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Summary of Chapai Nawabgonj Town

In Chapai town Al-Amin Store is running his business so many years. Previously, He covered his
direct operation in Chapai Sadar Point. Last year, He got to run his business all around the
Chapai district. He started his full operation of us without increasing his infrastructure of
previous. For this Reason, we are losing our business in different angle. The main angle is
delivery return. How we can overcome our obstacles of business and make the market in favor of
us is the main concern .From my observation, I am giving an overview.

Business overview of Chapai Nawabgonj Town::

Particulars Have Required Gap
DB involvement 10% 100% 90%
Pick-Up 1 combined 1 separate Combined to separate
Auto-van 2 combined 3 separate 1
Operator cum DB operator cum Marico operator cum DB to Marico
warehouse keeper warehouse keeper warehouse keeper
Manager cum DB Manager Marico manager cum DB to Marico
Supervisor supervisor
DBSM 6 6 0
Deliverymen Average 2 5 3 separate
House Combined Separate Combined to
DBSM Salary Average 5200 Average 7000 Average 1800
DBSM DA 45 taka 60 taka 15 taka
DBSM TA No TA within 5km Need 20 to 40 taka TA 20-40 taka
market within 5 km market

According to priority of improvement of Chapai Nawabgonj Town::

Firstly, Distributor Involvement into the business
Secondly, dedicated delivery system at least need dedicated deliverymen
Thirdly, we need our operator cum warehouse keeper.
Fourthly, delivery infrastructure development
Fifthly, DBSM DA increment to 60 taka
Sixthly, DBSM average salary to 7000 taka
Seventhly, Separate house only for us
Eighthly, Manager cum supervisor for specialization of sales system
And finally, DBSM TA providing within 5 km market with a range of 20-40 taka
Description of District::
People of Chapai used to close their shop at 12:30 and reopen it after 3: 30 pm .
Subjects Particulars
Upazilla 5
Purashava 3
Union 46
Village 1473
People 12 lac

How we run our operation currently

We do our business here in very defective way in every segment .we are facing problems from
distributor, DBSM,Operator ,Manager and most importantly delivery process not form delivery

Observation from DB owner::

1. Zero involvement in business and market. Only he stays in DB house in the morning
when DVM starts to market.
2. He believes that Sales is only dependent to our scheme. He has nothing to drive the
3. He did not provide credit anywhere except Puraton bazar.
Distributor gives the answer of why he is disinterested to make better profit from market. His
Sayings, My heart is very weak. I have two blocks in my heart .I have also Diabetes .Doctor
Said to me not to take any kind of tension. I gave the responsibility to Mizan .Whatever
Mizan Gives to me is enough for me.
Business He runs currently::
Company Name BPM (Avg in lac) Margin DBSM
Marico 65 4-6% 6
Keya 14 4% 4
Elite 2.5 10% 2
P&G 8 4.5% 2
Godrej He is on the process to take the business of Godrej
Combined Delivery System of Full business of distributor::
His total delivery system is combined. Here is the details of people and logistics of his combined
business and delivery system.
People for Business system::
People Numbers
Deliverymen 6
Helper 3
Driver 2
Manager 1
Operator and Store man 1

Infrastructure for delivery system::

Particulars Amount
Pick-up 1
Votvoti 1
Auto 1
Rented Auto 1 only for 3 days/week

Problems with Operator::

Previously He worked as warehouse keeper. When our main operator Swapon left the job,
warehouse keeper Asfaqul start to work as operator along with warehouse keeping. He do not
maintain any PC, EC and LPD. He is very much loyal to distributor. To make the profit of
distributor, he is doing a lot of mismanagement. Besides, he is not experienced as a operator.
Problems with managers::
He does the calculation of four companies manually .For this reason, he cannot give enough time
to our business. He always instructed to delivery man give the product in one hand and take the
money from another hand.
Problems with Environment system ::
There is no space for delivery man. DBSM room and computer placement are located in two side
of road.

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