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1) Which (social) facts influence consumerism?

2) Are there any benefits in consumerism?

3) What is the role of product labels (like food or clothing brands) in consumerism?

4) Do you believe special occasions like Christmas or Easter have become

too consumeristic?

5) Is there a way to escape the culture of consumerism?

6) Do you think there are more consumerist women than men? Why?

7) Are teenagers and children becoming consumerists earlier?

8) Does mass media and society affect teenage consumerism?

9) In your opinion, are consumerist people less creative?

10) What is ethical consumerism?


1) Is consumerism a pathology?

2) What is green consumerism? Is it a contradition?

3) How does consumerism affect the environment and nature?

4) Do you agree with extreme anti-consumerism philosophies and attitudes?

5) Do you believe that changing your spending habits can make a big difference

in your life?

6) Is consumerism spoiling our culture?

7) Our world economy is based on consumerism. Will consumerism always

be predominant?

8) Has consumerism changed over the years?

9) What is medical consumerism?

10) Which jobs are strictly related to consumerism?

"Globalization" (or globalisation) is the process by which the people of the world
are unified into a single society and function together. "Globalization" is often
used to refer to economic globalization: the integration of national economies
into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital
flows, migration, and the spread of technology. This process is usually recognized
as being driven by a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural,
political and biological factors.

The term can also refer to the transnational dissemination of ideas, languages, or
popular culture.[1]

What do you think of this definition of "globalisation"?

How do you think others will react to the consequences of it if it gets out of hand?

What are the pros and cons of globalisation?

Why do you think so many people oppose it?

Do you think if would be a good idea if all barriers to trade were removed from the
world and people could freely export and import without customs duties or any other
problems? What impact would such a change have?

Do you think it would be a good idea if people could live and work in any country
they liked without restriction? What impact would such a change have?

How would you react if a multinational employing several hundred people in your
area announced they were moving to another country where production costs were

Would your reaction be any different if that private company had previously received
large amounts of public money to set up their plant in your area? Why/why not?

How would you react if a multinational employing several hundred people

announced they were moving to your country because production costs were lower?

How much cheaper do you think goods are to produce in a developing country than
in a developed country? Why do you think this is?

How should developed countries respond to the challenges presented by developing

countries which have lower wage costs?

"Protectionism" refers to the practice of putting up trade barriers such as import

duties so as to reduce or prevent the importation of goods from poorer countries and
protect higher cost industries in more developed nations. What do you think of the
morality of excluding goods from poor or developing countries?

Do you think goods that you normally buy are cheaper/more expensive if produced
where you live rather than imported?

Do you think imported goods are better quality than locally-produced ones?
Why/why not?

If your region/country were an apple-growing region, for instance, would you be

willing to pay more for locally-grown apples than for imported ones?

One frequently-quoted example of globalisation is McDonalds. Some people say that

McDonalds restaurants are a bad thing because they mean that everybody will eat the
the same food; others say that they are a good thing because you are always able to
eat something you recognise know and like. What is your opinion?
Consider, cities around the world are becoming increasingly more homogenous (think
McDonalds, KFC, Coke, sushi, pizza, kebab, Tesco, Hollywood films, CNN, MTV,
E!TV, ESPN vodka, clubs, shopping malls, etc.) while simultaneously offering
inhabitants greater choice and opportunities than they had before globalization. What
opportunities have appeared in your region due to globalization?

O problema de mare actualitate, tratata de psihologi, este consumerismul. Exist deci

cumpar, cumpar deci exist este, se pare, deviza omului modern. Traim intr-o societate de
consum care este sustenabila doar in masura in care omul, in goana lui dupa aur, ruleaza
banul cu viteza din ce in ce mai mare. In acest sistem murdar, omul nu mai are valoare in
sine ci doar in calitate de cumparator si de consumator. Doar consumul duce la o noua
productie, asigurand functionarea cercului vicios in care omul se invarte neincetat.

De unde ne vine instinctul de a consuma sau de a poseda cat mai mult, chiar daca nu avem
neaparata nevoie de acel lucru ? Astazi, dorinta de cumparare ne este insuflata constant de
mass-media. In aceasta miscare browniana a omului de a-si gasi rostul existentei, apare
conceptul de absolutizare si idolatrizare a bunastarii materiale, care pretinde despre sine a
constitui reteta suprema de eliberare a omului.

Consumerismul a existat inca din Egiptul Antic, insa a luat amploare incepand cu Revolutia
Industriala. In prezent, dupa ultimele studii, se pare ca 80% din populatia Americii de Nord
cumpara mai mult decat consuma, in timp ce jumatate din populatia lumii traieste cu mai
putin de 2 $ pe zi. Aceasta situatie a determinat aparitia unor miscari precum frugalismul
sau minimalismul, prin care se promoveaza un stil de viata modest. Un om care se
multumeste cu putin nu va mai fi nevoit sa lucreze pana la epuizare si va petrece mai mult
timp in familie. Frustrarile nu se formeaza atunci cand nu avem un lucru, ci atunci cand
credem ca avem nevoie de un lucru care este imposibil de obtinut.

Societatea ne promite un Rai pamantesc, o viata imbelsugata pana la moarte, insa ceea ce
putem vedea in realitate este o frustrare existentiala, completata de o viata goala si lipsita de

Suntem oameni, nu animale si avem datoria de a trai constient chiar daca aceasta presupune
sa stam contra valului.

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