Failure Is The First Step Towards Success

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Failure is the first step towards success ONG LEE XUAN

Teng! a shrill sound came out as my finger pressed

a wrong piano key, I cowardly kept my hands down from
the piano. I stared at the audiences below, they were
whispering with each other, pointing at me, laughing at
me! I was in fear. I did not know what I supposed to do
and I was scared to face with the people. Yes, I was a
loser because of this failure performance.
I was sitting on the bench, putting my hands on the
piano keys, trying to play the piano, but I had no enough
brave to start. I felt afraid if I could not make it well. Tears
started to well up in my eyes. I tried to hold back but I
could not. I thought I was the worst pianist on the planet,
I was useless. As my tears was trickling down
uncontrollably, my mind drifted back to the year when my
mum was still alive and I was five years old.
The image of my mum who wore a white long skirt,
sat on the piano bench still exist in my mind. She was
very beautiful like an angle. The little of me sat in her
bosom which always made me feeling safe. Her big
warms hands were holding my little hands and teaching
me the way to play the piano. I looked excited at that
moment when she was still by my side. I really enjoyed
the time that I spent with her. She made me love music.
Deep inside me, she is the only piano teacher.
Honey, can you tell me about your dream? mum
said with her soft voice. My dream is to be a pianist!
Its great, honey. But, if you want to be a success pianist,
you should not feel scared about the failure. Dont think
that failure is terrible but it will help you to get the
Failure is the first step towards success ONG LEE XUAN

success. Just remember, failure is the first step towards

the success. I nobbed my head with a certain face.
I dried my tears using my hand. Slowly, I stood up
and walked towards my desk. There was a photo frame
placed on the desk. I smiled at my mum who was inside
the photo with me. In the photo, I grinned and mum
hugged me tightly, her eyes was filled with tears because
she knew she had to leave her little daughter forever due
to the lung cancer. I took up the photo and turned to its
backside. Failure is the first step towards success. Never
give up. The sentences that written by mum was still
there. I stared at the sentences and my lips curved into a
smile. I had understood, mum. I whispered in my mind.
I took a deep breath and sat back to the bench.
Soon, I played the piano over and over again. I had to
beat the failure, proved that I was not a loser anymore.
The most important thing was I will never give up my
dream to become a success and well-known pianist. I will
never disappointed my mum.
On the stage, a girl with her straight and jet-black
hair was giving a bow and soon sitting on the bench. She
showed a confidence smile. Her fingers were light,
dancing gracefully on the black-and-white keys, they
even nimbly on the ivories. The audience below enjoyed
themselves in the graceful melody. A stormy applause
broke out in the hall when the melody was ended.
Failure is the first step towards success ONG LEE XUAN

I portrayed a big smile to the audience. I did it!

Mum, you are right! Failure is just the first step towards
the success.

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