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Inquisitive 1d20 Personality Trait

As a resident of one of Khorvaire's great cities, you've spent 1 I don't pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never
far too much time immersed in its shadows. You've seen it all, tell me the odds.
and nothing fazes you anymore. 2 I idolize a particular hero of my profession and
Adventuring, to you, is all about investigating crimes and constantly refer to that person's deeds and example.
making sure the criminals get what they're due. You probe
murders, find missing people, stop blackmailers, and break 3 I am in a suspended state of urgency, no matter how
relaxed the conditions are.
up smuggling rings. Your investigations are not necessarily
limited to such mundane problems: You might unmask a 4 I find it hard to trust anyone, bad past experiences
rakshasa posing as a city councilor, find the possessed brought me to exercise this tension.
ancient mask that forced the professor to commit all those 5 I have extremely limited ability to outwardly express
grisly murders, or dispel the magic keeping the house scion's emotion.
son in his comatose slumber. 6 I get twitchy and behave unusually when in a state of
This archetype is best suited for a campaign with a limited anticipation.
geographical scope, whether it takes place in a single
metropolis (such as Sharn) or hops from city to city. You're 7 My lack of peer communication has left me with an
extremely limited vocabulary.
most at home in dark alleys and bustling roadways.
8 A life of isolation was not something I wanted, I
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Insight must stay close to others.
Tool Proficiencies: Inquisitive's Kit or Thieves' Tools 9 I look down on those who cannot figure out a
Languages: One of your choice mystery, and condescendingly explain how simple
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a cloak or long coat, the solution is.
Inquisitive's Kit, a blank book for taking notes, a bottle of
10 I see conspiracies everywhere.
ink, a quill, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.
11 I'm jaded by the corruption and crime of society's
Feature: Criminal Secrets underbelly. Nothing shocks me except
You know enough about the criminal underground that you selflessness and generosity.
are very aware of how their networks function. You know
12 If someone is in trouble, I'm always ready to lend
were to go in a city to gather information about possible help.
criminal activity in the city.
13 I've seen it allnothing phases me much.
Suggested Characteristics 14 I think most folks are rotten to the coreno sense
The city's underbelly can be a bleak place, and that fact has in pretending otherwise.
certainly had an effect on your disposition. You're so used to
15 My work is my life, I get maudlin whenever there is
corruption and crime that you don't expect to meet honest no puzzle to solve.
people, and you're surprised at acts of selflessness and
sacrifice. You've been cheated so many times that you always 16 Secretly, I mourn for every corpse I find sprawled in
ask for money up front. You've seen so much hatred and an alley, but I present a hard face to the world.
death that nothing shocks you at this pointor at least that's 17 Whenever I come to a new place, I collect local
the image you project. rumors and find out who the power brokers are.
Deep inside, there might be a part ofyou that still mourns 18 Wisecracks are like an off-hand weapon to me, I can
over every corpseyou find sprawled in an alley, still grieVes never resist a verbal jab.
for the lost soul of humanity and its kin, and still believers
19 I take great pains to always look my best and follow
there might be some hope and goodness left in the world. But the latest fashions.
you know full well that if anyone sees that tiny part of you,
they'll exploit itor at least mock it mercilessly. 20 I'm oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.

d12 Ideal d12 Flaw
1 Redemption. I will use my secrets to help the weak. 1 I have vivid nightmares about something I once
(Good) uncovered.
2 Change. The excesses on law is what brought down 2 I have no social skills, I find it very hard to talk to
nations. (Chaotic) others.
3 Order. Understanding comes from strict systematic 3 I have a hideous phobia that often gets in the way.
procedures. (Lawful)
4 I am a keeper of vile lore, evil knowledge is still
4 Power. My discoveries will allow me rule over others. knowledge.
5 Curiosity killed the cat, one day it'll do the same to
5 Knowledge. Knowledge is power. (Neutral) me. I can't help sticking my nose where it doesn't
6 Self-improvement. The path I chose is rewarding and
has gifted me with many skills. (Any) 6 I am suspicious of strangers and think the worst of
7 Conceit. I am always right, and proving it means more
to me than anything else. (Any) 7 I can't resist a pretty face or a nice rear end.
8 Friendship. I'm loyal to my friends, and I will do 8 I have a deep mistrust for races other than my own.
anything for them. (Good)
9 I have a hard time accepting that I'm wrong.
9 Greed. I do what I do for riches and fame, not some
high-minded ideals. (Evil) 10 I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My
sharp tongue lands me in trouble.
10 Justice. Nothing is more important than seeing
wrongdoers brought to justice, no matter what. 11 I tend to get too rough with suspects.
(Lawful) 12 I'm better at making enemies than friends.
11 Loose Cannon. Who cares how it happens as long as it
gets done. (Chaotic)
12 Truth. I believe there is a pure truth to be uncovered
in every situation. (Neutral)

d12 Bond
1 My documented knowledge is everything to me.
2 A discovered a perfect place and made it my domain,
one day I will return there.
3 I nearly died trying to find some knowledge, I wish I
knew who saved me so I could thank them.
4 Similar to how one loves their home, I love the world.
5 A killer is still on the loose because I couldn't solve
the case. Someday I will bring the killer to justice.
6 An innocent person went to prison because of my
mistake, I will never let that happen again.
7 I committed a terrible crime. I hope to redeem myself
for it.
8 I keep a horrible scar hidden from a previous
9 I owe it all to my mentor, who taught me everything I
10 I was in love once. My beloved turned out to be a
criminal, but I let him/her escape (or he/she
languishes in prison because of me).
11 I will do anything to prove myself superior to my
hated rival.
12 I will do everything in my power to root out the
corruption in law enforcement.


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