6th Grade Writing Prompts

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6th Grade Writing Prompts

These 6th-grade writing prompts (or sixth grade essay topics) are written for students in grade
six. They are free to use under a Creative Commons License.

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1. Tell about a time when you did something which you found difficult, but had to do it
because it was the right and moral way to go.

2. Imagine if you were left to look after your baby brother and he accidentally locked you in
a cupboard. Describe what might happen next.

3. Imagine you have been trapped in a lift with your favourite movie (or pop) star for four
hours. Finally you are free and tell your best friend what it was like, what you talked
about etc. Describe what you would say.

4. You have a choice of seeing a film at home on TV, or at the cinema. Which would you
choose and why?

5. All the sea creatures and fish have come to complain about what humans have done to the
sea. What might they threaten to do if we did not mend our ways?

6. Imagine that Alan is an incredibly short-tempered, red-faced man. Invent the worst job
possible for such a person and then write about what happens.

7. Can internet friends be *real* friends?

8. What is the best invention of all time?

9. Imagine we did not need to sleep any more. What would you do with the extra time?
Would not having to sleep be a good or bad thing? Why?

10. If you could meet a 12 month younger version of yourself, what piece of advice would
you give them about the year you have just experienced?

11. Imagine an old lady who owns a fancy dress shop. It seems that everyone who hires a
costume has an adventure based on it! Write about what happens.

12. What would you do if you found out your two best friends had arranged a party and had
not invited you?

13. If there was one talent you wished you had, what would it be and why?
14. Picture someone called Mandy who was so, so forgetful. Write about what happened to
her when she went on holiday to England.

15. Is ambition always a good thing? Can you think of when it might actually be harmful?

16. What is the strangest thing you have ever seen?

17. Imagine you are drifting on a life raft, the only survivor of a ship wreck. Storm clouds are
gathering overhead, but at least the island is getting closer. Only there is something very
odd about it... Write about what happens next.

18. Think of a huge news event that has happened during your lifetime. Describe how you
learned of it, who you were with, what was said and how it made you feel.

19. What do your parents feel about the music you like? How do you feel about what they

20. Write a conversation between two people deciding on an afternoon out. One of them
wants to go to the cinema, the other is trying to talk him/her out of it.

21. Write about a situation which involves a traffic warden and a very important high court

22. Think about a very famous person you know and then using first-person narrative ('I')
pretend to be them and write about ONE day in their (your) life.

23. When describing a location in a short story, it is good to use all your senses if you can.
Try to do this by describing a really, really creepy old house.

24. Do you think you would like to be a teacher? Imagine what is would be like, think of the
good and bad aspects.

25. Describe the inside of a house belonging to this person: A mysterious old lady, with a
black cloak, ancient white dog, who lives right at the end of the village.

26. If you could control your own dreams, what would you choose for tonight and why?

27. In what ways are you like your parents and in what ways are you different?

28. Imagine you could design the perfect town for you. Describe what would be in it.

29. Why is it easy to walk along a school corridor without bumping into the walls, but it
would seem really tricky walking along a cliff ledge, which was the same width?

30. Do you think animals feel pain like we do? How does that make you feel?
31. Write about why some people like to still buy newspapers when the information in on-
line for free.

32. Think about all the different sounds you hear in your life. Now tell me about one you
really like and one which drives you mad!

33. Tell me about one thing that children are not allowed to do, which they should be able to.
Explain to me your reasoning.

34. Why is gold so valuable when really it is just a lump of metal you cannot do much with?

35. Do you think that new technology is always a good thing? Write about an example where
it has maybe done more harm than good.

36. Imagine you go to print something off your computer. But instead of what you expect,
out comes a message desperately asking you for help. Write about what happens next.

37. I know it is very unlikely, but if the US president telephoned you, what might he want?

38. The person writing this prompt lives in York, in the UK. Using the internet, find out about
my city (it is a great place!) and write about why you might like to visit.

39. Travel writing is a fun hobby. Next time you go somewhere interesting, write about your

40. Do you think that only the best players should get picked for the school team, or not?

41. Describe to me a time when you succeeded at something and really amazed yourself.

42. Sit in a quiet room, relax for a few seconds. Close your eyes, count to ten and then write
about the first thought you have.

43. Go and visit an old church near where you live and then write about something you
discovered, which happened a long time ago.

44. Imagine you attend a school some time in the future and the History Department have a
machine, which can send you back in time. Write about what might happen to you.

45. If the world were flat, describe what those people living at the outer parts could see when
they looked over the edge.

46. Have you ever admired someone who really was not a very nice person? If so, why did
you admire them and how did this make you feel?
47. I know you are quite grown up now, but just for fun, imagine you are a dollop of glue,
which has escaped from a tube and got up to naughty tricks. Write about what you would

48. Imagine you had to survive for a week in an unfamiliar town, with nowhere to stay and
without spending any money. What would you do?

49. Find out why most of us find it easier to use one hand rather than the other. Then write a
short piece about the science involved.

50. How does teaching someone to do something you are really good at make you feel?

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