VIP Rattle Drag Torque

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Rattle: Addressing

Gear Noise in a
Power Take-Off
Mikel E. Janitz

At Muncie Power, the objective of testing was not concerned with nor
noise and vibration testing is to devel- focused on gear whine. Gear weight
op effective ways to eliminate power and size (inertia) also plays a role in
take-off (PTO) gear rattle, with spe- vibrations and rattle, but additional
cific emphasis on PTO products. The testing is required to develop a full
type of sound of largest concern in this understanding of those character-
industry is tonal. Tonal noise can be istics and their relationship to rattle.
described as a distinct frequency or Therefore inertia, gear size and weight
range of noise characterized as irri- are not discussed in this report. The
tating, annoying and enduring. The noise and vibration investigated were

Figure 1Baseline noise testing conducted on a diesel-powered, class-3 cab with an automatic transmission and recorded
noise level.

68 GEAR January/February 2012

relevant to transmission speed. The a depiction of the noise level record-
rpm range investigated for this report ed.) Before the gear set was mounted,
was as low as 600 rpm and as high meticulous measurements for external
as 2,100 rpm. Test data was collect- backlash, gear profile and lead, internal
ed using an array of sensors on our backlash and end-play were recorded
truckcoupled with our data acquisi- in the QA lab by our CMM and CNC
tion softwareand then compiled and gear checker; all improvements are
analyzed in our test lab. based on these baseline measurements.
Work trucks are much quieter Once fully assembled, the gear set was
today, which is driving the need for run at idle (approx. 700 rpm), the noise
auxiliary power to do the same. Gear level (dB) was recorded and a baseline
noise, whine and rattle are of course was established. The red line in Figure
not new but are more noticeable now 1 represents the unacceptable sound
than ever before. In fact, gear noise is level from that test. At this point the
more noticeable today as gas and diesel engineering team began work on spe-
motors and powertrains are much qui- cific component features to improve
eter. Given that noise is more notice- or reduce noise and rattleone step at
able, the engineers conducted tests to a time.
identify and isolate particular PTO fea- Note that in Figure 1 the graph Mikel Janitz is manager of
tures that contribute to it. Based on depicts the effect on the noise level as
engineering for Indiana based
a battery of tests, the engineers have each feature is addressed. As one can
identified the top contributors. The see, the red baseline is well above the Muncie Power, where he is
following report and graph highlights acceptable level. Why noise is unac- responsible for the companys
and prioritizes those contributors dis- ceptable to customers and end users is
covered to have the greatest impact due to many factors. One in particu- test facility and product develop-
on noise and vibration. By address- lar is very subjectivei.e., the tonal ment. A graduate of Oklahoma
ing them, noise and rattle can be sig- quality of the noise. In general noise
State University with a B.S. in
nificantly reduced. More importantly, is annoying at best and, worst-case,
this will improve customer satisfaction irritatingly painful. Some tangible fea- engineering and a Masters in
through product durability and reli- tures identified by the engineers were
engineering management, Janitz
ability. excessive backlash between the trans-
From research, testing and data mission output gear and the PTO input has authored numerous papers
analysis it was discovered that rattle is gear; reduced gear quality; smaller gear and holds five patents.
a system-dependent phenomenon that pitch; high internal backlash between
may be present or absent, depending gears; gear centerlines at top of toler-
on the power take-off and a vehicles ance; and high tapered bearing end-
characteristics. This simply means that play. Another feature affecting noise
a power take-off that presents no rattle is drag or rotational resistance. The
on one vehicle might rattle on a dif- more drag within the system, typically,
ferent vehicle. It is also possible for the less noise and rattle are perceived.
a power take-off to exhibit different (Drag and its effects are discussed in
levels of rattle for each side of a vehi- more detail later in this paper.)
cles transmission. Because rattle is a It is also noted here that with all
system-dependent phenomenon, it is the testing conducted the graphed data
extremely difficult to control it with a indicates the features are additive.
single solution or by using one solu- Therefore, each improved feature can
tion in a particular manner for all PTO reduce noise by some amount. Noise
rattle. Therefore testing was carried out can also be reduced proportionally to
in distinct steps to better control and the number of features improved; it is
analyze the variables. a compromise between the benefits of
The first step in the testing pro- reduced noise versus processing cost.
cess was to create a baseline. Baseline It was discovered one can change many
noise testing was conducted on a die- component features, but the backlash
sel-powered class 3 truck with an auto- between the transmission gear and the
matic transmission. (See Figure 1 for continued January/February 2012 GEAR 69

PTO gear set must be addressed first From a design standpoint it is impor- only; this is drag above and beyond
or the other steps have minimal impact. tant to specify and control internal parasitic drag. Parasitic drag is friction
But the design and control of backlash backlash but the results show this had or interference due to normal fits and
has its limitations. Backlash is con- little effect on reducing rattle and noise tolerances. This type of drag element
trolled at installation and by gasket detectible to the human ear. Hence, is measurable and specifically designed
selection by the mechanic. Care must minimal positive impact to the end into the PTO (a drag element in and of
be taken to properly mount and install user. This was an important finding itself). A drag element by itself will
the gear set and torque the fasteners in the test. Testing proved this had the reduce noise if the drag force is signifi-
to achieve optimal noise levels. This smallest impact on reducing noticeable cant. For example, a rotational resis-
is in the control of the installer at this noise of all the features investigated. tance of 10 to 15 in-lbs. is sufficient
point. For the battery of tests this was Rattle and noise creates sound to have a noticeable effect on noise. A
closely controlled to ensure the reli- waves we feel and, therefore, hear. lesser drag element in series with other
ability of the data. Industry standard The waves of sound come from vibra- features discussed will reduce noise
ranges from .006" to .012". Intuitively, tion between the gear, shaft and bear- as well. The downside of introduc-
the lower the backlash setting, the bet- ing set. If the bearing set is loose (for ing a drag element is the inefficiency
ter the noise quality, and that is a very example excessive end play >.003) the it creates; it creates heat and requires
important relationship to manage. vibrations are more pronounced and power (uses fuel) to overcome resis-
After establishing the appropriate the noise is noticeably louder and more tance forces. The graph also indicates
backlash between transmission gear annoying. Rattle like that is a huge cus- noise was at an acceptable level with
and PTO gear the next feature worked tomer dissatisfaction issue. If the end- only a significant drag element, with-
on was gear quality. All the gears in play is reduced the noise is reduced out other features improved. The ques-
the PTO were addressed. Improving proportionally, testing indicates. The tion then becomes whether the ineffi-
gear quality can be costly; for exam- baseline end-play was excessive, con- ciencies can be tolerated or whether the
plenear-net forgings, shaping vs. sequently the noise was unacceptable. operating costs justify the reduction in
hobbing vs. grinding, etc. It is impor- When the end-play was reduced by noise. Drag can come in many forms;
tant to understand the relationship of 25% the noise was noticeably reduced for example, tight bearings, excessive
manufacturing cost vs. reduced noise as well. However, end-play could not hydraulic fluid levels, friction between
benefits. Testing results demonstrated be completely eliminated given the clutch plates and shaft loads. Other
that higher gear quality and gear pitch current design; therefore, rattle cannot designed parts can be introduced to
produced a detectable reduction of be completely eliminated. If it were create drag as well. Drag was last on
noise. The reduction was not only mea- a case in which the bearings could the list to test because of the negative
surable but detectible to the human ear. overheat and burn up, then you have aspects associated. The graph indicates
For example, a change in 1 dB is near- a completely different issue to con- that noise can be reduced to acceptable
ly undetectable to the human ear, but tend with. Bearings need to be sized levels without drag, but it also shows
a change of 3 dB is detectable to the properly, lubricated appropriately and noise can be reduced by doing nothing
average person and almost anyone can allowed to react throughout their tem- other than adding drag.
hear a change of 5 dB. Thus the tonal perature range. End-play was last on There are many issues affecting
quality improved as well. Note gear the list of features to address for this noise and methods to reduce vibration.
quality went from a baseline as low as set of testing and reporting. There are Some not discussed or tested here are
AGMA 6 up to AGMA 10. Gear qual- other component issues effecting vibra- gear size, mass and symmetry; others
ity was therefore the second-highest tion and rattle; for examplegear size, are geometry, material composition,
contributor in reducing noise (Fig. 1). inertia, weight, material and geometry, forged vs. bar, heat-treating, shotpeen-
The next step to reduce noise to name a few. These features were ing, scissor gears and the like. Noise
focused on internal backlash and gear not addressed at this time as it would and rattle are important customer con-
centerline control. These are com- require significant time with physical cerns today. Gear manufacturers and
bined since they are so closely relat- testing, computer simulation and 3-D users of power take-offs are working
ed. The engineers determined this is a modeling to go down that path. together to balance noise, rattle and
cost-effective means to reduce noise. The last feature studied was drag efficiencyas well as cost and value.
Accurate CNC equipment, program- or rotational resistance. This phenom- By utilizing modern tools such as
ming and tooling must be used in man- enon was studied to better understand coordinate measuring machines, gear
ufacturing to hold and repeat tight cen- the effect of drag on noise and vibra- checker, CNC machining centers and
terline tolerances. Testing indicated it tion in a gear train. As Figure 1 shows, data acquisition software, engineers
is necessary to control internal back- the orange line represents the base- can better control the features and con-
lash before moving to the next step. line gear set with the addition of drag tinually work to reduce tonal noise.

70 GEAR January/February 2012

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