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Deputy Premier Minister for Transport and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning Ourret: MBNI7/723 2 wan Steet PO Bax 15009 City East ‘Queensand 4002 Ausala Telephone +6 73739 7300 18 MAY 2017 mall desutyoreier@rinistovaLoié.govau Councillor Julian Simmonds 18050 856020238 Chairman for City Planning Brisbane City Council GPO Box 1434 BRISBANE QLD 4001 = Dear Councillor Simrrionds Tallon , 7 | refer to my letter of 20 April 2017 regarding my approval for council to proceed to public consultation, subject to conditions, of the proposed amendments to include the Ferny Grove- Upper Kedron Neighbourhood Plan in the Brisbane City Plan 2014 (the proposed amendment). he subject of that letter. Ihave carefully in relation to my ministerial mber 2015, the relevant provisions of the Statutory guideline 01/16 Making and amending local planning instruments (MALP!), the intent and specific requirements of the State Planning Policy (April 2016) (SPP) and the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 (SEQRP), expert technical advice and sound planning evidence. Ihave also met with representatives of local community groups and have noted their concerns, particularly given the proximity of the D’Aguilar National Park. In my reassessment of the proposed amendment, “eating desir in order{o saisty the requrements ofthe SPP an Ld am also requiring that a minor technical error be corrected. The SPP requires that future residential development is not exposed to unacceptable levels of bushfire risk. Ihave received specialist advice from Queensiand Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) and from the Department of Infrastructure, Local Goverment and Planning (the department) that, as a matter of SPP compliance and in the interests of public safety, it is not acceptable for the Neighbourhood Plan to envisage a situation whers revegetation of open space corridors creates bushfire hazard for neighbouring properties. | am further advised that the hydraulic and ecological functions of the corridors can be preserved while employing planting selections that do not result in future bushfire hazard Accordingly, | require the council to replace the Concept Rehabilitation Plan in the proposed amendment with the map entitled Cedar Woods Regional Ecosystem (Rev G) (attached to the ‘enclosed conditions) and make necessary changes to the proposed amendment to show that the future vegetated corridors will not present a future bushfire risk The department advises that the amended rehabilitation strategy referenced as Cedar Woods Regional Ecosystem (Rev G) (prepared by Landpartners and dated 8 February 2017) was independently reviewed to ensure that it would result in mitigated bushfire risk, while also preserving the ecological and hydraulic functions of the future vegetated corridors, and that, QFES has supported this alternative approach, After consideration of the above matters | have decided that, under step 5.3(b) of MALPI, the subject to the enclosed conditions. | draw to uncil’s attentior t that ‘summary the changes relative to my earlier decision at + the retention of the conditions relating to bushfire hazards (original conditions 2(I) to 2(Wv)) + the retention of the condition relating to correcting the inaccurate statement regarding the Major B amendment (original condition 1 (i)) + the removal of the conditions relating to the cut and fill provisions within the Cedar Creek urban edge sub-precinet (original conditions 1(i) and 1(i)) + the of the cond the thin the far Creek urban edge sub-precinct To remove any doubt, and as will be clear from the decision above, my position is that the density and yield envisaged for the site is a matter for the council to determine. My earlier direction on bushfire hazard remains unchanged in order to ensure future development on the site meets appropriate public safety standards. (original conditions 3(i) to 3(x)). | understand however that bushfire hazard analysis and planning can be very technical and may require further consideration. In the event that further information comes to light during the ity and to submit these fo me when seeking approval for the final ver the proposed amendment. This approach will ensure council can continue to fully regulate the scale of development on the site without increasing the bushfire hazard for future residents, | would of course be pleased for the council to continue to discuss these matters with the department and with QFES. If you require further information, please contact Mr Adam Yem, Director, System Support in the department on 3452 7679 or by email at Adam. Youp sincerely DEPUTY PREMIER Milister for Transport and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning Enc Page 20f2 Ministerial Conditions Pursuant to Section 117 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 Pursuant to Section 117 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA), | hereby advise Brisbane City Council that it may proceed to commence public consultation of the proposed amendment to the Ferny Grove Upper Kedron Neighbourhood Plan, as received ‘on 9 December 2016, subject to the following conditions: 1. State interest — ensuring there is an efficient, effective and accountable planning and development assessment system (Amend the statement (on page 9) “It is noted that the Biodiversity overlay is proposed to be amended in Major B amendment of the planning scheme which was decided by Council on 30 August 2016 and is currently at State interest review’ to reflect that the State interest review was completed on 19 July 2016. 2. State interest - Natural hazards, risk and resilience Natural hazards, risk and resilience (Amend OM-002.3 Bushfire overlay map to show the existing bushfire risk as per the State Bushfire Hazard Mapping for the Ferny Grove Upper Kedron Area (as per Enclosure 1). (i) Amend the regional ecosystems (REs) in Figure d—Regional ecosystem vegetation ‘communities planned for the Cedar Creek south-precinct to reflect the REs as shown on the attached “Cedar Woods Regional Ecosystem” (refer Enclosure 2) (ii) Amend Map 5—OM-002.3 to show the future bushfire risk for the Ferny Grove-Upper Kedron Area (as per Enclosure 3), as well as consequential amendments to’ + Figure e—Modelled potential flame length + Figure (Modeled potential rated of fire spread. (iv) Replace the dot point (h) (e) (on page 17) with “Development mitigates complex regional and local bushfire hazards by considering identified bushfire hazard areas and identifying mitigation responses within proposed development areas.” Dated this { cay of Moyzor DEAUTY PREMIER Minister for Transport and Minister Infrastructure and Planning Page f off ane f

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