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;; Sri Ganeshji : Sri Balaji : Sri Pitreshwarji : Sri Durgaji : Sri Venkateshwar

Demo TDLs for Reports and Printing

[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]

Add: Item: Before: @@locQuit : Partywise Itemwise Sales Report By HITESH AGARWAL
: Menu : Reports and PrintingG

[Menu: Reports and PrintingG]

Add: Item: Item Detailss: Display : Partywise Unitwise Itemwise AutoColumn Sales

[Report: Partywise Unitwise Itemwise AutoColumn Sales]

Use : DSP Template
Form : CFBK Rep
Variable : DoSetAutoColumn, SVFromDate, SVToDate, PName
Repeat : PName
Set : DoSetAutoColumn : Yes
Set : DSPRepeatCollection : "CFBK Party"
Set : SVFromDate : $$MonthStart:##SVCurrentDate
Set : SVToDate : $$MonthEND:##SVCurrentDate
[Form: CFBK Rep]
Use : DSP Template
Parts : cfbk rep
Background : White
Option : Set Auto Vch Option : ##DoSetAutoColumn AND $$SetAut
[!Form: Set Auto Vch Option]
parts : cfbk rep

[part : cfbk rep]

Lines : explodeCFBK Rep Titlee11, explodeCFBK Rep Detailse11
bottom lines : explodeCFBK Rep Totale11
Repeat : explodeCFBK Rep Detailse11 : Smp Stock part
Scroll : Vertical
CommonBorder: Yes
Total : explodebillqty11, explodeamount11, explodeCFBK Rep Par
tye11, explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale111, explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale211, explodeCFBK
Rep Col Totale11
[Line: explodeCFBK Rep Titlee11]
Use : explodeCFBK Rep Detailse11
Local : Field : Default : Type
: String
Local : Field : Default : Align
: Center
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep Namee11 : Set as
: "Particulars"
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep Namee11 : Widesp
aced: Yes
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep Partyye11 : Set as
: "Item Unit"
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep Partyyeitmblank
: Set as : "Stock Item Name"
Local : Field : explodebillqty11 : Set as : ##pnam
Local : Field : explodebillqty11 : Lines : 0
Local : Field : explodeamount11 : Set as : $$next
month:##pname - 1
Local : Field : explodeamount11 : Lines : 0
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep ColTotale111 : Set as
: "Total Qty"
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep ColTotale211 : Set as
: "Total Amount"
Border : Flush Totals
[Line: explodeCFBK Rep Detailse11]
Fields : explodeCFBK Rep Namee11, explodeCFBK Rep Partyye11, ex
plodeCFBK Rep Partyyeitmblank, explodeCFBK Rep Partye11, explodeCFBK Rep Col Tot
Repeat : explodeCFBK Rep Partye11
Total : explodebillqty11, explodeamount11, explodeCFBK Rep Par
tye11, explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale111, explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale211, explodeCFBK
Rep ColTotale11
Border : Double Top : if $$PrevLine:$iName = $iname then NO
else YES
explode : explodeCFBK Rep : yes

[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Namee11]

Use : Name Field
Set as : $iNAME

[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Partyye11]

Use : name Field
Set as : $uiname
Display : Stock Vouchers
Variable : Stock Item Name
[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Partyyeitmblank]
Use : name Field
Set as : $uiname
Display : Stock Vouchers
Variable : Stock Item Name

Border : Thin Left

[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Partye11]
fields : explodebillqty11, explodeamount11

[Field: explodebillqty11]
Use : Qty Primary Field
Set as : $$ReportObject:$$CollectionFieldByKey:
MyFormula : ##PName + #explodeCFBKRepNamee11 + #ex
Border : Thin Left

[Field: explodeamount11]
Use : amount Field
Set as : $$ReportObject:$$CollectionFieldByKey:
MyFormula : ##PName + #explodeCFBKRepNamee11 + #ex
Format : "NoZero"
Border : Thin Left
[field : explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale11]
fields : explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale111, explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale211
[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale111]
Use : Qty Primary Field
Set as : $$Total:explodebillqty11
Border : Thin Left

[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale211]

Use : amount Field
Set as : $$Total:explodeamount11
Border : Thin Left
[Line: explodeCFBK Rep Totale11]
Fields : explodeCFBK Rep Namee11, explodeCFBK Rep Partyye11, ex
plodeCFBK Rep Partye11, explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale11
Repeat : explodeCFBK Rep Partye11
Local : Field : Default : Type
: String
Local : Field : Default : Align
: Center
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep Namee11 : Set as
: "Total"
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep Namee11 : Widesp
aced: Yes

Local : Field : explodebillqty11 : Set as : $$Tota


Local : Field : explodeamount11 : Set as : $$Tota

Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale111 : Set as
: $$Total:explodeCFBKRepColTotale111
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale211 : Set as
: $$Total:explodeCFBKRepColTotale211
Border : Thin Top
[Part: explodeCFBK Rep]
Lines : explodeCFBK Rep Detailse
Repeat : explodeCFBK Rep Detailse : Smp Stock Item
Scroll : Vertical
CommonBorder: Yes
Total : explodebillqty, explodeamount, explodeCFBK Rep Partye,
explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale1, explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale2, explodeCFBK Rep Col T
[Line: explodeCFBK Rep Titlee]
Use : explodeCFBK Rep Detailse
Local : Field : Default : Type
: String
Local : Field : Default : Align
: Center
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep Namee : Set as
: "Particulars"
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep Namee : Widespaced: Ye
Local : Field : explodebillqty : Set as : ##pnam
Local : Field : explodebillqty : Lines : 0
Local : Field : explodeamount : Set as : $$nextmonth:##
pname - 1
Local : Field : explodeamount : Lines : 0
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep ColTotale1 : Set as
: "Total Qty"
Local : Field : explodeCFBK Rep ColTotale2 : Set as
: "Total Amount"
Border : Flush Totals
[Line: explodeCFBK Rep Detailse]
Fields : explodeCFBK Rep Namee, explodeCFBK Rep Partyye, explod
eCFBK Rep Partyyeitm, explodeCFBK Rep Partye, explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale
Repeat : explodeCFBK Rep Partye
Total : explodebillqty, explodeamount, explodeCFBK Rep Partye,
explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale1, explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale2, explodeCFBK Rep ColTo
Border : Double Top : if $$PrevLine:$iName = $iname then NO
else YES
[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Namee]
Use : Name Field
Set as : if $$prevline:#explodeCFBKRepNamee11 =
$iname then "" else $iname
style : normal
delete : if $iname = "" then yes else no
[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Partyye]
Use : name Field
Set as : ""
Display : Stock Vouchers
Variable : Stock Item Name
style : normal
Border : Thin Left
delete : if $iname = "" then yes else no
[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Partyyeitm]
Use : name Field
Set as : $stname
Display : Stock Vouchers
Variable : Stock Item Name
style : normal
Border : Thin Left
delete : if $iname = "" then yes else no
[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Partye]
fields : explodebillqty, explodeamount

[Field: explodebillqty]
Use : Qty Primary Field
Set as : $$ReportObject:$$CollectionFieldByKey:
MyFormula : ##PName + #explodeCFBKRepNamee11 + $st
name + #explodeCFBKRepPartyye11
Format : "NoZero"
Border : Thin Left
style : normal
delete : if $iname = "" then yes else no

[Field: explodeamount]
Use : amount Field
Set as : $$ReportObject:$$CollectionFieldByKey:
MyFormula : ##PName + #explodeCFBKRepNamee11 + $st
name + #explodeCFBKRepPartyye11
Format : "NoZero"
Border : Thin Left
style : normal
delete : if $iname = "" then yes else no
[field : explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale]
fields : explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale1, explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale2
[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale1]
Use : Qty Primary Field
Set as : $$Total:explodebillqty
Border : Thin Left
style : normal
delete : if $iname = "" then yes else no

[Field: explodeCFBK Rep Col Totale2]

Use : amount Field
Set as : $$Total:explodeamount
Border : Thin Left
style : normal
delete : if $iname = "" then yes else no
;; Collection Definition
[Collection: CFBK Voucher]
Type : Voucher
Filter : IsSalesVT

[Collection: CFBK Summ Voucher0]

Source Collection : CFBK Voucher
Walk : Inventory Entries
By : PName : $$Mont
By : IName : $party
By : uIName
: $$unitsymbol:$billedqty

Aggr Compute : BilledQty : SUM : $billedqty

Aggr Compute : Billeamtt : SUM : $$NettAmount:$
Amount:$VatAssessableValue ;;$$NettAmount:$Amount:$$NettAmount:@@VCHMAHWCItemD
Aggr Compute : Billednetamt : SUM : $amount
Search Key : $PName + $IName + $uiname

[Collection: CFBK Summ Voucher]

Source Collection : CFBK Voucher
Walk : Inventory Entries
By : PName : $$Mont
By : IName : $party
By : StName
: $stockitemname
By : uIName
: $$unitsymbol:$billedqty
Aggr Compute : BilledQty : SUM : $BilledQty
Aggr Compute : Billeamtt : SUM : $$NettAmount:$
Amount:$VatAssessableValue ;;$$NettAmount:$Amount:$$NettAmount:@@VCHMAHWCItemD
Aggr Compute : Billednetamt : SUM : $amount
Search Key : $PName + $IName + $stname + $uiname
[Collection: Smp Stock Item]
Source Collection : CFBK Voucher
Walk : Inventory Entries
By : IName : $party
By : stname
: $stockitemname
By : uIName
: $$unitsymbol:$billedqty

Aggr Compute : BilledQty : SUM : $BilledQty

Aggr Compute : Billeamtt : SUM : $$NettAmount:$
Amount:$VatAssessableValue ;;$$NettAmount:$Amount:$$NettAmount:@@VCHMAHWCItemD
Aggr Compute : Billednetamt : SUM : $amount
Sort : Default : $iName
filter : inamebelongsto
filter : inamebelongstount
[Collection: CFBK Party]
Source Collection : CFBK Voucher
Walk : Inventory Entries
By : PName : $$Mont

Aggr Compute : BilledQty : SUM : $BilledQty

Aggr Compute : Billeamtt : SUM : $$NettAmount:$
Amount:$VatAssessableValue ;;$$NettAmount:$Amount:$$NettAmount:@@VCHMAHWCItemD
Aggr Compute : Billednetamt : SUM : $amount
[Collection: Smp stock party]
Source Collection : CFBK Voucher
Walk : Inventory Entries
By : IName : $party
By : uIName
: $$unitsymbol:$billedqty

Aggr Compute : BilledQty : SUM : $BilledQty

Aggr Compute : Billeamtt : SUM : $$NettAmount:$
Amount:$VatAssessableValue ;;$$NettAmount:$Amount:$$NettAmount:@@VCHMAHWCItemD
Aggr Compute : Billednetamt : SUM : $amount

Sort : Default : $iName

;; Variable Definition
[Variable: PName]
Type : String
Repeat : ##DSPRepeatCollection
[Variable: PpName]
Type : String
Repeat : ##DSPRepeatCollection
;; System Formula
[System: Formula]
IsSalesVT : $$IsSales:$VoucherTypeName
NonEmptyQty : NOT $$IsEmpty:$BilledQty
inamebelongsto : $iName = #explodeCFBKRepNamee11
inamebelongstount : $uiName = #explodeCFBKRepPartyye11

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