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Abbreviations and LR Web-Site Notes

PM = Project Management
Any restrictions, anomalies or additions associated with particular scopes are added to individual Provider Notes.
To access LR web-site Notes relevant to the scopes held by any individual Provider click on Show contact Details
in the Provider box concerned.
All scopes are singular and voltage specific.

General Principles
1. The primary NERS Provider entering into an Adoption Agreement should have either a PM or
Construction category for all scopes relevant to the works
2. The primary NERS Provider does not need design but can sub-contract the design to, or use a design
supplied by, a NERS Provider with the design scopes relevant to the works.
3. The primary NERS Provider can sub-contract any scope of work, where they have either a PM or
Construction category, to another NERS Provider with the relevant scope.
4. The primary NERS Provider can use staff from a non-registered company under the labour only rules and
can allow developers to undertake their own groundworks provided they comply with the rules covering
this work
5. Project Management is for those companies who do not carry out construction but who manage the
work by sub-contracting to appropriately accredited NERS Providers, or for those NERS Providers who
have at least one construction scope and wish to sub-contract out work in other construction scopes
that they dont have to other appropriately accredited NERS Providers.
6. The Control & Management scope has been amalgamated with the Project Management scope and
Providers web-site entries have been amended to change all CM scopes to show PM.
7. NERS Providers can work on a national basis. The scope Control & Management of National Operations
(shown as Nops on the web-site) is now obsolete. The requirements for working across areas and
assessed against are included within the main scopes. The geographical areas on the web-site were
meant to be only an indication of where the NERS Provider wanted to work and are not meant to be
8. There may be some other obsolete scopes still on the web-site and these will be removed during the
regular tidy-up exercises.

Web-site Colour Coding

Green full approval (first site works have been witnessed successfully)
Blue partial approval (allows NERS Provider to apply for POC and quote customer)
Yellow about to expire
Red currently suspended and / or expired

Partial Accreditation briefly means and allows

Partial Accreditation is not a limit of capability, it simply entitles Providers to tender and obtain work in the
contestable arena. Providers with partial accreditation can also use such work to demonstrate (to LR) site
activities during an assessment for Full Accreditation.
Full accreditation
Providers have successfully demonstrated (to LR) site activities in the relevant areas where full is granted.
In the case of Providers with design they have successfully demonstrated their processes.
Construction Scopes Indication of how they appear on website (in bold below) and description of
what scope covers
Excavation and Backfilling Civil Works
up to tile tape level Relevant to all cable laying scopes held. Where awarded as a second tier the
NERS Provider cannot sign an Adoption Agreement.

Cable Laying Cable Laying (LV, 11kV, etc. voltages as relevant up to 132kV)

Cable Jointing Jointing (LV Dead, LV Live, 11kV, etc. voltages as relevant up to 132kV)
Live jointing only allows jointing onto the main installed by the NERS Provider.
Live LV jointing covers un-metered on a hierarchal basis.

NERS Scope Guidance v3.0 July 2014 1

Un-metered Unmetered (Unmetered)
Applicable to connection work on underground un-metered single phase 230v
services with loadings of 25 amps or less. -Specifically
- The transfer, permanent/temporary disconnection/reconnection/extension,
of a service to a point of supply.
- Installation of a new service to such a point of supply, excluding joint onto
an existing main.
- Associated civil works
Live jointing is restricted to underground service cables to such points of supply
more than 1 metre from the main cable as measured along the service cable. Any
other live work is carried out by the adopting utility
Types of loads supplied by un-metered connections include; Street Lighting:
Illuminated Signs: Bollards: Cable Television: Bus Shelters:
Telephone Kiosks: CCTV: Traffic Signal Controllers: Advertising Hoardings
Scope includes the connection to a dedicated single phase feeder pillar feeding
unmetered connections.
Note: Providers holding this scope do not automatically hold Networks
Connections Un-metered scope which is a separate entity requiring separate
additional evaluation and accreditation (see below)
Network Connection The scopes covered below were introduced in February 2011 and may still be
Scopes subject to trials in some DNO areas.
Provider confirms DNO area for first project and LR establishes 3-way
communications between LR, Provider and DNO.
Some DNOs are allowing scope extensions to be undertaken in parallel with trials,
please always consult relevant DNO.
Normal partial / full process applies.
During trials DNO may wish to witness scope extension site visit in addition to LR.
For partial - LR will assess Provider understanding of DNO interface arrangements,
and procedural and competency requirements and will check that appropriate
amendments have been made to the Providers own processes and procedures.
For full site check of work and application of new / revised processes and
The impact of these new scopes on the Provider design procedures is checked at
surveillance visits. Handover from design to construction is checked as part of the
scope extension discussed above.

Network Connection - Network Connections Jointing (LV Mains and Services, LV Terminations, HV
Connection Activity Mains, HV Terminations)
LV scope covers Jointing- LV mains & services and Jointing LV Terminations (LV
Pole, link box, LV board, LV pillar terminations will appear, as relevant, in
PROVIDER(s) concerned notes)
HV scope covers- Jointing HV mains and Jointing HV Terminations (HV pole & HV
switchgear terminations will appear, as relevant, in notes)
Note: Providers holding Live LV jointing do not automatically hold Networks
Connections scopes which are separate entities from Live LV Jointing requiring
separate additional evaluation and accreditation.
Jointing LV Live is normally a pre-requisite for a NERS Provider wishing to join the
DNO pilots.
The LV Terminations scope includes live and dead jointing. For some terminations,
e.g. link boxes and LV boards, these will only jointed dead.

Network Connections Network Connections Jointing (Unmetered)

(Un-metered) Cable jointing (live or dead) of single phase un-metered services to existing mains.

Network Connections - Network Connections- Operational (LV, HV voltage as relevant )

Operational Activity LV Operational scope includes identification, isolation and proving of LV cables for
dead jointing, the use of test equipment on the adopting utilitys network to
identify LV cables for live jointing and is also applicable to operational activities

NERS Scope Guidance v3.0 July 2014 2

associated with un-metered connections
HV Operational including the releasing of 11kV cables for work under central
control or local field control
Note: the operational scopes are still under development. HV has been awarded
in a limited condition.

Substation Installation Substation Installation (11kV, 33kV, voltage as relevant up to 132kV)

Scope includes responsibility for all elements of substation installation. Any
restrictions however will appear in relevant Provider notes. Includes overseeing
specialist civil contractors who are not NERS accredited.

Overhead Lines Wood Pole O/Head Line Wooden Pole (LV, 11kV, voltage as relevant up to 132kV)

For jointing terminations on wooden poles or other similar situations the following
- Any works to erect a new or replace an existing pole (including free
standing single or H Pole) will require the OHL Construction or Project
Management scope at the appropriate voltage.
- Any works to erect new or replace OHL equipment (including steelwork,
transformers, switchgear, conductors, insulators, stays etc. and all other
associated apparatus) will require the OHL Construction or Project
Management scope at the appropriate voltage.
- Although UG Cable termination is considered integral to the Jointing
Scope at the appropriate voltage, the erection of the termination and
associated steelwork, insulators, surge arrestors, jumpers etc. will require
the OHL Construction or Project Management scope at the appropriate

Overhead Lines Steel Tower O/Head Line Steel Tower (LV, 11kV, voltage as relevant up to 132kV)

Notes on Construction Scopes :

Providers who hold Project Management in a particular construction scope PM will appear after the voltage in
the scope i.e. Jointing (11kV-PM). The PM scope is not awarded against the design scopes.

Design Scopes Indication of how they appear on website and description of what scope covers
LV Cable Networks to Electrical Design of Distribution Networks covering (LV Cable Networks to
Domestic Properties Domestic Properties)

LV Cable Networks to Electrical Design of Distribution Networks covering (LV Cable Networks to
Industrial/Commercial Industrial/Commercial Properties)
Properties This also covers the domestic properties on a hierarchal basis.

Overhead Networks Electrical Design of Distribution Networks covering (HV O/Head Networks
voltage as relevant up to 132kV)
Indication can also specify Electrical Design of Distribution Networks covering
(O/Head Wooden Pole voltage as relevant up to 132kV) (O/Head Steel Tower
voltage as relevant up to 132kV)

HV Cable Networks Electrical Design of Distribution Networks covering (HV Cable Networks with
voltage as relevant up to 132kV)

Substation Layouts Electrical Design of Distribution Networks covering (S/Station with voltage as
relevant up to 132kV)

Note: Again as with Construction scopes- Any restrictions, anomalies, and/or additions associated with particular
scopes are added to individual PROVIDER Notes

NERS Scope Guidance v3.0 July 2014 3

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