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1 - 2 = Back Length Length 2 - 3 = 1/2 " Folding allowance for back hem 1 - 4 =

1/6 Bust + 3/4 or 1" 4 - 5 = 2" upward 1 - 6 = Shoulder Width / 2 + 1/2 " 7 - 6
= Square Down from 6 4 - 8 = 1/4 Bust + 1/2" 2 - 9 = Waist / 4 + 1" (extra 1" fo
r Dart) 10 is mid of 2-9 10 - 11 = Dart length i.e., 5" 12 - 10 = 1/2" Dart Inta
ke 13 - 10 = 1/2" Dart Intake 7 - 14 = 1" 6-15 = Shoulder Slope of 3/4" (This is
standard measurement, please increase or decrease as per your custom measuremen
ts) 6 - 16 = 1/12 Bust + 1/2" 17 - 16 = Neck Depth (Depends on Style) 14 is 1/2
inch outside the line from the point 7 Give Armhole shape by connecting 9,14,8,4
15 is Armhole Dart whose width or dart intake is 1/4" 15 -16 is dart length of
3.5" 17 is 1" up from 6 17 - 18 is dart length of 3.5" and width of 1/4" each si
de 2 - 19 = 1/8 Bust - 1/2" 19 - 20 = Dart Length of 3" Width of 1 1/4 on each s
ide of the dart (dart intake) 2 - 21 = 1 1/2 upwards (Standard) 5 - 22 = 1 1/2 u
pwards (Standard) Front Draft 0 0 0 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = 1/2 1/3 1/6 1/4 1/4
shoulder + 1/2" Bust + 1" Bust + 1" Bust + 1/2" Bust + 1/2"
4 - 5 = Square Down 0 - 6 = Bust / 4 + 1" 7 Square Across from 6 1 - 8 = Square
Down 1 - 9 = 3/4 (Standard, please increase or reduce as per your body shape) 1
- 10 = Same as Back Shoulder Width Join 9 & 10 as a slant line; 13 is the mid-po
int of the line 9-8
Sleeve 0 -1 = Bust / 6 + 1" 1 - 2 = 1/8th Bust Join 0 & 2 4 is mid of 0-2 3a - 3
= 3/4" 2 - 5 = Full Length of Sleeve 5 - 6 = (1/3 Bust - 1) / 2 Note: Please Ad
d Seam Allowance as Desired to all the above drafts Alteration For Shoulder Drop
Points ( 1 - 6) of Back Draft Assume that the Bust Round = 42" and Shoulder to
Shoulder width = 17" We need to find if the person has proportionate shoulder wi
dth & bust round The formula to do so 1/2 Bust + 1" = Shoulder to Shoulder Width
In this e.g., 42/3 = 14 + 1 = 15" But the Shoulder to Shoulder width here is 17
" So it is Broad Shoulder & Narrow bust line In this case we have to make use of
the Shoulder Width we got using Bust Measure ment formula i.e., 42/3 + 1 = 15"
1 - 6 in the Back Blouse Draft will be Half Shoulder i.e., 15/2 = 7.5" Note: Sho
ulder - Shoulder / 1 + 1/2 was the Draft But 1/2" is already added in this case
as 1" was alread y added int he formula As the Neck Drop is upto Personal tastes
, that will also affect Shoulder slope. See the Saree Blouse Draft Tweaks post f
or further details on this Note that 3/4" Shoulder slope is standard and needs t
o be modified to fit the cu stom body shape and also on neck depth and shoulder
strap width
1/2 Bust + 1" = Shoulder to Shoulder Width

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