e:With muft p units ocated ll frorn
g11l 9711 wa land 3 0 C.lh I unrination on th wal
down from lhe ce lng is 14 FC benealh
Footcand e6 u4 4e avsaqed and munded offand are based 0n a m n mun fxtLtres and l4 FC hetwe-"f fixlLnes

Belerence Data units 2 Feet From Wall ljnits 3 Feet From Wall
PL T Lamping (1)32W
Lamp Lumens 24AA
Balast 1333033 1989
8E120 iout Watts ?484648 219 18 19
8E277 nput Watts
n 13
E 4282828 E 4 19 19 l9
5' ?f) ?l ?lt 5 16 16 16
6 15 15 15 6 13 13 13
l' 12 12 1? 1 11 11 11

B l0 10 10 8999 ExamperWth mu tiple units ocated 3 frorn

9'BBB gsBB walland 3 0 C. rhe llum nallon 0nthe wal
down from th ce Lin! s 22 FC beneaLh fxtures
Footmndle valus e avm0ed and rounded ofi and e based on a m nimum and 2l FC b-"rween tixnrres

Relelence Data Units 2 teet trom Wall ljnits 3 Feet From Wall
PL'T Lampinq (1)32W (1)32W
Lamp Lumens 18nn 24f)n
Ballast 114 11 14
8E120 inout28 Wafis 36 2322932
Amps 0.23 0.31 358 @
8E277 lnput Watts 28
Amps 0.11 0.13
E 4' 42
5', 30
4 ?9 ?,n

6rs 20 19
7 16 16 16
B t4 814 14 14
912 912 12 12
Examp e: W th mu t ple un rs located 3 from
wa land 3 0 C. th luminarion an lhewa I
Foolcandleva uesareaveraged aid roLrnded 011and are based on a nininun) 3 down from tre ce ing is 34 FC beneath
01live unils For26W !nts n! tpyFC by0.9. lixlules and 34 FC betwen lilures

Relerence Data lJnits 2 Feet From Wall lJnits 3 Feet From Wall
PL-T Ldrnp fq 1r )42W
Lamp Lumens 3200
Balast r' 61 52 6l 116 12 16
8El20 lnDUtWatts ? Br) 81 80 2343234
Amps 0.36 361 62 61 @ T'
8E277 lnpotWats
Amps 0 t5
E 4' 44 45
44 E 'EE
431 31
31 I
F, ?4 ?5 ?4 6 21 21
) 7 19 19 19 111 11

B t5 t5 t5 I 15 15 t5
Example:Wth mu riple uiits acated 3 from
I 13 13 13 I 13 13 13 wa and 0.C.. the Lluminat 0n on the walldown
lrom the c ing s 36 FC beneath lixtures and
Footcnd e valu* are aveqed and rcunded oll and are basd on a minimum
ll7 FC behven f xturs.
,-r lff I
\ </r r


How to Specily:
Bellector+ Frame-ln Kit 0uad Tube [amping

8010 CLw + qttgVrtmottZZ ,t

Fo. a comDlele dowrL0hl \'ou need to spec fr tr01h lhe Bef ector and
the Frame i(I 0lheropl ons are sted be ow ell

Narrow to med um beam spread and high cflicie lcy de lver effecl ve dlstribLrt on for higher
cel lngs and cofceftrated lghLifg Specia ly des gfed ref eclors prov de 50'clt ofl f0r
better v s!al c0mfort tlaf !efera y avai able ln compact f uoresceilt down lghts.

Beflector:Spec!atArak'lsprecselyc0rto!redformatchifgphYsca aldoptical cLlt off t?,tt

and a smooth, soft edged fie d w th0ut hot sp0ls ridescence Flee^f nish e imlnates 1308 mml
''rainbowirq $rhile mairta nlng f! I I ght 0!lpLlt Veftedt0cool amps.
Trim: Se f-flafged with matte urhite lirlsh, covers cei lng opef ng with0Lrt L ght eaks Also
lva lab e wlt r p0 ished se f flafged trlm or tr m ess 57im
Mountinq Frame: D e cast alLlmlft m c0fstructiof Sullab e l0r dry ot wet p aster cei ings
How to Specify:
!p t0 I 1/8 thlck Frictl0n sprifgs and sfap o| socket cLlp ens!Te c0ns ste lt y c0llect opi {:n
a lgnment wlLh0!t adlustnert Access to a electrica comp0nents w tho!l tools Befleclor + Frameln Kit 0uad Tube Lamping

Powerspec@ LFI Electronicsr F!l ight output; HPF, trerna ly protected CLass "P , aozo@ + 61lsvE?qlorE47 (1)rBW
lftei'fa ly f!sed, with [amp Fault lftellupter;' sL]per or powet clual tyl ql et, f lcker Ilee for a.omp ele d0wn q x !o! need l0 sDerly bolr thP l]0l eclor ard
Ollreropiosare sted[eo!!1e11
ODeratlofi soft, fof p! satifll starl ng dowir to 5' F Specif cal ons 0f page 46
rhe Frame ln Ki1

Damp L0cationr Al Lf ts are UL isted f0r damp ocati0fs.

Emergency Battery Pack: Avai able, see page 44.
Chicaqo Plenum: Appr0ved unll is ava able, see page 45

r0,1, I
1267 nm)

Rellector 0ptions Ballast 0plions Ouad Tube Lamping

Clear hidescence Free

tr,,;f', ]
ctwl 2-Pin cE3 Sylvania Philips How to Specily:
Wf te F afge
T!?ql PowerSpec
13W ll3rltsl23T4r lll3l!r' Pl ll3i!/ ]USA
Eellector+ Frame-ln Kil ouad Tube Lamping
ElP E ect'o'ri6 8050 Cl-W + 7ll8vTlmorT277
Po shed Flar!e ,T221 ', B1

ctT Ml20 V"o "

18W f8UBNr3T4/ l',ilUOD]- t ll8!\rr'
lqqqtw + nzau nnortzn tt,
Tr mless
MZn 26w Fz6DB\2lT4r' lF26Dli/. PL C26\!f Fora0ono ere dovrn qlrtyou ieed 1o bDllrllre Neledorand
thc Frame r Kt OtheroDtois are sted bclo!! en
0lher Finishesl
ss 0sram
Soft Spec lF 4-Pin GE Sylvan;a Philips
Serni Diff!se F
Er 2ol PowerSpec HDF
13111/ ll3Datr-/4P tllSLrOrE'/- Pt Ui]\\i/ r4P

@l Dimm fq2

r8w F'BDB)I 14r l}ls!!]E/' P lllBr,r/1 !P
Fl20 Electronlc
cz 26W F26DBlr',rlP CF26DD/E,r' Pl l?6\\rr'r4P
Champagne Brofze
-Spir f! dn:r.o oras dcs rer
Architsctura Bronze Fol'i;,--l
-l GD
Champagfe Gold How to Specily:
WH Reflector + Frame-ln Kit 0uad Tube Lamping
Wh te
aoeoFt-w- + stzov ttzolorm7 (l)zow
Noles lSss palN 48 SL".l\ Ilre rer ulLr d lrrF e nol sholxr W = i/ teFrr!t,P=Po s'edFaf!e,I=lrres Foracompctedowr !lht|ou ne0d 1o spefl1v b0ihth0 8el edor ard
2, i]\'! d t tet!dfifi r.tr01avi abe Seepaq047:iril nfirqdNla s 1re FramD DKrltreroDtonsare sledbelow eft
Il]E 3!! 2 p r lril tuD: tt r0'rrrdL lr e t th PonersleLl
Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smad@ Application Data {13W} icients of lJtilization
Sing e Unit " N/utpeUnits"" ing 80 120% Foor)
LampLumens 860 to Beam lnitia
Height rg lnitia Watts
Spac 9owa 50 30 l0
Llghted Dia Fool oi Foot per I 51 .50 .49
W120 lnput Watts 14 24t4544
Amps Plane meier card es Center cand es Sq Ft.

VT277 lnpur Walls

5 16 3444244
14 56' 056
441 39 3l
t1 03s
Lumlnaire LLrmefs' 80 tI 029
636rI 3
Efficacv at 28 LPW
SpacinqBato 11 90 022 s:,t28%
Cut 0ff 50"
tl all
10 0
1D .26 23 21

'nla Lanrp Lumcnsx 8a ast Factorx Eficofcy 'Beamspread = 80'at 50% [4ax mum Cand epowr
" l!mina rc LumDns/ rDltWatts TBased 0r 60 x 60 BoomrS0/50/20% Befertances

Belerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (18W) Coellicients of Utilization
" *" B0 (20"/" oor)
0T Lampinq (])lBW Sing e Unlt f,4u t ple Unils ",/"Ce
fg F

Lamp Lurnefs 1250 Helqht to Beam fltlal Spaclnqa ln t Watts 50 3Q lq

Balast Lghled Da Fool on loot per r .61 60 59
VT120 lnpll Watis 19
P ane eLer cand es Center candles Sq Ft 2575553
Amps 0.16
W277 lnprt Watts 19 66 1B 4 48 r19
80 12 0.76 5464340
Lurn n re Lumens*
688 r0 053
Efficacv at 120V." 36 LPW
0 1l E 7403735
Spac n0 Fatio 07 120 13 5 7 16 0.38 8:73432
1]ut-0ff 50" 14 tE 812 n?9
93531 29
0 4
10 32 29 26

'Eeamspread = s8'at50% L/laximrm landlepower

, O :,[i:*H:r;.?:d'iFe'.rxErrctrc, Bepall No. tTt 03075 tBased on 60 x 60 R0omi80/50/20% Feledances

Reference Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (l8W) Coelf icients ol ljlilization
0T Lampinq 11)l BW (l)26W Slngeljflt" ["4LrltipeUfits.' g/ocei fg B0 (200/0 Foor)
Lamp Lumens 1250 180! Heloht to Beam fltlal nitia Wafts
Spacin! %Wa 5rl 30 1.0

Ba asl Lighled D a Fool on Foot per r 69 68 .66

Wl20 lnputwatts 19 24 aie meter c;rid Cefter cand es Sq Ft ? .64 .01 ,5S_
Amps 0.16 0.20 P
W277 lnpurwats 19 25 66 4 54 119
Amps 0.07 0.08 8 0' 6 34 076 551 48 45
63% 69% 15
Lurn fa re Lumefs' 781 1178 10 B 6 24 053
Efficacy at 120V* 41 LPW 47 LPW
0 10 E 7 45 .41 .38

S!! 06 06 120 91 1 18 0:9 84?:836

Cut Off 50" 55" 9 40 .36 33
10 37 .34 .31

'ln 1a Lamp Lumensx Ba ast Factorx Eficeucy 'Besmspread = 42'at 50% l,4aximrm land epower
" Lum naire Lumens/ nDltWatts lBased on 60 x 60 800m;80/50/200! Fel ecLances

Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data {26W} Coeflicients of lltilization
0l nqtarnp 11)26W 'n"lr ' l' nl" I I %Cei nq B0 120% FlalrL
Lamp 1800 Helght a
to Beam fitlal Spacing nlt Watts %Wa I 50 30 10
Balast Lighted D a Fool on Fool per 6/ _ -EL
W'120 npLt Watts 24
afe meter cand es Cefter cand es Sq Ft. 2 E4 .61 59
Arnps 0 20
3 59 .56 53
VT277 npul Wans 25 6 6' 438550.96 45551 48 I
80 525 6 5 .51 47 44 -l
L!minalre Lrmens" 1034 10 0 6 16 6 48 44 .4L
Eff cac\r at 43 LPW
E 7 45 .41 .38
Spacinq Falio 0.6 120 ]l l9 a4?3835
lut-qjf __ 50" I 3S .35 33
1A 3t 33 .31

"i 1a Lam0 Lumeisi Ba asr FacrorN E11,.renry 'Beamspread = 45'at 50% l,4aximum ldnd ep0wer
"' Lum rane Lumens/ iplr Wa$ Seport No TL 40481 iBased on 60 x 60 B00ni80/50/20% Fel ectances
Ft'" I fli

T.], F',.ru..'i
L r,# f,,r

How to Specily:
Bellector + Frame-ln Kil ouad Tube Lamping
8052 cl-w + 6213! FlZolor T277 \

For a.omp ele dorn 0hiyor r!!d tosDf! lfhorlr lhe H-.le.torand
nrelianreln(l0lreroDionsar! stNd b0 o[ e]1

W de beanr dislribLrt of nd h gh elliciercy de ivet hioh leve s of Lrf l0rm i llrmifat 0n.
ProperLy .oftoLred relLector prov des 55' cut'off, witho!t 1 ash, and olfe's vlsua c0mf0rt
sLritab e for nost qefera ghtirg

Eellector: Spec!lar Ahak ' s precise y c0ft0!red for matchirg phys ca afd 0ptlca cul Off
lt l

afd a sm00th, sOft ed!led fie d w th0ut h0t spots ridescence Free'' f nish e lmlfales D 1783 mm1
''rainbowirg" wh 1e mainta nif!l fu I I ght 0Lrtp!t Ventedtoc0ol lamps lnterchangeab c wlth 1r 52 ii1 I

other two amp quad tLrbe dowf ights, ll desired L

Trimr f I afged !1rith matte wh te I nlsh, covers cei ing opening without l!ht leaks A s0
Se F',rr",*,,1
ava ab with po sred se f f afged trim 0r trim ess.
Mounting Frame: Die cast a umif!m cofstrucl on S!itab c for dry or wet p aster ce fgs
upt0 11/B thick. Fi ct on spr ngs afd sfap 0n socket cLrp efsure corsistenl y c0rlect 0ptical How to Specilyl
a gnmeft w th0ut adjrstmefL Access t0 a I e ectr ca comporefls,,\rithout 100 s Belleclor + Frame-ln Kil ouad Tube tamping
PowerSpec"'LFl Electronics: Ful lght oLrtplt, HPF, therma Iy prOtected Class 'P" s0510!Wl + 62lsHFuqlor@ l2llBW
irlerna y lLrsed, wllh Lamp Fault I rteff!pterl' s!perior p0wer qual ty, qLr et, f cker lree Foraronpele!o$n !nyo!!b01r1hel]0f ccloranil
operatLon; solt. ror p! satif0 sl!rl fg down to 5'F Specif cat ons of p!!Je 46 frane ( i llfier.DIofiare beiolr eli
1lr0 sted

Damp L0cation: A L !nits are UL' lsted tor damp ocatiofs

Emergency Battery Pack: Avai ab1e, see page 44
Chicago Plenum: Approved unlt ls avai able, see page 45

Beflector 0pti0ns Ballast 0ptions 0uad Tube Lamping
1175 nr $,r";;
Clear lridesnence Free
0sranl l' l
1 I i,lihl
ctw 2-Pin 2-Pin GE3 Sylvania Philips
White F ange
Tr20 PoI\ierSpec 13W Ft3UBt23-1," tFt3DDr rt |3,r1 /LISA
CLP How to Specilyl
Po shed F.rge r217
18W FrstFtr:rTJr inHDt]' t ItBlrrl Bellector + Frame-ln Kil ouad Tube Lamping
Trm ess
@ Maguet c lpr soselctw + 721silFr20 orT27? 12)]8w
26W FTiiUPt')lTrr l_F76Ut,' t lt76\,/r'
other Finishesl
tMm 8056 Cl-W + 7226HE@'ot 1211 oA

ss 0sram
ggqqtry * ztzor@orrzz ,r

Soft Spec lF 4 Pin 4-Pin GE Sylvania Philips l0r a.om0 ele do!!n !qr1!ou reed to sDic f". b0tlr llre Bei erlnr aid
ne lrame i(l0lherop10rare sled,\eotr 011
Sem D lfLrse !F
D-r zol Powerspec HDF F trPr rr ItlDt, r I t\r ,1.
D mrning2
PW Dzlj)
r'rP ffl9liDrrr' lL lll]llrr'r"r'4P
Pewter F'.qDBXr'
Fl20 ELectror c

IFztl' F26lBX]-rrP [Fi6lilirt] n tro'r',r/ r1' l356 m

Champagne Bronze


BZ 'SDe. i! aip.. c asilesred

Arch leclLra Bronu e
Crampalfe Go d
-l I
N/l! Groo\re Bafl e
How to Specify:
Retlector + Frame'ln Kit ouad Tube Lamping
Wr te
8038 Cl-W + 8326HIl?qor[?Z i3)26W
Noles: I S.i pioN 4! Srirlt h0 r r rlrere iorniour l\ ,/]t:Fa!e P P0 sredFarqN.-=Trtr rsi Fora romp ele dorn qlrlt0r rospe.l".bolh the Bei ectorand
ISDD pili 17 fur,lrrf ! df dlr the Frame ln (i1 0lhcr opl Dns are srid lre oI ell
IGE 13,{r 2 p r !r iil l r: .L ln rt iL I e fr lh Poucrspe.
lNDti,! dli I llr [0lll
Relerence Data Energy Smarto Application Data (2-13W) Coellicients ol Utilization
Slng ljn t " [4Lh]ple Lln ts ** B0 120% Floor)
Helght to Beam flt al Spacing a Walls n1
50 30 I0
LightedD a Foot on Foot- per L60sB57
HT120 fpur 25
are meter cand es Cerler candles Sq 2 .55 53 5t
Amps 21
P Ft

-qB a6
HT277 [p!!]&!!-?q 56 11 14 5 37 100 :
cc 4 -r
Anrps .41 44 42
EfJ c erc\?
66 1: 10 26 0.69 fl3 6 .+s .,10 .v
!u!!q !e!U[Cr]!1 B0 16 7 .40 .36 34
EJflcacy at ..,37 LPW4
15 0.39
E 7 .36 .33 .30
Spacifq Ratio 16 10 0' 2l 10 8 33 3o 27
CLrl rjff 55"
l1l 9 30 -21 24
12 0 17
1A 21 24 21

'n lia LampL0mens x Ballasl Fafiorr EffirienNy 'geamspreiid = 92'.r1500rc Llaximum Cand epower
" Lumi a re Lumens/ npul Wa11s Repon No LSl9474 "Based an 60 x 60 Boornr 80/50/20% Rellectances

Relercnce Dala Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (2-l8W) Coeff icients ol Utilization
0T Lampinq l2)lBW Sing e Unil " N,4ulpeUfiE'" %Ceilinq B0 120% Floo,
Lamp Lumens 2500 Helghl lo Bearn nlt al fg lnitia
Spac Watts
o/owa 50 30 10
Balast Lighted D a- Foot- on Fool per 1 .55 .54 53
HT120 npui Watts 34
P ane meter cand es Center cand es Sq. Ft 2 51 49 .41
56 13 5 50 136
341 -4! L
4 43 .44 .38
r5 l4 094 5403734
8 0' tg 05:
6 37 .33 31
E 7 .34 .30 28
t0 0 ?4 15 o4? B 31 27 .25
120 10 1l 034
I 28 .24 22
r0 .25 22 .20
) (tl :,1,;;,;3;iil:ffi,iilfr:i:i-',".*.' Bepo.r No 0053 FB
'Eeamspread = 100' at s0% Llax mum Cand epower
'"Based 0n 60 x 60 Foom.80/50/200i frefectances

Reference Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (2-26W) Coeff icients of Utilization
0T Lamp ng 12)26W (1)26W S, l" -t Fl,' '/, 80 1r0'/" Flooi
He ghl a Spac ng nltlal Watts
to Bearn In i 9owall 50 30 l0
Ballast Lighted Dia Foot on Fool per 1 .61 511 5-B
HT120 lnpLrt Watts 45
Plane meler card es Ceiter cafd es Sq Ft. 2 56 53 .51

5 89 180 3 5, i7 4b
25 1? e 4 .46 .42 33

56% 68%
t4 125 '=5 42 38 35

Lunrinaire Lrrnens' 1855 1178 80 18 13 34 070

3 6 .38 .34 3t

Elficacy at 120V"' 41 LPW 49LPW

t6 11 r0 0 22 8 t0 045 ; B .33 .28 .26
12A 2l
6 1?' 15 031
r 0 .28 .24 .21

'iil a Lamp Lumensx Ba ast Factorx Effcency 'Bearnsp ad = 96'at 50% Mar rum Ca|r e ro!.rer
" L!mlnaire Lument nD!t Watts ""Based on 60 r 60 Foomi80/50/2001, Fel edances

Belerence Data Energy Smart Application Data {3-26W} Coeff icients ol [Jtilization
Slng e Unt' Mutp e Llnits "" "/"Cei B0 (20% Floor)
Lamp Lumers 5400 Helght to Beam iltlal fg ln t a
Spac Watts Tdwall 50 30 10
Lghled Da Fool on Fooi per 1575654
HF120 Walls nput 68
P ane meter cand es l]efter cafdls Sq Ft.
25351 48
Amps 0 58 3494743
llF277 iput Watts 56 1? 189 4 .45 .42 .39
66 I
,qmus CIZA
66 5423835 -l
t4 139

2521 8 0' tB 20 45 1.06 e t:531 ?9

37 LPW 10 0' 22 13 10 30 0.68 8 .32 .28 .26
L5 9?!25?3
CLi Off 120 2l 12 041 10 26 20 .20

'fllia Ba astFaclorxEflirlen.y
Lamp Lumens x ' Beamspread -96'at50:i
CeiterBeam Cand e0oNer
" Lum naire Lumens/oDltWalts "Based on 60 r 60 Fo0n lFCF=ll:80/50/2001, Fci edances
-T_ T mt
rs I



How to Specily:
Bellector + Frame-ln Kit ouad Tube tamping
For a complele d0wn gx yo! need to sperlll bolh lre
tlre Frame h (il OlheroDlonsare sled be owleTl
Bef ector and
[/ledi!m beamspread afd excel ent cut off ptov]de superlor g are contrOL and visual confort
Avai able lf twO sty es: low profi e Cruciform o!vet and distifctive, radlal Turbo ouvet
Crucilorm 0ptics: Af0dized a um num ouver afd c0ne, prec sely formed f0r matching
physlca andoptlca cut-off afd miir mal irte.ref ect ons. C ear tidescence Free''finlsh I ------ -T
l/ Y- \ll '.
el m nates 'raifbowlng" whi e pr0vldifg a !entle l!mif0s ty. Louver s keyed t0 h0using
15 I
for consistent 0r entatiof Vented t0 c00 amps Self-f anqed with matte wh te finish or I
optional pol shed flange
Turb0 0ptics; Specular Alzak !' deep ref ect0r with removable radlaL louver assembly
LB/ t'l';;l 6riril

combines g00d efflc ency with a shie ded aperture. Se f-lLafged w th matte white lin sh or
optional po ished f ange Vented t0 cool lamps nterchafgeab e wlth Other two lamp q!ad How to Specily:
tube dournlghts
Bellector + Frarne-ln Kil 0uad Tube tamping
Mounting Frame: Dle cast alumin!m cofstrlrcti0r. Sullab e lor dry oI wet p aster cei ngs
eozl@ + s226s@or@ 12)26w
Lrp to 1 1/B thick.
"P", Fora complele down qhryo! reed to spm fybolhlhe Feiedorand
PowerSpec@ LFI Electronics: Fu I I ght 0!tpLrt; NPF, thermal y protected C ass rhe lrame ln Ki1 0lheroDlorsare stedbeowlell
interfa ly fused, w th Lamp Fau t nterrupter' sltper or powet qlality, qu et,
Operat on; soft, non-pu satlnq startir0 d0wn t0 5' F Spec ficatiofs 0n page 46.
Damp Location: All unlts are LJLo I sied for damp l0catl0ns.
f lcker lree
Emerqency Battery Pack: Avallab e, see page 44.
Chicag0 Plenum:Approved Lrnit s avai ab e, see page 45.

1l7s nrnl
1318 mm]

Rellector 0ptions Ballast 0ptions 0uad Tube Lampinq

l- i ---J
I 1372 mml

I rsrn.
Clear lridescence Free
2-Pin GE
Sylvania Philips How to Specily:

Cruc fornr While F ange
ir 20 PowerSpec 18W Fr8D8l23T4r',ifl8llrl/ Pt cr E!!i Bellector + Frameln Kil ouad Tube Lanping
@ lr2t7 | 8056@+ T2lsHEalor@ 12)1BW
Crlc lorrn Po shed
26W F26DBX23T1/',[r261]Dr' PtC26!!l
down gn you reed to spec Iy bolh lhe Rel ector and
For a complele
MlZq-' N4agf et c HPF the Fmmeln Kir.0rher opl oN a e stedbeowlell
White F ange
Etr P-r2ol Powerspec HDF 18W FIsDBX/'/4P [f]8rD/E/ PL ClBWfi4P
Po shed Flange
26W lr26llLl/E/
F26DBX]-,4P PL l26Wr'./4P
0lher Finishesl Fi20l Electronlc 'SpeN jv amD cD or d! des.ed
ss w1) 6 '/i
Sott Spec lF
1175 mml
SemlD ffuse lF L1t, l
I cz
-l Champagne Brofze How to Specify;
WH Bellector
+ Ftame-ln Kil ouad Tube Lamping
t aige
3056 TBW + 122618]!!i'otf277 /) b\r\
Nores:lFor Ctu lorn or \t See paqe 48 Spec i! Ir-" tr m !!here not slrowi U/=\,11I te F ange, P = Po Jhed
TSee page4/1or d mm nq dDra s lor a com0 ete downliqhlvou nccd l0 sOec fy both the Bel eclor and
the FGme n (t Othe oplions are sled beow eft
Reference Dala Candlepower Curve Energy Smarto Application Data (2-18W) Coetf icients of Utilization
0T Lamp 12) lBW He ght Sing e Unll " lvlullip e Urits"" 1!r!f!sirl -Ed4Tl6i-
Lamo Lumefs 2500 t0 Beam lnilia Spacing lnitia Watts %Wa 50 30 10

L ghred Dla Foot- or Foot' per 1 .43 42 42

STl20 nput Watts P ane Center cand es Sq. Ft 241 39 38

4!rp! 5 6' 6 30 5 43 136

sr2t1 nputwatts 34 4 :fi ?,4 37
Amps 412 66' B
5 34 31 .30
Eifrc enc\/ 39% 8 0' I 14 17 63Z3028
Lumlnaire Llrnens* 936 I0 t! 11 13 0.48 1302826
Eflicacy at 120V"" 28 LPW
I 10 0' 12 9 11 0.34
8eanspread .
60' at 50'/" Cenler Beam Cand epower
on 60 x60 800n1BCR=I) 80/50/20% Felleclams
t0 25 22 21

' ntra Lamp LlmensrEa astFactorr

'' t!m rarc L!meos/npotWatts F/lr N0 Z'26

Relerence Data Energy Smart Application Data (2-26W) Coeflicients ol Utilization

0T Lamp rg (2)26w Helght S fSle Un t' N/lullip e Unlls"* 1!ri!!s B0 12!lll!!')
3600 to Bearn nla ng lnilia Watls
Spac I 50
30 10

Lighted D a Foot- on Foot l]er 1 45 44 .44

HTl20 nput Watts Plane meler cand es Center cand es Sq Ft. 2 43 41 .41

45 5 65 180 3 40 .38 .37

HT211 npLrt Walls 4:8:634
Amps t.11
5 35 .33 .32
Effclelly 41% 80 t0 070 6333r30
Lumina re LLrmens* 1358 s0 11 20 056 E t 31 .29 .21
Eff cacv al l20V** 30 tPW
r0 045
B 29 21 .25
SpacRatlo rg L0
0 3 14 10'
CLt-Off 50' ' BeamspEad = 6s' at 50% Center Beam Cand epowcr
1! 26 .24 .22
"Bmed on 60 r 00 Foon IFCF=]1;80/50/20"i Bef
' li lra LampLumensrBa aslFaclorrEltcency
" LLrm ra re Lumens/ npul Wa1ls Erp0iNo 2/20

Belerence Dala Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (218W) Coeflicients ol Utilization
Height " tlple Unlts"*
S ng e ljn t N4u BL 0"/, Fbr)
Lamp Lurnns 2500 to Beam fltlal Spacing nilial Watts 50 30 10
8a last L ghted D a Fool on Foot- per 1454443
HTl20 nplt Walls afe meter cand es Cenler cafd es Sq ft
P 2424439
Amps 0.28
56', I 5 45 1.36 : 39 37 36
HT277 fpLrt Watts u 21
c. 4 37 35 .33
Arnps ltn 6 6', 11 l! 3t 0.94 Fr -i4 lZ
40% 80 t: 10 1B 0.53 36 32 .30 28
10lll 90 15 14 n42 B E] .3A 28 26
Eff cacy at 120V"" 4.LPtrV ri Eq 28 .l9 l4
Spactlg !9!q
10 0 6 10 t1
Clrt (]ff 50' ' Beanspread=80'at5091CenterEeamCanilepower 10 24 22 .2t
"Based on 60 r6D Room IFCB-ll;80/50/20'l" Beftrtam$
' ntaLLanrpLumeis r 8a lasl Factor!Eff. ei.y
" Lumlna ro t!meoYfpurWarh 8op l No ISC 6701

Reference Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data (2-26W) Coefficients ol ljlilization
0T Lamplng 12)26W He ght Sing e Ufit' uLrhip e Unlls** "/"Ceilinq 80 (20% F oor)
Lamp Lumens 3600 to Bearn lnitia Spacing nilia Walls "/,Wa 50 30 10
sqllat tlghled Dia Foot of Foot' per 141 40 39
HT120 nput Wafis 45 P ane meter cand es Center cand es Sq Ft
56" lL 24 5 59 lB0 ea l:r 3t
30 I
all 66' 11 41 1?5
E5 31 29 2l -l
I 0' t1 36 29 zt 25
, Luminaire Lumens" s0 L 18 0.56 ?1 74 ?3
Eff cacy at 120V"' 30 LPW 8 25 22 .21
t4 8 10 15 0.45 g 23 ,21 .19
Cur Off 50" ' Beamspread =85'al50% Cenrer Beam Caid epower 1A 21 .19 .11
"Baed on 60 x60 Boom {BCB=I ). 80/50/20% Berlcddre!
' ir alLanp L meis ! 8a ast Factor i Eff c ercy
" lum ia re Lumeis/ip tWatts
#:_\ C
ar: Gi.,*'o

rl Ll46 mm)
l/\ L'/l
'1172 ,m)

How to Specily:
Bellector+ Frame-ln Kil ouad Tube Lamping

a096 FCBW + n$H 1120 ot r2n 8N

gose fCAW * nzenttm or tZn ' .ott
tor a.ompLeledowr ghtyor needtospecifybolhlreRef ectorand
rre F ame ln (il 01heroplronsiue sted be otr ell

Shiederloptcsprovdemedumbeafilspreadwtho!tdirectview01the ightsollrce Deep

parab0 lc cofe provides erce lefL visuai comf0( Lens !n t s we suited t0 extel or app lca
ti0ns. CrOss B acle L0Lrver offers superior cut'0ll with a clean arc litectLlra appearafce.

Lens: Fresne , 0pa oI C eat 0pt cs 0f molded acr\/llci f xed to aperlLrre c0fe for easy maifte r
nance Ventedtoc00l lamps Cofeflnshed rCear F''Alzak:"tomatchOtherrefJectors or
1l46 mnl G,&',"
matle white Se w th matte wh te I nish A s0 avai able wlth p0 ished sell
f flanged ti m

l ange.lti m nterchangeab e with other 2'amp q!ad tube dOwr ights.

L tn,-; i
Cross Blade Louver: D e formed, 16 ga auminum lvlattewhtef nish Accepts efs(cons!lt
facL0ry) Vented cool amps ntercha rgeable w th Olher 2 lamp qLlad tlrbe down ights
How to Specify:
M0unting Frame: D e casi a Llm fum cofstructl0n S! table for dry or wel plaster cei ings Llp
to 1 'l/8 thlck Fr cLi0r sprifgs and sfap 0n sockct cup ensLlre cons slert y corlect opt ca Beflector + Frame-ln Kit 0 ad Tube Lamping

al gnment witho!t adjLtstment. Access t0 al e ectr cal c0mponents with0Llt 100 s sosolFclwl+ 72l8HFadorEZ (2) rBW

Powerspeco LFI Electronics: F! I I ght output; llPF,thermalyprotectedCass P"irrterfaly soso @* nzattlllz.l orF-@ 121 zatr,t
llrsed, wlth Lamp Fault lftetlLrpter;'' srrpellor power qual tYi q! et, ll cker free 0perati0rl sOtt,
rof pLrlsatinq staftlnq t0
Wet Location: Al Lln
5' F Spec
ts are llL'
ficatlOns or page 46
isted f0l \,\rel ocat 0nsl cxcept 0pa dll{lser and Cross Blade
For a romp
tlrc Frame
eiedo$r ghtyo! need to qre.ily bolh\he Fefe.torand
nKlOlheroplorsare sred be ow lej1
LoLrver $rh ch are damp ocati0n only
Emergency Battery Pack: Avai able, see page 44
Chicaqo Plenurn: Approved Lrr t ls avai able, see page 45

Bellector0ptionsl Ballast0ptions ouad Tube Lamping F',J.'l;tl
Cross Blade Louver 0sram

2 Pin GE Sylvania Philips How to Specilyl
White Reflector + Frame-ln Kit
.Tt2ol PowerSpec 13W Flt}llzil4r'0ll8lLJr' Ptlll8!1/f 0uad Tuhe Lamping
cB4l E eclronic
Tzll sogslcTMl+ 7218HFi20lorl@ {2) rBW
26W l76llBX23Trr'lf26Ullr' PC26Wl.

S!!! N4asnet c HPF

8OSO CCIW * 72mlll2l otl211 -'lo&
Fora cod0 ete dorvnliqlrl\'ou reed tospeclrboth the Bei ecio and
ELW] 'yzit) the lrane n Kt 0tlreronlrons are sred beo\! eft
C ear F Cone
Whire F ange 4-Pin

Clear Lens tno P.werspec HDF 18W t18!glr',/4P lllltlOOrEr tu c18[/f/41

D mming2
Elvvl lp2il) 26w fztUBlfr4P t}26llD/Ej Pl C26!!/'14P -T
Clear F Cone
Wh te Flange [Fr20] E ectronic 'SDe. ft rnll 0 or as des reil

0palDittuser F271 L
I ?/ l
IDWHW 11 84 m, )
Whlte Cone
Wh te F Enge
.L How to Specily:
Bellector + Frameln Kil

soe6Ewlwl+ 721sHEl20lo,@l (:) tew

0uad Tube Lamping mt
8096 DWHW + 7226H Tl2Dorf2l7 )aN
Noles:l0th0rnaidard.onelnrlslresarea!a abe )orLrtiactori "
lSrN irdle 17lor t mm r! dela h Foraconlreredown qhlyo! reedtosFelilybolrlheFeie.torand
fie Frane nKl0lhcro0lorsare sted be ow hfl
Belerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Srnart@ Application Data (2-26W) icients oI lJtilization

0T Lanp nq (2)lBW {2)26W r*

Slfg e Un lvlLltip e llflts " %de,[.q B0--ir0"/" foor)
Lumens 2!!! to Beam Spaclng ritlal Watts o/"W. 50 3ll 1ll
Llmp !E!0 Nelght ll 1 al
Balasl Lighted D a Foot on loot per 1 .21 .21 .26
P ane meter cafd es Cefler cand es Sq Ft. ??524?3
Amps 028 038 3232224
HT277 lnpLrr Walts 34 46 5 39 180 4 .21 ?0 r!
412 A1l 115 5 .20 rB 17
Efiiciency 26% 25"/" 6 .18 .17 15
Lum nalre Llmefs" 650 80
Efficacy at 120V"" l9LPW lBLPW
11 20 092 E i 17 15 14
Spaclng Batio 0B 09 90 0 15 070 I 16 14 13
ljLf otl 50. 50. 10 056
I 15 13 12
0' 1?
10 t4 1? 11
' a tamp tlmemx Ba ast Factorx Effcency
'' L!m raire L!mers/ np!tWatts
'Beamsprear = 60" at 50% [/]ax mun lardlepower _ 8r! lu.r FL,08
Re]roft No tsl 12562 (2 26W) tBased 0n 60 x60 BoortBil/50/2!'rb Befeclarcs

Relerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Sman Application Data (2-26W) Coefficients ol ljtilization
0T Lampins l?)lAW l?IZOUL SlfgeUnt* MutpeUfils** mc"-r.t-Bo---lrrl"/" Fo l-
Lamp Lumens 2500 3600 He qht to Beam nt a Spac nq fhia Walts %Wa 50 30 l0
Balast Lighted D a Foot- on Foot' Per 141 40 39

Plane nreter cafdles Center cand es Sq Ft

HT277 npLrt Watts 34 46 I 30 5 59 180

4 33 SL2S
412 A ll |' s ,3! 2!
.28 .26 -?L
20 41 125
nrire rrrncfs" 1112 80
6 .24
!fiiqlq e!1?!!lM!!
1?59 t3 14 070 E t .26 23 22
Spac nq Bdtio 1? 12 90 t5 t1 056 P, ?4 ?1 ?0
10 0 11 1n
tll m tg 16

)(t 'n 1a tanp trnrens r Ba

"lum naire I ie Y p,rWaus 'Beamspread = 80" al50% N?lax mum l]a rd epower 26W FWH CU/IC x 0I
tBased on 60 {60 grom 80/50/2rl% Befectances lswFCLCUrl2 FCr08l
FWH lU{ll.FCx07

Reference Data Energy Smart Application Data {2-26W) Coeflicients of t tilization

Ollqmpi,'rs 1?llqw
Luirens 2500
lll Sing e Unlt
* [4!tpeL]nits.' %atr.s-80---lro%lb;f
50 30
Lamp 3600 Helghl to Beam nillal Spacing nitia Watts 9/"Wall l0
Ba ast L ghted D a- Foot- on Fool per 1 42 41 .44
ane meler cafd es Cenler cand es Sq Ft. 23938:6
Arnps t28 0 38 P
3 .36 .34 .33
HT277 lnplt Warts 34
46 56 g 27 5 60 1N0
t12 0.17 .29 27
Eflir ency 44rh 38"/, tl 19 115 L.3r
LuminairsLumens" 1112 1259
6 .29 21 .25
Efflcacv at 120V"" 33 LPW 28 LPW
BO 13 24 070 e 1 .27 24 23
Spacinq Ratlo 13 13 g0' t5 t0 0.56 B .25 22 21
L23 20 .19
'rlla Lamp LumensxBa ast Factorr [Jlc e cl
10 0'

11 0 t5 0 45
t! -?L -
" Lum naire LumeN/ nprt Watls = 80'at 50% N/l mui l]andlepowcr 26W CWH]IU/FC x 0 S, l8W:CCL
FcpodNo 2553 tgased on 60 r60 Foom 80/50/210ri, Befclances CUxl 2 FCx08.CWH CUxl I Fl]r07

Belerence Data Energy Smart Application Data (2-26W) Coeff icients ol Utilization
0T Lampinq (2) 18W 12)26W 'r'oplr' nl ll %8 il.s Bi:---Po%ll;;il
Lamp LLrmefs 2500 3600 Nelghl to Beam fltlal Spaclig ln lia Walls
o/owa 5! 30 10

Lighted D ir Fool on Foot- per I 34 33 .33

P ane melr cand es Cefter candles Sq Ft
2 32 .34 .29
Anrp( 0 28 038 32921 26
HT277 nn ri Waris 34 46 56 11 21 5 45 180 4 21 .2s I
4.12 0.17
13 15 1?5 5 ?' .4
.21 -l
6 23 .21 tg
) 80 16 10 17 t7n E I 21 .19 11

!p?!i!! !!Irs 90' t8 B 14 056 Ll! .11 .15

g -l7 ts .la
r0 0' 2l 6 10 1l 0.45
10 t6 14 12
'nialLamp L!mensxBa ast lactorr Ellc eicl
" Llmina E L!mens/ nprtWatts 'Boamsprend = 90" al50'rb Nlaximum Candlepower 26W DWH CUi Fl] i0!
lBirsed on 60 { 60 Foom tl0/50/20% Befectances l8W Dlt CUxll FCr07

mml S{'; n c
How to Specifyr
Reflector + Frame-ln Kit 0uad Tube Lamping

8!8r q!l/v - 6213Hmor T277 '

f a.omp eie dDM q r yo! need to Ere.ily bolr ihD Fet e.tor and
tlr0 franre nKl0lher00Iorsare sted [e or! Lej1

Evenly ilraded washlng, .omb ned w th ro0nls de dowf i!lhl fg, deflles afd expands
tre architect!ral sDace, wh e c0firp etifq do\,!nl ght patterns near \'!a s A so effecllve lor
I ghtifg she ving or d splays

Beflector: Speculal Al/ak; th permaneft y fastefed wa | \^/asher opt cs Rel ector


coIlour anal farrour "w rrdow" c0ntrol sideways g are and distract ng fter_rel ect ous
-t \lr
1 zr:,'r

Veftedtoc00l lamps lrdescenceFree'lnlshel m fates 'raif bow nll !'rhlemarlainng

t li;';r
iul i!ht 0utput. lrLerchafg-"ab e w th other t\,1/0 amp qLrad tube dowrr ghts
Trimr I f a|lled w th atte wh te flnish, covers ce nq Opefirg \,! thout lght leaks A so
How to Specily:
availab e with pol shed se f I afged trim 0r trimless.
Mounting Frame: Die cast a umifLlm c0fstrucl of SLlitab e f0r dry or wel p aster ce I ngs
Relleclor + Frame-ln Kit ouad T0be Lamping

!p l0 I l/B thick. Fr ction spr ngs and snap on s0cket cup ensLlre co lslslent y coilect optlca 8084CLw + 621sH T12n or@ . 8,ry

a ignment with0Lrt adjLrstment Access to al e ectrical c0mp0ne lis wlthout to0ls For a comp ele do n Lqn you reed Io spec ff bolh the Bel ectDr a0d
"P fi-" F ame n (11 Olheropl ons are sled be o!! 011
Powerspeco LFI Electronicsr FLr ght output, HPF, therma y prOtected C ass
ifterfa lV

0perat or, s0ft, nOf

flrsed, \\'ith Lamp Fa!lt literrLrpter,^ s!per or power qL]a lty fil el f icker lree
p! saLifg slafi ng dowr to 5' F. Specif cat ofs 0n page 46
Damp L0cation: Al unLts ate []L: lsted lor damp 0catiolls
Emergency Battery Pack: A\i ai ab e, see page 44.
Chicago Plenum: Apptoved !n t ls avai ab e, see pa0e 45 pp-l T
/ \ ..,
I .l-r
,f, G*;
Bellector 0ptions Ballast 0pti0ns 0uad Tube Lamping I
Iar nrt
Clear lridescence Free 0sram
crw 2-Pin 2-Pio cE3 Sylvania Philips How to Specify:
White F afqe
[T120 PowerSpec 13W Ft3D8X23 4/ aFt3DDl- ' illj\r!,"rLlsA + Frame-ln Kit
Belleclor ouad T!be Lamping
ctP r2ll) aoae@ + rzrsttEdorlrzz lzltsw
Po ished llalge t8w lttrg t,T ilsDt I ti'
LC1L- M!?Qr N4agnet. HPF
eoeo ct{ + tzzsttT@orE?n Azaw
26W Flil'qi23l4i lFl6lilr'
Tr mless
wn Pl 126\{r' l0r,r.o
r[e n3ne n
p ete
downliglrllou reed iD spec ly lroth the BclLerlnr:x
Olheroplrons are sled be ow eft
0ther Finishesl
Soft Spec F 4-Pin
SD Dl20 PowerSpec HDF 13w f_tt tB\r'r4P ffr3ulrr' Pt ll3\fr'/lP
Sem D Jfuse lF Dimm ng:
@71 18W t',tLttsXr'-,'rP llrDllllr'tr" PLllS!\'r','4F
E?q Elect on.
26W 126118lr-r4P iliTFllLrrE], Pt [25\'i] llP
cz F21a
Champaqne Brofze
'St-'.:! r 3s des red
Archiloctura Bronze
-l GD
1,0 (
Wh 1-"

Noles: Seoasofs-qe4d:perlyrhfdesredtrm!!h0reiolsh y/=li/rleian0e P=ftr !rHillan0e T-Trtr -"::

2S.. irdle 17lo d iin r! .lNL,r .
)(0 Relerence Data ljnits 2 Feet trom Wall Units 3 Feet From Wall
0 T Lamp ng
Lamp Lumens
12) 13W
l?3 19,-I 23 1B6B
HT120 Watts
nput 25 2262226 2 13 10 13
]4 FC

Amps 0 21 tzz1822
411 14 11 4 ]t
E rel

CLrl 0tf
5 13 l1 13 5989
6 10 B 10 6'818
-31161 Exarnple:Wth mu llple un ls located 3 fi0m
wa and 3 0 C lriaLch nq dawnlights 3 0.C.)
9646 9545 tha il rmi.ali.n .n the w. 3 d.wn trom th-"
FDDlcaDd a va ues are averaged and rcunded ofland are based on a irininunl cei ng s 13 FC beneath ltlures and 14 FC
ojlivo m ts FC Mrrr p ers 09

Belerence Data Units 2 Feet trom wall lJnits 3 Feet From Wall
0T Lamplng
Lamp Lumens
,l ' .i
Ba 1?0 ]B 154a
HTl20 2' 11 12
HT277 noutWatts
41? 14

Cut Off 55'
5 15 t5 15 5', 11 12 11

6' 10 11 10 6 9 10 9

8666 Example:wth multip un rs locared3 ftom
9555 wa and 3 0.C {match nq down ghls 3 0 C ),

)(l Footcand e va uos are averaged and mu rded off and e bded on a n n nui
ir lum nat0n 0n the wal 3 down from the
ce lng is t3 Fl] benealh f xrures and 14 Fl]

Eelerence Data llnits 2 Feel From Wall lJnits 3 Feet From Wall
Lumefs 24a0
12)]BW 12)26W
1575557 1 16 14
i'1 16
HT120 noutWatts 34 26A6360 2' 30 30 30
34 46
3' 50 54 50 t@lldld
t12 All E 441 43 41 E 4?4?624
55' 55.
531 32 31 5222322
6232323 61920r9
111 17 11 7 t6 t6 t6
,!!g t! L I 13 13 13
e With mu lip e uiits acrtd 3 from
r0 10 10 I 11 11 1l
wal lnd3 0l] (matchlng down igts 3 0C),
Foolcand eva ues are averaqed and rcunded 0lland are lrased on a min mum lhe lum nat m on th wal 3 downlromlhe
ceil rq is 27 FC beneath fxtLr0s and 29 FC


How to Specify:
Befleclor + Frame-ln Kit 0uad Tube Lampinq

soaatcrwl * tzzsn tzdorEEn Q)zaw

;d c0 p ete dovnL gl,l','D', Eed to spec fi bo h rhe Bel ector and
tlrc n ( t 01her 001Dns are sted bo otr ell

U tra smootr ,,!al wash frorr ow brightfess apedure, ll !m nates vcfi cal sLlfaces w th0ut
d0wnwardspi I ight; createsvis!a lla ance, espec al y n ow amb ent efvlr0nmerlts Steeply
angled spreacl ers and spccr ar apetture c0ne ass!le com10ft espec al y lr cilc! atl0f areas Belerence Data
oplicsr DirecLiofa pr smat c !t ass spread els afd A lak" "k ck" ref ector d lecl I ght 0T try!! 121 18W

smootlr '/ across and dowf the wa

A zak c0fe prOv des 0w apcrtLlre brightress, lrldescence Larnp LLrmens 74t]0
Ba ast
Free''fir sh e imifates "ra nbowif!t wh le maifta nir! ful lghto!lpul Vcftedtoc0ol lafips 34
HTl20 lrpLrt Watts 43
lrterchangeable with other two lamp quad t!be d0\'!nl ghts Amps {,l rR o:o
Trim:Self fangedwltrmaltewhltefirsh,c0verscelnljopefifllwtl0!l ght eaks As0 HT277 fput ryatts 34 43

avai able w th p0 shed self f anged tr m Amps o tz 015

Mounting Frame: Die cast a !m num corsLluct 0n Sl table l0r dry 0r wet plaster cei i!lgs !p
t0 1 1/B thlck Fr cti0f spr nqs afd snap on sockct cup ens!le c0ns stert y c0rrect opt ca
a qnmerl w tho!t adj!stment Access to a e eclr crl components \\'ith0ut t00 s
Powerspec'' LFl Electronics: Fu I I ght oLrlpul, llPF, thermal y protected (] ass
nternal y fused, w th Lamp Fau ntellupter:'' s!per]or pou/el qua ity q! el, lJ cker free
operatlont soft, fon pu sat ng startlng dowf to 5' F Spec licatiols 0f page 46
0amp Location: Al Lrr ts are UL' isted l0l damp Ocat ons.
Emergency Battery Pack: Ava able, see page 44.
Chicaqo Plenum: Approved uflt is ava labLe, see pa!le 45
Units 2 Feet From Wall Units 3 Feet From Wall
1, 2_
Reflector0ptionsl Ballast0ptions 0uad Tube Lamping

Clear lridescence Free 0sram 141 :9 41 112 11 12

2-Pin1 2-Pin Gt Sylvania Philips 2666766
gt-w 'm
Wh te Flange Lrual PowerSpe. 13W FrHiBl,'lT4' L]llllLlD1- t iItjfrl Js:s453 ,B ?9 28

CLP tr2n) E 4393939 4252625

Po shed tl. rgE 26W f_26tEl?:i J.' i:26!Dr' PL I ,I\- 5?! ll 28 5 21 22 21

0lher tinishesl
!l120 l4aqnel c HPF 6222222 6 17 18 17

14277 llln 7 14 15 14
Soil Spec
t5 81lll12
4-Pin I 1: 13 13 I tl 11 1l

SemiDiifLrse F LDI4I Por"rerSpec HDF 18W ; Url tP tF a!! E L L \\r .o Footcand e rc u:s are aremqed and rurftled offand ebasD,ldra
@ 26W l7i lll\r'r'4P ff26!Dr r' PL C26r1/r'r1t

El?O E ectronic
'srp.l,i amp L0 u i,i ire:i
Champagne Brofze
_ ..-1, Units 2 Feet From Wall Units 3 Feet From Wall

h , .,,
Arch lecl!ral Bronze
;-.1 '=11 [ '1
Champagne Go a
I . i
It 1 4{l !L40
112 11

Wh le
I E 4383938 428 21 2E
-l 529292! 5212221
611 11 1l

zta ql 1 14 14 14

I t6 16 16 enp12
Notes:ISee parc 4l] StLlli lre lr i! r0r0 no1 ilr] tlitr I p l,! tr m. 1p 0 20lr'i !r l. o.aled 3 fr! r I 14 14 14 g 11 11 11
\t V,rrllo Fanlel'=P. slred Farlo ra ;iLl3 il C.lre
1:ee paqc,lT lor d i iq dela s I rlo rrr-.ntie.el n0 !:llli.eneall F00r.a rd e va !es aro d!eraqed and rcund0d 0ii axla e b6ed dr I
'i ,.i iirlsrlFa hr'$rr r lnrres


) 'tl
1184 mm)

How to Specily:
Refleclor + Frame-ln Kit Twin Tuhe Lamping

IQLM * 7213HEdoI@ 'lr rw

For a comp e1e rlow r ght yo! need to spmily bolh rhe Ref {tor and
the Frame-ln (i1 F n sr opl ons are on page 20; olher opt ons arc lisled be ow eft

0pen and shie ded down ights offer a w de tange of llghting opti0rs; match lr ple and
twin tube dOwn ights; and are interchangeable with tw n tube wal washers

0penr Specular Alzakf is precise y contouled f0r match ng physical and 0pt caL 55" c!t
off, a wide beam and a sm00th, sQfl edged fle!d without h01 sp0ts ridescence Ftee' \4
r- l
l iJe
flnish e imifates "ra nbowing' wh le mainta niirg full llght output Vented t0 cool lainps
I \l
! _1X

Parab0licLouver:CearltidescenceFtee"flnish L0Llvel preclse y formed assembed,

rq"n.',r 'li {131, mml lrq ,, -.1

and locked to ellminate distorted c0ftoLrrs (pi lowifg)and flash Vented to cool amps. I7l Ll75 mm)

I 78nml
Gross-Blade Louver: Dlejorrned, 16ga alLrminLlm I\/latte whltefif sh Acceptslefs
(cons!lt factor\/). nterchanqeab e with other 0re- amp dowr ights
lens: Fresne , 0pal or Clear 0plics of molded acry c; fixed to aperl!re cone for easy How to Specily:
maintenafce Vefted to co0 amp C0ne flnished n Clear IF A zak;!'t0 match Qther Rellector + Frameln Kil Twin Tube Lamping
$rhite nterchafgeab wlth one lamp downlights
reflectors, 0r matie e

Trim: Self fianged wlth matte white fin sh, cOvers cei ifg 0pening w thOut ight leaks
aoeeM * 7213s@orl7t .,' '3w
For a comp ete down ghtyou need l0 spec Iy both Ue Felle.lor afld
A s0 avai able with polished se f flan!led trim or trim ess (open downllght or y). rhe trame n Kt In sh ootons are 0n paae24 othoroptlons are sted beow
Moun(ing Frame: Dle cast alLrmlnLlm corstruction. S!itab e for dry 0r wet pJastel
pl'q Lp ol B ;...r 'LOr .o lq.dl 0 d00 oL "l rro"
Po er t00 6 C
PowerSpeco LFI Electronics: Fu I I ght olrtplrti HPF, thermally prQtected C ass
internal fused, wlth
y Lamp Fau t
ntenupterl'' superior power qua ity; quiet, f icker-free
operati0n; soft startifq down to 5' F. Speclficatiorrs 0n page 46

Damp Location: Fresnel and C ear ens ight are ULo' llsted for
are listed lor damp locatlons only
Emergency Battery Pack: Avai able, see page 44.
wet ocat ons; al others
lra1" -l
Chicago Plenum: Approved Lrr t ls available, see page 45. I I al

How to Specily:
Rellector + Frame-ln Kit Twin Tube Lamping
Rellector options Ballast 0ptions Twin Tube Lamping
8095 CEW + 7213H Tl2o orT2t r/r Fw
0pen 0stam For aconp ete down iglrtyou need 1o spec iy both the Fefle orand

See Page 20 2-Pin 2-Pin GE Sylvania Philips the Frame n Kt Fn sh optlois are on palo26 ollreroptlons are sted be owlefl

Frml PowerSpec 13W F]3BNf CF]3DSf PL S]3WT

Parabolic wl Electrofic
'Spa,l! Lamp co or as ds red
See Page 24
@ Nilagnetic HPF

MzD) -r
Cross Blade 12 /,
See Page 26 I

L1',l ___)
See Page 26

How to Specify:
+ Frame-ln Kit
eoss F@lrwlzox@orEd
Twin Tube tamping

r. '\4
Fora comlrlele down qhlyou need to speclfy h01h the Beiectoraid
tlreFrame ln (it
Finish 001 0os are on Daqe 26: 0ther opl ons arc lisled beow efl
0 Reference Data
Tl L.mpifg (2)r3W
Candlepower Curve Energy Smarto Application Data
SfgleUnt" l"4u t ple Lln ts "'

icients of Utilization
S0 lr0"/" Aoot)
Lairp LLrmens He ght to Beam lnitia rg lnitia Watls
Spac %Wa 50 30 10
Ba ast Lighted Dia loot or Foot per 1 71 70 .66
HT120 Watts
lnpLrl 25
Plane mFTFr .and es Center cand es Sq. Ft 2 66 .63 .6r
ADps o 21
5 51 3 61 57 .5L
HI277 lnplrt Watts 25 56 15 100
4 56 .52 49
Amps 01u
66 13 1l 5 .51 .47 .44
!flcrefcl 659"
6 47 43 .39
Lumira re Lumefs' 1111 lti
Effbacy at 120v"" 47 tPW
B0 E 1433835
Spacirg Falio 1.6 t0 0 10 B .39 34 .31

Cut Ofi 55'

I 35 3t ?8
24 12 0 t7
1A 32 .27 .24
'lrna LampLumens r Bal as1 Farlor r Ell c ency 'Beamspread = 90" at 50% Mar mum Cand epower
" Llm na re Lumens/lnpul Walls Reporr No tOL 2257 lBased 0n 60 x 6il Bonm. 80/50/20% Bellectances

Belerence Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data Coeff icients ol Utilization
TT Lamp ng (21 r3w Sinq e Llnit " Nrllllip e Un ts "* '/"C"il[q 80- 80"/" Fbo[
amn I rmers 1800 Heioht to Beam fitia Spacinq n t a Watts 9"Wal 50 30 l0_.
94lLa!t Lghted !a Fool on Foot I 4t 40 .39
ST120 nput Warls 25
P ane mter cand es Cenler candles
Sq. Ft 2
38 36 .35
56 t0 5 30 1.00 Ea :: :r .zg

66 12 ?1 069 E 5 3t .28 .21
Eff c
LLrminaire L!rnens"
36 28 26 .25
at 120V: 'n tPw
666 4 6 t5 051
E] .26 24 22
EfJ cacy
Spacinq Fatio 12N.1 4 90 t6 5 12 E B 24 .22 .2A
92320 19
10 0 tB' 4
10 2t .18 .17
)0 'n
1 Lamp LumpDsr Ba asr tucr0ri Eflcemr
Lument np!l\l]al$
Lum naire Fepoil No 0126F8
*BeamspEad= 84'at 511% Llax nrum Cand epower
TBased or 60 r 60 F00ir. 80/50/20% BeJlectances

Reference Data Candlepower Curve Energy Smart Application Data Coeff icients ol lJtilization
i a"lr %Qlils q(] f?!1lf!!{
Neloht to Beam nltlal Spaclng rltlaL Watts %Wa 50 30 l0
Balast [ighted Dia Foot on Foot per r 3l .36 35
llT120 lnputwatis 25
afe meter aand es Cefler cand es Sq Ft o? .34 32 31
'E 3 .31 .29 21
Hf277 nputwatts , 25 56 6 11 5 21 100 to ,1 ,t:
Amps 010
19 '=s t7 24 23
Eff c ency
8 12
34% (J6 25 .22 21
Lumlna re Lumefs* 80
Eficacy al 120V." 24 LPW
610 14 051
Ei il .r1 n
Spac ng Rat o 0B 90 r0 10 E I ll 19 ll
Crrr-0ff 50" I 2tl iB t6
10 0 1?
11 18 t6 15
'ln lia l.am0 LLrmens r Ba aslFacl0rxElicenll 'Be.nspraad = 60'at 50% [4ax mum Ci]nd ep0wer
" Lum ia.e Lumens/ npul Wal1s freport No tS 12564 lBased on 60 x 60 80om;80/50/20% Ref ectances

Belerence Data Candlepower Curve Enerqy Smart Application Data Coeff icienls ol lJtilization
TT Lampln! (2)13W S ngle Unit " M!tpeUflts'* B0
%l.ilnt I
tQ!p1!nr!!. .A!ll Height to Beam lnitia Spacina iitlal Watts %Wal50 30 10
Ba ast Llghred Dla' Foot on Foot' per t,49 48 47
HTl20 fpul Walts 2! P ane meter cand es Center cand es sqft 2 46 44 .!2
Arnps 0 21 s 42 4D 3s
HT277 lnpLtwatls 4 56 19 5 i00 e-4 -38 :7 ib I
Amps 0.6
6 14
.9 L-v .sa 3, -l
Efficlency 6', 6
36 34 3t 29
Luninalre Lumens*
Elllcacy al 120V""
32 tPW
BO 1' 13
E7 31 28 .21
Spaclng Rat o 10 0 14 E8 2! .26 24
921 24 22
120 11 1?'
0 .2s
r .22 .24
'nila kmp luniens i Ba asr Fac1tr r EllLN emy 90'at 5il% Uax murn Candlepower
" tum naire lune s/ npfi\!ars flepoft Na tot 2529 lEased 0n 60 { 60 Foom. sil/50/20% Befeclances
Lr4,/" l

How to Specily:
Reflector + Frame-ln Kit Twin Tube l-anping

soeslctwl + zzt:H@or@ (z)tsw

For a comp ete downlightyou need lo spec fy both the EeJleclor and tlre
Frame-n Kt Fn sh options are on paq 16rolheroptons are lisled belowleft

0pen anC lensed wa I washers provlde effective llghting of vertica surfaces, match tr ple
and quad tube wa I washers; and are lnterchangeable with twin tube dowf ights

open: Spec! ar A zak: w th permanent y fastened wa washer optics Reflector

contour ard narrOw "wlndow" c0ntr0l sideways glare and distracting lnter lef ectl0ns. Units 2 Feet From Wall Units 3 Feet From Wall

Vented to c00 amps ridescence Free'" finish e imlnates "rainbowing whi e maifta nirrg

1' 36 37
h-' il 36 1',
h' il
Lensed: Dlrectlonal prismatic glass spread lens and Alzakrir"kick rellector direct ight
smoothly across and down the wal Alzak cone pIOVides l0w apertLtre brightness
244 41 44 220 2A

ridescence Free'"'finish e imlnates "rainbowing while maifta nifg ful ight outp!t.
3363836 320
E 42B2828 4 18 19 IB
Trim: Seif-f anged wlth matte whlte flnish, covers ceilifg 0pening without ighl leaks. A so 5' 20 20 2A 5 15 16 15
avallable with pol shed seltf anqed trim, or trlm ess (n0t lensed). 614 14 14 6' l3 13 13
Mounting Framer Die-cast a uminLrm c0fstructiof Suitab e for dry 0l wet plaster cel lngs 7' l0 10 10 714 11 t0
up to 1 1/B thick. Frlcti0n spr n0s and snap-on socket cup ensure consistently co(ect B'B8B
optical allqnment wlthout adjustment Access t0 a I electrica compoferts with0ut too s. 9666
PowerSpec@ LFI Electronics: Ful ight output; HPF, thermal y protected Class "P",
internally fused, with Lamp Fau t
nterlupteri slrper]0r power qual ty,
operatloni soft staflng down t0 5" F. Speclficati0fs 0n page 46.
qLr et flickerfree
Footmndle values are averaged and rounded oii and are based on a
Damp Location: A I units are llLor isted for damp ocat ons.
Ernergency Battery Pack: Avai able, see page 44.
Chicaqo Plenum: Approved unit is avai able, see page 45
-r ^T
lD \ll rz r'
1168 mm)
( rl-.J t:rs.'t
I Lr4Y" l
Bellector options Ballast 0ptions Twin Tube Lamping

See P.ges 30 and 32 0sram

E@ PowerSpec z-Pin cE Sylvania Philips How to Specily:

llnl E ectron c
13W Fr3BXf PL S]3WT
+ Frame-ln Kit
Refleclor Twin Tube Lamping

so42M + 7213H@or@ 'rw

'r" r. o oo. d r'

Ml20lN,4dqnetir HPF Foracompeledown ghtyouneedtospeciiybolhr[eRef edorandlhe

Frame ln Kil. Fin sh opt ons ae on page l9;ollrer opl ons are kted be ow eft.

llnits 2 Feet From Wall ljnits 3 Feet Flom Wall

I '_il
Relerence Data
lI Lqlllq
Lamp Lumens
129 31 29 1 ln
A '-I
I 10
Ba ast
HT120 nplt Watts
2363836 218 15 1B

Arnps 021
?L 3?92829 3 LtEl LE Llll
I HT277 Warts
lnput 25 E 4202220 4 15 17 15

-l Amps 010 s' 16 17 16 5 13 14 13

6 13 14 13 612 12 12
7' 10 11 10 7' I 12 g

B 10 10 10 B S 11 I
Eram0le: W rr n! tpe unlts loraled3 lr0m I 10 r0 10 g I t0 B
wa did 3 0 C. the illum nalon on thewa
Foolcand eva ues are avecqed and rcunded ollaM are bared ona
3 down lrom tre ce lngislEF[beneath
lrrures aid l8 FC belween f xtures
T r/."

T- L28o mml l

Howro Specify:
Reflector + Frame-ln Kit Lamping
so?l m + ()227H@or@ 12\24 ot ztwll
8071 CtP r 013SH F120i"r F277 ,l' w D

lora comp ete downlighl you need lo spec ly botr lre Bel ector and
the lrame I Kt Olheropl onsare sred beow eft Vlsua ly distifctive, we I shie ded lght source prov des comf0rtab e gefera I um nati0n
Deep cel parabo ic ouver with 52" c!t off prOv des superi0r glare coftro than genera ly
availab e wlth hlgh wattage c0mpact f uorescent down ights or parabol c troffers
Distinctive sq!are modu e with "bL lt n" appearance b ends easi y w th parab0 ic tioffers
Reference Dala
to achieve lower ambient levels, or t0 fit lower cei ifg helghts
Parabolic Louver: Semi-specular alumifum with c ear ow irldescence flnish, prec se y
formed, assemb ed, and ocked to e iminate distorted contours lpi owirg) ard flash.
120 lnpur 60
Walts 50 38
Lolvei pul s down for re amp ng.
lnpLt watts 64 51 38 Trim: Se f f anged ouver in clear 0r white linish covers cei iirg open ng. (N0 separate tr m
or b ack revea .)

Housing: Die formed stee wlth hlgh reflectance white fif sh, internal y cor.rtolried for
Lmina re rrrnens" 1895 1895 1533
Efficacv ai 120V"" 32 LPW 38 LPW 40 LPW
max m!m llghtoutput offset amp c0mpartment accommodates 12 3/4' 0ng
Snacino Fatin 12x13 12x13 12x14 27W24W twin tube arnp
Cut-0ff 52' 52' 5?" Ouick Access Plate: Permits wir ng without rem0ving ba last cover
Magnetic Ballast: HPF, Class "P", Bapid Start, direct m0Lrrted to top 0f hous ng for
heat dissipatl0n. 0pt onal electronic ba last.
Damp Locationr A unlls are ULo isted for damp ocati0ns

Energy Smarto Application Daia

Single Unit " Mu t ple Unirs
l-l ght t0 Beam lnitial inilial Watts Spaclng
Lighted Dla Fool on Foot- per
Plane meter cand es Center cand es Sq. ft Rellector 0ptions Ballast 0ptions 4 Pin Lamping

56 10 34 5 85 2.44 Era l 0sram

C ear LouveT
@ Magfetic HPF Svlvania Philips
66 1.67
Po ished F ange

80 15 t6 WHW
6l2a/nwnl 24l27W F2124BA* FI24DV'

10 0 t9 10 10
White LoLVer
White F ange
@ PowerSpec NDF
Dimm fg 1
38W F38/2DI/4P

120 13 447

'Beamspread = 86" at 50% Max mum Cand power ConsLlt Fadory Eirol Electronic -
"Based 0n 60 x 60 Boom;80/50/20% Befeclances for g-Ce Louver
wl Consuh Factory 'Spmlfy amp m asdos rd

Coellicients ol Utilization
'/"C"[10 S0 jro"/" Fbor)
Towall 50 30 10
I 58 57 .55
2 .54 .52 .50
3 50 .47 .45
4 .46 43 .41 I
5 .43 39 .37 -l
6 .40 36 .34
g31 27 25
124/27w ony
1A .28 .25 22

WHW Cll & tCx085

Decorative Calculites creale visual inlerest at lhe
ceiling through the inlerplay ol light and rellecting
or diffusing materials. Light rellected directly back to
the ceiling smooths the lransition between the
luminous fixture and the rest of the ceiling.

Expressive Design Calculiles Customized Lytegems@

Etlects Advantages To Your Design 0tf-The-Shell
Decorative downliqhts Compared to surlace- For lighting special For the fastest solution,
combine a useful, well- mounted lixtures, areas, you can draw 0n we recommend
shielded beam with decorative downlights Lightolier's experience Lylecastert' Lytegenrs.
an eleqant qlow at the ofler a more elegant in building cuslom These simple, yet
ceilinq line. Their con- scale, better visual decorative downlights. pleasing lorms work
trolled brightness helps comforl, and greater We otfer proven well in multiples. Their
enliven the visual en- efliciency. These key mounting systems and scale and light oulput
vironment and dress up advantages result an array of decorative are ideal lor ceilings
the ceiling. Decorative from recessing the ideas to slimulate your I to 10 feet in heighr.
downlights make an lamps and ballasl above imagination. We will lytegems are readilY
ideal choice lor denoting the ceiling to create adapt your specific available, require no
areas oI siqnificance smaller, open designs. ideas to our technology special shop drawings,
and highlighting An additional benefit is so you can achieve and cost only 10-30% I
circulation nodes. easier and more eco- precisely the appear- more than standard
nomical maintenance. ance you desire. Calculite downlights.
I Decorative Calculite
Made-To-0rder D own lig hts

Lytecaster Lyteg emso
Decorative Downlights


Howto Specily:
Aperture + Housing Triple Tube Lamping
s{,0581w20'l+ 7132A@or@ (1)26Wor32W
tor ammplele downlightyou need to spec Iy bolh te apedure and housing.
The apedue is cutior a 20" sloped ceiling.0theroptions are kledbeowright.
Sl0ped ceiling downlights properly orient the downiighting beam t0 the fl0or. They offer a
less bulky altematlve t0 c0nventional down ights with deep s oped ceiling adapters. The

aperture is circular, n0t el iptlca , and matches that of conventi0nal d0wnlights. Fixture
efficiency and g are c0ntrOl are s0mewhat c0mpromised, however.

Housing: Dle-formed steel with dle'cast a umlnum apen!re ring. l\l0unting bars lnc uded.
al e ectrical components wlthout tools.
1!: Access t0
Bellector: Specular al!minum. adjustable to maiftaln proper beam 0rientati0n.
Aperture Cone: A zak@ Clear lrldescence Free* flnish effectively ellmlnates "ralnb0wing "
Cut 0n an angle to provide maximum shielding. Keyed t0 assure cofsjstently correct
'f:, orientation.

How to Specify:
Trim: Self-fianged with matte white finlsh, covers celling without llght leaks. Also
avai able wlth polished self flanged trim.
Aperture + Housing lripls Tubo lamping
PowerSpeco LFI Electronics: Ful ight 0utpLrt; HPF, thermally protected C ass "P",
aoosElwZl + itqza@or@ (r)42W
lnterna ly f!sed wlth Lamp Fau t nterrupter;* superi0r power qLrality; quiet, flickerfree
Fora compleie downlighl you need to spec fy boih the apenue and hoshg.
o operati0n; soft, n0n-pulsating starting down to F. Specificati0ns 0n page 46.
The apefture is cutlora 20'sloped ce ng 0lhe.opl ons ae sted below right.
Damp Location:All units are UL@ listed for damp lOcati0ns.
other Electrical 0ptions: Consult factory
other Bellector Finishes: Standard Llghtolier finishes are possible; consult factory
for availability.

Relerence Data Aperture Cones lor Various Sloped Ceilings

PIT Lampinq (1)26W {1)32W (r )42W Apertur Cone Aperture Cone Ceiling Ceiling
Lamp Lumens 1800 2440 3200 White Flange Polished Flanqe Rise/Bun Slope
Ba last

cLw-10 ct-P-10 w Ia2/12

cLP-20 3/12.5/12 14.22.5.

Consult Factory lor availibilily and photomelrica cLP-30 61129/12 26 s"-37.

cLw-4n t0/12

Triple Tube Lampingl

Sylvania Philips

25W Fz6rBXTt4P cFz6DT/E/rN/', Prr26w',/4P

pw F3?rBx.l14P CF3?Dr lE/tNT PLr37\"lt/4P

42W F4zOBl,l'/4P CFALDI/E/Nr PlI!zWt t4P I

ty amp color as desired

2GE amps are not .ompalib e w th trlple Powerspec al th s t me
{260 mm)

Lb /, l
ll65 mml

How to Specily:
Complete Fixture Tliple Tube Lamping
cS6126V[G120-EIlor[GZrGr'l (1)26W (a p n)

cS6r32V[d120-Ellor[G77-ctl 11)32wlapin)
Wallmounl n0 stem kh, and olheroplonsare sted be ow eft

Narrow or medi!m beamspread and h gh eff ciency provide effective distributi0f for
medium m0unting heights Spec al y designed deep reflectors prov de 50" clrt off ard
better vls!a comf0fi than gereral y avai able w th compact fluorescent down ights
Avai able for dlrect, stem, 0r wal mountitg. L

physlca and opt ca cut- 12,k

Rellctor: SpecLr ar Alzako is precise y c0ntoLrred for matching

Off and a sm00th, soft-edged fie d with0!t hot spots. lrldescence Free'' f nish e imifates
"rainbOwing'whl e ma ntaif ng f! I light 0utput
Housing: Seamless heavy gaLrge a um num Betulned edge piecise y seats reflector'
I| 1't -)
7nn mmt

l\,4atte white f nish. How to Specilyi

Stem Accessory: 37 3/4' ong, 1/2'diameter, may be shonened in the fie ds wlth 5 1/2
41'swlve, matte white liflsh
Com0lele Fixture Triple Tube Lamping
canopy and
fastefels may CSrrrzV[Gl20:Eilor FzrCr] (1) 32W 14 p n)
Wall Bracket: Die'cast and extr!ded a um num with concealed hex head
be moLrnted t0 wa I, post, or mu llQn; matte white I nish c@

walLmouni ng stem klh, and otherDplonsare sted be ow elt
Electronic Ballast: l.lltra-c0mpact, HPF, Therma ly protected, c ass 'P'; startifg dowf
to 5' F.

Damp L0cation: Al units are ULt'llsted f0r damp l0cati0rs.

T t0 r/,

{260 mm)

WallMounlingi I u'r,-l
ll65 nm)
Specify CW..
Ex:CW6126VG120 CL
How to Specify:
Stem Mounting: 0uad Tuhe Lamping

Use accessory stem FA CSA 36 cs6r18vlFt20-cl-l0r[F27tctl {1)1BW{4p]n)

Wa mounting, slem k rs and otheroptions are sled be owleil

For PowerSpec bal ast on cy lnders,
cons!lt factory.

Finish 0ptions:
Other standad Lighrolier fin shes are possib e;
consLlt factory lor avallab ltV.

See page 6 for tr p e lube arnps and page 20
for quad tube amps.

-l Pholometric Data:
See page 7 for trlple lube lamps and page 2l
for quad tube arnps

il GI
Wa mountlng, neBr krs,and otheroptlons arc Lsled beowleft.
1?9? mm)

How to Specily:
F,,Jll;', -l

Complete Fixture Triple Tube Lamping

(2)26W or 32W

Wal mountng, slem kls,andotheropt0nsare sted be 0w.ght

W de beamspread and h gh efflc ency provide hilth leve s of un form I um natiof Specia y
des gned ref ect0rs provide 55' clt off Ava lab e 10r direct, stem, 0r wa I molrftlfg

Reflector: Specu ar A[ako is prec]se y coft0lried lor matchlng physlca and optlca

cLt 0ff ard soft edged f eld w tho!t hot spots ridescefce Free'f nish
a sm00th,
Belerence Data
el m nates "ra nbow ng" whi e maintaifing f! llght Output Turbo LoLrver is avaiable,
PL T Lamplng _11)42W see below
Lamp Lurnens 3200 Housing: Seam ess, heavy-ga!ge al!min!m. T!,/o paft cofstr!ct 0f provides vefti at on
HE120 lnpLrrWafts 43 12 85 Bet!rned edge precisely seats reflector. []fitized socket bracket afd rel ector assemb y
Amps 0.36 0 62 0 72 assLie conslstently corTect optical al qnment [.4atte white I nish.
HE277 lnpLt Watts 43 70
Stem Access0ry:37 3/4 ong,112 dlameter, may be shorlened n lhe lield, with 5 1/2
Amps 015 D25 0.30
Efflclency l2% 67 9/e
can0py and 41o swive , matte white fiflsh
3480 4141 Wall Bracketr D e cast a um num, matte whiie linish
PowerSpeco LFI Electronics: F!l ight 0!tprt; HPF, thermal y pr0lected Class "P",
Spacinq Batio 14x16 14x17
nterfa y f!sed, ',!ith Lamp FaLr t ntell!pter,''' sr]perl0r power qLra ity; q!iet, fl cker free
Cul l]ff 55' 55'
opeiatl0n; soft, non p!lsating startifg down i0 5'F Speciflcatiofs on page 46.
n 'l ita Balast FactorX Efficiency
Lamp Lumars x
"LLrmina re Lument npulWatts Damp Location: A !n ts are UL'" isted for damp ocat 0irs.

1292 mm)

Spec ly CW
L| l Exr CWB242 20-CL
L28b mml I H E1

How to Specily:
Complete Fixture ouad Tube Lamping Stem Mounling:
(2l1BW Use accessory stem FA CSA 36

wa mourr rq stem kts, and otheroplions are sted be0w rght

Dimming tr p e tube C120-CL or C277-CL
Fl,rs -

4 pln quad tube Fl20-CLorF277 CL

Dimming quad lube Dl20 CL or D277 CL

Reflector 0plions:
Relerence Data For T!rbo Louver. use sLrfflx-TB 0ther standard
ghto erlfishes are poss
q.q l
PIT Lanrping L b e;coisu t factory Lurnens

HTl20 !p4uq1!
HT277 nplt Walls 34

for avai abllity

See page l0fortrlp etLrbe amps and page 22
Amps 012 a1l lor quad tLrbe arnps. I
)0 Eff Lienry
fiare LLrmefs'
f t,l cse:0, r:se ]

'ntia Lamp Lumens r Balast FiictorX Eflciency

''Lumina ro Lument nput Watts
Compatibility Matrix
Emergency Packs Listing
Solid state battery pack provides The Emerqency Pack is IJL@ listed
Lanp Wattage Specily
90-minute emergenc\/ lightlng for indoor dry locations. Not
when AC power fails. Lamps approved for Chicago Plenum. Twin 2 pin 13W PowerSpec T EMlT
operate as shown below. Meets Howlo Specily
Ouad 2-pit' 13W PowerSpec T EMlT
National Electric afd Life Safety Add the Emergency Pack catalog
0uad 2-pin 1BW PowrSpec T EM2T
codes. Recessed deslgn eliminates number to the desired Frame-ln Klt
unslghtly surface units. l\lodular Ouad 2-pir 26W PowerSpec T EM2T
rsing a "slash" (/).
construction converts a standard Ex.61329E21t lEM3E Ouad 4-pin 13W Electronic F EM4F
downlight into an emergency unlt The frame and Emergency Pack are
Ouad 4 pln 18W E ectronlc F EM4I
and permits emergency downlights shipped in separate cartons. The
Ouad 4-pin 26W Electronic F EM4T
to be lntegrated lnto the lighting Battery Pack carton is abeled with
design wherever required. an "FA" prefix (denoting Fluores' Electronic EM3E
Triple 4-pin 1BW G
Emergency downllghts f unction
cent Accessory). Triple 4-pin 26W PowerSpec E EM3E
normally with AC power supply and Ex: FA-EM3E
Triple 4 pin 32W PowerSpec E EM3E
precisely rnatch other Ca culites in
light distrib!ti0n, finish, and trlnr.
lnstallation Triple 4-pin PowerSpec E EM5E
Ernergency Pack installs in the
Banery Pack 1. Trlple tube EM3E and Elr,45E are a so compatible with type G balasting.
fie d. lt requires no additional
Fully encased, ong-life nickel plenum depth. Pack attaches t0 the 2. Consu t factory for magnetlc ballast ng.

cadmium; pre-wired with quick standard Frame-ln Kit mounting 3. Consult factory for darnp ocation.
confect plug, may be replaced bracket. Battery, test switch, and
from below; charges from both 120 charge light are pre wired to one
and 277 VAC. side of the qulck connect plug. Lumen 0utput With Battery Pack
Test Switch and Charge Light Ballast and socket leads are field-
1-Light 2-Liqht
lncluded in easy-to-install recessed lnstalled to the other side of the Fixture
Lamp Fixture
swltch box. May be rernoted to plug. For an additional charge,
closet orcabinet{up to 50 away)if Lightolier can factory wire a l3W Twin (2 pln) G (
desired. l\,4atte white,4 1/2' speciflc Emergency Frame- n Kit.
13W 0!ad (2-pln) 525 525
diameter canopy. Consult Liqhtolier f0r availabllity.
18W ouad (2-pin) 520 524
Frame-ln Kit 26W 0uad (2-pin) 650 650
A standard Calculite compact
fluorescent Frame- n Kit. see 13W Ouad (4 pin) 350 425

Compatibility l\/latrix. 1BW 0uad (4-pin) 415 575

26W 0uad {4-pin) 600 700

PowerSpeco (or electronic as 125
26W Trlple (4'pin) 450
specified)forAC operation; 120 or
32W Triple (4 pin) 575 750
277 volts.
42W Trip e (4 pin) r 000 1000
Any standard Calculite compact
f Lrorescent reflector.

Emergency Pack Shown on Standard Frame-ln Kit

Special Ceilings Sloped Ceilings Conversion Kits Chicago Plenum
The FA-EC accessory enables Calculite adapters proper y orient Cofverts previo!sly insta led l\4ost Calculite Frame ln Kits are

compactf uorescent Calcu ites to downlights when insta led in incardescent Calculites to optically available in models approved and
be instal ed ln finished ceilings sloped ceiLinqs. The wide splay correct trlple tube compact labeled for use in Clty of Chicago
without demo ition or patching. minimizes scalloplng and beam f luorescent dowrlights, without Air Plenum (sealed electrical
The accessory mourtinq collar and distortion. Adapters are spun out of the cost of rewjring or reworking harness). To specify, add the suffix
retaining bracket work with any heavrT gauge a uminum, are self the ceilinq. Ca c!lite conversion "LC" to the Frame-ln Klt cata og

standard Frame-ln Kit. They insta I flanged, and are painted maite klts pr0perly positi0n the standard number. Ex: 71328E]20 LC.

fo white (easi y field repainted to (not se f ballasted) lamp above the

asi y and economical y when Fusing
further construction is desired, match the ceiling). Adapters are ceiling for effective glare coftrol.
All PowerSpec downlights include
simplify the additi0n of !nplanned produced specifically for sloped Precise optics, thermal englneer-
an integralfuse in the ballast.
fixt!res, and reduce the cost of afgles of 5', 10', 15',20",25", lng, and PowerSpec electronics
External f!sing is availab e, add 'F"
mistakes. The deep collar also and 30.'They are used with assure high light output. ConveF
to the Frame-ln Klt.
solves prob ems encountered in c0mplete standard f ixtures (Frame- sion kits a so llmlt amp piferage
extra thick ceilings, including those lr-Kit and c0mpatible reflectOr). T0 or retum to incandescent use. Wiring and Labels
A I standard compact f uoresceft
with acoustical insulation. specify. add the deslred slope Construction
Frame-ln Kits are UL@ listed for
decoratlve wood treatment, and angle to the catalog number. Screw-shel adaptor fits incandes-
thr0ugh branch clrcult wiring with
masonry facing. Slope Compatible cent socket cup. Separate ballast
a maximum of B {4 in/4 o!t)No. 12
Mounting Collal Adapter Aperture trames* compartment attaches to the
90' C conductors. CaLculite
Formed stee; return flange and 41/2 4000 series
previ0usly installed f rame. S0cket
Emerqency Packs and Conversion
spring steel clips "sardwich" the cup snaps onto new fluorescent
6000 series Kits are tlL@ listed f0r attachment
celllng, up to 2 thick, for troubie ref ectors for correct larnp focus.
to Ca c! ite fixtures only.
f ree inslallation. Frlctl0n springs I 3/8" 7000 series A I converted Calculites are ULo
A I down ights are listed fordamp
llsted as new down ights.
coffectly a ign reflector, without 7927 B3/4' 8000 series l0cations, except Fresnel and Clear
adj!stment. Access t0 all electrical *Downlights Tliple Tube Lamping Lens downlights, which are listed
components without tools. Uses 26W or 32W lamp. other f0r wet locations. Emergency Packs
For a more compact and economi-
Betaining Blacket options (inc uding those that re-use are listed for indoor dry ocations;
ca solution, see paqe 4l. incandescent ref lectors) are
Secures J-box and ba lastto consult factory where damp
ceillng. available on a made-to-0rder basis. location is required.

Electrical Harness PowerSpec@ LFI Electronics

120 volts only. Sott, non pulsating All Calculites are Type Non-lC;
ljses J-b0x, ballast, and s0cket cup
startlnq dowf to 5" F.
insulatlon must be kept 3' away on
from anystandard Frame-ln Kit.
all sides For lC rated compact
How to Specily Bellector
f luorescent downlights, use
A complete fixture consists of New 6" or 7'tripletube reflector
LytecasteP 1100A CN,4F (32W

a standard Frame-ln Kit, reflector, requlred. See the matrix beLow. For
triple tube) and compatible
and accessory. other fixt!res, consult factory.
Mounting Bars & Clips ref ectors.
Ex: 61 328E] 20+8020CLW+FA-EC6 How To Specity
Calculites are supplied wlthout
Aperature Accessory mountif! bars, whlch may be 132BEl20CK + ref ector.

ordered separateLy as shown

bel0w. Ca c!Lite m0!nting brackets
7 3l9', tA-EC7 also accept standard mounting
bars and channeL, by others.
Cata og numbers refer to set of
two bars. 0rder one set per fixture.

Accessory Conve6ion Kit Matrix (120V only)

18" bars lncandescent Fluorescent

1951 21" ba"S

Fmme Reflecto. Description Rellector
8600 6' A amp downlight 8020 or 803l
1956 T-bar c ips (set of 4) -l
8600 7705,1160, 6" B or PAB downliqht 8020

0 Wood joist mounting

bars (up to 24 )

7059 6" Horlzontal downlight 8031

7998 Betainlng clips for 4
exlstlng ceilings. c700 7055,7709 7'A, PAB downllqhts 8050
PowerSpec@ LFI Perforrnance Lamp tault lnterrupter^ Reliability (
L ghtollers PowerSpec LFI Powerspec operates at very high PowerSpec features I ghtollers Since the iftroduction oi

electronics give Ca c! ite a dec ded frequency (30 60 KHz), which innovat ve LF (Lamp Fault PowerSpec in 1993, Lighto ier has

advantage in performance, Lrser maintains lamp phosphors ln a lnterrLrpterl circuit. lFl sruts lhe gained experlence w th over a

comfort, and qua ity. fearly contlnuous state of ballast down when the lanp fails. quarter of a m lion balasts and

excitation. This, combired with This prevents overheatlng when thousafds of hours of continuous
Powerspec ls designed around
specific lamp and fixture, powet lamps fai abnormal y, a particLrlar operation per ba last. We are
specific amps 2-p n twin and
conscious englneering, produces a pr0blem with cof operation. confident ol the qLa ity and
quad, the most widely used and
very hlgh ba last factor (over .96) Abnormalfai ure can happen with re iablllty of every PowerSpec
avai able compact f uorescent, and
and ow power ifput A together, any compact amp (TB or sma ler) downl ght we de iver Bal asts are
new 4-pin triple. Powerspec HDF
Powerspec enjoys a 30 40% and any bal ast. The ovelheatlng internal y fused and surqe
dims 4-pin quad and trip e lLrbe
superiatity in luninaus efficacy results when the broken filament pr0tected t0 2500 v0lts (lEEE587B).
lamps. Each lamp s drlven
( umeirs per watt) compared to high remains heated and comes into Protecti0f agairst short-circuit
optimaly. resulting in high
qua ity magnetic ba lasts and as contact w th the lamp wal oI base. lamp fallure is lnc uded ln al
luminous efficacy, ful rated lamp
much as 25% more than some (Other electronic ba lasts with so mode s. Every ba last features
I fe, and excel ent power q!allty. "oversized" components and is
other electronic ba lasts. ca led shut down circuits typicaly
ljnl ke twin and quad tube amps, PowerSpec perfotmance is do not shut off whef the amp fais designed for long I fe.
trip e tlrbe lamps of different certif ed by ETL tests. whlle 0perating; they simply refuse
Each PowerSpec design undergoes
wattages have simi ar e ectrical to start again unti awo*inglamP
Powerspec starts comfortab y, rlq0r0Lrs accelerated cyc e testing
character stics. They can be is insta led. Magnetic ba lasts are
wlthout pu sation and operates in extreme amb ent temperatures.
effectively driven by a sifg e not protected at al .)
w thout noise or v sible fllcker SuccesslLr designs are manufac-
ba Iast (non dlmmifg only).
Belamping t!red using altomated S!rface
Llghtoller has exp oited this Lamp Lile
To relamp a Powerspec dowr ight, [,4ount Techfo 0gy. Th]s technology
attribute to develop a slngle PowerSpec operates to the amp
you must first de energlze the signil cant y raises product
PowerSpec LFI bal ast for 26W, manLrf acturers specif ications
tixtLfe, then replace the lamp, and rel abi ity by ellmifatlng man!a
32W, and 42W triple tube lamps. {there are no ANSI standards yet)
PowerSpec achleves high so yolrcan expect at leastful
final \] re-enerqize This process lnsertion. The comp eted bal ast s
also -"ff ectively pievents mainte- then electronical y tested, w th the
performance with all three rated Iife and outp!t n a cases,
nance personfeltrom comin0 into results recorded by computer for
wattages. The 26W and 32W amp current crest factor is ess
contact with live sockets. ana ysls and tracirg (each unit is
lamps share the same socket, so than the 1.7 req! red by lamp
bar coded). n addition, al ballasts
one Calculte PowerSpec Frame ln manulacturers t0 ensure rated llfe. Lamp Compatibility
are "burned in" priot to re ease.
Klt Lrses both amps The 42W amp PowerSpec ircorporates ptopri' Lighto ier determines PowerSpec/
F nal y, the assembled ba last,
requires a unique socket and so etary "soft start" c rcLr try which amp compatib lity based on
socket, and wirlng are tested
has its own Frame-lr Kit doLrb es or trlp es the number of conformance to the amp operating
before the Frame ln Kit shlps The
starts yo! caf expect over the ife speciflcatl0ns and mutual testlng
othe. Ballasts comp ete downllqht frarne,
of the amp (compared to most PowerSpec ba lasts are compatib e
Where PowerSpec balasts are not reflector. and ba last - are backed
other magnetlc bal asts). wlth most manLf acturers' lamps
ava lab e, Ca cul tes use e ectrofic by Lighto ier's three-year single
There are some exceptions,
ba lasts from other rellable Power 0uality source warranty.
especlal y when dimming. Be sLrre
manufactlfers. These include the PowerSpec provides exce lent
to review the table below.
1BW triple tube bal ast (type "G") power qua ity, high power factor,
and a lnon dimm ng 4-pin quad and ow harmonic distort on. The
tube ba lasts (type 'F"). For a low if-rush current avoids PowerSpec/Lamp Compatibility:
specllic non Lighto ier bal ast problems with occupancy sensors,
speclly the approprlate type ("G" 0r relays, and other devices. Non-Dimning GE 0sram Sylvania Philips
"F') and indlcate the brand PowerSpec meets a I appllcab e 2-Pin Twin/0uad Yes* Yes Yest
Other triple tube ba lasts typical y FCC reqLr rements and ANS
do not drlve both 26W and 32W standards on electromagf etlc
4-Pin Trip e Pefding** Yes

amps. Specify the desired wattage interf erence.PowerSpec is ULo Dirnminq

in the Frame-ln Kl1(EX: 61268G 120) llst-"d and ETL tested. No
4-Pin 0uad Yes Yes
[,4agnetic t\.^/o-amp balasts are
I 4 Pin Triple Yes
-l availab e or y for 2 pin f,4/ln afd
quad tube lamps. 'GE l3W quad is nol compat b e
"Notcompatlble a1lime ol pr rtiq Consulllaclorylor alesl ifomation
lForrrebestresults,usel]Eor0sramSyvania2 pinlwnt!be amps
O oirrins Dimming Control 0ptions Sunrise Preset MultiSet"
PowerSpec llDF d mming is Use on y I ghtolier coftrols for lfd vidual dimmer with s ide actlof Jfd v dual dimmers create a simp e

ava able thiolrghout the Calcu ite PowerSpec d mming. Please see and preset bltton. Bemotes for and inexpenslve multl channel, flve

compact f !orescent rafge Lighto leis Architecl!ra Contro on/off coftrol scene system. Convenient keypad

PlrwerSpec HDF dims 4-pln tripLe Systems cata og tor a f! I contro s al channels. lncludes
and quad tube lamps down to 7r% descript on and orderifg ifforma channel and system remots and AV
ndlvld!a dimmer with rocker
0f full )utput sn11thly and withaut liof. Lighto iei's three-year conrpatibl ty
actlof and to!ch preset. Preset is
f/rckr Powerspec NDF wl I stad warranty provides s ngle source Scenist'"
memorized durifg manLra override
lrom any pre-set dimmed level afd cov-"rage of the complete fixture,
Unllmlted remotes for lLr I f!ncti0r lnlegrated wa lbox system for four
caf be control ed from a variety of ba last, and control channel, f ve scefe contro
L ghto ier controls. PowerSpec Networkab e.
ballasts may fot be remote Minimum Dimming Levels lor 2-26W ouad Tube Downlight LFemode''
lligh pedormance system with
Tmperat!re, both of the lamp and 16% cabinet-mo!nted dimmers.
the environment, significant y Networkab e, pafiltioned room
affects the d mmed performance of
compact lamps. Warm amps (those
E 12%
Z- 10%
operating for severa holrrs if a

warm room)wil be brlchter at low =o8%

dim thaf wil co d amps {those just E ov"
started lf an empty a r condltiofed n 4Y"
space) n some cases, the practlca
dimm ng range may not extend
below 15% [amp color also sh fts
62.6 66.4 73 76.3 80.3 84.4 92 97.6
coo er as the lan'rps dlm (opposlte
Boom Ambient Temperature 'F
of the warming that occ!rs whef
dlmming incandescert)
PowerSpec@ Specilications
Dimmed performafce is a so
sensitlve to sma I differefces ln
Ballast Type E T C (Dimming) D (Dimming)
Lamp Type 4-Pin Triple 2-Pin Twin/0uad 4-Pin Triple 4-Pin Ouad
amp design, partlcu arly of the
amp fllament Use only the Ballast Factor 26W 1.05 t3W .96 26W >.9 (fu ll 13W >.9 (ful )

recommended lamps. See tab e 32W 1.00 lBW .96 32W > 9 (tul ) 1BW>9(frll
on page 46. other amps may fot 42W 095 t3w .96 42W >.9 (fu l) 26W > I (f!l )

dim proper y and may not Power Factor >.98 >.98 >.95/.8 > 95/.8
experiefce rated lamp lte; their
Lamp CCF <1.6 <1.6 <11 <1.1
!se volds the Lighto ier warrarty.
THD <10% <10% <1}akl20ak <1A"k l2A%
How to Specily
ln-Rush Current <?0x <20x <20x <20x
For dlmm ng trple tube down ights,
LFI Yes Yes Yes Yes
use code on the Frame- n Kit, as
appropriate PowerSpec HDF is Surge Protection IEEE5BTB' EEE5BTB- EEE5BTB- lEEE5B7B-
ava lable for 120 or 277 vQlt slrpp y. Yes
Short Circuit Prot. Yes Yes Yes
Ex 61328C12A ot 6132BC2ll .

Thermal Protection Class "P" C ass 'P" Class "P" C ass"P"

Fo(dimn ng 4 pin quad tube <?%
Flicker <2o/o
downllghts, use the "D" ba last
Sound Rating A A
code of the Frame n Kit, as

approprlate. PowerSpec llDF is Starting 5'F 0'F 50.F s0"F

availab e for 120 or 277 volt sLrppLy ULo Listing Type 1"" Type 1". Type 1** Type l--
Ex 1226H0120 ot 12281D211 .
ETL Testing Yes Yes Yes Yes
ijne lamp 13W and 18W dlmmifg I
hal asts are not avallab e. ANSt C.82-1 Yes Yes Yes Yes -l
FCC Par l8C Yes Yes

A dala represerts ba astsascfienly nar!factured

'2500voL1s " ndoor/!rtdoor
l Apefiure Appearance
The proliferation of amp types and
co ors, the differences among amp
mafufacturers, and the array of
reflector types present some
problems io specifying finishes.
CL Clear lridescence Flee*
This is 0ur prinrary finish. We begin
wjth spc!lar A zak.@ The

purity a uminum is polished,

chemica ly brightened, and
anodized. lt is then coated in

Light0iieis pr0prietary lridescence

CZ Champagne Bronze
Champagne Bronze has been
deve 0ped by Lighto ier specifically
to provide a rich, warminq reflector
f0r compact flu0rescent sources. lt
is free from any greenish tinge or
irldescence. Champaqne Brof ze
w White Painted Flange
A 5/B' integralflange, painted
matte white, is our standard trim
detail on al reflectors (except
l\l!lti-Groove, which uses a molded
trim ring). We !se a preclse
masking technique to assure that

Lamps of the same color

Free process. lF eliminates resu ts from a proprietary dye there is no over-spray on the
temperature and type (e.9. 3500K
"rainbowing" by re-mixlng the light mixture and finishing process and ref ecting surface.
triple tube) but from different
that is defracted by the anodic has a metallic finlsh. Champagne
manufacturers wi I l00k different in
coaiing. The lF process preseryes Bron2e performs comparably to
the same ref ector.
the clear finish and emits 98% of fioishes often cal ed "Wheat." You
Lamps of the same color the light of an !ncoated ref ector. can expecta 10 15% reduction in
temperature and same A C ear ridescence Free reflector ight outpLrt cornpared to C ear.
manufacturer but 0f differeft types presents a gentle luminoslty when
BZ ArchitecturalBronze
P Polished Flange
(e.9. triple tube vs. quad t!be)wil illuminated and avolds the "dark A 5/8' integralflange, pollshed to
Architectural Br0nze is the familiar
look different in the same ref ect0r. hole" effect common with typical match the reflector interior, ls an
deep bronze co or often used in
specu ar reflectors. avai able option on all reflector
Therefore, uslng a sing e type, anodized window mullions and
types (except l\,4u tiGroove).
color, and brand of lamp produces SS Soft Spec lF exterior lighting standards.
th most consistent appearance The Soft Spec finish produces a
GD Champagne Gold
among allthe downlights used in a slightly brighter aperture than 0ur
0ur Champagne Go d flnish is most
space. Clear lridescence Free. A Soft Spec
p0pular with incandescent sources.
reflector undergoes simi ar
What's rnore, vertical, horizontal, The tightly controlled dye process
po ishing and anodizlng as C ear
and ouvered optics all look
but with addltional chemical
lmparts a sophisticated g0lden (not T Trimless
different when the reflectors are brassy) color that wams the beam. Most reflector types are available
finished in the same process. To brightening. You can expect a

compef sate, Llqhtolier f

each of these reflector types

inishes sllght reductlon ln light output
compared to C ear photometry.
Gold, however, may ook a litt e
greenish with compact fluorescent
sources. You can expect a 10%
with a trimless detail suitable for
mounting in a wet plaster cellii'rg.
The Frame ln Kit serves as a non-
dlfferently. 0ur goa ls to produce SD Serni Difluse red!ction in light output. rusting plaster ring
the c osest match among al The Semi Diff!se finish produces a
MG Multi-Groove Balfle For trim ess construction on
brighter aperture than either Clear
LightOliers Multi-Gr00ve, clt into ouvered or ensed fixtures, whlch
The finish and trlm options or Soft Spec.
seamless a uminum and attached is fot a staodard option, consult
described here are also availab e PW Pewte] to a specular upper ref ector, factory.
for most Calculite incandescent 0ur PeMer flnish generates a features a unique "saw tooth"
and H lD. downlights. deep, rich "gLrometal" coloration profi e that traps stray light. lt is
that effectively coo s the beam and finished ln optica matte black
produces a distinctive aperture. palnt. Multi-Gr00ve serves well in
The dyed reflector masks most exterior appllcatlons. You can
iridescence. You can expect a expect a 20% reduction in light
Trim Rings
Trirn rings oftapered, mo ded
15 200/o reduction in light 0utplt. outplt comPared to C ear.
white p0lycarbonate are avallable
WH White for an\/ trimless ref ector. The rinq
White produces the brlghtest s retained by the slight lip of the
aperture, and is often used with
ref ector. The molded trim rifg can
dec0rctive d0wnlights. Lightolier's
be easi y painted in the field.
standard White reflector (used
with Cross Blade and 0pa1 Diffuser Specily:
downlights) has a matte finish, TR-4 4 1/2" dlameter
which produces a pleasing 4000 series reflectors
rt, transition with most cei ing
I flnishes
TR-6 6 diameter
-l 6000 series reflectors

7 3/8'diameter (
7000 series reflectors

8 3/4 diameter
8000 series ref ectors
Seruice Standards TechExpress'* Photometric Standards Reference Data
Yl]lr,,!l llnd thai th s cata og ls The products and pholometry Pti La;o'q------llltw
or!afied to suppoft today s short featlfied if thls cata og are also l!!l! LLrmens 24q!

ncorporated nto TechErpress, Ba asl

ead-tlme cofstruct of . N4osl npLrl Walls
Lghtol er s e ectron c commLrnica
BEl20 3U
Ca cu te dowr ghlsshownlnoLrr Amps ! 2E
' How To Specify' b ocks are tion seTV ce For access to 8E277 Lnput Watts 30

fventorled tms. (Un!sLra ly arge

TechExpress, cortact yo!r Amps 0l2
q!ant ties may reqLrire mult pJe or
Lighto ier representat ve Effrcienc,i 6?2%
Lum naire LLrmenst 1433
schedLrled de lver es, of co!rse l lnternet Web Site: Eff caNy al l20Vt" 47 !1!!l
http //www ightol er com Spacing Fal o 14
I gefera, the off-the'she I
ContiirLr0!s y updated informat on C!IOtt
ref ector feat!res a C ear
on a var ety of top cs is ava lab e at 'r1i LirnDLrtr ii!rtsa axFado rEffcenq
lr descerce Free I I sh w th a _'Lum
na r. Lrtr e sr'r !/a11s
L ghtol er s Web Site Bcpo:Nx T 03023126!ll
r/hlte fted flange lCLW) Most

frames feat!re a PourerSpec- CD-B0M Specilier:

e ectrot c ba ast Prov des lu I co or product and
The photometric rep0ts referefced Lamping: 0rartlty and type of
app ication photographs, comp ete
wllh other standard here have been corducted lamp req!ired per fixture.
Bef ectors speciflcat on nformat on afd
I nishs afd trim detai s are accord fg to lES Recommeirded Lamp Lumens: nit al rated
attrib!te search capabi it es.
Practice afd, to our best know-
genera ly avai ab e n 3 6 weeks Prolect fo der capabi lt es fc ude umens per amp x number of
edge, represenl consistent and amps per Lrmlnaire
alter rece pl of a c eaf order For annotat on, cut afd paste afd a
accurate nlormation n partlcu ar,
other finishes, consLr t factory d recL ifk to GENESYS. lnput Wafts and Amps: Va Lres
both amps afd lumifa res are
Frirnes w th other ba lasts are GENESYS- nc rde the ba last{s) shown For
therma y stabi ired before testirg
geferalyavaiabe n 1 2 weeks Lighting Workstation: other ba lasts. consult factory
ln addlt on, referefce amp Lrmefs
after rece pt of a clean order. Enab es a des gner to se ect are ca cu aled lsing a free Luminaire Lumens: Lamp l!mens
products by !lefer c descr ptio| standing s ngle lamp, base up, the x efficlefcy x bal ast factor
Emergl]ncy Battery K ts and
app y them ln a project des gn photometered ! mifa Tes are lfd cates how mlch lght s
Er st ng Ceil ng K ts whlch attach
envlronmeft, and ca culate a wide provided w th a lmoLrnt fg emitted by the um falre
to slafdard lrames, genera ly sh p
rafge ol l!hting appl cations !sifg hardware n p ace T-"stifg is
frl]m nveftory. Efliciencyr Perceftage of (rated)
the stored photometry Over 10,000 cofd!cted n 25'C ambient sti lair
amp lumens emitted by the
Emergency afd Ex stirg Ce I ng prod!cts ol dlfferent types are The certifled aboratorles lhal c0n-
!mlnaire {nit al).
Kils car be factory pte-assemb ed ifc !ded n the database. CAD duct the tests are dentified by the
af addll ona intedace, prolect mafagement and report numbers Lrnder the candle Efficacyr LLrmlna ire lumens
tl] the liame at
documertat on are jLrst a few of power curves, and each Tepoft s d vided by irp!l watts N/easured
charge and a made to order ead
the tasks that ljENESYS makes avai able thro!gh your Lighto ier n !mens per watt (LPW). lfd cates
1me l]onslr t lactory for a
simp e. representative af d TechExpress. energy uti ization
We be leve without qua iflca
S opedcei n! adapters are made
t ons -
that yo! can rely on the
Spacing Ratior The maxim!m
1 800 D A[ L0[. Offers rnmed]ate spacing of um naires fot even
lo order and gefera ly sh p wlth n integrlty ol the photometric
access to Llghtol er Spec ficatio| lumifatlon, expressed as a rat o
6 \,,/eeks. ifformat or reported here
and nstrLrctlon Sheets on a of Lrm naire spac ng to lhe height
Certain fixtures were not avai ab e 24 hour bas s By convention, the i lumifance above the lghted p ane

atth s prinl fg Cons! t factory for valLres shown lf our Efergy Smafi" Ittlaximum fixture spacing =
Electronic Bulletin Board:
ava ab ity App catiof Data are presented n Spac ng Ratio x Height 10 ighted
508 646 3284. A lows lnstant
nit al lormat, that s, befole p ane.
dowf oading of ES foimat
app ying appropriate Llghl Loss, Cut-offr V sLra clrt off arg e, from
photometr c fi es to your compLrter
Bal asl, and Applcat on Factors veftlca , to amp afd amp image ir
on a 24 hour bas s
The Lrm naire umens and eff cacy the reflector
Specilication Sheets va ues presented ln o!r Beference
lfdividLra speclf cation sheets olr Ballast Factor Percentage of
Data do, however, lnc ude Bal ast
each f xtLrre lnc ude deta ls of lamp raled !mers piod!ced bythe
Factors. lt is the responsib I ty of
constrLrct on, abe s, al d men actual bal ast belfg !sed. Balast
the deslgner to app y the prov ded
slons, and fu lphotometry. They Factors are showr on page 47.
data in tre c0ftext 0f each speciflc
are aval ab e through your app ication Data on amps has I
L ghto ier representatlve, oLrr beef compl ed lrom re iab e
Fax'0f-Demand system, or the soLrrces Nevertheless, L ghtol er
CD R0M Specifler. cafrot be respons ble for ts
[umen Method Coeff icienls ol Utilization Energy Smart@ Application Data (32W)

Also kfowr as the Zora Cav ty

{r!ll!!L Sing e llfil " U r"
[4u 1]p1..
50 3l l! Height to Beam filia Splclnll nlal Wirtts
['lethod, the LL]men lUethod 1686765 Lghted D. Foot. on Foot- per
calculates the average I um nance 28461 59 P afc mclPr .aid es Cenler cand es Sq Fl
(footcand es) onthe lghted plaire 3 -59 -56 53 56 5 6: 120
of a room from a regl ar array of
E4 55 51 48
ium na res lhe Lumer [4ethod Es6 .uo Ai 4t 66 t3 t6

vered umens per

3 .47 .43 40 80 17 1l D4l
ca cLr ates del
E7 43 39.36 10 0 )1 t0 16 037
sq!are foot and uses two steps

(11 F I -38 32 29 120 25 5 12 11 030

nd the Boom Cavity Ratio

lFCFlto determ ne the Coefficleft

r0 .31 2t .24 ' Seamspread 92 ar 50!i Cerre tsean Crnlie0orer
"8ard on 60 i 60 Foom lBlB-ll.80,150,201t Rel *irrc:s
0f Ut I zation (CLJ) of the lLrmlfaires
n the room
Boom Cavity Ratio (RCB) Single Unit
Expresses the aspect ratio ol the
Footcandles are lfitla afd glvef directly below the
umina re 10');the\r are based on nveTse sq!are aw
BCB=5xHx{L+W)/LxW room A hlgher Fl]F typ ca y
ca cLr atiofs (n0 rel ected ight) Beam dlameter is based
descr bes a lofger distance to the
0f the beam spiead of the Lrmina re at 50% ol center
ohted p ane {a tal er or faffower
beam cand epower
space)where more l! ht ls

absorbed by the wa s Multiple Units

I !c!':!'r:r" ,
Coefticient ol Utilization (CU)
Expresses the percentage of light
from the !m naire that reaches the
Footcafd es are in
ca c! atiofs
ighted plane 6
tia afd
The average
be ow
based on LLrmen N4ethod
umifafce is shOwr on
the uminalres if a 60 x 60

H = He ght to the l!hted p ane llghted p ane in a spec fic

room lBCB = l) For 0ther room sires, mult ply the

L= Length of the room instal ation The CU rel ects both

footcafd es by:

W=W dth of the room the um naire performance

.90 for a 3l
30 room x

(efflc ency and beam spread) and .85 for a 20

20 room x
(2) llse the BCB and the room .70 for a 12 by 12 room
tre lfsta lat on (FCB afd sLrrlace
surface reflectarces to se ect the ref ectances)
Watts per sqlare foot va !es are l0r l20V bal asts.
coffect valLre from the Cll tabie Maintained Footcandles
Lamp lumens = see Reference
Then app y to the formu a be ow To determine ma ntaifed footcard es from the
for malntaired footcard es App cai 0n Data, mLr tlp y the if tia va les
BF = Ba last Factor, see Beference
by appropriate L ght Loss Factors (bel0w)and Balast
Factors {page 47).
LLF = L ght Loss Factor, see
\/aintalned Footcafd es at riaht. Light Loss Factors
No. 0f luminaires x lamp lunens x CU x BF x LLF Compensate l0r di( accumLrlat 0n ard lamp umel
FC= deprec at on over time. The factors be ow apply to
Calcu ite uminalres Lrs nq compact fluorescert amps
Lamp Types
Un ik tw n and quad tlrbe Prellm nary irvestigat 0n suggests Boom Conditions Luminaire Type
down ights, tr p e tlbe down ights that the Osram Sy vaf a DLr !x T/E
perf orm differef tly with diff erent amp, with ts "delta" configrrat ol 0pen Lensed
brands of amps Th s resu ts from of tlght y bent t!bes, may perform
the d ffereirt geometry afd s ight y better n vertica C ean area, regLrLar ma ntenance, 75 7A
ama !am 0peratlfq approaches down ights The Phi ips PL T amp, group re ampifg
takef by each manufacturer. wllh stacked "u', tends to be
superl0r lf horlzontal dowf lghts. lvled um dlty area, regLr ar la 65
For c0fsistency, a I Lighto ier tr ple maiftef af ce, spot relamplf g
tube dowf lghts have been
photometered with PL T lamps Dirty area, poor ma ntenance, 65 .60
and spot re amping

r-l I
Reflector Page Spec Sheet Relleclor Page Spec Sheet

lt32A 11424 41 16

!lsconllfued 18081 s!qgested, pq. 16) 6213H

See CW611B 42 6218H

41]BV 1213N

4113V 2A 1218N.1226N

See CS6llB 42 8087 11328,11428 16

8020 6r328 FTD6 8089 8232H,8242H 16 FTWB

6l]8V FOD6 80s1 61328 FTN6

8031 6r328 FIH6 8091CB 6132B 14 FTt6

8037 11328,11428 FTHT 8095 t213H 32 FSNT

8037T8 11378.11428 1? Fnl 8095C8 t213H 32 FSLT

B2i2t 8242N 10 FTHB l21BH,1226N 26 FONT

FOHB 8096C8 1218H,1226N F0t7

8038T8 8232H 8242t) 1? FTTs 11328,11428 14 FTNT

8232H 8242N 1ll FTKs 8097C8 11328,11428 14 FTLT

D scont fLsd (8046 suqqested, pq 1B) DiscontinLred (8055 s!ggesred, pg. 32)

1r13N 34 FSXT Discontinued {8066 s!qqested, pq 32}

1218N 30 Discontinued {8055 s!qqested, pq. 32}

1?26N 30 Discontinued {8055 s!qqested, pq. 32}

61328 ]B Dlsc0nrinued (8085 s!qgested, pq. 32)

11328,11428 ]B Dlscontinued (consLr t factory)

11328,11428 See 8074

7118\,7126V FntT 46121 See 8074

6218H FOH6 CX Conversion Klt 45

8052 6213H FOH6 cs6... Comp ete 42 Frc6, F0c6

8053 See 010 cs7... Complete 42 FTC7, F0C7

8054 D scont nued (8031 sLggested, pg B) cs8... Complete 43 FTCB, FOCB

FSHT cw6... Complete 42 FTC6, FOC6

1218t, t226P, FOHT cw7... Comp ele 42 FTC7, FOCT

TIDS cw8... Comp ete 43 FICB, FOCB

8126V FODS FA-EC Accessory

7126H FOHT FA.EM Ernergeircy 44

1?1?,5 32 FSPT

8232H, 82421) 12

0227. 0 t38 35

82IBS,82265 24

D scontinued konsu t fadory)

6132W 11

1t32W 1142\,\l 1l

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