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Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg.

2010; 39: 10971102

doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2010.04.054, available online at

Clinical Paper
Oral Medicine

Clinical comparison of patients M. Kos, D. Brusco, J. Kuebler,

W. Engelke
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Klinikum

with osteonecrosis of the jaws, Minden, Hans-Nolte-Strasse 1, 32-429

Minden, Germany

with and without a history of

bisphosphonates administration
M. Kos, D. Brusco, J. Kuebler, W. Engelke: Clinical comparison of patients with
osteonecrosis of the jaws, with and without a history of bisphosphonates
administration. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2010; 39: 10971102. # 2010
International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier
Ltd. All rights reserved.

Abstract. This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the role of bisphosphonates in

jaw osteomyelitis. 29 patients were included: 18 had been treated with
bisphosphonates (12 with multiple myelomas, 3 with breast carcinomas, 2 with
prostate carcinomas, and 1 with osteoporosis). Of 11 control patients, 2 had breast
carcinomas, 2 had bronchial carcinomas, and 7 had no cancer. Descriptive and
statistical evaluations were conducted to investigate the influence of chemotherapy,
corticosteroids, stem cell transplantation, and bisphosphonates on the development
and clinical picture of osteomyelitis. Both groups had similar disease histories,
clinical pictures, treatment methods, and outcome. Wound dehiscence frequencies
were also similar (MannWhitney rank sum test 1.66  1.5 vs. 1.45  2.0
p = 0.393). Chemotherapy, steroid therapy, stem cell transplantation, or
bisphosphonate administration did not correlate with the clinical picture. Neither
the duration of therapy nor the type of bisphosphonate influenced the clinical picture
(negative Fishers tests). The bisphosphonate group showed a characteristic
settlement of Actinomyces in the exposed bone (positive Fishers test, p = 0.021).
These results suggested that osteomyelitis developed as a consequence of the Keywords: Osteonecrosis; Osteomyelitis;
simultaneous, cumulative action of many factors. Bisphosphonates played a role Bisphosphonates; Jaws.
comparable to other predisposing features. Coating the jaws with bisphosphonates
could promote the settlement of Actinomyces. Accepted for publication 21 April 2010

Owing to their unique ability to inhibit bone reductions in pain, pathological fractures, reducing osteoclast recruitment, inducing
resorption, bisphosphonates (BPs) have osteolytic lesion size, and the need for osteoclast-inhibiting factor production, and
been used for several years for treating subsequent bone surgery.13,22,24 A growing impairing angiogenesis.13,14,24
osteoporosis, Pagets disease, and fibrous number of studies have recognized the Jaws are particularly subject to infection,
dysplasia.5 Recently, they have become crucial role of BPs in provoking heavy, due to their contact with the external envir-
part of chemotherapeutic protocols for chronic, therapy-resistant osteonecrosis of onment, their susceptibility to trauma, their
managing bone invading tumours. The ben- the jaws (ONJ). BPs are thought to influ- rich saprophytic flora, and the presence of
eficial effects of BPs include significant ence ONJ by reducing bone metabolism, teeth. The jaws are protected by a high rate

0901-5027/1101097 + 06 $36.00/0 # 2010 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1098 Kos et al.

of oral epithelium regeneration and a sub- had a beneficial influence on new bone Results
stantial blood supply. Serious bony com- formation during distraction osteogen-
The clinical characteristics of the patients
plications are seldom triggered by esis.12,17 Several reports describe ONJ in
treated with BPs and controls are given in
potentially infectious conditions, such as patients who were treated for a long time
Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Surgical
open fractures, neglected teeth, periodontal with BPs due to bone metabolic disorders
procedures usually preceded the onset of
abscesses, ill-fitting dentures, injuries to the such as Pagets disease or fibrous dyspla-
symptoms. These affected 12/18 (67%) of
mucosa, and facial wounds. The develop- sia.5,24
the patients treated with BPs and 9/11
ment of osteomyelitis and ONJ requires These data raised the question of
(73%) of the control subjects, and
conditions that alter the healthy processes whether BPs might play a role in ONJ.
included, respectively, teeth extractions
of immunity, blood supply, or cellular To address this question, the authors
(8/18; 6/11), cystectomies (2/18; 1/11),
activity, and destroy natural defences. For undertook a retrospective analysis of a
implant insertions (2/18; 1/11), or dentoal-
example, diabetes mellitus, metabolic bone group of patients who had been treated
veolar trauma (0/18; 1/11) The most com-
disorders, anti-cancer therapy, or neoplas- with BPs for maxillary and mandibular
mon clinical findings were swelling and
matic infiltration can contribute to the osteomyelitis that did not have a directly
pain that accompanied a mucosa injury
development of ONJ.13 Diabetes mellitus associated pathological condition.
and an area of exposed and devitalised
is associated with microvascular ischae-
bone. Areas of bone necrosis were situated
mia, endothelial cell dysfunction, osteocyte
Materials and methods predominantly in the postero-lateral part
apoptosis, and reduced bone turnover.11
of the mandible (BP-treated: 13/18 and
Anti-cancer therapy, combined with The authors retrospectively reviewed the
controls: 10/11; not significantly differ-
cytostatics, corticosteroids, and stem cell records of patients treated for ONJ from 1
ent). In all patients, a bone biopsy ruled
transplantation, leads to general immuno- January 2003 to 31 December 2006. The
out malignancy at the site of infection. In
suppression, bone marrow degeneration, records included anamnesis, local status at
two patients with multiple myelomas
vasculitis, reduced blood flow, and osteo- admission and during treatment, surgery
showing an extremely high wound dehis-
penia.7,11,15,19,2123 Multiple myelomas reports, and accessible panoramic X-rays.
cence rate, malignant plasmatic cells were
that develop in bone marrow and cancers The authors evaluated bone infections of
found 1 year after primary surgery. Sur-
that metastasise to the skeletal system uncertain aetiology with delayed wound
gical treatment was provided to 25/29
(breast, prostate, kidney, lung) weaken healing, bone sequestration, abscess for-
patients (16/18; 9/11). The method of
bone structure by increasing osteoclast mation, and recurrent wound dehiscence;
treatment was independent of receiving
numbers and enhancing their resorptive clear cases of osteoradionecrosis or open
BP administration.
activity.9 For example, in patients with fractures were excluded.
The recurrence rate of wound dehis-
multiple myelomas, ANDERSEN et al. The 29 patients included in this study
cence in patients who received BP
demonstrated that osteolytic lesions con- had a mean age of 62  13 years and a
(1.67  1.5) was not significantly
tained 30% of malignant, hyperactive, male to female ratio of 14:15. The patients
different from that in patients who did
polynuclear osteoclasts that originated were divided into two groups. The first
not receive BP therapy (1.45  2.0,
from hybrid fusions between myeloma consisted of 18 patients that had received
p = 0.393). There were no detectable
cells and normal osteoclasts.3 BPs, including 12 with multiple myeloma,
effects of chemotherapy, steroid therapy,
Until recently, BPs were considered 3 with breast carcinoma, 2 with prostate
or stem cell transplantation on the dete-
safe drugs with only a few side effects. carcinoma, and 1 with osteoporosis. The
rioration of wound healing (negative Fish-
BPs are pyrophosphate analogues, in second group (controls) consisted of 11
ers exact tests p = 0.484, p = 0.104, and
which the oxygen atom in the basic chain patients with no history of bisphosphonate
p = 0.142, respectively). There were no
(POP) is substituted with carbon (PC administration, but with similar anamnesis
associations between the wound dehis-
P). BPs possess a high affinity for hydro- and clinical symptoms, including 2 with
cence rate and the duration of BP therapy
xyapatite and are resistant to hydrolysis by breast carcinoma, 2 with bronchial carci-
or the kind of drug (negative Fishers
bone phosphatases. This contributes to noma, and 7 without cancer. The presence
exact tests; p = 0.273 and p = 0.576,
extended bone deposition, over several of tumour metastases in the affected areas
respectively). A high incidence of Actino-
years.24 The mechanism of action under- was ruled out by bone biopsy.
myces settlement was observed in exposed
lying the antiresorptive potential of a BP is A descriptive method was used for com-
areas of the bone significantly more often
determined by whether it has a nitrogen parisons between groups of the location of
in the BP group (11/18; 61%) compared
molecule in the side chain. Non-nitrogen the infection, clinical picture, treatment
with the controls (2/11; 18%) (positive
BPs (etidronate, clodronate, tiludronate) method, pattern of wound healing, and
Fishers exact test, p = 0.021) (Table 3).
are phagocytosed by osteoclasts and meta- co-morbidity. A MannWhitney rank
bolised to non-hydrolysable cytotoxic sum test was used to evaluate differences
ATP analogues; this handicaps the mito- in the mean number of wound dehiscences
chondrial function of the cell and results in between study groups. Fishers exact test
apoptosis.24 In contrast, the more potent, was used to evaluate the relationship Controversy over the role of BPs in ONJ
nitrogen-containing BPs (aledronate, between the following independent cate- inspired the authors to investigate this
pamidronate, zoledronate, risedronate) gorical variables: chemotherapy, corticos- topic. They studied a group of patients
can inhibit osteoclasts by interrupting teroids, stem cell transplantation, BP who had been treated with BPs and had
the mevalonate pathway of cholesterol administration, time of BP administration, subsequently developed inflammatory
synthesis. type of drug (pamidronate vs. zoledro- symptoms in the maxilla or mandible.
BPs were shown to exert a protective nate), number of wound dehiscences, The control patients had been treated for
effect on bone tissue in avascular necrosis and Actinomyces colonisation. ONJ in the authors department at the
of the long bones and chronic sclerosing Statistical significance was defined as same time, and although they presented
osteomyelitis of the jaws.1,16 Zoledronate p < 0.05. a similar history, they had not been treated
Table 1. Characteristics of patients treated with bisphosphonates.
Diagnosis Stem cell Time ofb Location of
Sex Agea Cytostatics Steroids transpl. Bisphosphonate administr. osteomyelitis Therapy Recurrencesc Actionomycosis
Cancer Additional
1 , 65 BCd + Zometae 35 Maxilla left Bone shaving 2
2 , 64 BC + Zometa 12 Mandible corps left Bone shaving 1 +
3 , 78 BC + + Pamidronatef 34 Mandible corps left Bone shaving 3 +
4 , 70 Bronchial + Fosamaxg 60 Mandible corps bil. Decortication 2 +
5 < 70 PCh Liver + Zometa 12 Mandible corps right Incision 1
6 < 67 PC + Zometa 24 Mandible corps right Teeth extr. 0
7 < 69 MMi Venous + + + Zometa 23 Maxilla bilateral Bone shaving 2 +
8 < 71 MM + Zometa 33 Mandible corps left Bone shaving 2 Candida
9 , 58 MM Atopic asthma, + + + Pamidronate 16 Mandible corps left Bone shaving 2
10 , 75 MM Hypertension + + Pamidronate 26 Mandible corps bil. Bone shaving 1 +
11 < 65 MM Anaemia, + + + Pamidronate 18 Maxilla right Bone shaving 0 +
12 , 78 MM Diabetes, + + + Pamidronate 15 Maxilla right Bone shaving 4 +
13 , 63 MM Renal + + + Pamidronate 84 Mandible bil. Bone shaving 6 +
14 , 58 MM + + Zometa 48 Mandible corps left Incision 0 +
15 < 46 MM + + + Zometa 46 Mandible corps right Bone shaving 1
16 , 75 MM Renal + + + Pamidronate 58 Mandible corps bil Bone shaving 1

Bisphosphonates in jaw osteomyelitis

17 < 53 MM + + + Pamidronate 48 Mandible corps left, Decortication 2 +
18 , 77 MM + + Zometa 36 Maxilla right, Bone shaving 0 +
mandible front
67  8.9j 34.9  19.5 1.66  1.5
At the time of the diagnosis number.
Breast carcinoma.
Doses, 4 mg every 4 weeks i.v.
Doses, 6090 mg every 3 weeks i.v.
Doses, 70 mg per week p.o.
Prostate carcinoma.
Multiple myelomas.
Mean  standard deviation.

1100 Kos et al.

Table 2. Characteristics of patients not treated with bisphosphonates.

Diagnosis Location of
Nr Sex Agea Cytostatics Steroids osteomyelitis Therapy Recurrencesb Actionomycosis
Cancer Additional
1 , 66 BCc Pleurocarcinosis + Mandible bilateral Decortication 0 +
2 , 48 BC + + Mandible corps front Bone shaving 1
3 < 66 BrCd + Mandible corps front Decortication 1
4 < 56 BrC + Mandible corps right Decortication 0
5 < 56 Mandible corps right Bone shaving 1
6 , 66 Coronary Mandible corps left Decortication 7
7 < 54 Heart infarct, Mandible corps right Decortication 1
Artificial heart
8 < 69 Maxilla right Decortication 2
9 , 61 Mandible corps left Bone shaving 3
10 < 48 Mandible corps right Antibiotics 0
11 < 45 Alkoholism, Mandible corps right Incision 0 +
62  13e 1.45  2.0
Breast carcinoma.
Bronchial carcinoma.
Mean  standard deviation.

Table 3. Rates and proportions of independent categorical variables compared between BP- patients must typically undergo extremely
treated and control groups computed with Fishers exact test. arduous treatments that comprise different
Variable 1 Variable 2 Significance combinations of cytostatics, corticoster-
Chemotherapy Deterioration of wound healing Not significant p = 0.484 oids, and stem cell transplantation. Each
Steroid therapy Deterioration of wound healing Not significant p = 0.104 of these treatments possesses the potential
Stem cell transplantation Deterioration of wound healing Not significant p = 0.142 for inducing osteonecrosis. Chemotherapy
Duration of BP therapy Deterioration of wound healing Not significant p = 0.273 inhibits humoral and cellular immune
Type of bisphosphonate Deterioration of wound healing Not significant p = 0.576 responses and produces osteopenia; this
(zoledronate vs. predisposes patients to infection. Accord-
pamidronate) ing to TARASSOFF and CSERMAK, the inci-
Settlement of Actinomyces BP vs. non-BP group Significant p = 0.021 dence of ONJ in patients with cancer is
fourfold higher than that in the healthy
population.22 SCHWARZ described ONJ as a
with BPs. The authors aimed to identify the skeletal system in a particular manner. consequence of cancer chemotherapy in
differences, peculiarities, or characteris- Multiple myelomas can form hybrids by patients with haematological malignant
tics of the ONJ associated with BP treat- the fusion of normal osteoclasts with disease.19 Similar data were presented
ment compared with ONJ that developed tumour cells; these hybrids possess an by SUNG et al.21 Steroid therapy has been
independent of BP treatment. enormous capacity for osteolysis.3 Bony associated with several negative effects in
The results indicated that, compared destruction derived from malignancy was bone tissue. For example, corticosteroids
with the control group, patients treated detected in some cases after a standard have been associated with osteopenia,
with BP did not show a noticeable wor- histopathological examination had ruled fatty emboli in small bone marrow vessels,
sening of the course or prognosis of ONJ. out jaw invasion. In two patients with and reduced sinusoidal blood flow, in
The groups were similar in the onset of multiple myelomas that presented an addition to their immunosuppressive
symptoms, time of incubation, intensity of extremely high recurrence rate, malignant actions; these conditions contribute to an
pain, and pattern of wound healing. There plasmatic cells were found at the site of increased risk of inflammatory events.15
was no significant difference between the persistent osteomyelitis 1 year after the TAUCHMANOVA et al. and GAHNDI et al.
groups in the recurrence of wound dehis- initial negative histology. Breast, lung, or showed that stem cell transplantation
cences; this was described in many reports prostate carcinoma can produce cytokines was associated with the development of
as a hallmark of bisphosphonate asso- that highly activate the resorptive activity either avascular osteonecrosis or bone
ciated osteonecrosis.4,6,13,14 It is not clear of osteoclasts. Humorally mediated bone dystrophy.7,23
whether BPs could be solely responsible degeneration can be related to the secre- In the present study, there was no cor-
for the development of osteomyelitis in tion of parathyroid hormone-related pep- relation between the pattern of wound
patients who are simultaneously under the tide, receptor activator of NF-kappa B healing and a diagnosis of cancer, che-
influence of other potentially osteonecro- ligand, macrophage inflammatory peptide motherapy, steroid therapy, or stem cell
tic or inflammatory co-morbidities. The 1-a, interleukin-3, or interleukin-7.9 Sev- transplantation. Any one of these factors
present patients predominantly had multi- eral studies showed that breast tumour cell could influence the development of ONJ,
ple myelomas and breast carcinoma (83% lines could cause direct, non-osteoclast- but together, they could also contribute to
in the BP group). These tumours can affect mediated bone resorption.25 Cancer bone dystrophy. In the BP group, 17/18
Bisphosphonates in jaw osteomyelitis 1101

(94%) patients had carcinomas. In the treatment outcome. In particular, they Competing interests
control group, only 4/11 (36%) had carci- found that zoledronate therapy was not
None declared.
nomas. Osteoporosis was present in 12/29 more destructive than pamidronate therapy.
(41%) cases. In all, 23/29 (88%) patients These results were opposite to those
had a condition that could contribute to the reported by DIMOPOULOS et al. and BAMIAS Funding
development of ONJ on the basis of bone et al. In those studies, a strong association
weakness due to cancer, anti-cancer ther- was found between the administration of None.
apy, or substantial osteoporosis. SATO- amino-BPs and ONJ, particularly with
MURA et al. and Albuquerque et al. zoledronate therapy.4,6 These discrepan-
Ethical approval
showed that BPs could also produce bone cies require further evaluation. The present
dystrophic changes that might lead to a results appear to be more consistent with Not required.
refractory osteomyelitis with little studies in ovariectomised rats treated with
response to treatment.2,18 It is likely that, high doses of zoledronic acid for over 1
in this study, the aetiology of ONJ was year that showed increased bone density References
multifactorial, and the role of BPs was and mechanical strength with no signs of 1. Agarwala S, Jain D, Joshi VR, Sule A.
comparable to that of the other factors. frozen bone or osteomalacia.10 Efficacy of alendronate, a bisphospho-
The present study did not include a suffi- In patient examinations, the authors nate, in the treatment of AVN of the
cient number of treated patients or rele- found that a striking number of patients hip. A prospective open-label study.
vant data to draw final conclusions about treated with BPs were infected with Acti- Rheumatology 2005: 44: 352359 Erra-
whether factors such as chemotherapy, nomyces colonies, in contrast to the con- tum in: Rheumatology 2005; 44: 569.
2. Albuquerque MA, Melo ES, Jorge
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WA, Cavalcanti MG. Osteomyelitis
or BP therapy had any influence on the appeared only rarely. Previous reports of the mandible associated with autoso-
aetiology or incidence of ONJ.13,14,24 have confirmed this finding.13,24 Numer- mal dominant osteopetrosis: a case report.
It is difficult to ascribe a predominate ous studies have shown that Actinomyces Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral
role in evoking ONJ to BPs, because in is a common saprophytic pathogen in the Radiol Endod 2006: 102: 9498.
patients treated with intravenous adminis- oral cavity in conditions of immunosup- 3. Andersen T, Boissy P, Sondergaard
tration of zoledronate or pamidronate (the pression or cachexia. The presence of T, Kupisiewicz K, Plesner T, Rasmus-
two BPs most suspected of evoking ONJ) Actinomyces in the patients may have sen T, Haaber J, Kolvraa S, Delaisse
the incidence varied from 0.7% to 10%.24 resulted from the toll taken by the disease JM. Osteoclast nuclei of myeloma
The patients without cancer who were and the arduous oncological treatment. patients show chromosome translocations
specific for the myeloma cell clone: a new
given BPs to treat Pagets disease or The authors found a strong correlation type of cancer-host partnership? J Pathol
fibrous dysplasia rarely showed signs of between the administration of BPs and 2007: 211: 1017.
ONJ. This is supported by the results of the appearance of Actinomyces. Although 4. Bamias A, Kastritis E, Bamia C, Mou-
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authors observations (50 cases; unpub- relationship, it suggests that BP deposition G, Koutsoukou V, Gika D, Anagnos-
lished results) in patients with fibrous in a bone might promote the settlement of topoulos A, Papadimitriou C, Terpos
dysplasia that had been treated surgically Actinomyces. Consistent with this obser- E, Dimopoulos M. Osteonecrosis of the
and then given pamidronate and followed vation, GANGULI et al. reported an jaw in cancer after treatment with bispho-
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by LITTLE et al. and PAMPU et al., bone the limited number of patients, which did dronate: long-term effectiveness and eva-
mineral density and bone mineral content not allow definitive conclusions to be luation of predictors of response to
of regenerated tissue were 3050% greater drawn. It is difficult to define the role of treatment. Bone 2004: 35: 235242.
in the groups treated with zoledronate BPs in the course of ONJ in the midst of 6. Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Ana-
compared with the control groups.12,17 conflicting data and controversy. Cur- gnostopoulos A, Melakopoulos I,
Numerous studies have described the ben- rently, most of the data is from uncon- Gika D, Moulopoulos LA, Bamia C,
eficial effects of BPs in the treatment of trolled studies on collections of patients. A Terpos E, Tsionos K, Bamias A. Osteo-
necrosis of the jaw in patients with multi-
avascular necrosis of the long bones, scler- series of controlled studies are required to ple myeloma treated with
osing osteomyelitis of the jaws, and cancer determine more definitively the role of bisphosphonates: evidence of increased
cell adhesions in bone matrix.1,2,13,16,18,24 BPs in ONJ.13,14,20,24 risk after treatment with zoledronic acid.
It is debatable whether a substance with The present results suggest that BPs do Haematologica 2006: 91: 968971.
such a favourable influence on bone pre- not play a predominant role in the course 7. Gandhi MK, Lekamwasam S, Inman I,
servation could simultaneously be respon- of ONJ. In this study, the course of ONJ Kaptoge S, Sizer L, Love S, Bear-
sible for the complete opposite effect. In was modulated by the simultaneous, croft P, Milligan TP, Price CP, Mar-
order to reconcile these opposing effects, cumulative action of many factors, and cus RE, Compston JE. Significant and
it was postulated that the duration of the the role of BPs was probably comparable persistent loss of bone mineral density in
the femoral neck after haematopoietic
therapy and cumulative dose of BPs might to that of other predisposing factors. These
stem cell transplantation: long-term fol-
be crucial to the development of ONJ.4,6 results supported the notion that coating low-up of a prospective study. Br J Hae-
The present study does not support this the jaw bone with BPs could promote the matol 2003: 121: 462468.
hypothesis. The authors did not find a cor- settlement of Actinomyces, and thus, influ- 8. Ganguli A, Steward C, Butler SL,
relation between the duration of the ther- ence the course of ONJ, but this hypoth- Philips GJ, Meikle ST, Lloyd AW,
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son DE, Seneda LM. Bisphosphonate- Maxillofac Surg 2006: 64: 1177. Tel.: +49 571 790 3701
associated osteonecrosis of mandibular 21. Sung EC, Chan SM, Sakurai K, fax: +49 571 790 3721
and maxillary bone: an emerging oral Chung E. Osteonecrosis of the maxilla E-mail:

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