Age of Discovery or Age of Exploration

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Basic Facts and Information

from the end of 15th century to the 18th century
European historical period
extensive overseas exploration emerged as a powerful factor in European culture
beginning of globalization
marks the rise of the period of widespread adoption in Europe of colonialism and mercantilism
marked the arrival of invaders from previously unknown continents
Europeans began exploring the world by sea in search of trading partners, new
goods, and new trade routes
some explorers set sail to simply learn more about the world.
the information gained during the Age of Exploration significantly helped in the
advancement of geographic knowledge
Significant discoveries of the Golden Age of Discovery
discovered new routes to India, Far East and Americas
know more about the culture of other people
Improved ship building techniques and design
Quadrant (improved ability to determine latitude based on altitude
of stars)
Maps from foreign countries Marco polos writings
Gunpowder weapons

Major discovery/ Main explorer Year Funding by


Cape of Good Hope Dias 1488 John II of Portugal

Indian Ocean
Spice Islands Albuquerque, Abreu and Serro 1512 Manuel I
Australasia (Western Pacific Ocean)

Significant factors that encouraged exploration

Increased in trade and desire for new trade routes

Nationalism in Europe
Populations rebounded after the Middle Ages and Black Plague
Increase in knowledge and scientific curiosity during the Renaissance

Around 1300's advances in ship-building technology led to ships that were sea-worthy enough to
travel safely in Ocean. Advances in navigation equipment helped also. More narrow ships,
triangle sails, compass and astrolabes were invented. Maps were more accurate. Because of these
advance, explores were much more driven to venture out into the unknown.
Trade Routes

Trading is when a person receives something in exchange for something else. Examples of trading would
be trading a warm fuzzy fur, in exchange for a barrel of salt. In modern times, giving a friend a toy that you
own and they like, in exchange for a toy they own and you like. Trading has been around as long as
people. As civilization developed, so did trade. In fact, historians say that trade is a big part of what made
civilization possible. Trade increased wealth and brought isolated peoples into contact with each other,
resulting in exchanges of knowledge. (Burgess, 2002)

Outreach and Spreading the Knowledge of Religion

Europeans had a belief in religion and Christianity. Yes, there were many factors that drove the
Europeans to get out there and explore their world, and one of those reasons was because they felt they
needed to reform and convert every individual they encountered into Christians. The period between
about 1500 and 1750 brought a dramatic change. During this time, Christianity became the first religion to
spread around the world. (European Missionaries and the Spread of Christianity 1500-1750, 2010)
Explorers had direction and navigation, but they also believed in and relied on their faith to get them
through their rough voyages. Due to their faith, they spread their religion and beliefs from New World to
New World.

Gold, Silver and Precious Stones and Metals

In any Society, wealth and prestige are very important and aggressively sought after throughout an
individuals life. Wealth has and will continue to make people do mind-boggling actions. Throughout
history and still around today, we have seen people murder, rape and humiliate others for their own
personally gain in wealth. Money is a necessity and money makes the world go round. It always had, and
it more than likely always will.

Silk and Spice Routes

The Silk and Spice routes were the two most well known trade routes in history. The name alone
indicates wealth. The Silk Route crossed Asia by land, its paths stretching over some 5,000
milesTravelers then moved through the lands of Afghanistan and Iran and on to the
Mediterranean Sea. (Reid, The Silk and Spice Routes. Inventions and trade, 1994) From that
point, the good were transported directly to Europe via ship.

Conditions that are necessary to invest in exploration

The Caravel was a ship that had many uses. These ships were from small to medium. They could
be used as cargo ships, warships, patrol or dispatch boats and also pirate ships. They were mainly
used for fishing. The Caravel was from 50 to 200 tons. These ships were cheap and you could get
them in shape for working very easily. They were known for their speed and maneuverability. So
these ships were used by explorers to explore.

This ship came was developed/came in use during the 16th century. The Galleon was developed
from ships such as the Caravel and Carrack. These ships were known for their ability to change
during different circumstances. So if you had a Galleon and you were in times of peace you
could use it to do trading, fishing, etc. If you were in times of war you could convert it and make
it a war ship. These ships had more ribs and bracings which helped them withstand gunfire. So
these ships were good because they were fast and could easily convert/change as per the

Dutch Ships:
The Dutch Ships helped the Age of Exploration flourish because they became use to explorers.
These ships were made so that explorers could explore the Northeast Passage to China and travel
with cargo to India. This is how they helped the Age of Exploration flourish.

The Astrolabe is an angle and altitude measuring tool. The Astrolabe was first used for
astronomy and astrology. It could have been invented by Hipparchus(Greek astronomer and
mathematician). It was later used by sailors. The first use at sea was recorded to be in 1481. It
was used on a voyage down the African coast by Portuguese explorers. So this tool helped sailors
measure the angle of the sun which could then be converted to find latitude. This tool was more
accurate at land then at sea.

Magnetic Compass and Compass Rose:

The magnetic compass was a compass that had a magnetized needle supporting a magnetic card.
This compass showed from four to eight directions. This innovation helped the Age of
Exploration flourish because it showed explorers what direction they were headed. So basically it
helped explorers reach their destination. The compass rose also told direction.
The Ka-Mal was a tool that helped people determine latitude. The Ka-Mal was basically a piece
of wood. The person using this tool would sight the horizon at the bottom of this device. They
would then sight Polaris at the top of the wood. After everything lined up perfectly the person
would know their latitude. This would help people know that they were heading towards the
right direction. So the Ka-Mal helped the Age of Exploration flourish because it was a tool that
helped people determine latitude. Latitude could help people get a good estimate of about where
they were.

Traverse Board:
The Traverse Board was an important tool because it helped people at sea stay on track. It could
also help them stay organized. The Traverse Board was an early version of a computer. It was
used in two ways. It helped sailors and explorers record the speed of their ship and the direction
it was traveling for the past half hour. So this tool was important because it helped sailors stay on

Cross Staff:
The Cross Staff was a tool that was similiar to the Ka-Mal. In the Cross Staff the person using it
would line up the sun/Polaris on the top of top of the cross bar. The horizon was lined up with
the bottom of the cross bar. After everything was perfectly lined up the person using it could read
the angular altitude (degrees). This was possible because of a scale that was located on the staff.
Then the results could be mathematically converted to tell the latitude of the person using the
Cross Staff. So this tool helped the Age of Exploration flourish because it could help someone
find latitude. So basically this tool helped explorers and sailors navigate.

Back Staff:
The Back Staff was a tool similar to the cross staff. It was used to measure the altitude of the sun
which could help you find latitude. This device was created because when you used the cross
staff you would have to look at the sun which could cause eye problems. If you had the Back
Staff you could use the sun's shadow. So the Back Staff helped the Age of Exploration flourish
because it could help someone determine latitude which could help you navigate to places.

Lead Line:
The Lead Line was an important tool because it helped sailors and explorers measure the depth
of the ocean. It could also be used to get a sample of the bottom of the ocean. This device was
helpful to sailors because it helped them define the type of ocean they were sailing over and how
deep the water was. If you wanted a sample of the bottom of the ocean you could put a glob of
tallow or animal fat in a hole at the bottom of the lead line. After the lead line touched the bottom
of the ocean some things at the bottom would get stuck to the animal fat or tallow. The Lead Line
helped the Age of Exploration flourish because it helped sailors and explorers know what type of
ocean they were traveling over. If the sailors didn't have the Lead Line they could probably hit
something such as a reef.

Timekeeping and Navigation:

Timekeeping and Navigation played a large part in helping the Age of Exploration flourish.
Navigation was important because sailors needed longitude and latitude to travel exactly to the
destination they wanted to travel. Without longitude and latitude people wouldn't be able to
determine location. Timekeeping was important because it helped people keep time and plan
better. It helped sailors know when it was time for their duty and it also helped determine how
fast the ship was going during a certain amount of time. Many instruments such as the sand glass
were used to help keep time.

The Quadrant was a tool that was used to measure the height of the Polaris (also known as the
pole star. The height of Polaris above the horizon changed every time the latitude of the person
using the Quadrant changed. So this tool helped determine latitude. Latitude was used for
navigation purposes. So this is how the Quadrant helped the Age of Exploration flourish.

In what ways in wanting to know more lead people to explore?

They want to know more about the earth and its people
According to NASA, humans explore because of an innate desire to learn the
world around them. The urge to explore was ingrained in the psyche so that
human ancestors could find places that were abundant in food, water and other
resources necessary for survival. This primordial desire to explore the world
around them might be what continues to lead humanity to venture out and
explore even today
The reasons for exploration can vary widely. Most explorers certainly like the adventure
of going to a new place, meeting new peoples and cultures, or taking on new challenges.
Trade - Many countries and rulers funded explorers in order to find new trade partners
and goods. In some cases they hope to find new trade routes that would help them to
transport goods cheaper than their competitors. This was the case of Vasco da Gama and
Christopher Columbus.
Gold - Often explorers have been in search of riches and treasure. The Conquistadors
were primarily searching for gold and silver when they conquered the Native Americans
of the New World.
Science - In many cases, explorers are scientists hoping to learn about nature and new
parts of the world. They may be hoping to find a new species of animal or type of plant.
Land - Many explorers claimed the land they found in the name of their country.
Countries like Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain amassed huge empires during the Age
of Exploration.
Challenge - Many explorers want to test their personal limits and be the first in the world
to do something. These types of explorers include the men who raced to be the first to the
North and South Poles, the top of Mount Everest, and to the Moon.
What do people who want to know more aspire towards?
They aspire to conquer the world.
In what ways does finding out more about the world make people more rather than less,
They were captivated by the great wealth that they discovered.

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