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A Study on Consumer Perception towards Online Shopping With Special Reference To

Dharmapuri District


Kindly highlight/bold your answers.

1. Do you use Internet?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

2. How long have you been using Internet?

Less than 1 year 3 5 years

1 3 years More than 5 years

3. On the average, how much time (per week) do you spend in surfing the Web?

0 5 hours 16 20 hours

6 10 hours More than 20 hours

11 15 hours

4. Have you purchased anything online ever?

Yes No

5. Which category (ies) of goods have you bought through Internet?

Books Railway tickets

Electronic Gadgets Airline tickets

CD/Videos Computer Hardware

Accessories apparel Computer Software

Gifts Magazines

Event Tickets Movies tickets

Hotel Rooms/Car Rental Office Supplies

Jewellery Food / Groceries

Infant / Child items Home tools and products

Sporting goods Health and fitness products

Toys Any other, specify

6. When did u shop for the first time?

Last 6 months

6 months- 1year

1-3 year

3-5 year

More than 5 year

7. How frequently did you purchase online?

Only once

2-4 times

More than 5 times

More than 6 times

8. Overall, were you satisfied with your experience of online shopping?

Highly Satisfied


Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied


Highly Dissatisfied

9. Where do you most often access the Internet?

Home Cyber-cafes

Office / College Any other, specify

10. What are the activities that you use Internet for? (Kindly rank them between 1 to
5,with 1=most used, 2=used to a large extent, 3=used to a good extent, 4=used sometimes,
5=rarely used)
Communication (E-mail, Instant Messaging, Bulletin Boards, News Groups, Chat, etc.)

Information Gathering (Research, News, Sports scores, Search for employment, etc.)

Entertainment (Games, Adult entertainment, Entertainment sites, Sports, Music, Web page
design, etc.)

Finance (Investment portfolio, financial research, online banking, check stock/fund quotes,
trading, etc.)

Shopping (Researching purchases, purchasing, auctions, Selling, Classifieds, etc.)

11. Which category (ies) of goods are you planning to buy through internet in the near

Books Railway tickets

Electronic Gadgets Airline tickets

CD/Videos Computer Hardware

Accessories apparel Computer Software

Gifts Magazines

Event Tickets Beauty products

Movies tickets Health and fitness products

Hotel Rooms/Car Rental Office Supplies

Jewellery Food / Groceries

Apparel gift certificates Pharmaceuticals

Infant / Child items Home tools and products

Sporting goods Home appliances

Toys Any other, specify

12. What is your main motivation for buying through Internet?

Convenience (ease of purchase, home delivery, ability to shop 24x7) Price

Saves time

Superior selection/Availability
Product comparison

Any other, specify

13. What, according to you, are the most important barriers to purchase online?

I am worried about giving out my credit card number

I dont have a credit card

I dont like providing personal information

I dont want to purchase from someone with whom I am not familiar

I enjoy going out to do my shopping

I like to see/touch the product in person, before I buy it

Internet is too slow / Pages take too long to load

I am worried about the cost/hassle of returning the product

Delivery costs are too high

Prices are too high

Technical foul-ups prevent transactions from going through

I cant find anything that I want to purchase on the Internet

I dont know how but I am uncomfortable about purchasing through Internet

The process is expensive due to cost of access

Any other, specify


14. Age:

Below 18 yrs

18 - 30 yrs

31 - 40 yrs

41 50 yrs

Above 50 yrs
15. Educational Background:





16. Occupation:

Business/Self Employed



Any other, specify

17. Gender:



18. Average Monthly Income:

Less than Rs. 5,000

Rs. 5,000 Rs. 10,000

Rs. 10,000 Rs. 25,000

Rs. 25,000 Rs. 50,000

Above Rs. 50,000

Name: _____________________________

Contact No.: ______________________________

City: ______________________________

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