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Lesson Topic: 2D Shapes- Geometry Date: 20/11 Discipline:

Mathematics Grade/Level: 2 Duration of Lesson:
60-120 minutes

Part of Learning Focus Statement:

To be able to understand and recognise features of a 2D shape.

Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes with and without digital tech-

Part of Standard(s) and Learning Outcome(s):

- Identifying key features of shapes- circles, squares, rectangles,

Indicators (2 or 3)
- Name shapes according to number of sides
- Explain shape when give its name

Assessment: Success Criteria

- If student can accurately identify key features of shape (3 shapes)-
eg 1 curved edge
- If student can label shape according to features (3 shapes)
- If student can arrange kinder square triangles to make another shape
(2 shapes)

Opportunities to Provide Feedback:

- During class discussion of a shape- what features they have- corners,

- While completing whole class activity, giving feedback to students as
they supply their ideas and knowledge to be used
- When viewing transformations of the kinder square, assessment

Teaching Focus:

A. (chosen by Associate Teacher)

- Management techniques- making sure student are not making noises
when hands go up

B. Your personal choice of skill development

- No time wasting wit question time with students- no unnecessary
questions and answers
Background to the learning:

A. Teacher

B. Pupil
- Pre test
- Lesson 1 2D shapes

Lesson Resources:

- 23 x kinder squares
- Feely bag with shape tiles

Content of Lesson:

A. Introduction _5-10___ mins

- Let students in, settle on floor

- Recap yesterday- 2D shapes.
- What do we look for on a shape to tell us what it might be?

B. Development __5-10__
- Feely bag activity- 5 students come up and feel what shape is in
bag. They explain what they feel- what shape could it be

C. Consolidation and Practice __30-40__


- Explanation of activity- kinder square cut into 2 triangles.

- Students to move triangles in different positions to make regular
and irregular shapes
- Draw shapes in work book
- List features of shape/name

- Begin working with the squares, putting them together makes
bigger squares and rectangles, what if you put one underneath?
- Have students working in pairs

Extension Activities
- Students to get another kinder square cut into 4 triangles, 8
triangles etc
- Use other shapes, squares and triangles together
D. Closure _10___

- Call students to attention, share time

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