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Sales Bikes Sales Bikes Last Year Parallel Period

$29,358,677 $19,587,777 $19,587,777

Row Labels Sum of TotalProductCost
Australia $5,375,145.51
Canada $1,147,923.36
France $1,557,752.99
Germany $1,706,941.57
United Kingdom $2,001,221.43
United States $5,488,808.71
Grand Total $17,277,793.58
Sum of SalesAmount Minus ProductCost Percentage
$3,685,855.08 30.86 %
$829,921.50 6.74 %
$1,086,264.72 9.01 %
$1,187,370.77 9.86 %
$1,390,490.78 11.55 %
$3,900,980.80 31.98 %
$12,080,883.65 100.00 %
Percentage With CALCULATE
30.86 %
6.74 %
9.01 %
9.86 %
11.55 %
31.98 %
100.00 %

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