Ticket in W2

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Student: Manuel Camilo Mendoza Group: 30

CPS Ticket-in Salazar Week 2

Modal verbs of speculation and deduction about the past

I. Complete the sentences with a modal verb that has the same meaning as the expression in the model sentence.
More than one option can be correct.

1. Model sentence: I suppose its possible Michael started working there

Michael could have started working there.

2. Model sentence: Its possible they left last night.

They might have left last night.

3. Model sentence: Im sure he didnt do it.

He could not have done it.

4. Model sentence: Its not possible he left without saying goodbye.

He must not have left without saying goodbye.

5. Model sentence: I think that she dated him.

She could have dated him.

II. Draw a mind map comparing the differences and similarities between speculation with modal verbs in the
present and in the past. You can use your CPS grammar resources and textbook to review the concepts.

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